Investor Presentation

May 2018 Contents


2 Performance

3 Appendix Strategy Strategic choices embedded in organization

Further strengthening our Company


Commercial Digital & simple service Converged Telco Excellent and delivery & IT services user experience

Flexible & simplified Operational Best-in-class secured Applying innovative network and operating model integrated networks technologies

Financial Lean Value management Invested ahead cost structure & predictable cash generation of the curve

CEO Value creation

Investor presentation | Strategy | KPN strategy | 3 Simplification and digitalization embedded in organization Driving revenue opportunities and lower spend

Use data & analytics ENABLING IMPROVED - Targeted household marketing CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE - Optimized customer service Digitalize - Smarter network investments Removing complexity for customers - Single ID, omnichannel experience, e-care

On-demand virtualized services Simplify portfolio and operations - Instant provisioning, real-time scaling - Fewer propositions - Creation of uniform digital layer Rationalize - BSS / OSS IT integration DRIVING PERFORMANCE

Provide services closer to customers Revenue opportunities - Improved (metro) core network - Fixed-mobile-IT convergence - First technology use cases € - Additional value added services Decentralize - Higher network efficiency (incl. partnerships such as Netflix and WeChat) - Infrastructure as a Service - Data & Analytics as a Service Increase network efficiency and effectiveness Lower spend - Flexible on-demand capacity - Marketing, call center, engineers and services - Personnel, IT/TI, maintenance, energy Virtualize - Self-healing and self-optimizing - SAC/SRC, connection fees, traffic networks - Cheaper generic hardware

Investor presentation | Strategy | Simplification & Digitalization | 4 External environment reassuring Growing macro-economy with strong competitive position


GDP growth NL1 ’17-’18 vs. ’16-’17

3.1% 3.2% The 2.3% 2.2% 4-

Germany 5 -

2015 2016 2017 2018E United Kingdom 8 -1 Unemployment NL1

6.9% 6.0% Denmark 12 - 4.9% 3.9%

Belgium 20 -3 2015 2016 2017 2018E

1 CPB (issued March 2018) 2 World Economic Forum; The Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018 Investor presentation | Strategy | External environment | 5 External environment reassuring (cont’d) KPN strongly positioned as leading integrated service provider

Mobile network , , 2G, 3G, 4G 2G, 3G, 4G 4G + MVNO

Mobile network quality1

Mobile market share2 43% 30% 20% 7%

Fixed network FttC, FttH Coax Wholesale KPN Wholesale KPN

Broadband market share3 41% 44% 3% 4%

TV product perception4 /A

TV market share3 32% 52% 2% 2%

Fixed-mobile convergence

SME, LE, SME, LE, Business market presence Corporate Corporate SME, LE SME, LE Business market capabilities

Trusted brand

1 Independent market survey (Q1 2018) 2 Total Dutch (Consumer and Business) mobile service revenue market share (Q4 2017), based on IAS 18 mobile service revenues 3 Telecompaper (Q1 2018) Investor presentation | Strategy | External environment | 6 4 Independent market survey (Consumentenbond; Q1 2018) Strong progress in Simplify, Grow, Innovate strategy Key priorities on track

Accelerate up- and cross-sell in bundles

Grow in TV and IT services

Finalize Business transformation

Finalize build of flexible and simplified integrated network and operating model

Expand superior access position by deploying innovative technologies and increasing fiber penetration

Optimize financial framework and grow dividend

Simplify Grow Innovate

Investor presentation | Strategy | Consumer | 7 Further strengthening convergence position in Consumer Clear benefits from targeted household approach

Customers in fixed-mobile bundles Clear convergence benefits

Households1 Postpaid customers Higher NPS2 (Q4 ’17) Increasing SIMs per household3

25 1.51 1.47 +2.7%

53% 13 all brands 43%

Consumer total Fixed-mobile Q4 ’16 Q4 ’17 39% 45% (all brands) bundles4

Q1 ’17 Q1 ’17 Lower churn4 (Q4 ’17) Lower marketing expenses5 Q1 ’18 Q1 ’18 ~9% -12% 66% ~5% KPN brand

Q1 ’18: Q1 ’18: Consumer total Fixed-mobile FY ’16 FY ’17 +28k adds +48k net adds bundles

1 As % of broadband customers 4KPN brand 2Source: Kantar TNS 5 Consumer Marketing & Communication expenses Investor presentation | Strategy | Consumer | 8 3 Based on fixed-mobile households Household at center of service model in Consumer Strong focus to increase share of wallet per household

Higher margins from Skinny bundles increasing upsell opportunities improved up- and cross-sell

~-4% Lower inflow ARPU per household from unbundling content Q4 ’16 Q4 ’17


Higher inflow ARPU from value added services Q4 ’16 Q4 ’17


Higher inflow margin per household Q4 ’16 Q4 ’17

Investor presentation | Strategy | Consumer | 9 Strong competitive positioning in Dutch market Covering all segments: focus on fixed-mobile bundling and high value

HigherCLV market illustrates share focus on KPN brand Leading converged position through increasing KPN share in brand mix

42% 43% ~43%

~23% ~22% ~21%

~77% ~78% ~79%

Q4 ’16 Q3 ’17 Q4 ’17

Market share NL1 Mobile service revenues KPN brand Mobile service revenues no frills brands

1 Management estimates Investor presentation | Strategy | Consumer | 10 Enabling digital customer interaction Driving cost savings and potential new revenue streams

Increase of digital customer interaction WeChat Go Europe platform supporting lower contact center costs in Consumer offering in-app purchases

+11% -21% -14%

KPN enabled app and connectivity for Chinese tourists travelling to Europe

Revenue share of tickets sold and financial transactions Q1 ’17 Q1 ’18 Q1 ’17 Q1 ’18 Q1 ’17 Q1 ’18

Online contact1,2 Incoming calls2 Contact center costs

1 Webcare and chat contact via online customer service channels 2KPN brand Investor presentation | Strategy | Consumer | 11 Digitalization strengthening customer relationships Data & analytics supporting value per household

…enabling data & analytics Creation of uniform digital layer completed… for targeted household approach . Targeted marketing . Enables personalized actions and campaigning . Improving customer service . Improving quality of InHome connection UNIFORM DIGITAL LAYER (API) . Identify individual churn probability and driver

Encouraging results from proactively upgraded InHome quality

Higher InHome speed reduces churn Higher NPS Lower churn

~-50% 43 ~13%

13 ~3% 0-10 Mbps 20-30 Mbps >50 Mbps Consumer Upgraded Control Upgraded Churn rate total customers group customers

Investor presentation | Strategy | Consumer | 12 Targeted household marketing drives customer loyalty and convergence Using smart analytics to drive value

Step 1: Creation of uniform digital layer completed Benefits

Net Promotor Score

Convergence penetration Client advice (automatically shown to customer service) New (3) Offered (0) Household value Step 2: Client Client has the right for Use Data & Analytics KPN Veilig to be situation installed on 2 devices to optimize 0 installed Churn - Customer service We can enhance the - Up- and cross-sell client’s connection - Network investments (speed/stability) by Data switching WiFi channels while preserving privacy pool Marketing expenses Upgrade to Alles-in-1 Standaard, from +Bellen

Investor presentation | Strategy | Consumer | 13 Simplified Business portfolio in 2017 Added scale and capabilities to strengthen position as leading ICT service provider

Changing customer needs…

Tailor made single Standardized Traditional Cloud-based (IT) Platform Shared access & OTT play solutions bundled services on-premise services services specific access (IPVPN, SDN)

…require a simple and customer focused portfolio

KPN small business KPN ÉÉN SME LE & Corporate Industry propositions 7 focused propositions Propositions Healthcare, Government <5 employees 5-150 employees >150 employees & Manufacturing

Communication IT Professional services Portfolio services services & Consultancy

Distribution platform

Investor presentation | Strategy | Business | 14 Transformation to leading Business ICT provider on track Supported by Simplification

Migration of KPN Business Mobile clients completed Best ICT service provider

Integrating Mobile IT systems delivers Benefits: Improved time-to-market ~€ 50m run-rate savings in total from decommissioned legacy IT

Focus to further improve Business NPS1 #1 ICT service provider in NL2

-3 100% outsourcing recommendation score -6 for KPN Workspace3 Q1 ’17 Q1 ’18

1Source: Kantar TNS 2 Source: Dutch IT Partner Preference Survey Investor presentation | Strategy | Business | 15 3 Source: Giarte, annual client satisfaction benchmark Dutch IT outsourcing market Improved positioning in growing IT market Leverage leading position in communication services to grow market share in IT

…increasing share in IT services… …in growing IT market Expanding growth in Internet of Things Increasing share in IT services… …in growing IT market with fully integrated solution

Security Digital workspace Cloud Easy integration of devices and applications Security Digital workspace Cloud € bn Strong growth in workspaces CAGR 9.6 Best-in-class connectivity and services € bn +5.0% Combined consulting, data ~75% CAGR Strong growth in workspaces 7.2 9.6 6.8 +5.0% and security services

7.2 6.8 ~75% ARPU x3

2016 2017 2015 2017 2022

Managed workspaces AddressableAddressable ITIT marketmarket forfor KPN KPN31

2016 2017 Connectivity Full solution

Managed workspaces

1 Gartner, management estimates; addressable market includes Cloud infra & Hosting, Consulting & Professional Services, Digital Workspace, Application & Data Investor presentation | Strategy | Business | 16 Growth in IT services and IoT Nationwide IoT network supporting leading position

Upsell security portfolio through KPN ÉÉN SME Full IoT service offering leading to strong growth

Data driven solutions Offered as plug & play end-to-end KPN Things services solution

KPN ÉÉN customers Connectivity

Hardware or modular building Professional services blocks

KPN ÉÉN distribution platform Nationwide IoT coverage KPN IoT M2M base (m)

LoRa 4.0 2.8 LTE-M

4G M2M Q1 ’17 Q1 ’18

Investor presentation | Strategy | Business | 17 Simplifying operating model and expanding superior network position

Simplify operating model to improve customer experience and operational effectiveness

Expand superior access position by deploying innovative technologies and increasing fiber penetration

Finalize build of flexible and simplified integrated network

Ensuring best-in-class customer experience

Investor presentation | Strategy | Network, Operations & IT | 18 Second wave Simplification program ahead of schedule Run-rate savings target raised to at least € 350m by end 2019

Simplification program run-rate opex and Capex savings

€ m >350



End 2016 2017 2018 - 2019 End 2019


Customer centric Next generation Telco Fully virtualized

Investor presentation | Strategy | Network, Operations & IT | 19 Gradual approach to simplify operating model BSS integration nearly completed, starting OSS integration in 2018

End 2013

End 2017


Customer interaction layer (BSS) BSS integration ~€ 80m run-rate savings1 from KPN KPN Telfort Consumer Fixed KPN Mobile B2B B2B B2B Consumer Fixed and Mobile IT rationalization Fixed Fixed Mobile

Network interaction layer (OSS) OSS integration 1 KPN KPN Telfort Telfort ~€ 30m run-rate savings from Telfort Telfort B2B B2B B2B KPN Fixed KPN Mobile Mobile B2B consolidation of network interaction layer Fixed Mobile Fixed Fixed Mobile

1 Run-rate savings per end 2019 Investor presentation | Strategy | Network, Operations & IT | 20 Gradual approach to simplify operating model (cont’d) 2017-2019: Evolving into next generation Telco

Customer interaction layer (BSS)

Network interaction layer (OSS)

Investor presentation | Strategy | Network, Operations & IT | 21 Ready to upgrade if demand changes Dense fiber network reaching ~80% of households (FttH / FttC)

Vplus delivering highest stable speeds Cost and time efficient upgrades without changing network architecure1

700 ~50% of KPN network 600


400 ~80% of KPN network Aggregate bitrate (Mbps) 300



0 100200300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 Loop length (m) G.FastBonded vectoring Bonded Vplus VDSL2 vectoring Vplus

1 Source: Nokia; bonded speeds based on KPN management estimate Investor presentation | Strategy | Network, Operations & IT | 22 Converging fixed and mobile network technologies Mix of technologies to deliver best customer experience

Launch of 4G 50 Mbps

LTE 1800 225 Mbps

LoRa Triple carrier aggregation LTE-M 5G use cases

FttS / FttB / FttH Fixed-wireless VPlus technologies convergence SDN / NfV Core network 100 Gbps Decentralized CDN

FttC / FttH

Investor presentation | Strategy | Network, Operations & IT | 23 Determining value of 5G technologies through use cases Starting several pilots with business partners

Urban areas Transport & Logistics

Virtual reality Cargo / asset tracking

4k / 8k television Predictive maintenance

Crowd control Increase asset utilization

Rural applications Automotive

Precision farming Truck platooning

Fixed wireless internet Green light optimal speed advice

Drone surveillance Automated valet parking

Investor presentation | Strategy | Network, Operations & IT | 24 Continued investments to further improve customer experience Core network important differentiator for quality of service

Changing customer behavior, Upgraded core network, Supporting customer experience, data demand increasing rapidly roll-out decentralized CDN on track strong increase NPS IPTV1

CAGR ~52% 1.6 ZWOLLE 1.1 AMSTERDAM 21 0.7 0.4 ARNHEM 14

2014 2015 2016 2017

Unicast IPTV traffic (Tbps) Core location

Metro-Core location CAGR ~40% 3.1 Q4 ’16 Q4 ’17 2.2 Street cabinet or Mobile base station 1.8 1.1 . Upgrade core network completed 2014 2015 2016 2017 . 161 Metro Core Locations OTT traffic (Tbps) . Providing significant cost reduction

1 KPN brand, source: Kantar TNS Investor presentation | Strategy | Network, Operations & IT | 25 Network rationalization to prepare for virtualization Reducing complexity and associated costs to enable flexibility

IP transformation on track Decentralize, bringing services closer to customers

100% 1


~35% Amount of network equipment

~35% ~62% ~100%

2010 2016 2019 Network Network Network

Legacy IP-based

1 Rebased (amount of network equipment used in 2010 = 100%) Investor presentation | Strategy | Network, Operations & IT | 26 Gradually moving to a software defined network Providing flexible on-demand capacity and new services, faster and at lower costs


OSS ON-DEMAND VIRTUALIZED SERVICES Network UNIFORM DIGITAL LAYER (API) Fast delivery Real-time scaling Legacy network Software Defined Network Intuitive user experience Near real-time updates Virtualized network functions

DRIVING Dedicated hardware Generic PERFORMANCE for different hardware network functions Infrastructure as a Service Flexible capacity Highly automated maintenance Self-healing and self-optimizing networks

Investor presentation | Strategy | Network, Operations & IT | 27 Growing cash to drive value

Strong free cash flow potential Solid financial position

. Committed to investment grade credit profile 1 Grow revenues in Consumer, stabilize in Business . Telefónica Deutschland stake provides additional financial flexibility 2 Rigorous focus on driving down costs

Commitment to growing 3 Capex levels trending down from elevated levels shareholder returns

4 Lower interest payments going forward . Free cash flow growth to drive growing shareholder remuneration

5 Limited cash taxes

Investor presentation | Strategy | Financial performance | 28 Contents


2 Performance

3 Appendix Continued focus on value in competitive Consumer mobile environment KPN brand resilient through high convergence penetration

Service revenues impacted by regulation Focus on retention …through successful and price pressure in mobile-only of high value customers… convergence strategy

€ m -9.0% flat 228 211 208 53% all brands

45% Q1 ’17 Q1 ’18

Total churn Q1 ’17

Q1 ’17 Q4 ’17 Q1 ’18 Q1 ’18 -23%

Mobile service revenues 66% KPN brand -2.9%

Q1 ’18: Growth of mobile service revenues No frills KPN brand (Excluding regulation) churn churn +48k net adds

Investor presentation | Performance | Consumer | 30 Sustained revenue growth in Consumer residential Continuously improving excellent customer experience

Further fixed-mobile Continued New fully integrated TV-offering households growth1 fixed revenue growth

€ m +2.1% 43% 476 467


Q1 ’17

Q1 ’18

Q1 ’17 Q1 ’18 New IPTV app with leading user interface

Q1 ’18: Offering excellent customer +28k net adds experience on all devices

1 As % of broadband customers Investor presentation | Performance | Consumer | 31 Good progress in Business transformation Simplified portfolio driving improved customer satisfaction

Business revenue growth drivers Improving customer satisfaction

Q1 ’18 Q1 ’18 adjusted % of total y-on-y growth adj. revenues

Communication Services -8.7% 63%

Mobile service revenues -7.9% 24%

IoT 40% 2.1%

Broadband & Network services -1.5% 17% -3 Fixed voice -14% 13%

Other -22% 7.3%

IT Services (a.o. security, cloud, workspace) 18% 16% (6) Professional Services & Consultancy 4.8% 21% Q1 ’17 Q1 ’18 Business total -2.4%

NPS Business1

1Source: Kantar TNS (KPN brand) Investor presentation | Performance | Business | 32 Revenues impacted by regulation

Adjusted revenues NL declined by 3.4%

€ m 1,451

20 13 9 1,401


Adj. revenues NL Q1 ’17 ConsumerBusiness Wholesale Other (incl. Adj. revenues NL Q1 ’18 eliminations)


Growth of adjusted revenues NL, excluding € 31m regulation impact (roaming & MTA / FTA)

Investor presentation | Performance | Financial performance | 33 Adjusted EBITDA growth driven by Simplification and digitalization

Adjusted EBITDA NL increased by 2.2%

38.3% 40.6% € m 20 569 556 Lower traffic costs due to 17 1 reduction MTA tariffs 28 3

50 Ongoing Simplification and 2 digitalization savings 1 2 3

Adj. EBITDA NL Revenues Cost of goods Personnel IT/TI Other operating Adj. EBITDA NL Q1 ’17 & services expenses expenses Q1 ’18 Lower costs for billing & 3 collection, marketing and housing Adjusted EBITDA margin The Netherlands


Growth of adjusted EBITDA NL, excluding € 9m regulation impact (roaming)

Investor presentation | Performance | Financial performance | 34 Solid financial position supported by growing free cash flow

Growing free cash flow1 Lower debt level

€ m € bn

122 7.4 7.2 7.2 6.5 6.0 5.8

2.8x 2.6x 2.5x


Q1 ’17 Q1 ’18 Q1 ’17 Q4 ’17 Q1 ’18

Gross debt2 x.x x.x Net debt / EBITDA

Net debt

1 All figures based on continuing operations. iBasis classified as discontinued operations Investor presentation | Performance | Financial performance | 2 Gross debt defined as the nominal value of interest bearing financial liabilities, excluding derivatives and related collateral, 35 representing the net repayment obligations in , taking into account 50% of the nominal value of the hybrid capital instruments Contents


2 Performance

3Appendix KPN ADR program KPN has a sponsored Level 1 ADR program

Bloomberg ticker KKPNY

Trading platform Over-the-counter (OTC) CUSIP 780641205 Ratio 1 ADR : 1 Ordinary Share Depositary bank Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas Depositary bank contact Jonathan Montanaro +1 212 250 9100 (New York) ADR broker helpline +44 207 547 6500 (London) E-mail [email protected] ADR website

Depositary bank’s local custodian Deutsche Bank, Amsterdam

Investor presentation | Appendix | ADR program | 37 Successful CSR strategy delivering benefits for customers and KPN Recognition by leading benchmarks

Less energy consumption despite rising data volumes1

4.3 ~1,050 4.0 3.8 #1 3.7 3.5 3.5 Industry 3.4 ~3.2 Leader

100 Most sustainable Telco in the world

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Data volume (2010 = 100) Energy consumption (petajoules)

Helping customers to reduce energy usage1

Customers saved A Equivalent to ~1.9PJ List ~€ 70m constituent energy in 2017 = (Climate)

1 2017 based on management estimate Investor presentation | Appendix | CSR | 38 Dutch mobile service revenues

Service revenues (€ m) Q1 ’18 Q1 ’17 y-on-y % Consumer 208 228 -9.0% Business1 137 145 -5.2% Other2 36 37 -4.2% KPN The Netherlands 381 411 -7.2%

1 Includes M2M service revenues Investor presentation | Appendix | Dutch wireless | 39 2 Includes amongst others Wholesale mobile service revenues and visitor roaming Debt portfolio

Breakdown nominal debt1 (total € 8.3bn) Nominal debt by currency

Other 2% GBP2 Hybrid bonds 24% 24%

Euro bonds EUR 65% 61% Global bonds USD2 9% 15%

Bond redemption profile (€ bn) Fixed vs. floating interest3 1.1 0.9 1.0 Floating 0.8 15% 0.6 0.60.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.5

0.1 Fixed ’18 ’19’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 ’25 ’26 ’28’29 ’30 32 85% USD hybrid (1st call) GBP EUR hybrid (1st call) GBP hybrid (1st call) EUR USD

1 Based on the nominal value of interest bearing liabilities after swap to EUR, including € 1.1bn hybrid bond, GBP 400m hybrid bond and USD 600m hybrid bond Investor presentation | Appendix | Debt overview | 40 2 Foreign currency amounts hedged into EUR 3Excludes bank overdrafts IFRS 15 changed revenue recognition rules Example 1: Handset sales via own channels

Accounting for this example

Revenue / (€) Month 1 Month 2 … Month 24 Total Contract components (€) Value cost Non-service revenue (handset) 528 - … - 528 Contract duration (months) 24 Service revenues 30 30 … 30 720 Monthly subscription 50 1,200

P&L Total revenues 558 30 … 30 1,248 Initial handset payment 48 48 Opex (SAC) -528 - … - -528 Handset value 528 -528 EBITDA 30 30 … 30 720 EBITDA contract lifetime 720 IFRS 15 Under IFRS 15: Contract asset (working capital) Month 1 Month 2 … Month 24 Total . Handset delivery at purchase is Add: handset receivable 480 - … - 480 accounted for as non-service revenues Less: monthly billing -20 -20 … -20 -480 Closing balance 460 440 … - -

. Handset revenues consist of: Balance Sheet . Initial payment (€ 48) . Amount to be recovered over the (€) Month 1 Month 2 … Month 24 Total contract period (€ 480) Non-service revenues (handset) 48 - … - 48 Service revenues 50 50 … 50 1,200 . No impact on free cash flow from

P&L Total revenues 98 50 … 50 1,248

accounting change IAS 18 Opex (SAC) -528 - … - -528 . Higher EBITDA in month 1 (€ 460) is offset by change in working capital EBITDA -430 50 … 50 720

Investor presentation | Appendix | IFRS 15 | 41 IFRS 15 changed revenue recognition rules (cont’d) Example 2: Handset sales via third parties

Accounting for this example

Revenue / (€) Month 1 Month 2 … Month 24 Total Contract components (€) Value cost Service revenues 30 30 … 30 720 Contract duration (months) 24 Total revenues 30 30 … 30 720

Monthly subscription 50 1,200 P&L Opex (SAC) -5 -5 … -5 -120 Dealer fee (handset) 480 -480 EBITDA 25 25 … 25 600 Dealer fee (subscription) 120 -120 EBITDA contract lifetime 600 Contract asset (working capital) Month 1 Month 2 … Month 24 Total Add: handset receivable 480 - … - 480

Under IFRS 15: IFRS 15 Less: monthly billing -20 -20 … -20 -480 . At purchase, dealer fees are recognized Closing balance 460 440 … - - on the balance sheet Contract cost (non-current) Month 1 Month 2 … Month 24 Total . Handset revenues and handset dealer fee are no longer included in revenue and SAC Add: contract cost 120 - … - 120

Balance Sheet Less: amortization -5 -5 … -5 -120 . Dealer subscription fee is spread over the Closing balance 115 110 … - - contract lifetime as SAC (€) Month 1 Month 2 … Month 24 Total . No impact on free cash flow from Service revenues 50 50 … 50 1,200 accounting change Total revenues 50 50 … 50 1,200

. Higher EBITDA in month 1 (€ 575) is offset by P&L

change in working capital (contract asset) IAS 18 Opex (SAC) -600 - … - -600 and change in provisions (non-current EBITDA -550 50 … 50 600 assets) Investor presentation | Appendix | IFRS 15 | 42 Spectrum in The Netherlands

800MHz VodZig KPN 2*30 (Paired) 2*10 2*10 2*10

900MHz VodZig KPN T-Mob 2*35 (Paired) 2*10 2*10 2*15

1.8GHz KPN VodZig T-Mob 2*70 (Paired) 2*20 2*20 2*30

2.1GHz VodZig KPN T-Mob KPN VodZig T-Mob 2*59.4 (Paired) 2*14.6 2*14.8 2*10 2*5 2*5 2*10

2.6GHz T-Mob KPN Tele2 1*60 (Unpaired) 25 30 5

2.6GHz VodZig T-Mob KPN Tele2 2*65 (Paired) 2*30 2*5 2*10 2*20

KPN VodZig T-Mob Tele2 Total 578.8MHz 169.6MHz 179.2MHz 165MHz 65MHz

Investor presentation | Appendix | Spectrum | 43 Fixed infrastructure

Active in Download speed Network VDSL2 CO ~50Mbps  VDSL2 pair bonding CO ~100Mbps  Vectoring SC ~120Mbps  Bonded vectoring SC ~240Mbps  Bonded VPLUS SC ~400Mbps

NG.PON SC >1Gbps

FttH ODF ~1Gbps 

Fiber Copper Investor presentation | Appendix | Fixed infrastructure | 44 Safe harbor

Alternative performance measures and management estimates This financial report contains a number of alternative performance measures (non-GAAP figures) to provide readers with additional financial information that is regularly reviewed by management, such as EBITDA and Free Cash Flow (‘FCF’). These non-GAAP figures should not be viewed as a substitute for KPN’s GAAP figures and are not uniformly defined by all companies including KPN’s peers. Numerical reconciliations are included in KPN’s quarterly factsheets and in the Integrated Annual Report 2016. KPN’s management considers these non- GAAP figures, combined with GAAP performance measures and in conjunction with each other, most appropriate to measure the performance of the Group and its segments. The non- GAAP figures are used by management for planning, reporting (internal and external) and incentive purposes. KPN’s main alternative performance measures are listed below. KPN defines EBITDA as operating result before depreciation (including impairments) of PP&E and amortization (including impairments) of intangible assets. Note that KPN’s definition of EBITDA deviates from the literal definition of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for analyses of the results as reported under IFRS as adopted by the European Union. In the Net Debt / EBITDA ratio, KPN defines Net Debt as the nominal value of interest bearing financial liabilities excluding derivatives and related collateral, representing the net repayment obligations in Euro, taking into account 50% of the nominal value of the hybrid capital instruments, less net cash and short-term investments, and defines EBITDA as a 12 month rolling total excluding restructuring costs, incidentals and major changes in the composition of the Group (acquisitions and disposals). Free Cash Flow is defined as cash flow from continuing operating activities plus proceeds from real estate, minus capital expenditures (Capex), being expenditures on PP&E and software. Operating free cash flow is defined as adjusted EBITDA minus Capex. Revenues are defined as the total of revenues and other income unless indicated otherwise. Adjusted revenues and adjusted EBITDA are derived from revenues (including other income) and EBITDA, respectively, and are adjusted for the impact of restructuring costs and incidentals. The term service revenues refers to wireless service revenues. All market share information in this financial report is based on management estimates based on externally available information, unless indicated otherwise. For a full overview on KPN’s non-financial information, reference is made to KPN’s quarterly factsheets available on

Forward-looking statements Certain statements contained in this financial report constitute forward-looking statements. These statements may include, without limitation, statements concerning future results of operations, the impact of regulatory initiatives on KPN’s operations, KPN’s and its joint ventures' share of new and existing markets, general industry and macro-economic trends and KPN’s performance relative thereto and statements preceded by, followed by or including the words “believes”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “will”, “may”, “could”, “should”, “intends”, “estimate”, “plan”, “goal”, “target”, “aim” or similar expressions. These forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions concerning future events and are subject to uncertainties and other factors, many ofwhichareoutsideKPN’scontrol that could cause actual results to differ materially from such statements and speak only as of the date they are made. A number of these factors are described (not exhaustively) in the Integrated Annual Report 2016.

Investor presentation | Appendix | Safe harbor | 45