Pgs. 1525-1626
DINDEX The accepted scientific names of native or naturalized members of the North Central Texas flora (and other nearby Texas plants discussed in detailed notes) are given in [Roman type ]. In addition, accepted generic and family names of plants in the flora are in [bold].Taxonomic synonyms and names of plants casually men- tioned are in [italics]. Common names are in [SMALL CAPS ]. Color photographs are indicated by the symbol m. AA monococca, 588 ADDER’S-TONGUE, 190 ABELE, 975 ostryifolia, 588 BULBOUS, 190 Abelia, 507 phleoides, 588 ENGELMANN’S, 190 Abelmoschus, 806 radians, 589 LIMESTONE, 190 esculentus, 806 rhomboidea, 589 SOUTHERN, 190 Abies, 204 virginica, 589 ADDER’S-TONGUE FAMILY, 188 ABRAHAM’S-BALM, 1060 var. rhomboidea, 589 ADELIA, TEXAS, 848 ABROJO, 432 Acanthaceae, 210 Adiantum, 194 DE FLOR AMARILLO, 1076 Acanthochiton,222 capillus-veneris, 194 Abronia, 835 wrightii, 224 Adonis, 917 ameliae, m/77, 836 Acanthus spinosus, 211 annua, 917 fragrans, 836 ACANTHUS, FLAME-, 212 Aegilops, 1235 speciosa, 836 ACANTHUS FAMILY, 210 cylindrica, 1235 Abrus precatorius,617 Acer, 219 squarrosa, 1334 Abutilon, 806 grandidentatum var. sinuosum, 219 Aesculus, 737 crispum, 810 negundo, 219 arguta, 738 fruticosum, 806 var. negundo, 220 glabra var. arguta, 738 incanum, 806 var. texanum, 220 hippocastanum,737, 738 texense, 806 rubrum, 220 pavia theophrasti, 806 saccharinum, 220 var. flavescens, 738 m Acacia, 623 saccharum, 219 var. pavia, /77, 738 angustissima var. hirta, 624 var. floridanum, 219 AFRICAN-TULIPTREE, 440 farnesiana, 624 var. sinuosum, 219 AFRICAN-VIOLET FAMILY, 989 greggii, 624 Aceraceae, 218 Agalinis, 991 var. greggii, 625 ACHICORIA DULCE, 416 aspera, 993 var. wrightii, 625 Achillea, 307 auriculata, 992 hirta, 624 lanulosa, 308 caddoensis, 993 malacophylla, 625 millefolium, 308 densiflora, 993 minuta, 625 subsp.
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