March 2012 Photo Notes
The Newsletter of the Park West Camera Club Photo Notes Our 75th Year March/April 2012 Presidentʼs Letter Flower Power! Spring is in the air. It has actually been in the air for much of this past winter with temperatures in the 40s and 50s many days and abundant sun- shine, but for PWCC it means a time to speak anew of many things such as more field trips, the Club auction on April 9th, return of the Florida contingent, annual election of officers, planning the Otto Litzel Dinner and awards, short pants, sleeveless dresses, sandals, sun block, longer days for shooting pictures, Chuck’s Expanding Visions class, the Manhattan Borough President’s Office In This Issue show and whatever I’ve left out, such as shoes, ships, sealing wax, cabbages and kings1. President’s Letter.................................1 Who’s Who & What’s What........2 & 3 So instead of winding down, the Club is heating Club Info..................................3, 5 & 10 up, invigorated by the warmer weather and an- Rules of Photography..........................4 ticipation of all our upcoming events and activi- B&H Space............................................5 ties, photographic and otherwise. Competition...................................6 & 7 Sitzfleisch..............................................8 I’m particularly looking forward to the Otto Litzel Election Procedures.............................9 Dinner this year. It’s dedicated to the Club’s 75th Inquiries..............................................10 Anniversary and we’re still looking for sugges- Business Meeting Minutes................11 tions for a restaurant roomy enough to display Call for Entries...................................14 Club memorabilia or at least to project a slide- Expanding Visions 18........................15 show. Please give your suggestions to Sid Geor- Auction................................................16 giou.
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