TO BE a CHRISTIAN an Anglican Catechism

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TO BE a CHRISTIAN an Anglican Catechism TO BE A CHRISTIAN An Anglican Catechism 1 CONTRIBUTORS Anglican Church in America Catechesis Task Force Mr. Kirk Botula Mrs. Taryn Bullis Rev. Brian Foos Rev. Dr. Jack Gabig Dr. Philip Harrold Mrs. Kristy Leaseburg Rev. Lee Nelson Rev. Canon Dr. JI Packer Rev. Dr. Joel Scandrett Mrs. Bronwyn Short Writers/Consultants Rev. John Boonzaaijer Rev. Dr. Susan Bubbers Rev. Dr. Charles Erlandson Rev. Randall Foster Rev. Mark Galli Dr. Sarah Lebhar Hall Rev. Dr. Toby Karlowicz Rt. Rev. Neil Lebhar Rt. Rev. Dr. Francis Lyons Very Rev. Dr. Robert Munday Very Rev. Dr. Stephen Noll Rev. Dr. Ann Paton Very Rev. Dr. Justyn Terry Dr. William Witt 2 INTRODUCTION Two thousand years ago in Israel, the man who is God incarnate, Jesus of Nazareth, led his followers into a life-giving relationship with himself and his divine Father, and was executed for being a revolutionary. Risen from the dead, he charged his followers to make disciples throughout the whole world, promising that he would be with them and equipping them for their mission with his Holy Spirit. The New Testament presents the essential witness and teaching of Jesus’ first emissaries, the Apostles, who proclaimed his truth with his authority. The faith of Christians today, as in every age, is shaped and defined by this apostolic account of Jesus Christ. Within a century of Jesus’ earthly ministry, Christian congregations could be found from Spain to Persia, and from North Africa to Britain. By this time, the catechumenate for would-be Christians (from the Greek katecheo: “to instruct” – a period of 1-3 years’ instruction leading to baptism at Easter) had become established Christian practice. This pattern of Christian disciple-making continued for some centuries before falling into disuse, as nominal Christianity increasingly became a universal aspect of Western culture. The Reformation era saw a vigorous renewal of catechesis (instruction within the catechumenate) for both adults and children among both Protestants and Catholics. But catechesis has been in serious decline since the eighteenth century, and much of the discipline of discipling has been abandoned altogether in today’s churches. This catechism (a text used for instruction of Christian disciples) is designed as a resource manual for the renewal of Anglican catechetical practice. It presents the essential building blocks of classic catechetical instruction: the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments (the Decalogue). To these is added an initial section especially intended for those with no prior knowledge of the Gospel. Each section is presented in the question-and-answer form that became standard in the sixteenth-century because of its proven effectiveness. Each section is also set out with its practical implications, together with biblical references. The next printing will also include teaching notes for catechists (instructors). 3 In one respect, this catechism breaks new ground for Anglicans. The historic Catechism in the English Book of Common Prayer is brief, and specifically designed to prepare young people for confirmation and church membership. However, this present work is intended as a more comprehensive catechetical tool for all adult (or near-adult) inquirers, and for all Christians seeking deeper grounding in the full reality of Christian faith and life. As such, this catechism attempts to be a missional means by which God may bring about both conversion to Christ and formation in Christ (or regeneration and sanctification, to use older words). This vision of comprehensive usefulness has been before the minds of the writing team from the beginning. Our guidelines in drafting have been: 1. Everything taught should be compatible with, and acceptable to, all recognized schools of Anglican thought, so that all may be able confidently to use all the material. 2. Everything taught should be expressed as briefly as possible, in terms that are clear and correspond to today’s use of language. There should be as little repetition as possible, though some overlap is inevitable. 3. All the answers and questions should be as easy to explain and to remember as possible. We offer this catechism to the Church with the prayer that it may serve to build up the Body of Christ by helping many to full Christian faith and faithfulness in today’s increasingly post-Christian world. On behalf of the ACNA Catechesis Task Force, JI Packer 4 LETTER OF COMMENDATION FROM THE COLLEGE OF BISHOPS OF THE ANGLICAN CHURCH IN NORTH AMERICA Why an Anglican catechism? Anglicans are heirs of a rich tradition of Christian faith and life. That tradition stretches from today’s worldwide Anglican Communion of millions of believers on six continents back centuries to laymen like William Wilberforce, who led the abolition of the slave trade in England, to the bishops and martyrs of the English Reformation like Thomas Cranmer, and to missionaries like Augustine of Canterbury and St. Patrick, who spread the Gospel throughout the British Isles. Throughout these centuries, Anglicans have articulated their faith in reference to classic sources of doctrine and worship. These include: • The Bible – All true doctrine, Anglicans believe, is derived from the Bible. St. Paul instructs the Church, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). Further, Article 6 of the Articles of Religion states: “whatever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man that it should be believed as an article of the Faith.” • The Early Church – Anglicans have always held in high regard “such teachings of the ancient Fathers and Councils of the Church as are agreeable to the Scriptures,” and which are summarized in the Apostles’ Creed, Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, and Athanasian Creed. • The Articles of Religion (1563) – The Articles, also known as the “Thirty-Nine Articles,” summarize the biblical faith recovered at the Reformation and have become the doctrinal norm for Anglicans around the world. • The King James Bible (1611) – The translation of the Bible into English, begun in the 16th century by William Tyndale, achieved its classic form in the 1611 translation and remains the 5 basis for many modern versions, such as the Revised Standard Version and the English Standard Version. In keeping with the principles of the English Reformation that promote speaking in language that the people understand (Articles of Religion, 24), the Bible has been translated into many languages. Anglican Christianity has now spread to encompass people of many races and languages all over the world. • The Book of Common Prayer (1549-1662) – The Anglican Prayer Book is known worldwide as one of the finest expressions of Christian prayer and worship. The 1662 Prayer Book is predominantly comprised of scriptures formulated into prayer. It has been the standard for Anglican doctrine, discipline and worship, and for subsequent revisions in many languages. • Music and Hymnody – Hymns, from writers like Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, John Mason Neale and Graham Kendrick, have formed the spirituality of English speaking Anglicans around the world. Today, composers in many languages continue in this powerful tradition of catechesis through music. • The Lambeth Quadrilateral – Resolution 11 of the Lambeth Conference (1888) affirmed four marks of Church identity required for genuine unity and fellowship. These are: the Holy Scriptures containing “all things necessary for salvation,” the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds as “the sufficient statement of the Christian faith,” two sacraments ordained by Christ – Baptism and the Eucharist – and “the historic Episcopate, locally adapted.” These serve as a basis of Anglican identity as well as instruments for ecumenical dialogue with other church traditions. • The Jerusalem Declaration (2008) – This statement from the Global Anglican Future Conference in 2008 has become the theological basis for the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, of which the Anglican Church in North America is a part. In keeping with this rich and historic tradition of doctrine and worship, we receive this catechism and commend its use for the building up of the Church today. 6 We envision this catechism being used for courses, shorter or longer, based on groups of questions and answers. The degree to which it is used directly for instruction, and the amount of memorization asked of individual catechumens, is left to the catechist to determine by context and circumstance. What is more, the resources of modern technology open up multiple possibilities for its use in creative new ways. A catechism is ideally to be used in the context of a relationship between the catechist (the discipleship instructor) and the catechumen (the one being instructed) to foster the process of catechesis (disciple-making). The catechumen is invited by the catechist to a new identity in Christ and into a new community, to the praise of God's glory, the practice of stewardship, and to sharing in the ministry of making disciples of all nations. May this book serve to build up the Body of Christ, by grounding Anglican believers in the Gospel. The Most Reverend Robert Duncan, DD Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America On behalf of the College of Bishops, January 2014 7 O God, who wonderfully created, and yet more wonderfully restored, the dignity of human nature: Grant that we may share the divine life of him who humbled himself to share our humanity, your Son Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen 8 PART I: BEGINNING WITH CHRIST Introduction This Catechism is designed to make clear to everyone what it means to be a Christian. It lays out what is essential for Christian faith and life. It will open for you the door to knowing Jesus Christ and experiencing the full love of God through him.
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