Day November 1, 2015

“Sing praise to the LORD, you His godly ones, And give thanks to His holy name.” Psalm 30:4

Dear Parishioners,

Happy Feast Day! Today, All Saints Day, we recall all those great witnesses to the Faith who enjoy the glory of God in Heav- en. May they, especially our patrons Saints Peter and Paul, come to our heavenly aid so that we might be more faithful to Christ October 31, Saturday, Weekday BVM and his Gospel. Tomorrow, with All Souls Day, let us not forget 12:05 Nicholas Badolato to pray for all the faithful departed, especially our parishioners 5:15 Benedict Victor Arul and family members. May they soon, through the mercy of God, join all the saints singing the eternal praises of God in Heaven.

November 1, All Saints Day We have a duty as members of the Church to support and pray 8:00 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish for vocations to the holy priesthood. Last Sunday, in the Parish 9:30 Intention of the Priest Celebrant Bulletin, we announced the archdiocesan program, Called by 11:00 John, Sis, Mike Sarge Name, which takes place over the next few weeks in the Archdio- 12:30 Intention of the Priest Celebrant cese of Philadelphia. This program is designed to encourage all 6:30 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish of us to suggest possible candidates for the Seminary. The voca- tion to the holy priesthood is a call that comes from God himself. However, we may know someone we think has the qualities to November 2, Monday, All Souls Day become a priest. Next Sunday, you will have the opportunity to 7:15 Holy Souls in Purgatory return the card found in the pew today with a recommendation of 12:05 Holy Souls in Purgatory such a person. The cards will be in the pew again next weekend. 7:00 pm Mass in Extraordinary Form Most of all, let us pray for more numerous vocations to the priest- hood in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

November 3, Tuesday, Weekday The Cathedral Parish is once again blessed this year with a 7:15 Vinivio G. Ballarini large number of adult men and women seeking Baptism and Full 12:05 Mary Harvey Communion with the Catholic Church. Those seeking Baptism will be admitted as Catechumens next weekend at the 5:15 PM November 4, Wednesday, Saint Charles Borroemo Anticipated Mass. This rite signals the occasion of their first 7:15 Gaetano Fiordimondo public statement that they desire to follow Christ and his Gospel 12:05 Dolores LaFontaine as our brothers and sisters in the Faith. Their journey, until they receive the Sacraments of Christian Initiation, is one of conver- sion on every level of life. We support our catechumens first by November 5, Thursday, Weekday our own commitment to Christ and his Church and second by our 7:15 Helen Owsik prayers, especially when they are with us for Mass. As with last 12:05 Gaetano “Tom” Fiordimondo year, this year they will be dismissed from Sunday Mass follow- ing the homily for further reflection on the Word of God and the November 6, Friday, Weekday Christian Life. This dismissal reminds them and all of us that 7:15 Louis Benvignati Baptism is necessary to participate in the offering of Christ in the Eucharistic Prayer. 12:05 Anthony Calabree, Sr. Once again, I remind you that the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass on November 7, Saturday, Weekday BVM November 8, 2015, will be offered for the Deceased Members of 12:05 Alfredo D.Ercole & family the League of the Sacred Heart. The Cathedral Basilica is the 5:15 Frank Testa, Sr. home of the League which provides for the spiritual care of the Catholic Police, Fire and Peace Officers. November 8, Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish The second collection at Mass next Sunday will be to supple- ment expenses associated with the parish religious education pro- 9:30 Quici, Galipo & Greco Family grams. Thank you so very much for all of your goodness and 11:00 Eduardo Osberg generosity to the Cathedral Parish in so many ways. 12:30 Ala Virgen Milagrosa God bless you, 6:30 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish -1- 062 cathd Father Dennis Gill The Sanctuary Lamp Candle burns this week in the Cathedral Basilica for:

Angela Burke

Request of Nick & Louise Pascale Nov. 1 All Saints Day

 Nov. 2 All Souls Day Masses - see next page for details The Sanctuary Lamp Candle burns this week in the Cathedral Chapel for: Nov. 2 Choir rehearsal, Chapel Hall, 7 PM

Drakeley Family Nov. 3 Augustine’s Brothers - Prayer and Request of Elizabeth Quigley Support Group for Men, Neumann Room, 7:00PM

        Nov. 4 Charismatic Prayer Group, Donations are accepted for intentions for the Sanctuary Neumann Room, 6:00 PM Lamp in the Basilica and the Cathedral Chapel. This candle burns perpetually as a reminder that Jesus is truly Nov. 5 Catechetical Session, Neumann Room and really present in the tabernacle. If you wish to make 7 PM the suggested donation of fifteen dollars for an intention for a Sanctuary Lamp, you may contact the Parish Of- Nov. 5 Choir rehearsal, Chapel Hall, 7:30 PM fice directly or place your intention and offering in the collection basket. Nov. 6 Cathedral Young Adults Social Gathering with reflection on Sacred Scripture, FIRST FRIDAY EXPOSITION Neumann Room, 7 PM OF THE

MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT Nov. 7 Children’s Choir rehearsal, Chapel Hall Friday, November 6, 2015 10 AM 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Cathedral Chapel Nov. 7 Concert at the Cathedral, 8 PM

The Most Blessed Sacrament will be exposed ¡LES INVITAMOS A PARTICIPAR EN for adoration before the 12:05 PM Mass. Please come to adore the Lord! Un día para la familia en el Seminario San Carlos Borromeo! Patrocinado por la Oficina de Vocaciones de la Arquidiócesis The Sacrament of Penance will be available on the de Filadelfia . First Friday of each month, beginning at 11:00 AM. PARA: LOS HOMBRES JÓVENES HISPANOS EN HIGH SCHOOL O LA UNIVERSIDAD Y SUS FAMILIAS

DÓNDE: Cathedral Custom Rosary SEMINARIO SAN CARLOS BORROMEO 100 E. WYNNEWOOD RD., WYNNEWOOD PA 19096 These beautiful custom made rosaries from Italy CUÁNDO: DOMINGO, 8 DE NOVIEMBRE, are still available. Chose from a Bohemian Glass COMENZANDO CON MISA A LAS 12:00 PM brown or pearly/green shade. The Crucifix is the COSTO: ¡¡¡GRATIS!!! (PERO SE ACEPTAN DONACIONES). FAVOR DE AVISARNOS SI SU FAMIL- same one that appears on our Main Altar, exact IA VA A PARTICIPAR LLAMANDO AL PADRE THOM- replica of our Main Altar and images of SS. Peter AS VIVIANO 215-743-2600 ANTES DEL 25 DE OC- and Paul and our Cathedral crest. You can visit the TUBRE. ¡HABRÁ JUEGOS PARA LOS NIÑOS, UN PAR- Parish Office for an order form or call 215-561- TIDO DE FÚTBOL CON LOS SEMINARISTAS, MÚSICA 1313 for more information. DEL GRUPO UNCIÓN CELESTIAL, COMIDA, ORACIÓN, Y MÁS! -2- 062 cathd All Souls Day Masses Monday, November 2

7:15 AM in the Chapel Friday Evening Bible Study: Due to a growing desire 12:05 PM in the Chapel we are moving our Bible Study to WEEKLY sessions beginning November 13. Please join us for Bible Study 7:00 PM in the Cathedral Basilica every Friday from 7:00-8:30pm. We primarily meet Solemn High Requiem Mass in the Neumann Room (located on the backside of the (Celebrated in the Extraordinary Form Cathedral) however will have some alternating rooms of the Roman Rite) throughout the fall due to other events taking place at the Cathedral therefore e-mail the Young Adults e-mail below to receive the weekly updates on our location. Our group gathers to reflect on the readings and the Psalm for the upcoming Sunday. Upcoming Bible Study

Dates: Nov 13, Nov 20

Food & Fellowship: The Young Adults host a month- Archbishop’s Lecture Series ly dinner on the second Sunday of each month directly Living as a Christian in a Culture of Unbelief following the 6:30pm Mass at Con Murphy’s (1700 Benjamin Franklin Parkway). Our next Food & Fellow- Join Archbishop Chaput as he welcomes distinguished ship will take place: Nov 8 scholars who will present on the theme “Living as a Christian in a Culture of Unbelief.” The dates are as If you are interested in the Young Adults of the Cathe- follows: dral Parish as well as receiving the most up-to-date in- Thursday, November 12, 2015: formation on our group’s events please e-mail younga- Neither Worldly nor Worldless: Faithful Christian [email protected]. We also have a section on Living in a Post Christian Society the Cathedral website and Facebook page (search: Young Adults at the Cathedral). Monday, December 7, 2015: The Truth Will Set You Free: Liberal Order and the Social Event: Back by popular demand we will be gath- Future of Christian Freedom ering to go hiking in Philadelphia's backyard! Join us for

Thursday, February 11, 2016: Living as a Christian fellowship, fun, and fresh air in God's beautiful creation. Family in a Culture of Unbelief We will be meeting at the Cathedral on Sunday, Novem- ber 8th at 10:00AM and travelling to the Wissa- Monday, March 7, 2016: Life Under Compulsion: hickon Trail. Han has generously offered to host us Ten Ways to Destroy the Humanity of Your Child for some refreshment after our morning adventure be- fore we head back to the city. Check out this link for All lectures begin at 7:00 PM and are held at St. Charles more details about the trail: Borromeo Seminary in the Vianney Hall Auditorium, activities/hiking Please RSVP to Carolyn at: Car- 100 E. Wynnewood Road, Philadelphia. Each lecture [email protected] so we can plan carpool- will be presented by guest lecturers. For more infor- ing and refreshments – further details will be sent to mation: those who RSVP for the event.

Please remember these parishioners and friends of the Cathedral Parish in your prayers: Catherine Ferrero, Oscar Rodriguez, Enrique Rodriguez, Linda Watson, Randy Burbage, Rosa Maria Santos, Amy Fife, Theodore Barry, M.D., Marissa Kostrzewa, David Kaplan, Marilyn Mullen, Kathleen Aponik, April DeMatto, Paula Cohen, Janice Holshin, Lauri Mitchell, Maryann Healy, Darren Gardner, Barbara Elaine, Nicholas Tiziano, Christopher Browne, Darren Gardner, Laura Emerson, Regina Carberry, Patrisha Bollinger, Anna Marie Burgio, Jeanine Tingeter, Bobby Mitchell, Shirley King, Thomas Sabol, Doris Davison, Nancy Tomaszewski, Therese & Bob Black, Robert & Marguerite Grant, Andrés Castillo, Antoinette Gonnella, Bryon Hoch, Ryley June Nazario, Kim Whybrew, Josephina Bianco, Richard J. Mott, Charlotte McLaughlin, Sheila Kendall, Shahidah Kendall, Ralph Berarducci, Winifred McKeon, Teddy Beaver, Robert Honish, Molly Sujan, Nicole Carey, Ann Reilly, Mary Ellen Foyle, Bernard Thompson, Larry Ross, Samada family, John DeMelas, Nick Capozio, Linda Brigandi, Dottie Bianci, Alexia Mervine, Sarah Murnghan and those in nursing homes or hospitals and all the sick. Please call the Parish Office with the name of anyone who is sick, to be included in our prayer list. -3- 062 cathd CALLED BY NAME

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has encouraged Readings of the Week all parishes to participate in CALLED BY NAME, a program of vocation awareness that begins this Monday: October 26 weekend. This program offers us an opportunity to Romans 8:12-17/Psalm 68:2 & 4, 6-7ab, 20-21 pray for vocations; to recognize gifts and potential Luke 13:10-17 for leadership and service in members of our par- ish; and finally, to call forth and encourage these Tuesday: October 27 Romans 8:18-25/Psalm 126:1b-6 members to share their gifts in priesthood. Luke 13:18-21

Perhaps you know a single man (16 years or older) Wednesday: October 28 who would, in your opinion, have qualities to be- Ephesians 2:19-22/Psalm 19:2-5 come a priest. Please recommend this person by Luke 6:12-16 filling out the response card found in church. Next weekend, place the completed card in the collection Thursday: October 29 basket or return it to the parish office. Romans 8:31b-39/Psalm 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31 Luke 13:31-35

A R C H D I O C E S E O F P H I L A D E L P H I A Friday: October 30 Romans 9:1-5/Psalm 147:12-15, 19, 20 ALLED BY AME Luke 14:1-6 C N Saturday: October 31 A F U T U R E F U L L O F H O P E Romans 11:1-2a, 11, 12, 25-29/Psalm 94:12-13a, 14-15, 17-18/Luke 14:1, 7-11

Sunday: November 1 Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14/Psalm 24:1b-6 1 John 3:1-3/Matthew 5:1-12a

Parish Financial Support Tithing Online

The Financial Support of the Cathedral Parish is the You can make weekly, monthly or quarterly duty of our parishioners. Here at the Cathedral Parish contributions or other donations on-line, either from we are greatly supported as well by our many visitors. your personal checking account or a debit/credit card. Go to our new website: and This sacrificial offering—which benefits all—is greatly click on “Make A Donation” and follow the appreciated. Please consider an increase to your week- instructions. ly offering. The operation and maintenance of the Ca- One option is to manually make weekly or monthly thedral Basilica and Parish is approximately 20,000 dol- donations or you can have your credit/debit card or lars a week. checking account automatically debited each week/ month. The Offertory Collection for the weekend of 10/25/15 was $6,977. Additional weekly income comes to ap- We hope this service will provide convenience and ease proximately the same amount. Again, many thanks for to our parishioners and visitors. Thank you for your your goodness and generosity! truly generous support during this difficult financial time and for your continued commitment to our Parish!

-4- 062 cathd HOSPICE SUNDAY Augustine’s Brothers

NEXT WEEKEND Augustine’s Brothers is a support accountability group for men who struggle with pornography as Please remember to bring well as other excessive sexual behaviors. Many your food donations for St. men try to break themselves of this habit/addiction John’s Hospice. Please bring all items to Mass alone and fail time after time. This is something and leave them in the Sacristy. Your recent that cannot be done alone. The chains of bad habits donations were very much appreciated. Also and addiction are heavy but with God’s grace and needed are men’s socks, shirts and small the support of other men who understand the strug- individual toiletries. gle, you can break the chains! YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You can find the freedom and peace to Thank you for your continued generosity, become the man God created you to be. God bless you. Augustine’s Brothers meets weekly in the Neu- mann Room on Tuesday nights at 7PM. All inquir- Introducción por el Celebrante ies are kept in strict confidentiality and one’s wish to remain anonymous is highly respected. There is En esta celebración de Todos los Santos nos pregunta- no need for registration, just come and join us. mos: ¿Qué idea tenemos de los santos? Son para noso- For information visit: or tros como soñadores idealistas, fuera de todo contacto con el mundo y con la gente, pasivos y tristones como call 800-348-0758 sus estatuas de escayola? La liturgia de hoy nos cuenta una historia diferente. Los Santos son gente ordinaria como nosotros, con la misma carne y sangre que noso- tros. Pero tuvieron la valentía de ser diferentes, de hacer las cosas ordinarias de la vida a la manera extraordinaria de Cristo, de quien toman su valor. Ellos nos avergüen- PARISHIONER INFORMATION UPDATE zan con su serena, pero fuerte amabilidad, su integridad, su entrega a Dios y a sus hermanos, trabajando por la New Parishioners Welcome to the Cathedral Parish! justicia, la verdad y la paz. Pidámosle al Señor, que está aquí con nosotros, la fuerza para seguirle a él como ellos Please contact the Parish Office for parish registration. lo hicieron. One of our parish priests will follow up to register you in the parish. You may also see one of the priests after Mass on Sunday to register.

Parishioners Announcing the CD If you have new contact information, please call the “Sound the Bell” Parish Office so that our records can be updated. If you have not been receiving your weekly offering Celebrate the Pope in Philly forever! envelopes, again please call the Parish Office to in- sure your address is registered correctly. Featuring the Official Hymn of the World Meeting of Families 2015 Parish Office phone number is 215-561-1313. “Sound the Bell of Holy Freedom” Pope Francis' commemorative downloadable or CD

Sound the Bell - a musical keepsake of the Pontiff's Mass on the Parkway Basilica Tours

Philadelphia Parishes discount code A guided tour of the Basilica is “PhilaParish2015” for a $3 discount available after the Sunday 11 AM To order visit: Mass. Please meet in front of the or side altar of the Sacred Heart, which or call 215-995-3147 is to the right of the Main Altar. -5- 062 cathd