Emerging Technologies and Their Expected Impact on Non-Federal Spectrum Demand
EMERGING TECHNOLOGIE S AND THEIR EXPECTED IMPACT ON NON-FEDERAL SPECTRUM DEMAND May 2019 EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR EXPECTED IMPACT ON NON-FEDERAL SPECTRUM DEMAND Mr. President: Wireless technology has the power to drive our economy, protect national security, and improve the lives of Americans in ways that are still being discovered. As a result of our Nation’s leadership in 4G, we increased GDP by $100 billion in 2016, created more jobs, lowered consumer costs, and ensured that the United States was the home to the entrepreneurial revolution of advanced wireless applications. 5G networks can move massive amounts of data at exponentially faster speeds than existing 4G LTE networks, and will ensure American job growth, improve national security, and ensure American technological leadership in the 21st century. However, as our nation continues to innovate and create devices that are more capable, the demand for spectrum increases as well. To reap the benefits of 5G and the networks of the future, the Nation must have a forward-looking strategic policy to make spectrum use more efficient and make more spectrum available. In your October 25, 2018 Presidential Memorandum, “Developing a Sustainable Spectrum Strategy for America’s Future,” you directed The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to develop a report on emerging technologies and their expected impact on non-Federal spectrum demand. The attached report examines the foundation of 5G technologies and the critical importance of leveraging such technologies to expedite rollout of 5G networks, details the spectrum requirements of 5G and Wi- Fi, and reviews recent and ongoing activities across the government to meet the spectrum demand.
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