Sustainable Management of Natural Resources Towards Rehabilitation and Preservation of the Key Biodiversity Area Along Bataan Province to Manila Bay
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Sustainable Management of Natural Resources towards Rehabilitation and Preservation of the Key Biodiversity Area along Bataan Province to Manila Bay Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10704 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Sustainable Management of Natural Resources towards Rehabilitation and Preservation of the Key Biodiversity Area along Bataan Province to Manila Bay Countries Philippines Agency(ies) FAO Other Executing Partner(s) Executing Partner Type Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Biodiversity Management Bureau (DENR-BMB) Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Soils and Water Government Management (DA-BSWM GEF Focal Area Multi Focal Area Taxonomy Focal Areas, Stakeholders, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Land Degradation, Ecosystem Approach, Sustainable Land Management, Community-Based Natural Resource Management, Restoration and Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands, Productive Landscapes, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Biodiversity, Mainstreaming, Coral Reefs, Biomes, Mangroves, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Influencing models, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances, Demonstrate innovative approache, Local Communities, Beneficiaries, Awareness Raising, Communications, Public Campaigns, Strategic Communications, Indigenous Peoples, Community Based Organization, Civil Society, Non-Governmental Organization, Partnership, Type of Engagement, Information Dissemination, Participation, Consultation, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Private Sector, Access and control over natural resources, Gender results areas, Gender Equality, Knowledge Generation and Exchange, Participation and leadership, Capacity Development, Women groups, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender-sensitive indicators, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Adaptive management, Learning, Theory of change, Training, Knowledge Generation, Workshop, Innovation, Conference, Knowledge Exchange, Field Visit Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 0 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 1 Duration 36 In Months Agency Fee($) 259,450.00 Submission Date 9/28/2020 A. Indicative Focal/Non-Focal Area Elements Programming Directions Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) BD-1-1 GET 2,642,952.00 15,000,000.00 LD-1-1 GET 88,098.00 500,000.00 Total Project Cost ($) 2,731,050.00 15,500,000.00 B. Indicative Project description summary Project Objective To mainstream biodiversity and sustainable land management in key biodiversity areas along Bataan province to Manila Bay. Project Financing Project Outcomes Project Outputs Trust GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Fund Component Technical Outcome 1.1: : Cross-sectoral 1.1.1. Strengthened GET 650,250.00 3,690,476.00 1:Provincial level Assistan capacities strengthened and capacities of key capacity to ce development and implementation of provincial institutions support harmonised Province level land use and all Local mainstreaming plans, resource management Government Units biodiversity and frameworks and development (LGUs) in Bataan sustainable land investments in Bataan Province, in Province to review, management support of the Manila Bay validate and (SLM) and Sustainable Development Master implement development and Plan (MBSDMP). Comprehensive Land implementation of Use Plans (CLUPs) provincial level and relevant sectoral land use planning Indicators: plans and and development investments to frameworks i. No. of provincial institutions and support global LGUs trained in environment benefits mainstreaming biodiversity in the existing Land Use Framework and 1.1.2: Enhanced other development plans resulting capacity of in following indicator. Department of Environment and ii. 12 revised land use plans that Natural Resources mainstream biodiversity (i.e., 4 (DENR) to catalyze CLUPs, 4 FLUPs, 4 ICMPs) 1 GEB mainstreaming, Provincial Ecotourism Investment especially in Plan coordination with iii. Common guidelines for Manila Bay harmonization of multiple land use Mandamus Agencies plans incl, ADSDPP, ICMP, CRMP, (MBMAs), in PAGMPS, CLUP, FLUP, CBFMA[1], implementation of etc, of mandated agencies - DA, the Operational Plan DENR, LGUs, NCIP[2] resulting in 4 of the Manila Bay harmonized LGU plans; 1 Coastal Strategy Indigenous Peoples’ Plan, 3 CRMFs; (OPMBCS) 2017- 3 Biodiversity conservation and 2022 sustainable use plans (i.e., 1 Bataan 1.1.3. A multi- National Park GMPS, 1 Roosevelt sectoral platform, PA GMPS) one MPA[3] GMPS;i comprising MBMAs iii. No. of coordination meetings with clear mandate organized annually by DENR with on ecosystems MBMAs to monitor progress in management meeting targets on Manila Bay established and clean-up. operationalised to facilitate learning and iv. No. of existing community sharing amongst institutions, resource user groups, LGUs provincial and farmers, fisherfolk, etc trained in national authorities. harmonised land use plans 1.1.4. Multi- [1] Ancestral Domain Sustainable stakeholder Development and Protection Plan, monitoring systems Integrated Coastal Management established for Plan, Coastal Resources biodiversity Management Plan, Protected Area mainstreaming to General Management Plans and support decision Strategy, Forest Land Use Plans, making. Community-Based Forest Management Agreement. [2] Department of Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources, Local Government Units, National Commission on Indigenous Peoples [3] There are seven MPAs in the project site. Based on detailed discussion, one MPA will be selected as demonstration pilot for the GMPS. These seven MPAs are Abucay Fish Sanctuary, Bagac MPA, Limay Fish Sanctuary, PNOC Fishery Reserve Area, Marine Turtle Conservation Centre, Orion Kent Fish Sanctuary, Balanga Wetland and National Park. The baseline for coastal resources is 514ha, target 565ha; marine turtle nesting and hatcheries. Base: 129 ha; target: fully protected. Component Investme Outcome 2.1. Strengthened GET 1,300,500.00 7,380,953.00 2.1.1. Enhanced 2:Capacity nt capacities on natural resource capacity of extension building, natural management in priority KBAs (at agents, community resource sub provincial level in Bataan institutions, farmers, management and Province), interventions on fisherfolk, other sustainable environment friendly livelihoods and resources user livelihoods to improved land and resource groups to implement deliver global management the harmonised land environmental Indicators: use plans for benefits in key sustainable natural biodiversity areas Globally significant biodiversity resource (KBAs) at sub- under improved management in management in KBA provincial level in Bataan National Park (18,335 ha), at sub-provincial Bataan Province Roosevelt PA (786.40 ha) 7 MPAs levels. (592 ha), mangroves, wetlands, etc in Bataan municipal waters 2.1.2. Communities (176,408 ha) practice sustainable natural resource Biodiversity-friendly agriculture and management fisheries to reduce threats to: i) (agriculture, forestry, Bataan National Park: 10,990 ha; ii) fisheries, Roosevelt PA: 102 ha[1]; iii) 1 MPA; agroforestry) with iv) Potential areas for sustainable government and livelihood intervention: 6,500 ha.[2] other partners, iv) Protection and Production consistent with the landscapes of key watersheds i) land use plans under CBFMAs within Talisay River Watershed:11,462 ha. and ii) Outcome 1 through CBFMAs within Almacen River coordination with Watershed: 4,912 ha. nearby communities No. of community institutions, 2.1.3. Local extension agents resource user communities in groups, farmers, fisherfolk, etc KBAs, especially trained in harmonised land use women and plans indigenous peoples, foster private sector At least 70% (of which 50% are partnerships for women) of the identified biodiversity-friendly stakeholders practice biodiversity enterprises in the friendly agriculture and/or multiple use zones of sustainable fisheries Bataan National Park No. of farmers and fisherfolks and Roosevelt trained on best practices in Protected Area. biodiversity-friendly agriculture, 2.1.4.Increased aquaculture, fisheries, etc (organic investment in or regenerative agriculture, CSA, fish sustainable and processing, value addition, etc) diversified livelihood No. of diversified and sustainable opportunities for livelihoods identified and promoted local communities in for market linkages upland forests and riparian zones, in lieu No. of joint initiatives, involving of environmentally women and IPs, on biodiversity- damaging activities, friendly enterprises with the private and socio-economic sector recovery from COVID- % increase in income from 19 impacts and diversified sustainable livelihoods related shocks. (to be identified during PPG) 2.1.5. Two gender- No. of stakeholders trained in responsive integrated Sustainable Land Management and landscape Natural Resource Management management plans for Alcamen and At least 90 % farming households Talisay watersheds practice integrated SLM practices. adopted and implemented through an inclusive and 10000 persons participating participatory process disaggregated by gender (Male by multi- 5,000 and Female 5000). 130 of stakeholders, Indigenous Peoples participated including NGOs, and disaggregated by gender (Male CBOs, community 65, and Female 65). resource user groups, private sector. [1] These are the Strict Protection 2.1.6. Soil and water Zones of the 2 PAs where no conservation plans extraction activities are allowed co-developed between local [2] 6,500 hectares is the estimated communities and area of the multiple-use and buffer authorities (DA-