Journal Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) Published online EarlyView 15 November 2016 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/smj.2593 Received 30 April 2014; Final revision received 14 March 2016

REAL OPTIONS THEORY IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT LENOS TRIGEORGIS1 and JEFFREY J. REUER2* 1 Department of Accounting and , School of Management and Business, King’s College London, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus 2 Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.

Research summary: This article provides a review of real options theory (ROT) in strategic management research. We review the fundamentals of ROT and provide a taxonomy of this research. By synthesizing and critiquing research on real options, we identify a number of important challenges as well as opportunities for ROT if it is to enhance its impact on strategic management and potentially develop into a theoretical pillar in the field. We examine how ROT can inform the key tensions that managers face between commitment versus flexibility as well as between competition versus cooperation, and we show how it can uniquely address the fundamental issues in strategy. We conclude with suggestions on future research directions that could enhance and unify the thus-far distinct main approaches to real options research.

Managerial summary: Real options theory (ROT) applies the heuristics and models originally designed for financial securities to the domain of corporate decisions (e.g., joint ventures [JVs], foreign direct investment, research and development [R&D], etc.) and strategic decision making under uncertainty. This article provides a synthesis of this body of research in strategic management and related disciplines. We suggest how ROT can address fundamental issues of strategy, including the dilemmas managers face between commitment versus flexibility as well as between competition versus cooperation. We discuss how three distinct approaches to real options analysis can complement each other, and we identify some of the main challenges and opportunities for ROT to become a theoretical pillar in strategy. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

INTRODUCTION [JVs], acquisitions, etc.), foreign direct investment and MNC performance, cooperation versus compe- This article provides a critical review and synthe- tition trade-offs and so on, yet challenges remain sis of real options theory (ROT) in strategic man- in our understanding and application of ROT in agement research. ROT has produced important the domain of strategic management. Taking insights and empirical evidence on various topics of this literature and providing a synthesis is also in different streams of research in strategic man- important in light of three distinct approaches to agement, such as market entry timing, modes of real options research that have emerged over the entry, and organizational forms (e.g., joint ventures years, each having its own strengths and limitations, but not as yet building on each other. For read- ers new to this theory, we cover the fundamentals Keywords: real options; fundamental issues in strategy; of ROT by clarifying when real options exist and strategic decision making; uncertainty; theory of the firm by highlighting some of their distinctive features *Correspondence to: Jeffrey J. Reuer, Leeds School of Busi- ness, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, U.S.A. E-mail: and drivers. We also offer a taxonomy of research [email protected] on real options, highlighting key areas in which

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Real Options Theory in Strategic Management 43 significant progress has been made as well as iden- of ROT in strategic management. We identify tifying areas in which advances have been limited a number of opportunities that the field might and deserve further attention. Our categorization pursue by marshalling them in combination, and and synthesis of the relevant strategic management we provide some guidance on what such a research literature on real options also aims to present unify- agenda might entail. We also bring up a number of ing interpretations and critical assessments to help frontier areas for research that hold promise and identify some of the primary challenges and promis- pathways for strategic management research. ing future opportunities for this literature. Another important objective of our review is to consider the potential for extending ROT to FUNDAMENTALS OF REAL OPTIONS engage with and address the fundamental issues THEORY of strategy that have occupied the field’s atten- tion since its inception. In particular, we submit We begin by defining real options, which amounts that ROT can offer new insights into the drivers to describing what makes them “options,” and then of firm heterogeneity and competitive advantage what makes them “real.” The term —as (e.g., Peteraf, 1993), organizational form and asso- opposed to alternative or possibility—is of impor- ciated build-borrow-buy decisions (e.g., Capron and tance in understanding the theory’s origins and Mitchell, 2012), cooperation versus competition boundaries and in developing and testing relevant trade-offs arising in many market and technology hypotheses. An option is a right, but not an obli- contexts (e.g., Smit and Trigeorgis, 2004), and the gation, to take some future specified action at a role of headquarters in multinational firms (e.g., specified cost. At its core is a fundamental decision Rumelt, Schendel, and Teece, 1994). In our review, asymmetry to take a future decision (e.g., invest) we articulate ROT’s connections to these funda- only if it’s beneficial to the decision maker, but not mental strategy issues by noting two trade-offs otherwise. In some organizational contexts, certain that often underpin strategic choices: between com- rights might be established through contracts (e.g., mitment and flexibility (e.g., Ghemawat, 1991; , JVs) or preferential access to investment Smit and Trigeorgis, 2004) and between compe- opportunities (e.g., in an equity investment); alter- tition and cooperation (e.g., Teece, 1992). The natively, they might be established through idiosyn- commitment-flexibility trade-off reflects the impor- cratic knowledge that a firm possesses (e.g., through tance of “staging” choices as one of the core learning by doing or research and development elements of strategy (Hambrick and Fredrickson, [R&D])1. The fundamental decision asymmetry of 2001) as well as the classic advantages of a first options involving the right but not the obligation to mover such as preemption. The competition versus act also gives rise to an asymmetry in firm outcomes cooperation trade-off lies at the heart of compet- in the presence of uncertainty. For example, in the itive strategies and firms’ interactions with others case of a to invest, the holder is able (e.g., Chen and Miller, 2015), and relates to strate- to access upside opportunities (through exercising gic choices concerning corporate boundaries as well the call by investing or expanding) while limiting as technology development and commercialization downside losses (by not exercising it in the event of activities (e.g., Gans and Stern, 2003). Uncertainty, adverse developments). a key driver in ROT, critically informs these ten- Myers (1977) coined the term real options and sions, and because it also features centrally in other envisioned bringing the theory of financial options theories in strategic management, often in different to the realm of strategic decision making. Real ways, it provides a basis for comparisons as well as potential integration. We further suggest that novel research oppor- 1 This definition of options as rights, or claims on future oppor- tunities exist to realize ROT’s potential through tunities, is different from the informal usage of the term options, such as when a firm is said to take an “options approach” by under- better integration of the three main approaches taking a number of small and disparate activities, which may not to conducting real options research, namely, real confer clear rights. Moreover, just as a right must exist, it is equally options reasoning, real options modeling, and important that the decision maker is not obligated to act in the future for an option to exist. In some contexts, however, firms may behavioral perspectives on real options. These three be compelled to undertake certain due to regulation, approaches have largely developed independently competitor actions, prior contractual commitments, or governance and are sometimes presented as rival versions inseparabilities (e.g., Argyres and Liebeskind, 1999).

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj 44 L. Trigeorgis and J. J. Reuer options were seen as “opportunities to purchase of such options can affect the value of other real assets on possibly favorable terms” (p. 163). options a firm has, so these interactions need tobe These favorable terms hinge on adjustment costs, accounted for when making these decisions (Anand, market power, or other imperfections in product or Oriani, and Vassolo, 2007; Trigeorgis, 1993b; Vas- factor markets. Connections to strategic manage- solo et al., 2004). Moreover, even for single invest- ment’s focus on firm heterogeneity and competitive ment decisions, such as timing entry into a mar- advantage are readily appreciated. In the case of ket, a firm may possess both deferral and growth financial options, an investor has the right to actto options at once (Folta and O’Brien, 2004), and their acquire a financial (e.g., shares of stock) value can, in turn, be affected by other factors such as the underlying asset, yet in real options, the as network effects and technology evolution (Chin- underlying is a “real” asset. Incremental cash flows takananda and McIntyre, 2014). are tied to the construction or scale up of a plant, the Unlike financial options, some real options may development of a product in an R&D program or the not be liquid or traded in organized markets (they exploitation of a , and so forth. ROT has con- sometimes may not yet exist, as in R&D)3; they sequently extended options thinking from financial may be asset or firm specific (and hence, partly markets, where options are based on traded con- irreversible), which gives rise to challenges such tracts with specified terms, to real assets, tangible as information asymmetries, path dependence, and or intangible2. As a result, there are many different incomplete property rights; and their terms may types of real options. not always be clearly defined. Inasmuch as earlier Table 1 provides a taxonomy of real options (Tri- activities and prior investments open up or shape georgis, 1996). In Panel A, we identify five basic particular future investment opportunities, there is types of stand-alone real options, namely: (1) the a temporal linkage between the firm’s previous and option to defer or stage market entry when fac- future activities or investments, even though this ing exogenous, market demand uncertainty (e.g., may not be immediately obvious to some exec- Dixit and Pindyck, 1994; McDonald and Siegel, utives. The notion of shadow, or hidden, options 1986) (e.g., a firm considering entry into an emerg- (Bowman and Hurry, 1993) suggests that a firm ing product market or host country); (2) the option needs to uncover and appreciate these linkages and to grow (e.g., Kulatilaka and Perotti, 1998) (e.g., a the opportunities that firm resource endowments firm taking a partial equity stake in another com- and capabilities might create in the future. Firms pany when entering a foreign market with the pos- that lack such early pre-investments, or do not sibility of expanding at a later date); (3) the option appreciate the particular follow-on opportunities to alter scale (e.g., expand or contract), including that stem from prior investments, may not be able the option to expand manufacturing capacity or an to access the same future investment opportunity outsourcing arrangement (e.g., Leiblein and Miller, set, or do so on the same terms. Thus, informal 2003); (4) the option to switch inputs, outputs, sup- labeling of mere possibilities as “options” can miss pliers, and so on (e.g., a MNC able to reallocate pro- appreciating the importance of the preferential and duction across foreign subsidiaries in response to heterogeneous access that different firms have to changes in exchange rates (e.g., Huchzermeier and specific investment opportunities. Cohen, 1996; Kogut and Kulatilaka, 1994)); and (5) It also follows that terms of real options may the option to abandon, such as exit a market or sell not be clear-cut (e.g., the option maturity, or time a technology if conditions deteriorate (Chi, 2000; to make a commitment, may be fuzzy or uncer- Dixit, 1989). tain as it may expire on unanticipated rival entry), Most firms actually possess a portfolio of such or they may be influenced by managerial actions options within and across these five categories. and the behavior of external parties such as rivals. This suggests that the real-life decisions firms make Such actions can also influence other parameters regarding the acquisition, maintenance or of a real option’s value, including the underlying asset value (i.e., the value of the cash flows asso- ciated with the investment) or exercise cost (i.e., 2 Tangible assets underlying real options might include real estate, natural resources, R&D and patents, physical plants, and strategic acquisitions; intangibles include brands, unique business 3 For a discussion on incomplete markets or subjective processes, flexible human capital, and knowledge developed in utility-based risk averse entrepreneurial preferences see joint ventures or other cooperative agreements. Henderson (2002, 2007).

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj Real Options Theory in Strategic Management 45

Table 1. Strategic investment choices as real options

A. Basic real options Type of option Investment choice/illustration

Defer or stage Delay or stage market entry when facing demand uncertainty Grow Enter new or foreign market (with option to buy partner) Alter scale (expand/contract) Expand or contract plant or scale of outsourcing contract Switch Switch suppliers or production across foreign subsidiaries Abandon/exit Exit market (or sell technology for salvage) if conditions deteriorate

B. Extensions and complications for real options Option extensions Complications

Portfolios of options and interactions Option substitutability or complementarity Multiple sources of uncertainty Different uncertainties favor different investments and might change market timing and entry modes Competition and preemption versus cooperation Competitive moves by others erodes the value of a firm’s option to defer entry; collaboration (e.g., via joint R&D venture) can instead preserve option to wait Learning Value of investing hinges on reduced endogenous uncertainty

Source: adapted from Trigeorgis (1996). the cost of going forward with the investment). For random entry)4, endogenous uncertainties (e.g., instance, bargaining costs during negotiation ex post technological uncertainty that might be resolved may raise the exercise cost, and thereby diminish through further learning-type investment as in the net benefits of exercising an option (Chi, 2000). Dixit and Pindyck (1994) and Pindyck (1993), or Owners of such real assets might secure related ben- behavioral uncertainties such as arising from the efits only for a limited duration, and often endup behavior of a JV partner, or other uncertainties over sharing their inherent benefits with other industry which the firm may have some, but perhaps limited, participants. Benefits are often remote, diffuse, or influence such as through nonmarket strategies to difficult to predict and secure. In all these respects, shape political risk. Some standard models and real options differ from financial options. Moreover, early applications were well suited for exogenous unlike financial options whose exercise does not uncertainties (e.g., market demand) where the affect the holders of other options, real options exer- classic option models from cised in oligopolistic settings can affect (e.g., dam- readily applied, though more recent research also age or preempt) other option holders such as rivals, addresses the role of endogenous or technological whose reaction must therefore be accounted for uncertainty (e.g., Oriani, 2007; Oriani and Sobrero, in initial strategic decisions (e.g., upfront capacity 2008). Thus, one key challenge for the formal mod- selection). Real option terms may also differ across eling of real options, compared to basic financial firms, driving heterogeneous firm behavior (e.g., a options, is that multiple sources of uncertainty can firm facing less firm-specific uncertainty than arival affect the value of many real options. may enter first, gaining first-mover advantages). As real options involve rights to act on real tan- A further complexity inherent to options on real gible or intangible assets that may not always be assets is that many different uncertainties can affect clearly defined and those rights might potentially their value, and thus, firms’ investment behavior (e.g., see Dixit and Pindyck, 1994; Folta, 1998; Tri- 4 Some market uncertainty can sometimes be endogenous in that georgis, 1996; Vassolo et al., 2004, for a discussion an initial investment can yield information on whether a larger of multiple types of uncertainty affecting the value investment is later warranted. For instance, entry into a new geographic market often involves considerable uncertainty about of real options). These can be broadly classified the reaction of potential consumers but the entrant can find out into exogenous uncertainties (e.g., market demand whether the market is receptive to its product by actually selling or some competitive uncertainty such as from it on a small scale for a period of time.

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj 46 L. Trigeorgis and J. J. Reuer be shared with other parties, their (non)proprietary options to the realm of real options. Such compli- nature needs to be accounted for when applying cations need to be carefully accounted for in formal options theory in the domain of strategic manage- models of real options as they require adjustments ment. Sometimes the rights might be exclusive to to the original theory as well as in cases relying on one firm (e.g., outputs of R&D), but this is often not metaphorical use of option theory to analyze cor- the case (Trigeorgis, 1996). Proprietary options are porate investments and strategic decision making usually firm-specific (e.g., when based on knowl- under uncertainty. Panel B particularly focuses on edge from learning-by-doing) and the option value four complications that deserve further attention goes away at if the firm chooses not to and extensions in the literature: (1) portfolios of exercise it (Myers, 1977). In some cases, options options and their interactions (e.g., substitutability may be traded on secondary markets that them- or complementarity effects); (2) impact of multiple selves may display certain imperfections (e.g., mar- sources of uncertainty, and how they may change kets for technology). In the case of shared options investment timing and entry mode choices; (3) held by many firms in a market, the exercise ofan competition and preemption versus cooperation option by one firm to invest or enter the market can trade-offs (e.g., how first movers or collaboration erode the value of the option to wait by rival firms. might erode or preserve the option to wait); and In such cases, the claim that a firm has on a future (4) learning effects (resolution of endogenous opportunity can be contestable and uncertain, and uncertainties). the risk of competitive erosion or even preemption can lead firms to commit early or in larger scale, rather than be flexible by investing incrementally or ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIC waiting to see how a market develops. DECISION MAKING UNDER The value of waiting hinges not only on the UNCERTAINTY actions of rivals, but also on how irreversible the market entry decision is. If it is easy to resell tech- Having described the fundamental characteristics of nology or other assets committed when entering real options, we now briefly discuss the three phases a market, there is less need to wait for additional of investing in real options in organizations and demand cues. Absent irreversibility, it doesn’t pay describe the basic stages of the real options chain or to wait, and absent uncertainty, there is no value to life cycle. This allows us to distinguish three distinct an option to wait either, so when there is both signif- approaches to ROT in strategic management and to icant uncertainty and irreversibility, it pays to keep develop our taxonomy of the literature. open the option to defer when proprietary (Dixit It is useful to first summarize the process of real and Pindyck, 1994). Combined considerations options analysis in organizations as it helps classify such as competitive threats, the (non)exclusivity of research and reveal gaps in understanding and new the right, as well as the degree of uncertainty and avenues for research: irreversibility, or new opportunities an investment might open up can therefore jointly determine 1. Problem structuring. This involves a qualita- whether a firm should commit and enter an industry tive, strategic depiction of the problem struc- or be flexible to wait or stage entry. ture indicating the various managerial deci- The above discussion illustrates some of the main sions or options, their timing and linkages, the drivers of strategic investment that are unique to main underlying uncertainties, and the key value real options, but it also brings into focus the unique drivers. An option map can be developed that is contributions of the strategic management field to analogous to a decision tree representation, but this literature (e.g., Cuypers and Martin, 2007; Li, focuses on option characteristics and interlink- 2007; Li et al., 2007; Miller and Folta, 2002; Reuer ages among options. and Tong, 2007). Panel B of Table 1 summarizes 2. Valuation and modeling. At its core, this analysis some of the main complications that commonly sur- involves collection of the primary input data to round firms’ real options and strategic investment enable a standard (DCF) decisions. Some of these dimensions complicate estimation and determination of a base-case net formal real options modeling and the articulation (NPV) as a base (benchmark). of relevant hypotheses, but many of these compli- After estimating additional option-driven input cations are inherent to the transition from financial estimates, the analysis proceeds with use of

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj Real Options Theory in Strategic Management 47

an option valuation model, such as binomial of shadow options that creates firm value alone, trees (e.g., Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein, 1979) but effective managerial decisions to implement or simulation, to estimate the Expanded-NPV and exploit the decision flexibility. This requires (E-NPV) of an investment. This captures the adequate organizational systems and management value of active management represented by the commitment. Broadly speaking, much of the liter- set of embedded options. ature has concentrated on Stage 4 (valuing and/or 3. Implementation planning. After arriving at a rec- exercising a real option), while some studies have ommendation for a strategic investment, man- addressed Stage 2 (creation or acquisition of an agement can develop a contingent decision plan option at a premium, or valuing the option pre- specifying conditions for the exercise of major mium). However, in our view, insufficient attention options in different circumstances and develop has been paid to Stage 1, identification of option an operating policy and decision milestones opportunities through entrepreneurial-type discov- across investment stages5. ery, and to Stage 3, the preservation, strengthening, and management of the firm’s real options portfolio. In parallel with the above basic stages of real This suggests the need to carry out research across options analysis practiced in organizations, research these stages of the real option chain rather than in on ROT can further be characterized by basic stages isolation or using one single approach to ROT. in the real option life cycle (e.g., Bowman and The above organizational discussion of the com- Hurry, 1993). Each of these stages identifies a mon elements and phases of real options analysis unique set of challenges and opportunities for firms naturally allows us to present the complementary to capture value. Specifically, analogous to product roles, contributions, and limitations of each of three development processes in high-tech firms, Figure 1 prevalent approaches to real options decision mak- identifies four basic life cycle stages: (1) Identify ing. The most common approaches to real options or recognize a hidden (shadow) option (i.e., dis- decision making are: (1) real options reasoning, covery of opportunity); (2) Create (or acquire) a which relies on logic and heuristics and presents basic or extended real option via searching, gather- real options as a way of thinking by executives; (2) ing information, and acquiring or organizing needed and modeling, which relies resources at a cost (exploration or acquisition); (3) on formal analytical (mathematical or simulation) Manage, maintain, and strengthen the real option models to value options and derive hypotheses for by incurring necessary preservation or enhancement research; and (3) behavioral perspectives, which costs (development); (4) Exercise the real option focus on the implementation of real options in orga- (exploitation). Like the types of investment analy- nizations. Each are reviewed below. ses mentioned above, these phases need not occur in a linear and rational manner as serendipity plays a role, and the discovery and exploitation of Real options reasoning (ROR) new technological and market opportunities need Much of the strategy literature views ROT as a not progress in such an orderly fashion. However, strategic and intuitive way of thinking (Folta and the fundamental distinct nature of the four stages O’Brien, 2004; Trigeorgis, 1996), a logical tool or above helps in characterizing previous real options rhetorical device for creating or keeping options research in strategy and identifying gaps. open and exploiting them. Essentially, ROR cap- The first two stages involve entrepreneurial-type tures the formulation and testing of hypotheses activities, while the latter two require managerial based on verbal theorizing without the aid of ana- skills and organizational systems in place. The lytical modeling. Prevalent use of ROR in strat- figure suggests a complementary role for these egy is natural given the difficulties of accurately activities. For example, it is not just the pool mapping financial options theory into real invest- ment decisions and the many complications of 5 Management must also consider requirements for realizing the valuing real options highlighted earlier. ROR is theoretical option value, such as assigning teams to monitor most suitable when the key drivers of real option trigger cues and exercise major options, reassess value at future value can be identified and synthesized concep- critical milestones and put in place proper information, control, and management reward systems to align managerial incentives tually (McGrath, 1997), even if options cannot and action with the identification, development, and exercise of be valued formally. There are several ways that major real options. ROR can help organizations better structure their

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj 48 L. Trigeorgis and J. J. Reuer

Figure 1. Stages of the real option life cycle strategic investment decisions under uncertainty. and uses formal mathematical models or simulation First, ROR generally encourages firms to under- to value options. Interested readers can consult take more uncertain projects since option value Trigeorgis (1993a) for a review of this literature, rises with uncertainty (McGrath, 1999), and as a and the books by Dixit and Pindyck (1994) and rule, firms may have biases against making invest- Trigeorgis (1996). Many of the classical readings ments under uncertainty ( prac- and important modeling contributions can be found tices rely on discounted cash flow analyses and in Schwartz and Trigeorgis (2001). Formal model- NPV, which often undervalue such initiatives). Sec- ing of real options offers a number of advantages, ond, ROR suggests that investments undertaken including being specific and transparent on key in the presence of uncertainty be staged to keep assumptions (that are often left implicit or unspeci- open the upside potential while truncating downside fied in ROR), exposing critical boundary conditions losses (e.g., Trigeorgis, 1996). Third, ROR encour- or new theoretical relationships through compar- ages proactive contingent management of invest- ative statics and numerical analysis, enabling the ments with flexible decision choices that allow simulation of complex and interacting relation- future modification depending on contingent cir- ships, and often building directly off of original cumstances (e.g., McGrath, Ferrier, and Mede- models in option theory. Mathematical or simula- low, 2004). Fourth, ROR encourages a portfolio tion modeling can be useful as a tool for developing approach involving many low-cost, staged invest- propositions and comparative statics insights, and ment bets (e.g., Trigeorgis, 1996). Research that we would encourage more of this research within uses this approach to ROT aims to capitalize on strategic management. Despite these clear and the qualitative insights of options theory, and this important strengths, this approach also has a set of research has found applications in technology man- drawbacks. For example, for purposes of mathemat- agement, entrepreneurship, and international strat- ical tractability, ROV models often rely on restric- egy, among others. tive assumptions that are not readily implementable in practice (e.g., Triantis, 2005). Nonetheless this research has shown that ROV can better explain Real options valuation (ROV) or modeling market valuations and many investment decisions Most of the economics and finance literature, by than traditional DCF-based approaches in diverse contrast, focuses on real option valuation (ROV) areas (e.g., Moel and Tufano, 2002). But while

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj Real Options Theory in Strategic Management 49

ROV models can be rigorous, they can sometimes A TAXONOMY OF REAL OPTION also become removed from the practical relevance STUDIES and organizational realities that are of interest to strategic management scholars and practicing Based on the above three approaches to real options firms. research, we classify studies according to whether they use a real options reasoning approach or formal modeling and specific analytical valuation method- Behavioral perspectives (BP) on real options ologies (see Table 2). The top part of Table 2 pro- vides representative articles on the five basic types This approach aims to come to terms with these of real options (reviewed in Table 1, Panel A). Our organizational realities and give more attention to taxonomy of the literature leads us to draw out sev- the human or behavioral nature of management eral broad conclusions about real options research. and the constraints on the adaptive capabilities of First, while theoretical and conceptual articles out- organizations. Adner and Levinthal (2004) cau- pace empirical papers, there is a growing empir- tioned that the domain of applicability of ROT is ical literature on real options, and in this regard, limited when necessary conditions such as decision the strategic management field has made important flexibility and information accuracy are not met contributions to the broader real options literature. due to real-life frictions, organizational realities, These studies examine the antecedents of strate- and implementation weaknesses. If information gic investments involving the purchase or exercise about the value of an asset at the decision time of various options as well as their valuation and is imprecise, managers may underinvest in good performance consequences. The articles in Table 2 opportunities or overinvest in bad projects (e.g., establish how real options are embedded in a broad Coff and Laverty, 2007; Trigeorgis, 2014). As a range of firms’ strategic investments and activities, matter of implementation, it is often difficult to and as we discuss, often challenge received wis- identify latent or shadow options (Bowman and dom in important ways6. The table further high- Hurry, 1993) or to value many real options when lights the many complications that arise for ROT in the terms of the option such as expiration are not the realm of strategic decision making (e.g., port- so clear-cut (McGrath, 1999) or the valuation folios of options and interactions across options, is project specific (Bowman and Moskowitz, uncertainty affecting the value of different options 2001). Such constraints naturally lead to prac- at once, and multiple sources of uncertainty, com- tical difficulties in the effective management of petitive erosion, and preemption, learning, etc.). For real options (McGrath et al., 2004). Managers instance, strategy research considers search and the are further constrained by bounded rationality role of learning in the context of corporate diversi- (Trigeorgis, 2014), so ROT might embrace this fication as firms sequentially enter or exit industries behavioral assumption to better connect with (Chang, 1995, 1996), and other research features existing streams of strategy research. Differences endogenous uncertainty as being central to firms’ exist across organizations in their information corporate investment decisions. Additionally, strat- processing and belief updating, contributing to egy research has devoted attention to the implica- differential effectiveness in executing real options tions of options in firms’ portfolios being super- or (Leiblein, Chen, and Posen, 2015). While the sub-additive rather than being independent of one promise is to bring real options to real-world another (e.g., Anand et al., 2007Trigeorgis, 1993b; organizations, a need exists to be clear about Vassolo et al., 2004). the challenges in doing so, including integrat- Second, a prevalent theme in real options ing theories with different starting assumptions. research is the classic trade-off between firm Working out the implications of bounded ratio- commitment and flexibility (Ghemawat and del nality, information imperfection, and behavioral biases is one such opportunity, just as research 6 For instance, joint ventures were long viewed as “marriages” on real options implementation needs to be con- between organizations, and in this view stability, longevity, and cerned about separating behavior compatible with harmony were markers of effective collaborations. By contrast, ROT suggests that firms can partner in an uncertain domain and rational real option-based decisions from other then be in a position to buy out a partner if uncertainty is resolved path-dependent behavior (e.g., Klingebiel and favorably, suggesting a new role for transitory collaborations in Adner, 2015). uncertain market contexts to capture value (Kogut, 1991).

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj 50 L. Trigeorgis and J. J. Reuer

Table 2. Main research themes and literature categorization

Representative studies Main research theme RO reasoning Valuation/modeling Empirical

Mapping to basic options Defer or stage Trigeorgis (1996) and McGrath McDonald and Siegel (1986) Campa (1994) (1997) and Dixit and Pindyck (1994) Grow Kester (1984) Kogut (1991), and Kulatilaka and Perotti (1998) Trigeorgis and Lambertides Malos and Campion (1995) (2014), Malos and Campion (2000) Alter scale (expand/contract) Trigeorgis (1996) Pindyck,(1998) Damaraju, Barney, and Makhija (2015) and Hurry, Miller, and Bowman, (1992) Switch Trigeorgis (1996) Kogut and Kulatilaka (1994) and Allen and Pantzalis (1996) and Sakhartov and Folta (2014) Rangan (1998) Abandon/exit Adner and Levinthal (2004) and Dixit (1989) and Chi (2000) Elfenbein and Knott (2015) and Lee, Peng, and Barney (2007) Arend and Seale (2005) Extensions and complications Portfolios and option Trigeorgis (1996) Trigeorgis (1993b) Vassolo, Anand, and Folta interactions (2004) and Anand et al. (2007) Uncertainty and investment Dixit and Pindyck (1994) Folta and O’Brien (2004) and Li and Chi (2013) Competition and preemption Smit and Trigeorgis (2004) Chevalier-Roignant and versus cooperation Trigeorgis (2011) Learning Kogut and Kulatilaka (2001) Pindyck (1993) Li (2008) Investment (market entry) Dixit and Pindyck (1994), Dixit (1989, 1992); Kulatilaka Folta (1998) and Quinn and timing and scale Trigeorgis (1996), Rivoli and and Perotti (1998), Pindyck Rivoli (1991) (commitment versus Salorio (1996), McGrath (1998), Sadanand and flexibility) (1997) and Chintakananda Sadanand (1996) and and McIntyre (2014) Ghemawat and del Sol (1998) Investment structuring, Buckley and Casson (1998), Chi and McGuire (1996), Chang Kouvelis, Axarloglou, and Sinha organizational form (market Leiblein (2003) and Cuypers and Rosenzweig (2001) and (2001), Reuer and Tong entry mode), and and Martin (2006) Chi and Seth (2009) (2005), Ziedonis (2007), Tong contract/deal design and Li (2011), Lukas, Reuer, and Welling (2012), and Tong and Li (2013) Multinationality (international Kogut (1983) and Trigeorgis Kogut and Kulatilaka (1994) Allen and Pantzalis (1996), networks) (1996) and Huchzermeier and Cohen Miller and Reuer (1998a), (1996) Reuer and Leiblein (2000), Tong and Reuer (2007), Belderbos and Zou (2009), Fisch and Zschoche (2012), Lee and Song (2012) and Tong and Belderbos (2014) Organization realities and Bowman and Hurry (1993), Trigeorgis (2014) Moel and Tufano (2002), Miller implementation issues Bowman and Moskowitz and Shapira (2004) and (2001), Zardhooki (2004), Alessandri, Tong, and Reuer Adner and Levinthal (2004), (2012) McGrath et al. (2004), Barnett (2008) and Klingebiel (2012) Valuation and performance Market valuation Kester (1984) and Folta and Oriani (2007) and Trigeorgis Allen and Pantzalis (1996) and O’Brien (2007) and Ioulianou (2013) Trigeorgis and Lambertides (2014) Performance measures Hurry et al. (1992), Kim, Abel, Dixit, and Eberly (1996), Miller and Reuer (1998a, b), Hwang, and Burgers (1993) Miller and Reuer (1996), Tong and Reuer (2006, 2007), and Klingebiel and Adner Berk, Green, and Naik (1999) Tong, Reuer, and Peng, (2015) and Bloom and Van Reenen (2008) and Driouchi and (2002) Bennett (2011)

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Sol, 1998; Sadanand and Sadanand, 1996; Smit and formal modeling (Huchzermeier and Cohen, and Trigeorgis, 2004). This part of the literature 1996; Kogut and Kulatilaka, 1994). typically focuses on issues dealing with investment Fourth, the studies in the table indicate that strate- timing, such as market entry and exit timing (Dixit, gic management research is unique in address- 1989) and decision delays or hysteresis (Dixit, ing many organizational realities, constraints, and 1992) as well as investment scale or capacity implementation issues that can inform ROT. These choices, such as investment contraction or expan- include implementation stages and plans (e.g., sion (Pindyck, 1998). A related literature focuses Bowman and Hurry, 1993; Klingebiel, 2012), man- on the structuring of strategic investments, cover- agerial limitations and the suboptimal exercise of ing topics such as staging commitments (Baldwin, options (e.g., Moel and Tufano, 2002), agency con- 1982), deal structuring, and contract design, flicts and managerial incentives (e.g., Alessandri including the terms of JVs and acquisitions (Lukas, et al., 2012), management quality and real options et al. 2012; Reuer and Tong, 2005; Tong and Li, awareness (e.g., Bowman and Hurry, 1993; Dri- 2013), and how different types of uncertainty and ouchi and Bennett, 2011), and various cognitive their resolution shape market entry modes at the biases in decision making (e.g., Trigeorgis, 2014; formation of deals and over time (e.g., Folta, 1998; Zardhooki, 2004). Folta and Miller, 2002). Finally, a set of studies listed at the bottom Third, we separately highlight the stream of of Table 2 have addressed market valuation chal- research that has examined the value of multina- lenges and examined traditional as well as new tional operations, not only because of the attention measures of firm performance. Given the critical this topic has received and its breadth of coverage importance of an asymmetric payoff profile for real across the various approaches to ROT, but also options that results from firms having the right but because this is a paradigmatic area in which ROT not the obligation to act in the presence of uncer- has fundamentally challenged the received wis- tainty, much empirical research on real options has dom in an established literature. A long-standing focused on whether and when firms can indeed body of work in international business (IB) has access upside opportunities while containing down- emphasized the static efficiency gains associated side risk. Research has developed better-suited with internalizing exchanges rather than using performance and risk measures for testing these licensing agreements in the presence of transaction asymmetric predictions from ROT (e.g., Reuer and costs (e.g., Caves, 2007). ROT instead portrays Leiblein, 2000; Tong et al., 2008). Literature exam- the multinational corporation (MNC) as a coor- ining the firm value and performance implica- dinated network straddling multiple host country tions of real options has extended our knowledge environments, positioned to dynamically shift in assessing market valuation (e.g., Kester, 1984; sourcing, production, and other value-chain activ- Oriani, 2007; Oriani and Sobrero, 2008; Trige- ities across countries in response to exchange rate orgis and Ioulianou, 2013) and firm performance movements or other environmental uncertainties beyond standard measures such as Tobin’s q and (e.g., Kogut and Kulatilaka, 1994). As a result of abnormal returns (Abel et al., 1996; Allen and within-country growth options and across-country Pantzalis, 1996; Berk et al., 1999; Bloom and van switching options that MNCs possess, they are in Reenen, 2002) to more direct option-based or asym- a position to both take advantage of upside growth metric measures such as market-implied growth opportunities in their multinational network as option value (e.g., Alessandri et al., 2012; Tong well as reduce exposure to adverse movements et al., 2008; Trigeorgis and Lambertides, 2014) or (e.g., in exchange rates) and limit downside risks downside risk and economic exposures to foreign (e.g., Miller and Reuer, 1998a, 1998b; Reuer and exchange rate movements (Miller and Reuer, 1996, Leiblein, 2000). Recent research considers the 1998a, 1998b; Tong and Reuer, 2007). The main conditions that enable MNCs to exercise switching advantage of such option-based or asymmetric mea- options to contain downside losses, including coor- sures is that they are more closely tailored to testing dination and control of foreign subsidiaries (Tong the predictions of ROT and helping better ascer- and Belderbos, 2014; Tong and Reuer, 2007). The tain if firms are able to derive specific asymmetric multinational network hypothesis received exten- benefits as predicted by the theory, helping differen- sive attention in terms of both ROR (e.g., Buckley tiate ROT from alternative theories in strategy and and Casson, 1998; Kogut, 1983; Trigeorgis, 1996) management.

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj 52 L. Trigeorgis and J. J. Reuer

REAL OPTIONS THEORY AND CORE enduring capability differences across firms due to STRATEGY ISSUES the unique knowledge they acquire when entering new markets or pursuing internal initiatives7. For ROT to develop into one of the field’s theo- Thus, real options can inform firm heterogeneity retical pillars and to further enhance its contribu- and competitive advantage by identifying critical tions to strategic management, ROT needs to engage bi-directional linkages: Real options both emerge more deeply with the fundamental issues in strategy from firm heterogeneity (e.g., unique resource accu- that have set out the field’s boundaries and research mulation schemes provide unique options to firms), agenda (e.g., Rumelt et al., 1994). We believe that and when pursued successfully, they enhance firm ROT holds such promise for strategy scholarship by heterogeneity (as when a firm decides to enter a tackling the core issues of corporate and competi- particular area without competition and the unique tive strategy. Our intent is not to develop each of experience there provides novel knowledge). these issues in an exhaustive manner, but rather to Firm performance was presumed early on to be highlight some of the key insights of ROT in core shaped by firms’ market power and competitive strategy domains, and provide illustrations that con- behavior (e.g., Peteraf, 1993), and the potential role vey the challenges and promise of the theory for the of inter-firm cooperation was generally underap- strategic management field. preciated in the competitive strategy literature. As cooperative relationships among firms gained in importance, strategy scholars began to appreciate Firm heterogeneity and the nature the value in switching from competitive strategies to of competitive advantage cooperative relationships in the face of uncertainty At its core, strategy is fundamentally about (e.g., Kumar, 2005). Consideration of these alter- heterogeneity in firm behavior, organizational native sources of firm heterogeneity leads to mul- performance outcomes and competitive advantage. tiple pathways to competitive advantage, straddling Barney (1991) identified heterogeneity in resources the dilemmas between commitment versus flexibil- as the main reason why firms differ in profitability ity as well as cooperation versus competition. In and survival. Knowledge, competencies and learn- a dynamic environment, firm competitive advan- ing are at the base of capabilities that allow the firm tage rests increasingly on an adaptive organizational to exploit new opportunities (e.g., Prahalad and capability to simultaneously manage these two Hamel, 1990). By focusing on firms’ investment intertwined trade-offs at once. These two dimen- opportunities and related firm-specific knowledge, sions are naturally related since firms will often ROT can enhance our understanding of why firms implement flexibility through cooperative agree- differ and what drives sustainable competitive ments and commitment through competitive strate- advantage under uncertainty. For instance, in the gies, though this need not always be the case. In fact, knowledge-based view of the firm (e.g., Grant, one can find a basis for competitive advantage in 1996), connections can be seen between knowledge each of the scenarios in Figure 2, and ROT provides and real options, yet this linkage has not been car- an overall framework and set of modeling tools for ried forward as it might. In Kogut and Zander (1992: an integrated analysis of the intertwined tensions of 385), knowledge is itself “considered as owning commitment versus flexibility and of cooperation a portfolio of options, or platforms, on future versus competition in firms’ individual strategic developments.” Combinative capabilities devel- investment decisions. Moreover, firms are hetero- oped through internal learning (experiments and geneous in the adaptability of their structures and investments in trial and error knowledge acquisi- systems (Kogut, 1984; Rangan, 1998; Trigeorgis, tion) and external learning (e.g., via collaborations) provide unique organizational and technological 7 The work of Kogut and Zander (1992), and Penrose (1959) on opportunities to firms. Inter-firm differences in unique knowledge and internal opportunities suggested that firms will differ in the options they possess based on the resources and knowledge acquisition and learning capabilities knowledge that they uniquely have. Penrose (1959) described how can therefore create different options for firms, or “services” or alternatives in the use of various resources provide result in differential recognition of the options that the basis for firm growth, and she emphasizes the importance of slack managerial resources in the pursuit of growth. Firms may firms already possess based on their capabilities. also differ in their recognition of potential options (or shadow In addition, proprietary options that firms take out options) based on their unique knowledge and prior resource through internal and external initiatives can lead to endowments (see also Bowman and Hurry, 1993).

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj Real Options Theory in Strategic Management 53

operations. For example, the MNC internalizes markets across borders and grows organically or expands its international network of subsidiaries through acquisitions to reduce transaction costs in licensing agreements due to market uncertainty and behavioral uncertainty concerning technology transfers (e.g., Caves, 2007). Control over intan- gible assets and monitoring of foreign operations therefore promote efficiency (Buckley and Casson, 1998). However, while the focus on commitment Figure 2. ROT positioning in strategic management rel- ative to key strategy dilemmas. (Source: adapted from Tri- and administrative control contains transaction georgis and Baldi (2014)) costs, this can be at the expense of flexibility owing to the largely irreversible commitments involved. 1996), and in their ability to effectively manage By contrast, ROT emphasizes the role of uncer- these twin dilemmas (e.g., Chen and Miller, 2015). tainty and asymmetry in payoffs arising from deci- This heterogeneity to manage effectively these core sion flexibility and shifting value-chain activities dilemmas under uncertainty can ultimately lead to across borders. Kogut and Kulatilaka (1994) argued differential long-term firm performance. that a MNC holds a set of strategic and operat- Figure 2 also is useful in positioning ROT appli- ing real options in its multinational network that cations and describing how the theory has evolved allow it to exploit uncertainty and take advantage and differs from other mainstream theories used in of heterogeneous opportunities across foreign coun- strategic management research. Early applications tries and reduce downside losses owing to exchange of ROT (Cell II) considered how firms flexibly time rate movements and other risks. ROT thus identifies their entries into product markets (e.g., Dixit and international flexibility and the dynamic advantages Pindyck, 1994), in contrast to traditional economics afforded by coordinated multinational networks as (IO and game theory) emphasizing the value of a source of value in a dynamic global environment. commitment in Cell I (e.g., Ghemawat, 1991). More Focusing on the MNC’s growth options in emerging recently, ROT has been extended to new applica- economies, Li and Li (2010) suggested that ROT tions in other cells of the matrix, including combin- complements existing views on MNC ownership ing ROT with game theory (at the interface of Cells strategies such as TCE by emphasizing the impor- I and II) and applications to cooperative strategies tance of flexibility in responding to future opportu- such as JVs (extending into Cell IV). Moreover, ini- nities, which rises as uncertainty increases. Focus tial applications of ROT in Cell II have been deep- on the multinational firm was thus an important ened and extended in recent years by a focus on source of advances for ROT in Cell II of Figure 2 as the strategies of multinational firms, as noted ear- this helped expand the domain of the theory beyond lier. These developments have expanded the strat- its traditional focus on investment timing (e.g., mar- egy research domains to which ROT can be applied ket entry) by considering global strategy applica- and the set of theories that potentially can be juxta- tions and the multiple environments in which MNCs posed or integrated with ROT. compete. Extensions of ROT to other organizational forms such as partnerships enabled expansion of real options applications from Cell II to Cell IV of The theory of the firm Figure 2 and opened up additional ways to connect According to Transaction Cost Economics (TCE), with new, cooperative streams in corporate strategy when the costs of transacting in the marketplace are research (whereas early real options applications high due to market inefficiencies arising from the focused more on competitive strategy). threat of opportunism, market-mediated exchanges will be displaced by hierarchy within the firm The role of uncertainty in firms’ choices and the (Williamson, 1991). The scope and growth of uncertainty-investment relation the firm are therefore set at the where the benefits of reduced opportunism exceed the The role of uncertainty in management and strategy administrative and control costs of internalized has been recognized early on as being fundamental

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj 54 L. Trigeorgis and J. J. Reuer

(Cyert and March, 1963; Lippman and Rumelt, uncertainty and decision flexibility (Chi, 2000). The 1982; Rumelt et al., 1994; Wernerfelt and Kar- intensity of this trade-off depends on both exoge- nani, 1987). Strategic decisions involve impactful nous and endogenous uncertainties (e.g., Cuypers choices about future resource commitments, and Martin, 2010). For instance, a flexible growth potentially involving follow-on opportunities, tech- strategy may not be as valuable in an industry nological threats, and rivals’ moves, all inherently with clear first-mover advantages (or shared indus- made under uncertain conditions. Uncertainty try growth opportunities) and learning-by-doing. thus shapes the tensions between flexibility ver- First-mover advantages and strategic commitment sus commitment as well as competition versus involving early or larger-scale investment may pre- cooperation. empt rivals or strategically influence their behav- Unlike the traditional view that uncertainty ior (Smit and Trigeorgis, 2007). First movers may depresses investment, ROT presents decision mak- also acquire proprietary rights such as patents and ers with a more proactive response to uncertainty. licenses to protect or appropriate future growth Specifically, real options allow the firm to delay options (Folta and O’Brien, 2004; Smit and Trigeor- investment commitments, stage them, or alter gis, 2004). This underscores that early commitment future decisions when market conditions change, may sometimes actually enhance future flexibility enabling the firm to contain losses and benefit from (preserving or creating future growth options), mak- uncertainty under favorable developments (Bow- ing the impact of uncertainty on investment non- man and Hurry, 1993; McGrath, 1997; Trigeorgis, monotonic (e.g., Abel and Eberly, 1994; Folta and 1996). It is this inherent managerial discretion O’Brien, 2004)8. under uncertainty and resulting asymmetry in For instance, securing patents and property firm payoffs that drives option value, reduces rights through early commitment might provide downside losses, and improves firm performance. first-mover advantages in some industries, though Uncertainty leverages the impact of decision not all R&D-related investments make sense under flexibility and opens a window of opportunity uncertain conditions. In product development, for that can be a source of value rather than a penalty example, it may sometimes be more beneficial per se (McGrath, 1999; Trigeorgis, 1996). As a to structure processes more flexibly to lower the consequence, uncertainty and decision flexibility cost of future product changes and defer mak- can be a source of value creation if real options ing commitments on more uncertain aspects9. are properly recognized, developed, and exercised The option to defer must generally be traded (Triantis, 2005). The firm thus manages a portfolio off against the learning and strategic benefits of of strategic growth and operating options, and the commitment, including the value of embedded degree of its adaptive capability will condition follow-on options to abandon, grow, or switch. its ability to exploit upside opportunities or limit Because uncertainty increases the value of these downside risk (Trigeorgis, 1996). If properly options resulting from commitment itself, higher designed and effectively integrated within the firm’s strategic plans and organizational structure, 8 Uncertainty makes investment and commitment detrimental in real options should enable making better strategic the case of a single, irreversible, proprietary investment with choices, enhancing firm value and providing negligible early-exercise benefits (-like effects), other valuable management of risk. This, of course, follow-on (e.g., growth or switch) options, learning effects, preemption effects, or other strategic first-mover advantages. requires proper organizational systems, managerial However, commitment under uncertainty can benefit the firm attention, and efficient organizational use of limited when the investment: (1) is staged; (2) opens up or creates resources (Barnett, 2008). follow-on options; (3) is reversible or the asset is of a general purpose nature, is not protected by property rights or is shared with industry rivals, leading to value dissipation; (4) has steep learning curve effects where part of the uncertainty is endogenous The commitment versus flexibility dilemma and can be resolved through further investment; or (5) results in rival preemption or in other first mover advantages (e.g., network Each firm faces a dynamic trade-off between com- effects). mitment (e.g., making an irreversible or specific 9 Sometimes, therefore, it is wise to wait in uncertain conditions, investment) and flexibility (Li and Li, 2010; Smit while in other contexts commitment (sometimes even disinvest- ment) benefits firm value. This is particularly so when there are and Trigeorgis, 2004). Proper management of this nonlinearities arising from convex adjustment costs of committed trade-off can determine firm competitive advan- capital, fixed costs, and partial reversibility of capital (Abel and tage, capitalizing on the opportunity set created by Eberly, 1994).

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj Real Options Theory in Strategic Management 55 uncertainty would not necessarily discourage firms are better off cooperating rather than com- commitment. Various benefits of commitment may peting in the marketplace in uncertain and dynamic also be impacted differentially by different kinds environments. ROT combined with game theory has of uncertainty. For the above reasons, the impact the potential to extend the notion of dynamic strat- of uncertainty on investment is not monotonic egy to incorporate endogenous strategic responses (e.g., Folta and O’Brien (2004)). Uncertainty, among firms in an industry, quantifying not only the asymmetric information (involving uncertainty trade-off between commitment and flexibility, but for one party such as a rival about the success of also potential shifts between competitive and coop- R&D efforts by an incumbent who knows their erative modes in a dynamic environment over time. own costs), and learning effects may also interact For instance, in the case of strategic patenting, firms and differentially affect the trade-off between might attempt to build a patent wall or bracket a flexibility and commitment (Smit and Trigeorgis, rival’s patent in a competitive mode, or may engage 2004). in cooperation via licensing or cross-licensing a patent. Hybrid strategies are also possible, such as when a firm switches from competition to Trade-offs between competition cooperation as demand changes. The ability to and cooperation switch between competitive and cooperative modes Not only does a commitment versus flexibility will be more valuable in volatile environments, trade-off run through many strategic investment and when the firm has a small innovation or cost contexts, but there is usually also a trade-off advantage from the patent (Trigeorgis and Baldi, between competition and cooperation. In the 2014). strategy literature, competitive rivalry and coop- eration have often been viewed as opposing or Organization and governance mode choices mutually exclusive strategy paths (Lado, Boyd, and Hanlon, 1997). However, firms increasingly Management scholars identify four main ways of engage in both competition and cooperation at obtaining access to or deploying a resource as once or alternate among these modes at different part of a firm’s growth strategy: (1) buy (sell) development stages or market circumstances. For or acquire (divest), (2) build/develop internally, instance, some firms cooperate in one sphere of (3) rent/lease/contract, or (4) share/ally. Tradition- activity, such as in R&D or the strategic use of ally, streams of research using the resource-based their patents, while competing in end markets. view (RBV) emphasized forms of commitment Others might attempt to enhance market share (buy/acquire or build) to secure proprietary use by collaborating to strengthen their positions of scarce resources in a competing mode. Acqui- against substitutes, governmental interference, or sition transactions might take place on both the newcomers, or to share upstream resources cost buy or sell sides. Other modes (lease/contract or effectively. share/ally) involve more flexibility in the strategic Even though competitive strategy implications use of external resources, often through coopera- figured prominently in the early research on collab- tion with other firms. For example, a firm that pos- oration, more recently, attention has focused on the sesses proprietary assets complementary to those corporate implications of collaboration, and this of another firm can sell or rent its assets tothe recent research is often not integrated into strategy other firm or buy or rent the other’s assets (Chen, research on competition. As a consequence, the 2010). Just as an acquisition might be considered interplay of cooperation and competition remains from either the buy or , a firm may con- a distinct and currently-unfilled research gap in tract for complementary technologies (e.g., license the field. The competitive rivalry and cooperation in) to fill in gaps in its own technology portfolio interplay has been fundamental in strategic plan- or further develop its own resources, or it might ning and business strategy, even though scholars license out or otherwise contract for its own assets have not devoted adequate attention to address- with another company. Sequential market entry and ing this complex interplay under conditions of collaborative investments provide flexibility that uncertainty (Wernerfelt and Karnani, 1987). The commitment strategies such as an upfront acqui- competition-cooperation dilemma needs to deal sition and/or expanding permanent workforce do with the why, how, and under what circumstances not allow. Kogut (1991) provided evidence that JVs

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj 56 L. Trigeorgis and J. J. Reuer provide options to expand sequentially into new growth options that go unexploited, or at times and uncertain markets, while firms can potentially succeed even when such opportunities are limited? expand and buy out a partner if conditions develop How can the distribution of authority rights and favorably. According to ROT, JVs may serve as a internal resource allocation within organizations transitional organizational form by design, calling be made more efficient to capitalize on such into question the conventional presumption that JVs growth options? What are the defining features of are, or should be, stable, equilibrium-based organi- a real options-based view of the firm and how can zational forms. existing theories complement one another more Collaborative ventures generally serve as flexible effectively? arrangements for dealing with uncertainty concern- ing market entry, technology transfer, and partner Differences and potential integration with other competence development (Estrada, de la Fuente, strategy theories and Martin-Cruz, 2010). Chi and McGuire (1996), and Chi (2000) analyzed how transaction costs Unlike traditional industrial organizational (IO) and real options influence collaborative ventures, economics and game theory approaches that pre- market entry alliances, or acquisition modes and sume the business environment and firm reactions . Reuer and Tong (2010) found that are predictable, various theories used in strategic growth opportunities are a key determinant of management recognize that the business environ- equity alliance formation with IPO firms. Kouvelis ment is uncertain and unpredictable (Figure 2) and et al., (2001) showed that the choice of ownership that boundedly-rational managers are limited in structure in a multinational context (e.g., wholly their ability to predict and plan for various future owned subsidiaries, export operations or minor- contingencies. Uncertainty is a key driver that both ity IJVs) depends on exchange rate uncertainty, brings together and differentiates alternative views which favors more flexible or low-commitment of the firm and their implications concerning strate- production modes. gic investment. Uncertainty is at the root of the dilemmas created by commitment versus flexibility and between competition versus cooperation, giv- CHALLENGES FOR REAL OPTIONS ing rise to important differences between ROT and RESEARCH IN STRATEGY alternative theories such as IO, TCE, and RBV as a result of their different treatment of the role and In this section, we consider a set of research direc- types of uncertainty considered. They also differ in tions that may serve as frontiers for future develop- terms of their focus on cost efficiency as well as the ments in strategic management, and we pose a num- role of knowledge, learning, and decision flexibil- ber of related challenges for theory development for ity. We submit that ROT draws on all these factors real options in the field. in a comprehensive way, and hence, carries con- siderable integration potential with other theories focusing on aspects of firm investment and decision Real options and the foundations of strategy making under uncertainty. While ROT is ultimately a theory of investment that Traditional IO and game theory focus on external can properly guide resource allocation decisions market structure factors and ex post barriers to in firms, for ROT to become one of the theoretical competition (e.g., capacity or contractual preemp- pillars in the strategy field, more attention is needed tion) in a rather predictable environment, modeling on how ROT can help address the fundamental mainly strategic uncertainty but essentially ignor- issues of strategy, such as the sources of competi- ing market and other uncertainties that decision tive advantage and firm heterogeneity. Along these makers routinely encounter. Recent progress on lines: What are the implications of viewing the firm option games has been achieved in integrating as a portfolio of staged interacting options or as a ROT with IO and game theory to account for both repository of adaptive organizational capabilities stochastic demand and strategic or competitive and options to learn, rather than as a bundle of uncertainty (e.g., Chevalier-Roignant and Tri- resources and capabilities? Why do firms differ georgis, 2011; Smit and Trigeorgis, 2004). This in the creation, recognition or exploitation of integration, essentially achieved by overlaying real options, sometimes fail in the presence of valuable option binomial trees onto 2 × 2 payoff matrices

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj Real Options Theory in Strategic Management 57 from game theory, has allowed the quantification controls, and imperfections associated with reliance of the important trade-off between commitment on third parties to adjudicate disputes (Williamson, and flexibility under uncertainty and has also 1991). brought out analytically the potential benefits of Like TCE, RBV also recognizes that boundedly- collaboration strategies (Trigeorgis and Baldi, rational managers lack the knowledge and ability 2014). to predict and plan for future contingencies. It fur- Under TCE, limitations in predicting and ther emphasizes that firms must make an up-front planning for future contingencies make mar- investment commitment (an early bet) to create ket contracting incomplete, necessitating costly new resources and capabilities raising heterogene- mechanisms to monitor and enforce contractual ity, ambiguity, and imitation difficulty that form performance (Williamson, 1991). Opportunistic the basis for sustainable competitive advantage behavior gets amplified in environments of high (Leiblein, 2003). Lippman and Rumelt (1982) indi- uncertainty and specific investment. Uncertainty cated that the persistence of resource heterogene- is detrimental as it raises the risk of opportunistic ity across firms is enhanced with proprietary rights behavior and the costs of writing and enforcing con- for the exclusive use of a resource or causal tingent contracts as well as the need for hierarchical ambiguity regarding its application. By contrast, control. It also increases the risk of unanticipated ROT emphasizes that when uncertainty and ambi- contingencies and need for contract renegotiation, guity are high, firms should stay flexible and and hence, of market failure when asset specificity adapt their plans to future contingencies. There is is high (Leiblein, 2003). This shifts the balance room, however, for ROT to improve its integra- more toward commitment and control (favoring tion potential by joining TCE and RBV in recog- internal growth rather than market-based exchange) nizing the boundedly-rational reality of organiza- under high uncertainty and asset specificity. In tional decision making, including human behavioral a multinational context, there is also significant biases. endogenous behavioral uncertainty arising from The above observations lead naturally to the potential partner opportunism, raising the need for challenge of the interplay between ROT and other, control. According to TCE, the MNC handles such more established perspectives in strategic man- behavioral uncertainty (which leads to higher trans- agement. How can ROT better connect to and be action costs when asset specificity is high) through integrated with other theories in strategy, beyond strict control and monitoring of subsidiaries and extending its own stand-alone unique contributions specific investments. However, in a business envi- in existing and new strategic decision contexts? ronment with high exogenous market uncertainty How can research more effectively separate out as well as endogenous behavioral partner uncer- ROT’s predictions from those of alternative theories tainty, firms must consider both upside growth that also feature uncertainty or specific investments opportunities and substantial market risks that must as key variables, either via appropriate empirical be contained. In such dynamic and unpredictable horse races, or by extending and enriching those environments, ROT suggests that a MNC should predictions through more integrated theoretical maintain flexibility to benefit from uncertain oppor- frameworks (e.g., Elfenbein and Knott, 2015)? For tunities (while containing risks) even when asset example, what is the relation between behavioral specificity is high. Just as TCE and ROT hold differ- theory’s escalation of commitment under failure ent implications for commitment (control) versus (Brockner, 1992) and ROT’s predictions concerning flexibility due to their different treatments of uncer- delayed exit? tainty as being detrimental or beneficial, and focus on governance versus investment, respectively, the Role of management and organizational same is true for the dilemma between competition realities and cooperation. Whereas ROT suggests hybrid organizational forms are important instruments In a closely-related vein, what are the roles of for achieving decision flexibility and beneficial management and organizational considerations in asymmetric payoffs, TCE implies that hybrids are ROT (e.g., Cyert and March, 1963)? Many streams not viable under conditions of uncertainty due of strategic management research can uniquely to problems associated with contractual incom- enrich the practical application of ROT by consid- pleteness, lack of well-developed administrative ering human characteristics and cognitive biases,

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj 58 L. Trigeorgis and J. J. Reuer managerial incentives, reward structures, control organizational), it is often necessary to value the systems, operational routines, and entrepreneurial option to ascertain if the flexibility benefit exceeds culture, all of which might influence the success of the overall associated cost. Consideration of an firms’ strategic investments and their appropriated individual project’s value within the broader strate- value. For instance, how should organizations gic and organizational context is also necessary. assess and reward the creation, maintenance and Hence, it is desirable to go beyond the qualitative proper exercise of real options across the option versus quantitative debate and enlist the combined life cycle (i.e., option identification, creation, contributions of the different ROT approaches. maintenance, exercise)? How can research best What is the proper balance among more strategic address agency conflicts and behavioral biases in (or sometimes metaphoric) usage of ROR as a the maintenance and option exercise stages, or framing device, formalism as an analytic valua- how best to deal with ex ante contracting (under tion/modeling methodology, and explicit treatment uncertainty and asymmetric information) in earlier of organizational realities, constraints, and imple- stages versus ex post negotiation? mentation considerations? More research is needed How can ROT be adjusted to account for manage- to examine the complementary usage of all these ment and organizational realities such as bounded ROT approaches in practice within real organiza- rationality, organizational structures, and control tions to assess gaps between theory and practice, systems? We believe it would be particularly valu- identify the sources of these gaps, and appraise the able to incorporate subjective judgment (see Tver- descriptive and normative value of a more integrated sky and Kahneman, 1974), inflicted with cogni- ROT. tive limitations or behavioral biases, such as cling- As the field matures, we need a more unified ing to prior beliefs or habits, confirmation bias, approach for better integration of qualitative and myopia, escalation of commitment, pessimism and quantitative approaches while accounting for ambiguity, or overconfidence and narcissism, into important organizational realities. It would further research on the various stages of the option chain. help the integration efforts if researchers focus on How can organizations better address creativity application contexts where these approaches come and ambiguity, accounting for the possible but closer together contextually, such as in M&As, currently unthinkable? What types of managers divestitures or spin-offs, the sale of a patent or or CEOs are appropriate for different organiza- license, or franchising of a brand. Not only are tions, in different industries, and stages in the option life cycle for proper risk taking, innova- there untapped opportunities and challenges to tion, and option encouragement in order to more jointly apply the different ROT approaches to effectively identify, create, and properly exercise these problems, but these organizational decision real options in the firm’s portfolio? How can we contexts also afford opportunities to combine them. better explain, conceptually and empirically, the In such contexts, we need to think concurrently behavioral and organizational as well as rational about future strategic plans and the current market implications of real options decision making in worth of an investment. organizations? Finally, how can organizational realities, capital rationing, bounded rationality, and other organi- zational constraints and strategic considerations Integration among real options approaches be incorporated into strategic analysis and val- How can the real options literature itself go beyond uation models? What is the role of heuristics sectarian divisions and move forward stronger? (Bowman and Moskowitz, 2001) in reducing More specifically, how can alternative ROT complexity and bridging these approaches in approaches become more integrated and mutually achieving this balance? Can proper heuristics be reinforcing as opposed to remaining disjointed? In identified, calibrated, and tested against formal particular, how can prevalent approaches such as analytical ROT models? If options in a portfolio ROR and formal modeling/valuation work more are not redundant or substitutes, should we add effectively in tandem rather than as distinct or even them up? How can organizations expand their rival ROT approaches? Since flexibility creation cognitive frames and knowledge platforms as or acquisition usually comes at a cost (explicit or part of an adaptive capability and a real options heuristic?

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Future research designs studies relying on aggregated information from secondary sources at the corporate level. Moreover, Finally, we would encourage the use of new longitudinal case studies and applications focusing methodologies, a greater focus on the business unit on the project or business unit level could explicitly and the individual project level of analysis from a tackle organizational processes and implementa- strategic perspective, and the collection of more tion issues that have not been possible in existing primary data on individual real options cases10.To empirical research focusing mostly on the timing begin with, new methodologies such as lab exper- and structuring of investments or aggregated data iments, simulations, fieldwork, and surveys would on investment and performance at the corporate provide a useful complement to existing evidence level. derived from secondary or large-scale empirical More fine-grained empirical work might also data involving investments by firms. Such method- examine some of the unique aspects of real options, ologies might be more suitable to gather particular such as gauging managerial real option awareness, information on managerial decision making and unique knowledge, training and learning (Kogut rich details of an actual investment decision and and Zander, 1992), or differentiating shared from its path-dependent historical context. Simulations proprietary options. We also believe it is critical to can further help address multiple uncertainties or devote attention to the costs involved in identifying, interacting portfolio options as well as incorpo- acquiring, developing, preserving, and exercising rate behavioral or managerial considerations that real options by organizations in order to better might affect decisions with embedded options in assess the net value-added of flexibility and help more complex ways (e.g., Cuypers and Martin, integrate the reasoning, valuation/analytical, and 2010). behavioral perspectives. Empirical research should Reconsidering the unit of analysis in real options studies might also help advance strategy research also account for the multiple and interdepen- on real options. In particular, to bring the ROR and dent sources of uncertainty, both exogenous and valuation/analytical perspectives closer together, endogenous, the opportunity costs of holding a we encourage strategy scholars to focus more on real option alive (e.g., “dividend-type” effects the individual project and the business unit as the such as competitive erosion) as well as interact- unit of analysis. Since the valuation/modeling focus ing portfolio effects. Addressing organizational is more applicable for individual projects, future implementation concerns and behavioral consid- strategy work that focuses on individual projects or erations further holds the potential to integrate business units would facilitate the above integra- ROT with other streams in management, and close tion. This also implies more case-focused research prevailing gaps between theory and organizational and an ability to consider strategy issues (e.g., reality. heterogeneous capabilities, competitive advantage, etc.) at this more granular level to match with the valuation focus. So far in strategy research, much of CONCLUSION the empirical work has been at the corporate level or We have developed a framework for organizing has involved aggregation that has made links with extant research on ROT along several dimensions. the valuation models more difficult. In this same These include (1) types of real options, (2) stages vein, research at the project level where there is of the real option chain, (3) types of strategic usually more precise and project-specific informa- decisions, (4) core strategy trade-offs or dilemmas tion could more readily develop empirical measures cast in a two dimensional space (i.e., flexibility for key option constructs (e.g., irreversibility) that versus commitment and cooperation versus compe- are more difficult to assess in large-scale empirical tition), and (5) various approaches to real options research (i.e., real option reasoning, real option 10 There are many opportunities to broaden the domains of modeling, and behavioral perspective). We have application of ROT, such as by analyzing brands, licensing terms, also critically examined key challenges for real outsourcing deals, corporate spin-offs, corporate venture capital, options research in strategic management. We see or flexible human capital. ROT in strategic management would also benefit from grappling with some more fundamental research a pressing need to integrate related managerial design issues that could enhance the theory’s value in strategic disciplines and perspectives into an integrated management. organizational approach. We suggest more work

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Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 38: 42–63 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/smj