Ministerial Forum Toolkit
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November 3, 2010 Ministerial Forum Toolkit The AAMDC’s ministerial forum toolkit for the Fall 2010 Convention is now available online. The toolkit includes minister information, portfolios and current issues for each ministry. We believe members will find this toolkit useful when formulating questions or to understand which departments have a hand in significant rural municipal issues. The Ministerial Forum Toolkit is attached to this bulletin in PDF form. It is also available on our website here. We will have several copies will be available on each table at convention. Enquiries may be directed to: Kelly FitzGibbon Kim Heyman Communications & Web Coordinator Director of Advocacy & Communications 780.955.4075 780.955.4079 Attachment ffallall 2 1100 cconventiononvention november 15-17, 2010 | edmonton EXPO at northlands Ministerial Forum Toolkit AABORIGINALBORIGINAL RRELATIONSELATIONS RRESPONSIBILITIESESPONSIBILITIES MMANDATEANDATE CCURRENTURRENT ISSUESISSUES HHON.ON. LLENEN WWEBBEREBBER ■ Aboriginal relations. ■ Review First Nations ■ GOA’s First Nations ■ Métis Settlements Consultation Policy on Consultation Policy on Appeals Tribunal. Land Management and Land Management and ■ Métis Settlements Resource Development Resource Development Ombudsman. and the Aboriginal Policy 2010 draft discussion ■ First Nations Development Framework to increase ef- paper. Fund. fectiveness of consultation ■ Duty to consult. process. ■ Duty to accommodate. ■ Consult First Nations on new approach providing mutual benefi ts and greater certainty in resource development. AADVANCEDDVANCED EED.D. & TTECHNOLOGYECHNOLOGY RRESPONSIBILITIESESPONSIBILITIES MMANDATEANDATE CCURRENTURRENT ISSUESISSUES HHON.ON. DDOUGOUG HHORNERORNER ■ Apprenticeship and ■ Enhance economic ■ Approving/funding U industry training. diversifi cation to build of A accredited planner ■ Adult learning. knowledge-driven future undergraduate program. ■ Technology. by identifying focused ■ Water/wastewater priority sectors and operator “Apprentice further opportunities to Certifi cation Program”. encourage commercial- ■ Programs, incentives for ization, and secure and rural doctors and health maintain competitive practitioners . advantage. ■ Alberta’s Health Research and Innovation Strategy for health researcher business plans (e.g. AB Innovates, AB Health Services and post- secondary programs). AAGRICULTUREGRICULTURE & RRURALURAL DDEV.EV. RRESPONSIBILITIESESPONSIBILITIES MMANDATEANDATE CCURRENTURRENT ISSUESISSUES HHON.ON. JJACKACK HHAYDENAYDEN ■ Primary, value-added ■ Assist agricultural entre- ■ Policy development food and non-food products. preneurs to identify and on the conversion and ■ Promoting enhanced realize new opportunities fragmentation of agricultural livestock health. in value-added agricultural land. ■ Increase market access products and markets. ■ Sustainable support for for agriculture and food agricultural industry industry products. ■ Connectivity initiatives ■ Soil conservation, water and rural broadband quality, range management, grant programs. climate change, biodiversity. ■ Drought support for ■ Risk management northwest region of programs; funding to province. farmers. ■ Safe food production and processing practices. ■ Food safety process control systems ■ Rural development. 2 CCHILDRENHILDREN & YOUTHYOUTH SSERVICESERVICES RRESPONSIBILITIESESPONSIBILITIES MMANDATEANDATE CCURRENTURRENT ISSUESISSUES HHON.ON. YYVONNEVONNE FFRITZRITZ ■ Supports to children, ■ Improve access to ■ GOA accepted 10 youth and families programs for high-risk recommendations after ■ Increasing child/youth youth and those affected an examination of child safety from abuse, neglect by family violence. intervention system. Will ■ Improved outcomes for ■ Comprehensive early forward leading practices children in care childhood development and ways to strengthen ■ Working to prevent family and parenting programs. system to support at- violence and bullying ■ Support vulnerable risk children, youth and ■ Ensure access to quality, Albertans through the families. affordable child care Social-based Assistance ■ FCSS ■ Encouraging, involving, Review. supporting communities ■ Support Social-based to deliver services to children, Assistance Review, youth and families. including refocusing early intervention initiatives to address root causes of crisis interventions. CCULTUREULTURE & CCOMMUNITYOMMUNITY SSPIRITPIRIT RRESPONSIBILITIESESPONSIBILITIES MMANDATEANDATE CCURRENTURRENT ISSUESISSUES HHON.ON. LLINDSAYINDSAY ■ Culture and community ■ Continue to work in ■ Volunteerism. BBLACKETTLACKETT development. partnership with Alberta ■ Municipal heritage ■ Voluntary sector. nonprofi t voluntary sector partnerships and roadside ■ Museums and heritage to respond to current and signage. sites. future needs by strength- ■ Funding levels for ■ Human Rights and Citi- ening capacity and community-based service zenship Commission. supporting collaborative organizations. ■ Human Rights Citizen- community initiatives. ship and Multiculturalism Fund. ■ Foundation for the Arts ■ Alberta Historical Resources Foundation. ■ Government House Foundation. EEDUCATIONDUCATION RRESPONSIBILITIESESPONSIBILITIES MMANDATEANDATE CCURRENTURRENT ISSUESISSUES HHON.ON. DDAVEAVE ■ Develop curriculum, set ■ Long-term vision for ■ Promote municipal ca- HHANCOCKANCOCK standards; basic educa- education that ensures reers through curriculum tion policy/regulations. students have the knowl- redevelopment. ■ Curriculum. edge, skills and abilities to ■ Inspiring Education: ■ Teacher development be successful in the 21st 20-year plan released and certifi cation. century. in June 2010. Stresses ■ Special needs student ■ Continue to implement engaged thought, ethics supports. the Safe Communities and entrepreneurship. ■ Funding and support for initiative. Outlines policy shifts and school boards. ■ Improve broad-based examines implications for ■ Aboriginal/francophone supports and early in- governance and leader- education. tervention initiatives for ship. ■ Alberta Initiative for at-risk children to improve ■ September 2010: requests School Improvement their learning outcomes. stakeholder feedback on (AISI). discussion paper for proposed new School Act legislation and its effect on local education priorities. 3 EEMPLOYMENTMPLOYMENT & IIMMIGRATIONMMIGRATION RRESPONSIBILITIESESPONSIBILITIES MMANDATEANDATE CCURRENTURRENT ISSUESISSUES HHON.ON. TTHOMASHOMAS ■ Help Albertans train for, ■ Support vulnerable ■ Create programs and LLUKASZUKUKASZUK fi nd and keep employment. Albertans through the incentives to increase ■ Provide fi nancial and Social-based Assistance rural doctor and health health benefi ts, child Review. Move towards practitioner numbers. support services and easy-access, citizen- ■ Immigration and certi- employment training centred programs and fication processes. support to those in need. services. ■ College of Physicians and ■ Contribute to workplaces ■ Support Social-based Surgeons/South African that are safe, healthy, fair Assistance Review, in- doctors. and stable. cluding low income supports. ■ Outsourcing oilsands- ■ Promote awareness ■ Promote innovation and related fabrication. and understanding of value-added economic ■ Recruitment, retention women’s issues. development creating of volunteer fi refi ghters. highly-skilled, sustainable ■ WCB cancer coverage jobs, encourage eco- for volunteer fi refi ghters. nomic diversifi cation and ■ Employment trends. strengthen economy. ■ Ensure knowledge, career and employment skills for Albertans. EENERGYNERGY RRESPONSIBILITIESESPONSIBILITIES MMANDATEANDATE CCURRENTURRENT ISSUESISSUES HHON.ON. RRONON LLIEPERTIEPERT ■ Secure Albertans’ share ■ Support large-scale ■ Carbon capture and and benefi ts from energy projects through Carbon storage. and mineral resource Capture and Storage ■ Electrical transmission development. (CCS) Fund and develop infrastructure. ■ Ensure energy and policy to ensure CCS is ■ Nuclear energy. mineral resources remain deployed and commer- ■ Regulatory enhancement competitive and attractive cialized in a safe and project (review of energy to investment. effective manner. regulatory structure). ■ Increase awareness ■ Develop and implement of energy and mineral recommendations to resource development. improve competitiveness ■ Ensures consumers within natural gas and have a choice of reliable conventional oil sectors. and competitively priced ■ Lead long-term stream- energy. lining and rationalization of ■ Bio-fuels. natural resource regulatory system and ipromote en- vironmentally responsible clean energy development. ■ Increase upgrading and refi ning capacity in Alberta, including Bitumen Royalty in kind. 4 EENVIRONMENTNVIRONMENT RRESPONSIBILITIESESPONSIBILITIES MMANDATEANDATE CCURRENTURRENT ISSUESISSUES HHON.ON. RROBOB RRENNERENNER ■ Safeguard public and ■ Implementation of ■ Water conservation, environmental health. Land-use Framework. effi ciency and productivity ■ Help Albertans become ■ Lead transition to planning. better environmental an outcomes-focused ■ Climate change. stewards. environmental cumulative ■ Water transfer and ■ Support and maintain effects management allocation system. stringent environmental system within Land-use ■ Wetlands policy rules. Framework to address ■ Onsite septage regulations ■ Address cumulative impacts of development for multi-lot developments. environmental effects. on land, air, water and ■ Water for Life strategy. biodiversity. ■ Response to climate ■ Support long-term stream- change. lining and rationalization of the natural resource