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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions Of E22 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 7, 2015 From 2007 to 2011 Leader PELOSI served be missed by her colleagues in the House, the The Red Raiders put on an impressive per- as Speaker of the House and under her lead- residents of the District of Columbia, and es- formance and excelled in all facets of the ership the 111th Congress was hailed as ‘‘one pecially my office. game. Quarterback Nikkolas Holland led the of the most productive Congresses in history.’’ Gwen was not born into the advantages of- offense by accounting for four touchdowns. Among her many accomplishments, Leader fered to many in our society. Instead, she has Running back Devan Jackson contributed on PELOSI shepherded passage of the American always worked her way to success. Aside both sides of the ball, by rushing for a touch- Recovery and Reinvestment Act to create and from her work in my office, Gwen has owned down and returning a fumble for a touchdown. save millions of American jobs; historic health and operated several business ventures. She Senior captain Zack Panebianco was named care reform to expand coverage and lower is a highly-regarded public speaker and a pub- Most Valuable Player after scoring a touch- health care costs for millions of Americans; lished author. down, kicking five extra-points, and making and strong Wall Street reforms to protect con- Gwen Benson-Walker performed with excel- several outstanding defensive plays. sumers and rein in the big banks. She has lence and energy whatever work she was Jamestown’s defense continued its season- also fought discrimination in the workplace asked to do in my office. She served as a long run of dominance by forcing turnovers and passed into law the Lilly Ledbetter Fair caseworker, and her capacity for hard work and containing Newburgh’s high-powered of- Pay Act and stands for progressive policies and her wise head, led her to roles as sched- fense. that support child nutrition, energy efficiency, uler/executive assistant and finally as chief of Although football is a team game, I would transparency in government, affordable hous- staff. Even when Gwen moved away from the like to recognize a few notable awards re- ing and veterans. District of Columbia, she has always returned ceived by individual Jamestown players. Ste- Leader PELOSI is an extraordinary public to our staff upon her return. When not on staff, phen Carlson was named the 2014 Connolly servant and tested leader. I am proud to sup- Gwen was the enthusiastic volunteer coordi- Cup winner, awarded to Western New York’s port her as leader of the Democratic Caucus nator for the annual Children’s Christmas top scholastic football player. Stephen was and look forward to serving the American peo- Party in the Capitol, lavishing love on the city’s also named the Section 6 Class AA Defensive ple alongside her in the 114th Congress. low-income children. Most recently, Gwen Player of the Year. Zack Panebianco was f served as my Chief of Staff, a position in named Offensive Player of the year. Joe which she flourished, skillfully organizing and Mistretta was named winner of the Trench PERSONAL EXPLANATION running a busy congressional office. Trophy, awarded annually to the top lineman Gwen was a confidant to whom I turned to in Western New York. Tom Langworthy was HON. BRIAN HIGGINS for advice and a friend and a mentor to staff. named Buffalo Bills/NFL Coach of the Year OF NEW YORK She led by example in her professionalism after guiding his team to an outstanding reg- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and insistence on excellence, her dedication, ular season, winning 12 games and finishing undefeated in their division. Wednesday, January 7, 2015 generosity, collegiality and good humor. Gwen is off to retirement in Spain, but she leaves The hard work and dedication displayed by Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, yesterday I at- too many family members and friends not to these young men is truly inspiring. The team tended the funeral of the former Governor of return often to her native land. Gwen now be- is a source of pride within Chautauqua County New York, Mario Cuomo, in New York City. comes a treasured life member of Team Nor- and across New York’s 23rd Congressional Consequently I missed several votes in the ton. District. House of Representatives. I ask my colleagues to join me in recog- f I would like to submit how I intended to vote nizing Gwen Benson-Walker for outstanding PERSONAL EXPLANATION on these roll call votes had I been present: service to the House of Representatives and On Roll Call 1, the Quorum Call of the my office, and to the residents of the District House, I would have voted PRESENT. of Columbia. HON. PAUL TONKO OF NEW YORK On Roll Call 2, the Election of the Speaker f of the House of Representatives, I would have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES voted for Representative NANCY PELOSI of PERSONAL EXPLANATION Wednesday, January 7, 2015 California. Mr. TONKO. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 5, On Roll Call 3, to Table the Motion to Refer HON. PAUL TONKO I was absent while attending the funeral of H. Res. 5, Adopting rules for the One Hundred OF NEW YORK Governor Mario M. Cuomo in New York. Fourteenth Congress, I would have voted IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Had I been present, I would have voted NAY. ‘‘yea.’’ On Roll Call 4, Ordering the Previous Ques- Wednesday, January 7, 2015 tion on H. Res. 5, I would have voted NAY. Mr. TONKO. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 6, f On Roll Call 5, the Motion to Recommit H. I was absent while attending the funeral of HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY Res. 5 with Instructions, I would have voted Governor Mario M. Cuomo in New York. OF FORMER NEW YORK GOV. YEA. Had I been present, I would have voted MARIO CUOMO On Roll Call 6, Agreeing to H. Res. 5, I ‘‘nay.’’ would have voted NAY. f HON. BRIAN HIGGINS On Roll Call 7, the Motion to Suspend the RECOGNIZING THE JAMESTOWN OF NEW YORK Rules and Pass H.R. 22, I would have voted IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES YEA. HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY FOOT- BALL TEAM Wednesday, January 7, 2015 f Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to RECOGNIZING GWEN BENSON- HON. TOM REED honor the life and legacy of Governor Mario WALKER OF NEW YORK Cuomo, who passed away on January 1, 2015 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at the age of 82. A highly respected public servant and brilliant orator, Mario Cuomo HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON Wednesday, January 7, 2015 OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA served as Governor of New York State for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- three terms, from 1983 to 1994. ognize and congratulate the Jamestown High Governor Cuomo was born on June 15, Wednesday, January 7, 2015 School varsity football team on winning the 1932, in his beloved Borough of Queens. Hail- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask the 2014 New York State Public High School Ath- ing from a family of Italian immigrants, he House to join me in recognizing Gwen Ben- letic Association championship. worked in the family’s grocery store in South son-Walker, who has served as my Chief of Led by head coach Tom Langworthy, Jamaica growing up. The governor graduated Staff for three years and has been a valuable Jamestown claimed the Class AA title by de- from St. John’s Preparatory School, and went member of my staff for most of my service in feating Newburgh Free Academy 41–20 in on to play baseball on the freshman team at Congress. On December 31, 2014, Gwen front of a raucous crowd at the Carrier Dome St. John’s University. An aggressive player, he transitioned from my office to a well-deserved in Syracuse, New York. This marks the fourth showed great talent and promise. Indeed, he retirement. Gwen’s strong work ethic, intel- time since 1994 that Jamestown High School was signed as a prospect in the Pittsburgh Pi- ligence, and enthusiastic personality will surely has captured the state football championship. rates organization, earning a signing bonus VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:41 Jan 08, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K07JA8.002 E07JAPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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