Issue No. 134 • 2891

The azette



Vice Regal None Parliamentary Summary None Government Notices 2892 Authorities and Other Agencies of State Notices 2900 Land Notices 2901 Regulation Summary 2906 General Section 2906

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The New Zealand Gazette, the official newspaper of the Closing time for lodgment of notices at the Gazette Office is Government of New Zealand, is published weekly on 12 noon on the Tuesday preceding publication (except for Thursday. Publishing time is 4 p.m. holiday periods when special advice of earlier closing times Notices for publication and related correspondence should be will be given) . addressed to: Notices are accepted for publication in the next available issue, Gazette Office, unless otherwise specified. Department of Internal Affairs, P.O. Box 805, Notices being submitted for publication must be reproduced Wellington. copies of the originals. Dates, proper names and signatures are Telephone (04) 495 7200 to be shown clearly. A covering instruction setting out require­ Facsimile (04) 499 1865 ments must accompany all notices. or lodged at the Gazette Office, Seventh Floor, Dalmuir Copy will be returned unpublished if not submitted in House, 114 The Terrace, Wellington. accordance with these requirements. 2892 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 134

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The following rates for the insertion of material in the Category 2 Principal Edition of the New Zealand Gazette apply as from Notices in table form or taking up two columns across the 1 July 1991: page, e.g.: Regulation Summaries, notices under the Medicines Act - 60c per word. Category 1 The appropriate rate to be applied to an advertisement will be determined at the time of setting up the notice for publication. Customers will be invoiced in accordance with standard Single column notices, e.g. : Notices under the Transport Act, commercial practices. Advertising rates are not negotiable. Public Works Act - 55c per word. All rates shown are inclusive of G.S.T.

Government Notices

Notice Agriculture and Fisheries 1. Title and commencement-This notice may be cited as the Fisheries (Riverton Rocks Shellfish Area Closed Season) Cattle Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Notice 1992 and shall come into effect on the 1st day of Control Regulations 1971 September 1992. 2. Interpretation-In this notice, the term: Notice Declaring to be " Riverton Rocks Shellfish Area" means all those waters Tuberculosis Accredited Area-Notice No. 5169 lying within an area bounded by a line commencing at Pursuant to regulation 19 of the Cattle Brucellosis and Howells Point Light (at 46° 23.l ' S and 168° 01.8' E); Tuberculosis Control Regulations 1971, and on being satisfied thence proceeding on a true bearing of 234 ° for one half regarding the disease status of the cattle in the area I hereby of a nautical mile to a point (at 46° 23.4 'S and declare all those islands comprising the Chatham Islands 168° 01.2'E); thence generally in a north-easterly group to be a tuberculosis accredited area. direction at a distance of half a nautical mile from the mean high-water mark to a point (at 46° 21.9' S and This notice made at Wellington on the 18th day of August 168° 02.5 ' E) ; thence to the shore on a true bearing of 1992. 49° and to a point (at 46° 22.4' S and 168° 01.7'E); P. J. O'HARA, Chief Veterinary Officer. thence generally in a southerly direction along the mean high-water mark to the point of commencement. (Pursuant to delegated authority) . go7661 " Shellfish" has the meaning given in the Fisheries Act 1983. 3. Closed season for shellfish determined-There is hereby Fisheries Act 1983 determined to be a closed season for the taking of all shellfish within the Riverton Rocks Shellfish Area commencing on the 1st day of September 1992 and expiring with the 30th day of The Fisheries (Riverton Rocks Shellfish Closed September 1993. Season) Notice 1992 (No. 5169) Dated at Wellington this 21st day of August 1992. Pursuant to section 85 of the Fisheries Act 1983, the Director A. P. BAUCKHAM, Acting Director (Operations), MAF General of Agriculture and Fisheries, after consultation with Fisheries. the Director-General of Conservation, hereby gives the go7824 following notice: 27 AUGUST NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2893

Promotions Commerce Flight Lieutenant G. A. Crosland to be Squadron Leader with seniority and effect from 7 May 1992. Business Development Boards Act The following Flying Officers to be Flight Lieutenant with 1991 seniority and effect from the date shown: R.A. Curtis, 1 May 1992. Notice of Appointment of a Member of the J.W. Lovatt, 1 May 1992. Business Development Board I.S. Wallis, BE, 4 May 1992. Pursuant to section 11 of the Business Development Boards Act 1991, the Minister of Business Development is pleased to J.P. Cherrington, 6 May 1992. appoint The following Pilot Officers to be Flying Officer with seniority James Malcolm Macpherson of Alexandra, publisher and effect from the date shown: as a member of the Otago Business Development Board for J.M. Easthope, 11 April 1992. the period commencing on the date of this notice and expiring C.M. Heffer, 1 May 1992. with the close of the 31st day of January 1994. W.I. Thompson, 1 May 1992. Dated at Wellington this 27th day of August 1992. G.S. Davis, 1 May 1992. ROGER F. H. MAXWELL, Minister of Business Development. Extensions of Commission go7815 The commissions of the following are extended until the date shown: Defence Wing Commander KF. Byrne, 31 December 2000. Squadron Leader KR. Short, 13 April 2002. Defence Act 1990 Squadron Leader M.G. McCathie, 30 July 1995. Flight Lieutenant A.C. Brown, 24 January 2001. Appointments, Promotions, Extensions, Transfers Resignations, and Retirements of Officers of the Flight Lieutenant R.M. Finch, 7 January 1996. Royal New Zealand Air Force Extensions of Commission and Age for Retirement Pursuant to section 32 of the Defence Act 1990, Her The commission and age for retirement of Acting Group Excellency the Governor-General has approved the following Captain KA. Jones is extended until 30 December 1993. appointments, promotions, extensions, transfers, resignations, and retirements of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Transfers to Reserve Force. The following are transferred to the Reserve of Air Force Officers with effect from the date shown: REGULAR AIR FORCE Squadron Leader General Duties Branch Allan Bruce Maclean, 4 March 1992. Appointments Flight Lieutenant Squadron Leader J.C. Gore, AFC, NZCE, to be Temporary Eric Wilhelmus Maria Fontein, BSc, 12 January 1992. Wing Commander with effect from 8 April 1992. Graham Bruce Ian Scott, BSc, 5 February 1992. Officer Cadet Matthew John Hill is appointed to commission in the rank of Pilot Officer with seniority from 7 May 1991 and Peter John Pont, 19 February 1992. effect from 22 November 1991. Glen Leslie Sycamore, NZCE, 12 March 1992. Officer Cadet Alan William Duke is appointed to commission Michael John Stuart Park, 4 May 1992. in the rank of Flying Officer with seniority from 26 August Transfers to Retired List 1989 and effect from 22 November 1991. The following are transferred to Retired List 'A' with effect The following Officer Cadets are appointed to commission in from the date shown: the rank of Pilot Officer with seniority from the date shown and effect from 24 January 1992: Air Commodore Brendan Francis Clarke, 27 May 1991. John Stewart Boys, CBE, AFC, 29 October 1991. Shane Antony Goffin, 27 August 1991. Wing Commander Russell John Mardon, 27 August 1991. Noel James Stewart Rodger, 13 May 1992. The following Officer Cadets are appointed to commission in Squadron Leader the rank of Pilot Officer with seniority from 7 January 1992 Basil Rex Anderson, 5 February 1992. and effect from 1 May 1992: Roger Hampton Binney, 10 February 1992. Zeke John Garrod. George Stephen Higgins, MBE, 8 April 1992. Jonathan Trevor Moore. Logistics Branch Martin John Starkey. The following Officer Cadets are appointed to commission in Appointments the rank of Flying Officer with seniority from the date shown Officer Cadet Donna Wilma McDermid is appointed to and effect from 24 January 1992: commission in the rank of Flying Officer with seniority from 16 August 1991 and effect from 22 November 1991. Glenn Alan Devonport, 11 July 1990. The following Officer Cadets are appointed to commission in Andrew Richard Frost, 11 October 1990. the rank of Pilot Officer with seniority from the date shown Jason Stewart Haggitt, 11 January 1991. and effect from 22 November 1991: 2894 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 134

John Douglas Morrish, NZCE, 8 January 1990. Tracy Anne Sullivan, 8 January 1991. Deanne James Kennedy, NZCE, 9 January 1990. Promotions Graeme Blair Thorpe, 9 January 1990. Squadron Leader K.G. Firth, BSc, with reference to the notice Promotions published in the Gazette, 21 November 1991, No. 178, page 3664, for Wing Commander seniority date "9 January 1991", The following Temporary Squadron Leaders to be Squadron substitute "9 December 1990". Leader with seniority and effect from the date shown: Temporary Squadron Leader C.W. Anderson to be Squadron C.J. Lamain, MBE, NZCE, 5 November 1991. Leader with seniority and effect from 21 February 1992. J.B. Jones, 5 February 1992. Temporary Flight Lieutenant C.J. Wood to be Flight The following Flying Officers to be Flight Lieutenant with Lieutenant with seniority and effect from 9 January 1992. seniority and effect from 1 May 1992: The following Flying Officers to be Flight Lieutenant with B.H. Hopley. seniority and effect from the date shown: B.H. Nielsen. B.S. Smith, 1 May 1992. The following Flying Officers to be Flight Lieutenant with G.J. Peattie, 6 May 1992. seniority and effect from the date shown: D.M. Pratt, 7 June 1992. L.J. Woon, 1 May 1992. The following Pilot Officers to be Flying Officer with seniority D.J.K. Yorston, 1 May 1992. and effect from 7 May 1992: B.M. Foster, 8 June 1992. K.L. St John. D.L.M. Keesing, 8 June 1992. M.J. Lefebvre. M.A. Johnston, 8 June 1992. Extensions of Commission Extensions of Commission The commissions of the following are extended until the date The commission of Squadron Leader P.J. Kiernan is extended shown: until 19 February 1999. Squadron Leader S.J. Legg, 22 December 1995. The commissions of the following Flight Lieutenants are Squadron Leader W.P. Weir, 14 October 2001. extended until the date shown: Flight Lieutenant M.D. Tilley, 1 February 1998. T.M. Collins, 1 April 1995. Flight Lieutenant D.N.P. Hales, 30 March 2006. W.J. McKenzie, 14 January 1997. M.W. McDermid, 17 November 2002. Transfer to Reserve Flight Lieutenant Max Gerard Yates is transferred to the Extensions of Commission and Age for Retirement Reserve of Air Force Officers with effect from 14 April 1992. The commission and age for retirement of the following are extended until the date shown: Transfer to Retired List Wing Commander D.A. Provan, 29 August 1993. Squadron Leader John Denis Brown is transferred to Retired List 'A' with effect from 3 May 1992. Squadron Leader I.E. Ronalds, 30 December 1992. Squadron Leader P.K. Rice, NZCE, 28 March 1994. Medical Branch Transfers to Reserve Change of Engagement The following officers are transferred to the Reserve of Air The Special Medical Engagement of Squadron Leader J.C. Force Officers with effect from the date shown: Welch, MB. CHB, MRNZCGP is annulled with effect from 28 May 1992 and he is re-engaged with effect from 29 May Wing Commander 1992 in the Regular Force on a fixed engagement to Bruce Allan Wootton, 8 May 1992. 23 September 2002. Flight Lieutenant Extension of Commission and Age for Retirement Bruce Ronald Miller, 14 May 1992. The commission and age for retirement of Temporary Wing Seamus Francis Kiernan, 21 December 1991. Commander A.M. Thompson, MB, CHB, DTM & HRCP LOND, RCS ENG, OCH, RCP, S GLAS, is extended until Pilot Officer 16 January 1993. Diane Jane Woods, 6 January 1992. Extension of Commission Administrative Branch The commission of Squadron Leader L.J. Bagnall is extended until 20 May 2005. Appointments Flight Lieutenant V.J. Lord to be Temporary Squadron Leader Transfers to Reserve with effect from 2 June 1992. The following are transferred to the Reserve of Air Force Officer Cadet Colin Edward Gould is appointed to commission Officers with effect from the date shown: in the rank of Flight Lieutenant with seniority from 26 August Flight Lieutenant David Edward Baldwin, BSc, MB, CHB, 1991 and effect from 22 November 1991. DIPOBST, 23 October 1991. Officer Cadet Ernest Napier is appointed to commission in the Flight Lieutenant David Melville Cameron Powell, MB, CHB, rank of Flying Officer with seniority from 26 August 1989 and 25 October 1991. effect from 22 November 1991. Chaplains' Branch The following Officer Cadets are appointed to commission in the rank of Pilot Officer with seniority from the date shown Extension of Commission and effect from 22 November 1991: The commission of Wing Commander D.W. Hall is extended Steven John Kelsen, 9 January 1990. until 9 July 1995. 27 AUGUST NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2895

Special Service List of the Air Force Reserve Kenneth Paul Austin, 13 March 1992. Extension of Commission David Alan Heather, 21 March 1992. The commissions of the following on the Special Service List Flight Lieutenant of the Air Force Reserve are extended until the date shown: Graeme Francis Parkinson, 16 October 1991. Squadron Leader D.W. McLeod, MBE, 25 February 1993. Retirements Squadron Leader A.F. Ellis, 1 April 1993. The following are retired with effect from the date shown: Squadron Leader G.E.A. Smith, 31 January 1994. Squadron Leader Retirement Neil Desmond Rush, BSc(HONS), DIPTCHG, 30 December Flight Lieutenant John Buchanan is retired with effect from 1991. 7 February 1992. Gavin Robert Leckner, MBE, 9 January 1992. TERRITORIAL AIR FORCE Desmond Stanley Underwood, 11 January 1992. Administrative Branch Robin Rae Kirkwood, BA, DIPTCHG, 2 April 1992. Appointment Peter Eugene Fields, 28 April 1992. Sally Katrina Johnston is appointed to comm1ss1on in the Roger Gordon Read, 26 May 1992. Territorial Air Force on a fixed engagement of 5 years in the Bruce Russell Clark, 16 June 1992. rank of Flying Officer with seniority and effect from 12 August 1991. Temporary Squadron Leader Peter James Moore, BSc, MB, CHB, 14 December 1991. RESERVE OF AIR FORCE OFFICERS Wallace John Miller, 19 December 1991. Appointment Flight Lieutenant Simon Victor Hadlow, BHBIO, MB, BS, is appointed to commission in the Active Reserve in the rank of Flight Robert Ian Fyfe, BE(HONS), 18 November 1991. Lieutenant with seniority from 31 October 1987 and effect Grant Ralph McChesney, 4 January 1992. from 31 October 1991. Michael Robert Harrison Booth, 14 January 1992. Extensions of Commission Tony Harold Hamblyn, 15 January 1992. The commissions of the following Squadron Leaders are Donna Leigh Fyfe, BCOM, 16 January 1992. extended until the date shown: Ann Frances Wilkinson, BA, DIPTCHG, 27 January 1992. C.R. O'Brien, 27 May 1992. Peter Cameron Jackson, 6 March 1992. G.Y. Gemmell, 13 December 1991. Stephen John Marks, 2 April 1992. G.J. Watson, 8 January 1994. David Alexander Whitaker, 2 April 1992. J.M. Hedley, 21 March 1995. Ian David MacGregor, 11 April 1992. Transfer Ian Charles Walls, BSc, 12 May 1992. Squadron Leader A.G. Dawson, MB, BCHIR, MA, Mark James Tapp, 15 May 1992. DIPAVMED, with reference to the notice published in the Mark Renton Wingrove, 17 May 1992. Gazette, 16 January 1992, No. 2, page 11, for the date "13 March 1993" substitute "13 March 1991". Arthur Warren Lloyd, 20 May 1992. Transfer to Territorial Air Force Laura Joan Sommer, 28 May 1992. Flight Lieutenant John Joseph Coll, NZCE, is transferred to Flying Officer the Territorial Air Force in his current rank with effect from Bruce Kenneth Green, 10 January 1992. 2 November 1991. Gregory Mark Dragicevich, 11 February 1992. Transfer to Retired List Clark Lindsay Caudwell, BSc, 12 March 1992. The following are transferred to the Retired List 'B' with effect Rhys Allan Nimmo, 26 March 1992. from the date shown: Dated at Wellington this 31st day of July 1992. Wing Commander WARREN COOPER, Minister of Defence. 21 Darrell Gavin Simpson, BA, 28 December 1991. go7834 Robert Alexander Keown, MBE, BE, 21 April 1992. Murray Wayne Sinclair, AFC, 17 March 1992. Education James Michael Ellis, 27 March 1992. Squadron Leader Education Act 1989 Marion Millicent Simpson, 17 October 1991. The Wainuiomata School Board of Trustees William John Sommer, BSc, 7 November 1991. Election Invalidation Notice Malcolm John Turnbull, MBE, ME, 12 November 1991. Pursuant to clause 9 (3) (b) of the Sixth Schedule to the David Merton Peters, 6 January 1992. Education Act 1989, and acting under authority delegated by George Arthur Oldfield, 7 February 1992. the Minister of Education, I hereby invalidate the election of Kelvin Aldridge, 10 January 1992. parent representatives, which closed on 4 July 1992, for the board of trustees of Wainuiomata School, Wellington. Lindsay Murray Laing, DIPED, DIPTCHG, NZCE, 11 January 1992. This action is being taken because there has occurred in connection with the election, an irregularity, (which was Alistair Graham Martin, 12 February 1992. beyond the control of the returning officer or the board), that I Hugh Leslie Webb, 12 February 1992. think could materially have affected the result of the election. 2896 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 134

The poll for a new election for parent representatives shall 1989), I hereby declare that Flaxmere Intermediate will be a close on 17 October 1992. composite school (Fl-7) on the 1st day of January 1993 and This notice shall take effect the day after the date of its cease to be an intermediate school on that day. notification in the Gazette. This notice revokes and replaces the notice entitled Change of Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1992. Class of Flaxmere Intermediate published in the New Zealand ERIC PEDERSEN, Senior Manager, National Operations. Gazette of 13 August 1992 (No. 127, page 2768). go7851 Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1992. Change of Class of Flaxmere Intermediate LOCKWOOD SMITH, PH.D., Minister of Education. Pursuant to section 153 (1) (b) of the Education Act 1989 (as go7839 inserted by section 14 of the Education Amendment Act

Health Medicines Act 1981

Consent to the Distribution of New Medicines Pursuant to section 20 of the Medicines Act 1981, the Minister of Health hereby consents to the distribution in New Zealand of the new medicines set out in the Schedule hereto: Schedule Proprietary Name Name and Strength Form Name and Address of Manufacturer (if any) Anistreplase 30 units Powder for Beecham Wulfing GmbH and Co., Gronau, Thromboxin reconstitution Germany, and Beecham Pharmaceuticals UK, for injection Crawley, West Sussex, England Sodium citrate 3.8% w/v in 2 ml Solution for Astra Pharmaceuticals Pty Limited, North Ryde, New Sodium Citrate flushing South Wales, Australia Solution Epoprostenol (as the sodium Solution for The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan, United Flolan salt) 0.5 mg injection States of America, and The Upjohn Company, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada, and The Wellcome Foundation Limited, Temple Hill, Dartford, Kent, England Haemophilus influenzae type b Solution for Praxis Biologics Inc., Sanford, North Carolina, Hibtiter conjugate vaccine containing IM injection United States of America 10 ug Haemophilus influenzae type b saccharide and 25 ug

CRM 197 protein dissolved in 0.9% sodium chloride in 0.5ml Levocabastine 0.5 mg/ml Ophthalmic Jannssen Pharmaceutica NV, Beerse, Belgium Livostin Eye Drops solution Levocabastine 0.5 mg/ml Solution Jannssen Pharmaceutica NV, Beerse, Belgium Livostin Nasal Spray Dated this 20th day of August 1992. C. LOVELACE, Director-General of Health, pursuant to delegation given by the Minister of Health on the 5th day of June 1991. go7838

Consent to the Distribution of a New Medicine Pursuant to section 20 of the Medicines Act 1981, the Minister of Health hereby consents to the distribution in New Zealand of the new medicine set out in the Schedule hereto: Schedule Proprietary Name Name and Strength Form Name and Address of Manufacturer (if any) Morphine hydrochloride 1 mg/ Oral solution Delta West Pty Limited, Bentley, Western Australia Morphine Mixture ml, 2 mg/ml, 5 mg/ml, 10 mg/ ml Dated this 20th day of May 1992. Note: This replaces the consent gazetted the 30th day of May 1991. MAURICE WILLIAMSON, Associate Minister of Health. go7835

Provisional Consent to the Distribution of a New Medicine Pursuant to section 23 of the Medicines Act 1981, the Minister of Health hereby consents to the distribution in New Zealand of the new medicine set out in the Schedule hereto: 27 AUGUST NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2897

Schedule Proprietary Name Name and Strength Form Name and Address of Manufacturer (if any) Amyl Nitrite 98% w/v in 0.3 ml Solution for Newton Industries Inc., New Jersey, United States of Amyl Nitrite Inhalant inhalation America (ampoule) This medicine may only be distributed, supplied or used under conditions imposed by the Director-General of Health. Dated this 21st day of August 1992. C. LOVELACE, Director-General of Health, pursuant to delegation given by the Minister of Health on the 5th day of June 1991. go7836

Consent to the Distribution of Changed Medicines Pursuant to section 24 (5) of the Medicines Act 1981, the Minister of Health hereby consents to the distribution in New Zealand of the changed medicine set out in the Schedule hereto: Schedule Proprietary Name Name and Strength Form Name and Address of Manufacturer (if any) Naproxen 500 mg Suppository Syntex Inc., Mississunga, Ontario, Canada Naprosyn Dated this 20th day of August 1992. C. LOVELACE, Director-General of Health, pursuant to delegation given by the Minister of Health on the 5th day of June 1991. go7837

Dated at this 24th day of August 1992. Internal Affairs B. E. CLARKE, Registrar-General. go7811 Patriotic and Canteen Funds Act 1947 Marriage Celebrants for 1992, Notice No. 19 Pursuant to the provisions of section 13 of the Marriage Act Member of the Patriotic and Canteen Funds Board 1955, it is hereby notified that the following names have been Appointed removed from the list of Marriage Celebrants under section 11 Pursuant to section 4 of the Patriotic and Canteen Funds Act of the Act: 1947, as amended by the Patriotic and Canteen Funds MacPhail, Ian Campbell, 35 Pufflett Road, Havelock North. Amendment Act 1987, the Minister of Internal Affairs hereby Dated at Lower Hutt this 24th day of August 1992. appoints B. E. CLARKE, Registrar-General. Mr William Alfred East of Lower Hutt go7809 to the Patriotic and Canteen Funds Board for the balance of the term of the current Funds Board. Marriage Celebrants for 1992, Notice No. 20 Dated at Wellington this 19th day of August 1992. Pursuant to the provisions of section 11 of the Marriage Act GRAEME LEE, Minister of Internal Affairs. 1955, the following names of Marriage Celebrants within the go7706 meaning of the said Act are published for general information: King, Wiremu Pirimete Waitai, 6 Marybank Mews, Justice Palmerston North. Loose, Mereana Matuakore, Stockdale, No. 1, R.D., Marriage Act 1955 Te Anau. Ngatai, Mabel Maria Hokimate, Matapihi Road, No. 5 R.D., Marriage (Approval of Organisations) Notice No. 9 Tauranga. Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1955, the Registrar-General of Underhill, Ruth Jasmine, 92 Castor Crescent, Cannons Marriages, hereby gives notice as follows: Creek, . Notice Dated at Lower Hutt this 24th day of August 1992. B. E. CLARKE, Registrar-General. 1. This notice may be cited as the Marriage (Approval of go7810 Organisations) Notice No. 9. 2. The organisation specified in the Schedule hereto is hereby Marriage Celebrants for 1992, Notice No. 21 declared to be an approved organisation for the purpose of the Marriage Act 1955. Pursuant to the provisions of section 13 of the Marriage Act 1955, it is hereby notified that the following names have been Schedule removed from the list of Marriage Celebrants under section 10 Kaikohe Christian Fellowship. of the Act: Light of the Word Fellowship. Barker, Donald John, Presbyterian. Living Christian Fellowship Interdenominational Religious Carr, William Ernest Allon, Methodist. Affiliation. Dunlop, James, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Ark Fellowship. Edwards, John Albert, Jehovah's Witnesses. Victory Gospel Outreach Trust. Johnston, Arthur Ernest Byars, Presbyterian. 2898 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 134

Lowden, Aubrey Heward, Presbyterian. Rae, Neville Mark, Christian Revival Crusade. Mave, Taura Lucky, Presbyterian. Ramage, Mark Robert, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Neho, Huirua, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Saints. Papple, William, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Reynolds, Peter David, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Saints. Polson, Ian Ross Masters, Presbyterian. Ridgway, Brian David, Baptist. Silva, Evan Morris, Christian City Church-Auckland. Roser, Martin Leonard, City Christian Centre. Speakman, Lyman Arid, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Savage, Janice Anne, Salvation Army. Day Saints. Silva, Evan Morris, Christian City Church-Auckland. Tupene, Mata, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Steventon, Eric Colin, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Wilson, Challis Rudd, Presbyterian. Saints. Dated at Lower Hutt this 24th day of August 1992. Tait, James Laurence Jamieson, Anglican. B. E. CLARKE, Registrar-General. Tauakipulu, Pita, Church of Tonga. go7812 Tautu, Andrew Aneru Tukara, Jesue the King of Kings Apostolic Revival Fellowship Auckland (NZ). Marriage Celebrants for 1992, Notice No. 22 Tippett, Kevin Charles, Christian City Church-Auckland. Pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of the Marriage Act 1955, the following names of Marriage Celebrants within the Tondopan, Paul Kanda, Roman Catholic. meaning of the said Act are published for general information: Trim, Peter John, Christian Outreach Centre. Bass, Robert Ramon, Reformed Churches of NZ. Turnbull, Anita Frances, Free Spiritual Church of New Connor, Colin Keith, Jehovah's Witnesses. Zealand. Daly, Martin Peter, City Christian Centre. Vink, Paul Andre, Assemblies of God in New Zealand. du Chatenier, Andrea Clair, Church of Soma Gnosis. Wallace, Phillip Harold, Brethren. Edmonds, Richard Maurice, Apostolic Church. Westrupp, William Babbington, Christian Outreach Centre. Fielding, Harry J, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Whales, Paul Robert, Christian Revival Crusade. Latter-Day Saints. Whyte, Graham, New Life Christian Fellowship. Fraser, Fergus Collett, Baptist. Dated at Lower Hutt this 24th day of August 1992. Green, Mark Edward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. B. E. CLARKE, Registrar-General. go7813 Haydon, Paul David, Jehovah's Witnesses. Ireland, Murray Philip, Harvest, Christian Centres. Irwin, Lorraine Flora, Eckankar New Zealand Satsang Transit New Zealand Society. Jack, Edmund Charles, Christian Renewal Transit New Zealand Act 1989 Fellowship:Whangarei. Kim, Jin Yung, Presbyterian. Declaring State Highway to be a Limited Access Road-State Highway No. 35: Hamanatua Bridge Lau-Young, Lauiula J, Congregational Church of Jesus in to Oneroa Road Samoa. It is noted that Transit New Zealand, by resolution dated Logan, Miriam, Free Spiritual Church of New Zealand. 6 August 1992, and pursuant to section 88 (1) of the Transit Mccaughan, Michael Ian, Harvest Christian Centres. New Zealand Act 1989, hereby declares that part of State McConaghy, Joan, Manawatu Spiritual and Healing Centre. Highway No. 35: Hamanatua Bridge (RP 321/0.05) to Oneroa Road Junction (RP 321/l.53[L], 1.59[RJ) as more MacEwan, Neven, Lion of Judah Ministries. particularly shown on Sheet 1 of Plan LA 31/74/1 and Mcinnes, Jean Isobel, Methodist. accompanying Schedule held in the office of the Regional Magalogo, Ta'aseu Kereti, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter­ Manager, Transit New Zealand, Napier and there available for Day Saints. public inspection, to be a limited access road. Narian, Shiu, Baptist. Dated at Wellington this 24th day of August 1992. Panapa, Tiso, Congregational Christian Church of M. K. LAUDER, State Highways Manager, Transit New American Samoa in New Zealand (Wainuiomata). Zealand. go7826 Powell, Peter Murray, Baptist.

Bylaw Prescribing Traffic Lane for Use by a Timetabled Public Passenger Service Vehicle Pursuant to section 61 (2) of the Transit New Zealand Act 1989 and section 72 (1) (kb) of the Transport Act 1962, Transit New Zealand makes the following bylaw: Notice Bylaw 1. This bylaw may be cited as the Transit New Zealand Bylaw 1992/3. 2. This bylaw shall come into force on the 1st day of September 1992. 3. In this bylaw unless a contrary intention appears: 27 AUGUST NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2899

3.1 "Accident" means an unintentional or unexpected act causing a vehicle to become immobile or practically immobile for the purpose of travelling safely on the motorway;

3.2 "Breakdown" means an unexpected defect in the machinery of a vehicle causing that vehicle to become immobile or practically immobile for the purpose of travelling safely on the motorway;

3.3 "Breakdown vehicle" has the same meaning as that phrase as defined in the Traffic Regulations 1976;

3.4 "Bus Lane" means that part of the shoulder of the motorway set out below:

(a) The Bus Lane on the southbound shoulder of the Auckland Northern Motorway section of State Highway 1 between the Tristram Avenue southbound on-ramp and the Exmouth Road footbridge; and

(b) The Bus Lane on the southeast-bound shoulder of the Auckland Northwestern Motorway section of State Highway 16 between the Selwood Road southbound on-ramp and the Patiki slip-road.

For avoidance of doubt the Bus Lanes set out above shall commence at the point marked by the traffic signpost set out in Schedule A appended hereto and shall end at the point marked by the traffic signpost set out in Schedule B appended hereto. The traffic signpost set out in Schedule C appended hereto shall be displayed at intervals of not more than 400 metres along the extension of the respective Bus Lanes between the traffic signposts set out in Schedule A and Schedule B hereto;

3.5 "Motorway" has the same meaning as that phrase as defined in the Transit New Zealand Act 1989;

3.6 "Passenger service" has the same meaning as that phrase as defined in the Transport Services Licensing Act 1989;

3.7 "Police Officer" has the same meaning as that phrase as defined in the Traffic Regulations 1976;

3.8 "Public passenger service" means a passenger service used or available for use by the community at large and serving the public without restriction or limitation to any particular class of the community;

3.9 "Shoulder" means that sealed area on the extreme left hand side of a motorway, such sealed area being physically defined on both sides by a continuous white line;

3.10 "Timetabled public passenger service" means a public passenger service, the routes, areas of operation, operating hours, fares and other details of which have been notified in compliance with section 48 of the Transport Services Licensing Act 1989 and such notified public passenger service has been registered pursuant to section 49 of that Act;

3.11 "Timetabled public passenger service vehicle" means a motor vehicle within the meaning of the Transport Act 1962 whilst it is used in fulfilling, conducting and performing a timetabled public passenger service;

3.12 "Traffic Officer" has the same meaning as that phrase as defined in the Traffic Regulations 1976;

3.13 "Use" has the same meaning as that phrase as defined in the Traffic Regulations 1976;

3.14 "Vehicle" has the same meaning as that phrase as defined in the Traffic Regulations 1976.

4. No person, being the driver of a vehicle or the person in charge of a vehicle, shall use, drive, stop, stand or park that vehicle on or along any part of a Bus Lane whether that vehicle is attended or unattended during the period of 6.30 a.m. and 9 a.m. Monday to Friday (inclusive) unless;

4.1 That person is driving or is in charge of a timetabled public passenger service vehicle and that vehicle is fulfilling a timetabled public passenger service at the time of travelling along the Bus Lane; or

4.2 That person is driving or in charge of a vehicle which has suffered an accident or a breakdown on the motorway, such accident or breakdown occurring within ten metres of any part of the Bus Lane and it is not reasonably practicable in the interests of road safety to use, stop, stand or park that vehicle in any other location while that vehicle is immobilised; or

4.3 That person is driving or in charge of a breakdown vehicle which is required by a traffic officer or a police officer to attend to an accident or breakdown of a vehicle.

5. Every person who fails to comply with any provision of this bylaw commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $500.

6. Any reference in this bylaw to any statute or regulation is deemed to include all amendments and revisions made from time to time to that statute or regulation.

7. National Roads Board Bylaw 1988/1 is hereby repealed.

This bylaw was made by delegated authority from the Transit New Zealand Authority.

Dated at Wellington this 24th day of August 1992.

J. H. VAN BARNEVELD, Land Transport Manager. 2900 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 134

Schedule A Schedule B Schedule C



Richard Gillespie Simeon, Controller Road User Standards, Transport hereby approve the following organisation to conduct courses in map reading for the purposes of regulation 11 (1) (c) of the Transport (Vehicle and Driver Transport (Driver Licensing) Regulations 1987: Registration and Licensing) Act 1986 Paparua Community Activity Centre, Christchurch. Signed at Wellington this 24th day of August 1992. Approval of Course in Map Reading Pursuant to section 48 (2) (a) of the Transport (Vehicle and W. R. G. SIMEON, Controller, Road User Standards. Driver Registration and Licensing) Act 1986, and pursuant to (File RU04/8) a delegation given by the Secretary for Transport in an 907827 instrument dated the 1st day of October 1991, I, Warren

Authorities and Other Agencies of State

Fire District Notices for each of the Fire Districts listed in the New Zealand Fire Service Schedule.

Fire Service Act 1975 Constitution of Fire Districts 4. The urban areas of the city and towns listed in the Schedule Auckland Fire Districts Notice 1992 are hereby constituted into Fire Districts. Pursuant to section 26 of the Fire Service Act 1975, the New 5. The boundaries of the constituted Fire Districts listed in the Zealand Fire Service Commission hereby gives the following Schedule are defined and delineated on plans held at the notice. National Headquarters of the New Zealand Fire Service, Notice Wellington. 1. This notice may be cited as the Auckland Fire Districts Schedule Notice 1992. Auckland Tuakau Leigh 2. This notice shall come into force on the 20th day of Waiheke Waiuku Wellsford September 1992. Pukekohe Helensville Silverdale. 3. This notice revokes and is in substitution for all previous Mercer Warkworth 27 AUGUST NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2901

Dated at Wellington this 24th day of August 1992. Armstrong Jones (NZ) Limited. B. S. ARMSTRONG, Chief Executive, New Zealand Fire Australian Mutual Provident Society. Service. Bancorp Holdings Limited. (Reference: (OPS 4/1/lAOl and OPS 4/l/1A06); (OPS 4/l/1A08-0PS 4/l/1A16 inclusive)). BNZ Finance Limited. au7823 B.T. New Zealand Limited. Citicorp New Zealand Limited. Reserve Bank DFC New Zealand Limited (in statutory management). Securities Transfer Act 1991 Electricity Corporation of New Zealand Limited. Fay Richwhite and Company Limited. The Securities Transfer (Authorised Public Housing Corporation of New Zealand Limited. Securities Dealers) Notice 1992 National Mutual Life Association of Australasia Limited. Pursuant to section 2 of the Securities Transfer Act 1991, the Minister of Finance hereby gives the following notice. National Mutual Finance Limited. Notice New Zealand Insurance Life Limited. 1. Title and commencement-(1) This notice may be cited as Post Office Bank Limited. the Securities Transfer (Authorised Public Securities Dealers) Prudential Assurance Company Limited. Notice 1992. Reserve Bank of New Zealand Limited. (2) This notice shall come into force on the 1st day after the date of its publication in the Gazette. Rural Banking and Finance Corporation of New Zealand Limited. 2. Authorised Public Securities Dealers-The persons named in the Schedule to this notice are hereby approved as South Pacific Merchant Finance Limited. Public Securities Dealers for the purposes of the Securities Tower Corporation. Transfer Act 1991. Treasury Securities Limited. 3. Revocation-The Securities Transfer (Authorised Public Securities Dealers) Notice 1990• is hereby revoked. UDC Finance Limited. 'Gazette, 16 August 1990, page 2911. Westpac Securities Limited. Schedule Dated at Wellington this 13th day of August 1992. Authorised Public Securities Dealers R. RICHARDSON, Minister of Finance. au7756 A.G.C. Merchant Securities Limited.

Land Notices

Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation Conservation Purposes Together With a Declaration That the Area Become a Local Purpose (Gravel) Reserve Conservation Act 1987 Pursuant to section 7 ( 1) of the Conservation Act 1987, the Minister of Conservation and the Minister of Lands, being the Minister responsible for the Department of State that has Notification of Disposal of Conservation Land control of the land described in the Schedule hereto, jointly Pursuant to section 26 of the Conservation Act 1987, and to a declare that the land is held for conservation purposes and delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Regional pursuant to section 8 (lA) of the Act, the Minister of Conservator, West Coast Conservancy of the Department of Conservation further declares that the conservation area shall Conservation, hereby declares that the land formerly held for hereafter be set apart as a reserve subject to the Reserves Act conservation purposes, described in the Schedule hereto, has 1977 and classified as a local purpose (gravel) reserve subject been disposed of to G. D. and B. E. Monk of Paringa, for the to the provisions of the latter Act. consideration of $225 (two hundred and twenty-five dollars) including GST. Schedule Schedule Southland Land District-Southland District 18.5467 hectares, more or less, being part Section 43 and Westland Land District- parts Section 42, Block XI, Campbelltown Hundred. S.O.'s 6535 and 8003. 811 square metres, more or less, being Section 1, S.O. Plan 11757, situated in Block VIII, Abbey Rocks Survey District. 10.1170 hectares, more or less, being Section 1, S.O. 11262, situated in Block XII, Campbelltown Hundred. Dated at Hokitika this 17th day of August 1992. Dated at Wellington this 12th day of August 1992. B. N. WATSON, Regional Conservator. W. ROB STOREY, Minister of Lands. (DOC Files Cons C.O. DENIS MARSHALL, Minister of Conservation. ln7684 ln7707 2902 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 134

Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation current market value, the proceeds from any such sale to be Purposes paid into the council's reserves account, such moneys to be used and applied in or towards the improvement of other Pursuant to section 7 ( 1) of the Conservation Act 1987, the reserves under the control of the Council, or in or towards the Minister of Conservation and the Minister of Lands, being the purchase of other land for reserves. Minister responsible for the Department of State that has control of the land, hereby jointly declare that the land, Schedule described in the Schedule hereto, is held for conservation purposes and it shall hereinafter be so held. North Auckland Land District-Manukau City Schedule 723 square metres, more or less, being Lot 18, D.P. 46306, situated in Block IV, Otahuhu Survey District. Part certificate Otago Land District-Clutha District of title 1595/48. 989 square metres, more or less, being Lot 3, D.P. 12442, Dated at Auckland this 18th day of August 1992. being part Section 1, Block IV, Glenkenich Survey District. All C.T. 13B/1370. G. H. CAMPBELL, Regional Conservator, Auckland Conservancy. Dated at Wellington this 12th day of August 1992. (File R.O. LLP 742) W. ROB STOREY, Minister of Lands. ln7720 DENIS MARSHALL, Minister of Conservation. (File C.O. LAN 073) Revocation of a Notice Relating to Exchange of ln7708 Reserves for Other Land Pursuant to section 6 (3) of the Reserves Act 1977, and by Reserves Act 1977 reason of an error made in the notice hereinafter described, the Regional Conservator of the Southland Conservancy of the Authorisation of the Exchange of Parts of a Department of Conservation acting under delegated authority Reserve for Other Land from the Minister of Conservation, hereby revokes the notice authorising the Exchange of Part of Reserves for Other Land Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from in the lnvercargill District dated the 5th day of August 1992 the Minister of Conservation, the Regional Conservator, and published in the New Zealand Gazette on the 13th day of Auckland Conservancy, Department of Conservation hereby August 1992, No. 127, page 2779. authorises the exchange of those parts of the reserve described in the First Schedule hereto, for the land described in the Dated at lnvercargill this 21st day of August 1992. Second Schedule hereto. KERRY MAWHINNEY, Regional Conservator, Southland. First Schedule (DOC R.O. Ref: RRC 013) North Auckland Land District-North Shore City ln7794 1.0616 hectares, more or less, being part Lot 2, LT. 150396, situated in Block IV, Waitemata Survey District. Part New Classification of Reserve and Declaration That the Zealand Gazette, 1989, page 1812. Reserve be Part of the Waro Limestone Scenic Reserve 4900 square metres, more or less, being part Lot 2, LT. 150396, situated in Block IV, Waitemata Survey District. Part Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from New Zealand Gazette, 1989, page 1812. the Minister of Conservation, the Regional Conservator, Northland Conservancy, Department of Conservation, hereby 3623 square metres, more or less, being Lot 3, LT. 150396, classifies the reserve, described in the Schedule hereto, as a situated in Block IV, Waitemata Survey District. Part New scenic reserve, and further, declares the said reserve to form Zealand Gazette, 1989, page 1812. part of the Waro Limestone Scenic Reserve.

Second Schedule Schedule North Auckland Land District-North Shore City North Auckland Land District- 3.4471 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1, LT. 150396, situated in Block IV, Waitemata Survey District. Part 11.4849 hectares, more or less, being Lot 1, D.P. 108699 and certificate of title 28C/867. being part Allotments 40 and 41, Parish of Whangarei. Dated at Auckland this 19th day of August 1992. Dated at Whangarei this 20th day of August 1992. G. H. CAMPBELL, Regional Conservator, Auckland J. C. HALKETT, Regional Conservator, Northland Conservancy. Conservancy. (File R.O. LRC 842) (DOC 509) ln7705 ln7817

Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve Classification and Naming of a Reserve Specifying the Manner of Disposal and How Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from Proceeds of Sale Shall be Utilised the Minister of Conservation, the Regional Conservator, Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from Hawke's Bay Conservancy, hereby classifies the reserve, the Minister of Conservation, the Regional Conservator, described in the Schedule hereto, as a scenic reserve for the Auckland Conservancy, Department of Conservation hereby purposes specified in section 19 (1) (a) of the Reserves Act revokes the reservation as a road reserve over the land, 1977, subject to the provisions of the said Act and further, described in the Schedule hereto, and further declares that the declares that the said reserve shall hereafter be known as the said land may be disposed of by the Manukau City Council at Mangatewai River Scenic Reserve. 27 AUGUST NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2903

Schedule Schedule Hawke's Bay Land District-Central Hawke's Bay Canterbury Land District-Christchurch City District All that piece of land containing 1630 square metres, situated in Block X, Christchurch Survey District, being Lot 1, 31.2000 hectares, more or less, being Block 202, Firstly L.T. 57092, and being part certificate of title 31K/896. Makaretu Crown Grant District, situated in Block XIII, Ruataniwha Survey District, located on Dated at Wellington this 18th day of August 1992. U22/3.4, 4.4. Part New Zealand Gazette, 1990, P. K. TROTMAN, for Chief Executive, New Zealand Railways page 2742. S.O. Plan 9133. Corporation. Secondly 17. 7500 hectares, more or less, being Block 203, Makaretu Crown Grant District, situated in Block (NZR P. 3005/-) XIII, Ruataniwha Survey District, located on ln7832 U22/4.4. Part New Zealand Gazette, 1990, page 2742. S.O. Plan 9133. Thirdly 30.2500 hectares, more or less, being Section 1, Survey and Land Information S.O. 9990, situated in Block XIV, Ruataniwha Survey District, located on U22/5.4 and Public Works Act 1981 U23/5.1. Part New Zealand Gazette, 1990, page 2742. Road to be Stopped in Block LXVIII, Hokonui Dated at Napier this 24th day of August 1992. Survey District J. S. OMBLER, Regional Conservator, Department of Pursuant to sections 116 and 117 of the Public Works Act Conservation, Hawke's Bay Consc.1rvancy. 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister of Lands, the District Manager, Department of Survey and Land (DOC H.0.-RES 1274; C.0.-7/5 (Vol 6) 111 Information, lnvercargill, declares the portions of road ln7833 described in the Schedule hereto, to be stopped, and when so stopped, that the portions firstly, secondly and fourthly described, be amalgamated with the land held in certificate of New Zealand Railways title 6B/1463, subject to all existing encumbrances and that Corporation the portion thirdly described, be amalgamated with the land held in certificate of title 6D/567, subject to all existing encumbrances. New Zealand Railways Corporation Act 1981 Schedule Southland Land District-Gore District Declaring Land at Waianakarua to be Set Apart for Road Stopped Railway Purposes Area Pursuant to sections 24 and 30 of the New Zealand Railways ha Adjoining Corporation Act 1981 and section 52 of the Public Works Act 0.5080 Part Lot 1, D.P. 600, situated in Block LXVIII, 1981, the Chief Executive of the New Zealand Railways Hokonui Survey District, more particularly Corporation, hereby declares the land described in the shown marked "A" on S.O. Plan 11828. Schedule hereto, to be set apart for and on behalf of Her 1.8470 Part Lot 1, D.P. 600, situated in Block LXVIII, Majesty the Queen for railway purposes. Hokonui Survey District, more particularly shown marked "B" on S.O. Plan 11828. Schedule 0.8580 Section 1340, situated in Block LXVIII, Hokonui Survey District, more particularly shown marked Otago Land District-Waitaki District "C" on S.O. Plan 11828. 1.0070 Part Lot 1, Land Transfer Plan 102 (Red), situated All that piece of land containing 4.2568 hectares (10a 2r 03p) in Block LXVIII, Hokonui Survey District, more being part Sections 14, 15 and 16, Block II, Otepopo Survey particularly shown marked "D" on S.O. Plan District, and being all of the land comprised and described in 11827. conveyance 57739 (deeds index 83/30, Otago Deed 965). As shown on the above-mentioned plans, lodged in the office Dated at Wellington this 24th day of August 1992. of the Chief Surveyor at lnvercargill. P. K. TROTMAN, for Chief Executive, New Zealand Railways Dated at lnvercargill this 18th day of August 1992. Corporation. R. W. G. DALGLISH, District Manager. (NZR L.O. 33109/6/83/-) (DOSLI D.O. 75/7191, 955705) ln7831 ln7709

Declaring Land at Sockburn to be Acquired for Land in Westland District Acquired for the Railway Purposes Purposes of a Road Pursuant to sections 24 and 30 of the New Zealand Railways Pursuant to section 20 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a Corporation Act 1981 and section 20 of the Public Works Act delegation from the Minister of Lands, the District Manager, 1981, the Chief Executive of the New Zealand Railways Department of Survey and Land Information, Hokitika, Corporation, hereby declares that, an agreement to that effect declares that, an agreement to that effect having been entered having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby hereto, is hereby acquired for and on behalf of Her Majesty the acquired for the purposes of a road and shall vest in the Crown Queen for railway purposes. on the date of publication hereof in the Gazette. 2904 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 134

Schedule (a) Pursuant to sections 20 (1) and 28, an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the First Westland Land District Schedule hereto is hereby acquired for road and shall, 782 square metres, more or less, being Section 64, Town of pursuant to section 60 of the Transit New Zealand Act 1989, Waiho Gorge, situated in Block XI, Waiho Survey District. All form part of State Highway No. 8, and shall vest in the Crown certificate of title, Volume SD/894. S.O. Plan 3260. on the 27th day of August 1992. Dated at Hokitika this 19th day of August 1992. (b) Pursuant to sections 116 and 117, the road described in T. A. FRASER, District Manager. the Second Schedule hereto, to be stopped and pursuant to section 52, set apart for the generation of electricity. (DOSLI Hk. 5350-SH6-015) !CL ln7814 First Schedule Otago Land District- District Land in Hamilton City Acquired for Road and for a All that piece of land containing 2 roods and 5.8 perches, Recreation Reserve being part Run 238M, Block IV, Wakefield Survey District; Pursuant to section 20 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a shown coloured blue on S.O. Plan 16593, lodged in the office delegation from the Minister of Lands, the District Solicitor of of the Chief Surveyor at Dunedin. the Department of Survey and Land Information, Hamilton, declares that, an agreement to that effect having been entered Second Schedule into, the land firstly described in the Schedule hereto is hereby Otago Land District-Central Otago District acquired for road and the land secondly described in the said Schedule is hereby acquired for a recreation reserve subject to All that piece of road containing 4.5500 hectares, adjoining the Reserves Act 1977, and further declares that the land part Sections 48, 55, Section 50, part Run 238M and Clutha described in the Schedule shall vest in The Hamilton City River, Block IV, Wakefield Survey District; shown marked Council on the date of publication hereof in the Gazette. "A" on S.O. Plan 21800, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Dunedin. Schedule Dated at Dunedin this 21st day of August 1992. South Auckland Land District M. R. MACKENZIE, Manager, Lands and Property.

Area (DOSLI Dn. D.O. 92/11/90/6/339) 1cL m2 Being ln7816 550 Part Lot 2, D.P. 34575; marked "A" on plan. 5275 Part Lot 2, D.P. 34575; marked "B" on plan. Declaring Crown Land to be Set Apart for Situated in Block IX, Komakorau Survey District. Education Purposes in the Clutha District As shown marked as above mentioned on S.O. Plan 59332, Pursuant to section 52 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Hamilton. delegation from the Minister of Lands, the Manager, Lands and Property, Department of Survey and Land Information, Dated at Hamilton this 14th day of August 1992. Dunedin, declares the Crown land described in the Schedule W. G. KORVER, District Solicitor. hereto, to be set apart for education purposes. (DOSLI Hn. 36/7/1/0/5) 1cL Schedule ln7806 Otago Land District-Clutha District Land Acquired for Scenic Reserve in South All that piece of land containing 1012 square metres, being Lot 14, D.P. 2587 and part Sections 9 and 10, Block XXXV, Pursuant to section 20 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a Clutha District. All certificate of title, Volume 344, folio 209. delegation from the Minister of Lands, the District Solicitor of Dated at Dunedin this 25th day of August 1992. the Department of Survey and Land Information, Hamilton, M. R. MACKENZIE, Manager, Lands and Property, declares that, an agreement to that effect having been entered Department of Survey and Land Information, Dunedin. into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby acquired for a scenic reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977, (DOSLI Dn. D.O. 16/91/0/A) 1cL and shall vest in The Council on the ln7828 date of publication hereof in the Gazette. Declaring Crown Land to be Set Apart for Schedule Education Purposes in the Clutha District South Auckland Land District Pursuant to section 52 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a 19.6803 hectares, situated in Block I, Patetere South Survey delegation from the Minister of Lands, the Manager, Lands and Property, Department of Survey and Land Information, District, being part Lot 3, D.P. 25793. Part certificate of title No. 21C/187. Dunedin, declares the Crown land described in the Schedule hereto, to be set apart for education purposes. Dated at Hamilton this 19th day of August 1992. W. G. KORVER, District Solicitor. Schedule

(DOSLI Hn. 98/17 /0/4) 1cL Otago Land District-Clutha District ln7807 All that piece of land containing 4047 square metres, being Sections 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block XI, Town of Balclutha. All Land Acquired for Road and Road to be Stopped certificate of title, Volume 219, folio 77. and Set Apart for the Generation of Electricity in Dated at Dunedin this 25th day of August 1992. the Central Otago District M. R. MACKENZIE, Manager, Lands and Property, Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation Department of Survey and Land Information, Dunedin. from the Minister of Lands, the Manager, Lands and Property, (DOSLI Dn. D.O. 16/91/0/B) 1cL Department of Survey and Land Information, Dunedin, ln7829 declares: 27 AUGUST NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2905

Declaring Crown Land to be Set Apart for a School Declaring Crown Land to be Taken for the Site in the City of Dunedin Development of Water Power (Stoke Substation) in Pursuant to section 52 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a the City of Nelson delegation from the Minister of Lands, the Manager, Lands Pursuant to section 52 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a and Property, Department of Survey and Land Information, delegation from the Minister of Lands, the Manager, Lands Dunedin, declares the Crown land described in the Schedule and Property, Department of Survey and Land Information, hereto, to be set apart for a school site. Nelson, declares the land described in the Schedule hereto to be taken, subject to Order in Council No. 807, for the Schedule Development of Water Power (Stoke Substation). Otago Land District-Clutha District Schedule All that piece of land containing 1.4164 hectares, being Nelson Land District-Nelson City Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block VI and Sections 4 and 5, Block XXVII, Town of Dunkeld. 2.1650 hectares, being part of Sections 47, 49 and 50, Suburban South, situated in Block IV, Waimea Survey District. Dated at Dunedin this 25th day of August 1992. All certificate of title, Volume 80, folio 80, Nelson Land M. R. MAcKENZIE, Manager, Lands and Property, Registry. Department of Survey and Land Information, Dunedin. Dated at Nelson this 21st day of August 1992.

(DOSLI On. D.O. 16/295) !CL R. G. C. WRATT, Manager, Lands and Property. ln7830 (DOSLI Nn. D.O. 6700-05) !CL ln7801 Road Realignment Tiniroto Road, Pursuant to section 20 (1) of the Public Works Act 1981, and Declaring Land Held for Electricity Works (Stoke to a delegation from the Minister of Lands, the District Substation) to be Taken for the Development of Manager, Department of Survey and Land Information, Water Power (Stoke Substation) in the City of Gisborne, declares that, an agreement to that effect, having Nelson been entered into, the land described in the Schedule is Pursuant to section 52 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a acquired for road, which shall vest in The Gisborne District delegation from the Minister of Lands, the Manager, Lands Council on the date of publication in the Gazette. and Property, Department of Survey and Land Information, Nelson, declares the land described in the Schedule hereto to Schedule be taken for the Development of Water Power (Stoke Gisbome District Council Substation). Area Schedule m2 Being Nelson Land District-Nelson City 2885 Part Section 90, Patutahi Rural; shown as marked "A" on 5.0. 8489. 20 square metres, being part Lot 15, D.P. 5508, situated in 373 Part Section 90, Patutahi Rural; shown as marked Block IV, Waimea Survey District. All Gazette notice 130602 "B" on 5.0. 8489. (New Zealand Gazette, 1970, page 1956). 258 Part Section 90, Patutahi Rural; shown as marked Dated at Nelson this 21st day of August 1992. "C" on 5.0. 8489. R. G. C. WRATT, Manager, Lands and Property.

5.0. 8489 is held in the office of the Chief Surveyor at (DOSLI Nn. D.O. 6700-05) !CL Gisborne. ln7802 Dated at Gisborne this 8th day of August 1992. Transfer of Unformed Legal Road in the District of R. H. WINMILL, District Manager. Tasman (DOSLI Na. D.O. 7975-C63528) Pursuant to section 323 of the Local Government Act 1974, ln7719 and to a delegation from the Minister of Lands, the Manager, Lands and Property, Department of Survey and Land Declaring Stopped Road to be Vested in the Information, Nelson, hereby declares that the land, described District of Tasman in the Schedule hereto, has been transferred to the Crown by Pursuant to sections 117 and 120 (3) of the Public Works Act the Council, pursuant to the said section 323, 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister of Lands, the and on the publication of this notice the said land shall be Manager, Lands and Property, Department of Survey and deemed to be Crown land subject to the Land Act 1948. Land Information, Nelson, declares that the portion of stopped Schedule road described in the Schedule hereto shall be amalgamated with the land in certificate of title No. 20/144, subject to Nelson Land District-Tasman District memoranda of mortgages 275870.1 and 253538.1. All those pieces of road described as follows: Schedule Area m2 Adjoining or passing through Nelson Land District-Tasman District 8500 Section 36, Block II, Motueka Survey District; 1648 square metres, situated in Block VII, Kaiteriteri Survey marked "A" on plan. District, being Section 1, 5.0. Plan 14762. Area Dated at Nelson this 18th day of August 1992. ha Adjoining or passing through R. G. C. WRATT, Manager, Lands and Property. 2.8000 Part Section 8, Block V, Kaiteriteri Survey District; marked "B" on plan. (DOSLI Nn. D.O. 72/60/11/0/153) 1cL 2.6000 Part Section 8, Block V, Kaiteriteri Survey District; ln7800 marked "C" on plan. 2906 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 134

As shown marked as above mentioned on S.O. Plan 14962, R. G. C. WRATT, Manager, Lands and Property. lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Nelson. (DOSLI Nn. D.O. 6725-C1070-07, Lands 3) !CL ln7803 Dated at Nelson this 24th day of August 1992.

Regulation Summary

Notice Under the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 Pursuant to the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, notice is hereby given of the making of regulations as under: Postage Serial Date of Price and Authority for Enactment Title or Subject-matter Number Enactment Code Pack- aging Fisheries Act 1983 Fisheries (Commercial Fishing) Regulations 1986, 1992/237 2418192 10-CX $3.60 Amendment No. 13 Education Act 1989 Education (Home-Based Care) Order 1992 1992/238 24/8/92 10-CX $3.60 Gaming and Lotteries Act Instant Kiwi (Instant Game) Rules 1992, 1992/239 2018192 2-A $1.60 1977 Amendment No. 1 Gaming and Lotteries Act Lotto Rules 1987, Amendment No. 3 1992/240 2018192 3-BX $2.10 1977 Social Security Act 1964 Drug Tariff 1990, Amendment No. 11 1992/241 24/8/92 5-BY $2.30 Penal Institutions Act 1954 Penal Institutions (Police Jail) Notice 1992 1992/242 25/8/92 1-A $1.60 Postage and Packaging Charge: Mail Orders If two or more copies ordered, the remittance should cover the cash price and the maximum charge for the total value of purchases as follows: Total Value of Purchases Maximum Charge $ $ $12.00 and less 1.50 $12.01 and greater 3.25 Copies can be bought or ordered by mail from Legislation Services, P.O. Box 12-418, Wellington. Please quote title and serial numbers. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies are also available over the counter at the following locations: GP Books Limited: Housing Corporation Building, 25 Rutland Street (P.O. Box 5513, Wellesley Street), Auckland 1; 147 Hereford Street (Private Bag), Christchurch l; Cargill House, 123 Princes Street (P.O. Box 1104), Dunedin. Bennetts Bookshop Limited: 38-42 Broadway Avenue (P.O. Box 138), Palmerston North; Waikato Polytechnic, Gate 5, Tristram Street, Private Bag, Waikato; Bowen House, Lambton Quay (P.O. Box 5334), Wellington. ps7825


Dated this 21st day of August 1992. Lake Rotoaira Trust S. ASHER, Secretary, Lake Rotoaira Trust. gn7755 Rotoaira Trout Fishing Regulations 1979 Rodney District Council Local Authorities Loans Act 1956 Rotoaira Trout Fishing Regulations 1979-Notice Prohibiting Fishing in Certain Waters Notice of Result of Poll on Loan Proposal

Pursuant to regulation 30 of the Rotoaira Trout Fishing Huapai-Kumeu-Riverhead Urban Drainage Area Regulations 1979, the Lake Rotoaira trustees hereby prohibit Pursuant to section 38 of the Local Authorities Loans Act the fishing for trout in that portion of the Poutu Canal from 1956, notice is hereby given that a poll of the electors of the and including the Poutu Dam to Lake Rotoaira, and within a Huapai-Kumeu-Riverhead Urban Drainage Area taken on radius of 300 metres of the mouth of the Poutu Canal in Lake 21 August 1992 on the proposal of the above-named local Rotoaira, for the period in each year commencing authority to raise a loan of $4,650,000 to be known as the 1 September to and including 30 November. Huapai-Kumeu-Riverhead Sewerage Loan 1992-$4,650,000 27 AUGUST NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 2907 for the purpose of providing a public sewerage scheme to I therefore declare that the proposal was rejected. service the Urban Drainage Area resulted as follows: Dated this 24th day of August 1992. The number of votes recorded for the proposal was: 144 G. C. MASON, Mayor. The number of votes recorded against the proposal was: 272 Private Bag 500, Orewa. gn7799 The number of informal votes was: 4

I '