YATELEY, FROGMORE & NEWS AUTUMN 2020 Online edition Mayor's Message By Councillor Gerry Crisp

Dear Friends and Neighbours, I hope you are all managing to cope with the many challenges we face through these very strange and difficult days. Although our town and villages have not overall been badly affected, l recognise that not everyone has been safe from the fear, anxiety and suffering caused by this pandemic.

Challenges have been faced by many organisations, including our Town Council, which has been affected in the provision of services to our communities. This has resulted in many changes over the last months. Some of our vulnerable employees have had to shield, with rota changes and home working to avoid crowding and to aid social distancing.

On the plus side, we have worked hard to make our halls safe and have reopened our facilities to hire from 7th September. There has also been a huge increase in the use of our tennis courts, with over 800 hours of tennis played in the first 12 weeks of reopening. Yateley’s markets, both on Tuesdays and Sundays, have also gone from strength to strength and have proved to be of great value for many folks who would rather avoid supermarkets at the moment. I’m also hoping that as our children return to school, we will begin to feel that our new normal is finally happening.

COVID-19 update

While the last few months have been a challenge for every resident and business in our community, we are finally starting to see our town open up again. We are all wearing face coverings and staying apart to keep each other safe, while enjoying our local shops, groups and restaurants once more. There is still help available to those who need it. HantsHelp4Vulnerable helpline has been valuable for many residents in . As the shielding advice from the government ended in August, they have reduced their service to 5 days a week. Call 0333 370 4000 between 9am to 5pm to get information, advice, and practical support. Advice is available at www.nhs.uk/coronavirus, and if you’re struggling with your mental health, there are also many resources to help at www.nhs.uk/mentalhealth. If you or anyone you know are experiencing domestic abuse, the free National Domestic Abuse Helpline is open 24/7 on 0808 2000 247. We have now reopened our public toilets and community halls. To book our halls, visit www.yateley- tc.gov.uk/Halls_for_Hire.aspx. For any other information or resources, please contact us on 01252 872198 or email [email protected]. A U T U M N 2 0 2 0 Fly tipping at the Monteagle Community Centre Thank you for continuing to bring your various items for recycling to the Monteagle Community Hall/Waitrose site. It’s great to see so many people using the facility.

Just a polite reminder – if any of the recycling bins are full or you are unable to fit the item you have brought into the designated bin, please take it back home with you or take it to the Household Waste Recycling Centre in .

If you need an additional or larger kerbside glass recycling container, contact Yateley Town Council as we hold a small supply of containers at the Town Council Offices. Please also take home any bags, boxes or containers that you brought your recycling in, as leaving these items at the site (with or without your recycling in!) causes unnecessary waste and makes this fabulous facility look very untidy.

Lockdown Discoveries By Councillor Pam Phelps-Jones When I was a child, my family holiday was usually taken in this area. The New Forest and the Isle of Wight appeared quite magical to me in terms of the birds and wildlife, trees and landscapes. Life brought me from the North of to Yateley many years ago now. Lockdown has given me a chance to spend time in our amazing countryside. I found the reduction in traffic gave me the confidence to have a go at cycling. The lakes, heathland, bridleways, public footpaths and country lanes available to us all are an amazing resource. We live in a beautiful place, somewhere many people would appreciate as a holiday destination! Let’s all value and protect it.


Residents have a chance to discuss any local matters relating to public services with your Town Councillors at our Surgery sessions. We are here to help, so no matter whether your concern is big or small - make an appointment and share your views. These take place just before Full Council meetings from 5.45pm until 6.30pm and are bookable by appointment only. Full Council Vision4Youth meetings are scheduled on 21st Vision4Youth were able to restart their Detached Youth Work September, 2nd November and 14th in July following a lockdown break, which has been a positive December this year. step. Detached Youth Work involves walking the streets of Yateley, Darby Green and Frogmore to meet the young people To book your 15 minute appointment, who are out and about, and provide support and guidance if please contact office@yateley- required. Currently the team are out twice a week early tc.gov.uk or call 01252 872198. The evenings, please give them a wave if you see them! If you’d deadline for booking an appointment like to know more about what the Detached Team do and is Friday at 3.00pm prior to the Full how it benefits the community, please see a full description Council meeting date. During COVID- on their website www.vision4youth.org.uk/detached-youth- 19 the Surgeries will be held virtually work. by Zoom until face-to-face Council meetings are resumed. A U T U M N 2 0 2 0 Meet the Councillors

'My name is Jenny Cole and I’ve been a Councillor since June 2018. I decided to stand as a Councillor after graduating from University with a First in Journalism. I was looking for a new focus and when the opportunity arose to stand as a Town Councillor, I thought it would be an interesting and positive experience. I focus on a wide range of issues in my role as a Councillor, but because I am disabled, I am particularly interested in disability issues such as making our town as accessible for all as possible. I also like to focus on facilities for children, teenagers and young adults in our community, as well as looking after the beautiful countryside Councillor we live in. Some of my favourite things about living in Yateley are the fantastic Jenny Cole sense of community and having the countryside on our doorstep.'

'I have lived in Frogmore & Darby Green for over 50 years and have been a local ToPwHnO TCOo uBnYc iMllAorR TfoI Nr mR a. nSyM oI Tf Hthem. I am passionate about the area we live in and want to serve the people in the best way I can. I am a staunch supporter for Frogmore and Darby Green, helping to get the pond in Darby Green cleared, getting the Christmas lights at St Barnabas, and generally helping residents with their day to day concerns. I have always been active in the Community, becoming a school governor and being involved in local Girl Guiding. I also had the privilege of being Mayor in 2007/2008. My mantra is 'to make a difference, get involved' and this is what I continue to do.' Councillor Gill Hennell

Monteagle Community Centre Refurbishment

Whilst our halls were closed due to COVID-19, over July to August, the Monteagle Community Centre has undergone a fantastic refurbishment. All of the facilities, including the kitchen, bathroom and communal areas have been re-painted, re-fitted, with new doors, lights and flooring installed too. This makeover will make the Monteagle Community Centre and even better place for groups to exercise, families to have gatherings and for meetings to take place. This refurbishment will make this hall fit for purpose for many years to come, and it is now available to hire again. Please contact us on 01252 872198 or email [email protected] to find out more. A U T U M N 2 0 2 0 Which Council is responsible for that? There are different tiers of local government who are all responsible for different services. These are some examples of which responsibilities each Council has.

Hampshire County Council Hampshire County Council is responsible for services including... Education Transport Highways and road maintenance Fire & public safety Social care Libraries Trading standards www.hants.gov.uk

Hart District Council Council is responsible for services including... Rubbish collection Recycling Council Tax collections Housing Planning applications Abandoned vehicles Bus Permits Licensing www.hart.gov.uk - 01252 622122 - [email protected]

Yateley Town Council Yateley Town Council is responsible for services including... Allotments 8 Play areas Green spaces and environment Tennis, Swan Lake, pitch facilities and some street lights Community centres Grants to help local organisations Consultation on neighbourhood planning Heathlands Cemetery Facilitating help from District and County Councils for our residents Yateley Market www.yateley-tc.gov.uk - 01252 872198 - [email protected] A U T U M N 2 0 2 0 Progressing the Yateley, Frogmore and Darby Green Neighbourhood Plan By Rayner Mayer - Vice Chair, Neighourhood Plan Steering Group The Neighbourhood Plan forms the third tier of the National Planning Policy Framework and the first draft of the Plan was uploaded to our website in January (https://ydf-np.org.uk). A Survey form was then circulated with the YTC newsletter to all residents to seek their input to the draft Plan. The five policy areas covered by the Plan comprised: protecting the environment, enhancing the infrastructure, improving housing provision, reducing the impact of traffic by encouraging active travel and promoting leisure facilities including identifying land for allotments and a community orchard. Some 543 replies were received with a 90 - 95% approval for all the major policy proposals with the exception of imposing a 20 mph speed limit through Yateley’s Town Centre where opinion was divided. Having developed a consensus, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group agreed that a Consultant should be appointed to formalise the Plan working with the Steering Group and for the Plan then to go for statutory consultation followed by examination by the Planning Inspectorate. The final step will be to submit the Plan to a referendum amongst all the citizens of this Parish.

Active Travel survey Hampshire County Council is conducting a survey about encouraging Active Travel, which comprises walking and cycling. This is your opportunity to have your say on methods of travel and matters such as upgrading pavements and installing cycle lanes. To make your suggestions visit https://hampshirecc.researchfeedback.net/s.asp?k=159769569569 - the closing date is 21st September.

Yateley Lions continue to support the area By Simon Rankin, President, Yateley & District Lions Club As these unprecedented times continue, Yateley Lions, like everyone else, has had to totally rethink the way we do things. It has been impossible to hold any of our events this year, which has been a great shame to everyone usually involved. We all hope they can return bigger and better in 2021! These events bring the community together and we have really missed seeing you all. Being Lions we won’t let this pandemic stop us completely, we just have to think differently about what we can do. We continue to meet once a month using Zoom. This has been a great way to keep in contact with each other and as always the meetings have involved lots of laughter. It’s amazing how funny it is watching someone talk while they are on mute! During the lockdown, we have been busily working on our computer project where we provide refurbished IT equipment to young people who would otherwise not be able have them. This has been a huge success, especially over the last few m onths. We have also held litter picks in the area and have been distributing free clips that go on to face masks making them more comfortable to wear. These difficult times have all made us stop and think about the world we live in and how we contribute to it. If you would like to do more for your local community, talk to us at the Lions. Being a Lion doesn’t take up as much time as you probably think and you will have a lot of fun while being able to give something back to the area. If you would like more information about Yateley & District Lions then please call 07827 678019 or visit www.yateleylions.co.uk A U T U M N 2 0 2 0 There's no such thing as the Dog Poo Fairy

Dog waste is increasingly become an issue in our town, particularly in and around Darby Green's open spaces. Please remember that there is no such thing as the Dog Poo Fairy! It is the responsibility of the owner to clear up after the dog and use the bins provided. Please do your part to ensure that our green spaces are kept safe and clean for others to use.

Climate Change Working Group

In spring 2020, Yateley Town Council decided that immediate action was necessary to help tackle climate change. To this end, a climate change working group was set up, chaired by Cllr Mark Griffin with three other councillors and concerned residents, to address this problem. The emphasis is on action, not just words, and the inaugural meeting will be held via Zoom on 22nd September 2020. So far, a leaflet with a ‘what you can do to help’ checklist has been produced and will be delivered to all Yateley, Darby Green and Frogmore residents, who will be encouraged to display the leaflet in their windows. Yateley Town Council is also looking at how sustainable energy can be used on Council buildings – including the potential deployment of solar panels, heat pumps and windmills. Other options are also being considered, and we will work with our colleagues in Hart DC and Hampshire CC to co-ordinate activities. If you can help or have any ideas concerning greening, sustainable energy and tackling climate change in Yateley, Darby Green and Frogmore - please contact Yateley Town Council or Cllr Dr Mark Griffin directly (personal mobile is: 07739 088209 or email at: [email protected]). A U T U M N 2 0 2 0 Yateley Pond The pond is the jewel in the crown of Yateley Green. Between the hustle and bustle of cars passing by and children happily playing in the park, Yateley Pond is a natural oasis that provides a home to countless creatures. A huge variety of fish, ducks, plants and insects populate the eco-system which provides a tranquil space for people to rest or children to fish. From moorhens to swans, dragonflies to grass snakes, the pond is brimming with life throughout the seasons. It has been part of Yateley for centuries, undergoing a renovation in 2018 to re-establish a healthy environment for the flora and fauna. Photograph by David Williams How to stay safe While it’s a beautiful space to enjoy, there are always risks around water. Stay safe by remembering these rules.. Take care when around the pond, there are a few areas where the verge slopes down into the water that are a slip risk In an emergency, immediately phone the emergency services on 999 Seek medical attention if you are bitten or stung Avoid contact with the water as there are many waterborne illnesses that could harm you. Cuts and abrasions should be covered, do not enter the water and never handle or eat food until you have washed your hands. To protect the wildfowl and the habitats in the pond, we encourage people to avoid allowing their dogs to swim in the water. Fishing It is an ideal pond for young people to learn basic coarse fishing skills as a foundation for angling on other coarse fishing lakes in the future. The maximum age for fishing on the pond is 16, unless an adult is teaching angling to an under 16 year old. The closed season will be introduced in March 15th 2021 until June 15th inclusive, to protect the nesting birds and chicks. Please take your litter away with you and do not leave any bait or tackle, as they can be harmful to wildlife and other pond visitors. YATELEY MARKETS

Thanks to the success of our Tuesday market, Local residents' willingness to support small Yateley Town Council also launched a brand new businesses has also been seen every Sunday from Sunday market for the community of Darby Green 9am until 2pm in the Darby Green Centre car park to enjoy too. (GU17 0DT). There, the much loved greengrocer and baker are joined by traders selling crafts, hot The Tuesday market, which runs from 9am until drinks, and food, plants and more. 2pm on Church End Green (outside the Dog & Partridge) every week, became a useful service for As we head into autumn and winter, we are those avoiding supermarkets during lockdown, exploring options for a temporary new location for and has continued to grow in size and popularity the Tuesday market to protect the grass in wet thanks to the custom of residents weather. For more information, or to book a stall, please visit www.yateley- tc.gov.uk/Yateley_Market.aspx A U T U M N 2 0 2 0 Yateley's Events Since the beginning of March, most of our much-loved community events have had to be postponed or cancelled because of the outbreak of COVID-19. Well-established events such as Gig on The Green and the May Fayre were not able to go ahead, while the new events planned for this year have had to be pushed back until next year. Thankfully, as our shops and communities begin to reopen, we can start to look forward to enjoying these events once again.

KEEP BRITAIN TIDY'S 'GREAT BRITISH SEPTEMBER CLEAN' Monday 14th - Friday 18th September 2020 • 9am - 4pm • Yateley Town Council Offices (GU46 7RP) During Keep Britain Tidy's 'Great British September Clean', postponed from the spring, Yateley Town Council want to encourage everyone to pledge to pick around Yateley, Frogmore and Darby Green. We’ll provide the litter pickers, the bags, even handy information on how to keep yourself safe and where you might want to start picking first. Simply come along to the Council Offices to collect your equipment and do your bit to show that we love where we live. Will you pledge to pick with us? Beginning to think a bit about Christmas? Saturday 5th December 2020 • 11am - 3pm • Edgbarrow Woods Car Park, Wildmoor Heath, Sandhurst Road, Crowthorne, RG45 7PP ‘Green’ Christmas trees - from your local nature reserves The local Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) is having its annual Christmas tree fundraiser on Saturday 5th December. The Scots pine trees are sourced from local heathland by the Wildlife Trust. The ‘green’ Christmas trees are sustainably grown, freshly cut the weekend of the sale and drop- resistant, and felling the trees helps with the heathland management and restoration. Mistletoe, holly, pine cones, willow stars, Wildlife Trust cards and calendars will also be ‘Scots Pine and pine cone on Wildmoor Heath on sale - and all are recyclable. Come on down to nature reserve’ - photograph by Pete Crome Edgbarrow Woods Car Park, Wildmoor Heath on Saturday 5 December for your Christmas tree and other goodies. Support your local wildlife sites. All proceeds go to the Wildlife Trust – Berks, Bucks & Oxon (BBOWT). For more details visit www.bbowt.org.uk/events

Dates for the Diary YATELEY'S TUESDAY MARKET Every Tuesday • 9am - 2pm • Church End Green (GU46 7LR) YATELEY'S SUNDAY MARKET Every Sunday • 9am - 2pm • Darby Green Centre Car Park (GU17 0DT) KEEP BRITAIN TIDY'S 'GREAT BRITISH SEPTEMBER CLEAN' Monday 14th - Friday 18th September 2020 • 9am - 4pm • Yateley Town Council Offices (GU46 7RP) WILDLIFE TRUST CHRISTMAS FUNDRAISER Saturday 5th December 2020 • 11am - 3pm • Edgbarrow Woods Car Park, Wildmoor Heath, Sandhurst Road, Crowthorne, RG45 7PP YATELEY LIONS MAY FAYRE (TBC) Monday 3rd May 2021

Keep in touch with Yateley Town Council Visit www.yateley-tc.gov.uk Follow @YateleyTC on Twitter Like 'Yateley Town Council' on Facebook Newsletter edited by Lydia Castellano