International Initiatives to Address Tropical Timber Logging and Trade A Report for the Norwegian Ministry of the Environment Lars H. Gulbrandsen and David Humphreys FNI Report 4/2006 International Initiatives to Address Tropical Timber Logging and Trade A Report for the Norwegian Ministry of the Environment Lars H. Gulbrandsen The Fridtjof Nansen Institute Norway
[email protected] David Humphreys Open University UK April 2006 FRIDTJOF NANSENS INSTITUTT THE FRIDTJOF NANSEN INSTITUTE Copyright © The Fridtjof Nansen Institute 2006 Title International Initiatives to Address Tropical Timber Logging and Trade. A Report for the Norwegian Ministry of the Environment. Publication Type and Number Pages FNI report 4/2006 67 Authors ISBN Lars H. Gulbrandsen and David Humphreys 82-7613-489-0 Programme or Project ISSN 653 0801-2431 Abstract This report examines a broad range of international initiatives to address tropical timber logging and trade. The report first looks at international and regional initiatives to control illegal logging, with a particular focus on the Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) processes in East Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and Europe and North Asia. Second, the report reviews the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) action plan, which includes voluntary partnership agreements between producer countries and the EU on timber licensing; the adoption by member states of procurement policies stipulating the purchase of timber from legal sources; promoting private sector initiatives, including codes of conduct; and the exercise of due diligence by export credit agencies and financial institutions when funding logging pro- jects. Third, the report examines various forest certification schemes and inter- national discussions about forest certification in some detail, because several governments have identified certification as a way of verifying that public pro- curement requirements for legal and sustainable timber are met.