No. 772,809, PATENTED OCT, 18, 1904. W S
No. 772,809, PATENTED OCT, 18, 1904. w S. S. LEACH. -- SINGLE TRIGGER MECHANISM FOR DOUBLE BARREI, GUNS, APPLICATION FILED SEPT. 9, 1903. NO MODEL. - 2 SHEETS-SHEET 1. NS ar as f3. Yefázard - oAlfoppeys No. 772,809, PATENTED 00T, 18, 1904, S. S. LEACH, - s: SINGLE TRIGGER MECHANISM FOR DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, APPLICATION FILED SEPT, 9, 1903, NO MODEL. 2 SHEETS-SHEET a. Patented October 18, 1904, No. 772,809. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. SAMUEL S HERIDAN LEACH, OF EVERETT, PEN NSYLVANIA. siNGLE-TRIGGER MECHANISM FOR DOUBLE-BARREL GUNs. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 772,809, dated October 18, 1904. Application filed September 9, 1903, Serial No. 172,505. (No model.) particularly pointed out in the appended To a/(, Luhon it may conce77: claims, it being understood that various Be it known that I, SAMUEL SHERIDAN changes in the form, proportions, size, and . LEACH, a citizen of the United States, residing minor details of the structure may be made at Everett, in the county of Bedford and State without departing from the spirit or sacrific 5 of Pennsylvania, have invented a new and use ing any of the advantages of the invention. 55 ful Firearm, of which the following is a speci In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is fication. a side elevation of a firearm constructed in This invention relates to certain improve accordance with the invention. Fig. 2 is a ments in firearms, and particularly to that similar view of a portion of the firearm, IO class of firearms in which a rifle-barrel is as drawn on a larger scale and illustrating the sociated with an ordinary form of double-bar firing mechanism adjusted in position for ac rel shotgun.
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