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Downloaded From Website News Archive 2010 - 2015 Feed Content Setback to restoration of ringing at St. Mary's Clapham Posted:Mon, 28 Dec 2015 14:30:35 +0000 Monday, 28 Dec 2015 The tower at St.Mary’s Clapham has had assorted unsightly cracks for decades but ringing had remained possible as various consultants employed by the Church over the years had not called for it to be curtailed or ceased. Ringing was tailed off around the Millennium, mainly due to lack of ringers, but then the recently completed repairs to the spire were necessary. It seemed that the previous “status quo” regarding ringing would soon be back again, because even the recent works did not include comprehensive remedial work to the tower's cracks. Unfortunately, the Church has now received a report from the Structural Engineers which says the tower appears stable in it's present condition but it goes on to say that the cracks need to be “…..addressed in the near future and certainly before any consideration is given to recommencing bell-ringing in the tower…..”. Ringing can’t, therefore, be allowed to recommence after all. Ringing previously proposed for the Rededication on 17th January will have to be limited to a little chiming, and that full-circle ringing is being deferred indefinitely. The engineers recommend a sequence of inspections, monitoring and analyses leading to, presumably, extensive conservation repairs to all the cracked areas. No timescale is suggested by the Engineers, and, in any event, there will be the issue of another significant financial burden for the Church. At some point it is still intended to have the chiming facility reinstated, although this is deferred pending the advice of the consultants as to where in the grand scheme of things this work can be fitted in. It may be that we can achieve an interim solution of chiming regularly pending the obviously major additional work now being suggested. Mike Shelley A Christmas Celebration Posted:Mon, 21 Dec 2015 14:27:35 +0000 Monday, 21 Dec 2015 The Northern District hosted a celebration of the community of bell ringers on Saturday 19th December. The invite extended to ringers from the Middlesex and Guildford areas as well as everybody in Surrey. With the date falling on the weekend before Christmas, with numerous alternative events not least a significant ringers wedding at Southwark Cathedral, it was likely that many ringers would have competing priorities. Nevertheless numbers grew as the day progressed to around 60 people at Battersea. The day started with general ringing at both St Gabriel and then St Saviour Pimlico before a leisurely walk along the River Thames to St Mary Battersea for the main event. After general ringing this took the form of a ‘Dickensian’ carol service. This featured the talented London University Hand Bell Ringers, a variety of readings, Christmas Tale with piano accordion accompaniment by Chris and Jo Drew, as well as some well- known carols with support from a ringers and friends choir. Mince Pies and mulled wine in the Crypt then followed, with the pub afterwards for the remaining hardy souls. All who attended appeared to enjoy the day and many asked whether it would be repeated in future. The Northern District Annual District Meeting takes place at Benhilton on 16th January 2016. Do come along and have a say on the events you would like to see organised in the next 12 months. Chris Ridley Kingston Ringers Christmas Tree Posted:Mon, 21 Dec 2015 14:47:51 +0000 Monday, 21 Dec 2015 A number of churches have started to adopt decorated Christmas trees both to celebrate Advent as well as raise funds for charities. When the Vicar suggested a similar scheme at Kingston upon Thames it was inevitable that a Ringers’ Tree would form part of the display. The theme was based around bell shaped decorations, but with a talented band the boat was pushed out and included rope and sally decorations by Diane Pratt. Her son, Philip Pratt, is of course the proprietor of Avon Bell Ropes so we now known where he gets his inspiration from. As well as raising funds for charity this is a great way to promote ringing amongst the non-ringing community, especially over the festive period during which church bells play such a prominent role. Is this something for all Association towers to think about for next year? First Peal for Barbara! Posted:Wed, 16 Dec 2015 22:19:46 +0000 Wednesday, 16 Dec 2015 Many congratulations to Barbara Ghezzi for ringing her first peal earlier today in Barnes! Barbara, a Richmond ringer who learned to ring just over a year ago with us in Barnes, covered to doubles for her first quarter peal on 29th November this year. She did so well, we then challenged her to attempt a peal before the end of the year to be part of FirstPeal2015. So today, less than weeks later, she achieved this (despite a little jetlag after flying back from Japan the day before)! Many thanks to the band (left to right) Chris Ridley, Richard Anthony, Chris McLean (conductor), Oli Thompson and Rod Bickerton photographed here with Barbara. Training Day, a students perspective Posted:Wed, 16 Dec 2015 21:56:43 +0000 Wednesday, 16 Dec 2015 Ann Beirne from Merstham shares her experience of the recent Bletchingley training day. Sitting at home now, babysitting the grandchildren, I am thinking “Wow! What a great day I’ve had” and really appreciating all the hard work that must go into organising the training day. I wish they were more frequent than every six months but the organisers would be flat out… Having had the date in my diary since the beginning of the year, the application forms were out. Lots of choice ranging from Bell handling to Plain Bob Minor. I wanted to push myself so took advice from Alison McCormick and chose Plain Bob Doubles (PBD). Fortunately my selection was offered. During the Godstone tower practice preceding the event the chat was all about who was on what training. It was encouraging that all but two of the people at the practice were attending as students or helpers. Finally Saturday arrived, up early, sun shining, ginger cake baked, I am excited however by the time I arrive at Bletchingley village hall the rain is falling and I feel rather anxious and doubting my ability for PBD. With a very warm welcome and cup of tea I queue for registration then meet with Noel Gibbin, the PBD group leader. I am amazed at how many faces I recognise amongst the one hundred or so students and helpers in the hall. A very friendly community. At about 9:30 Kate Flavell, the Master of the Surrey Association introduced the event with recognition and notices of future events. With that and the last minute dash to the loo we were off to our designated tower at St Peter and St Paul church, Nutfield, just a mile down the road. Group Leader Noel Gibbin (Caterham St. John) Five students – Jan Herd (Caterham St. John), Mark Davies (Charlwood), Luigi Vincenti (Waterloo), Rosalyn Dale (Oxted), and me. Seven helpers – Charles Turnbull (Barnes), David Whitehead (Addington), Lawrence Davies (Wimbledon), Nolan Marchand (Waterloo), Oli Thompson (Nutfield), Richard Wallis (Godstone), and Simon Beirne (Merstham). Noel started with introductions: helpers with between 2 and 40+ years’ experience; and students with a variety of aspirations and experience, in plain hunting, touches… we warmed up with a few call changes on the six bells, making Queens and back. Now down to the subject of the day. Why did my parents call me Ann? Oh well, first up and PBD from the 2. I sort of knew the circle of work and with Noel’s guidance I managed a plain course, with much searching for the correct bells to follow though (my rope sight is not there yet) and mashing/clashing the dodging. Two more goes to try to improve and then I hand over to the next student in line. During the other students’ rope time I take as much opportunity as possible to stand behind one of the experienced ringers. Between each session Noel gives tips and advice on techniques for learning. I get a “magic moment” when I realise the meaning of the little number notation on the blue line diagram and that the sequence of work is the same for the two, three, four and five. By the end of the morning session I feel fairly confident that I know what I should be doing, unfortunately the brain struggles to transfer this break-through of knowledge to the body. In the pouring rain we walk to the nearest pub, the Queen’s Head, for well-earned and welcome refreshments. Ninety minutes later we return to the tower, in the pouring rain for the afternoon session, minus one student and one helper. So even more rope time in store. Some waning of energy was creeping in but the huge bar of chocolate gave the needed boost to manage a further three goes of PBD each. Having observed the number 4 bell for a few rounds I was compelled to have a go: woo-hoo!, more progress than I expected as I managed to get through a couple of courses. Nowhere near perfect, but making headway. Sadly the training session came to an end and following feedback form completion we made our way back to Bletchingley village hall. Once again a very welcome cup of tea and many familiar faces to share our achievements, stories of frustration and challenges of different towers - stiff and bouncy ropes, odd struck bells and loads more.
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