Arianne P.Verhagen, PhD, Is any one Léonie Damen, PhD, Marjolein Y.Berger, MD, PhD, Jan Passchier, PhD, superior for episodic Vivian Merlijn, PhD, and Bart W. Koes, PhD tension-type headache? Department of General Practice, Erasmus Medical This systematic review suggests good tolerance Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. of any given agent may be the deciding factor From the Department of General Practice (APV, LD, MYB, BWK) and the Practice recommendation drug that is well tolerated by a patient is a Department of Medical T Though all non-narcotic have reasonable basis for selection. , Psychology and Psychotherapy equivalent efficacy against tension-type therefore, generally may be advocated. (JP, VM) ® Dowden Health Media headache, ibuprofen’s generally favorable When acetaminophen is preferred. Our side-effect profile makes it a reasonable results suggest NSAIDs might be more firCopyrightst choice. For personal use onlyeffective than acetaminophen for TTH. However, because NSAIDs are allergenic hereas quantitative and qualita- for some people, and they must not be tive analyses of 41 randomized used in association with anticoagulants,2 W controlled trials (RCTs) strongly acetaminophen might be an alternative in suggests that all types of NSAIDs are more these situations. When giving acetamino- effective than placebo (>50% pain relief) phen, the dose of the might be against an acute episode of tension-type important due to a possible dose-response headache (TTH), the evidence also shows relationship. that no single nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- tory drug (NSAID) is more effective than Why this review was needed another in this setting. Tension-type headache, also known as How, then, to choose an NSAID? Many tension headache or muscle contraction of the 41 articles we reviewed reported on headache, is the most commonly experi- the side effects of NSAIDs. No clear differ- enced type of headache (see Episodic ences were reported in the number of side tension-type headache). Population-based effects between the NSAIDs and placebo. studies suggest prevalence rates of 35% to However, differences were found among 40% in adults.3–5 the types of NSAIDs. Our results agree Persons experiencing an acute episode with those found by Henry et al,1 who con- of TTH most often self-treat with mild, cluded from their meta-analysis that non-narcotic analgesics for initial pain C O RRESPONDENCE ibuprofen, compared with other NSAIDs, relief. Studies have suggested that aceta- Arianne P.Verhagen, PhD, Department of General had the lowest relative risk of serious gas- minophen and NSAIDs like , Practice, Erasmus Medical trointestinal complications. Given the lack ibuprofen, , and are Centre, PO Box 1738, of important differences in efficacy among effective in reducing headache symptoms. 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. E-mail: NSAIDs for relieving an acute episode of But a variety of drugs, dosages, and [email protected] TTH, using the most effective dose of a combinations have been described. No


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Analgesics for tension-type headache L

systematic review has, until now, described Episodic tension-type headache the efficacy and tolerability of analgesics for the treatment of acute episodes of Episodic TTH has been defined in the classification of the TTH. Good quality-controlled trials and a International Headache Society (IHS) as headache frequency systematic review form the basis for evi- of greater than 10 lifetime episodes, but fewer than 15 episodes dence-based treatment guidelines, which per month; an average episode duration of 30 minutes to 7 days; provide a basis for the individual patient. and with at least 2 quality of pain features (ie, mild or moderate We aimed to describe and assess the pain intensity, bilateral, pressing or tightening [nonpulsating] feeling, data from RCTs concerning the efficacy and no exacerbation by exercise).7 In addition, the headache and tolerability of analgesics for the treat- does not have the IHS-defining features of migraine (ie, nausea, ment of acute episodes of TTH in adult vomiting, or photophobia and phonophobia). The definition of patients. Details of our Methods and chronic TTH is identical to those for episodic TTH, except that Results follow. the episode frequency is 15 or more episodes per month for at least 6 months, and 1 associated symptom of nausea, photophobia, or phonophobia is permitted. T Methods Search strategy and then again independently reviewed by Medline and EMBASE were searched from 2 authors (LD, AV). Disagreements were inception to January 2005 using the terms resolved through consensus where possi- tension-type headache, tension headache, ble, or by arbitration with a third author stress headache, or muscle contraction (MB). Crossover designs often presented headache together with the search strategy data from treatment groups, as if the trial for identifying RCTs described by was a parallel group trial. The results from Robinson and Dickerson.6 The Cochrane these studies were excluded from data- Controlled Trials Register was searched analysis if no results from both arms were using the words tension headache or ten- presented or a binary correlation coeffi- sion-type headache or muscle contraction cient was available.9 headache. Additional strategies for identi- fying trials included searching the reference Methodological quality lists of review articles and included studies. and data extraction Two authors (LD with MB, BK, or AV) Study selection independently rated the methodological Only RCTs including analgesic medicine quality of the included trials using the used in the treatment or management of Delphi list.10 The Delphi list is a generic cri- TTH conducted among adult patients teria list developed by international consen- (aged 18 years or older), with reasonable sus and consists of the following 9 items: 1) criteria designed to distinguish TTH from randomization; 2) adequate allocation con- migraine, were selected for our review. The cealment; 3) groups similar at baseline; 4) use of a specific set of diagnostic criteria specification of eligibility criteria; 5) blind- (eg, IHS 1988 and Ad Hoc 1962)7,8 was ing of outcome assessor; 6) blinding of care not required, but TTH diagnoses had to be provider; 7) blinding of patient; 8) presen- based on at least some of the distinctive tation of point estimates and measures of features of TTH—eg, bilateral in location, variability; 9) intention-to-treat-analysis. no nausea or vomiting, mild or moderate One extra item was added: 10) withdrawal intensity, or no exacerbation by exercise. or dropout rate unlikely to cause bias. All Main outcome measures were pain selected methodological criteria were relief or recovery over 2 to 6 hours. scored as yes (= 1), no (= 0) or don’t know Two authors (LD, AV) independently (= 0). A quality score of a trial was comput- screened titles and abstracts of identified ed by counting the number of positive studies for eligibility. All potentially rele- scores, with equal weights applied on all vant studies were retrieved as full papers items. In case of a disagreement between VOL 55, NO 12 / DECEMBER 2006 1065


FIGURE 1 How the 41 trials made our cut for the review

Potential relevant RCTs identified and screened for retrieval (n=1878)

M M RCTs retrieved for more detailed RCTs excluded based on title and abstract: evaluation (n=394) no randomized controlled trial or no diagnosis of tension-type headache or no comparisons of different

M M RCTs included in meta-analysis RCTs excluded (n=41) • No randomized controlled trial (n= 56) • Participants not restricted to tension-type headache (n=35) • No analgesic treatment (n=138) • No relevant outcome measures (n=10) • No separate analysis for tension-type headache (n=8) • Population of children (n=14) • Insufficient control interventions (n=1) • Review/abstract/letter (n=87) • Double publication (n=4)

the 2 authors, consensus was used to were recovered (often defined as more resolve disagreement. When consensus than 50% pain relief) was used to calculate could not be reached, a third author made relative risk (RR) with 95% confidence the final decision (MB or AV). interval (CI). RRs and 95% CI were pre- FAST TRACK Extraction of data from the original sented using the random effects model. The most effective reports was performed by 1 author (LD) Data are presented as treatment success, and checked by a second (AV). indicating that an RR >1 represents a bet- dose of any drug Disagreements were resolved by consen- ter outcome for the first mentioned med- well tolerated sus. Extracted information included (if ication group. by a patient available) demographic data, detailed In parallel studies, when more than 1 description of the intervention and control comparison from the same study (ie, is reasonable (ie, dose given, study duration, rescue med- aspirin 650 mg vs placebo and ibuprofen ication), data on pain relief or recovery, 400 mg vs placebo) was used for the statis- and information on adverse effects meas- tical pooling of NSAIDs vs placebo, the ured during a treatment period of 2 to 6 results from the placebo group were even- hours. When a trial protocol permitted the ly spread out over the 2 comparisons and use of rescue medication prior to the out- the number of patients in the placebo come time (2 to 6 hours), then the latest group was divided by 2 in order to prevent outcome assessment not confounded by double counting (personal communication the use of rescue medication was extracted RJPM Scholten, Dutch Cochrane Centre). Because only a subset of available trials Data analysis provides sufficient data for inclusion in the A quantitative analysis was limited to clin- quantitative analysis, also a qualitative ically homogenous studies for which the analysis was performed. We summarized study populations, interventions and out- findings by strength of evidence, nature of comes were considered to be similar. For intervention and control treatments. The each study, the number of patients who evidence was judged to be strong when


Analgesics for tension-type headache L

multiple high-quality trials produced gener- 12 to 900 (mean=252.7 patients), with a ally consistent findings.11 Results were con- total of 10,363 patients included. The sidered consistent if over 75% of the studies mean percentage of participants who reported similar results on the same out- dropped out from the trials was 15.2% come measure. It was judged to be moder- (range=0%–61.9%). Age of participants ate when multiple low-quality trials or one (for studies reporting this information) high-quality and 1 or more low-quality tri- ranged from 18 to 87 years. Overall, the als produced generally consistent findings. percentage of women was generally higher Evidence was considered to be limited when than men (mean=69.3%; range= only 1 low-quality RCT existed and con- 36%–97%). Fifteen trials used the criteria flicting when the findings of existing trials of the International Headache Society to were inconsistent. We arbitrarily regarded classify TTH,14,17,19–21,24,28–36 12 trials used the trials with methodological quality scores of Ad Hoc Committee’s criteria,13,23,26,37–45 while 6 or more as of high quality.11 the remaining studies did not use a formal classification. Relation between funding source Twenty-five studies compared 1 or more of the RCTs and conclusions types of NSAIDs with place- We extracted the sources of funding of the bo,13–17,22–24,26–36,38,41–43,45–47 17 studies compared RCTs from the text, statements of sources 1 or more doses of acetaminophen with of support, authors’ affiliations, and placebo,17–21,25,30–34,41,44–46,48,49 7 studies com- acknowledgements. Funding sources were pared different types of NSAIDs,15,26,28,29,35–37 classified as nonprofit organizations, not 9 studies compared 1 or more types of reported, both nonprofit and for-profit NSAIDs with acetaminophen,17,30–34,41,45,46 organizations, or for-profit organizations.12 and 13 studies compared other analgesics For-profit organizations were defined as with placebo.15,18,25,27,39,40,44,49,50–53 companies that might acquire financial The quality score (with positive items in gain or loss depending on the outcome of parenthesis) is presented in the “Notes” sec- the trial.12 Funding included provision of tion of TABLE W1 ( The grants, study material (drug, placebo), or interobserver reliability of the methodologi- FAST TRACK manpower (authorship, statistical analysis, cal quality assessment was high (κ=0.85). Ibuprofen or other assistance).12 We used the effect There was disagreement between the 2 sizes between medication(s) and placebo to authors in 7.5% of the criteria, but after generally is evaluate whether funding source affected consensus no disagreement persisted. The a prudent outcome. median quality score was 5 (range 1–9). first choice Using a cutoff point of 6 out of 10 criteria, 15 studies (36.6%) were considered to be of T Results high quality.15,17,19,21,22,24,25,28–30,32–34,36 Search results Only 1 study reported a concealed A total of 1878 publications were identified randomization method.34 Other method- by our search strategy. Finally, 41 RCTs met ological flaws, which often scored “nega- our inclusion criteria and 4 papers con- tive” or “unclear,” were blinding of the cerned double publications (FIGURE 1),13–16 care provider (unclear 88%) and an inten- leaving a total of 41 trials which were tion-to-treat analysis (unclear 30% and included in this review. Thirteen of these negative 60%). RCTs used a crossover design.15,7–27 Effectiveness of analgesics Description of studies TABLE 1 gives the quantitative analysis for Full details of the included studies are pre- high-quality studies, low-quality studies, sented in TABLE W1 (available online at and for all studies for the different compar- The number of par- isons of NSAIDs, acetaminophen, and ticipants included in each trial ranged from placebo. VOL 55, NO 12 / DECEMBER 2006 1067


T ABLE 1 Quantitative analysis for the different studies for the comparisons of NSAIDs, acetaminophen and placebo


1. NSAIDs vs placebo 7 / 13 1.5 (1.3–1.8)* 8 / 15 2.0 (1.4–2.7)* 15 / 28 1.6 (1.4–2.0)*

2. Acetaminophen vs placebo 5 / 6 1.4 (1.04–1.8)* 3 / 3 1.6 (0.9–2.7) 8 / 9 1.4 (1.1–1.8)*

500 mg vs placebo 1 / 1 1.1 (0.8–1.5) 1 / 1 1.1 (0.8–1.5)

1000 mg vs placebo 4 / 5 1.4 (0.97–2.0) 3 / 3 1.6 (0.9–2.7) 7 / 8 1.5 (1.1–2.0)8

4. NSAIDs vs acetaminophen 5 / 7 1.1 (0.96–1.4) 2 / 2 2.2 (1.4–3.4)* 7 / 9 1.3 (1.04–1.5)*


Ibuprofen 400/800 mg vs aspirin 650 mg37 1 / 2 1.2 (0.6–2.2)

Ketoprofen 12.5/25/50 mg vs ibuprofen 200 mg29,36 1 / 2 1.1 (0.8–1.5) 1 / 2 1.5 (0.8–2.7) 2 / 4 1.2 (0.9–1.6)

Ketoprofen 12.5/25 mg vs naproxen 275 mg29 1 / 2 0.96 (0.7–1.3)

Naproxen 275 mg vs ibuprofen 200 mg29 1 / 1 0.9 (0.7–1.2)

Metamizol 500/1000 mg vs aspirin 1000 mg30 1 / 2 1.2 (0.9–1.7)

Diclofenac 12.5/25 mg vs ibuprofen 400 mg55 1/ 2 1.1 (0.8–1.5)

N/n = number of trials / total number of comparisons; RR: relative risk; CI: confidence interval. *P<.05.

1. NSAIDs vs placebo group (n=2061) frequently mentioned side Twenty-five studies compared one or more effects were nausea (4.6%), photophobia types of NSAIDs with placebo, of which (3.1%), vomiting (2.7%), phonophobia 10 are of high quality.15,17,22,24,29,30,32–34,36,45 (1.7%), aching limbs (1.2%), dizziness Quantitative analysis. Sufficient data (1.1%), and drowsiness (1.0%). For the were available in 15 studies,13,14,29–38,41,45,47 of placebo group (n=1323), these were nau- which 6 were of high quality.29,30,32–34,36,45 sea (7.0%), photophobia (4.8%), vomiting Because some trials included 3 or more (3.9%), phonophobia (3.4%), aching treatment groups, data were available for limbs (2.0%), drowsiness (1.7%), and 28 comparisons. We found a significant dizziness (1.0%). The pooled RR for the effect in favor of NSAIDs compared with number of patients reporting side effects placebo on short-term pain relief (see for 14 studies with sufficient data was 0.96 TABLE 1 and FIGURE W1, available at (95% CI, 0.7–1.3), indicating no signifi- cant difference. Qualitative analysis. The 10 high- quality studies reported 30 comparisons, 2. Acetaminophen vs placebo of which in 26 (86.6%) NSAIDs were Seventeen studies compared 1 or more significantly more effective compared with doses of acetaminophen with placebo; placebo for short-term pain relief (strong 9 were high-quality studies.17,19,21,25,30–34,45 evidence). Quantitative analysis. The pooled Adverse events. Twenty studies report- analysis of 5 high-quality trials30,32–34,45 and ed during a 2 to 6 hours treatment period 3 low-quality trials31,41,44 showed that data on adverse events. For the NSAID acetaminophen was significantly more


Analgesics for tension-type headache L

effective compared with placebo for patients with acute episodes of TTH patients on short-term pain relief (TABLE 1 (conflicting evidence). and FIGURE W2, at Adverse events. Seven studies reported This result was due to the studies compar- data on adverse events. The pooled RR for ing acetaminophen with placebo. The number of patients reporting side effects only high-quality trial34 with acetamino- was 1.3 (95% CI, 0.97–1.6), indicating no phen 500 mg failed to show a difference significant difference. in short-term pain relief compared with placebo (TABLE 1). 4. Comparison between Qualitative analysis. The 9 high-quality different NSAIDs studies reported 16 comparisons, of which Seven studies compared different types of 10 (62.5%) mentioned that acetamino- NSAIDs,15,26,28,29,35–37 of which 4 provided phen showed significantly more pain relief data. than placebo (conflicting evidence). In 2 Quantitative and qualitative analysis. high-quality studies,17,34 we found no signif- The analysis the between different types of icant differences between acetaminophen NSAIDs no differences in short-term pain 500 mg and placebo (strong evidence), but relief can be found; RR vary between 0.9 in the 9 high-quality studies, in 10 out of and 1.5 (TABLE 1). 14 comparisons (71.4%) acetaminophen Adverse events. The adverse effects 1000 mg showed significantly more pain were reported involving the central nerv- relief compared with placebo (conflicting ous system (ie, dizziness, drowsiness, ver- evidence). tigo), gastrointestinal system (ie, nausea, Adverse events. Twelve studies report- vomiting, gastrointestinal upset or dis- ed data on adverse events. For the aceta- comfort), and the body as a whole (ie, minophen group (n=3715), frequently light-headed, fatigue, cramps, asthenia, mentioned side effects were stomach dis- chills). comfort (3.9%), dizziness (1.6%), nerv- Naproxen and gave more ousness (0.7%), nausea (0.4%), and adverse events involving the central nerv- drowsiness (0.3%). For the placebo group ous system than aspirin, ibuprofen, and FAST TRACK (n=3700), these were stomach discomfort ketoprofen. Naproxen and zomepirac For patients (3.7%), nervousness (0.7%), nausea were also more often associated with gas- (0.6%), dizziness (0.5%), and drowsiness trointestinal side effects than ibuprofen allergic to NSAIDs (0.3%). The pooled RR for the number of and ketoprofen. or taking patients reporting side effects was 1.3 Furthermore, aspirin was more asso- coumadin, (95% CI, 0.9–1.7), indicating no signifi- ciated with gastrointestinal complaints consider cant difference. than ibuprofen. Side effects such as fatigue and cramps (body as whole) acetaminophen 3. NSAIDs vs acetaminophen occurred significantly more often with Nine studies compared 1 or more types ketoprofen compared with aspirin and of NSAIDs with acetaminophen, of which ibuprofen, naproxen compared with 6 are of high-quality.17,30–34,45 ketoprofen, and zomepirac compared Quantitative analysis. The pooled with aspirin. analysis of 5 high-quality studies30–34,45 and 2 low-quality studies31,41 showed a signifi- 5. Other analgesics vs placebo cant difference in short-term pain relief in Qualitative analysis. There is insufficient favor of NSAIDs (TABLE 1). evidence to either support or refute the Qualitative analysis. Six high-quality effectiveness of all other analgesics com- studies showed that in 9 out of 13 pared with placebo, due to the fact that comparisons (69%) NSAIDs were not most analgesics were a unique combina- significantly more effective than aceta- tion of analgesics with caffeine or pepper- minophen for short-term pain relief in mint oil. Also, the low methodological VOL 55, NO 12 / DECEMBER 2006 1069


TABLE 2 Relation between funding source and effect estimate, intervention vs placebo only


Non-profit organizations 00 ——

Not reported 4 (2) 0 1.4 (0.8–2.6) —

Non-profit and for-profit 26 (11) 11(4) 1.7 (1.4–2.1) 1.4 (1.1–1.7) organizations

For-profit organizations 14 (7) 8 (3) 1.4 (1.2–1.6) 1.2 (1.06–1.4)

All studies 44 (20) 19 (7) 1.5 (1.3–1.8) 1.4 (1.1–1.7)

* P=.006 using χ2 test

quality of nearly all these studies and the Methodological quality low number of studies per comparison of included studies made drawing conclusions difficult. This review shows that many RCTs on Optalidon and Tonopan were com- the efficacy of analgesics in TTH have pared with placebo in 3 substudies of methodological shortcomings. Using a 1 high-quality study, and we found signif- cut-off point of 6 out of 10 criteria, only icant more pain relief using these anal- 35% of the included studies were found gesics than placebo.15 No adverse events to be of high quality. Most authors failed were stated in these studies. to explicitly specify the method of treat- FAST TRACK The combination of acetaminophen ment allocation and blinding procedure. A dose-response and caffeine was compared with placebo In many studies authors stated that the in 2 studies of high quality25,49 showed trial had a double-blind procedure, how- relationship that the combination of acetaminophen ever, when the blinding procedure was likely exists with caffeine is more effective than place- not explicitly reported (ie, identical look- for acetaminophen bo (moderate evidence). ing tablets) we did not score The combination of acetaminophen, 1 or more blinding items positive. These aspirin, and caffeine was compared with flaws can be prevented in future trials. placebo in 4 substudies of the same high- We are unaware of any prior system- quality study.25 Data from these studies atic reviews or meta-analyses that have suggest that this combination is signifi- assessed the efficacy and tolerability of cantly more effective than placebo. All analgesics in the treatment of acute groups reported low numbers of side episodes of tension-type headache in effects as stomach discomfort, nervous- adults. We conducted the review accord- ness, and dizziness. ing to the high Cochrane standard, result- ing in a review of high validity. Our Relation between funding source review succeeded in identifying a large and effect estimates number of only randomized trials. Also The pooled effect estimates in placebo- the methodological quality did not controlled trials stratified by funding are explain the possible association between shown in TABLE 2. No major differences in funding and effect estimates. effect sizes were found between the differ- Although systematic reviews offer the ent funding sources. least biased method of summarizing


Analgesics for tension-type headache L

12. Als-Nielsen B, Chen W, Gluud C, Kjaergard LL. research literature, our review should be Association of funding and conclusions in randomized considered with the following limitations drug trials. A reflection of treatment effect or adverse in mind. First, we decided not to contact events? JAMA 2003; 290:921–928. the authors for additional information, 13. Diamond S. Zomepirac in the symptomatic treatment of muscle contraction headache. J Clin Pharmacol 1980; because most trials were published before 20:298–302; Diamond S, Medina JL. A double-blind 1995. Second, some of the study of zomepirac sodium and placebo in the treatment of muscle contraction headache. Headache 1981; have only been evaluated in 1 or 2 stud- 21:45–48. ies, which may limit the generalizability 14. Diamond S, Balm TK, Freitag FG. Ibuprofen plus caffeine of the findings. We do not think these fac- in the treatment of tension-type headache. Clin tors have influences our conclusions. I Pharmacol Ther 2000; 68:312–319; Diamond S, Freitag FG. The use of ibuprofen plus caffeine to treat tension- type headache. Curr Pain Headache Rep 2001; D ISCLOSURE 5:472–478. Funding for this study has been provided by the Netherlands 15. von Graffenried B, Hill RC, Nüesch E. Headache as a Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZONMw). model for assessing mild analgesic drugs. J Clin The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to declare. Pharmacol 1980; 20:131–144; von Graffenried B, Nüesch B. Non-migrainous headache for the evaluation of oral REFERENCES analgesics. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1980; 10(suppl 2):225S–231S. 1. Henry D, Lim LLY,Garcia Rodriguez LA, et al. Variability in 16. Friedman AP, Boyles WF, Elkind AH, et al. Fiorinal with risk of gastrointestinal complications with individual non- in the treatment of tension headache-the contri- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: results of a collabora- bution of components to the combination drug. 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