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IMPERIAT IRRIGATION DISTRICT O/5.6 Tne Wnaerness and the Solitary Place Shatl Be Gtad for Them; and the Desert Shall Rejoice, and Blossom As the Rose

IMPERIAT IRRIGATION DISTRICT O/5.6 Tne Wnaerness and the Solitary Place Shatl Be Gtad for Them; and the Desert Shall Rejoice, and Blossom As the Rose






IMPERIAT DISTRICT o/5.6 Tne wnaerness and the solitary place shatl be gtad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.

Isaiah 35:1

:i:.ti.i! ilri.:::a.!,j:jr.::a ,,. i.r::, .:i..r 1i::jir.:rr.r:


t l

Hoover ,303 miles upslrcam lrom lmpetiol Dom. t

're^ru oPDrolof otll u.rorl 6urue^lP 0ll-&r^016 o Iq louo) ^ pato6rrr aq plno) puo oas lol uesap sqt loql peaord a1o1g la^el ^^oleg ,(q ue1o1 s6urpoer )rJlouroJoE 'uasaP sol alaql ,r ou eJeq,r pes Puolul uo uaaq Poq araql aull euo +o lot{l 6ul,t oqs ',sulolunou aql }o loof aql lo aurloror.ls luer)uo aqt pe)rlou pDt{ Puo C98 t u! pesaP aql q6no.rql passod poq elolg '(.rod {aa.rns poorpor o rlt!,r ts!6oloa6 y ',(e11o1 lor.redurl e q*o o +ueroo I "r, ",,, ::,.";,Hl J:l::: il ffi ,1 il'J'$ ", oq plnor Daro eql tot{l pezrloer uau pelq6ls.ro} /t ef o 098 t so {;loe so 1ai( 'reuJoq 6ulquors auos eq+ Pareluno)ua nlollol ol alal ol'lrr sJaleloll 'si(eurno! srq ur ozuv aP Papro .ralol PUD +rasep er{l utralo^ ro} Paqlroes 'ool'orln se)loC o)slruorl opll6uaulag .rat1lo3 ,(q peperejd so^ ozuv aG ,,'Poao eql lo aq!\--,,souanw sol aP DPou.ror o'1,. aPou Pot{ eq loqr ParDlraP^aurnor aq uorssrw larrqoc uog Oulqroar uodn loqt 6utpptq:o1 os Puola+sor o Pareluno)ue ozuv a6 ',On1uer r{+8 t aql ut oero aql ssolf o uoupadxe uo Pal eq uaq,t uaseP {;uo puno;',(ruro qsguods eql ul uloldor D'ozuv ap otsllnog uonf

treseo 6ulqrror5 Paroj sraro;dx3 l;ro3

',(e11o1 lor.radug ;o ,(rolsrq at11 ,(;lorluassa sr--plrlslO eql |o 6ut;osaloq,tr puo puo--relo^\ 1o I.rolsrq er{f 'uotlnqlllslP ro} selll) aql ol ll sJeurro, aql ol ll 6uua,{;ap 'la|;o1 eql ol relo,r 6ur'rq o1 uolpun} s,l)l.rlsrG aql sl l! 'lopo1 's'radole,rep aql lo sal+redo.rd puo slq6r'r aql ertnbro ol Peuroj so,r^ 'olurolllof |o alols aql lo uorsr^lPqns Peu^ o-l;rrlqnd o'lrulsrq uor1o6r.u; louedurl eq+'tt6t ur 'oS'a)rrues relo^^ alqDllar aprao.rd ol alqoun ara,r PUo lqeP ur ,(;daap auto)eq ,(eql leunuolslut ql;n pan6o;d a:a,r,r ,(41;o1 ;ouedurl 1o s.radoleaep ;our6tro eq1 'fuaqroer1 ;o elqodor so,r^ lr lot{l sral$os ,(;.roe o1 pe,ro.rd 1r lai( 'puo;urrol ollpal ol also,i paseP sltll pa6uotl> {;a1orur1;n 'i(o,rro sa;pu 99 6ura,ro;1 're^ru oPoJolo3 aq1 ',(;ddns relo^ slr uo papuadep soq s,(op 6uruur6aq sll a)urs Ie;1o1 lor.redul ur lo^!^rnS 'loa{ qtoa slsluolloer)eJ lo sPuosnoql sl)oJllo qlrq,r,r punol6lo;d o sapr'rojd srq{ lnq '+rasep,(q pepunoq sr ,(e;;o1 aql 'anrl 'selll) 6u!^!rt{l Puo spuolullo, qsnl slr r{lr,r ',(e;;o1 aql ur lua.roddo ,(;prara sr erl'l ,,'Poao eql lo leurnof s.roei( reloldxa eqlrr oero aql q6no.rt1l dt.rl srq pauelsrrr.l) Poq erolsq '(uotu I;roe uo loql ssan6 reaau Plno,r euo 'r(e;;o1 ;ouadu; s,,(opo1 6uralat1

uroqslloH'y aruo1 lg

{rols;14 ,a!rg V r)lulslo Nollvoluut rvluSdwl oNV AlllVA MUIdWI Another individuol interested in the development of lhe deseri wos Dr. Oliver M, Wozencroft, who crossed through the oreo during the gold rush of 1849. Hiring on engineer to moke o survey ond recommend o locoiion for o conol, Wozencrofr, in I861, succeeded in hoving legislotion introduced in the United Stotes Congress lo outhorize development of lmperiol Volley. But the Civil Wor deloyed furiher progress on ihe plon for mony yeors, ond Wozencroft died without seeing his dreom become o reolity.

C. D. Compony Formed lo Recloim the Volley Finolly, in 1896, lhe Colifornio Development Compony (C. D. Compony) wos formed by Chorles Rockwood, Anthony Heber ond others to recloim lmperiol Volley with Colorodo River woler, bosed on woter f ilings mode by certoin individuols in the I890s ond ossigned io the C. D. Compony. George Choffey, o fomous irrigotionist, wos persuoded to ioin forces with the C. D. Compony, ond in I900 he controcted tc build o conol io deliver woter by grovity f rom the river lo the upper end of the Volley. C. N. Perry loid out much of the complicoted irrigotion system which wos to serve the lond. Excovolion of the conol commenced in Augusl, 1900' The point of diversion from lhe Colorodo River wos neor Pilol Knob, o short distonce obove the Mexicon border. The conol porolleled lhe river to the border ond on into Mexico for o dislonce of four or five miles. lt lhen swung west for three miles to connect wilh on old river chonnel (Alomo River), which, with o minimum omount of work, wos converled into o serviceoble conol. For lhe next 40 miles, lhe conol possed through Mexico, reentering lhe Uniled Slotes ot Shorp's Heoding where the Alomo turned northword to Solton Seo. Eorly in 190.l, o wooden heod gote, known os Choffey Gole, wos built in the intoke conoloboui five hundred feei north of ihe internotionol boundory to conlrol inflow of woier inlo the conol. Woier wos firsi delivered to the Volley ihrough the lmperiol (Alomo) Conol in June, 1901, ond some 1,500 ocres of lond were pui into crops in the foll of lhoi yeor. Becouse seltlement of the lmperiol Volley wos more ropid ihon onticipoted, ond olso becouse of silt build-up in the intoke conol, serious woter shortoges occurred during the winters of I902-03 ond '1903-04. Difficulties wirh the lederol governmenl orising over woter rights compounded the problem. To relieve lhe woter shorloge, rhe C. D. Compony decided to open onother inloke f rom the Colorodo River lo the lmperiol Conol furiher downstreom in Mexico, below ihe silt-clogged intoke. A chonnel 60 feet wide ond 3,300 {eet long wos constructed between lhe river ond the conol. No conlrol gote wos built, since this wos 0

'raProq ol a^oq Plno,r^ IalloA eql puD re^ru ot{l uaealeq seunP Puos eql aql |o quou ,/louDJ uo)lraruv-llv,\ uo Jo, Paau aql Pazlloar l)lrlslo aql 'esuaraP Pool, Puo ,(1ddns Ja+o^ sp ur apll; ie|1o1 ;or'radu; 6urarb 'orrxeyy ur Pafo)ol araa saalal Puo^1l.rnras louD) ulou, sll esno)ag

Pezrloeu louDJ ueryaulv-llv ro, PaeN

',(e;1o1 aql u! relon 6ul1nqr.r1srp ueq+ saruodruor ralo,r lontnur t[ eqt Peq]osqo Poq t)illsrc ew'zz6L Ig '.raeur6ua (;laru.rol lerq) lsrl s,lllrlsre eqt euo)eq '{uodr.uo3 'O 'f eql }o 'Poo^ l)ou salrorl3 puo .roar( euos aql l)r.rlsro uollo6!rrl ;ouadr.ul eql ol Plos eraa,r 'lueurdrnbe puo see^al 'louD) uloul oql 6urpn;rur 'sarpedo.rd eq1 '9t6t ul uolpno s,relra)er 1o y lq6noq 'Pooll toel6 aq+ aluls luoduoS 'o 'f eql PelloJluo) PoL{ t{)rq^ )ur)od uraqlnos eq+ Puo "(uoduo3 '6urpoo;; aql,(q l:1dn.r1uoq otul Pe)ro, uaaq poq ,(uoduro3 'O 'f aql 'IuoduoS 'O ') eqt 1o sellradord puo slqEu eql 6uulnb)o 1o asod.rnd eql lo, 'serlo 89C'0tg 6ursr:dr.uor 'pau.ro1 so,r l)rrlsrq uolto6r.ul ;ouadul aql',t t6t ul 'se)rol aPlslno lo lorluo) eql u! ueeq Poq ,(a;;o1 eqr ro alol er{l 'au!l srt{l ol dn 'sPuDq u,r o rraq+ olur uorlonls aql elol ot pe^our sral$es la;;o1 lor.radurl 'O[6t ur 6urpoo;; erour roUV

lorluoS aIoI slelues 'Pu!qeq oas uotlDS atll 6ur,roa; 'oru.ro,!lo) ,o llnC sql olu! esrnor luel)uo sl! u,t oP soar,(1;our; Pa,r ol, u1o6o aluo oPoJolo3 aq+ Puo '106l ul peqsr;dr.uorro slr{l 'leuuoqr raurrol sp olul l)oq ta^lJ atl+ ulnl o1 parlnbal so,r {uoduto3 )rlr)Dd ureqlnos aql puo Iuoduro3 'O '3 aql ,(q +ro1;a lolueuinuour V 'pel!ol In) eql asol) ol sldrue$o peloadeX'r(opo1 spuols oas uollos eql arar{,r 'Iurs uollos eqt otu! 1ouo3 ;or]adul eql u,t oP /r^ol} llnl slr pa.rnod puo astno) sp pa6uoqr re^lJ aq+ ioPorolo) aql olul Puo ouozlrv ul ur ie^rg opC aql 1o 1no parnod spooll relut^ pelodrrlluoun '906t 'uouau.rouaqd ;o>r6o;oe6 elqolr^aur s!t{l ualsot{ pedlaq oporoloJ eql ssauroq o1 s1dural1o lsJ!, s,uow 'esrno) s5 aEuoqr uro6o plno,r ra^u eql ueqr^'arnlnl aqt ul selrnluer sdoq;ed 'aurrl aql 6u1l1oa'ro 'elo.rodoaa (;1on1ue,ra plno,r^ Pauro, uaeq Poq loql eIDl Puolur aql 'llnC aqf olul aJou, e)uo JelD,tA sI lnod of ifur,ro.r6 '{q uto6o PJo'i qlnos pe)rol oq uaql plno^ ra^rr eql 't;;s palrsodep ql!/'\ paq ,nau !11 Outstog 'Ie;1o1 ;ouadul ,r ou s! loq/r\ oful PJo,t tluou PeuJnl Pol'l puo olurolllo) aql to lnC eql ol lauuDtl) sp llal poq se6o lsod ur re^!r elqotsun srDa^ Poolj 3tll :20-9061

'oPoroloJ aq+ ,o ssausnotltldor 'uosoas aq+ ql!^ Pauol)el lou Poq 'ra^a,r oq 's.reau16ue aql Pool, &o.rodtuel o 6uuds 996 1 eql erolaq Pasol) aq ol'uolsre^rP ParePrsuo) be crossed, but engineers believed such o conol could be constructed ond moinloined in spite of the shifting sonds. This concept of on All-Americon Conol wos noi o ne* one. Mork Rose, o pioneer former, hod been trying to get woier to his lond on lmperiol Volley's Eosl Meso since 1912. He found thot he could do so by meons of o ditch built from ihe Colorodo through the sond dunes, since his lond loy too high to be irrigoted by grovity flow from the conol in Mexico. Rose wenl to Woshington to seek on oppropriotion for ihe building of o conol. Feoring lhol Rose's privote inlerests might prove on obslocle to its plons, the Dislrict stepped in. Phil Swing, who loter become o U. S. Congressmon ond wos known throughout the Southwest os "Mr. Woler," wos lhe Districl's chief counsel ot this time. ln 1917, he hurried to Woshington to block Rose ond wos successf ul in negolioting on ogreemenl belween the Bureou o{ Reclomolion ond the District under which the Volley's need for on All- Americon Conol would be investigoted. Following rhot old odoge, "lf you con'l beot'em, ioin 'em," Rose ron for ond wos elecied to o direclorship ol the District in its next election. He ond Swing worked together os o ieom in lhe slruggle to hove on All- Americon Conol built.

Men ond gianl mochiaes conquercd the sond dunes to build lhe All-American Conal, lmpeilol Yolley's lileline lrom the Colorudo River. I

'oy6t -Ot6t sroel aqt 6uunp pa.rJnf,f,o q)rqr\ sralsDsrp lolnlou Jeqlo lo eer, lou so^ l)ulsrc aqt tnq 'peuol uoaq poq tsol lo oporolo) ,qq6ru eql .i(e;;o1 lor.radrul eql ursn oirnl 6o;r puo saq)lrp uo!to6lrrl ll!l llls plnor ra6uo; o11 'louoJ uo)uauv-llV aql olur pasoaler Suraq erolaq luo;d 6urlpsep luo16 ,elaq--uor1o6uI o olur Peurnl ueql 'pleq aq plnor^ ralo/r re^u lo pllo^ eqtrol,/lsrll\\ o so,r sr.ll'9t6t ul un6aq sorr,r u.roq ;or.redurl uo )rol 'lqop louof, uo)rJaruv-llv aqr ot parlddo aran q)rq,t ,o qtoq 'uroq oun6o'1 ,o tso) agl ,o erDqs s,pelo.rd opC aql fo lunouo ,&lunor sql so^ r{)lr{r 'OOO'tOZg so lla^ so lorlt q6norql pessod ;ouo> uroul aql por.red eql 6uunp orrxayy ut epour sainltpuedxa lor+uo) pooll .rol luauresrnqura.r lorlrod so lueuuralo6 ;o.rapel aql uorl lrpar) OO0,OOO,g$ .sseupalqepur o pe^rerar l)r.rlsr6 aW'E6l ul s!r{l o1 par;ddo aq o1 eia^ louoJ eql uo pelo)o; eq o1 sluo;d ltrltalaoJp^rl 1o uo11o.reua6la,r,rod uro4 spaarord leu el11ua €ql 'luaururaao6 ;orape; eql ql!/y\ l)orluof, lDuo) uo)r.raurv-llV eql ,o srurel eql repun 'pest)raxe +ou so^ lq6u qtrqn 'uoq oun6o1 eql qll/r{ l)euuo) o1 196u eql ro} l)ortuof, gt6t eql .rapun Eururouer e)uoloq eql 6urpnl)ur 'OO0,OZO,9Z$ aq o{ peurural€p so^ louDJ uD)rreurv-lly aql lo slso) uolpnrlsuo) aqt ,o aJoqs s,l)lrlslc eql '2961 ul rePUrouror or{l puD l?61 u! l)rrlsro aql ot re^o pournl so^ .louoJ qou) lolrd io lsan louoJ aql lo lortuo) uo)uaurv-llv eqt q6noiqt /0?6t ,roqopo {;ddns a.rrlua s1r 6ur,r,ro.rp so,r,r la;1o1 aW Z?6L lq puo ut so,r louo) ,r eu eql ,(q Jelo^ lo l.rearlap pslnpaq)s tsJ|, eql 'auo.rr aur;6orp uol-Og9 o /q--peranbuo> .quoe puo--paq)Dar oran seunp puos eql gt6[ Ig ]o ;nldoors ls.lr, aql Pastor rl)tr{,\ ;aaoqs.re,r,rod eql }o sra^al aql to 6uuls osou Irow r{l!i 'tt6t ur {o,r,uapun ;o6 ;ouo3 uo)uetuv-llv aql }o uollo^orxf 9g6t u! Peto)rPaP aron 'PDew alol 'l! pulqaq roAJeseJ aq+ Puo ruoG Jeplno€ 'Jelo,r la^tu opoJolos lo esn slt 6urIr.r.rr; uorlo;sr6e; eql paldopo orurolrlo) '1rodu.ro3 aql /qrlor tou plp ouozuv sy 'paldopo aq ot por{ 'relo^ ra^ru oporoloJ ,o esn s,oruroy;o3 6urlrur; 'l)v uo!lD+!urll orujolrloJ eqt 'lorll 6urro1 1sa1o15 ursog ra^ru oporolo] ua^as llo ,(q parllor aq ol porl 'salo+S ursog ra^ o'l puo .radd6 eql uaa,t laq lal0m 6ur10ro.;p'zz6L lo lroduo3 te^tu opololo) aql'ra^e,t or.l 'a^rl)elle euo)aq plno) lro oql arolag 'lou03 uo)uourv-llV eql puo uroC ;or.redu; 'ruo6 (.reaoop1) rep;nog lo uoll)nilsuo) pazrroqlno qllq,\^ 'gZ6t ur py 1ralo.r4 uo{uoJ Jeplno€ eql lo e6Dssod so,r,r 1;nsar lour} aq1

Passod trv t)elord uo^uoJ raPlnog

'oporoloJ aql uo rlo^rosal e6olo1s o ,o uorl)nrlsuo) luaruurerob puo louoJ uorrauv-llV uo 6urpuaururorar lrodel raqlouo panssr noarng aql'6t6t ul '6urpool, lorluo) ol tuop o lnoqp^ ;orglrordur oq plno^ louo) o q)ns lor{l po+rodar uo!+oruol)eg }o noarng aql A drought in I934 proved to be ihe worst in lmperiol volley's hisiory .l of ond in 939 o severe {lood, resulting irom the Volley,s heoviesl roinf ol| record, domoged the system exlensively' ln 1940, lhere wos o strong eorthquoke wiich destroyed struciures ond shified conols. The Volley's quoke hit mcrin woler supply srili tioveled through Mexico, where the hordest. The All-Americon Conol wos nol yet in service' but the compleled poriion wos put into temporory emergency use ond soved the Volley f rom t desp.rote'riluotion. Dirtri.i.,.**, worked oround the clock ond before long woier wos ogoin flowing into the Volley"

Colorodo River Woter Allocoted

Woged io determine the ollocoiion of Colorodo River woier omong on lhe Lower Bosin slotes. ihe Arizono vs' Colifornio lowsuil strelched issued {rorn 1952 1o 1964, when the supreme court of the united slotes of ils decree. Oui o{ rhe six-million-word lronscripl come the olloimenl 2,80O,OOOocre-feetPeronnumtoArizono,4,40O,O0OtoColifornio'ond in the Colorodo SbO,ObO to Nevodo, oll subiect to ovoilobility of woier River.

Recent Developments in the Wqter Deportmeni

Turning io the Woter Deporiment's more recenl history' every the wooden stlucture in the system hos been reploced by within been posi 25 yeors. Since 1929,neorly 23,000 miles of tile droins hove instolled on lmperiol Volley forms by the londowners' The Disirict' in cooperotion wit'h the u. s. Deportmeni o{ Agriculture's soil conservotion to Service, pioneered in the design of tile droinoge systems suited lmperiol Volley condirions ond in the design ond conslruction of the gigoniic mochines which instoll tile' in For neorly 30 yeors, o fovoroble solt bolonce hos been mointoined lhon lmperiol Volley; thot is, more solt is removed by the drcinoge system is brought in bY irrigotion woier. ln the I960s, concrete lining o{ conols wos initioied' Thusfor' obout ocre- 650 miles of conol hove been lined, soving on estimoled 122,200 feet o{ woter onnuolly from seepoge' Moin conols which ore nol recovery scheduled to be lined ore being equipped with porollel woter lines ond pumping stolions for solvoging woier losl by seepoge' Recognizing the seriousness of the woter shortoge lhe norlhern port of the stoie wos experiencing in the mid-1970s, the District, in )vly,1976, supplemenied ils existing woter conservoiion eff orts with o stringeni l3- pointprogrom.Ayeorbe{oreiheprogromwosinitioted,iheDistricthod o conslructed the f irst of severol plonned woter-reguloting ' moior conservotion effori' The 1976Progrom provided for construclion of o second, !orger , scheduled {or completion in 1977' The two reservoirs ore expected to sove 40.000 ocre-{eei of woler o yeor' I serrogSt'8gt -'--'-"-"-'-"- """'916L'peloo;rr;DaiVtoN ------"-"-'-"'"-'-'sariopunog ser ro O6Zt ZgO' l Ol! u lrlt!,vr a6oeoy ssorg vtuv ')la 'oes uo11o5 {q para^or puol 'spod.rro 'ser+!) 'soaro pado;eaapun saPnl)ur t{)rqn 'sollo 06Z'Z9O'L sl sauopunoq prrlsro u!ql!,r DerD sso.r6 ;o1o1 aql 'PuoFuro, fo sar)o e69',91? aalas surelsls e6ourorp puo uollD6!r.rr ,rro;;-rtrro.r6 s,lrr.rlsg6 aq1 'lf,ulsrO uor1o61.r.rq lor.radu; ,(q asn .ro1 sr 1 dor6,r oleq r oll erlua aql'or.un1 lo tsa^^ sallu OZ lnoqo 1 dorq lo rQuno3 eprsre^ru puo la;;o1 ollaq)ooJ ro, loql Puo uIDO ;ol.radu; uo.r1 uoertsu^Aop sepur g t dorq uoqdrg lo louo) aql uorl syearp palor6 ournl eq+ ro, Jalo6 'louoJ uo)rreuiv-llv eqt olu! Puo sursoq 6u;t;;sap puo sl.ro,i poaq louoS uo)!reurv-llv otll q6no.rql sassod uaql 'ra^ru oPorolo) eql uor, Peua^lP sl lalo,r areqr 'ouozllv 'oulnA lo lsoot{pou sellul 0z tnoqo uroo ;ouadul lD slrots lr1;lqlsuodser s,luaut.lodeo ralol eql lN:IWlUVdlO Ulrvfn rf,lursro Nolrvcluul lvluldwl

'rcrttod alnu uo uor suo4orado 6u1lsaruoq Aop-Ayoa eutog

'anr1 s6ur.r la6uo1 ou ,,solenw sol eP oPourof o'l\\ //'uolloN eq+ lo l/ o8 Polos., euDuI)ru aql ,(e;;o1 1or.radu1 6ururoa 'sdo.rr ;ue.re11rp 1o porrr(ur o ,o ser)o Puo sarlD JOPun SuJoolq l ou +JasaP uarjoq sol e)uo 1oq,r,r'd;aq s/l)!Jlslo aql qlrv\ 'uror alll!l lo Puol s;t1l'r(e1;o1 lor.radt!1 ol sr!l +uoaur PaaPUr soq re+oM WATER

CANAT SYSTEM Miles Atl-Americon Conol & New Brior 82 Coochello Bronch (llD-Molntoined Portion) 49 Droins - All-Americon -."---.------52 Conols 1,629 Droins 1,401 TOTAL 3,2I3



1976 2,783,630 3'OOl 1975 ' '2O7 1974 3,O72,327 1973 2,956,O13 1972 2,946,613

CONCRETE TINING *liles District loterols-llD Operoted & Mointoined(l 954- I976) 66L90 Lolerols Lined on Porticipoting Bosis Londowner-Operoted & Mointoined (1954-1976) -'- 53.41 Form Heod Ditches-'Poid For, Operoted ond Moinloined by Londowner (I949-1976\ """ "' ""' 2,1 39.1 0

IRRIGATION STRUCTURES Delivery Goles to Ronches 5'581 497


TITE DRAINAGE Droins lnsrolled (1929-1976) (Miles) 22,934-35 Acres filed (1929-1976) 403,O79 6

.lrlrlslg ut pepnput lou s.ttopunog p,ttstg u14tltA e6oanyr, 06z'z90'l, 06l'z90'l 06z'z90' I '------'---- serropunoq frutslo u!rll!/n e6oerro ssor6 ;o1o1 Ttln dn dn - st!un llD--pepnlru! lou e6oerty* t,to'916 t80'9L6 190'966 qlun llD --papnlru! e6oerro ;o1o1 t79'to-s lt7ooe got5oe -- -' s4u1l psew qoux rotld puo ,oseyg ,osagl ,19u11 1so3 1se11 ;oyedu; lo oero pedo;aaepu6 te6't9 tt6't9 tt6't9 ,atom ot Pallllue lou f!u1 ;olredur; eqt u! DerV 829'9e 829'9t et8'9e ralom 6ullrerer oero ssel 'pes uollDs {q palelor oarD puD fuopunoq elrasa6 oes uollos otz- ,$oleq oerv Itg'll 9ts'll gz?'lt spDoJ puo 'spoorltor '9elrr 's;ouol 'surorp u! oetV ?92'LOg 00t'Z0S IFZ'ZO9 '- relDx\ Eulagerar DarD Iolol iidu- du - iliZl ------'- peuuol 6u;eq Daro ssel 'stoor,lrs lornr puo 'sa>;o; puo slrod ;ouolloerrer'sesrno, 1;o6'spunorSrol'sarralauer 'slrodrro 'sur$ol 'seglrr ur oery -- 6tz'e 1, ooe't t I e z't t soarD Iolrlsnpu! puo 'suuo, ;olueuryadxe'su;6 uo11or's1o; peal 'sauroq ur surro, lo DerV o96'9lt 198'9lt e6g'gw alqourro, oerD lDlol zzsEz eittE- dst ---- (puol ,tro;1o1) roa{ 6urrnp PaurrD, tou tnq alqourro, oerv 8tt'09t 9tt'99? 98t'89t pegoS;rr; oero leN 9t9 18s 99? peqrDet :paurDlrer 6ugeq oery ---- z9t'6v? tcl'ggi lz6'19? sdon u! serrD lau lDlol EEEEzT eev@L oesTsl sdon elorrldnp tDtol ll,e'tls oo9'999 Lgl't,l.g sdon 1o sarrD lDlol 68EEr IwEL- e-zlTt - '-- sdon lueuoured ggg'lg glt'eg ogr'61 ------'- sdon uaprog 299'91? i99'98V ItL'll9 sdorr p;er1 ,t6t 9t5t 9t6 t sarry

o:IAU3S VIUV JO AUVWWnS BROWN -- Woler ond Power Service Areo

DARK GREEN -- Power Service Areo Only

tsERNARDINC ( \ r., Bernordtno SAN \_-/ -'-1.-.-.-

Rivcrside f , Q Bonning

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C\Et coion Av vLo Meso

Son Oieqo

_ -..--" a-\Chulovislo ,-.;_F'"tecote B A JA C Y IN U OJ!I\

o o F o/ ,\ u o

4- 3


By Helen French

ln i936, the District entered ihe power business in competition wilh the privole utility then serving the oreo. The privote compony supplied energy to the lmperiol Volley by whot ii termed "the longesl lronsmission line in the world-with double the line losses of ony oiher power compony." lt followed thot its roles were exlremely high ond its service undependoble. The District set ils power roies ot 20 per cent less thon those of its compelilor ond could ossure betler service to ils customers. Yeors before, W. F. Holt, o finoncier who owned mony businesses in lmperiol Volley, hod recognized the need for electricity ond, in I903, formed the Holton Power Compony. Holt's compony retoined its identity unlil 1929, when il wos obsorbed by the Southern Sierros Compony, loler known os Nevodo-Colifornio Eleclric Corporoiion ond, ofter lhol, os Colifornio Eleciric Compony. This wos rhe urility serving lmperiol Volley when the Distria went into the power business.

Power o "Nqturol" for llD

To include power generolion ond distribution in its operotions wos o "noturol" for the Districi. The five drops on the All-Americon Conol offered sites for hydroeleclric plonis, ond revenue from the sole of electricity generoled ot plonls lo be constructed on the Conol would help repoy ihe federol government the District's shore of the consiruction costs of the Conol. To build o morkel for All-Americon Conol power, the District, in 1934, controcled lo purchose three diesel-electric generoting units for instollotion in o plont in Browley ond begon conslruction of o distribution system for thot city. Litigotion brought by the privote power compony deloyed ploni construction until Jonuory, 1936. The Dislrict's first power customer received service on Moy l8 of thot yeor. The bond morket in the mid- wos such thot the possibility of securing privote finoncing of power development wos oui of the question; for thot reoson, the District opplied for ond, in 1937-.|938, received loons ond o gronl from the Public Works Administrotion to consiruct two hydroelectric plonts ond o distribulion syslem throughout lmperiol Volley ond lo expond the Browley Diesel Plont. lt olso received o loon from ihe Rurol Electrificoiion Adminisirotion lo extend power lines inlo rurol oreos which hod not before been served. A period of stiff competition between the Col-Electric ond the District followed, which wos culminoted in I943 by ihe District's purchose of Col- Electric's properties in lmperiol Volley ond in o lorge port of Coochello Volley.

12 tt

'oaro aql ul leqfo i(uo lo ^Illln ualsls asoql uoql ssel salor lo sreuolsn) sl! ol a)l^res alqollar ePr^ord PUo aql ian^od lual)r,le uo ulolulotlr Puo Plrnq ol al-qo uaaq soq l)rr+srO 'slsaralur a+o^lrd ,(q puo luauuraao6 lorapal eq+ '(q t1)loaser 6uruoddns re,rrod roa;rnu Puo loLulaqloa6 1o luaudo;a'rap Puo oslo sr puo spool load alPuor.{ ol sellrl!)ol au llolsur o1 6u1uuo;d sr 6ulsoalrut-laae^ aql loau oI +)rr+srO aql ,(6.raua lD)rrl)ele.ro+ sPuoueP re/Y\od ro, Puoueo oulmorg eql oulleew

'onueAaJ luei.ln) uo'll lo, prod uaaq aloq sluaulle[eq raa'rod puo suo!l!PPo 'aul!l loLll a)ulS 'sanssl. PUoq anua^ar '(q pnrror,l ,o^ uelsr(s la,trod aql lo uolsuodxa'7961 '1 '('ronuol 1rlu6 'a)r^Jas )llqnd ouozlJv s,/uodtuo3 ,(q peloiedo sr qrrq^^ 'ouozuv 'orun1 ur Pelo)ol '+uDld o))n,\ uostpf orurorllo) u.raqlnos eql Puo 1:alor6 sr^oo-ra)rod uo!+oulol)eu aqI ,o noerng 'S 'n eq+ uo.r1 laarod sasor'11'rnd oslo l)rllsl6 'sasodlnd burload roi Pasn aq ol oulqrnl puo lprodol uals/s esoel:ur ol ollaq)oo) ur Pallo+sul ero^ slrun teury lso6 ,nol 'glil'AoW q6no.rqt ttl6l uor, Polrad aql 6utrng '896t Puo 196t 'uo1loleua6 ,Zg6L ulpappo aro^\ sllun Puo'6?6L ut uotlorado olul luei( eql ou '+uold tuoals orlueJ 13 aqI ,a^od 1o arrnos .rolor.u s,lf,lr+slq ^ 'v96t u! IaM alqnoo 1o ualsr(s uorlnqr'r+srP ur louol dtuJnl aLll uo Puo tg6t uol+o6l.rr! aql uo Pallolsur a.rem s1uold rrrlra;eo:p{q PDaq-^^ol 'uo1+o;n6al laru ro] pellnbar .reloar 6urpnlrxa 'rQoa:1 ralo11 uo)lxaw aq+ ,o uolllols$os ur o)lxaw ol pare^rl€P 6uraq lalo'r'r lo lrlluDnb aqt uodn luepuadep eq+ sr'uo+o.,ado slr lnq '196t ur e)!^res olur +ue^.'ro^lu oPololo) Puo uo]lreuv-llv eql ,."nq"q lauuotl) ssod'(q o uo lllnq '1uo;d qouy louo] puo soar do16 iot,, IqygEot ut unoeq soa uotloraua6 'ra'tod Pellolsur 7 ul pabtolua et{l '096 t ur 1uold 7 dorq eql PUo 096 t ;.;;tlj,r;-rrteorp,(q uo sluo;d ,o^ lro;j g dor6 eq1 'af,rAres olul lue'r louoJ uo)rreurv-llV aql y dor6'puo g dor6 uaq^ t76t ur uo6eq uo1+o'raua6 :r.rlra;aorp{p

un6a€ uollDreueo )lrl,eleorPAH

so6 oa'r1 '796 '1uo1d aqt ur Pallolsul ara/\ sllun aulqrnl 1 eq+ ol are^^ s{run urpuo';uo;6 laserq,(e1aro.rg aqt lo aa.rq1 lou;6Po PaPPo o .ra6.ro; a,rr1 '6t6t Puo 3961 6uunq'pool 6ursoelrur '(lprdor lo Poaqo s,+)!llsl6 aql deal o1 Ou'puoaxa ,(;snonultuor ueaq soq uals'(s raa'rod For obout three decodes ofter enlering the power business, the Disirict exerted greot effort toword promoting "oll-eleclric living," ond the success of the power syslem hos surpossed even lhe most optimistic dreoms of the eorly plonners. Then, in the eorly 1970s, when o worldwide energy shortoge become evident, emphosis switched f rom promolion of power use to promotion of power conservotion. But with the wise plonning thot hos been done by the Power Deportment, ond with prudent use of energy by its customers, inhobitonts of this desert empire moy hope lo continue to live the comfortoble life electricity hos provided them.


The overoge power consumpiion by cuslomers in ihe District's service oreo is one of the highest in the notion. Virtuolly oll homes ond businesses ore equipped with temperoture-conlrol oir-condiiioning. The overoge Districi residentiol cusiomer uses 12,341 kilowoti-hours onnuolly, while the notionwide overoge is 8,360 kwh. Becouse of the extremely hot summers ond mild winters in ihis desert region, the District's Power system must occommodote o wide vorionce between lhe summer ond winter coincideni peok demonds. ln 1976, the coincident peok demond for the yeor occurred in July ond reoched 32l ,2OO kilowotts; ihe month of Februory recorded o peok of only 148,000 kw.

I976 STATISTICS Averoge Number of Customers: Resideniiol 36,954 Commerciol qnd lndustriol ------'- 7,O75 Agriculturol (pumping) 763 Miscelloneous ---..."-.-- 762 Totol .--.-, 45,554 Tolql Power Soles (Kilowott'hours): lmperiol Volley 729,343,OOO Coqchello Areo ------.---- 370,964,200 Colorodo River Areo 18,834,500 Son Diego Gos ond Electric 17,2OO Totol --.--"-..-- I ,l 18,758,900

l4 9t : ' oot'8v? "" srf,unos llv'lvlol --'-"'--'--'sarrnos retuo lolol oEiTr- olrnA (slxV) ooo'92 luDld 5aV -----'- noelng's'fl 09s'zt uollourol'au ro serrnos tefi\od te.llo

----'"--'-- os856S Peu/Y\o lrlrlslo lelol osiEt -'".ttr**** oat 099 ,.,...,'.,,.,.,,,.,,..,,,. oo9'6 t ---"-"-t 'oP dorq oog'6 ""'"" dorq ooo'01 L'o1 "'------""--' ooo'tt qoux lol!d sluold ,!rlre;eolplp seulqlnI toc olleq'ooJ oo9'z,6 otlse oo{zz - ...... ::"'l.:::ril:i::,: oLz'el tuDld lesalg Ae;morg tuold uroels orlua3 13 oo t'681 sttotri.oltx u, trrttsta 6ulroU alo;deuro1l Peu^lo utir\od lo sl)unos

"'- lolol I L68'e e rs4T 1t:"1:::ry r : P ::y:'J,,'::';fi'ff ::i1l: 9'80e saull UO!sslulsuorl g',Leg seuw SIN!1 Ulrt\Od

'tu'd t to gt6l 'L Alnl uo sllo/Y\olll 006'tzt -rualsAg uo PuoutaO urnu'rxDw

t69'8zt'ot $ uo5 )lrpelf Puo sog o6alg ool ---- oarv ra^lu oPorolo] tt0'ttg oarv olleq'oo3 oe/'t8z'o I Ae11o1 ;o1'redu1 ttz'oo9'6 t $ :(enuerag ssorg) selD5 ra/Y\od lolol HIGHTIGHTS l90l FIRST WATER DELIVERY to lmperiol Volley from Colorodo River lhrough Alomo Conol which hod procticolly its entire length in Mexico . . . .l905 FLOODS of the Colorodo River enlorged emergency diver- sion cul in the Colorodo, releosing entire flow of river inlo lmperiol Volley ond forming Solton Seo . . . l9O7 CONTROL of the flooding Colorodo River occomplished by Soulhern Pocif ic Compony, which hod ossumed ownership of the bonkrupt Colifornio Development Compony . . . l9l I IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT orgonized . . . I9I6 CALIFORNIA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PROPERTIES ocquired from Southern Pocific Compony by IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. . .

1922 RIVER COMPACT signed in City of Sonto Fe, . The first oitempt by o group of stoles to opportion lhe woters of on interstote streom omong them- selves for irrigotion ond othel consumptive use . . . 1922 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT ocquired properties of ihirteen MUTUAL WATER COMPANIES which hod been responsible for retoil distribution of wqter in lmperiol Volley. . . 1928 CONGRESS APPROVED BOULDER CANYON PROJECT ACT outhorizing construction of Hoover Dqm ond the All- AmericqnConol ...

I935 FIRST STORAGE behind Hoover Dom . . . 1936 BRAWLEY DIESEL PLANT compleied. Dislricl entered power business. Prevoiling rotes reduced 20 per cent . . . I938 , on Colorodo River 20 miles north of Yumo, Arizono,compleied... 1942 ALL-AMERICAN CANAL become sole source of woter for lmperiol Volley. . .

1943 COMPETING POWER COMPANY PROPERTIES in lmperiol County ond greoter port of Coochello Volley ocquired by District . . . 1947 CONTROL OF ALL-AMERICAN CANAL west of Pilot Knob lurned over to District . . .

i6 t_t

'a)rlras ur pe)Dld '6urpoeg euuo+)eN lo louoJ aurlqOr;1 lsoS uo Pelorol 'utoAUls3u cNllvtnclu ullv/v\ IsutJ 9t6L '''sllo^olrI 0OO'09 o1 ,Qrrodor 1uo1d ;o1o1 6ur6ur.rq 'ollaq)oo) ur uoll -orado otur tue^ .rololaue6 11D^ olrl-OOO'02 to 1Nn OUIHI ?16l ' ' ' ollor{)oo3 ur uorlorado u!lnd tuold.re,*od uorllrur 9'9$ /v\lN JO SllNn O/v\l ISUIJ t,l6l ' ' unoJ l)rrlsro 's 'n u! lrns uorl -ot!ur!l puole.DD-09[ ur PeJePua] tN3wconr llSvuoAVJ Ll6L ' ' ' uorllrur g'gg tsor pepelo.r6 'la;;o1 Dllaq)oo) .ro1 tuo;d .ramod $o,1 olrI-OOO'09 o ,o NOtI)nUtSNOf OIZIUOHtnV OL6l ' ' ' anueAeJ .ra,r,rod uto.r1 I;a.rr1ua lo1 prod uoll!PPV 'uolloredo olur 1nd 't!un quno, 'INV'ld wvlls ouIN3) ll 996t

' ' '000'ZS6'79 1o (spuoq uorto6ur) ssaupalqepur papuoq rQ.redo.rd 11o ,(od ol Palo^ PrDoS 'oslv 'clnNllNo)slo oNVl No s3xvr r)lurslo L96l ' ' ' 9961 '.requraraq e)uts uot+orauaO o51 '1 ,(;n1 uo oero lpH peu eql ur uD6eq sa)rnos ;ouleqloeb ruoil ,(e11o1 ;or.redur; u! UIMOd )tulfltJ JO NO;IVUIN:IC ISU;J 996t ' ' ' <qolto,ro o1 lrelqns 'opD^aN ot ooo'ooe Puo 'orurofllo) ol 000'007'7 'ouozuv ol relo^ ra^rU opololo) lo teer-ar)o OOO'OO8'Z suorlroddo +!ns re+D^ orurolrloJ-ouozrrv eqt ur aer)eP luno) lwludns 's'n y96L ' ' lueulure,roo uortxely o1 soutploq slt 6urg1es,(q o>rxeyy ul NO;IVUSdO UVIA-gg SONS t)lUfSlO t96t ' a)r^ras )rlqnd ouoztlv PUo luoduro3 rs,t od flrpelf orurollloJ rllt/'\ 1N3W33UCV lOOd USMOd SNCIS l)lUlSlO 9961 .''000'020'92$ eq ol aroqs oll 'porluo) louD) uofrreurv-llv raPun s+sor ,o uorloululra+aP lourl lo o3lllloN l)lurslo y96l ' ' ' rl)uorg ollaq)ooJ ,o selru 09 lsr!l puo 'qou) lolld ol uro6 ;ol.radurl urorl '1VNVf NVfIUIWV -'l'lv ,o rePurouaJ,o 'loulNof c3wnssv l)lulslo z96L

' ' ' s++o^ oltI OOO'9Z so,rl 6ur1o.r a1o;d euoN 'Petoa'l>o ';1un lsr!] 'lNvld wvlls oulNlf, 13 6f6l ' ' ' louo) uo)ueuv-llv otil uo 7 dor6 +o 8 alotsre+ul ,o aPts tluou eql uo Palo)ol ser)o 'asn 099 ptrlsto eql ol Pasoal noernE aql 'asod.rnd slql Jol gornl;nrr.r6o ro] spuol osew lsoS 1o ,!rpqorrpoid aql aulu -ralaP ol elouePun Plno^ l)lrlsl(l aqt ,(qeraqa,r lueutee.r6o uo olur peralua pt.ltstO uor1o61l.11 .lolrelul ;ouadurl Puo 'S'n 1o luaurpodao aqt io NOIIVWV])3U JO nV]UnE fi61 SATTON SEA

Solton Seo is 35 miles Locoled in lmperiol ond Riverside couniies' 1 l5 miles of shoreline long, l5 miles wide, ona iO t""r deep' lt conloins ond 375 miles of oreo. River rompoged in 1905-07' The seo wos creoted when the Colorodo solely upon ogrrculluror h is not o norurol body of woter ond depends i" lmperiol' Coochello' ond Mexicoli droinoge ond storm "noti Volleys. on Order of Withdrowol ln 1921, President Colvin Coolidge signed the Solton Seo' ond in 1928' o creoting o Public wot"' nt'""e o'oi'nd the first wos signed' Together' second such order in.r.oring lhe size of were into force for the the orders cover obouil-;;,N ocres ond PUt reservoir for .;;;;;t;;te thol the lolit intl'd"d were lo be used os o lmperiol ond Coochello lhe sloroge of droinogi t'ot i"igorta londs in Volleys ond nolurol runoff' be' thot of o the primory use of the seo is' ond olwoys will While {or ony ,t.rog" bosin for j,oinog" wolers--on obsoluie necessity developed in the losr 20 irrigoted oreo--recreotl""ti"" of the seo hos ihousonds of people yeors. The seo's weother ond locotion oltroct ond comping' Too' the souihern onnuolly who enioy wot""pottt, fishing' geothermol test drilling' shores of the seo hove been the site of low of 250J2 feei below seo The elevotion of Solton Seo reoched o risen lo its present t"r.i in September, 1925; since then ii hos groduolly level' 6;#;; 1976) eleJion o1228'eo feel below seo groduol increose due to the The solinity of Solton Seo hos shown o into ihe seo ond evoporotion ot the continuous flow of aroinog" woier rote of oboui six feet Per Yeor' of oceon woter At present, ihe solinity is slightly greoler ihon thot Greot Solt Loke ond the olthough it is consideroiiv S"fJ* ti"1 of the of Solton Seo wos 52'40 tons of Deod Seo. At the end J|hZ, 'A"solinity 266 ions for the Greot Solt Loke solt per ocre-fool of *"itt, t*pored to conioins 47'80 tons Per ond 303 tons for the Deod Seo' Oceon woter ocre-fooi.

SALTON SEA 375 squore miles Areo ,-.,--..--- 35 miles 9 to 15 milei Shoreline I 15 miles Elevotion (December 30, 1976) " '228'60 40 feet Deplh (ot deepesl poini) -'---'------"'--"----oPProx'

l8 6t

?g t _ Drrtodllo] 99t' ""-'---Puilrourlse1 6t 1- Aa;morg 69 - ;opadru; z9 ------"'--'---ortuaf, ll ll all!^tloH le^3'l Des orlxelo) ------uroq 181+ ;oYedru; uollo^al3 le^el oos AlNno) rvtuSdwl - sNo[vnil]

tn9 ue^Dqralu!m ot9.'a Puolrorulsam 0s?'e surlDd Puosnoql o00'9 '-"- lourrerll 8t6 ------Aa;eag tg8 ft;3 uo1;o5 01t ollltoro 009 eroqs quoN oos't OOL'Z otulno oI ----""-'o!Pul 00 l'61 ---- olz'g ;o;redur; ogt'? ell!^tloH 902'l raqeH o99'27, ortual If 008'8 olleqroo) otl'z o;rrodp;o3 ooz'e I or!xelDJ t19 -""------qrDeg Aoqurog 999 seuno oPnurreS ---{e;morg gt 1't1 uonoFA% Petourlts, V]UV ])IAU]S r)tulslo Norrvoluul ]vluldwl Nl sllllNnwwo) CTIMATE

Colifornio' lt is lmperiol County is locoted in lhe southeosi corner of the Colorodo River' on UorJuiua on the south by Mexico, on lhe eosl by ln ifl" n"ul, by Riverside Ciunty, ond on the wesl by Son Diego Cou.nty'. oreo, lmperiol County is the tenth lorgest county in Colifornio' encompossing over 4,200 squore miles' lmperiol County' lmperiol Volley, locoied in the cenlrol portion of moy lost from mid-April hos o iypicol dererr climote--hol summers' which {rosi' ond through mid-October, ond winiers with cold nights' occosionol moslly sunny, mild doYs. there ore' on lhe ln the "roiny seoson" (November through Morch)' lhree hours o month' ortrog", l6 hours with roin, or slightly more thon in o singleyeor ifr"r" ploces in the world whe'e more roin hos follen 75 yeors' thon hos"t" follen in lmperiol Volley during the post oi lmperiol The following extreme weother conditions were recorded lrrigotion Districi's weother stotion ot lmperiol: four time^s since Highest lemperoture, 119 degrees, wos registered 25' 1970' 1914 -- July l4 ond I6, 1936; Juiy 25, 1943; ond June This occurredort Lowesi iemPeroture ever recorded wos l6 degrees' l2-13' Jonro.y 22, 1937. The only snowfoll of reco.rd wos December snow' with os 'I 932, when ihe entire lmperiol Volley wos blonketed in much os 4 inches meosured in the southeoslern portion' on Jonuory Lowest moximum lemperoture wos 42 degrees' recorded 90 degrees' recorded 24, 1949. The highest minimum lemperoiure wos 30' on Augusl 10,1i46, ond in 1953, on July 15 ond July recorded in Highest monthly meon iemperolure wos 95'9 degrees' argri, I969. Monih of lowesi meon temPerolure wos Februory' 1939' wirh 42.3 degrees.


1976 1975 1,047,000 APIARY $ 960,000 $ 10,78O,000 SEED AND NURSERY CROPS 15,355,000 127,224,OOO * TIVESIOCK AND DAIRY ...... I13,432,000 215,967,OOO FIETD CROPS 265,783,OOO 142,288,000 VEGEIABTE CROPS I2I,806,000 NUT CROPS...-.... 3,380,000 2,896,000 FRUIT AND * TOIAT $520,716,000 $500,202,000 *Revised

20 .1 .eluot (o1oqd ueqattr11 utatoyl ADp llo lc,n! ilo U epseq '(tttbtt 'oN sluol auql1 to) )oloq Z s,tuold uoeqs otqe) lZ tD p)oagsoe 8utqool nar11 Gg

.t1. E,S rjs

er,ilo slteuorssrq.ruroJ lotnqfi,t6v Aq l:i:?d,ut 1.lddns 000'00 1't 000't6o'1 ^l:::r_ A31UV8 000'9te '1 000'909'l otts vJIVJrv 000'etl ooo'7,99'l sNowl] 000'l 16'u 000'198't sNorlwutrvl 000't zg't 000'ts9'z sNotNo 000'19l't 000'8 t9'e HSVnOS 000'8t6't ooo'69r'? dslHs 000'otg't I 000'290'9 slouuv) 000'910't 000'69t'9 ssvuc Nvons "'-" ooo'vt9'9 000't I z'9 wnHcuos ooo'zz8'8 000's89'8 -"" " sncvuvdsv 000'268'e I 000'9t8'6 s3orvwol .'SUntsvd 000'806'9 oo0'918'01 000'690't t 000'tl0'?t sldnorvrNv) 000'962'19 000'008'le sr118 UVCnS 000'09s'e? 000'1og'og IV]H'N ooo'1,v9'92 000'886'09 " NOuOf, 000'0g l'sl 000'gge'6g "" tf,nll3r ooo'?lv't9 000'lzt'oo t VJIVJlV ooo'tzo'rzl$ 000'8t0'10 t$ tlllvf I t6l 9t6l sdou) uv]]oo Notlltw IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT EXECUTIVE OFFICES PosY oFFrcE Box l8O9 1284 MAIN STREET EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA 92243