A Moveable Feast: Times Square and the Emergence of a New Paradigm

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A Moveable Feast: Times Square and the Emergence of a New Paradigm 22 RECALIBRATING CENTERS AND MARGINS A Moveable Feast: Times Square and the Emergence of a New Paradigm CATHERINE C,GALLEY Texas Tech University Tiriirb Square is the onl! district \\it11 a zo~iir~gr~rdina~~te for the +enbe-. The o~en\llelnlirignoiws. -1nv1li. arid irrragei requiring trnant- to di.lh\ large 11ri;rht -ign-. mitliout tllii ( ontrilute to the c reation of exceptiorial aural. olfactor~.and i~~r~o~ati~e ae~theti( zoning framc\+orh. the itrii~in; tleiiprl of xi-ual ~xpt~ri(m(tab jor tlir rmiltitudt~of pi-rr-ln \+lie tq to tir~tl tllr facade> of the nen Lellman T<rotlwr.' hrdclqudrtcr. c o~ild their \\a\ through thc der~sel~croudcd stiretf. Cio4ng Time* riel er ha\ e materialized. This wctior~I rt~aceiI~rieil\ the origirii Square oifer~stroller- and drileri the exhilaration of multiple ol thew creati\e design guitlelir~rs. time and spatial tiimrnsiona. ephemrral illuiionb of extra- ternporal fragment- and incredible arc ornpanj irrg lcirietic en\ el- Since the opening of its ~uln+a~station and the pro( lamation op' -urruunding their rno.ring bodiei. Tl~rrci. iorr~ething that renarm=tl Lorptre Yquare in ho~ioiol the Nru Time- ecitatic dl11 and rapturousl\ absorhirig in Time. Square. Twer in 1003. Times Square haa de\elopetl a lonf tradition oi being \el\ 5 orh's r entral entertainment distric t. BI the 1020s. it had be( nme not onl! a popular and thri~ir~g eutcrtai~~mrrlt Large electronic clispla~ipla! an i~rlportarltrole in increaiing di.tritt but alio an internationdl .tage ior the xiwal expres-io11 tht, t on~plexit! of these cogriitix e experiences. The! are all- of a new ( o~rimeitial culture and the rrnhodirnrnt of the spirit pen "ling in Tirnt- Square and ha\ e hrt orrle inr reaiingl~ of Ne\+ 1 ork. 41~0rnarhet fo~crbpla?ed a critical role: a place prcwlt in the built en\ iroriment. Tliiq paper aims at under- like Time. Square did not happen apo~itaneousl\.Rather. it has star~dingho~ these high-tech electronic panel, r hallerige our been shaped Iry a seric. of dwisiori n~ahingpro( eiiei about trad~tior~alideas on architecture. urban dezip and urlran lalid use. fisral polic F. arid zoning codes that aifect land ~alue-. plarinir~garid hou the\ could affect futurc urha~iand snhnrl~an --In Ne\+ 1 o~h.politic. and real eitdte ha\ e dha\+lwen clowlj dc~chprnent.. The Lehrnan Brothels hradquarteri. lo(-ated on allied." (Huxtahle 1091. ,361). 7-15 be1 cnth -l\ enue at Fort! -ninth and Fiftieth Streets. prorideo a partitularh interebting caw itud~hrrauae of iti I11 1016. he\+ 1 orb (:it\ enacted a pioneering Zoning Red- succ ec.ful and l~armor~iouscon~hinatiorr of ail-hitrc tlire. arts. tion. ml~ich\\a. the firft colilprehensi\e zoning regulation in arid digital tet hnolop . the 1nited States. Uthough it did not Pprc iiicdll~ bet Tirne~ 91 st ACSA ANNUAL MEETING LOUISVILLE KY MARCH 14-1 7, 2003 23 'lhr 10132 RIitltot\r~Lorrirq Resolution aimed at ~eallocating c onitruc tion irit c~ntixes to ent ourage c or~*truction in the -1ugpi.11 B est Side: it alio required lighted wpe~iip-.or1 all nex\ dexeloprner~tilrontir~; Time- Squarri-a mandate that ~ouldIwt urn(. Iliglil! contro~ersial 1)ecauic. it oultl drarnatical- 11 afit~t the marlietabilit~oi (,la*. 4 office tmrri. Or1 the other hand. preienatio~~istg~o~ip* aid gra,sroots orpriizatiorla strongl! .upliorted the tleaign regulationi. Ilthongh it did nut b01\1' the compatihilitj i-ue \+it11corpor;lte image. tecl~r~ologi- I a1 innoxation that allox\ed for see-tl~rouphfinlihe signi rather tlian traditional billboardi pro\ided a .elution to the c'un~pati- hilit! need x+ith ofiice uiage. 111 \o\eml-)er 1984. the Ueu 1 orli Cit, Boald of E~tirnateapproxed the 4Lnd Street Ljex elopment Project -a long-tern1 plogranl to rexitalize the distric't. The $2.0 hillion 4Lnd Street Rnlrxelopmcnt Plan u.ed tax-ahate- Ilnfortunatel!. alongside the theater industn and its aisociateil mmt intentixec to encouracr dexeloper, to t~a~~aforn~Times I omnit~~cial buiine.wi. Times Square dm eloped a. a neighlm- Squarv h! lruilding four giant office toweri. containing 3.1 Ilootl uith soinr problematic wcial arid ~lrlmiactixities. .uch a- million square fret of floor space. a merchmdise rnarliet. and a drug dealing and prostitution. Frorn the 1900s until the mid- hotel: I-)I redoring histo~ic theater,: and h7 rellal~ilitatingthe 10901. Timei hquare was seen ~rlair~l!as a stage iet full of 42ntl Street sulmal station (Stern 1999). It also required b! lax\ '"1)ec.p -Iicn+s.'^ prnograph! itlops. erotic 1)ool.-tore, and \- that neu huildingi int lude Ijright lights and la~geillurninated rated moxie houie-. It became a s\rnhl of the danger and sup~wigri-as fqadc elerrirnts to preserxe and rnaintairi the t orruI~tiunreigning in Ueu 1orh Lit\. hi+torical character and ;riarnolou~iniagc. of Times Square In 1987. the RIunicipal Irt SINirtj supported a zoning amend- In the 1070a the tornmercial and rriidential co~nniunitiei ment impo.ing simila~iignage and liphtir~grequirerncmt; in the founded the Rla70r's Ilidtown Citizeni' ( oinmittee to tornht design ot all rieu &ice InAli~~gsin the greater Tirrie~Square the Irlipl~t.RIan! prix ate dex elopers designed proposals for the area. Ej 1988. thirteen building* Mere undei I onstruction or retlexrlopnlent of the diztrict, ~thic11 \\a\ iuflrring from planned around Times Square (Fain-tein 1093. 13-1) but \+it11 ili*inx e.tments and deterioration. Hou ex tr. c it! otficial- did not the propert1 recession of thv earl! 1990-. the plan mithcred. By offer an\ ~eriouiha( Itin9 until the earl) 1980s (Fainitein 1904. 1992, Gwernor Cuomo reliex ed del eloper\ from their contrac- 130) and l'irne, Square sunk into a state of deca,. Finall~.in tual e~lgagrn~erlts(Stern 1999). 1981. the tit\ go\ ernrnent announccd a retlex elop~ner~tichen~e and launched a request for proposals railing on dexelopers to Ne1rrthe1e.s. the earl\ 1090~were the beginning of a neu trend iubmit projects follouing a set of architectural guidelines that has not stopped. D hile the orig~nal project failed to dt~~iietlh! Coo~~r~-Etlistutand lssociates. The specifications rnatrrialize. an iricreacinp number of cwmpanies ie.g.. T iacom. ashrd lor the creation of a li~el! streetstape through building Brrteliniarln 4G. Rlorgan Stank!. tlic Q alt Uiinrx Cornparq, aetbac 1,s. glasi ctrert ltalls. large neon signs. and the design of and Darner Brother<) decided to inxe-t in Time. Square. buildings \tit11 up to 56 stories. The l\lex+ 'uorli Statr Lrhan Suddenlj.. the neigt~borhood\+as hur-tirq x\ith in\ estment and Uexeloprnent Corporation selecterl Parli Tomer Realt~ to reneval. Today. Tiriles 5quarr rtith itf huge number of drx ('1111) the otfice iec.tion and other dexeloperi to take care of megakcreens and flashing neon iignage ha. become orir of Next x a~ion. other components. 1ork'a iconic images and a llecca for ox\rrers of sign loc~~tions (Sa;al!n 2001. 331-2). The district'+ xitalit~ epitornizeq the Sinre the first announc ernent of the redr\elopn~entscheme in iuc cessful rexitalization of Rlanllattan's urljan hie. Iltllougll 1081. the project etirru~latedprotest from actixists fearing that thii qurcess is not \\ithout criticism. the origir~alit~of the gentrification mould displace lo\\er-income reaidrnts: from the planning regulations iq not I onteited. Huxtable (1091) and 24 RECALIBRATING CENTERS AND MARGINS , . lllr RIOI~IIhtadt'! .ip. \tlli( 11 ii ILOV t11(~1.rl1111an Erotllrr. +icn*is a grnt~~atio~~al~ts~d cd iurlr lripIr-\oltagt> T~III~,,S~IIJI~ -Ilo\tpicw~a\ thr c!lirltIric al hasdq -igr~or1 tht, ( IJII,~~Yd.t T4ui11ling. the IH 11tw ticker a11d telts\ i-ion w I twl at 1500 I;road\\a~.and tlr~.rrirq IJI tall wrerrl. jt~ttirlgout ho111t111, II~W Hruter. Buildiup ((;oltJl~nger 2002). c10.e proximit~of tlir auxiliaq lo( ation at 745 Sel rrdi Street from Ilorgari starile!'s hf?dd(pdrt~?l.. \\ hich ii abut two hloclt a\\ay. led the colnparrr to dec~deto not nloxe into its a1mo.t ( ornplete building. Irlitead it iold the niillion--quare-lool rren g1'1.i tomer for apI~loxirnatel! $700 millior~to anothe~securities iompans. Txhnlarl Brothers. I+ hi( 11 had hren tli~pl~ied fro111 it. .pace at J Tl orltl Financial ( enter (Holusha 2002). The crrati~r director W<orl an Gditt.1 ~+antetlto ( reatr a .i;n that nould be an integral h!er of arcliitccturr arrtl a series of I\PF startrd the p~ojectir~ 1006 and. at the time ot the contract \ikual sequrncri tl~at~toultl corlstantl\ animate and alter the in thr fall of 2CiO1, there \\a. not 111ucl1 leit for Lelirrian fac,ddc's appearance. The Inlaginel? Forcri team propo*etl a Brothers to do. The building rorlfiguration \\a\ partic~larl~ .erie> of Image5 on ~arioustheme& - -u~~riva.brid;rs. grcer~ addpted to co~ripdniebin the ircuritir* husineii and did not apple>. pig9 lranhs. glolwi. tradrr. at MOIL.The origir~al need to u~ldergoan\ major rwtruc turing. The ne\\ securitirs program tor RIorga11 Starlle! cle.ipr~rtl h! \a11 Lastel arltl 11ii compan! tool, o! rr the entire de\ eloprne~lt.aichitec tural and tolleagueq included wunds and iome \+orti. floatirlg or1 the ( onstrut lion group d..eriihled h! !lorpan %de~ to complete +(-reen\hut tlir acquisition of the propert\ L\ Lrhrnan Brothers an $80 million interio~ design piogranl and rilalie the feu imposed a 1r.s complex and rnore ahstrat t agenda (Goldl,rrZer (liange~necessar! to adapt t11~buildi~lg to the tompan) top 2002).
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    LOGISTICAL INFORMATION ACCOMMODATION IN NEW YORK CITY The following list of accommodations in New York City (most of them at moderate prices) has been updated as of March, 2015. We strongly suggest that you make reservations well in advance at all the following hotels and hostels. All rates shown are current, but double check with the hotel/hostel when you make your reservation as the rates shown may have changed at the discretion of the individual hotel/hostel. Rates given do not reflect taxes or other surcharges unless otherwise noted. Midtown Manhattan 14th to 59th Street (closest to UN) All neighbourhoods in this category are generally safe and nice. American Dream Hostel Phone: (212) 260 9779 Fax: (212) 260 9944 Website and email: www.americandreamhostel.com, [email protected] Street Address: 168 East 24th Street (Between Lexington & 3rd Ave.) Transportation: Take the M101, M102 or M103 from the 23rd St stop on 3rd Avenue to 42nd Street or #6 Train (at the 23rd St stop on Park Avenue South) to Grand Central Station and walk to the UN on 45th and 1st Ave. Rooms and Rates: 4 beds dormitory $59.00 per night per person ($69.00 Fri-Sat), private room (one person) $94 ($110.00 Fri-Sat), private room (two persons) $75.00 per person ($94.00 Fri-Sat), private room (three people) $60 per person ($69.00 Fri-Sat). Prices include free breakfast in the morning, linen and towels. Security: free luggage storage. Amenities: Refrigerator, microwave and flameless warmers, AC, heaters, shared bathrooms, free WiFi, two internet kiosks Other: Dormitory for guests younger than 30 years old.
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