Spectral spaces versus distributive lattices: a dictionary Henri Lombardi (∗) March 17, 2020 Abstract The category of distributive lattices is, in classical mathematics, antiequivalent to the category of spectral spaces. We give here some examples and a short dictionary for this antiequivalence. We propose a translation of several abstract theorems (in classical math- ematics) into constructive ones, even in the case where points of a spectral space have no clear constructive content. Contents Introduction 2 1 Distributive lattices and spectral spaces: some general facts2 1.1 The seminal paper by Stone..............................2 1.2 Distributive lattices and entailment relations.....................6 2 Spectral spaces in algebra6 2.1 Dynamical algebraic structures, distributive lattices and spectra..........6 2.2 A very simple case...................................8 2.3 The real spectrum of a commutative ring.......................9 2.4 Linear spectrum of a lattice-group.......................... 10 2.5 Valuative spectrum of a commutative ring...................... 11 2.6 Heitmann lattice and J-spectrum of a commutative ring.............. 11 3 A short dictionary 12 3.1 Properties of morphisms................................ 12 3.2 Dimension properties.................................. 15 3.3 Properties of spaces.................................. 16 4 Some examples 16 4.1 Relative dimension, lying over, going up, going down................ 17 4.2 Kronecker, Forster-Swan, Serre and Bass Theorems................. 18 4.3 Other results concerning Krull dimension...................... 19 ∗Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon, Université de Franche-Comté. http://hlombardi.free.fr/ email:
[email protected]. 1 2 1 Distributive lattices and spectral spaces: some general facts Introduction This paper is written in Bishop’s style of constructive mathematics ([3,4,6, 20, 21]).