Growing Disciples – Wednesday Wrap Glorifying God – Growing In

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Growing Disciples – Wednesday Wrap Glorifying God – Growing In Growing Disciples – Wednesday Wrap Department of Glorifying God – Growing in Faith Evangelization & Catechesis Living our Catholic Faith in the World April 14, 2021 Edition “Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.” (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 164) Reminder – The PCL/CLADD Monthly Check-in “Imagining the Possibilities” will be held on April 22 from 9:30 to 11:30 am: How will the COVID-19 pandemic alter the future of parish faith formation for all parishioners? To answer this question requires we confront some difficult truths. However, as we do so we need to keep our hope high and realize that all is not bleak. Even during this pandemic year, our recent RE Survey showed many parish communities had impressive numbers of youth and adults who hung in there as we learned how to share our faith in new ways. But what about next year? What can we look at doing for fall 2021? Join us on April 22 beginning at 9:30 am as we work on this together. The ZOOM link is below. Topic: PCL (CLADD) April Monthly Check-in Time: Apr 22, 2021 09:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 6684 8280 Passcode: uh1NCm Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 810 6684 8280 Passcode: 488923 What if? Part Two from John Roberto – Practices of a Christian Way of Life: The article from John Roberto I included last week focused on an overview of what John is positing as a movement in the process of forming faith towards the three B’s: Behaving (Christian Practices), Belonging (a community living these practices), and Believing (how one’s Tradition/tradition informs our practices). The attached article (2nd in the series) breaks open what is meant by Christian practices. John writes powerfully about what we want to accomplish in our next PCL/CLADD check-in, “There are many fundamental human needs and hungers of people today (individuals, families, and communities) as we emerge from the disruptions created by the pandemic and broader social issues. Formation connects Christian practices to the signs of our times, such as overcoming isolation and rebuilding community; addressing wellbeing (e.g., stress and anxiety); dealing with loss and grief; working for justice for all people, promoting peace and reconciliation, developing racial understanding and equality, caring for creation, respecting the dignity and rights of all people; and much more.” I hope you will take the time to read this short article and perhaps answer the two reflection questions John poses: What are the “signs of the times” in your community? Which Christian practices can address the hungers and needs of individuals, families, and the whole community? Ave Explores Faith & Science Podcast - : Why Faith and Science is Worth Talking About (32 Minutes) Join Brandon Vogt, senior content director of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, as he explains that faith and science are not only compatible but also necessary to understand the mysteries of creation. He also offers strategies to best explain how faith and science work together to those who have serious doubts. Listen now in the following platforms: Disability Ministry News: Here are some webinars coming up from National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD). National Catholic Partnership on Disabilities has hosted several webinars this past year. You can access those recordings on the NCPD Facebook page under Events . Topics include: Faith Leaders and Mental Illness; Five Tasks of Catechesis for Diverse Learners: Tasks 1 & 2 (webinars on 3-5 coming this summer); Physician Assisted Suicide, Blindness and Vision Loss, Together in Combat with the Holy Spirit: Finding the Root Cause of Suicide; Walking with Moms in Need, etc. Upcoming events this month that you can register for and join live include: Moral Theology, Thomas Aquinas, and the Question of Disability, is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20th at 6:00 pm CDT. Dr. Miguel J. Romero (Salve Regina University) is a very engaging speaker who personally experiences disability in his family with his brother Vicente who has cerebral palsy and a profound intellectual disability. Dr. Romero will draw upon the anthropological and moral outlook of Saint Thomas Aquinas, and proposes that the breadth and depth of this challenge is struck in high relief when we consider how the topic of “disability” is conceived and navigated, engaged and avoided, in contemporary Catholic systematic, moral, and ethical discourse. If you have questions or need additional resources about Persons with Disability Ministry, please don't hesitate to be in contact with Patty Origer. Mother’s Day Action Guide 2021 from the USCCB: Mother’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to highlight the beautiful vocation of motherhood and the gift of life. It calls us to cherish the gift of life that we receive from our mothers and to pray for all women to whom God has entrusted life in a very special way. This Respect Life action guide for Mother’s Day contains the following components: (PDF) Full Respect Life Mother’s Day Action Guide Introduction Simple Steps Sample Timeline Sample Announcements Intercessions Homily Considerations Activity (with at-home option) Rite for the Blessing of a Child in the Womb Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.” For resources, including a backgrounder, action guide, inventory tool and graphics, visit April and May Important Dates: April 16 – Saint Bernadette Soubirous April 19 – Saint Gianna Beretta Molla April 21 – Saint Anselm April 25 – World Day of Prayer for Vocations and Saint Mark April 29 – Saint Catherine of Siena April 30 – Saint Pius V May 1 – Saint Joseph the Worker May 2 – Saint Athanasius May 3 – Saints Philip and James May 7 – Saint Rose Venerini May 9 – Mother’s Day (Mother’s Day Prayer) May 10 – Saint Damien de Veuster of Moloka’i May 13 – Our Lady of Fatima (A Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima) May 15 – Armed Forces Day May 16 – Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord May 20 – Saint Bernardine of Siena May 23 – Pentecost (Pentecost Sequence) May 24 – Saint Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi May 25 – Saint Bede the Venerable May 26 – Saint Philip Neri May 27 – Saint Augustine of Canterbury May 29 – Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat May 30 – Saint Joan of Arc May 31 – Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Life) May 31 – Memorial Day (Memorial Day Prayer) .
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