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in the small privately owned museum above the pier. the above museum owned privately small the in falcons may be heard nearby. nearby. heard be may falcons , once a busy fishing port, whose history is displayed displayed is history whose port, fishing busy a once , Harbour a kelp oven, boat slip and winch. The screams of peregrine peregrine of screams The winch. and slip boat oven, kelp a Ballycastle Harbour. Harbour. Ballycastle Association. From here, it’s a short journey to to journey short a it’s here, From Association. Dunseverick Dunseverick mines. The level site of the workings at Carrickmore feature feature Carrickmore at workings the of site level The mines. takes you to a section of fine cliffs and caves finishing in in finishing caves and cliffs fine of section a to you takes to stay by prior arrangement with the Causeway Coast Kayak Kayak Coast Causeway the with arrangement prior by stay to this area are riddled with the adits of old coal and iron ore ore iron and coal old of adits the with riddled are area this hidden wood of Portnakillew, a regular haunt for buzzards, buzzards, for haunt regular a Portnakillew, of wood hidden restored fishermans bothy at Portmoon, where it is possible possible is it where Portmoon, at bothy fishermans restored Coast Canoe Trail is available at at available is Trail Canoe Coast warm in the evening sun, and the carboniferous rocks in in rocks carboniferous the and sun, evening the in warm horse Enbar ruled the waves. A short paddle past the the past paddle short A waves. the ruled Enbar horse Belfast. Continue past column-clad headlands and bays to the the to bays and headlands column-clad past Continue Belfast. A more detailed synopses of tidal information for the North North the for information tidal of synopses detailed more A dolerite (a hard basalt beloved by rock climbers) glow glow climbers) rock by beloved basalt hard (a dolerite Rock, where Ireland’s Neptune Manannán mac Lir and his his and Lir mac Manannán Neptune Ireland’s where Rock, 1967-1969 and can be viewed in the Ulster Museum in in Museum Ulster the in viewed be can and 1967-1969 this eastern corner. Layers of sandstone below the dark dark the below sandstone of Layers corner. eastern this tide. Beware of the reef and swirl around Carrickmannon Carrickmannon around swirl and reef the of Beware tide. Jewellery and other artefacts were salvaged by divers in in divers by salvaged were artefacts other and Jewellery particularly dangerous in conditions of wind against tide. against wind of conditions in dangerous particularly 600 feet) with its massive boulder field below dominates dominates below field boulder massive its with feet) 600 through a tunnel in the headland at certain states of the the of states certain at headland the in tunnel a through few survivors from the hundreds of souls on board. board. on souls of hundreds the from survivors few large overfalls can be expected and conditions are are conditions and expected be can overfalls large Master. The huge profile of Fair Head (190 metres, just over over just metres, (190 Head Fair of profile huge The Master. ruined castle and abandoned fishery it is possible to kayak kayak to possible is it fishery abandoned and castle ruined Spanish Armada treasure ship Girona in a storm in 1588 with with 1588 in storm a in Girona ship treasure Armada Spanish found in the vicinity of Torr Head and Fair Head where where Head Fair and Head Torr of vicinity the in found closest to the marina only after contacting the Harbour Harbour the contacting after only marina the to closest Giant’s Cut. At the chalk headland of Kinbane with its its with Kinbane of headland chalk the At Cut. Giant’s in Port-na-Spaniagh are highlights. The latter claimed the the claimed latter The highlights. are Port-na-Spaniagh in The most powerful tides on the Causeway Coast are to be be to are Coast Causeway the on tides powerful most The of the ferry slip and marina entrance and use the public slip slip public the use and entrance marina and slip ferry the of and a little further on is the amazing chasm known as the the as known chasm amazing the is on further little a and above the Amphitheatre and the long talon of Lacada Point Point Lacada of talon long the and Amphitheatre the above ferry service to Rathlin Island. Canoeists should stay clear clear stay should Canoeists Island. Rathlin to service ferry A magnificent cave opens past the east side of the islands, islands, the of side east the past opens cave magnificent A of the Giant’s Causeway and cliffs, the Chimneys standing standing Chimneys the cliffs, and Causeway Giant’s the of relevant Admiralty Charts. Admiralty relevant has a busy marina and harbour with a regular regular a with harbour and marina busy a has Ballycastle strong offshore winds. The amazing regular basalt columns columns basalt regular amazing The winds. offshore strong Coasts of Ireland, Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlas NP218 and and NP218 Atlas Stream Tidal Admiralty Ireland, of Coasts and, given enough water, kayak under the bridge. bridge. the under kayak water, enough given and, of reflected waves and downdraughts close to the shore in in shore the to close downdraughts and waves reflected of Cruising Club Sailing Directions for the East and North North and East the for Directions Sailing Club Cruising Waterfoot to Ballycastle (16NM) kittiwake and fulmar are noisy as you pass their colonies colonies their pass you as noisy are fulmar and kittiwake interspersed with red layers of iron-rich laterite, but beware beware but laterite, iron-rich of layers red with interspersed reference should be made to the Irish Coast Pilot, Irish Irish Pilot, Coast Irish the to made be should reference tucked under the eastern cliff. Breeding razorbill, guillemot, guillemot, razorbill, Breeding cliff. eastern the under tucked Causeway to Dunseverick Harbour, with layers of dark basalt basalt dark of layers with Harbour, Dunseverick to Causeway exposed to the Atlantic swell. When planning a trip trip a planning When swell. Atlantic the to exposed once used by salmon fishermen whose cottage remains remains cottage whose fishermen salmon by used once fishy feast. feast. fishy Some of the finest cliff scenery awaits you from the Giant’s Giant’s the from you awaits scenery cliff finest the of Some when wind is in opposition to tide given that this coast is is coast this that given tide to opposition in is wind when Today, tourists can be thrilled or scared crossing the bridge, bridge, the crossing scared or thrilled be can tourists Today, distance – they need to rest, dry out and digest their latest latest their digest and out dry rest, to need they – distance eddies often running between these. Care should be taken taken be should Care these. between running often eddies find more seals hauled out at Mill Bay. Keep a respectful respectful a Keep Bay. Mill at out hauled seals more find one - Runkerry Cave - being quite extensive. extensive. quite being - Cave Runkerry - one Overfalls and tide races are found at all the headlands with with headlands the all at found are races tide and Overfalls its famous rope bridge. rope famous its station at Ushet Port. Paddling back to the harbour, you will will you harbour, the to back Paddling Port. Ushet at station Runkerry Point. There are three caves in these cliffs, the first first the cliffs, these in caves three are There Point. Runkerry due to a complex shoreline of beaches, bays and headlands. headlands. and bays beaches, of shoreline complex a to due shore leading to the tiny archipelago of Carrick-a-Rede and and Carrick-a-Rede of archipelago tiny the to leading shore below the ruins of the smuggler’s house and coastguard coastguard and house smuggler’s the of ruins the below Watch out for the Mile Stone and a tide race rounding rounding race tide a and Stone Mile the for out Watch currents and counter currents experienced closer inshore inshore closer experienced currents counter and currents lar stalactite cave can be found midway along the limestone limestone the along midway found be can cave stalactite lar fantastic rock columns at Doon Point, eider duck and seals seals and duck eider Point, Doon at columns rock fantastic rock salmon fishery bothy perches on the rocks below. below. rocks the on perches bothy fishery salmon rock the entrance to the Irish Sea. There are a number of of number a are There Sea. Irish the to entrance the passed through the gap close to the sea stack. A spectacu- A stack. sea the to close gap the through passed web-spinning spider. Heading for Rue Point, enjoy the the enjoy Point, Rue for Heading spider. web-spinning distinctive landmark of Runkerry House. The former Black- former The House. Runkerry of landmark distinctive forced between Ireland and Scotland with Rathlin Island at at Island Rathlin with Scotland and Ireland between forced island and the former chalk quarry of Larrybane is best best is Larrybane of quarry chalk former the and island sanctuary in 1307 and been inspired by a determined determined a by inspired been and 1307 in sanctuary whiskey distillery, and at the far end of the strand is the the is strand the of end far the at and distillery, whiskey The tides offshore flood east and the rate increases as it is is it as increases rate the and east flood offshore tides The seaward side of Sheep Island.