Dissenting Voices: The Discourse of Competition in The Sportswoman Ly n n E. C o u t u r ie r 1 Physical Education Department State University o f New York, Cortland In the 1920s, the appropriateness o f competition fo r women became contested among educators and the public. In order to avoid the problems associated with mens highly competitive athletics, many women physical educators sought to de- emphasize competition and promote simple participation. According to sport historian Roberta Park, these women were “searching fo r a middle ground" in the debate. There was, however, another group o f women whose position dis sentedfrom the polarized positions ofthe public as well as those who promoted the “middle ground” when it came to womens competition. These women were the editorial staff o/The Sportswoman, which was a periodical on womens sport published from 1924 to 1936. While the editors included multiple per spectives on womens competition, their own position was frequently in direct conflict with some o f the other contributors. This paper highlights the overt and covert strategies used in the magazine to promote the acceptability o f women’s competition in sport. T h e author is indexed to the archives at Springfield College anc Bryn Mawr, as well as the library at Smith College, for her source material and their generous assistance. Correspondence to
[email protected]. The Sportswoman ( TSW) was a periodical published from 1924 to 1936, ini tially as the communication vehicle of the United States Field Hockey Association (USFHA). Although its content expanded dramatically to include many different sports played by women, it retained a core element devoted to field hockey throughout most of its publica tion.