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Index accumulation 30, 82–4, 89–90, 93, Buddhism 61 100–103, 105–6, 108–10, 113, Buddhist 10–11 117–21, 123, 155 Afriat, S. 135 Cagan, Phillip 111 anger 20, 23–4, 82, 113, 142, 150 Cambridge Aquinas, St Thomas 17, 64, 69–70 Controversy 113–14, 154 Archimedean 129, 131 equation 119 Aristippus (of Cyrene) 19 model 119–20 Aristotle 12, 16–18, 20, 25, 27–32, 60, Cantril, Hadley 16, 124, 142 64, 70, 88 capitalism 36, 38–9, 44–6, 73, 81, 90, Arrow, Kenneth 102–3, 107, 109, 159–60 Arrow–Debreu model 17, 45, 111, capitalist investment function 104–5 115 Christian 1, 10, 56, 58–62, 88 Arrow–Pratt measure of risk- command economies 45 aversion 6 commend system 82 impossibility theorem 38, 158, communism 44–5, 81, 83, 107, 109 172–8, 180–81, 184 Cynics 16, 18–20, 25 welfare function 173–5, 181 Cyrenaics 12, 18–19 The Art of Happiness (Dalai Lama and Cutler) 10–11 Dasein 65–6 Augustine, St 17, 68–70 Davidson, Paul 111 Aumann, Robert 9 de Condorcet, Marquis 154–5, 174, 181 Aurelius, Marcus 22 Deaton, Angus 16, 124–5, 148–50 delight 14, 20, 40, 54, 71 Backhouse, Roger E. 119–21 demand theory 137 Barro, Robert 112, 149 Democritus 20–21, 24, 26, 101 beings 10, 12, 14, 61–6 deRosset, L. 47–8 benevolence 14, 25, 88 Descartes, René 64, 67 Bentham, Jeremy 4, 8, 17, 31–5, 37, 42, Diogenes 19–21, 25 52, 73, 75, 123, 126–7, 144, 152–3, distributive justice 36 155, 160, 169–70 Dobb, Maurice 7, 75, 119, 154, 162, Bergson welfare function 2, 158–60, 164, 169 169–70, 173, 181 Duesenberry, James 3–4, 145 Bernoulli, Daniel 6, 125–7, 139 dynamic standard commodity (SC) 96 bias 139–41, 143 Blinder, Alan 148 Easterlin, Richard 16, 124, 145–8 Bliss, C.
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