Blade runner and comparison Name Professor Course Date Introduction Films are usually part of entertainment in daily life of most people. They are loved by both adults and children of all backgrounds, both the rich and the poor. The contents of the films usually vary from one film to another with each and every person having interest in different films. In this document a comparison of two films is done; the blade runner and the wicker man. Points are then distinguished which illustrates the imagination of the story, why the life of some characters in the film might work better on stage during the performance of some videos, and tittle selections which can work better for the films rather than a theatres. Blade runner has the main actor Rick Deckard who was a retired police officer. He is detained then brought back to his supervisor whom instructs him to track down some human beings who have been manipulated. He termed them as replicants in the movie. The claim is that they are on earth illegally and they are supposed to be tracked and killed. He then sets on to his mission. He was to identify them based on their emotional response to questions asked. The wicker man brings into story a sergeant by the name Howie who sets for a journey to investigate into the disappearance of a young girl by the name Rowan Morrison whom he had received an unknown letter about her missing. He sets to the remote island and finds the island is full of idolatry; gods and . This disturbs the sergeant since he was a Christian background in their home country. He later gets that the girl in search was to be sacrificed. But the lord of the Hebridean island tells the sergeant that has he has met the four requirements for sacrifice as per their gods hence prefers him for sacrifice instead. The sacrifice was made especially when harvests were low so that during the next harvest they would get more harvest than usual. Courage is stage performance trait that all if not most actors should have for them to attract a good audience. This will aid in audibility of the performances in stage. The sergeant is depicted as a staunch Christian who does not want to get involved in earthly and ungodly issues. He refuses to give in to the landlords’ daughter who tries to seduce him so that he wouldn’t Running head:2 remain a virgin any more. This depicts him as being courageous. If he could withstand the ungodliness of the islands and stick to his own beliefs, this means that even during stage performances he can outstand to be the most courageous. Courage is also shown by the actor Rick Deckard by him setting up for unknown mission. It’s not an easy task to set on a mission that you are going to fight and kill manipulated beings. We find Deckard setting for a mission that has unknown ending. The aim was to kill the manipulated beings but we are not told the surety that he was going to emerge the winner at the end of the mission. Deckard is also viewed to be a critical thinker and views more on his mind. This is as seen where he saw unicorns on his mind. His big shift is seen when he meets Rachael who is also a replicant with some particular sense of humanity. When Deckard offers her the test which was only meant to identify the replicants, she takes too long to respond to the test and it is also found that Rachael is also not aware of her replicant status. His happens as a result of the fake memories that are culled from the mind of his niece by Dr. Tyrell. He sits by the piano in his apartment and sees a unicorn running through the forest. Later he sees another blade runner, Gaff leaving another unicorn in his room which somehow indicated that Gaff knew the content of this dream. A film actor should be more critical in his thinking and analysis. With intense thoughts, an actor will have a lot to show the audience. The blade runner majorly has more about replicants. But there are some questions which remain unanswered about them. We find some characters that the viewer’s thought to have died resurfacing in other episodes. The actors are also made to look much younger and pretty in common movies. Questions are asked how the film makers brought back 2019 Rachael in the play. This shows the creativity the film makers. A more creative performer attracts more audience and none of his viewers would ever want to miss them. This may be the case with Rachael where she’s brought back as a more pretty young girl despite many viewers thinking she was dead. Dilemma is always an aspect of a good stage performance. Replicants remain the main question in the film. They are not clearly understood by most viewers hence this brings in more of creativity. The film is full of creativity and scenarios which are above the normal human power with many mysteries on the movie being better than the solutions. The world of replicants leaves the viewers with more to ask themselves rather than answers. Some viewers wonder is Running head:3

Deckard a replicants?..Was Joe permanently dead?... how was it possible for the replicants to have a baby?,,,, what would be next for Deckard’s family?,,,. With such creativity, it works best for stage performances’. The audience will always be left in dilemma not knowing what to happen next and this is a good stage performing art that could be applied by students during live shows and performances’. The audience will always want you more in screen play. The film wicker man at some point also has some dilemma. We find a sergeant who is from a Christianity background is setting to a pagan and idolatry island. The viewer’s remain focused onto what going to next. They wonder if the sergeant going to be influenced to join these evil groups. The burning of the sergeant in the wicker man also points out some dilemma. No one would think the sergeant on his mission would suffer such a set back to the gods. The sergeant being the main actor in the movie, after his burning the viewer’s get not to know what is going to happen next. Is the movie going to end or what is to happen next? A good stage performance must always leave the audience in dilemma. The flow of the two movies is more than just amazing. Events in the films are flowing smoothly from one episode to another. In the wicker man we find the sergeant setting for a mission to carry out an investigation which ends him up being offered as a sacrifice. In the blade runner, Deckard sets to a mission to kill and eliminate the bioengineered beings and the film flows smoothly with the episodes being recurrent of each other. Good stage performance must have a good flow. Organization of a film or a stage performance is the key to good flow of a film or performance. Tittle selection is important to audience attraction. The better the tittle the more the audience gets attracted. The tittle selection of the films is just excellent. Was it my own performance, I would call the blade runner brand name ‘a world of replicants’. This would be my preferred tittle for the film. This is because the film and throughout its plot is just about replicants. Ironically the blade runner himself as the movie claims; that’s the former police is also a replicant. This will ensure that my audience during my performance of the movie would want to know the essence of these replicants to the movie. The wicker man would also get a very nice tittle were it my film. I would name it “unknown destiny”. This is because we find the sergeant setting for unknown destination. He sets for an island and is not sure about his fate on the mission. According to my own thinking, I don’t think Neil Howie was aware that he would at one time be offered as a sacrifice to the gods. Running head:4

The audience at some point, during the start of the movie would be interested in knowing who was this setting for this unknown destination?,,, how did he go about his mission?,,,, hence my tittle for the wicker man would be as stated above. Both movies at some point also have some similarities hence could attract the same tittle. We see a scenario where the two main actors set to different destinations with no knowledge of what is going to happen next. Neil finds himself in the wicker man statute as a sacrifice. Rick Deckard also sets to the earth to eliminate the bioengineered beings. This can attract a single common tittle for the two movies. ‘Unknown destination’, could serve best since bot characters are seen to leave to missions with unknown endings. Film and theatres have differences on the audience. In a film the characters have no direct contact with the audience. Theatres are characterized by live shows and performances where the characters and the audience are in direct contact. Performance of a film during a theatre has a lot to put in consideration. The tittle of the movie, the characters involved and the event organization in general must be superb. The tittle which is chosen during the making of films is to be more appealing as compared the theatres because of the audience appeal. Films have a wide audience. They are sold at large mostly internationally with some posted in the social sites. Theatres have no wide range of audience unless it’s posted for viewing on the social sites for viewing. Being that theatres have live audience as compared to the films, its choice of tittle also matters a lot since it will create an overview impression of what the performance will be about. For the wicker man I would prefer to entitle it,” islanders and their gods.”…. this is a tittle that would attract the audience attention to knowing who the islanders are, what was so funny about their gods that it just made the tittle and this would attract more than just viewers if not comments at large. Conclusion

These two films are films that are rich in great character traits that can be applied and used by actors. The setup ,plot , background and flow of the movies are more than just admirable. The creativity in the films is more than just exemplary, the names chosen for the characters is just awesome. The names also play a role in the films as some of the names have historical focus. The flow of the films, the character traits displayed by the characters is just Running head:5 awesome. Theatre show actors should depict/portray some of the excellent movie features used in this film for them to make outstanding shows.


the real blade YouTube full movie videos

Wicker man video reviews from YouTube.

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