pairs were each placed into individual Breeding the Flame ..fronted Barbet exhihits with harp wire fronts. The byKym Parr exhibits measured approximately 8 ft. Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Cleveland, OH square. In late 1993 the first pair was released into a large (13 x 11.6 x 9.5 m [Note: This article has been submitted as part of the nomination procedure for a U.S. First Breeding Award. Anyone having good evidence of a successful breeding of this prior to the - 426 x 38 x 31 ft.) well-planted, dates noted in this article, please notify the AFA Business Office in Phoenix, Arizona.] walk through aviary with a waterfall flowing into a system of three pools Introduction tions of Mega/aima armi//aris from and "open air" skylights. They shared e Flame-fronted Barhet 1951-1995. A reported total of 10 indi­ the aviary with approximately 50 other Mega/aima anni//aris (Silhey & viduals have heen hrought into captiv­ of 21 species, including laughing Monroe, 1993), also known as ity during that time. The San Diego thrushes, turacos, a Channel-billed mthe Blue-crowned or Orange-fronted Zoo received two of these hirds in and a variety of pigeons, star­ Barh t. inhahits the forests and low­ 1961. Both died within one year. In lings and other small softhills. land hills of Java and Bali (Silhey & 1966 three hirds \vere captured from Monroe, 1990). It is a common resi­ the wild and transferred to Kehun Diet dent of primary forest and the forest Binatong Surabaya (Wonokromo, All hirds living in the aviary, are edge. This species occurs from sea Surabaya - Indonesia). The following offered a variety of foods each day. level up to 2500 m (8200 fU, hut is year, these birds were also sent to San The inhouse insectivorous mixture more common ahove 900 m (2952 ft.). Diego. One of the three died in 1968, contains boiled ground horsemeat, It is prohahlyJava's most common har­ and the remaining two in 1971. lone gamehird cmmbles, shredded raw car­ het (MacKinnon & Phillips,] 993). of these hirds were known to repro­ rot, ground hard-hoiled eggs in the Delacour (1947) descrihed this duce. In 1992. five birds weI' import­ shell, cooked hrown rice and ZooVite. species as a medium-siz d (20 cm ­ ed for a private collection. These hirds Also offered are chopped greens, 7.8 in.) harhet with a comparatively were purchased hy the Cleveland hoiled ground horsemeat, small short hlack hill and a soft green color. Metroparks Zoo in September of 1993. chunks of raw horsemeat, chopped It has an orange-yellow forehead and In the spring of 1995, what is believed apple, orange, banana and grapes. collar, hlack lores and a hlue hind­ to he the fin captive breeding of the Other fruits and vegerahle' are occa­ crown. Another identifying characteris­ Flame-fronted Barhet took place at the sionally added as they become avail­ tic of this species is the hird's hlue-gray Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. aole. Finch mix, dove mix and water­ colored legs and feet. As is the case fowl and herhivore pellets are al'o with most harhet species, not much is Housing availahle for other species in the aviary known ahout this hird's hahits in the In Septemher 1993 The Cleveland and the harbets have been seen to rake wild. Metroparks Zoo received 2.3 (2 male, these on occasion. Mealworms In captivity, the Flame-fronted Bar­ 3 female) Flame-fronted Barhets. The (Tenehrio) are given a few time' each het is uncommon. ISIS (International hirds arrived as two pairs and a single week. When harhet chicks are sus­ Species Information Sy -rem) historical female. The latter died during the pected in the nest, neonate mice information lists only three importa- quarantine period. The two remaining (Mus), waxworms (Galleria), crickets (Acbela) and soaked mynah pellets are added to the diet. Insects and mice are alternated and the mynah pellets are availahle evely day.

Nesting and breeding In Fehrualy 1994 a number of nest hoxes and a paI1ially excavated nest log (;;- 0), were put into the aviary. The log was placed on a rock ledge

'Ifie male began to spend time clinging to tfie wire mesfi near ffie ceiling and cfiipping tfie/[aster and cement off 0 tfie ceiling beams. A young Flame~fiTJntedBarbet. This species bred at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, possibly for thefirst time anywhere.

30 November/December 1996 approximately 4 m 03.12 ft.) from the In spring 1995 the male (M1) skull had heen crushed and the hody floor of the exhihit. As the spring pro­ returned to making holes in the beams had heen eviscerated. It was suspected gressed, the pair hecame very vocal and walls. Two new nest logs (#2) and that the chick had heen ejected from and active, often dueting, chasing and (#3) were suspended from the ceiling the nest and prohahly carried away hy displacing each other. The male was of the aviary, in slightly more "open" another hird in the aviary. A numher of seen to feed the female preferred food locations. Within two days Ml and F2 the species living in the exhihit could items (usually grapes) on a numher of were seen working on log #2. As the he classified as opportunistic nestling occasions. Both hirds ignored the log month progressed, they switched to predators. It was not known whether and nest hoxes. The male hegan to log #3, and within weeks they had the chick had died in the nest, was spend time clinging to the wire mesh completely excavated hoth logs. Once near the ceiling and chipping the plas­ excavation was complete, however, ter and cement off of the ceiling neither was seen to show any fur­ heams. ther interest in either log. It was also A new log (#1) was suspended noted that, after the new logs were Bird from the ceiling of the aviary in the installed, there was a noticeahle area where the male had heen "exca­ increase in vocalization and activity vating" the heams and walls. It was from all three hirds. Some fighting was Business hung inside a corner where one wall also seen. On March 26 M2 was found Very of the exhihit and a ceiling heam came dead. profitable. together. The next day the male was Necropsy results showed trauma to 60 seen chipping at the entrance hole of the head and neck and suggested that proven pairs the log. Both the male and the female this individual was killed, prohably by of continued to excavate the log over the another hird. Interestingly, it was also ~J.P!!!"""'Greys. next few weeks. They worked inde­ discovered during the necropsy that Macaws. Amazons. pendently and almost continuously this hird was actually a female. The Cages & Equipment. until the cavity was completed. Two death of M2 left only Ml and F2 as the Will split. weeks after heginning excavation, the hreeding pair. also Real estate. cavity was large enough for a hird to In April 1995 two new nesting go into the log, turn around and come opportunities were presented. Log #4 (713) 579-6868 out head first. As the cavity reached was added to the exhibit, and a second completion, one of the birds would hole was punched in log #1 approxi­ often sit in the entrance hole with its mately 18 cm ( 7 in.) helow the origi­ head protruding slightly-just enough nal hole (which was excavated the DNA to he able to look around. This hehav­ previous spring). The following day ior was also seen later, particularly hoth birds were seen working on log when eggs or chicks were present in #1. Within five days the cavity SEXING the nest. The pair continued to do appeared to he complete. $20/Bird - no minimum some courtship feeding and defended Approximately two weeks later, S\O{age their nest hy chasing away other hirds hoth hirds were seen alternately sitting ON'" \lallaole Safe - Accurate that came too close. in the hole and inside the cavity. It was also a Simple Blood Collection In late April 1994 the second female estimated that eggs had heen laid (28 (F2) escaped through the harp wire April) and that the pair was taking Amazons African Greys front ofthe exhihit she shared with her turns incubating. Near the end ofincu­ Macaws Lovebirds "mate" (M2) and found her way into bation, the birds spent more time in Conures Cockatoos Rosellas Poicephalus the aviary. Since capturing her was not the cavity. On 14 May hoth parents Cranes Caiques possihle in that area, the male (M2) were seen taking food to the nest and was released into the aviary later that their hehavior suggested that they may day. The arrival of the second pair of have heen hrooding chicks. Call for a free sexing kit hirds appeared to disrupt the pre-nest­ On the morning of 18 May, the ing hehavior of the first pair and not male was noticeahly active outside the (608) 238-3405 much nesting activity was seen for the nest; flying around, vocalizing, and Or email [email protected] remainder of the season. The log (#1) tapping on the walls. Since none of that the original pair had excavated these behaviors were seen during nest Avigene Services, Inc. huilding, incuhation or rearing, their caved in on the top and the hirds total­ 565 Science Dr. presence suggested that there may he ly ahandoned the log after that. In Madison, Wi 53711 Novemher 1994 the female (F1) was a problem in the nest. A harhet chick found dead in the exhihit. The necrop­ was found dead on the floor at the hltp://www.mailbag.comluserslavigenel sy results showed liver abnormalities. opposite end of the aviary. The chick's afa WATCHBIRD 31 killed by the barbets, or if another bird in less than a month. Nesting hehav­ numher of feedings was gradually killed it after it was thrown out. After iors were seen as hefore and suggest­ decreased as the chicks got older. this first chick was found, neither bar­ ed that a third clutch of eggs was laid Feeding through the night was bet was seen near the nest. The nest the first week of Octoher. The eggs attempted for the first few days, hut was inspected and there was no sign were estimated to have hatched on 22 proved to be unsuccessful (and unnec­ ofany other chick(s). Other institutions Octoher. The only significant differ­ essary). The chicks were weighed have reported similar problems with ence in the hehavior of the pair with hefore and after each feeding. To pre­ their breeding barbets throwing chicks this clutch was the increased aggres­ vent over feeding, they were fed no out of the nest, and have pulled suc­ sion of the female toward the male. At more than 10% of their first morning cessive clutches of eggs for artificial one point, during the first week after weight at each feeding. incubation and hand-rearing. hatching, the male was found in the The chicks (at two weeks) were The pair quickly reverted to pre­ hallway outside the aviary. It was sus­ kept in a brooder at 32°C and approx­ nesting behavior until the beginning of pected that he had heen chased out hy imately 30% humidity. The tempera­ June, when they were seen going in the female. As she hecame more ture was lowered as their feathering, and out of the nest. On 12 June it was aggressive toward him, there was and the outside temperature increased. suspected that a second clutch of eggs some concern that the harassment They were contained in a small howl was present in the nest. The female would affect the pairs' rearing ahili­ lined with a towel, hoth to aid them in was seen sitting in the hole and chas­ ty/success. keeping their legs under their hodies, ing the male away from favored foods. Because of the increased aggres­ and to help simulate the support ofthe Pre-nesting wall excavation, vocaliza­ sion, and to prevent the chicks from walls of a nest cavity. When removed tion and courtship feeding had ceased. fledging into the aviary, the log (with from the dish their legs would appear By noting the same changes in behav­ fourth and fifth chick inside) was slightly splayed. This posture appeared ior that were seen with the first clutch, removed on 13 Novemher. These to he normal however, as adult harhers the eggs were estimated to have chicks were approximately three standing on a flat surface have a simi­ hatched on 26 June. Over the next weeks old when they were removed lar posture. All healthy chicks showed couple of weeks, the parents were from the nest. They were hand fed this same characteristic and all devel­ seen switching duty at the nest until fledging. oped normally. entrance (one bird would land near the hole and tap on the log for the Hand-rearing protocol Chick development .) other to come out). Again, hoth hirds The diet items used for the hand­ As previously noted, the second fed and hrooded the chicks. The feeding of all four chicks were: white and third chicks were pulled from the J female was acting much more aggres­ mealworms (head removed), W3X­ nest at approximately two weeks of sively toward the male since the chicks worms, cricket ahdomens, chopped age. On hoth chicks the upper had hatched. She would chase and dis­ neonate mice (head, feet and tail mandihle was shorter than the lower place him often when they were away removed), Bird of Prey diet (hone mandible. There was also an area of from the nest. chips, tendon and grain removed), rough, thickened skin or papilla on the Because ofthe loss ofthe first chick, moistened softhilled hird fare, soaked area below the tarsometatarsal joints. it was decided that this second clutch mynah pellets, diced/mashed apple, These "heel pads" are commonly seen should he removed for hand-rearing. papaya, grape, apricot, and plum (a on chicks ofcavity nesting species that On 10 July the nest log was removed wider variety of fruits was used as the do not line their nest cavities. Although and cut open to find two harhet chicks grew). At each feeding one hoth chicks shared characteristics typi­ chicks. These chicks were estimated to piece of food was dipped in ZooVite cal of young barbets, there was a dra­ be approximately two weeks old. and Osteoform. All food was prepared matic difference in the size and After the removal of the second and with Pedialyte electrolyte solution appearance of these two chicks. third chick (and nest), it didn't take (later distilled water). At two weeks the The third chick was much smaller long for the male to start excavating diet fed at each feeding was approxi­ C17g), weaker and less developed than the walls again. In less than a month it mately 50% protein and 50% fruit. As the second chick. It had no visihle was necessary to install another log the chicks got older, the percent of feather growth under the skin and its (#5) in place of the one which had fruit in the diet was increased and the eyes were tightly closed. It had a very heen removed. Log #1 was eventually percent of protein was decreased, the flattened posture and seemed unahle repaired, and the cavity filled with diet was also prepared with less liquid. to hold its legs under its hody or its mulch. It was rehung in the exhihit The chicks feeding response, drop­ head erect. This chick showed only a near its original location. Both of these pings, flight feather tips and posture very weak feeding response, and died logs were ignored by the birds. were monitored to indicate the ade­ three days after removal from the nest. In mid August the birds were seen quacy of the diet. The second chick was considerably working on log #4. Starting from The two week old chicks were fed larger (44g), stronger and more devel­ "scratch," the pair excavated a com­ on a 12-hour cycle with feedings oped than the third chick. All its devel­ plete cavity in this dried deciduous log approximately every three hours. The oping feathers were visible under the

32 November/December 1996 skin. The chicks posture and strength feathered. There was some concern lier chick who was pulled at 16 days. were good. It was a very active feeder, about these older chicks accepting They hoth took their first flight and and it was able to open its eyes handfeeding. This concern proved to were eating on their own by 25 days halfway. be unfounded as the chicks, after old, rather than 37-40 days. The This second chick did well and some apprehension, took food from nestling period for wild barbets is 20­ remained healthy, and by day 17, the forceps within 24 hours. The larger of 35 days (Perrins, 1990). Their weights tips of its flight feathers and some the two chicks weighed 64g at 23 days at fledging were 52g, and 58g. breast and side feather shafts had bro­ and the smaller one was SSg. Both ken through the skin. On day 19, the chicks were healthy, aleI1 and vocal. Discussion brooder was turned off (air tempera­ These chicks seemed to have devel­ As many institutions and individuals ture 29 0 C), the lore and crissum feath­ oped much more rapidly than the ear- who have tried to breed barbets have ers were showing, and some bristles had already formed around the top mandible. By day 22 the chick's appetite began to diminish slightly. The World's Most Flight feathers were protruding from their 'h aths and showing on the back Renown Supplement of the wings, and the neck and face for Breeding, feathers were coming in. The chick was usually perching on the edge of its CeDe Conditioning and nest bowl or a rolled up towel rather Special Treat than sitting in the bowl. It slept fluffed BIRD FOODS CeDe is sold in 40 countries through 25 moin distributors scottered over five continents, a fact which speaks for itself. up in a ball in an adult posture, with CeDe nestling foods ore made with egg crumbs, whole grain crumbs, ho~eys, ami~o aci~s, vita~ins and ~in~rals, all head tucked behind wing, and its eyes laboratory balonced, which makes the mixes indispensable for daily feedmg, breedm~ pOlrs, du~mg moult~ng lime and were fully open. On day 26 the per­ as treat or snack. CeDe comes in five different formulas, depending on the type of birds you Will be feedmg. cent of protein in the diet was WHY USE CeDe FOODS? decrea 'ed in response to the chicks protein (eggs) has a high biologicol value (VERY IMPORTANT WHEN BREEDING BIRD~) as well as carbohydrates ~ven .mo~e ~at. m~st feeding preferences and a very slight and lipids. Aslock of amino acids and phosphorus is a prime importonce than calCium and It be well balanced with vitomins and, never to be forgotten, precious minerals, which WIll give excellent results mbreedmg, grow· upturning of the tips of the flight feath­ ing, plumage, in other words 0 beoutiful finished specimen. Isn't it a good reason to use only the best? ..CeDe ers. The chick was accepting water droplets from the tip of a plastic CeDe Parkieten CeDe Egglood syringe. It was becoming much more for Budgies ond Hookbills ;"1 lunories ond filllhes 1kilo box (2.2Ibs.) 12 per cose active and exploratory, and vocalizing ond general use 1Kg. box S5.30 +shipping often. By day 32 the chick was show­ 1k,lc M i2.2Ibs.1 12 per cose 1Kg. box S5.30 +shipping ing selection in food choice by refus­ ing to accept or grabbing and tossing non favored food items. It showed CeDe Eggfood Red more adult behaviors such as holding Color enhoncer for more colorful Conories CeDe Mix for Porrots ond other birds such osGoulds. 500 grams (1.1 Ibs.l and crushing food items in its bill 10 per cose 1kilo box (2.2Ibs.112 per cose before throwing them back to swal­ 500 gr. S4.80 +shipping 1 Kg. box S6.25 +shipping low, standing on one foot and scratch­ ing, wiping its bill vigorously on a stick to remove food particles. and perching on a stick. On day 37 the chick took its CeDe Universal for 50ltbills CeDe Handfeeding for Boby birds first flight, and was moved to a wire fruit/insect eolers. (Moybe used for lorikeetsl 1kilo box (2.2 Ibs.l 6per cose cage with perching and water and 500 groms (1.1Ibs.1 10 per cose 1Kg. box S5.50 + shipping food dishes. Its appearance was that of 500 gr. box S4.70 +shipping B.B Ibs. oluminum bog a somewhat small, drab adult. By day S18.00 + shipping 40 the chick was eating and drinking Visa. Master Card or AMEX orders are shipped within 24 hours on its own. Its weight was 62g at fledg­ •• • • ing. "1:ij~~.:.:l!A~D~iV~is~io!!'nO~f~Th~e~H~igg~in~S~G:ro~up~c~o~rp.-• ~""'__iioIoii" The third and fourth chicks 8535 NW 56th Street· Miami, FL 33166 (hatched 22 October) followed basical­ Ph: (305) 593-2666 • Fax: (305) 591-9567 ly the same developmental stages as the previous chick. They however, AFA Watchbird advertisers represent some ofthe best in were pulled from the nest at approxi­ the business. When you buy from these fine sources, be mately three weeks of age, with eyes sure to tell them you saw their ad in Watchbirdl fully open and bodies almost fully afa WATCHBIRD 33 discovered, there are a number of fac­ after the chicks had fledged. open). The birds also showed a pref­ tors which can make successful hous­ Perhaps the most interesting aspect erence for logs with entrance holes just ing and breeding of these birds very of barbet breeding behavior is nest large enough for them to squeeze challenging. choice and excavation. Our breeding through. It appeared that the type of The pugnacious temperament of male would attempt to excavate the log was not as important as we initial­ most barbets makes them unsuitable plaster on the aviary walls. He was ly thought. Our pair nested in both a for housing with other small softbills or quite industrious and would often dry deciduous log and a section of the often even birds their own size and/or spend a good part of the day chipping pithy flowering stalk of a large agave. own species. As we discovered, keep­ away at the walls and ceiling. A num­ Palm logs have also been used by ing more than a pair, even in a large, ber ofother institutions that house bar­ other institutions with success. complex aviary, eventually led to bets have noted similar behaviors, and Although the birds would excavate aggression between the birds and the have reported that their birds have almost any log, they would sometimes probable death of one individual. drilled holes in beams, ceilings and totally abandon them after excavation. Surprisingly, we never witnessed a walls of exhibits. Apparently the location of the log, the problem between the barbets and the Nest logs were hung in various size of the entrance hole, suitability for other birds in the aviary, which ranged locations in the aviary. Both birds were excavation, and the size and shape of in size and temperament from tiny always very quick to show interest in the excavated chamber were all impor­ bishops to large laughing thrushes and new logs, but would quickly resort to tant factors in choosing a nest log. a Channel-billed Toucan. Perhaps the walls if a suitable log was not avail­ Soon after the birds had excavated because of their relatively small size able. The birds totally ignored nest a suitable 'nest, the female would lay (although field guides suggest a mea­ boxes or logs that had already been surement of 20cm [7.8in.], none of our excavated by other birds (or humans). birds were larger than 15cm [5.9in.J ), This disinterest in nest boxes has been 5tpEarent[q tlie. location of or the large size and/or complexity of reported by other institutions, who tlie {og, flie SlZe of tne the aviary, we never saw the barbets noted that their birds would sometimes entrance Iio[e, suita6i[{tg for bother any of the other birds. Neither roost in boxes or pre-excavated cavi­ e;rcavation, ana tlie size ana were the barbets intimidated by birds ties, but would not use them for nest­ snape of tlie e7(cavatea cliam­ much larger than themselves. ing. 6er were a[[ important fac­ MacKinnon & Phillips (993) ment.ion Wild barbets usually excavate their tors in clioosing a nest [og. that this species mixes with other birds own nest holes in the trunks or at fruit trees in the wild. Perhaps this branches of rotten trees, termite species is slightly more tolerant than mounds, earth banks etc. The Pi~d the eggs. Barbets lay 2-5 white eggs most other barbet species. Barbet Tricholaema leucomelas that rest in the bottom of the nest hole, The early behavior of our barbet appears to be the only species known no nesting material is used to line the pairs gave little indication oftheir com­ which, in the absence ofsuitable trees, cavity (Harrison, 1978). It appeared patibility. As other institutions have will take over the deserted nests of that our pair laid two eggs in each noted, some barbets seem to bond other birds (Perrins & Middleton, clutch and incubation lasted from 13­ easily, even with different mates. Our 1985). Most barbets in the wild usually 15 days. As was noted by other institu­ breeding male (M}) quickly re-paired choose a nest site high above the tions, incubation and rearing was done with a second female after his original ground. Both sexes work together at by both parents and food was carried mate died. We witnessed only a few excavation of a cavity. The entrance to the nest in the bill of the parents. instances of courtship feeding by the hole is small, just large enough to Although our pair threw their first male. In most cases there is very little admit the bird and the birds dig into chick out of the nest, their success at formal courtship apart from some the wood several inches before turning rearing improved with successive chasing of the female by the male to make the nest cavity. Some species clutches. The second clutch of two (Harrison, 1978). In our situation the use the same hole year after year, dig­ chicks was removed at approximately chasing was done by both sexes, more ging it farther each season, and some­ two weeks old for fear they would be often the female. A word of warning; times adding a second entrance thrown out by the parents. One of the the chasing and displacing we wit­ (Austin, 1961). two chicks died a few days after nessed by the female became much Through trial and error we discov­ removal from the nest (possibly it was more serious when the pair had chicks ered that our captive birds shared most not fed as well or was being out com­ in the nest. With successive clutches, of these same nesting preferences and peted by the older chick). The remain­ and as brooding progressed, the habits. The pair would excavate almost ing chick was successfully hand-raised. harassment of the male by the female any usable log in the exhibit, but the The pair probably could have raised became more severe. Other institu­ birds were always most interested in this remaining chick successfully to tions have noted that this aggression logs very high up near the ceiling fledge. The third clutch of two chicks escalated to the point that they found (especially those that were up against was removed at approximately three it necessary to remove the male until a wall rather than hanging in the weeks of age. Although it was

34 November/December 1996 helieved that the parents would rear hirds and aided us greatly in our efforts • caps made of cardboard or plastic hoth chicks successfully, the nest log to hreed and rear this species. It is sheeting were made to cover the top and bot­ tom of the log (to discourage moisture, was particularly small and narrow at hoped that the information gathered insects etc. from entering the cut ends of the the hottom. It was feared that the here will be helpful to others attempt­ log) chicks, with their plump hodies and • a small square of heavy nylon mesh ing to hreed and raise harhets. was stapled to the front of the log just below swollen ahdomens, would not he ahle the hole to provide a landing area to successfully exit through the narrow • eye hooks were screwed into the sides Nest logs available and used of the log, near the top, and wire was used chamher. It hecame necessary to hrake to hang the log from the ceiling or secure it open the log to remove them. Both Log#O original log: barbets excavated it to a ceiling beam chicks were found to he cramped, hut in old exhibit- put on rock shelf in ··The -"hape and dimensions of the cavity healthy and would have certainly aviary-ignored--removed were very similar in both successful nests. fledged successfully on their own if Log#l breeding log: barbets(original not for the unusually narrow cavity. In pair) excavated top hole Spring 94­ many harhet cavities, there is little second hole (below) birds exca­ Table 1. vated a complete cavity used to Weights ofCrested and Flame-front­ actual nest-chamher...the young may hatch 3 chicks (from 2 clutches) ed Barbet chicks at various ages he extremely cramped. Several Spring 95 and Summer 95··-cavity instances have heen recorded in cap­ was filled with mulch and re hung Age (day) Crested Flame-fronted tivity where parent hirds have hored in exhibit Fall 95 14 40g 44g 44g 48g into the wood at nest-chamher level to 15 Log#2 f"rrst new log: barbelS excavated-­ 16 48g 50g allow the fledgling young to escape did not use 17 48g 52g (Camphell & Lack, 1985). Log#3 second new log: barbets excavat­ 19 57g 53g It is interesting to note that the ed--did not use 21 66g 54g 23 64g 54g hreeding pair always went hack to nest Log#4 deciduous log: birds ignored a 25 61g 56g relatively quickly after the chicks were natural cavity in log and small holes 27 61g 57g removed from the nest, provided there started by woodpeckers, they exca­ 29 60g 57g was a suitahle log availahle. In the sea­ vated into the solid wood -- they 31 57g 61g began some excavation in Spring 62g son summarized here, the female laid 33 52g 95, then excavated a complete cav­ tledge 64g 63g three clutches (producing three ity used to hatch 2 chicks in Fall healthy chicks) in seven months. 95··

As mentioned ahove, the second, Log#5 old parakeet log: already excavat­ References third, and later the fourth and fifth ed by other birds Austin. O. L. fllRDS OF THE WORLD. New York, -ignored-removed Golden Press, 1961. chicks produced by the pair were Campbell, fl.; Lack, E. A DICTIONARY OF BIRDS. removed for hand-rearing. The rearing Vermillion SD, Buteo Books,198). Delacour, ]. BIRDS OF MALAYSIA. New York, The procedure was developed by gather­ MacMillan Co., 1947. ing information from other institutions Harrison, CJ.O. BIRD FAMILIES OF THE WORLD. New York. Harry N. Abrams Inc.,1978. who had successfully reared Gaudy ISIS Studbook Report. INTERNATIONAL SPECIES INFORMATION SYSTEM, Apple Valley, MN, 1995. Barhets Megalaima mystacophanos, Kowalczyk, E. Breeding the Gold-whiskered Barbet Crested Barhets vaillan­ (Megalaima chrysopogon). AFA WATCHBlRD, Oct/Nov, SCm 1990 tii, and Gold-whiskered Barbets MacKinnon, J; Phillips, K. FIELD GUIDE TO THE Megalaima chrysopogon. BIRDS OF BORNEO, SUMATRA, JAVA AND BALI. Oxford. Oxford University Press, 1993. The behaviors, and developmental ;,-{ CRF.~TEJ) Mossbarger. S. LEVAILLAN1'S / BARBET ( "events" we witnessed while rearing TIIACHYPHONUS VAILLANTlI) OBSERVATIONS ON DIET. REPRODUCTION AND VOCALIZATION AT THE our chicks were similar to those report­ !~\ DALLAS ZOO. M.S: Dissertation. University of Texas, ed hy other institutions who had hand­ Arlington. 1986. Perrins, eM.; Middleton. A.L.A. THE ENCYCLOPE­ reared Crested and Gold-whiskered DIA OF BIRDS. New York. Facts on File Publications, Barhets. Because the size of adult 198) ~ Perrins, C M. THE ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA Flame-fronted and Crested harhets are OF BIRDS. New York, Prentice Hall Press, 1990. Silbey, C G.; Monroe, B L. DISTRIBUTION AND similar (20-22cm), weights ofthe hand­ OF BIRDS OF THE WORLD. New Haven, reared were compared Yale University Press, 1990. Silbey, C G.; Monroe, fl. L. A SUPPLEMENT TO DIS­ to the weights of the second Flame­ TIUUlJTION AND TAXONOMY OF BIRDS OF THE fronted Barbet chick. Weights for Logs (except log #4) were 76-91 cm sec­ WORLD New Haven, Yale University Press, 1993. tions of a large tlowering stalk from an agave hand-reared chicks of both species (maguey) plant. The outer shell was hard and Acknowledgments were also similar. very fibrous and the inner core (particularly Scott Barton & Eric Kowalczyk (Woodland Park ZlXl); of the older stalks) was a solid foam-like pith Sherry Mossbarger (Dallas Zoo); Vicki Roth (Toledo Zoo); The small amount of information which the birds could easily excavate. All Sherry Branch (Sea World of Florida); Lisa Weedn (Fort Worth Zoo); Robert Petrie (Kansas City Zoo); Susie that we were able to gather from logs (except numbers 5 & 4) were prepared Haeffner, Archie Paulson, Dolly Crawford (Denver Zoo); books, papers, surveys and personal for the birds in the same manner: Hal Vokaty; Dr. Hugh Quinn, General Curator, Cleveland • a 5-6 cm hole was made near the top of Metroparks Zoo; Stan Searles, Curator of Birds, Cleveland communication from other institutions the log, only penetrating the outer shell Metroparks Zoo; Patty McDaniel, Research Coordinator, paralleled our experiences with these Sleaving the pulp intact Cleveland Metroparks Zoo •