L06r Abingdon, Earls Of, 102, 103R', 115Ff Bilsington, 82 --, Montague, Earl Of

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L06r Abingdon, Earls Of, 102, 103R', 115Ff Bilsington, 82 --, Montague, Earl Of Index Nous: Bere Regis, Dorset, Woodbury Camp. 5 I. Names of places in Oxforoshire are list('d (n. 3) without designation of county. Berkshire, Archdeaconry of, 113fT 2. Objects and finds are listed under Berkshire, Earl of, High Steward of Oxford, appropriate periods. 85 Berry, Mr., 80 A Bertie, Stt Abingdon, Earb of Bertie, Hon. Peregrine, M.P. for Oxford, Abingdon, Berks., 52 l06r Abingdon, Earls of, 102, 103R', 115ff Bilsington, 82 --, Montague, Earl of. 102, 1 '5 Binsey, oak piles and medieval sherds from, --, Willoughhy, Earl or, 10' (n . • ) 13 1 Albemarle, George, Duke of, 86 Bislcy, Thomas, apprentice, 6g Albury. 105 (n, 22), 15 Bladon, 49 Alcester, \Varws .• Roman road from, 5 Blencowe. Amhony, Provost of Oriel, 65ff ALL Saints Sdwoi, Bloxham, reviewed, 143 Bletchington, 107 {no 35 , Anglo-Saxon, Tetsworth, bead from, 136; Bloxham, A.1I Saints School (review), '43 Upton (Berks.!, burial from, 136 --, Romano-British finds at, 13 J Annesley, Arthur. ~:l.P. for Oxford, I07f Boddyly. \Villiam, councillor. 78 Arundel, Earl of, 82 Bowell, John, bailiff, 85, 87 Ashbury, Berks., 5' (n. 8) Bowman, Leonard, 85, 87 Ashworth, Garvais, 95 nredon HilI, Wares., 43, 44 Asterleigh, medieval finds at, 131 Breedon-on-the-Hill, Leics., ~6. 33 Asthall, medieval pottery from, 131 Bridgman, Sir Orlando, 86 Austin, John, Mayor of Oxford, 92 Brilt, Bucks., 110 British Arc/UUology: a Book List. reviewed, 137 B Brame, George, Lord of the 1\Ianor of Banbury, 3 Headington. 64f[ --, indt'( 10 Wills ProlJ~d in the Puuliar Bronze Age: Oxford, Logic Lant", shere! Court (review), I 39 from, '34; Stanton Harcourt, ring­ " History of (review). 140 ditches at, 135f; Swyncombe, (lints " marlstone region, 4 from, 136 --, Tradition and Changt (review), 141 Browne, Sir Richard, Lord 'Mayor of Barker, Sir George, 88 London. 88ff Barrymore, Lord, loB Bryne, Robert. ?\.fastcr of~lagdal('n College Barton, see Headington School. 116 Barton, George, stonemason. son of Thomas Burford, 49, 52, 70 Barton, 6g Burry, Robert (or Bury), labourer. 6!J Barton, Joan, wife of Thomas Barton, 6g Burlon, Francis, :M.P. for Oxford, 107 Barton, Thomas, freemason, 67, 6g, 72 Buttery claim, 73ff Barton, \Villiam, son of Thomas Barton, 6g Basing House, Hants., 68, 70 Bateman, Lord, 102 C Beaver, Herbert, Chaplain of 1\lagdalen, Callow Hill, see Stonesfie1d 111,116 Cambridge, Trinity Hall, 96, 100, 101 Benson, John, freemason, 70 Camerton, om., 26 Benson, Nicholas, freemason, 68, 70 Cane. Robert, schoolmaster, III, 116 Benson, \Villiam, freemason, 68, 70 Canterbury, Prerogative Court, 76 INDEX Cary, Henry, Viscount Falkland, 73. 75, Ditchley, 45 n 79 Dobunni, 26, 28 Cary. Lucius, Viscount Falkland, father of Dorchester, I 10 Henry Cary, 75 --, Iron Age and Roman finds from, 131f Cassington, II I Dorchester, Henry, ~iarquis of, 86 --, I ron Age and Roman pottery from, Dovecotes, 56 (II. 13) '3 Drake, Francis, councillor, 78 Castlemaine,' Lady, 102 Draughton. 26 Castleshaw, Lanes., wooden rampart foun­ dation, II (n. 12) E Cello, France, 43 East Anglia, Iron Age cultures, 26 Chalgrove. 49, 55 East Hanney, Berks., Romano-British pot- harlbury, 102 tery from, '32 -- Lees Rest, excavations at, 131 East Oakley. Hants., 92 Charles J, King, 75 EdgC"hill, \\'anvs., Lower Lias Vale, 4 Charles II, King, 73, 75ff, 102 Edmonton, ~liddx.., 76 Chastleton, hill-fort, 26, 28 (n. 33), 30 Edward rv, King, 82 Cherbury, Beriu., .8 (n. 331 Edward V I, !(jng, 84 Cherwell, River. 3. 26, 28 Edworth. Iled> .. 107 (n. 34) hetterton, medieval ditches and pit at, '31 Elizabeth (, Queen. 82 Chelsea,68 Eltham, :\fanor, 70, 71 Chichele, Henry, 97 (n. 7) Enstone, nints from, 132 Chinnor, iron spearhead from. 131 Emby. 1\[1'., gentleman of the Buttery, 88 Chi.slehampton, 49. 50, 112 Essex and Burrou~h, architects, 100 ICity of Oxford and the Restoration of 1660,' 'Excavations at Madmanton Camp, Swal- by Margaret Toynbee, 73-95 cliff.: by P. J. Fowler, 3-<iB Clarke, Dr. George, feUow of A1l Souls, 97 E)'n ham. I 12 Codrington, Colonel, gBr - abbey, 83 Coggs, 83, 93 • medieval pottery and other finds Coronation, ceremonies performed by from, 132 Oxford ~fayors, 82f Cotswolds, hill-forts, 6, 25, 28 i infiltration F of Iron Age. 26; limestone hills, 4 Falkland, Vi count, Slt Cary Colter, Sir Jama, 104 Faringdon, Berks., Romano-British pottery Cottisford, 52 (n. 81 from. 132 Cowley, Stt Oxford Fawler, flints from, 132 Craven, \ViIJiam, 104 Fee-Farm Rents Act, 78 Croke, Richard, Deput)' Recorder of Fettiplace, Sir George. 95 Oxford, 74, 76 (foster, Sir Robert, 86 Croke. Unton, serjeant-at-law, father of Fi~bury Rings. 28 (n. 32) Richard Croke, 74 Fish, Henry, quarry owner, 70 Cromwell, Richard. 74 fish. John. churchwarden, 70 Cumnor, lkrks., I I of, 1 15f[ Fish. Philip. 70 Cust, Brownlow, 105 Fish, \ViIliam. quarryman. 68, 70 Custumal (1391 J and By,-Iaws (1386-15/0) of Freemasons. Guild of, Gg. 72 llu Manor of IsliP, ed. Barbara F. Fyfield, BC'rks., III. II8f Harvey, reviewed, 139 F)-nn, Jamcs, curate of \\'oolton, son of ~orris Fynes, I I5f D Fynes, Norris, I 15 Darkin, Dr., of Magdalen, 68 Dashwood, Sir James, M.P., 102, 106 G Dean Farm, 102 (n . I) Gallov.-ay, John. draper, 73, 77 Denmark House, 71 Gardiner, John W., loGf '5' JXDEX GardinC'r, ~lr .. yC'Oman of the \\'ine Cellar, Holmes, William, President of St. John's) 88 118 Garrat, ~Iiles, 71 Holt, Thomas, carpenter, 71 Garrat, Thomas. freemason, 69, 70, 71 f Holton Park, 65 Garsington, Roman road at, 132 Hopkins, Benjamin B., 106 Gibson, Thomas, painter, 96, 98ff Hordley Farm, 126([ Glastonbury, Somerset, 26, 33. 43. 44 Homton,49 Godolphin Trust, 1 15 Horspath, Romano-British pottery from, Gocbtow, Berks., excavations in Nunnery, 133 132 'Houses of the Oxford Region,' by W. A. Great Milton, 49. I 12 Pantin, I'll-ISO Gregory ramily, or Hordler, 126ff Housesteads, Northumberland, 43 Greys Court, 103 Howell, John, 71 Griffin, Roger, draper, 73, 76f Buckhoe, Northumberland, 34 Gurdon, Owen. 7' Hunsbury, Northants., 26, 33, 43, 44 Gurdon, Richard, husbandman, Gg. 71 Huxley, George, rather or James Huxley, 76 Gurdon, Robert, 6g Huxley, james, 73, 75f Hyde, Edward, Baron of Hendon, 86 H Hailey, \Vitney, 93f I Hal1, Bartholomew, Recorder of Oxford, 74 ldbury, 28 (n. 39),30 (n. 40) Hall, Henry, & Co., Brewen, 122 Indtx 10 JlIills proud in the Ptculiar Court of Hall, John, fellow of Magdalen, I I I, I 16 Banbury, 1542~/858, ed. j. S. W. Hambledon Hill, Dorset, 28 (n. 31) Gibson, reviewed, 139 Hampton Poyle, 112 Ipsdm Country, by j. H. Baker, reviewed, 144 Handborough, 126 [ron Age, Cassington, sherds from, 131; Harcourt, Earl, 56 (n. 12), 102 Dorchester, pits at, 131; Long Han­ Harcourt, \Villiam, M.P. for Oxford, 105 borough, pottery from, 133; Puhill­ Hardwicke, Lord, Marriage Act of, I t I, with-Stonor, pottery from, 135; Pyrton, J12f pottery from, 135; Stanton Harcourt, Harru, Francis, alderman, 85, 87 pottery from, 136; Swalcliffe, pottery Hart, Thomas, labourer, 6g from, 136; Madmarston Camp, df; Harwell, Berks., 57 (n. 13) animal bones from, 46; charcoals Haseley, 49, 50 from, 47f; hoard of iron objects from, Hawkilu, Richard, chambC'rlain, 85. 87 Ilf, 41ffj pottery from, 33«j small Hawkins, Richard, Chaplain of .Magdalen, finds from, 4Sff; TetsWorth, pottery 112 from, 136 j Uffington, !herd from, 136 i Headington, Gg, 112 \¥allingford, enclosure at, 136 i Wrox­ , Barton, 64, 68, 6g LOn, pottery from, 136 -- Lord of the Manor of, 1 I 2 Islip, Custumal (1391) and Bye-Laws (1386- -- .Mason's farm, 66 1540) of the Manor (review), 139; -- quarries at, 64fT microliths from, 133 Hendon. Baron of, su Hyde H('nry I, King, 82 J Henry 11, King, 82 james I, King, 76, 83 Henry V, King, 82, 84. 92 James II, King, 91 Hertford Heath, Herts., Iklgic burial, 42 J ames, Robert, 64 Hewett, -., vicar of South Hinksey, 116 Jenkins, Sir Leoline, 84 Heytcsbury, 107 (n. 34) Jurassic Ridge, 25, 26, 28, 30 High Wycombe, Bucks., History of (3 books reviewed), 144 K History of Banbury, by \ViUiam Potts, Kent, Richard, fellow of Magdalen, I 15, reviewed, 140 116f INDEX Kidlington, I 12; medieval pottery from, M '33 :Madan. ,Mr. falconer, 82 J{jnaston. Dr. Edward, 97 r-..fadmanton Camp, Sit Swalc1iffe Kingston Bagpuize, Berks., flint axe from, f\,(admarston Hill, Stt Swalcliffe '33 f\,faiden Castle, Donet, 43. 44t 45 Kirtlington. III; Park, 102 Mallory, Henry, bailiff, 78 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 81 Mammoth. remains of at Stanton Har­ Knight, Walter, quarry owner, 70 court, 136; tusk from Sutton Courte­ nay, 136 L l\.fanche:ster, Edward, Count of, 86 Lambe, John, Mayor of Oxford, 73, 75, ~'larlborough, Duke of, 102, I03ff, 126 76,8, :Manton, 70, 74; Romano-British pottery Lancaster, Duchy of, 74 from. 133 Langdale, \Vestmorland, axe from, 45 Martin, ~1atthew, Town Clerk of Oxford, Langford, Romano-British pottery from, 84, 85, 86 :M.athcw. Leonard, mason, 71 '33 La Ttne, Switzerland, 44 ~1athew(es}, Richard, freemason, 68,7'.72 "Lawsuit Concerning Oriel Quarry in 1609,' ~fayenne, Germany, glass from, 45 by J. C. Cole, 64-7. ~feare, Somerset, 43 Lechlade, Glos., medieval ponery from, 133 l\1edieval and later, Asterleigh, foundations Lee, General Charles, 105 (n. 21) at. 131; AsthalJ, pottery from, 131; Binsey, pottery from, '3'; Chesterton, Lee, Robert, ?t.1.P. for Oxford, 102, 103 ditches and pit at, 131; Chinnor, Leicester, Jewry wall site, 34 17th cent. spearhead from, 131; Leland, John, 50 Eynsham, pottery and finds from, 132; Lewes, Sussex, 76 Godstow, Berks., foundations at, 132; Lichfield, Earl of, 102 Kidlington, 13th cent. pottery from, Little Milton, houses at, Fletcher Farm '33; Lechlade, Glos., 13th cent.
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