Viewtier Parabuild 3.1 Administrator's Manual Viewtier Parabuild 3.1: Administrator's Manual Copyright © 2004-2008 Viewtier Systems

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Viewtier Parabuild 3.1 Administrator's Manual Viewtier Parabuild 3.1: Administrator's Manual Copyright © 2004-2008 Viewtier Systems Viewtier Parabuild 3.1 Administrator's Manual Viewtier Parabuild 3.1: Administrator's Manual Copyright © 2004-2008 Viewtier Systems Table of Contents Preface .....................................................................................................................ix About This Manual ............................................................................................. ix Audience ..........................................................................................................ix Technical Support .............................................................................................. ix 1. Build Statuses Page .................................................................................................. 1 List View Mode ..................................................................................................1 Detailed View Mode ............................................................................................ 1 Build Control Commands ..................................................................................... 1 2. System Configuration ............................................................................................... 3 General System Settings ....................................................................................... 3 E-Mail Settings ........................................................................................... 3 Appearance Settings .................................................................................... 5 Stability Settings ......................................................................................... 7 Display Groups ................................................................................................... 8 Adding A Display Group .............................................................................. 8 Editing A Display Group .............................................................................. 8 Deleting A Display Group ............................................................................ 8 Built-In Display Groups ............................................................................... 8 Instant Messaging Settings .................................................................................... 8 Jabber Configuration ................................................................................... 9 Entering Parabuild Licenses .................................................................................. 9 Configuring LDAP Authentication ....................................................................... 10 Connection URL ....................................................................................... 10 Connection Principal And Connection Credentials ........................................... 10 Connection Security Level .......................................................................... 10 Processing Referrals .................................................................................. 11 User Distinguished Name Template .............................................................. 11 User Search Template ................................................................................ 11 Base Element For User Searches .................................................................. 11 Search Entire Subtree ................................................................................. 12 User Password Attribute Name .................................................................... 12 Credentials Digest Algorithm ...................................................................... 12 User E-Mail Attribute Name ....................................................................... 12 Add First-Time Users To Group ................................................................... 12 Testing LDAP Configuration ....................................................................... 12 Integrating With Active Directory ................................................................ 12 3. Configuring a Build ............................................................................................... 13 Overview ......................................................................................................... 13 General Settings Form ....................................................................................... 13 Naming A Build ............................................................................................... 13 Selecting Build Type ......................................................................................... 14 Automatic Builds ...................................................................................... 14 Scheduled Builds ...................................................................................... 14 Manual Builds .......................................................................................... 15 Parallel Builds .......................................................................................... 15 Selecting Build Results Access ............................................................................ 15 Detailed Build Configuration ............................................................................... 16 Adding Build Steps ................................................................................... 16 Configuring ClearCase Access ..................................................................... 18 Configuring CVS Access ............................................................................ 20 Configuring Watching For File System Changes ............................................. 25 Configuring Generic Version Control System Access ....................................... 27 Configuring MKS Access ........................................................................... 29 iv Viewtier Parabuild 3.1 Configuring Perforce Access ....................................................................... 30 Configuring Serena Version Manager (PVCS) Access ...................................... 34 Configuring StarTeam Access ..................................................................... 37 Configuring Subversion Access ................................................................... 38 Configuring Surround Access ...................................................................... 40 Configuring Vault Access ........................................................................... 42 Configuring Visual SourceSafe Access .......................................................... 44 Configuring Build Schedule ........................................................................ 46 Configuring Build Labeling ........................................................................ 48 Notification Settings Tab .................................................................................... 49 Setting Notification Policy .......................................................................... 49 Mapping Names of Users of a Version Control System to E-mail ....................... 49 Using E-mails Provided by Version Control System ........................................ 49 Setting Default E-mail Domain .................................................................... 50 Notifying Other Users ................................................................................ 50 Understanding Relative Paths .............................................................................. 51 Build Logs Tab ................................................................................................. 51 Setting Up Build Logs Compression ............................................................. 51 Adding Custom Logs ................................................................................. 51 Adding a Single Text File Log ..................................................................... 52 Adding a Directory with Text File Logs ......................................................... 52 Adding a Single HTML File Log .................................................................. 52 Adding a HTML Directory Log ................................................................... 52 Build Results Tab .............................................................................................. 53 Setting Up Automatic Deleting Of Build Results ............................................. 53 Configuring Single File Result ..................................................................... 53 Configuring Directory Result ...................................................................... 53 Configuring An External URL Result ........................................................... 53 Accessing Externally Stored Build Results ..................................................... 54 Debugging Build Result Path ...................................................................... 54 Release Notes Tab ............................................................................................. 54 Linking Release Notes And Changes ............................................................ 55 Retrieving Release Notes From Bugzilla ........................................................ 55 Parameters Tab ................................................................................................. 57 Version Counter ........................................................................................ 57 Manual Run Parameters ............................................................................
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