NEUROSURGICAL FOCUS Neurosurg Focus 47 (1):E20, 2019

In vivo cerebral models

John W. Thompson, PhD,1,3 Omar Elwardany, MD,1,3 David J. McCarthy, MS,1,3 Dallas L. Sheinberg, BS,1,3 Carlos M. Alvarez, MD,1,3 Ahmed Nada, MD,1,3 Brian M. Snelling, MD,1,3,4 Stephanie H. Chen, MD,1,3 Samir Sur, MD,1,3 and Robert M. Starke, MD1–3

Departments of 1Neurological Surgery and 2Radiology, University of Miami; 3The University of Miami Cerebrovascular Initiative, University of Miami; and 4Marcus Neuroscience Institute, Boca Raton Regional Hospital, Boca Raton, Florida

Cerebral aneurysm rupture is a devastating event resulting in and is associated with signifi- cant morbidity and death. Up to 50% of individuals do not survive aneurysm rupture, with the majority of survivors suf- fering some degree of neurological deficit. Therefore, prior to aneurysm rupture, a large number of diagnosed patients are treated either microsurgically via clipping or endovascularly to prevent aneurysm filling. With the advancement of endovascular surgical techniques and devices, endovascular treatment of cerebral is becoming the first-line therapy at many hospitals. Despite this fact, a large number of endovascularly treated patients will have aneurysm re- canalization and progression and will require retreatment. The lack of approved pharmacological interventions for cere- bral aneurysms and the need for retreatment have led to a growing interest in understanding the molecular, cellular, and physiological determinants of cerebral aneurysm pathogenesis, maturation, and rupture. To this end, the use of animal cerebral aneurysm models has contributed significantly to our current understanding of cerebral aneurysm biology and to the development of and training in endovascular devices. This review summarizes the small and large animal models of cerebral aneurysm that are being used to explore the pathophysiology of cerebral aneurysms, as well as the develop- ment of novel endovascular devices for aneurysm treatment. KEYWORDS aneurysm; animal; model; in vivo; mice; rabbit; porcine; canine

nruptured cerebral aneurysms (CAs) are common pathology of CAs. Equally vital to our understanding of in the general population, with an estimated prev- CA biology and treatment has been the use of CA animal alence ranging from 2% to 6%.68 If left untreated, models, which attempt to replicate the morphological, his- aneurysmsU can progress and spontaneously rupture, pro- tological, and hemodynamic features observed in human ducing a subarachnoid hemorrhage and resulting in sig- CAs. These animal models provide a method for inves- nificant morbidity and death. The pathophysiology of CA tigating aneurysm formation, growth, and rupture while formation and rupture is not fully defined, but risk factors also providing a means of testing new treatment modali- have been identified including increasing age, female sex, ties. CA models have been developed in numerous species , excessive alcohol intake, and .16,34,68 including mice, rats, rabbits, swine, sheep, canines, and Studies have suggested that hemodynamic stress is a criti- primates, with each model having advantages and limita- cal factor in CA pathogenesis17 leading to endothelial dys- tions such that the model selection depends on the purpose function, inflammatory cell infiltration, and arterial wall of the study. This review explores some of the more com- remodeling.6–7 Vascular smooth-muscle cells undergo a monly used models of CAs and compares the advantages phenotypic switch, which exacerbates by ex- and disadvantages of each system. pressing inflammatory and matrix remodeling proteins,50 ultimately culminating in histological changes character- ized by disruption of the internal elastic lamina, extracel- Small Animal CA Models lular matrix digestion, thinning of the media, cell loss, and The theory behind CA formation in rats and mice is aneurysm formation. that weakening of the cerebral blood vessels combined Molecular and histological analysis of human CA spec- with hemodynamic stress will induce CA formation. Nu- imens has revealed significant information regarding the merous rat and mouse models of CA formation exist and

ABBREVIATIONS BAPN = b-aminopropionitrile; CA = cerebral aneurysm; CCA = common carotid ; DOCA = deoxycorticosterone acetate. SUBMITTED March 1, 2019. ACCEPTED April 9, 2019. INCLUDE WHEN CITING DOI: 10.3171/2019.4.FOCUS19219.

©AANS 2019, except where prohibited by US copyright law Neurosurg Focus Volume 47 • July 2019 1

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FIG. 1. Cerebral aneurysm formation in rodents, hemodynamic stress, and vessel wall weakening. The procedures used for CA formations in rats and mice vary primarily in the method of inducing hypertension, increasing the flow rate, and weakening the ves- sel wall. Hypertension can be induced by a combination of a high salt diet, unilateral nephrectomy or bilateral ligation of the posterior branches of the renal (not shown), and subcutaneous placement of DOCA pellets or II–filled microosmotic pump (not shown). Increases in flow rate are accomplished by ligation of the left CCA, which causes a compensatory increase in flow rate in the contralateral . Vessel wall weakening is accomplished by feeding a diet containing 0.12% BAPN, a lysyl oxidase inhibitor, or by a single stereotactic injection of elastase. Copyright Robert Starke. Published with permission. primarily differ in the mechanisms of vessel wall weaken- at the bifurcation of the right anterior cerebral artery and ing and hemodynamic stress induction (Fig. 1). the olfactory artery. Histological analysis revealed frag- mented elastic laminin and media thinning suggestive of Hemodynamic Stress and Vessel Wall Weakening aneurysm formation in 78% of the treated mice. However, Hemodynamic stress in the cerebral vasculature can be the CAs formed by this method are small with a few mi- increased by hypertension and/or an increase in flow rate. croaneurysms observable by light microscopy, while other Using the combination of hypertension and flow rate to aneurysms require electron microscopy for visualization. induce hemodynamic stress, Hashimoto et al. created the This method of CA formation suffers from slow aneurysm first rodent CA model in rats.31 During a series of surger- formation. Other adaptations to this protocol include liga- ies, hemodynamic stress was increased by ligation of the tion of the left renal artery, unilateral nephrectomy, and bilateral ligation of the posterior branches of the renal ar- left common carotid artery (CCA) while hypertension was 3–6,8,10 induced by unilateral nephrectomy, followed by subcuta- teries during the same surgery. neous injections of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) and the addition of 1% sodium chloride to the drinking Elastase and Angiotensin II water. Vessel walls were weakened by feeding the rats Early stages of aneurysm formation are associated with chow containing 0.12% b-aminopropionitrile (BAPN), a elastic lamina degeneration, which may contribute to an- lysyl oxidase inhibitor, which prevents and elas- eurysm progression and rupture. Given this histological tin cross-linking, leading to increased vessel fragility and finding, Nuki et al.54 stereotactically injected elastase into a greater likelihood of aneurysm formation. Morimoto et the of the right basal cistern. To induce al. later adapted this method for CA formation in mice and hypertension, angiotensin II was continuously adminis- included bilateral ligation of the posterior branches of the tered via a subcutaneously placed microosmotic pump. renal arteries.51 Four months following surgery, CAs were CA formation was achieved in 77% of the mice within 2 observed at various stages of formation, located primarily weeks of treatment. Histologically, the aneurysms demon-

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/25/21 09:34 PM UTC Thompson et al. strated degeneration of the media layer and elastic lamina tigation of aneurysm biology at a molecular, cellular, and and infiltration of inflammatory cells. physiological level. Excluding surgically created saccular aneurysms, rodent CA models do not require direct vessel Rupture Model manipulation and have an intracranial location. This leads The spontaneous aneurysm rupture model was in- to the question of what constitutes an aneurysm. In the troduced by Makino et al.,41 who used a combination of early studies, aneurysm formation produced small micro- elastase treatment to weaken cerebral blood vessels and aneurysms that were rarely visible and only detectable by hypertension. With this method, in a series of surger- light or electron microscopy or histological alterations of ies, hypertension is induced by unilateral nephrectomy, the vessel wall. Some scientists do not believe these “mi- implantation of a DOCA-salt pellet, and the addition of croaneurysms” recapitulate human CA disease. In con- 1% NaCl to the drinking water. During the same surgery trast, elastase treatment results in clear and defined out- ward bulging of the vessel walls of the circle of Willis and as the DOCA-salt pellet implantation, the mice receive 61 a single injection of elastase into the right basal cistern. its major branches. Starke et al. defined an aneurysm as a bulge in the vessel wall whose diameter is > 150% of the With this method, CA formation occurs in > 60% of the 54 mice within 28 days of the aneurysm induction surgery. diameter of the parent artery. Similarly, Nuki et al. de- Additionally, spontaneous aneurysm rupture occurs in fined an aneurysm as a bulging of the vessel wall > 150% 50%–60% of mice within 7–11 days following surgery. of the diameter of the basilar artery. Hosaka et al. later modified this model with the addition Although rodent CA models replicate many of the his- of an increased vessel flow rate and fragility induced by tological and molecular changes found in human CAs, ligating the left CCA and the right renal artery, followed 1 there are certain pathologies observed in human CAs but week later by the injection of elastase into the right basal not in the rodent CA models. For example, in human sac- cistern.33 Hypertension and vessel fragility were further cular CAs, lipids and oxidized lipids accumulate in the aneurysm wall and are associated with cell death, vessel enhanced by angiotensin II and by chow containing 8% 22,55 NaCl and 0.12% BAPN. Using this method with elastase wall weakening, and aneurysm rupture. Similarly, the concentrations greater than 50 mU, 100% of the mice de- complement inflammatory system is activated in human saccular CAs and is involved in aneurysm wall degrada- velop CAs. 65 With elastase, CAs are made and also rupture at pre- tion and rupture. dictable time points. With 25–30 mU of elastase, the ma- The commercial availability of genetically modified jority of mice form aneurysms at 1 week without signs of mice has made rodent CA models a vital tool in investi- rupture.61–64 However, approximately 80% of animals will gating the molecular underpinnings of CA formation, pro- have subarachnoid hemorrhage by 4 weeks. Similar to the gression, and rupture. Transgenic mice allow for the in- histological changes observed in human CAs, the aneu- vestigation of particular proteins that are altered in human rysms formed by elastase display disruption of the elastic CA disease. For example, tumor factor (TNF)– a,61 chemoattractant protein (MCP)–1,4 and lamina, infiltration, loss or reduction of the k 7 , and smooth-muscle cell hyperplasia. This nuclear factor (NF)– B p50 subunit knockout reduces CA formation, whereas endothelial model is utilized extensively in the literature and has been 9 40 used to test pharmacological inhibitors that decrease the (eNOS) and SOX17 knockout predisposes mice to CA of aneurysm progression and rupture.54,62 formation. The cited studies are just a few of the many using transgenic mice to better understand CA biology in Surgically Created Saccular Aneurysms preclinical studies. The small animal size and the intracranial aneurysms formed preclude the use of rodent CA models for endo- Large Animal CA Models vascular device testing. To circumvent this issue, Frösen Large animal CA models have been made in numer- et al.21 and Marbacher et al.43 surgically created saccular ous species but are primarily formed in rabbits, dogs, and aneurysms using a donor thoracic aorta, which was surgi- swine.15 Aneurysm formation in large animals requires di- cally ligated end-to-side to the abdominal aorta in both rect vessel manipulation through either microsurgical or mice and rats. These saccular aneurysms display inflam- endovascular intervention, and these aneurysms are typi- matory cell infiltration, endothelial denudation, cally formed using the CCA. Therefore, these models are formation, and intimal hyperplasia. Marbacher et al.44 extracranial in location and suffer from the effects of sur- expanded on this model with sodium dodecyl sulfate–in- gical creation at the aneurysm neck and dome.15 Despite duced decellularization of the donor thoracic aorta prior these weaknesses, each model has particular characteris- to aneurysm creation. The loss of mural cells led to an un- tics that are either advantageous for or detrimental to the organized luminal thrombus, increased inflammation, and purposes of a particular study. wall damage resulting in aneurysm growth and rupture.44 Although mice are too small, studies have been success- Rabbit Aneurysm Models fully conducted using the rat saccular aneurysm model for Venous Graft Aneurysm 11,27 45 testing stents and coils. To simulate arterial bifurcation aneurysms, a technique was developed to create venous pouch aneurysms using Perspectives and Limitations a jugular venous graft at a surgically induced bifurca- Rodent CA models offer a powerful tool for the inves- tion at the end-to-side anastomosis of the left CCA to the

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to the CCA ligation to prevent retrograde elastase flow.38 Finally, to dissolve the collagen in the , colla- genase was added to the elastase in endovascular models, which resulted in aneurysms that are nearly histologically identical to human CAs, showing fragmentation and dimi- nution of the internal elastic lamina and increased levels of smooth-muscle cells.36,37,44,45 Although aneurysms cre- ated with this method show long-term patency more than 24 months, these aneurysm fail to grow and rupture and demonstrate a homogeneity in vessel wall makeup and thickness. Therefore, it fails to replicate the more com- plex, heterogenic aneurysm vessel environment of athero- sclerosis and wall thinning, as well as the inflammatory cell infiltration and de-endothelialization associated with aneurysm rupture. Hemodynamic Stress–Induced Aneurysms of the Posterior Circulation Studies by Hassler in 196332 and later by Gao et al.23 demonstrated that aneurysms can be formed in the pos- FIG. 2. Rabbit elastase aneurysm model. Aneurysm formation in rabbits consists of exposing the right CCA. After gaining arterial access, a bal- terior circulation of rabbits using hemodynamic stress loon is advanced to the origin of the CCA (A). As the balloon is inflated, alone without hypertension or vessel wall weakening. In elastase is simultaneously injected, filling the artery (B). The artery is this model, hemodynamic stress is increased in the basilar incubated with elastase for 20 minutes. The elastase and balloon are artery by unilateral or bilateral ligation of the carotid ar- then removed, and the distal portion of the CCA is ligated, forming the teries. Using this technique, Hassler and Gao found histo- aneurysm. Residual elastase and hemodynamic forces will cause the logical changes in the arterial wall of the basilar terminus aneurysm to maturate over a period of several weeks following surgery. resembling nascent aneurysm formation characterized by A digital subtraction study shows a newly formed aneurysm (C). Copyright Robert Starke. Published with permission. a loss of internal elastic lamina, media thinning, and an outward bulge of the vessel . This model has been expanded with the addition of the aneurysm risk factors of hypertension and estrogen deficiency.66 Hypertension right CCA.20 Marbacher et al.42 modified this technique is induced by unilateral nephrectomy combined with a to create a more complicated aneurysm by grafting large, high salt diet, and estrogen deficiency is induced by bi- wide-necked, bilobar, and bisaccular venous pouches to lateral oophorectomy. The combining of hemodynamic this surgically created bifurcation. Most recently, a very stress with hypertension and estrogen deficiency induced broad-necked aneurysm model was developed by longitu- changes in the circle of Willis, such as vessel length and dinally opening a segment of the jugular and graft- 59 tortuosity, as well as aneurysm lesion formation and vas- ing this patch to the CCA. A limitation of these venous cular damage. pouch models is their inability to replicate the histological changes observed in human aneurysms. A beneficial qual- Fusiform Aneurysm ity of this model is the ability to tailor aneurysms in terms Recently, Avery et al.12 developed a carotid artery fu- of both dome and neck size. siform aneurysm in rabbits. In this model, the right CCA Arterial Aneurysms is exposed and wrapped in gauze and isolated from sur- rounding tissue by placing the CCA-wrapped section into The most common model of aneurysm creation in rab- a cradle. The gauze is then soaked in elastase and CaCl2 bits is the saccular aneurysm created by enzymatic weak- for 20 minutes. With this method, fusiform aneurysms, ening of the arterial wall. A reliable method was devel- which were defined as vessel dilations greater than 50% oped whereby aneurysms were produced by occluding of the proximal artery diameter, were formed in 100% of the CCA with an endovascular balloon and incubating the the animals at 6 weeks after aneurysm creation surgery. aortic arch–brachiocephalic trunk bifurcation with elas- 18 Histologically, these aneurysms demonstrate an almost tase. Subsequently, the same group refined their tech- complete loss of the internal elastic lamina, a reduction nique whereby the CCA was surgically exposed, cannulat- in the tunica media, and a thickening of the . ed, and occluded with an endovascular balloon, and then The long-term patency of this model was not investigated the CCA was incubated with elastase above the balloon past 6 weeks. prior to its distal ligation (Fig. 2).1 While early techniques for endovascular incubation with elastase were effective Canine Aneurysm Models at producing aneurysms with adequate patency duration, the retrograde flow of elastase would often cause damage Venous Pouch Model to the trachea and other organs. To curtail this complica- The first reliable aneurysm model was developed in tion, the technique was modified further so that a micro- 1954 by German and Black, who used a venous pouch was introduced distal to the balloon and proximal graft to create saccular aneurysms in dogs.24 This tech-

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FIG. 3. Venous pouch aneurysms. Illustration depicting the surgical creation of sidewall, bifurcation, and terminal aneurysms using the left and right CCA and a segment of the external jugular vein (EJV). Copyright Robert Starke. Published with permission.

nique has remained in use to date.62,70 The technique modified by using a longer venous segment and a side- involves exposing the external jugular vein and section- to-side anastomosis to construct giant aneurysms, which ing a suitable length; one side of the venous segment is were more prone to rupture if left untreated than smaller closed with a suture to create a venous pouch, which is sized aneurysms.56 then sutured to an arteriotomy created at any location of Elastase was introduced by Goericke et al.25 to create the investigator’s choice. Several modifications of this saccular aneurysms. As in rabbit models, the CCA is ex- technique have been described including those for gi- posed and occluded at the origin, and elastase is injected ant, wide-necked, and fusiform aneurysm creation (Fig. into the CCA and incubated for a period of time. As in 3).29,35,​57,​71,72 both the rodent and rabbit CA models, elastase weakens Generally, the CCA or cervical internal carotid artery the arterial wall, triggering an initial inflammatory re- is selected for the creation of aneurysms because of their sponse as well as activation of endogenous proteinases similarity in caliber and blood flow to human cerebral to break down and collagen, resulting in vascular vessels and the ability of the animal to tolerate the surgi- dilation.30 cal procedure.26,47,60,69 The canine’s CCA is approximately 4 mm in diameter, similar to the human internal carotid Perspectives and Limitations artery, and the relatively long CCA in dogs (10–12 cm) Large animal CA models offer broad utility for inves- affords easy surgical access. tigating endovascular therapeutic interventions, healing, Hemodynamic Stress and Arterial Wall Injury and endovascular training. Among the large animal mod- els, the venous pouch aneurysm model allows for the se- More recently, Wang et al. described a novel method of lection of aneurysm size, morphology, and location, and CA formation by inducing hemodynamic stress in com- 67 the aneurysm can be created in vessels with a caliber and bination with arterial wall weakening. In this model, a blood flow similar to those of human cerebral vessels. new branch in the CCA is surgically constructed by at- However, the venous pouch model suffers in terms of the taching the proximal segment of one CCA to the proximal 49,61,67 surgical trauma and suture material involved in aneurysm sidewall of the contralateral CCA. Hypertension is formation, nonarterial aneurysm composition, and an arti- induced, and elastase is delivered externally to the apex of ficial neck. Despite these drawbacks, large animal models the newly created bifurcation. allow for testing of endovascular devices as well as endo- vascular training. However, the preferred CA model for Swine Aneurysm Models endovascular training is still up for debate. The procedure for aneurysm production in swine is A major disadvantage of the rabbit elastase aneurysm similar to that described by German and Black for an- model is that it lacks an inflammatory response and does eurysm formation in canines.24 This method was slightly not spontaneously rupture, but it does have coagulation and

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/25/21 09:34 PM UTC Thompson et al. thrombolysis profiles similar to those of humans, which is Acknowledgments critical for testing new materials for use in endovascular 13 This work was supported by a National Research and Educa- devices for aneurysm occlusion. A major disadvantage of tion Foundation (NREF) Young Clinician Investigator Award, Joe the swine CA venous graft model is a tendency for spon- Niekro Research Grant, Bee Foundation Award, Aneurysm taneous and healing with or without emboli- Foundation Award, and Miami Clinical and Translational Science zation.28,39,​52,58 Another disadvantage of the large animal Institute Award (R.M.S.). The project described was supported models is the presence of viable mural vascular smooth- by grant no. UL1TR002736, Miami Clinical and Translational muscle cells, which are significantly reduced or absent in Science Institute, from the National Center for Advancing Trans- 44 lational Sciences and the National Institute on Minority Health human CA tissue. Marbacher et al. demonstrated that and Health Disparities. Its contents are solely the responsibility of decellularized aneurysm grafts formed an unorganized the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of luminal thrombus and had increased inflammation and the NIH. wall damage resulting in aneurysm growth and rupture. Therefore, the healing response in CA models with normal References cellularization of the aneurysm wall would be enhanced and thereby potentially enhance the healing response in 1. Altes TA, Cloft HJ, Short JG, DeGast A, Do HM, Helm GA, et al: Creation of saccular aneurysms in the rabbit: a model device studies. suitable for testing endovascular devices. 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