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World Bank Document flVTTJMPNT OFW INTMT1RPATTOAT RANKT FPR RPr^NqTRTJCTTCN ANT) TEPVPTOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Public Disclosure Authorized Not For Public Use _ PS-13 1 VOL.1 Report No. PS-13 Public Disclosure Authorized LAND AND WATER RESOURCES SECTOR STUDY BANGLADESH (in nine volumes) VOLUME I DETAILED SECTOR REVIEW Public Disclosure Authorized December 1, 1972 Public Disclosure Authorized Asia Projects Department I This report was prepared for official use only by the Bank Group. It may not be published, quoted or cited without Bank Group authorization. The Bank Group does not accept responsibility for the aGGi-uracy or comAn1eteness of the report. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS US $ 1.00 Takas (Tks) 7.28 Tks 1.00 US $ 0.137 Tks 1 million = US $ 137,000 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 acre (ac) 0.405 hectare (ha) 1 mile (mi) 1.609 kilometers (km) 1 square mile (sq mi) 640 ac a 29 ha 1 foot (ft) 30.5 centimeters (cm) 10ng ton (1a tnn) = 1.016 metric tonS (Tmtonn) 1 acre-foot (ac ft) = 1,234 cubic meters (m3 ) 1 cubi t p secor. (cusec) or (cfs) 0.028 m3/sec (Local Units) l maund VFlni = .0367 Lg win 1 maund = 82.2 lb INITIALS AND ACRONYMS AI - Artificial Insemination ARI - Agricultural Research Institute (B) ADB - (Bangladesh) Agricultural Development Bank (B) ADC - (Bangladesh) Agricultural Development Corporation BARD - Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development BR - Bangladesh Railway BRRI - Bangladesh Rice Research Institute BUET - Bangladesh University of Ehgineering and Technology GGB - (lentral Cnoonerative Rank CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency GJG - C'.ntrq1l Tute rnmmi ttAe DU - Development Unit FAO - Food and Qt±on GK - Ganges-Kobadak UVUI - U4e, V-;ml in" 'UT!lwo+Aa ILI. V 1Y4gh -ieding _ ie t--- IDE - Institute of Development Economics TPnfD - T,i-,gnal Tral riwngp.vnt Prorar I7RRI - International Rice Research Institute, Philippines TOT T te P.esearch T.4s4tivu VU LU W%& hJ ~* O 0 ~ ~.1 .LW-~ UA .fl LDU - Land Development Unit r' A= Y4l'40. A--- Feet ZL.L..LJ Z LLI W _ U MEO - Mechanical Bluipment Organization rloA) KXd.L JId .VA" J. PCO - Public Call Office aTr~~ Polyiy ., C,hlori; de RWP - Rural Works Program SITDA - S wedshTrn+d-na+4^n nl DTrevlontv-+ Arcynn'r TAO - Thana Agricultural Officers INITIALS AND ACRONYMS (dontinued) TCCA - Thana Central Cooperative Associations TIP - Thana Irrigation Program TSP - Triple Superphosphate (fertilizer) TTDC - Thana Training and Development Center UAA - Union Agricultural Assistants UNDP - United Nations Development Prograrme USAID - United States Agency for International Development USBR - United States Bureau of Reclamation USGS - United States Geological Survey (B)WAPDA - (Bangladesh) Water and Power Development Authority Note II"Te TL-A .-A I.To+- -t - ---- ces Stud = Bangladesh" dated December 1, 1972 was prepared between AJL,ay7 1971 arnU tihe OLUAWJIC IJLo57f 19L7U2u,Le V thegenCe.L-a supervision of the Banks by staff members of the Bank, arn F, wAOith substantial hlpa from consultants. -±i UNDP and the Bank shared the cost of the consulting services. The study is made avaiiable on the understand- ing that it does not necessarily represent the official position of the Government of Bangladesh or of the Bank. The study is based mostly on data collected prior to March 1971. Although some of the infomnation contained in the study is out of date, the essence of it is valid and it should be useful to the Government of Bangladesh and to other countries, agencies, and institutions interested in the development of Bangladesh. LANV AND WATER RESOURCES SECTOR S-UDY The Study Group Overall Coordination R. Picciotto R. Harma S. Allison T. Hexner (Advisor) Agriculture G. Stern U Hpu 1/ G. de Brichambaut (FAO/IBRD) Professor Norman Efferson (Louisiana State) H. Brammer (FAO) A. Seager (Consultant) Water V. Hansen E. Hunting W. Rangeley (Consultant) R. Maasland (Consultant) R. Morton (Consultant) Economics Professor Robert Dorfman (Harvard)>- Professor Henry Jacoby (Harvard) Professor John M4ellor (Cornell) Richard Will (Consultant) Regional Planning W. Drewes R. O'Sullivan H. er Rashid General Assistance B. Oury Y. Nakahara R. Stern N. Reynolds N. Farmer R. Harris D-- - +--4- J. Schilstra (Consultant) A; van. der Graaf (Consultant) InT-additi;or, to1 their cont-ributionr.V LoItheUVIa.L.L Suu,y, iwr. dUe Bri±cnambau'v and Mr. John Clarke coordinated the work of several FAO experts who p' V+lcipaIte d UinAh prepaL,L-aio of VU.LU,ILRV ILI, IV and V. J>} With assistan.ce from Peter Rogers, Richarud Tabors arnd T. AlaLgir of the Harvard Center for Population Studies. B A'UTrT A MC U LTi A'dTTi ±J.AM DV(TTjDOrO Q1'Jrr1ND C TMVi IT^ T TII VOVurjul., 1 PREFACE 1. Tnis Study is tne result oi a cooperative efiort involving tianiK Group staff, FAQ and UNDP personnel, consultants and talent from the aca- demic community. in particular, the Harvard Center for Population Studies provided help based on its experience with UNDP-supported systems analysis studies. Tne Bank and U-NDP provided financial assistance for consulting services. The multi-disciplinary nature of the Study required a major in- tegration effort. The Bank staff assumes responsibility for the overalu approach, and for any errors or inconsistencies which exist. Although the Study was prepared after May 197',it Is based, for the most part, on data gathered prior to that date. ii. The Study is the latest link in a long chain of developments. In February 1966, and again in September 1966, missions headed by Mr. Bernard Chadenet of the Bank, Deputy Director - Projects, visited Bangladesh to discuss a Master Plan for Water and Power Resources Development prepared by the International Engineering Company, Inc. and to determine what further action should be taken to develop comprehensive plans for agricultural and water development. In accordance with the agreed "Statement" dated March 1, 1966, a special staff group was assembled within the Bank to review agricul- tural and water programs and projects in Bangladesh. In 1967 this group reviewed the situation in the field. Potential developments were further elaborated by the Bank team in the Report, "Proposals for an Action Program - Agriculture and Water Development", dated July 17, 1970. iii. Meanwhile the Bank/IDA ,ad financed several projects related to the agriculture and water sector.t , and much new data had been generated, prerequisite to further refinement of the agricultura and water development program. Surveys of soil and land capability and soil fertility were com- pleted under the auspices of UNDP and FAQ, and a surface water hydrologic survey under the auspices of UNDP was continued. Data were Pathered on groundwater hydrology from field investigations and ongoing well drilling programs. Results of the International Rice Research Institute, Bangladesh nm_n" Dnc=eaIrgioT4--- -o1-4t (l'l -PA^7 1961;. TTO O*Im_4 I r>) Brahmaputra Embankment Project (39-PAK, 1963; US$5 million). Chan T d.4I4TT Tn4Irriga-tion _ f L.A DAY -1 4 -19,T35t$9n -.4 i,j 184-PAK, 1970; US$13. million). Foodra,--n Sto+orsge Project (AWI=PAK' 1966; Twdr19.0 i'Ol 5 ~ v .~~~n -~~~..L7'JJ, %&J'4J.L7* '- MLL.L._LLL%J& * Technical Assistance Project: Consultants to EPWAPDA (136-PAK, 1969; TwTq42 . L4.AA- East Pakistan Tubewells Project (208-PAK, 1970; US$14 million). US$hn8~~~ ml ~ ~ s-ionandce~ ~ ~ Cre-lDsa 4 - A-io6nUg- --.. _ million).;'.J 197;69h… T_L- c8, J 0 ^ -- US$0.8 million and S-10, 1970; US$2.4 million). - ii - Rice Research Institute, and Ford Foundation joint research program matured with the distribution of several new rice varieties. Technical assistance. such as general consultancy services and systems analysis studies by the Harvard Center for Population Studies was provided to the Water and Power Development Authority. The data and experience generated by these efforts required new analysis and synthesis. This was to be done under comnrehen- sive studies being formulated when the civil unrest broke out in March 1971. To avoid losing the momentum achieved un to that timej thp Bank dided to undertake a comprehensive Land and Water Resources Sector Study in spite of the inabilitv to consult with the Gnvernment; since much of the analysis and resulting new synthesis were of a technical nature, rather than tied to anv narticular institutional arrangement. This nine Study is the result of these efforts. BANGLADESH LAND AND WATER RESOuRCES SECTOR STUD VOLUME I DETAILED SECTOR REVIEW TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Preface i List of Tables vi List of Maps vii Basic Data viii Glossary x Table of Contents, Volumes II-IX Summary and Recoimendations xv CHAPTER I - INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER II - THE PROBLEM 4 Economic and Administrative Structure The Human Environment 5 Natural Constraints 6 Population Pressure 8 Past Sector Performance 9 The Potential of New Technology 11 CHAPTER III - A FROGRAM FOR DISCUSSION 13 The Strategy 13 *Tha Samnla Program 1). Macroeconomic Consistency 19 Demand and Sunplv Tmnlications 22 Implications for Alternative Approaches 25 CHAPTER IV - THE TECHNICAL APPROACH 27 Analytic Framework 27 LaTnd Capabi-itv AnptlwsiR 28 Investment Return Calculation 29 Sector - Proalat AnI,vrinR 29 - iv - TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. CHAPTER V - KEY PPOGRAM ASSUMPTIONS 33 Area Agriculture Program 33 Rural Organization 36 Research 37 Agricultural Training 38 Farm Inputs and. SuDporting Services 39 Water Program 40 Fisheries WI CHAPTER VI - INTERSECTORAT, ASPErTS ); Pnpulatlont and Tmnlovment Education-Standards 47 7N=+m.tl1 Resormrnc 48R Transportation and Communioations 48 CHAPTER VII - THE AGRICULTURE SECTOR IN DETAIL 54 Total Agriculture Sector Production 54 Food P"ewhinMAnri 5. Food Imports 59 Tlhit+w4 +4 n Non-Food. Production 60 Modern V- T--,+ 62 Water Development 67 Large-Scale Water Control 69 4 A w ,.rnlI +,a,.1l Tn a+ +a+t4on.
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