
Conservation Genetics (2006) Springer 2006 DOI 10.1007/s10592-005-9110-9

Re-examination of the historical range of the greater chicken using provenance data and DNA analysis of museum collections

Jeremy D. Ross1, Allan D. Arndt2,4, Roger F. C. Smith2, Jeff A. Johnson3 & Juan L. Bouzat1,* 1Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, 43403-0212, USA; 2Department of Zoology, Brandon University, , R7A 6A9, ; 3Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, USA; 4University College of Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 7M8, Canada (*Corresponding author: Phone: +419-372-9240; Fax: +419-372-2024; E-mail: [email protected])

Received 7 March 2005; accepted 17 December 2005

Key words: cupido, range expansion, historical DNA analysis, mitochondrial DNA, mismatch distributions

Abstract The extent to which a has declined within its historical range is commonly used as an important criterion in categorizing the of wild populations. The (Tym- panuchus cupido) has been extirpated from much of the area it once inhabited. However, within a large part of this area the species is not considered to be native, warranting no recovery effort or special protection. Demographic analysis based on provenance data from 238 specimens from museum collections in addition to genetic analyses of 100 mtDNA sequences suggest this species was native to the northern , extending from central Minnesota to , Canada. Provenance data from 1879 to 1935 indicate that T. cupido would have required colonization and establishment of populations on an average 11,905 km2 every year, with an estimated per capita growth rate of 8.9% per year. These rates seem unrealistic given the limited dispersal and high mortality rates reported for this species. A survey of mtDNA sequences from ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ ranges revealed no differences in levels of sequence diversity within ranges (p=0.018; SE=0.004) but significant levels of genetic differentiation (FST=0.034; P=0.013), which suggest that these populations have been relatively isolated for significant evolutionary time periods. DNA mis- match distributions fit a sudden expansion model consistent with a post-Pleistocene expansion of the species, which coincides with the expansion of prairies into the Canadian plains about 9000 years before present. This study demonstrates the value of museum collections as stores of ecological and genetic information fundamental for the conservation of natural populations, and suggests that the current status of the greater prairie chicken should be re-evaluated within all areas where this species may occur, but is now considered non-native.

Introduction declined relative to historical levels is commonly used as an important criterion in categorizing the Effective conservation and restoration strategies status of a population as critically endangered, for declining populations require accurate infor- endangered or vulnerable (IUCN 2001). Knowl- mation about the historical distribution of species. edge of a species’ historical distribution may be In addition to actual or projected population size, gained through written accounts of species pres- the extent to which a species’ distribution has ence by early explorers and naturalists (e.g., Douglas 1829; Hind 1860; Coues 1874), long-term Minnesota, North Dakota and the central Cana- studies on the distribution and abundance of dian plains) this species is not considered to be natural populations (Collins 2001), evaluation of native and thus, no recovery effort or special the fossil record (Lieberman 2000), or through protection is warranted within these regions examination of provenance data from museum (Hjertaas et al. 1993). The non-native classifica- specimens (Shaffer et al. 1998). Yet, there are tion of T. cupido in Canada and north-central limitations to each approach. Historical accounts USA is based largely upon what we term the and fossil records may be fragmentary, prove- ‘‘following the plough’’ (FTP) hypothesis. Based nance data from museum collections are restricted mainly on anecdotal evidence from early natural- to areas surveyed by early collectors, and long- ists (Coues 1874; Cooke 1888; Roberts 1932), this term studies provide no information prior to hypothesis suggests that T. cupido expanded its human settlement. prehistoric range in response to habitat alteration Genetic analyses of both contemporary popu- by European settlers. Development of the west lations and museum (i.e., historic) specimens have during the late 1800s through early 1900s is proven useful in evaluating past demographic and thought to have provided favorable conditions for genetic processes. For example, such studies have a rapid range expansion of the greater prairie provided insight into historical human migrations chicken (Coues 1874). Originating from core pop- and trade routes (e.g., Rogers 1995; Arndt et al. ulations on the prairies of mid-western USA, the 2003), microevolution of natural populations species is believed to have colonized the north-central (Lambert et al. 2002; Pergams et al. 2003), post- US states (i.e., Minnesota and North Dakota) and, Pleistocene colonizations (e.g., Lessa et al. 2003; subsequently, the Canadian prairie provinces of Rowe et al. 2004), and the temporal loss of genetic Manitoba, and Alberta (Figure 1). diversity in threatened species (e.g., Bouzat et al. Under the FTP hypothesis the total area within 1998; Bouzat 2001; Johnson et al. 2004). which T. cupido occurred at some point in the past In this study, we used provenance and genetic may, therefore, be divided into ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘ex- data from museum specimens to re-examine the panded’’ ranges, the latter believed to be inhabited historical range of the greater prairie chicken, only as the direct consequence of human activities, Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus. This species has specifically modern agricultural expansion across the been known to occur in grassland habitat from prairies (Figure 1). eastern Ontario west to central Alberta in Canada, The earliest suggestion that greater prairie and south to the Texas–Louisiana border of the chickens expanded their range following the USA (Johnsgard 1983). However, its current dis- plough can be traced back to Trippe (1871) and tribution is restricted to eleven US states. Abun- Coues (1874), the latter stating that this species dance estimates suggest that only four states had only reached Fort Randall (at the Nebras- contain populations larger than 5000 breeding ka– border) by the early 1870’s. (Kansas – KS, Nebraska – NE, South Da- However, this claim contradicts John James kota – SD, and Colorado – CO) while populations Audubon’s earlier reports indicating the presence in the other seven states (North Dakota – ND, of T. cupido in the ‘‘Big Bend’’ region of the Minnesota – MN, Wisconsin – WI, Illinois – IL, Missouri River by the 1840’s (Audubon 1960). Missouri – MO, Iowa – IA, and – OK) Other 19th century reports from early naturalists are greatly reduced (Svedarsky et al. 1999a). also suggest that greater prairie chickens inhab- Limited abundance, restricted distribution and ited the Canadian prairies prior to agricultural declining trends of greater prairie chicken popu- development by European settlers. For example, lations in many of the US states have resulted in during August 1827 David Douglas noted greater listing this species as endangered (IL, MO, IA), prairie chickens on Manitoba prairies north of threatened (ND and WI), or of special concern the 49th parallel (Douglas 1829; see Houston (MN) (see Svedarsky et al. 1999a for a complete 2002 for possible revision of locale), William synopsis of T. cupido status in USA). Ross King (1866) indicated that the species was Clearly, the greater prairie chicken has been abundant in the Assiniboine river valley of extirpated from much of the area it once inhabited. Manitoba/Saskatchewan, and Henry Youle Hind However, within a large part of this area (e.g., (1860) reported multiple sightings of greater Figure 1. Historical (in gray) and current (in black) distribution range of the greater prairie chicken, Tympanuchus cupido. ‘‘Original’’ and ‘‘Expanded’’ ranges are defined based on the ‘‘following the plough’’ hypothesis (see text). Current distribution adapted from Svedarsky et al. (1999a). prairie chickens up to 52N latitude in 1857. All and as such cast doubt on the idea that greater three authors’ descriptions of morphology or prairie chickens expanded their range following mating behaviors seem indicative of T. cupido, the plough. Such early historical accounts (Douglas 1829; edgements) were surveyed for T. cupido specimens. Hind 1860; King 1866), along with the availability We identified specimens collected throughout the of prairie habitat in North Dakota and Canada well putative ‘‘expanded’’ range, including specimens before European settlement, lend support to an from North Dakota and western Canada. In alternative hypothesis; i.e., that the greater prairie addition, we incorporated provenance data from chicken was native to the central plains of Canada, sets previously surveyed by Houston (2002). inhabiting tall and mixed-grass prairie ecosystems We also documented the presence of greater prai- long before agricultural development. Even with rie chickens in this area from publications by early conflicting accounts regarding the presence of naturalists and wildlife managers, indicating year greater prairie chicken on the Canadian prairies, and location of capture/sightings (Kirsch and the FTP hypothesis has been generally accepted Kruse 1972; Kobriger 1999; Houston 2002). Tissue despite limited evidence either for or against it. samples (feather roots or skin) for genetic analysis In addition to the hypothesized northwestward were obtained from 111 museum specimens col- expansion of T. cupido, a second expansion to the lected across the ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ ran- northeast has been suggested as a result of forest ges. In some cases, specimens from museum clear-cutting in parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, collections were sampled and mailed to us by their Michigan and Ontario (Svedarsky et al. 1999a). We respective museum scientific staff. An additional have not examined this expansion as this area his- 29 blood samples from contemporary populations torically encompassed forest-dominated ecosystems, were also included to broaden the representation which do not represent greater prairie chicken habitat. of samples from the entire greater prairie chicken To evaluate the ‘‘following the plough’’ (FTP) range. hypothesis, we used provenance and genetic data from T. cupido museum specimens. Compiled Estimating rates of expansion provenance data allowed us to quantify the his- torical presence of T. cupido at different times and Provenance data from 154 birds and 84 egg sets locations during the assumed range expansion. collected prior to 1935 were used to analyze the Using a geographic information system approach, putative expansion rate required under the FTP we were able to estimate the average expansion hypothesis. For each specimen, latitude and lon- rates necessary to support the rapid colonization gitude values associated with its procurement proposed by the FTP hypothesis. In addition, location, gathered directly from museum speci- genetic analysis of 100 greater prairie chicken mens’ collection tags, were obtained from the samples from the ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ Canadian Geographical Names Data Base (http:// ranges allowed us to evaluate expectations from www.geonames.nrcan.gc.ca) and the Geographic the FTP hypothesis regarding levels of genetic Names Information System (http://www.geo- variation within and between population ranges, names.usgs.gov). Specimen locations were then as well as potential geographic structuring. Fur- mapped using ArcView GIS, version 3.2 (Envi- thermore, DNA mismatch distributions provided ronmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, insight into past demographic events associated CA) and further classified by date of collection with the species’ range expansion over evolution- (Figure 2). ary time. The present study demonstrates the To estimate the rate of range expansion we importance of museum collections for examining defined minimum convex polygons (MCPs) using species’ historical ranges and past demographic the Movement Extension (Hooge and events that have direct implications for the con- Eichenlaub 2000) implemented within ArcView, servation of species. which determined the minimum area for which we had documented presence of T. cupido at a par- Methods ticular time period (Figure 2). These areas were characterized strictly on provenance data from Survey and sampling of museum collections clearly identified museum specimens (238 sam- ples). MCPs for the hypothesized expansion were Ornithological collections from natural history defined by the outermost sample locations for each museums across (see acknowl- 5-year interval from 1879/1880 to 1935. The Figure 2. Geographic representation of the putative greater prairie chicken expansion and colonization into North Dakota and Canada. Minimum convex polygons (MCPs) were defined using provenance data from museum specimens collected between 1879 and 1935 (see text). Solid dots represent all locations where museum specimens/egg sets were collected prior to 1925. Open dots represent greater prairie chicken presence prior to 1925 as obtained from historical records.

‘‘starting point’’ of the expansion (Fargo, ND) was calculated based on an exponential population selected based upon postulates of the FTP growth model and a minimum density value of hypothesis for the greater prairie chicken expan- 1.19 birds/km2 reported from extant populations sion into North Dakota and Canada (Cooke 1888; (Applegate and Horak 1999; Kobriger 1999). Roberts 1932). The average rate of range expansion was esti- DNA amplifications and sequencing mated following Okubo (1988) by plotting the progress of the equivalent radial expansion (i.e., We selected 100 T. cupido DNA samples for se- the square root of the area divided by the square quence analysis of 214 bp of the mtDNA control root of the mathematical p) over time. A regres- region. Sampling was designed to provide wide- sion analysis was performed to test for a linear spread coverage of both the ‘‘original’’ and relationship indicating a constant rate of expan- ‘‘expanded’’ ranges and to keep sample sizes even sion. This analysis provides an estimate of the (50 samples each). Samples from the ‘‘original’’ average expansion rate required to colonize a range included eight published sequences (Dro- given range over a selected time period. Due to the vetski 2002; Johnson et al. 2003), 21 museum scarcity of museum samples for defining some specimens, and 21 samples from contemporary MCPs, written accounts and reports of T. cupido populations. The ‘‘expanded’’ range was repre- presence prior to 1925 (open dots in Figure 2) were sented by four previously reported sequences also mapped alongside museum specimens. These (Johnson et al. 2003), 38 museum specimens, and 8 points helped determine if the MCP boundaries samples from contemporary populations. potentially overestimated the area colonized (e.g., DNA extractions from museum specimens by including areas where the species has never were performed by proteinase-K digestion (over- occurred). The rate of population increase (r) night at 56 C) in a cell lysis buffer (10 mM Tris, associated with the putative range expansion was 100 mM EDTA, 2% SDS), followed by a standard phenol–chloroform extraction and subsequent primers previously described. DNA sequencing ethanol precipitation (modified from Sambrook reactions were performed using either a BigDye et al. 1989). Concentrations of DNA extracts were Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Bio- standardized at 15–30 ng/ll for further DNA systems, Foster City, CA) or a CEQ Dye Ter- amplification. Two different primer sets were used minator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Beckman Coulter, to amplify the hypervariable region I (HVRI) of Fullerton,CA) and analyzed in an ABI 310 the mitochondrial control region. The first set was (Applied Biosystems) or a CEQ 8000 (Beckman designed using conspecific sequences published by Coulter) capillary DNA sequencer, respectively. Lucchini et al. (2001) to amplify a 214 bp section Electrophoretograms were visually inspected to of the HVRI. Primer sequences were as follows: ensure proper base calling. Amplification prod- TCCR-F, 5¢-CACATACATTATGGTACCGG-3¢; ucts from 17 museum specimens did not produce TCCR-R, 5¢-CAATAAATCCATCTGGTACG-3¢. quality sequences through direct sequencing and, The second set included primers 16775L (Quinn thus, were cloned using a TOPO TA cloning kit 1992) and 521H (Quinn and Wilson 1993) with (Invitrogen Corporation, Carlsbad, CA). Positive nested primers as described in Johnson and Dunn clones were purified using the QIAprep Spin (2006). The second set of primers amplified 384 bp Miniprep Kit (QIAGEN Inc., Valencia, CA) for of the mtDNA control region, fully overlapping subsequent DNA sequencing. To confirm the the 214 bp fragment amplified by the TCCR reliability of these sequences, at least two inde- primer set. pendent clones were sequenced. Additional Amplification reactions were performed in 25– sequencing was conducted to resolve any dis- 50 ll reaction volumes containing about 50 ng of crepancies between independent sequencing total DNA as template, 0.2–0.5 lM of each pri- reactions from the same sample. Confirmation of mer, 1.25–1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.1–0.4 mM dNTPs, these sequences (three samples) was based upon and 1–2 U Taq DNA polymerase depending upon the detection of two identical sequences from the primer set used. Amplification profiles independent clones. Previously unpublished DNA included a denaturing step at 94 C for 3 min, sequences used in this study are deposited in followed by 35 cycles of 30 s at 94 C, 30 s at GenBank (accession numbers: AY855226– 48 C, and 45 s at 72 C, with a final extension AY855262). step at 75 C for 10 min. In some cases a second round of amplification was necessary to obtain Genetic analyses suitable amounts of product from historical samples. Extreme caution was exercised to prevent HVRI mtDNA sequences were trimmed to the contamination of DNA extractions and amplifi- 214 bp section located between the TCCR-F and cation reactions with conspecific DNA. All DNA TCCR-R amplification primers, and aligned using extractions and amplification reactions of museum Clustal X multiple sequence alignment software specimens were performed in different lab facilities (Thompson et al. 1997). DNA sequences were or at different times from similar procedures on analyzed using the programs MEGA (Molecular contemporary samples. Blank controls were per- Evolutionary Genetic Analysis) version 2.1 (Ku- formed for most DNA extractions of historical mar et al. 2001) and DnaSP version 4.00.6 (Rozas samples (i.e., extraction protocols were performed and Rozas 1999). Specimens were grouped as without samples and subsequently subjected to either ‘‘original’’ or ‘‘expanded’’ according to their PCR to test for possible contamination). Reac- hypothesized historical status (i.e., located in the tions were prepared using high recovery filtered putative original or expanded ranges). Standard pipette tips to prevent aerosol contamination. estimates of (raw and net Negative controls were consistently used to mon- sequence divergence, haplotype diversity Hd, and itor potential contamination during PCR amplifi- nucleotide diversity p; Nei and Kumar 2000) and cations. their corresponding standard errors (estimated Twenty-nine samples from contemporary using a bootstrap method with 500 replications; populations and 59 samples from museum spec- Kumar et al. 2001) were calculated for each group imens were amplified and directly sequenced, as well as for the total population sample. both forward and reverse, using the amplification An estimate of mean interpopulation sequence diversity is given by dST=pT)pS, where pT and parametric bootstrap approach described above pS represent the mean sequence diversity for (Schneider et al. 2000). Using simulations, the entire population and the subpopulations, Schneider and Excoffier (1999) demonstrated respectively. MODELTEST (Posada and Crandall that, although estimates of demographic param- 1998) was used to determine the best model of eters such as population sizes (h0 and h1) may sequence evolution inferred from the data (trans- not be reliable, the expansion time is estimated versional model TVM+G, based on Akaike without much bias and with reasonable precision. Information Criterion). Estimates of genetic From the mismatch distribution, the proportion diversity and subsequent analyses did not change of the times the true value of s is outside the significantly by the distance methods used, which empirical confidence intervals is approximately included the number of pairwise differences, the equal to the significance level a (Schneider and proportion of differences (Pi), the Kimura-2 Excoffier 1999). An estimate of the absolute time parameter and Tamura-Nei models, and the best since expansion was then calculated using the model inferred from MODELTEST. Therefore, equation s=2ut, where t is the number of years we only report results on the absolute number and since genetic coalescence, and u is the mutation the proportion of pairwise differences among rate for the whole haplotype (Rogers and Har- sequences. pending 1992; Schneider et al. 2000). Rogers An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA; (1992, 1995) has shown that the estimate of s is Schneider et al. 2000) was performed to estimate relatively insensitive to violations of assumptions levels of genetic differentiation (FST) between from the sudden expansion model, constant samples from the ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ mutation rate across nucleotide sites, and no ranges. Significance levels for variance compo- population subdivision. nents were computed in ARLEQUIN using a non-parametric procedure with 1000 random permutations (Schneider et al. 2000). Results ARLEQUIN was also used to develop a minimum spanning haplotype network and DNA Rates of range expansion mismatch distributions, both based upon pair- wise distances among sequences. The mismatch Surveys of 27 museum collections throughout the distributions were tested for goodness of fit to USA and Canada, plus the Natural History Mu- Rogers and Harpending’s (1992) sudden expan- seum in London, provided provenance data for sion model, which assumes that populations at 238 greater prairie chicken specimens/egg sets demographic equilibrium will display a multi- collected from North Dakota and Canada between modal distribution of pairwise differences, 1879 and 1935. The mapped distribution of these whereas populations that experienced a sudden samples indicated that, prior to 1925, T. cupido demographic expansion will show a unimodal range extended, at least, to the northern limits of mismatch distribution. This approach was not the mixed-grass prairies of Canada, encompassing used to test the FTP hypothesis, but instead to an estimated area of approximately 550,000 km2 evaluate the evolutionary range expansion of this (Figure 2). This is consistent with reports of species. The validity of the sudden expansion greater prairie chicken presence throughout that model is tested using a parametric bootstrap region during the same time period (Houston approach where 500 random samples are gener- 2002). ated using a coalescent algorithm in accordance Provenance data from the museum specimens with the inferred demographic expansion allowed the characterization of eight MCPs during (Schneider et al. 2000). P-values are then calcu- the hypothesized expansion from 1879 to 1935 lated as the proportion of simulations producing (Figure 2). The presence of only one sample point a larger sum-of-squared deviation (SSD) than the between 1879 and 1885 prevented the construction observed SSD. From the mismatch distribution, of an MCP for that time interval. In addition, ARLEQUIN provides an estimator of the age of museum specimens collected after 1925 did not expansion (s) that best fits the data as well as cause MCPs to increase in size, thus 1925 was confidence intervals generated through the same considered the end of the expansion period. The 500 1000

450 900

400 800 GPC Population (x 10 350 700

300 600

250 500

200 400 3 150 300 )

100 200 Equivalent Radial Expansion (km) 50 100

0 0 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 Year

Figure 3. Range radius expansion (open dots) and abundance estimates (solid dots) over time during the putative greater prairie chicken invasion into North Dakota and Canada. Dotted and solid lines represent the linear regression (R2=0.984, P<0.001) and exponential function (R2=0.910, P<0.001) that best fit the assumed range expansion and population growth, respectively. sequential increase of MCP area over time corre- Genetic analyses sponded to an equivalent radial expansion that fit a linear regression (R2=0.984, P<0.001; The DNA sequence analysis of the mtDNA Figure 3), indicating a constant radial spread of HVRI from 100 samples, including samples from 9.3 km/year. Overall, the establishment of greater museum and contemporary specimens, revealed prairie chicken populations following the plough 45 distinct mitochondrial haplotypes with 34 would have required an average colonization rate polymorphic sites. Total haplotype diversity was of 11,905 km2/year over the 46-year period under 0.963 (SE<0.001). Sequence diversity (p) for the consideration. Assuming a constant density of 1.19 entire population sample was 3.968 (SE=0.963) birds/km2 (i.e., a low density estimate from extant and 0.017 (SE=0.004) for the absolute number populations) in each MCP, abundance estimates and the proportion of nucleotide differences, plotted against time fit an exponential growth respectively (Table 1). When samples were model (R2=0.910, P<0.001, Figure 3) with an grouped into ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ popu- average growth rate (r) of 0.089. When MCPs were lations, we did not find significant differences in constructed using additional presence data from their levels of genetic diversity, as indicated by historical reports, the estimated equivalent rate of the similar levels of haplotype diversity in the radial expansion (9.6 km/year) was slightly higher original (Hd=0.949; SE=0.002) and expanded than that calculated from museum specimens, thus (Hd=0.972; SE=0.001) ranges, the low levels of requiring a higher growth rate over the same time net sequence divergence between the two groups period. (less than 1% difference; Table 1), and the low Table 1. Estimates of genetic diversity (raw and net sequence divergence, and nucleotide diversity p) within and between greater prairie chicken populations from the ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ ranges, and for the entire population sample. Standard errors in parentheses were calculated using the bootstrap method implemented in MEGA (Kumar et al. 2001)

Number of Proportion of

differences differences (Pi)

Raw and net divergence Within groups Expanded 3.989 (0.866) 0.019 (0.004) Original 3.813 (0.911) 0.018 (0.004) Between groups 4.034 (0.957) 0.019 (0.004) Net between groups 0.133 (0.115) 0.001 (0.001) Sequence diversity (p) Within groups 3.901 (0.911) 0.018 (0.004) Entire population 3.968 (0.963) 0.017 (0.004) Interpopulation diversity 0.067 (0.053) <0.001 (<0.001)

interpopulation sequence diversity. Overall, abundant haplotypes, accounting for 11, 10, 8 and average sequence diversity within ranges was not 7% of the samples, respectively (Figure 4). significantly different than that detected between Mismatch distributions for the ‘‘original’’ and ranges (Table 1). ‘‘expanded’’ populations, as well as for the total The AMOVA indicated significant levels of population are shown in Figure 5. In all cases, genetic differentiation (FST=0.033; P=0.013) mismatch distributions were not significantly between samples from the ‘‘original’’ and different from those expected under a sudden ‘‘expanded’’ ranges, with 3.3% of the observed expansion model that suggested population variation explained by differences between ranges. expansion during the late Pleistocene. The mis- To evaluate potential confounding effects due to match distribution for the ‘‘expanded’’ popula- temporal differences in sample provenance and tion resulted in an estimated s value of 2.384 potential misassignment of samples to the (95% CI=1.006–4.839; P=0.742; Figure 5a). expanded range, we also performed the analysis Assuming a mutation rate of 0.7 substitutions/ including only museum samples from the original site/million years (s/s/Myr) for the mtDNA range (n=21) and a group of historical samples HVRI (based on recent estimates from ancient restricted to Alberta and Saskatchewan (i.e., at the DNA analyses; Lambert et al. 2002), the given s western edge of the putative expanded range; places the demographic increase of the ‘‘ex- n=10). This analysis resulted in similar levels of panded’’ group at approximately 8000 years within-group variation (Pi=0.0185 and before present (ybp), which coincides with the Pi=0.0176 for the original and the Alberta/Sas- end of the Pleistocene glaciations. Phylogenetic- katchewan groups, respectively). In addition, it based estimates of avian HVRI mutation rates showed higher levels of genetic differentiation are considerably lower (e.g., 0.2 s/s/Myr; Avise (FST=0.063), though the limited sample size may and Walker 1998) and thus, would infer an have reduced the power to detect statistical sig- expansion prior to the last glacial maximum nificance (P=0.074). about 18,000 years ago. The minimum spanning network did not Compared to the mismatch distribution for reveal an evident geographic association among the ‘‘expanded’’ range, the distribution from the mitochondrial haplotypes. However, we did find ‘‘original’’ range resulted in a greater s value a number of haplotypes that were unique to (2.863; 95% CI=1.296–7.323; P=0.730). Using either the ‘‘original’’ (14 haplotypes) or ‘‘expanded’’ the same mutation rate of 0.7 s/s/Myr, this s (20 haplotypes) populations (Figure 4). Haplotypes value traces the population expansion signal shared among the ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ back 9500 ybp. Since the observed distributions ranges (11 haplotypes) included the four most in the number of pairwise differences from the Figure 4. Geographic distribution of T. cupido haplotypes. On the map, white and black dots represent haplotypes unique to the ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded ranges,’’ respectively; stars indicate haplotypes that were found in both ranges. In the haplotype network the area of the circles is proportional to the haplotype frequency; the scale shows relative areas for 3, 7, and 10 haplotypes; white and black areas within each circle represent the relative frequency of individuals from the ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ ranges, respectively; small dots represent intermediate haplotypes not found in our study.

‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ populations did not served mismatch distribution (Figure 5b) fit a differ significantly (Figure 5a), the data were sudden expansion with a coalescent time at pooled to examine the species-wide expansion about 9000 ybp (s=2.620; 95% CI=1.500–6.221; pattern. When considering all samples, the ob- P=0.756). 0.25 (a)



0.10 Frequency


0.00 012345678910111213 Number of Pairwise Differences

0.25 (b)



0.10 Frequency


0.00 012345678910111213 Number of Pairwise Differences

Figure 5. (a) Mismatch distributions of greater prairie chicken samples from the ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ ranges. Hatched and solid bars represent the observed distributions from the ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ ranges, respectively. Gray and black lines represent the expected distributions for the ‘‘original’’ (s=2.863; P=0.730) and ‘‘expanded’’ (s=2.384; P=0.742) ranges, respectively. (b) Observed and expected mismatch distributions including all greater prairie chicken samples (s=2.620; P=0.756).

Discussion following the plough would have encompassed an estimated 550,000 km2 (Figure 2) and, if densities Demographic and genetic evaluation of the mirrored those of modern populations, required historical range of the greater prairie chicken the establishment of at least 650,000 birds. During the relatively short period of the putative range Provenance data from museum collections of expansion (i.e., 30–45 years of agricultural devel- T. cupido provided historical information that opment) T. cupido would have spread at a rate questions the validity of the so-called following the equivalent to a radial expansion of 9.3 km/year plough hypothesis as an exclusive proposition for while colonizing an average of 11,905 km2, i.e., an the range expansion of the greater prairie chicken. area one third larger than that of Yellowstone Analyses of MCPs indicated that the expansion of National Park, every year. Given that the FTP T. cupido populations into the Canadian prairies hypothesis assumes a southeast-to-northwest settlement pattern into the Canadian prairies gard 1983, and Wisdom and Mills 1997). Given the (Figure 2), the linear range expansion would be limited dispersal and establishment capabilities considerably larger than the equivalent radial witnessed from modern greater prairie chicken expansion, which assumes a range expansion in a populations, the possibility of this species circular fashion. A linear calculation based on the expanding as quickly as postulated by the FTP distance between the assumed origin of dispersal hypothesis seems unlikely. However, if the (Fargo, North Dakota, 1879) and the most distant expansion never occurred one would have to point of the defined MCPs (Chipman, Alberta, explain the apparent expansion pattern reflected 1921), divided by the time period of expansion by the provenance data from the museum collec- (42 years), resulted in a minimum dispersal rate of tions (Figure 2). Considering that the apparent 32.2 km/year. expansion is actually based on a very limited The putative greater prairie chicken range number of records increasing the area of each expansion seems unrealistic given the relatively MCP (i.e., by the addition of only 1–5 museum limited dispersal reported for this species, which specimens), we believe this pattern reflects the indicate that the median dispersal distance for progressive sampling of prairie areas by early juveniles is about 1 km from their natal site naturalists during the hypothesized period of (Bowman and Robel 1977). Furthermore, expansion. This idea is supported by a similar although documented migratory movements by expansion pattern detected in a group of 21 adult females between breeding and over-wintering grassland birds commonly thought to be indige- grounds average 10.6 km, comparable movement nous to the Canadian prairies (based on 1867 by males average only 2.9 km (Schroeder and records; data not shown). Braun 1993). These findings are consistent with the Admittedly, the demographic approach pre- high lek fidelity reported for this species (Hamer- sented here provided only overall estimates of the strom and Hamerstrom 1973; Bowman and Robel area and rate of population growth that would be 1977) and the closely related associated with a putative FTP expansion. The (Bouzat and Johnson 2004) and sage precision of these estimates is, however, limited by (Dunn and Braun 1985). In our study, the esti- the assumptions of equally suitable habitat within mated rate of expansion required to fit the FTP MCPs and population density. We therefore hypothesis is more comparable to expansion rates looked for another independent line of evidence of invasive vertebrate species with high reproduc- (i.e., genetic analysis) to further assess the putative tive rates [e.g., the muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus,in expansion. (Andow et al. 1993)] or relatively high A rapid demographic expansion of greater levels of dispersal [e.g., the house finch, Carpoda- prairie chickens following the plough would most cus mexicanus (Mundinger and Hope 1982), and likely have imprinted a genetic signal at the pop- the early colonization of eastern North America ulation level. Under the assumption of the FTP by the European starling, Sturnus vulgaris (Okubo hypothesis, the putative expansion would have 1988)]. occurred as a stepwise progression from a limited The estimated expansion would have required region of the greater prairie chicken’s original rapid population growth to support the massive range. Thus, the ‘‘expanded’’ population would recruitment necessary for the establishment of have retained less genetic diversity than that more than 650,000 birds. Estimates of relative present throughout the range of the ‘‘original’’ abundance over the assumed expansion period fit population (see Garcı´a-Ramos and Rodrı´guez an exponential growth model with a constant per 2002; Hutchison 2003). On the contrary, our capita rate of increase of 8.9% per year over the results did not reveal higher levels of genetic 46-year period considered. Although greater prai- diversity within core populations (Table 1). In rie chickens have a relatively large mean clutch size fact, similar levels of within-group diversity were (12 ) that could support a high population observed even when considering samples from the growth rate, nest success in established popula- westernmost region of the putative expanded tions is only 46–50%, survival of fertile eggs can be range (i.e., Alberta and Saskatchewan). A genetic as low as 20%, and early brood mortality can signal of decreased diversity, if present, would be range between 45–85% (data compiled in Johns- more likely to be found in these samples. One could argue that a rapid expansion from a limited (Williams et al. 2004). Interestingly, s values from range of a species’ distribution may not always mismatch distributions for the ‘‘expanded’’ popu- result in decreased genetic diversity, since popu- lation pointed to a time of genetic coalescence lation expansions do not necessarily involve a few between 8000 and 5500 years ago (depending on founders and migration events following the the mutation rate used). expansion can rapidly increase genetic variation Although mtDNA mismatch distributions have (see Hansson et al. 2000). However, these pro- been extensively used to estimate demographic cesses would result in low levels of genetic differ- parameters of past population expansions, recent entiation between source and founded studies have cautioned their use for inferring populations. In our case, the genetic survey of demographic history (e.g., Charlesworth et al. T. cupido mtDNA haplotypes revealed significant 2003; Ballard and Whitlock 2004). Concerns in- levels of genetic differentiation between samples clude errors in the estimation of gene genealogies from the ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ ranges from a single or multiple linked genes in the (detected by the AMOVA), and the presence of mitochondria, potential recombination, and the multiple haplotypes unique to each range (Fig- assumption that mtDNA evolves as a neutral ure 4). These results are consistent with the idea marker. In our study, using the Tajima’s (1989) that these populations have been relatively isolated test, we were not able to reject the hypothesis of for significant evolutionary time periods, and were selective neutrality (Tajima’s D=)1.22; not the result of a massive expansion from the P=0.110). Although we cannot completely elimi- ‘‘original’’ greater prairie chicken range during nate the hypothesis of a potential selective sweep agricultural development. at the mtDNA level, a mismatch distribution The genetic analysis of DNA samples from analysis of a subset of 17 nuclear DNA sequences historical populations also provided an opportu- from intron 2 of the b-actin gene (737 bp; Gen- nity to evaluate past demographic events associ- Bank accession numbers: AY855213–AY855225) ated with the evolutionary history of T. cupido. provided similar results to those reported for the Historical demographic events, such as episodes of mtDNA control region, consistent with a post- population growth and decline, leave characteristic Pleistocene expansion of the species (s=3.729; genetic signatures in mtDNA mismatch distribu- 95% CI=1.641–6.251; P<0.766). tions (Rogers and Harpending 1992). Although In this study, we demonstrated the value of both DNA mismatch distributions may be misleading provenance and genetic data from museum speci- about recent demographic processes (see Lavery mens and contemporary populations for evaluat- et al. 1996), they have proved useful for evaluating ing a species’ historical range. Our demographic episodes of exponential population growth over results provide evidence questioning the validity of evolutionary times; e.g., when a species is the FTP hypothesis as an exclusive proposition for expanding its geographic range for the first time the greater prairie chicken population expansion, (Slatkin and Hudson 1991). suggesting that the Canadian prairies may have The observed mismatch distribution for the been part of the native range of this species. The greater prairie chicken (i.e., including samples analysis of genetic diversity within and between from both ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ ranges) ‘‘original’’ and ‘‘expanded’’ ranges was consistent provided a significant fit to a species-wide expan- with this idea, indicating that these populations sion occurring about 9000 ybp, following the have been relatively isolated for long evolutionary recession of the Wisconsonian glaciations. The time periods and thus, were not the result of a re- T. cupido expansion matches the recently docu- cent demographic expansion. Furthermore, DNA mented vegetation history of late-Quaternary bi- mismatch distributions indicated that a post- omes in boreal and eastern North America Pleistocene population expansion of greater prairie reported by Williams et al. (2004). The recon- chickens was likely associated with the retraction of struction of biome distributions over the past glaciers during the last Ice Age, and the emergence 21,000 years (using fossil pollen evidence) revealed of prairies in the central Canadian plains. A post- the emergence of the Canadian prairies/steppes at Pleistocene expansion of T. cupido range is also about 10,000 ybp with a range and abundance supported by the current distribution of the sharp maximum occurring between 8000–5000 years ago tailed grouse (T. phasianellus), a sister species in the prairie grouse complex, which primarily inhabits the degree to which a species has declined, both the aspen parkland/grassland ecotone adjacent to demographically and spatially, is crucial for the the mixed-prairies of central United States and protection of relict populations or, in some cases, Canada. Hubbard (1973) hypothesized that con- the planning of re-introduction programs for temporary species within Tympanuchus, including re-establishment of currently extinct populations. T. cupido and T. phasianellus, evolved through a The greater prairie chicken represents a clear recent vicariance split of a widely distributed example of how common perceptions regarding ancestral grouse species, an idea consistent with the historical range of a species may have direct recent phylogenetic characterizations of the prairie consequences on the conservation status and grouse complex (Dimcheff et al. 2002; Drovetski management strategies for a declining species. and Ronquist 2003). Under the FTP hypothesis, T. cupido was thought One could argue that the apparent range to have expanded its range as a result of agricul- expansion that may be inferred from museum tural development to the west, and then declined collections of greater prairie chickens questions the due to over-hunting and habitat loss. In 1993 the reliability of museum specimens to characterize Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife historical changes in species range. We suggest in Canada (COSEWIC) endorsed the Recovery of that special caution should be taken when evalu- Nationally Endangered Wildlife report (Hjertaas ating putative range expansions during the early et al. 1993), which concluded that the now extir- periods of European settlement; i.e., at the time pated greater prairie chicken expanded its range when the first major museum collections were into the Canadian prairies as a result of European being established. For example, collections settlement. Thus, COSEWIC classified the species from the Field Museum of Natural History (Chi- as ‘‘non-native extirpated;’’ consequently, all cago), the Peabody Museum of Vertebrate Zool- recovery efforts in Canada were abandoned. Sim- ogy (Yale), the University of Michigan Museum ilarly, greater prairie chicken populations remain- of Zoology (Ann Arbor), the Canadian Museum ing in the so-called ‘‘expanded’’ region of some of Nature (Ottawa), and the Provincial Museum of USA states (e.g., Minnesota and North Dakota), Alberta (Edmonton) contained no complete record although listed as species ‘‘of special concern’’ of any bird specimen from the focal grassland (MN; Coffin and Pfannmuller 1988) or ‘‘threa- areas of North Dakota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan tened’’ (ND; Kobriger 1999), are not protected as and Alberta prior to 1873, very few specimens native species that have suffered significant popu- collected during 1873–1889 (83 records), a drastic lation declines. In fact, the Minnesota Department increase in the number of specimens collected of Natural Resources has issued hunting permits between 1890 and 1899 (1329 records), with the for this species over the past 3 years (DNR-Min- vast majority of specimens taken after 1900 (data nesota 2005), even though statewide population based on a total of 7748 specimens collected prior declines and prairie over the to 1930). The apparent pattern of greater prairie past century (Svedarsky et al. 1999b) could qualify chicken expansion most likely reflects the pro- the species as ‘‘threatened’’ using IUCN criteria gressive collection of museum specimens in areas (IUCN 2001). previously uninhabited or unexplored by Euro- The present study questions the validity of the pean settlers. An apparent pattern of expansion to FTP hypothesis and suggests that greater prairie the northwest detected in a group of grassland bird chickens were most likely long-term residents of species indigenous to the Canadian prairies is the northern prairies, extending from central consistent with this idea (Bouzat and Ross, in Minnesota, USA to Alberta, Canada. Conse- preparation). quently, the current status of the greater prairie chicken should be re-evaluated within all areas Implications for conservation where this species may occur, but is now consid- ered non-native. As it now seems apparent that the Conservation and management strategies for historical range of this species includes vast areas declining populations are highly dependent on a originally thought to be part of an expanded proper evaluation of the historical distribution of range, the global decline of the greater prairie the species under consideration. Understanding chicken over the past 150 years is undoubtedly more significant than previously thought. In light References of our conclusions, we stress the value of museum collections as stores of ecological and genetic Andow D, Kareiva P, Levin SA, Okubo A (1993) Spread of information useful in determining species’ histori- invading organisms: patterns of spread. In: Evolution of Pests: The Pattern of Variations (ed. Kim KC), pp. 219–242. cal ranges and past demographic events, both Wiley, New York. fundamental aspects for the conservation of Applegate RD, Horak GJ (1999) Status and management of the natural populations. greater prairie chicken in Kansas. In: The Greater Prairie Chicken: A National Look (eds. Svedarsky WD et al.), pp. 113–121. Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station publi- cation 99–1999, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, Min- Acknowledgements nesota. 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