The Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand (IMT-GT) Roadmap for Development 2007-2011

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The Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand (IMT-GT) Roadmap for Development 2007-2011 ANNEXES 27 ANNEX A IMT-GT FLAGSHIP PROJECTS Strategic Thrusts Flagship projects Facilitate and Promote Intra and Inter-IMT-GT i. IMT-GT Plaza Trade and Investments • Trang, Thailand • Hadyai, Songkhla, Thailand • Bukit Kayu Hitam, Kedah, Malaysia • Batam, Riau Island, Indonesia • Bukit Tinggi, Padang, Indonesia • Agro Business Plaza in Dumai, Indonesia ii. Border Township Development • Kota Putra Township • Kota Perdana Township • Takbai-Pengkalan Kubor • Sungai Golok-Rantau Panjang • Buketa-Bukit Bunga • Betong-Pengkalan Hulu • Danok-Bukit Kayu Hitam • Padang Besar • Wang Kelian iii. Friendship City inclusive of Common Border Wholesale Market in Padang Besar iv. ASA Niaga, Harbour City Barter Trade Port 28 ANNEX A IMT-GT FLAGSHIP PROJECTS Strategic Thrusts Flagship projects Promote Growth of Agriculture, Agro-Industry and i. New Oil Palm Plantation Tourism Felda like in Sumatera: Target 100,000 ha ii. New Banana estate in Aceh: Target 10,000 ha iii. Regional Halal Corridor iv. Tourism Master Plan v. Medical Tourism vi. 3–Star Hotel-Branding and Standardization Among the Hotels of the Same Level vii. Promotion of Visit IMT-GT Year 2008 viii. Establishment of Beef Cattle Breeding Center in the IMT- GT area ix. Food Safety Project x. Development of Home Stay Tourism Promote Halal Food Products and Services i. Halal Expo and Annual IMT- GT Maolid Nabi Celebration ii. Halal Trade \F/DERUDWRUۋLLL +DODO6FLHQWL Networking HG+DODO5HVWDXUDQWVۋLY &HUWL and Hotels v. Halal Medical Hub vi. International Halal Science Symposium vii. Business Incubator of Halal Products and Services for Small, Medium Enterprises 29 ANNEX A IMT-GT FLAGSHIP PROJECTS Strategic Thrusts Flagship projects Strengthen Infrastructure Support and i. Four corridors Connectivity • Extended Songkhla- Penang-Medan Economic Corridor • Strait of Melaka Economic Corridor • Banda Aceh-Medan- Dumai-Palembang Economic Corridor • Melaka-Dumai Economic Corridor ii. Ro-ro Ferry Services • Penang-Belawan • Melaka – Dumai • Kantang-Satun-Penang- Belawan iii. Regional Energy Hub • Bio-diesel • Strategic Energy Landbridge in southern Thailand • High Energy Related Industries iv. Liberalized Transport Arrangement in IMT-GT within the Framework of ASEAN Agreements FۋFull 5thIUHHGRPWUDI • rights within IMT-GT. • Liberalization of scheduled passengers services with no limitation on 3rd and 4th FULJKWVIRUۋIUHHGRPWUDI at least two designated points in each country 30 ANNEX A IMT-GT FLAGSHIP PROJECTS Strategic Thrusts Flagship projects • Liberalization of scheduled passengers services with no limitation on 5th FULJKWVۋIUHHGRPWUDI for at least two designated points in each country Address Human Resources Development/ i. Reconstruction and Environment and Natural Resource Management Rehabilitation of Tsunami Concerns Affected Region ii. Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) iii. Fisheries Resource Information iv. Early Warning System on Natural Disasters v. Operation to Contain Diseases, etc., like Avian Flu vi. Harmonizing the Minimum Standard for Human Resources Training for Immediate Business Needs in Many Areas. vii. IMT-GT UNINET viii. Collaboration in Health Education ix. Early Warning System on Natural Disasters Enhance Public-Private Sector Collaboration i. Coordination Monitoring Center (CMC) FLDO,07*7:HEVLWHۋLL 2I iii. Synchronization of public and private sector meetings 31 Annex B Main Tasks of Key IMT-GT Institutions in Roadmap Implementation he implementation of the IMT-GT private sector is expected ,07*75RDGPDSZLOO to be the driver of the subregional require close cooperation cooperation activities, with the Tand coordination among public sector providing the enabling all the IMT-GT institutions policy and regulatory environment concerned, which are shown in the and necessary infrastructure accompanying chart. Many groups support. The envisaged roles of the are involved, and responsibilities private and public sectors are cut across public and private complementary and to a large institutions. On the whole, the extent interdependent, as many of the major projects of the private sector need some form of government support or facilitation to be able to be implemented effectively and as quickly as possible. Following are the principal roles and tasks of key IMT-GT public and private sector institutions in LPSOHPHQWLQJWKH5RDGPDS Leaders’ Summit • Highest decision-making body in IMT-GT • Sets major goals and basic directions for cooperation in IMT-GT Ministers’ Meeting (MM) • Second highest coordinating, 32 direction-setting and decision- making body in IMT-GT, UHSRUWLQJWRWKH/HDGHUV· Summit • Mechanism for formally UHSRUWLQJSURJUHVVRQ5RDGPDS implementation, discussing high-level policy or implementation issues and matters that need to be brought WRWKHDWWHQWLRQRIWKH/HDGHUV· Summit 6HQLRU2IÀFLDOV·0HHWLQJ 620 • IMT-GT wide coordinating body programs and projects in their reporting to the MM respective areas and conduct • Prepares and submits to MM periodic review of these projects reports on the progress of • :RUNFORVHO\ZLWKWKH-RLQW 5RDGPDSLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ Business Council in promoting • Brings to attention of MM policy the active participation of the or implementation issues IMT-GT private sector in WG - requiring action from higher related activities authorities • Facilitate the discussion and • Coordinates and provides resolution of issues and oversight to the IMT-GT bottlenecks in project Working Groups implementation • Monitor and report on the Working Groups (WGs) progress of implementation of • Coordinate and facilitate the WG activities implementation of IMT-GT cooperation measures under Coordination and Monitoring their respective areas, serving as &HQWHU&0& WREHHVWDEOLVKHG the convenors of the agencies • 5HSRUWLQJWRWKH620VHUYHVDV primarily responsible for the central body for monitoring deciding on and implementing and coordinating IMT-GT public these measures sector activities • Prepare a work program based • /LDLVHVEHWZHHQWKH62000 on the strategic thrusts in the and the other IMT-GT 5RDGPDSDQGSHULRGLFDOO\ institutions as well as with IMT- review the implementation of GT external partners IMT-GT measures to ensure that • Takes the lead in coordinating these are consistent with the WKHÁRZRILQIRUPDWLRQZLWKLQ strategic directions in the IMT-GT 5RDGPDS • Facilitates consultations with • )DFLOLWDWHWKHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQDQG IMT-GT stakeholders to gather implementation of priority LQSXWVSUHSDUHYDOLGDWHUHÀQHV 33 and periodically reviews the • &RRUGLQDWHVWKHÁRZRI ,07*75RDGPDS information among the various • Facilitates subregional activities IMT-GT institutions and with LQVXSSRUWRI5RDGPDS external partners in support of implementation, working closely 5RDGPDSLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ with the Working Groups • /LDLVHVDQGFRRUGLQDWHV,07*7 :*V 16V-%&VDQGRWKHU linkages and activities with the IMT-GT institutions ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN • Monitors the progress of bodies, other multilateral LPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIWKH5RDGPDS agencies, and partner measures and submits a report organizations related to thereon to the SOM/MM, WGs 5RDGPDSLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ and other IMT-GT institutions 1DWLRQDO6HFUHWDULDWV • Serve as the national counterparts of CMC, coordinating all in-country public sector IMT-GT related activities • Serve as in-country liaison, coordinating with other IMT-GT QDWLRQDOVHFUHWDULDWV&0&-%& and other IMT-GT bodies • Facilitate all in-country activities of the public and private sectors in deliberations concerning IMT- GT, advocacy for policies and programs supporting IMT-GT, planning and programming of in-country participation in IMT- 34 *7DQG5RDGPDS implementing rules and implementation. guidelines supportive of • Serve as in-country databank for increasing private sector IMT-GT and other related data participation in business and DQGFRRUGLQDWHWKHÁRZRI development activities in IMT- information among in-country GT. IMT-GT bodies. • ,QLWLDWHVWKHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQRI • Monitor developments in IMT- IMT-GT commercial projects GT and follow up agreements and participate in the entered into by country LGHQWLÀFDWLRQRINH\,07*7 representatives infrastructure requirements. • Provide technical and administrative support services Governors’ Forum for country IMT-GT operations • Serves as the promoter and and coordinate budget facilitator of IMT-GT projects in requirements for this purpose their respective areas • /LQNVXSZLWK-%&00620 -RLQW%XVLQHVV&RXQFLO -%& and the WGs to promote IMT- • Serves as the private sector GT projects in their respective counterpart of the government areas IMT-GT institutions. • Facilitate resolution of policy, • Fosters closer relationships and regulatory issues and other economic cooperation among issues affecting the business sector organizations in implementation of IMT-GT IMT-GT, represents them in projects in their respective areas IMT-GT deliberations and • Participates and provides inputs programs, and encourage their in the planning and active participation in programming of public subregional cooperation investments located in their activities. respective areas in support of • Performs an advocacy role for IMT-GT policies, programs, projects and 35 36 Existing Institutional Arrangementsa IMT-GT (As of August 2006) NATIONAL IMT – GT Heads of Governments Leaders’ Summit Public Private Public Private Joint Business Joint Business Signing Minister Councils (JBC) Ministerial Meeting Council (JBC) Secretariat Secretariat Senior Official Senior Officials’ Meeting Secretariat Working Concerned Groups Government (WGs) JBC WGs Agencies Sub - WGs Provincial / State Provincial/State Governments
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