Optimization Algorithms on Matrix Manifolds
00˙AMS September 23, 2007 © Copyright, Princeton University Press. No part of this book may be distributed, posted, or reproduced in any form by digital or mechanical means without prior written permission of the publisher. Index 0x, 55 of a topology, 192 C1, 196 bijection, 193 C∞, 19 blind source separation, 13 ∇2, 109 bracket (Lie), 97 F, 33, 37 BSS, 13 GL, 23 Grass(p, n), 32 Cauchy decrease, 142 JF , 71 Cauchy point, 142 On, 27 Cayley transform, 59 PU,V , 122 chain rule, 195 Px, 47 characteristic polynomial, 6 ⊥ chart Px , 47 Rn×p, 189 around a point, 20 n×p R∗ /GLp, 31 of a manifold, 20 n×p of a set, 18 R∗ , 23 Christoffel symbols, 94 Ssym, 26 − Sn 1, 27 closed set, 192 cocktail party problem, 13 S , 42 skew column space, 6 St(p, n), 26 commutator, 189 X, 37 compact, 27, 193 X(M), 94 complete, 56, 102 ∂ , 35 i conjugate directions, 180 p-plane, 31 connected, 21 S , 58 sym+ connection S (n), 58 upp+ affine, 94 ≃, 30 canonical, 94 skew, 48, 81 Levi-Civita, 97 span, 30 Riemannian, 97 sym, 48, 81 symmetric, 97 tr, 7 continuous, 194 vec, 23 continuously differentiable, 196 convergence, 63 acceleration, 102 cubic, 70 accumulation point, 64, 192 linear, 69 adjoint, 191 order of, 70 algebraic multiplicity, 6 quadratic, 70 arithmetic operation, 59 superlinear, 70 Armijo point, 62 convergent sequence, 192 asymptotically stable point, 67 convex set, 198 atlas, 19 coordinate domain, 20 compatible, 20 coordinate neighborhood, 20 complete, 19 coordinate representation, 24 maximal, 19 coordinate slice, 25 atlas topology, 20 coordinates, 18 cotangent bundle, 108 basis, 6 cotangent space, 108 For general queries, contact webmaster@press.princeton.edu 00˙AMS September 23, 2007 © Copyright, Princeton University Press.
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