The Transformation of the Symbolic Meaning of Radicalism in Acts of Terrorism Post-Conflict in Poso Central Sulawesi

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The Transformation of the Symbolic Meaning of Radicalism in Acts of Terrorism Post-Conflict in Poso Central Sulawesi Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 163 International Conference on Democracy, Accountability and Governance (ICODAG 2017) The Transformation of the Symbolic Meaning of Radicalism in Acts of Terrorism Post-Conflict in Poso Central Sulawesi Muhammad Khairil Tadulako University Central Sulawesi, Indonesia [email protected] Abstract—The radicalism phenomenon is synonymous to confidence was from individual matter such as revenge, the ideology of terrorist groups who desire revolution or social psychological trauma, economic hardship, civil rights, and political reform through violence or drastic actions. The despair and cases that have not been processed maximally. ideology spirit of radical groups in Central Sulawesi post- conflict Poso has meet with the process of shifting value This problem triggers the potential of violence and through the transformation of ideological values of radical terrorism. groups. At the conflict time in 1998 to 2001, radical doctrine through the spirit of jihad waged a resistance Crisis of legitimacy occur by community demand effort against religious conflict between Muslims in Poso because Muslims felt oppressed by non-Muslims. It caused and Christian residents. Post-conflict in Poso, doctrinal value the existence of religious organizations that tend to be of ideological radicalism transformed its meaning based on the radical because of the ideological doctrinaire. circumstances developed in Muslim societies. The process of the transformation formed in various terrorism actions. It The climax of the society disappointment in Poso was formed into three meaning of spirit of ideology: first, the in the rapid development of radical ideology of symbiosis meaning of qisas is constructed into an effort of revenge through terror murder as stated on Al-Quran. Second, the mutualism which occurred since the time of communal doctrine of jihad fi sabilillah is constructed in terms of conflict. Muslims in Poso was very welcome to the “amaliyah" and fa'I spread hatred to kuffar and evil “thought”. attendance of “Jihadis” because they came to strengthen the Third, the enforcement of Islamic shari’a through Islmiyah Muslim row/line. They received new spirit through the caliphate is constructed as a rejection to law and rules that do radical ideology that allows them to fight the non-Muslim as not originated from Islamic shari’a, including the rejection to 1945 constitution, Pancasila, and International law. a part of Jihad and heaven is their place. The existence of radical group from the civilian by performed violence or Keywords—Radicalism; Conflict; Terrorism terror was to fight for their political purposes influenced by their relation to the state. The domination of the state frustrates people and encourages them to change the path of I. INTRODUCTION non-violence to violence to fight for their interest. Terrorism in various aspects has caused fluctuation in social and religious life. Sociologically, multicultural issues Terrorism may cause instability in the social often lead centrism vulnerable turbulence racial as it related environment. Hence, understanding terrorism based on to a matter of ideology embraced by the social units. radicalism idea is very vital in order to avoid instability in Ideological terrorism is a form of struggle to remove the social environment for achieving environmental peace dichotomy fundamental principle for some groups of and justice. Environmental peace and justice is one of the people. The process of legitimacy terrorism can be divided Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Khairil et al., into three stages, firstly is crisis of confidence, secondly is 2017). conflicts of legitimacy, and thirdly is crisis of legitimacy. 2. Literature Review: The ideology of Radicalism in Each stage points out certain collective political attitudes Perspective of Terrorist Group identity. It is undeniable that many Muslim understand/relize Violence action in Poso Regency by Islamic radical the perspective of radicalism in Islam. The radicalism was group can be systematically explained that crisis of spread through organization of cadres, lectures in mosques, Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. 282 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 163 published magazines, booklets and books, as well as only leads human in aspect of spiritual but trying to through social media networks. establish a constitutional system. The phenomenon of violence in the name of religion To fundamental group, Islam is not only regulates the was increase because of bombings terror in this country. relationship between human and God but contains of lessons Several bombings terror has claimed many victims and dealing with human relations, either in social aspect or state broadly impact in Indonesia. There was more than 20 times politics. Islam is a social politic typical where the function bombing since 2000 till now . of religion and politics cannot be separated but must be Rubadi (Rubaidi, 2010) elaborates five kinds of formed formalistically-logistically into an “Islam State”. radicalism action: first, placing Islam as a final ideology in regulating individuals’ life as well as politics and 3. Research Methodology constitutional. Second, values of Islam are adopted from its This research applied subjective interpretative source - Middle East without any consideration to the paradigm to provide direction and clarity of methodology. development of social and politics when Al-Quran and Mulyana (Mulyana, 2008) explains that the subjective Hadist occur in this world. Third, the focus is only on text of approach assumes, knowledge have no objectivity and Al-Quran and Hadist, and then it is very careful to adopt the permanent attitude but interpretative. Social reality is an culture of non Islam (the culture of Middle East) also in easily change condition through human interaction in daily receiving the local tradition that probably could mix Islam life according to subjective approach. This is a qualitative and bid’ah. Fourth, decline the ideology of non-East research with study case approach. Yin (1996) defines; including west ideology such as: democracy, secularism and study case research is one of research method that studied liberalism. Note that every regulation has to refer to Al- about the contemporary phenomenon by using naturalistic Quran and Hadist. Fifth, this group acts oppositely with research approach, as the explanation bellow: community as well as government. Therefore, sometimes The case study research method as an empirical there is ideological or even physical friction with other inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon groups, including government. within its real-life context; when the boundaries between Terrorism has been known as violence which is phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in classified in “politics violence”, and “civil violence”. which multiple sources of evidence are used (Yin, 1996). Nainggolan (Nainggolan, 2002) clissifiess that politics The subject of this research was taken purposively violence covers a very wide spectrum in form of based on the criteria and status that consisted of 5 layers: the demonstration or protest with violence, Spontaneous and first is the leader of terrorist and dedicated loyal terrorists’ sporadic rebellion, planned and continued rebellion, coups, executor. Second is trained active cadre or those who are and insurgency up to the revolution. parts of terrorist groups. Third is the active supporter who is Various diversity of thought in general can be seen running the intelligent task and logistic, collecting data, and through the labeling and the growing discourse in society fund. Fourth is a passive supporter that helps the active which is radical-fundamental Islam: people who is not supporters’ tasks. Fifth is sympathizer from the society. satisfied of modernism that possibly replace religious values, theological normative Islam is revelation of God, it’s The informant of this research is listed down below: a must to believe in it, it is accepted as an absolute truth that Table 1. Lists of Informants should not be contested, and Exclusive Islam is an attitude No Name Category Note who believe that such beliefs, views, thoughts and their self 1. Ust. In category former-prisoner of is right so that they do not want to accept any other Islamic Hasanuddin of the First terrorism with 20 suggestion or opinion from other people or sect (Nata, layer: as an years of 2001). intellectual imprisonment Historically, politic ideas of radical fundamentalism actor or the period concept refer to one example of two huge organizations. head of They are al Ikhwan al Muslimin in Egypt and jamaah of al Askariyah. Islamiyah in Pakistan. Both organizations are moving 2. Wiwin In category former-prisoner of Kalahe/Tomo of the terrorism with 19 towards strengthening the capital base of Muslims as a Second years of political modal and placed Islam as their ideological layer: as an imprisonment movements. These organizations acts based on the strong active cadre period political theology that rooted inside their ideas and its or executor behavior as the proponent of fundamentalism of Islam and 3. A. Ipong In category former-prisoner of radical. of the Third terrorism with 14 Fundamental group own doctrine of Innal al Islam Din layer: as an years
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