Permaculture-Inspired Farms in Quebec: an Economic and Social Overview

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Permaculture-Inspired Farms in Quebec: an Economic and Social Overview Permaculture-Inspired Farms in Quebec: An Economic and Social Overview The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Bastien, Gabrielle. 2016. Permaculture-Inspired Farms in Quebec: An Economic and Social Overview. Master's thesis, Harvard Extension School. Citable link Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// use#LAA Permaculture-Inspired Farms in Quebec: An Economic and Social Overview Gabrielle Bastien A Thesis in the Field of Sustainability and Environmental Management For the Degree of Master of Liberal Arts Harvard University May 2016 Abstract Permaculture is a design approach to human settlements that promotes diverse, regenerative and resilient agricultural systems. It appears this movement could play an important role in the transition from industrial to a more ecologically sound agriculture, however it has been the object of very few systematic inquiries, in particular with respect to its economic feasibility. Assessing the financial viability of permaculture systems will be crucial to the widespread implementation of this approach. Moreover, understanding farmer motivations to adopt this form of agricultural management as well as their challenges and perceptions will be useful in guiding future policies that drive permaculture production. The objectives of this study are: (1) to explore, through the case study of Quebec, Canada, the types of agroecosystems implemented by permaculture- inspired farmers; (2) to analyze the profitability of permaculture-inspired agroecosystems; (3) to assess farmer motivations, challenges and perceptions with respect to permaculture. I interviewed a total of 35 farmers, selected through a snowball referral sampling approach. Permaculture farms showed high levels of system and income source diversity, systems integration and very low human intervention levels at times. A high proportion of permaculture farms in the sample were profitable. An organic certification, selling value added products and restricting livelihood diversity were linked to greater profitability. No correlation was found between farm size and economic viability. Subjects in this study were highly motivated by conservation, lifestyle and altruistic values, and most challenged by labor and economic constraints. Given the apparent ecological, economic and social benefits of permaculture, I propose some recommendations to Quebec policy makers in order to encourage this approach to farming. iv Acknowledgments I first wish to thank my research advisor Mark Leighton for offering crucial guidance at early stages of the conceptualization of this study and introducing me to field research as a professor. Mark supported my enthusiasm for investigating permaculture systems and introduced me to practitioner Ben Falk, which led to a pivotal summer-long internship on Ben’s farm. I am deeply grateful to Ben for giving me the opportunity to gain hands-on farm experience on his wonderful site. This apprenticeship shaped my understanding of permaculture and was critical to my ability to conduct farmer interviews. The thoughtful guidance provided by my thesis director Rachael Garrett through all phases of this study was absolutely essential its success. I want to thank Rachael for her extensive availability, as well as her support and reassurance through the various changes of direction of this project, which helped realigning my vision in times of doubt. I am also very thankful to researcher Rafter Sass Ferguson for making himself available to discuss my study. Obtaining advice from a seasoned investigator conducting multi-faceted research on permaculture systems was highly valuable, to say the least. Finally, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to the farmer interviewees for being so generous with their time and sharing of information. I was moved to witness the enthusiasm in wanting to participate to this study, despite the inconvenient timing amid busy harvest season. Many agriculture- and permaculture- organization representatives also provided time and information to this project. Thank you all, for this research would not have been possible without your contributions. v Table of Contents ! Acknowledgments................................................................................................................v List of Tables .......................................................................................................................x List of Figures.................................................................................................................. xiii I. Introduction ......................................................................................................................1 Research Significance and Objectives .....................................................................1 Background ..............................................................................................................2 The Emergence of Agroecology ..................................................................4 Permaculture and its Potential Role in the Agricultural Transition .............5 Lack of Systematic Assessments of the Economics of Permaculture Production ....................................................................................................7 Profitability of Organic and Conservation Agriculture................................8 Farmer Motivations and Challenges ..........................................................10 Case Study: Quebec ...................................................................................13 Brief overview of the Quebec agricultural sector...........................13 Joint plans and supply management through quotas ......................14 Trade union monopoly ...................................................................17 Permaculture in Quebec .................................................................17 Research Questions and Hypotheses......................................................................18 II. Methods.........................................................................................................................20 Data Collection.......................................................................................................20 Farm Selection............................................................................................20 vi Farmer Interviews ......................................................................................21 Data Analysis .........................................................................................................21 Identification with Permaculture Classification.........................................21 Farm Type, Class, Systems and Age..........................................................22 Source and Availability of Economic Data................................................23 Profitability Classification..........................................................................23 Farm Enterprise Classification and Diversity ............................................24 III. Results..........................................................................................................................26 Description of Farms..............................................................................................26 Identification with Permaculture................................................................26 Farm Type and Class in Relation to Main Agricultural Activities ............26 Functional Systems, Functional Diversity and Systems Integration..........28 Farm Size, Age and Other Characteristics .................................................30 Very Low Intervention Level.....................................................................32 Farm Economics.....................................................................................................33 Profitability.................................................................................................33 Farm Enterprises and Diversity of Income Sources...................................33 Grants, Labor and Volunteers ....................................................................39 Motivations, Challenges and Perceptions ..............................................................39 Motivations to Farm...................................................................................39 Challenges ..................................................................................................43 Perceptions of Permaculture Benefits and Drawbacks ..............................45 Desired Changes to the Quebec Agricultural Sector..................................50 IV. Discussion....................................................................................................................53 vii Characterization of Permaculture Farms................................................................53 More Perennials, Yet Annuals Were Still the Most Prominent System.....53 More System Diversity and High Livelihood Diversity ............................54 Systems Integration and Low Human Intervention Level .........................55 Profitability ............................................................................................................55
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