The Best of Both Worlds Authenticated Encryption Table of Contents

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The Best of Both Worlds Authenticated Encryption Table of Contents Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy The Best of Both Worlds Authenticated Encryption Foundations of Cryptography Computer Science Department Wellesley College Fall 2016 Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Table of contents Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Secrecy and integrity We began our studies with • techniques for obtaining secrecy and moved on to ensuring message integrity. Why not build systems that • ensure both at all times? Well there is an old saying ... • Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Our goal We seek an “ideally secure” • communication channel that provides both secrecy and integrity. Not so easy. Instead, we provide a • simpler set of definitions that treat secrecy and integrity separately, which suffices to understand the key issues. We begin with a CCA-secure • private-key encryption scheme ⇧ =(Gen,Enc,Dec).Since⇧ does not satisfy the syntax of a message authentication code, we must introduce a definition specific to the case. Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Unforgeable encryption schemes The unforgeable encryption experiment Enc-forge ,⇧(n): A 1. A random key k is generated by running Gen(1n). n 2. The adversary is given input 1 and oracle access to Enck ( ). The adversary eventuallyA outputs a ciphertext c. · 3. Let m := Deck (c)andlet denote the set of all queries that asked its encryption oracle.Q The output of the experiment is definedA to be 1 if and only if (1) m = ; and (2) m . 6 ? 62 Q Definition 4.16. A private-key encryption scheme ⇧ is unforgeable if for all probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries there exists a negligible function negl such that A Pr[Enc-forge ,⇧(n) = 1] negl(n). A Definition 4.17. A private-key encryption scheme is an authenticated encryption scheme if it is CCA-secure and unforgeable. Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy It may be tempting to think ... Any reasonable combination of a • secure encryption scheme and a secure message authentication code should result in an authenticated encryption scheme. Not so fast, these things must be • done delicately or you ruin the spell. Let’s start with a CPA-secure • encryption scheme ⇧E =(Gen,End,Dec)anda message authentication code ⇧M = (Mac, Vrfy). Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Encrypt-and-authenticate* Encrypt-and-authenticate: Encryption and authentication are computed independently in parallel. That is given m,thesender transmits the ciphertext c, t where: h i c Enc (m)andt Mac (m) kE kM The receiver decrypts c to recover m;assumingnoerroroccurred, it then verifies the tag t.IfVrfykM (m, t) = 1 the receiver outputs m; otherwise it outputs an error. *We analyze this and other schemes when they are instantiated with ”generic” secure components, i.e., an arbitrary CPA-secure encryption and an arbitrary (strongly) secure MAC. Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Analysis of encrypt-and-authenticate This approach may not achieve • even the most basic level of secrecy, since a secure MAC does not guarantee any secrecy and so it it possible for the tag MackM (m)to leak information about m to an eavesdropper. In fact it is likely to be insecure • against chosen-plaintext attacks even when instantiated with standard components. In particular, if a deterministic • MAC like CBC-MAC is used, then the tag computed on a message is the same every time. This allows an eavesdropper to identify when the same message is sent twice. Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Authenticate-then-encrypt Authenticate-then-encrypt: Here a MAC tage t is first computed, and then the message and tag are encrypted together. That is, give a message m t Mac (m)andc Enc (m t). kM kE k The receiver decrypts c to recover m t;assumingnoerror k occurred, it then verifies the tag t.Asbefore,ifVrfykM (m, t)=1 the receiver outputs m; otherwise it outputs an error. Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Sad, but true This one fails too, even for some of our old CPA-secure favorites such as CBC-mode-with-padding. Recall this scheme works by first padding the plaintext (in our case m t) so the result is a multiple of the block length, and then encrypting thek result using CBC mode. There are two sources of potential decryption failure: A “bad-padding” error, the MAC tag does not verify.* *Assuming attacker can distinguish between the two, she can now apply the same chosen-ciphertext attack described earlier. Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Why not ensure there is only a single error message There may be legitimate reasons* • to have multiple error messages. Forcing the error messages to be • the same means that the combination is no longer truly generic. Most of all, it is extrordinarily hard • to ensure that the di↵erent errors cannot be distinguished.** *Usability, debugging, etc. **Even a di↵erence in the time to return each of these errors may be used to distinguish them. Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Encrypt-then-authenticate Encrypt-then-authenticate: In this case, the message m is first encrypted to obtain c and then a MAC tag t is computed over the result. The ciphertext is a pair c, t . That is, given a message m h i c EnckE (m)andt MackM c. If VrfykM (c, t)=1thereceiverdecryptsc and outputs the result; otherwise it outputs an error. Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy A generic construction of an authenticate encryption scheme Construction 4.18. Let ⇧E =(Gen,Enc,Dec)beaprivate-key encryption scheme and let ⇧M = (Mac, Vrfy) be a message authentication code, where each key is a uniformly chosen n-bit value. Define a private-key encryption scheme (Gen’, Enc’, Dec’) as follows: Gen’: On input a key (k , k )andplaintextm, compute • E M Enc’: On input a key k 0, 1 n and a message m 0, 1 n, • 2 { } 2 { } compute c Enc (m)andt Mac c. Output the kE kM ciphertext c, t . h i Dec’: On input a key (kE , kM )andciphertext c, t ,first • ? h i check whether VrfykM (c, t) =1. If yes, then output DeckE (c); if no, then output . ? Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Party time: This approach is sound Strong security ensures that the adversary will be unable to generate any valid ciphertext that it did not receive from its encryption oracle, so the scheme is unforgeable. The MAC computed over the ciphertext has the e↵ect of rendering the decryption oracle useless, since for every ciphertext c, t h i submitted to the decryption oracle, either 1. The adversary already knows the decryption because it received c, t from its encryption oracle; or h i 2. The adversary will almost surely get an error since the adversary cannot generate any new, valid ciphertexts. This means CCA-security of the combined scheme reduces to the CPA-security of ⇧E . Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy A real live authenticated encryption scheme Theorem 4.19. Let ⇧E =(Gen,Enc,Dec)beaCPAsecure private-key encryption scheme and let ⇧M = (Mac, Vrfy) be a a strongly secure message authentication code, then Construction 4.18 is an authenticated encryption scheme. Proof. let ⇧0 denote the scheme resulting from Construction 4.18. We need to show that ⇧0 is unforgeable, and that it is CCA-secure. Call a ciphertext c, t valid if Vrfy (c, t) = 1. We show that h i kM strong security of ⇧M implies that (except with negligible probability) any “new”* ciphertexts the adversary submits to the decryption oracle will be invalid. Let be a PPT adversary attacking Construction 4.18 in a A chosen-ciphertext attack and let ValidQuery be the event that A submits a new valid ciphertext to its decryption oracle. *Here, new means that did not receive c, t from its encryption oracle or as A h i the challenge ciphertext. Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy Security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA) revisited cca The CCA indistinguishability experiment PrivK ,⇧ (n): A 0 1. Akeyk is generated by running Gen(1n). 2. The adversary is given 1n and oracle access to Enc ( )and A k · Deck( ). It outputs a pair of messages m0, m1 of the same length.· 2 M 3. A random bit b 0, 1 is chosen. A challenge ciphertext { } c Enck (mb) is computed and given to . A 4. The adversary continues to have oracle access to Enck( )and Dec ( ), but isA not allowed to query the latter on the challenge· k · ciphertext. Eventually outputs a bit b0. A 5. The output of the experiment is defined to be 1 if b0 = b,and0 otherwise. We write PrivKeav (n)=1 if the output is 1 and in this ,⇧0 case we say that succeededA . A Introduction Authenticated encryption The real McCoy O↵ we go then Claim 4.20. Pr[ValidQuery] is negligible. Proof. Define M attacking ⇧M in experiment Mac-sforge M ,⇧M (n): Adversary :A is given 1n and access to oracle Mac A( ). AM AM kM · 1. Choose uniform k 0, 1 n and i 1,...,q(n) *. E 2 { } 2 { } 2. Run on input 1n.When makes an encryption-oracle query for m, answerA as follows: A 2.1 Compute c EnckE (m). 2.2 Query c to the MAC oracle and receive t.Return c, t to . h i A The challenge ciphertext is done the same way with b 0, 1 2 { } chosen to select mb. When M makes a decryption-oracle query for c, t ,answeras follows:A If this is the ith decryption-oracle query,h outputi c, t . Otherwise h i 2.1 If c, t was a response to a previous encryption-oracle query forh a messagei m,returnm.
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