Synapsense Third Party License Citations 7.3.0

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Synapsense Third Party License Citations 7.3.0 Third-Party License Citations 1 Third-Party License Citations The following is a list of free and open source third-party components used within version 7.3 of SynapSense® Wireless Monitoring and Cooling Control. Library or Component License Type Copyright Details Abdera Apache 2.0 © 2006-2007, The Apache Software Foundation Activation Sun © 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates aeon BSD (3-clause) © 2014, Garret Smith Ant Apache 2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 Antlr BSD © 2003-2012, Terence Parr Ant-nodeps Apache 2.0 Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 Aopalliance Public LICENSE: all the source code provided by AOP Alliance is Public Domain. Apache Commons Apache 2.0 © 2002-2015, The Apache Software Foundation Apache POI Apache 2.0 © 2002-2015, The Apache Software Foundation Asm Proprietary / free © 2000-2005, INRIA, France Telecom Axiom Apache 2.0 © 2002-2009, The Apache Software Foundation Bcprov Proprietary / free © 2000-2009, The Legion Of The Bouncy Castle Beansbinding LGPL 2.1 bear Apache 2.0 BusyBox 1.18.4 GPLv2 c3p0 LGPL 2.1 Cglib Apache 2.0 CXF Apache 2.0 Dnsmasq GPLv2 or v3 DOM4J BSD © MetaStuff, Ltd Drools Apache 2.0 © 2010, Red Hat, Inc. THIRD-PARTY LICENSE CITATIONS 2 Library or Component License Type Copyright Details Eclipse JDT Compiler Eclipse P. L. Edown Apache 2.0 © 2014, Ulf Wiger Erlang/OTP Erlang P. L. FastInfoset Apache 2.0 © 1995-2007 CollabNet & © 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates Folsom Apache 2.0 FreeBSD 10.3 BSD (2-Clause) FreeRTOS GPL goldrush MIT © 2012, Magnus Klaar Google Annotations Apache 2.0 Gallery version 1.01 Google Guava Apache 2.0 Gproc EPL Groovy Apache / BSD © 2003-2015,The Apache Groovy Project Gson Apache 2.0 © 2010, Google Hibernate LGPL 2.1 Htmlcleaner BSD © 2006, by vnikic at Immutables Apache 2.0 Iptables GPLv2 ipaddresscontrollib MIT ISC DHCP ISC License license/ Jackson Apache 2.0 Jakarta ORO Apache 2.0 © 1999-2004, The Apache Software Foundation Janino Proprietary / free © 2005, Arno Unkrig Jasperreports 5.0.1. LGPL 3.0 library Java SE 8 JDK Oracle nse/index.html JavaMail CDDL/GPLv2+CE © 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates Javassist LGPL 2.1 Jaxb CDDL 1.0 Jaxen Apache 2.0 © 2001-2008, Codehaus Foundation JBoss AS 7.1 LGPL 2.1 JBoss Web LGPL 2.1 THIRD-PARTY LICENSE CITATIONS 3 Library or Component License Type Copyright Details Jcommon BSD © 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates Jdom Apache 2.0 Jettison Apache 2.0 © 2006, Codehaus Foundation Jetty Apache 2.0 © 1995-2009, Mort Bay Consulting JGoodies Forms Free jgroups.jar LGPL © 2002-2010, Bela Ban / Red Hat JNA LGPL 2.1 Jackson Java JSON- Apache License v. processor 1.9.11 2.0 or Lesser GPL (LGPL 2.1) Json.jar Apache 2.0 © 2014 Json.js Apache 2.0 © 2001-2008 The Apache Software Foundation Jsr CDDL 1.0 © 1995-2007 CollabNet & © 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates Jsx MIT © 2010-2013 Alisdair Sullivan JTA Sun © 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates jTDS LGPL 2.1 © 2001-2010 WebRing®, Inc. Jung BSD © 2003-2004, Regents of the University of California and the JUNG Project Jxl-2.4.2.jar LGPL lager Apache 2.0 Laszlo CPL © 2005-2008 Laszlo Systems, Inc. LibTomCrypt WTFPL LibTom Projects are open source libraries written in portable C under WTFPL 5&whatfile=crypt Libusb LGPL 2.1 Linux Kernel GPLv2 LinuxKernel 3.0.35 GPLv2 locks MPL 2.0 log4j Apache 2.0 © 2010, Apache Software Foundation MariaDB LGPL MathEclipse Apache 2.0/CPL 1.0 MigLayout BSD Mines Java Toolkit CPL 1.0 THIRD-PARTY LICENSE CITATIONS 4 Library or Component License Type Copyright Details msp430-libc BSD © 2001-2009 Mvel Apache 2.0 languages/mvel Monte Media Library 0.7.7 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 MySQL jConnector GPLv2 Neethi Apache 2.0 Objenesis Apache 2.0 OJDBC ODN jdbc/htdocs/jdbc_10201.html One-JAR BSD OpenCSV Apache 2.0 parse_trans Apache 2.0 Piccolo BSD PicketBox LGPL PostgreSQL JDBC BSD © 2004-2005, The PostgreSQL Global Development Group. Pyramid BSD (3-Clause) © 2015, Garret Smith Quartz Apache 2.0 © 2001-2010, Terracotta, Inc. quartz-jboss-1.5.2.jar Apache 2.0 © 2001-2010, Terracotta, Inc. refcodes-criteria Apache 2.0/GPL 3.0 Renci SshNet MIT Rxtx LGPL 2.1 © 1998-2006, Keane Jarvi Saxon-HE MPL Scala BSD (3 clause) © 2002-2012 EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland Scriptella Apache 2.0 servlet-api-2.5-6.1.6.jar Apache 2.0 © 1999-2010, The Apache Software Foundation SNMP4J Apache 2.0 © 2003-2014, SNMP4J-Agent Apache 2.0 © 2003-2014, socat GPL Spring Apache 2.0 © 2004-2016, Pivotal Software Stax Apache 2.0 © 2003-2006, The Codehaus Foundation StringTemplate BSD SwingX LGPL 2.1 THIRD-PARTY LICENSE CITATIONS 5 Library or Component License Type Copyright Details ThreeTen Extra BSD tar-cs BSD TinyECC BSD © 2010, North Carolina State University Tomcat Apache 2.0 © 2010, The Apache Software Foundation U-Boot GPLv2+ Velocity Apache 2.0 © 2006-2009, The Apache Software Foundation WSDL4J CPL © 2010, Geeknet, Inc. WSS4J Apache 2.0 © 2004-2009, The Apache Software Foundation Xalan Apache 2.0 © 2005, The Apache Software Foundation Xerces Apache 2.0 © 1999-2010, The Apache Software Foundation XML Commons Apache 2.0 © 2001-2015, The Apache Software Foundation commons/components/resolver/ XML Security Apache 2.0 © 2002-2006, The Apache Software Foundation XMLSchema Apache 2.0 © 2004-2009, The Apache Software Foundation Yaws BSD (3-Clause) © 2006, Claes Wikstrom OpenJDK GPL © 2018, Azul Systems enterprise/zulu-terms-of-use/ Panduit Customer Support Please contact Panduit Customer Support with questions or for additional information.
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