White Ex-Cop Gets 20 Years in Slaying
LOCAL: Sumter museum turns back time for Carolina Backcountry Christmas A3 CLARENDON SUN New choir with 87 members gets rave reviews A7 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2017 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents White ex-cop gets 20 years in slaying told Slager they felt sorrow for “I forgive Michael Slager. I for- Slager shot unarmed black man in 2015 him and the loss his young chil- give you,” Scott’s mother, Judy, dren would feel in his absence. In said as she turned toward her BY MEG KINNARD cant punishment for Michael the end, a judge sentenced Slager son’s killer. “I pray for you, that The Associated Press Slager, the white former police of- to 20 years in prison, giving the you would repent and let Jesus ficer who fatally shot Scott, an un- Scott family the justice they had come in your life.” CHARLESTON — One by one, armed black man, in the back after sought ever since a stranger came Sitting just a few feet away, relatives of the late Walter Scott a 2015 traffic stop. to them with the shocking video of SLAGER urged a judge to mete out a signifi- Through tears, Scott’s family Scott being killed. SEE SLAGER, PAGE A6 Front porch history on display at Stateburg home PHOTOS BY MICAH GREEN / THE SUMTER ITEM Garland S. Hart, pastor of Eatonton Presbyterian Church in Eatonton, Georgia, plays the fife during Christmas at The Ruins on Dec. 2. Toots Harper, for- Summerville, Christmas at The Ruins mer resident of bought it from WATCH The Ruins, de- Harper in 1985 and ONLINE offers rare glimpse into scribed during have been restoring Christmas at The it since.
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