
Minutes of the meeting of Parish Council held at Cherhill Village Hall on Tuesday 31 July 2018 at 7.30 pm


Martin Purslow - CPC Chairman Paula Purslow - CPC Parish Clerk Anna Shantry – CPC Councillor 18 members of the public David Evans - CPC Councillor David Grafton - CPC Councillor John Cavanagh - CPC Councillor

3460 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr S Tomlinson and Cllr Alan Hill.

3461 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3462 Public Participation

The issue of Redbarn footpath is Minuted under item 3467, although discussed at this time.

Mr Chris Caswill expressed his concerns that the post box beside Bell House had been painted black. Cllr J Cavanagh replied that the box had to be painted black because it was no longer operational.

Mr Chris Caswill had written to the Parish Council complaining about the slurry smell in Cherhill during the hot spell of weather. Cllr D Grafton replied that strict guidelines on slurry spreading and the exceptionally dry weather had meant that the local farmer was not able to inject the land as it was too hard. Following recent rains the ground had now softened a little and the farmer would now be injecting again, so hopefully the issue would be a one-off incident.

3463 Minutes of meeting held on 5 June 2018

Cllr J Cavanagh approved the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr D Evans. Cllr M Purslow signed off both sets of Minutes.

3464 Review of Actions

Actions were reviewed from the meetings on 5 June 2018. The following action was still outstanding:

Tommy Croker Playing Field – Cllr D Grafton agreed to set up meeting with J Ashcroft. Action: Cllr D Grafton

3465 Accounts

Clerk’s expenses of £94.86 for broadband, stationery, printer inks and mileage for Networking Day - proposed to be approved by Cllr D Evans, seconded by Cllr D Grafton. APPROVED

Councillors approved the reconciliation of accounts spreadsheet to end June 2018. Action: Cllr J Cavanagh to publish on website

3466 Planning

Application No Address Conclusion 18/06807/HRN Land to Est of Park Lane, Cherhill, SN11 No objections 8XN 18/06245/FUL White Acres, Maiden Lane, Cherhill, Object - See below SN11 8UZ

18/06245/FUL – Concerns were expressed by members of the public regarding the access to the site, which could result in cars having to reverse onto the busy A4. The road had been labelled as a “quiet lane” which was disputed by many. The Parish Council suggested that Highways department conduct an urgent site survey in respect to the new access road. A number of trees would probably have to be felled in order to improve the access and it was pointed out that the site lies within the conservation area. Members of the public had already sent in their objections directly to Wiltshire Council. Action: Clerk to respond to Wiltshire Council

The Clerk reported that following consultation with Wiltshire Council, the site at Ozzie’s Kebabs was now clear of street furniture and the mobile toilet had been moved to a more discrete location. The Council thanked the Clerk for her work on this matter.

3467 Redbarn Footpath - CHER27

As a result of serious damage to the footpath running from Redbarn East to the Downs, a request to reverse the permissive use of the footpath had been agreed at the June meeting. However, following a number of complaints from horse riders it had been agreed to re-open the discussion.

Cllr D Grafton gave a detailed summary of the history of the issues with the footpath and offered some suggestions to enable multiple use of the path as follows:

• Monitor weather conditions and minimise use by horses in extremes of weather

• Cut back and open the width and overhang along the existing path using a forestry mulcher - this will allow users to choose a point to pass safely and reduce compaction and damage that is at present severely restricted to the centre line. Further cutting and chainsaw work may be required to achieve the full width

• Modify the gate to maintain closure to livestock on the Downs in conjunction with the National Trust, without using a padlock

It was suggested that informal notifications of any issues arising between walkers and horse riders could be made via the local riders’ Facebook site and/or to a representative, in order to resolve issues before they escalate.

Representation from the many riders at the meeting identified that any other access to the downs involved a ride along the A4 which due to traffic speed and size would be extremely dangerous (statistics were provided by a bridleways representative). The relevant members of the public attending were in agreement with the proposals put forward.

The Parish Council agreed to undertake the proposals suggested, within the budget available (Approx £750 for the current financial year). Action: Cllr D Grafton to obtain three quotes for the work.

3468 Lansdowne Monument

Mrs Anne Henshaw asked the Parish Council to support the CHAMPS campaign to restore the Lansdowne Monument. Members of the public were in agreement, and the Parish Council agreed to support the campaign. It was noted the campaign had already been published on the website and Facebook page, and members of the public were encouraged to support it.

A resolution in support was carried and approved by the Parish Council.

3469 Cherhill Village Hall Project

Cllr J Cavanagh reported that Wiltshire Council have now completed their formal consultation on the new village hall proposal and comments made can be viewed on Council’s Consultation Portal.


3470 Parking concerns - Cherhill

Cllr J Cavanagh had been asked to raise concerns about parking on the grass verge of the A4 at the junction with Olivers Hill. Apart from the damage to the verge, the practice constitutes a hazard, restricting sightline for drivers emerging from Olivers Hill onto the A4. Cllr D Grafton replied that the problem was more of a concern during school term time. It was agreed to monitor the situation and to put ‘parking issues’ on the agenda for the August meeting. Action: Clerk for the Agenda

3471 Business and the cherhill.org website

The Parish Council had been approached by a number of businesses asking if they could be promoted locally on the village website. It was agreed to set up a page listing local interests within the area, including, schools, pubs etc, providing links to individual websites. Action: Cllr J Cavanagh

3472 Setting up a Cherhill Good Neighbours list

Cllr Evans asked the Parish Council if they would consider setting up a Good Neighbours List for the village, following on from the Health and Social Care meeting. Cllr A Shantry agreed to participate. The Council agreed such a list should be set up but pointed out that Data Protection issues needed to be adhered to. Action: Cllr D Evans/Cllr A Shantry

3473 Community Land Trusts

The Parish Clerk had been approached by Vicky Bodman, Wiltshire Council’s Community Housing Project Manager, asking if Cherhill Parish Council would be interested in forming a Community Land Trust or would like more information about Community Housing. It was agreed to invite Ms Bodman to a future Parish Council meeting to discuss. Action: Clerk to reply to Ms Bodman

3474 Compliance

Cllr J Cavanagh agreed to produce a draft Press and Media Protocol document for the Standing Orders. It was agreed that the Parish Council Chairman would be appointed as Press and Media Officer. Action: Cllr J Cavanagh

3475 Councillor Responsibilities

Calne Area Parish Forum – the next meeting is on 13 August. Cllr D Grafton and Cllr M Purslow will attend. Cllr D Grafton reported that a location is still being sought for the WWI trees. Action: Cllr D Grafton agreed to contact Will Woodland. Cllr M Purslow suggested the lighting of churches and a beacon during the WWI celebrations.

Great West Way - It was agreed to remove this item from the responsibilities list as it was no longer relevant to the Parish Council. Cllr J Cavanagh agreed to replace this responsibility with that of ‘Librarian for the website’.

Cllr D Evans reported that on the evening of 12 September there will be a Heritage talk on “Coaching from 1750 to 1850” at Cherhill Village Hall.

Newsletter Production – Cllr A Shantry agreed to be deputy to Cllr D Evans.

Parish Steward Link – It was reported that some of the actions on the Parish Steward list had not yet been completed. Cllr M Purslow agreed to chase. Action: Cllr M Purslow

Defibrillators – Cllr D Evans expressed concern that cars had been parking too close to the defibrillator outside Cherhill school, resulting in difficulty accessing the defibrillator should an emergency occur. Cllr D Evans agreed to speak to the school headmaster. Action: Cllr D Evans

Cllr D Evans expressed his disappointment that only seven Cherhill residents had turned up to the defibrillator session, and no-one from the school had attended.


Cllr M Purslow reported that refurbishment of the old telephone box housing the defibrillator had almost been completed, but that hot weather had held up the painting.

3476 Date of next meeting

Thursday 30 August, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 27 September, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury Thursday 25 October, 7.30 pm, Cherhill

The meeting closed at 9.10 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Cherhill Village Hall on Thursday 30 August 2018 at 7.30 pm


Martin Purslow - CPC Chairman Simon Tomlinson – CPC Councillor Anna Shantry – CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk David Evans - CPC Councillor Alan Hill – Wiltshire Councillor David Grafton - CPC Councillor Vicky Bodman - Community Housing Project Manager – Wiltshire Council John Cavanagh - CPC Councillor 1 member of the public

3477 Apologies

There were no apologies.

3478 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3479 Public Participation

Ms Clare Hinder voiced her concerns over the recent noise levels experienced from The Black Horse Pub. The Parish Council had received two further complaints and was aware there was also conversation from residents on the Cherhill Facebook page.

Approaches had been made to the Landlords of the pub by Ms Hinder and some Council members. The Landlords indicated they were happy to engage with residents over the issue and claimed that noise levels were being monitored and were below permitted levels. The complaint in question arose from a private function, during the hot weather and the Landlords had said would not be a regular occurrence.

Councillor A Hill pointed out that noise issues were the responsibility of Wiltshire Council and reports of noise should be addressed to them in the first instance.

The Council agreed it would be best if villagers and the Landlords try to resolve any future issues in an amicable manner as having a pub in the village was an asset to the community and it would be a shame to lose it. It was suggested that noise levels could be reduced as a matter of courtesy after about 11 pm.

The Parish Council agreed to monitor the situation going forward and to engage with the public and the Landlords.

3480 Minutes of meeting held on 31 July 2018

Cllr D Evans approved the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr A Shantry. Cllr M Purslow signed off the Minutes.

3481 Review of Actions

Actions were reviewed from the meeting on 31 July 2018. The following actions were still outstanding:

Tommy Croker Playing Field – Cllr S Tomlinson agreed to set up meeting with J Ashcroft. Action: Cllr S Tomlinson

Setting up of Good Neighbours List – Cllrs D Evans and A Shantry have set up a meeting in September in which approx 7 volunteers had agreed to attend.

Parish Steward Link – Cllr M Purslow agreed to circulate the updated action sheet. Action: Cllr M Purslow Redbarn Footpath - To obtain 3 quotes for carrying out widening work and work to the gate – one quote had been received with 2 more to follow very soon.

Defibrillators - to talk to Head teacher regarding parking in front of defibrillator after the school holidays. Action: Cllr D Evans

3482 Accounts

There were no new invoices to approve this month.

3483 Planning

There were no new planning applications to review this month.

3484 Parking Concerns – Cherhill

Concerns had been raised over the ongoing parking issues in Cherhill, particularly with regard to Oliver’s Hill during school term time, which was getting worse. There had been incidents when residents and pub goers had been blocked in and emergency vehicles were unable to gain access.

Cllr J Cavanagh agreed to monitor the situation and take photographs as necessary, and the issue would be raised again at the September meeting. Action: Cllr J Cavanagh

Cllr A Hill asked if the vacant Divine Café site was producing any parking issues, but it was agreed this was not a problem currently.

3485 Community Land Trusts

Ms Vicky Bodman, Community Housing Project Manager from Wiltshire Council attended to give a presentation on Community Led Housing and Community Land Trusts – a non-profit, community- based organisation that develops housing or other assets at affordable levels for long-term community benefit.

3486 World War I Copse

An e-mail of proposals from Mark Edwards, Town Council had previously been circulated for approval by 1 September of the following:

• purchase a parish tree for the copse (½ standard Yew at a cost of £50 to be planted in November 2018) • commit to the 100 year lease of the copse, fund for the duration of the lease and nominate a representative to the management group • agree to contribute £100 per annum from April 2019 for five years (reviewed after year 4)

However, Cllr D Grafton reported that the site was now deemed unsuitable and further sites were being sought.

Cllr S Tomlinson and Cllr A Shantry opposed the commitment to the WWI copse, preferring to invest available funds in a local memorial to commemorate the folk of Cherhill and Yatesbury who gave their lives.

It was agreed the Parish Council would prefer a more local site to Cherhill but that in principle the Council would APPROVE the above proposals.

Cllr D Grafton reported on ongoing discussions regarding potential sites for the trees at Yatesbury/ Cherhill.


Action: Cllr M Purslow agreed to send a photograph of the War graves at Cherhill to Cllr D Grafton.


3487 Compliance

The Standing Orders (2018 version) and Press Media Policy were both adopted. Action: Parish Clerk to put in house style. Cllr J Cavanagh to publish on the website.

3488 The Purpose of the Parish Council

Cllr S Tomlinson raised the issue of the purpose of the Parish Council in the modern world and how we could better reach the local community. There had been a few recent examples where there was a lack of clarity within the Council, and it was felt the general public did not fully know its role.

There was a discussion on how to take this forward and a sub-group was suggested. It was agreed that Cllr S Tomlinson would draft some notes for further discussion at the September meeting. Action: Cllr S Tomlinson

Cllr D Evans agreed to look back at the questionnaires from the public which were received following the previous work on the Parish Plan and forward to Cllr S Tomlinson. Action: Cllr D Evans

3489 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board – the next meeting is on 15 September.

Countryside Access – Cllr D Grafton reported that work on the Redbarn footpath was scheduled to take place in approximately 10 days.

CATG – Cllr S Tomlinson reported that the Yatesbury signage scheme has been delayed due to lack of resource and the issue should be raised at the December meeting. He also reported that Wiltshire Council Highways are seeking approval for 30% (£137.44) of the cost of funding the agreed ‘Slow’ signs. APPROVED. Action: Parish Clerk to reply by e-mail to Jane Vaughan. The agreed planter at Marsh Lane was again raised and Cllr D Grafton agreed to look into the different types available to purchase. Action: Cllr D Grafton

Newsletter - Cllr D Evans asked for items for the next Newsletter by 15 September.

Health and Social Care Forum – the next meeting is on 23 October.

Defibrillator – Two new pads are required for the Cherhill defibrillator. Cllr D Evans agreed to purchase these on behalf of the Parish Council. Action: Cllr D Evans

3490 Date of next meeting

Thursday 25 October, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 13 December, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury (to included Precept meeting) Thursday 31 January, 7.30 pm, Cherhill

The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Yatesbury Village Hall on Thursday 27 September 2018 at 7.30 pm


Martin Purslow - CPC Chairman Simon Tomlinson – CPC Councillor Anna Shantry – CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk David Evans - CPC Councillor Andrew Ind, Head Teacher, Cherhill School David Grafton - CPC Councillor 2 members of the public John Cavanagh - CPC Councillor

3491 Apologies

Apologies were received from Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill.

3492 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3493 Public Participation

Mrs Anne Henshaw asked the Parish Council to chase up the planings for the large hole which has developed behind the cottages at Jugglers Lane. Cllr Grafton agreed to follow up with Steve Leonard. Action: Cllr Grafton

Mrs Henshaw reported she had recently approached several trail bikers and a car who had been using the bridleway from . When challenged they stated there were no signs indicating the bridleway, and they drove off across fields. She had approached Compton Bassett Parish Council who had proposed a staggered gate at Compton Bassett, and she asked Cherhill Parish Council if they would consider putting a similar gate at the Nolands end. The Council agreed to discuss the proposal at the next meeting. Action: Clerk for Agenda

Mr Paul Ricketts reported he had started work on the clearing of the Yatesbury pond and digging up the excess flag irises. He also expressed concern that there were some holes around Yatesbury lane which needed filling before they became puddles.

3494 Minutes of meeting held on 31 July 2018

Cllr Evans proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Cavanagh. Cllr Purslow signed off the Minutes.

3495 Review of Actions

Actions were reviewed from the meeting on 30 August 2018. The following actions were still outstanding:

Defibrillator – Cllr Evans had spoken with the Head Teacher and it had been agreed to provide a notice next to the defibrillator asking people not to park too close as access is required at all times.

Tommy Croker Playing Field – Cllr Tomlinson agreed to set up meeting with J Ashcroft. Action: Cllr Tomlinson

Parish Steward Link – Cllr Purslow reported that the Parish Steward had recently been to Yatesbury and carried out the works requested. Cllr Tomlinson asked for clarification on whether litter picking was in the Parish Steward’s remit. Cllr Purslow agreed to follow this up with Alan Hill. Action: Cllr Purslow

Redbarn Footpath – work had now been carried out and many members of the public had expressed their thanks for the work done. The Parish Council thanked Cllr Grafton and Andrew Pearce for their hard work.

War Graves photograph – Cllr Purslow to provide a photograph to Cllr Grafton. Action: Cllr Purslow

3496 Accounts

Paul Stilwell’s invoice of £200 for the renovation of the Yatesbury defibrillator box - proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Grafton. APPROVED

HMRC invoice for Clerk Q2 tax from 6 July to 5 Sept 18 – proposed to be approved by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr D Grafton. APPROVED

An urgent invoice had been received too late for the Agenda from Andrew Pearce for £840 for the clearing of the Redbarn footpath which was proposed to be approved for payment by Cllr Purslow and seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

3497 Planning

Application No Address Conclusion 18/08441/FUL Honeycroft House, Maiden Lane, Cherhill, No objections SN11 8UZ

3498 Welcome to Andrew Ind, Head Teacher, Cherhill School

The Parish Council welcomed Mr Andrew Ind, who became the new Head Teacher of Cherhill School in January 2018. Mr Ind outlined his hopes and aims for the school, which had gained a good OFSTED inspection. He hoped to work within the local community, extending the curriculum to take the children out into the local area.

There were discussions with Mr Ind on the local parking concerns near the school, particularly during drop off and pick up times. Mr Ind agreed to work closely with parents and the Parish Council going forward to try to resolve any issues, particularly with regards health and safety.

3499 Parking concerns, Cherhill

Although addressed with Mr Ind earlier in the meeting, it was agreed that parking issues within Cherhill should be discussed in more detail at a further meeting and an information gathering exercise should be undertaken in order to follow up with Wiltshire Council and CATG. Cllr Cavanagh agreed to gather evidence of parking concerns and the matter should be put on the agenda for the October meeting, asking Cllr Hill to participate to offer assistance. Action: Cllr Cavanagh and Parish Clerk for the Agenda.

3500 The Purpose of the Parish Council

There was a discussion following Cllr Tomlinson’s paper which had raised the issue of the purpose of the Parish Council and how it can better reach the local community. Concerns were raised over the use of the current Precept, how it could be put to better use within the community, and whether it needed to be increased. Cllr Grafton mentioned a few urgent costly expenses which would have to be addressed within the next few years.

3501 WWI Planning

Cllr Grafton reported that various parish councils had declined to commit the maintenance costs, so the Calne WWI tree planting project is subject to further discussions on site, sponsorship and agreements to be confirmed before progressing any further.


It was suggested a bench or a memorial stone could be erected in Cherhill and Yatesbury and the potential site of the new village hall in Cherhill was mentioned. Cllr Shantry advised that there would be a maintenance cost involved which needed to be given consideration.

Cllr Shantry reported that the WI were working on a memorial document for the village which could be tied into any work done by the Parish Council.

3502 Parish Clerk laptop

Cllr Purslow reported that two experts had looked at the Parish Clerk’s new laptop and agreed it was not fit for purpose. Cllr Cavanagh agreed to strip the laptop and, if a rebuild was not successful, to get a refund and purchase a better model. Action: Cllr Cavanagh

3503 Councillor Responsibilities

Budgeting and Finance – Cllr Tomlinson asked the Parish Clerk to provide an up to date budget printout for every Parish Council meeting. Action: Parish Clerk

Health and Social Care – the next meeting of the Cherhill Good Neighbours will be held at 2.30 pm on 17 October.

Newsletter – Cllr Evans had drawn up a spreadsheet to aid with e-mail vs paper deliveries in Cherhill.

Defibrillator – Two new pads had been received for the Cherhill defibrillator. The bulb had blown in the Yatesbury box and Cllr Purslow agreed to try to replace it provided the bulbs were still available.

3490 Date of next meeting

Thursday 25 October, 7.30 pm, Cherhill

Thursday 13 December, 7.00 pm, Yatesbury – note the meeting will be closed to the public from 7pm to 7.30pm to discuss the precept. Public can attend from 7.30 pm.

Thursday 31 January, 7.30 pm, Cherhill

The meeting closed at 9.50 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Cherhill Village Hall on Thursday 25 October 2018 at 7.30 pm


Martin Purslow - CPC Chairman Simon Tomlinson – CPC Councillor Anna Shantry – CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk David Evans - CPC Councillor 5 members of the public David Grafton - CPC Councillor John Cavanagh - CPC Councillor

3505 Apologies

Apologies were received from Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill.

3506 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3507 Public Participation

Mr Colin Webb expressed concerns over the access issues at the Redbarn footpath. He thanked the Parish Council for improving the access to the path but was concerned that with the imminent bad weather approaching horses could potentially damage the ground again. He had spoken to dog walkers in the area who agreed there could be a health and safety issue. He had also spoken to the Rights of Way Warden at Wiltshire Council with regard to the official designation of the path. Cllr Cavanagh pointed out that the horse riding community were exchanging information about protecting the surface and he offered to provide examples. He also pointed out that there was an informal agreement with horse riders not to use the path during the Winter months, and that this would be monitored throughout the season.

Mr Webb also expressed his concern over the state of the roof of the Redbarn which had become dangerous as a result of previous bad weather. Cllr Grafton agreed to talk to the owner. Action: Cllr Grafton

Mr Webb mentioned that bus drivers had been seen speeding through the village. Cllr Grafton asked Mr Webb to get the bus details and he would then report it.

Mrs Anne Henshaw reported that the signboard by the letter box at Nolands Road had blown over during the recent storms and was now warped and damaged. She asked if the Parish Council would consider buying a new metal board. She also asked if the new board could be re-located as the current location was being over-run with snails. Cllr Tomlinson agreed to get prices for a new notice board once provided with dimensions from Mrs Henshaw/Mr Sabin. Agreement will be needed from the Parish Council before purchase. Action: Cllr Tomlinson

Mr David Sabin expressed concerns about recent increased trail bike and quad bike riders on the bridleways causing extensive damage. The subject was later discussed under item 3513.

3508 Minutes of meeting held on 27 September 2018

Cllr Cavanagh proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. Cllr Purslow signed off the Minutes.

3509 Review of Actions

Actions were reviewed from the meeting on 27 September 2018. The following actions were still outstanding:

Tommy Croker Playing Field – Mr J Ashcroft attended the meeting as a member of the public and Cllr Tomlinson agreed to talk to him after the meeting.

Parish Steward Link – Cllr Purslow agreed to follow up with Alan Hill whether litter picking is in the remit of the Parish Steward. Action: Cllr Purslow

Pot Holes, Jugglers Lane – Cllr Grafton had not yet had any success in obtaining planings for the holes and agreed to follow up again with Steve Leonard. Action: Cllr Grafton

No parking sign by Defibrillator, Cherhill - Cllr Evans showed the new sign which had been produced for the wall by the defibrillator at the school. He had paid the invoice of £33.35 and asked for the Parish Council to reimburse his expenses.

3510 Accounts

Clerk’s expenses from 1 Aug to 31 Oct 18 for Broadband, mobile phone, stationery and a defibrillator box light - £58.95 - proposed to be approved by Cllr Grafton, seconded by Cllr Evans. APPROVED

3511 Planning

There were no current planning applications to review

3512 Parking and traffic issues, Cherhill

Cllr Cavanagh had been monitoring the traffic situation in Cherhill and showed some aerial drone photographs indicating the increased level of traffic from 2.15 pm to school pick up times, compared with traffic levels in the morning. There was clear evidence of an impact on both Oliver’s Hill and Middle Lane areas. Information gathering is still underway.

Cllr Cavanagh raised the issue, previously discussed at the April Parish Council Meeting (Item 3423), regarding the use of the Middle Lane/The Street link by inappropriately large vehicles. Mr John Hinder had supplied photographs which were shown at the meeting. It was suggested an ‘unsuitable for HGV’s’ sign could be erected, but concerns were expressed over how this may impact on the legitimate use of vehicles, for example, bin lorries. The matter was considered a Highways issue, but Cllr Cavanagh agreed to raise an issue on the Area Board Issues log and put a note on Facebook and the website asking residents to consider using smaller lorries where possible. Action: Cllr Cavanagh.

3513 Use of the Bridleway at Nolands

Mrs Henshaw had been in discussions with Mr Peter Barnett at Compton Bassett Parish Council and they had agreed to put up two small signs to deter trail bikers at their end of the track of the bridleway to Nolands. Mrs Henshaw showed a photograph of a potential larger sign, costing approximately £80 a while ago, which she asked if the Parish Council would be prepared to fund. Cllr Tomlinson expressed his concern about putting too many signs in the countryside, but accepted a sign was necessary in this case. If in the future the sign was not working, it was agreed to look into the possibility of staggered gates at both ends of the path. Action: Cllr Purslow agreed to look into the costings for a sign.

3514 Cherhill Good Neighbour Scheme

Cllr Shantry reported on the meeting of 17 October. She had been advised by Wiltshire Council that DBS checks would be required at a cost of £15.50 per person in order for members of the Scheme to enter other people’s homes where help was required. There was much discussion amongst councillors on the implication of formalising the Good Neighbours Scheme and it was felt that the Parish Council could not become involved because of potential data handling and financial implications. The Parish Council thanked Cllrs Shantry and Evans for their hard work to date.

3515 North Wessex Downs AONB Management Plan Review - Sept 18


Cllr Tomlinson had read the Management Plan Review in detail and believed the document to be very unwieldy and not understandable to the general public. He asked if a reply could be sent by the Parish Council asking for a more readable, relevant document in order to be able to engage with the community. Cllr Shantry stated that the Parish Council was on the border of the area and that there had been no mention of the Cherhill Downs or the Monument. It was agreed that the Clerk would reply acknowledging the report but that the Parish Council would like a more focussed document with a clear action plan for the area. It was suggested a representative could be invited to a Parish Council meeting next year. Action: Parish Clerk to reply

3516 Parish Clerk laptop

Cllr Cavanagh had received a refund of £250 for the Parish Clerk laptop and it was agreed to purchase a new laptop. The Parish Clerk and Cllr Purslow agreed to source an appropriate laptop and advise the Parish Council prior to purchase. Action: Parish Clerk & Cllr Purslow

3517 WALC Member Services

An e-mail had been received from WALC on a proposal to extend its member services with added employment services, asking for members’ views. This service would mean an increase of 4% per annum on its subscription fees. The Council agreed to the proposal. Action: Parish Clerk to reply

It was pointed out that Cllr Shantry had not yet received any information on Councillor training from WALC following a request. The Clerk had received some dates for Clerk training which she had unfortunately not been able to attend. The Clerk agreed to follow up any further training dates with WALC. Action: Parish Clerk

3518 Councillor Responsibilities

Budgeting and Finance – Cllr Tomlinson asked for the Clerk to circulate the budget information via e-mail before each monthly meeting. Action: Parish Clerk

Calne Area Parish Forum - Cllr Grafton had attended the meeting and reported that a better site had been located for the Calne WWI tree planting project, which was just awaiting legal formalities. The Parish Council would not need to contribute to any funding.

It was suggested a silhouette of a soldier could be erected in Cherhill and Yatesbury churchyards, but that the deadline was too short for November 2018. However, it was agreed a silhouette would be a good idea and could be purchased for the ‘Peace Year 2019’. Cllr Tomlinson agreed to look into the costs involved. Action: Cllr Tomlinson

The WI memorial document for Cherhill was being presented to the church on 11 November. Cllr Grafton suggested booklet copies of the document could be printed at a later date and distributed to any parishioners who would like one, sponsored by the Parish Council. Cllr Shantry agreed to talk to the WI. Action: Cllr Shantry

The Parish Council agreed to having a beacon on Sunday 11 November at dusk. Cllr Grafton would talk to Mr Keith Steggall of the National Trust to seek his permission and Cllr Cavanagh agreed to publicise on the website and Facebook etc. Action: Cllrs Grafton and Cavanagh

Countryside Access - Cllr Purslow agreed to chase up the ‘missing’ CCTV camera from Mr Mike Wilkins. Action: Cllr Purslow

White Horse Restoration Group - The next horse whitening is scheduled for May 2019.


3519 Date of next meeting

Thursday 13 December, 7.00 pm, Yatesbury – note the meeting will be closed to the public from 7pm to 7.30pm to discuss the precept. Public can attend from 7.30 pm.

Thursday 31 January, 7.30 pm, Cherhill

The meeting closed at 9.25 pm.


DRAFT Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Yatesbury Village Hall on Thursday 13 December 2018 at 7.30 pm


Martin Purslow - CPC Chairman Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Simon Tomlinson – CPC Councillor Alan Hill - Wiltshire Councillor David Evans - CPC Councillor JR Auvray - New CPC Councillor David Grafton - CPC Councillor 3 members of the public John Cavanagh - CPC Councillor

3521 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Anna Shantry

3522 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3523 Public Participation

Mrs Anne Henshaw asked the Parish Council if they would look into what permissions Ozzy Kebab have on the A4 layby. She was concerned at the amount of advertising that was appearing on the road and was worried about what will happen to the portable toilet during the Festive Season. The Parish Council asked the Clerk to check with Wiltshire Council. Action: Parish Clerk.

Mrs Henshaw had attended the Countryside Access Forum meeting and was concerned that Wiltshire Council had decided Rights of Way are to become a reactive policy going forward due to reduced staffing levels.

3524 New Councillor

Mr JR Auvray was formally co-opted on to the Parish Council - proposed by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. Mr Auvray was warmly welcomed and invited to join the meeting.

3525 Minutes of meeting held on 25 October 2018

Cllr Tomlinson proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Purslow. Cllr Purslow signed off the Minutes.

3526 Review of Actions

Actions were reviewed from the meeting on 25 October 2018. The following actions were still outstanding:

Pot Holes, Jugglers Lane – Cllr Grafton had chased up the planings which were shortly to arrive. He agreed to ask Steve Leonard if there will be any transporting costs involved. Action: Cllr Grafton

Roof - Redbarn - Cllr Grafton reported that the roof is due to be mended before Christmas. He had replied to the e-mail enquirer.

Noticeboard at Nolands - Cllr Tomlinson had looked into the costs of obtaining a new noticeboard which were approximately £500. Cllr Purslow agreed to check whether there would be a Highways cost of installation and he would also contact Jane Vaughan at Wiltshire Council to explore the possibility of an emergency grant. It was agreed to discuss whether the Parish Council can afford to replace the board at the January Parish Council meeting. Action: Cllr Purslow, and Parish Clerk for the Agenda. Bridleway at Nolands - Cllr Purslow reported that a Bridleway sign at Nolands would cost approximately £140. Mrs Henshaw stated she would be happy to contribute to any installation costs.

WWI Activities - There was a discussion on whether the purchase of two memorial seats at a cost of £1.5k was affordable to commemorate the 2019 Year of Peace. It was agreed to discuss at the January Parish Council meeting. It was suggested asking the community to help raise funds for the cost of the benches. Action: Parish Clerk for the Agenda

No parking sign by Defibrillator, Cherhill - Cllr Evans reported that the new sign appeared to be working and there had not been anyone blocking the defibrillator access since it had been installed.

Planter for Marsh Lane - Cllr Tomlinson had located a robust planter at a cost of £400. The matter will be discussed along with other Parish Council finances at the January meeting. Action: Parish Clerk for the Agenda

3527 Accounts

HMRC - Clerk Q3 tax from 6 Oct to 5 Dec 2018 at £151.80 - proposed to be approved by Cllr Grafton, seconded by Cllr Evans. APPROVED

Clerk’s expenses from 1 Nov to 13 Dec 18 for a new Clerk laptop - £358.99 - proposed to be approved by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Cavanagh. APPROVED

Cllr Tomlinson signed off the approved Q2 reconciliation of accounts spreadsheet.

3528 Planning

There were no current planning applications to review

3529 Tommy Croker Playing Field

Mr John Ashcroft had met informally with Cllrs Tomlinson and Grafton to discuss the current financial situation regarding the Tommy Croker playing field, where it was re-established that the Parish Council carry the maintenance costs and the Charity pay for any new equipment.

There had been some ongoing problems setting up new members on the bank account which had caused financial issues, and Mr Ashcroft had personally covered the costs incurred and was now substantially out of pocket. The following costs were proposed to be approved for payment by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Grafton:

2016 Invoice 8 £65.46 for petrol and mower maintenance costs to J Ashcroft 2017 Invoice 9 £128.71 for petrol and mower maintenance costs to J Ashcroft 2018 Invoice 10 £331.35 for petrol and mower maintenance costs to J Ashcroft 2018 Invoice 1183 £92.78 for repairs and bearings to The Children’s Playground Co Ltd


3530 Flood/Emergency Plan

An e-mail had been received from Renate Malton, The Flood Resilience Officer at Wiltshire Council regarding the data protection impact on Parish Council emergency plans, and asking the Parish Council to consider making a more detailed Emergency Plan with reference to flooding in the parish.

Cllrs Grafton and Purslow agreed to look further into the matter and seek approval from relevant parties to use their details. Action: Cllrs Grafton and Purslow

3531 Resilience Planning

An e-mail had been received from the Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks as the Parish had been identified as suffering a high number of faults on the electricity network over the past year. The


SSEN wanted to ensure the Parish had a resilience plan in place so they could help in the event of an outage. It was agreed to pass The Parish Council’s contact information on as requested (with primary contacts being Cllr Purslow for Yatesbury and Cllr Cavanagh for Cherhill), but that there was no resilience plan in place. Action: Clerk to respond

Cllr Cavanagh suggested forwarding the e-mail to Heather Crawshaw of the Cherhill Good Neighbour Scheme as she may be interested in the information. Action: Clerk

3532 Traffic Calming Measures, Yatesbury

Cllr Tomlinson reported that since Spring 2018, costings for proposals for traffic calming measures had doubled to £5k. CATG had agreed the Parish Council could cover 30% of any costs spent and they would pick up the rest of the cost up to the £5k limit. It was agreed that this figure was too high for the Parish Council to afford and there were discussions regarding how to solve the problem.

It was agreed that Cllr Tomlinson should ask for a re-quote for flat gates, cattle grid and a Yatesbury sign only. Action: Cllr Tomlinson

3533 Councillor Responsibilities

Newsletter – Cllr Evans asked for contributions to the next newsletter by 15 December.

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow agreed to chase up the next dates for visits by the Parish Steward. Action: Cllr Purslow

Cllr Purslow reported that he will step down as Chairman in May 2019.

3534 Date of next meeting

Thursday 31 January, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 28 February, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 4 April, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury

Action: Clerk to book the Village Halls

The meeting closed at 9.15 pm.


DRAFT Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Cherhill Village Hall on Thursday 31 January 2019 at 7.30 pm


Martin Purslow - CPC Chairman Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Simon Tomlinson – CPC Councillor 0 members of the public JR Auvray - CPC Councillor David Grafton - CPC Councillor John Cavanagh - CPC Councillor

3535 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Anna Shantry and David Evans, and Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill

3536 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3537 Public Participation

There was no public participation.

3538 Minutes of meeting and notes of the Precept meeting held on 13 December 2018

Cllr Tomlinson proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Grafton. Cllr Purslow signed off the Minutes.

Cllr Cavanagh proposed approval of the Notes of the Precept meeting as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. Cllr Purslow signed off the Notes.

3539 Review of Actions

Actions were reviewed from the meeting on 13 December 2018 and reported as follows:

WWI Activities - Cllr Shantry to talk to the WI about producing a WWI memorial document booklet for parishioners. Action: Cllr Shantry

Pot Holes, Jugglers Lane - Cllr Grafton is to meet with Stephen Leonard on 22 February and will discuss the pot holes with him then.

Flood Resilience Planning - Cllr Grafton agreed to work on the Emergency Plan document in relation to the Data Protection issues and circulate to all councillors. Action: Cllr Grafton

Traffic Calming Measures - Yatesbury - Cllr Tomlinson had spoken with Mark Stansby, who will provide a re-quote in the New Year. He reported that the next CATG meeting is on 21 February. Cllr Purslow will attend.

3540 Accounts

Clerk’s expenses from 14 December 18 to 31 January 19 - 3 month’s Broadband costs at £45, printer inks at £15.91, mobile phone top up at £5 and A4 paper at £2.95. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

CPRE Membership at £36 for 2019. It was discussed whether the Parish Council should be a member of the CPRE. It was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council should remain independent and therefore membership will NOT be renewed for 2019. NOT APPROVED

3541 Planning

Application No Address Conclusion 18/11566/LBC The Stables, Back Lane, Yatesbury, No objections SN11 8YE 18/11127/FUL The Stables, Back Lane, Yatesbury, No objections SN11 8YE

3542 Precept

The Precept figure for 2019 was formally agreed by all Councillors.

There was some further discussion amongst Councillors about taking budget discussions to a public meeting for next year’s Precept. It was suggested a closed discussion meeting take place at around September 2019 to discuss confidential elements of the detailed budget, followed by an open Precept budget discussion meeting in October/November 2019. The Precept would then be agreed as usual at the December meeting.

3543 Financial Planning

Cllr Tomlinson reported on the current budget to date and estimated end of year spend figure.

All Councillors AGREED to purchase and erect the new noticeboard at Nolands at a maximum cost of £450.

Cllr Grafton reported that the Millennium Bus Shelter will need some maintenance in 2019 at a cost of approximately £80.

There was some discussion on whether to fund a WWI memorial exercise celebrating the 2019 Year of Peace. It was suggested a budget of £1,200 for the exercise dependent on whether Section 106 can be obtained for this spend. Cllr Grafton to investigate with the new owners of Will Woodlands whether the original idea of a coppice could be a possibility. Action: Cllr Grafton

Cllr Cavanagh had forwarded an e-mail stating that the Parish Council had some outstanding Section 106 funds still available (now called Community Infrastructure Funds, or CIL). He questioned whether some of the budgeted expenditure projects above could be included within this money. It was agreed the Clerk should investigate the terms of the funds available with Wiltshire Council and put on the Agenda for discussion at the next meeting. Action: Parish Clerk

Cllr Auvray asked that, if there was any money available in the budget, could a sign or gates be erected at the Bridleway at Nolands. There was a discussion on what the appropriate measure should be to discourage the use of 4 X 4’s and trail bikes, and it was agreed a barrier would be the best method. Cllr Grafton agreed to investigate the costs of barriers with the Rights of Way team at the next meeting. Action: Cllr Grafton

3544 Marsh Lane Planters

In her absence the Clerk read out an e-mail from Cllr Shantry questioning how to proceed, if at all, with a new planter at Marsh Lane, and reporting the damage to the existing planter. Councillors asked if Cllr Shantry could go back to the WI to see if they would be willing to maintain two new planters should new, more robust ones be bought. It was agreed to delay the decision until a Spring Parish Council meeting. Action: Cllr Shantry

3545 The Role of the Parish Council

Cllr Tomlinson gave a brief resumé on his thoughts about how the Parish Council can engage more with the community, and how we can let people know the role of the Parish Council. There were discussions on how this project could be taken forward.


Cllr Tomlinson agreed to forward some suggestions to councillors, asking them to take on a specific mini-project to report back for discussions at a later informal meeting. Action: Cllr Tomlinson to forward discussion paper. Councillors to volunteer to look at a mini-project to report back for discussion. 3546 Bridleway at Nolands

This item was covered earlier under Financial Planning (3543).

3547 Councillor Responsibilities

In his absence, Cllr Purslow read out an e-mail from Cllr Evans regarding a high profile National Trust meeting he had been asked to attend by Mrs Henshaw on 22 January regarding the repairs to the Lansdowne Monument. It was agreed that in future, the Parish Council should be formally invited to attend such important meetings so a representative can always be available. Cllr Purslow agreed to follow this up with Mrs Henshaw. Action: Cllr Purslow

Website - Cllr Cavanagh reported that the Website had briefly gone down, but there had been a very good response from the support team.

Website Librarian - Cllr Purslow agreed to act as deputy to Cllr Cavanagh

White Horse Restoration Group - Cllr Grafton to follow up a lead who may be able to source some chalk for the re-chalking of the White Horse. Action: Cllr Grafton

3548 Date of next meeting

Thursday 28 February, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 4 April, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury

The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Cherhill Village Hall on Thursday 28 February 2019 at 7.30 pm


Martin Purslow - CPC Chairman Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Anna Shantry - CPC Councillor Alan Hill - Wiltshire Councillor David Evans - CPC Councillor 2 members of the public David Grafton - CPC Councillor John Cavanagh - CPC Councillor

3549 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Simon Tomlinson and JR Auvray.

3550 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3551 Public Participation

Mrs Clare Attfield and her son attended the meeting to discuss their concerns regarding planning application 19/00735/FUL - the erection of 2 detached dwellings on site of former bungalow at Cedarwood, Middle Lane, Cherhill. Mrs Attfield read out a note which she intends to submit to Wiltshire Council, and stating she was looking for support from the Parish Council.

A discussion ensued and Cllr Hill gave some guidance on how the Parish Council could proceed, and asked if the Parish wished to call in the application. Cllr Evans proposed calling in the application, seconded by Cllr Purslow. AGREED.

All councillors AGREED to recommend objection. Action: Clerk to return form with accompanying letter outlining reasons for objection.

Cllr Cavanagh agreed to attend the planning meeting on behalf of the Parish Council. Action: Cllr Cavanagh.

3552 Minutes of meeting held on 31 January 2019

Cllr Shantry proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Evans. Cllr Purslow signed off the Minutes.

3553 Review of Actions

Actions were reviewed from the meeting on 31 January 2019 and reported as follows:

WWI Activities - Cllr Shantry reported that the memorial booklet had now been completed and a small amount of copies would be available.

Pot Holes, Jugglers Lane - Cllr Grafton has contacted Stephen Leonard regarding the pot holes and Mrs Anne Henshaw would also raise the issue with him.

Flood Resilience Planning - Cllr Grafton is still working on the template for the Emergency Plan document in relation to the Data Protection issues. Action: Cllr Grafton

Financial Planning - to investigate the costs of barriers with the Rights of Way team at the next meeting. Action: Cllr Grafton

Financial Planning - to investigate with the new owners of Will Woodlands whether the original idea of a coppice could be a possibility for a WWI memorial. Action: Cllr Grafton

Planters - Marsh Lane - Cllr Shantry reported that the WI are willing to maintain two new planters provided more robust ones are bought. Action: Cllr Shantry to send a recommended list of robust perennial plants to PC.

Cllr Grafton suggested using some painted used tractor tyres which was agreed by the Parish Council. Cllr Grafton agreed to provide the tyres and obtain compost to fill them. Action: Cllr Grafton. The WI were concerned that some of the plants had been stolen from the existing planter.

The Role of the Parish Council - volunteers to S Tomlinson to take on mini-project to report back for discussion. Action: All Councillors

NT Meetings - Cllr Purslow had spoken with Anne Henshaw about attending important National Trust meetings. Cllr Hill expressed his concerns that the Parish Council had not been informed about the meeting previously and agreed to forward the date of the next meeting to the Clerk.

Cllr Hill also expressed concern that the Parish Council had not received the planning application details regarding the scaffolding for the monument, and he agreed to forward the details to the Clerk. Action: Cllr Hill. The Clerk was asked to contact the Planning Officer at Wiltshire Council to ensure the Parish Council receive all future applications. Action: Parish Clerk

3554 Accounts

Clerk’s expenses from 1 to 28 February 19 - printer inks at £47.76, mobile phone top up at £5. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Evans. APPROVED

Defibrillator battery replacement to the Community Heartbeat Trust at £282. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Grafton, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

3555 Planning

Application No Address Conclusion 19/00207/FUL 3 Chalkstones, Park Lane, Cherhill, SN11 No objections 8XN

19/01609/FUL 3 Park Lane, Cherhill, SN11 8XN No objections

19/00735/FUL Former Cedarwood Bungalow, Middle Object (see 3551) Lane, Cherhill, SN11 8XX

3556 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Funds

The Clerk had spoken to Mr Alex Howie from Wiltshire Council regarding potential funds available to the Parish Council. Unfortunately, although not yet confirmed at the time of the meeting, it appears the figure sent to the Parish Council was an accounting error and there are no funds due. The Clerk is awaiting confirmation from Mr Howie.

3557 New salt bins - Cherhill and Yatesbury

Cllr Purslow had approached Wiltshire Council twice regarding a replacement bin for the damaged and empty bin in Yatesbury, but had not received any response.

Cllr Evans had been approached by Cherhill residents asking for a new salt bin at Maiden Lane near to the A4 as traffic had been having difficulties during the recent icy weather.

It was agreed in principle to purchase two new salt bins as above provided there is enough money in the budget for the next Financial Year.


3558 Defibrillator, Cherhill School

Cllr Evans reported that in July 2018 a member of the public had reported to the S W Ambulance Service that the defibrillator was talking inside the cabinet, resulting in the battery running down. A replacement battery had to be purchased urgently in order for the defibrillator to be effective.

Concerns were expressed as to why the cabinet had been opened and it was agreed that some measures should be taken to prevent this from happening again.

3559 Neighbourhood Watch Website

Cllr Evans had been approached by Mrs Heather Crawshaw who wanted to set up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme within the Parish. It was agreed that if individuals wanted to set up a scheme the Parish Council would not object.

3560 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board - the next meeting will be on 12 March 2019

Budgeting and Finance - The Clerk reported on the spend figures to the end of February.

The Clerk had attended a Finance and Budgeting course run by WALC which had covered the role of the Responsible Finance Officer and briefly discussed VAT in local council.

Countryside Access - Cllr Grafton had met with an Parish Councillor to discuss ongoing issues regarding 4 x 4 damage, particularly near to Windmill Hill. He also reported that the Redbarn had now been demolished on the Downs.

Health and Social Care - Cllr Evans had recently attended a ‘Live Well, Die Well’ seminar, which had been very informative.

CATG - Cllr Purslow reported on the CATG decisions at the recent meeting relating to the Parish as follows:

• Warning Signs at Marsh Lane Cherhill had been installed • Yatesbury The Avenue - Gates and signs - The revised design, estimated at £2,770.85 (with a 30% contribution from the Parish Council) had already been approved and were given the go ahead to proceed • The Street / Middle Lane, Cherhill HGV issue - Highways officers were of the opinion that this was not a through traffic issue but related to delivery vehicles so did not support. The Parish Council agreed into looking at purchasing a one-off sign saying ‘Unsuitable for HGVs’. Action: Cllr Evans to follow up • Yatesbury The Lymers – request for drop kerb was not supported as the costs would be too high

Newsletter Production - All articles for the Spring Newsletter to Cllr Evans as soon as possible please. Action: All relevant Councillors

Parish Steward link - the next Parish Steward visit will be on 28 March. It was pointed out the ongoing action to cut back the Black Horse path had not yet been completed.

3561 Date of next meeting

Thursday 4 April, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury

Thursday 23 May, 7.00 pm, Cherhill - Annual Parish Meeting and AGM

Thursday 27 June, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury

The meeting closed at 9.08 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Yatesbury Village Hall on Monday 15 April 2019 at 7.30 pm


Martin Purslow - CPC Chairman Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor 3 members of the public David Grafton - CPC Councillor JR Auvray - CPC Councillor John Cavanagh - CPC Councillor

3562 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs David Evans and Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill.

3563 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3564 Public Participation

Mrs Anne Henshaw asked the Parish Council to be aware of concerns being expressed locally about potential local developments, such as the site of the old Divine Café, and she was concerned the parish would be more vulnerable to developers without a Neighbourhood or Parish Plan.

The Parish Council had previously discussed at length the possibility of a Neighbourhood Plan but as small parishes do not have to have one, it had been decided not to go ahead.

3565 Minutes of meeting held on 28 February 2019

Cllr Tomlinson proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Cavanagh. Cllr Purslow signed off the Minutes.

3566 Review of Actions

Actions were reviewed from the meeting on 28 February 2019 and reported as follows:

Financial Planning - CIL/S106 Funds - The Clerk had received a reply from Mr Alex Howie from Wiltshire Council regarding potential funds available to the Parish Council which had still not clarified whether the funds were available. It was agreed that the Clerk should ask Cllr Alan Hill for help regarding this matter. Action: Clerk to talk to Alan Hill

WWI Activities - Cllr Auvray had spoken with the new owners of Will Woodlands, who had expressed their willingness to help with a potential coppice for a WWI Memorial site.

White Horse re-chalking - Cllr Grafton reported that the White Horse is due to be re-chalked on 4 May, and any volunteers to help would be appreciated. Cllr Cavanagh stated that the Great West Way Team wish to shoot a promotional video of the White Horse and it would be good to do this when it is newly whitened.

Flood Resilience Planning - Cllr Grafton is still working on the template for the Emergency Plan document in relation to the Data Protection issues. Action: Cllr Grafton

Financial Planning - to investigate the costs of barriers with the Rights of Way team at the next meeting. Action: Cllr Grafton

Planters - Marsh Lane - Cllr Grafton agreed to provide the tyres and obtain compost to fill them and to report on progress to Mrs Anna Shantry/WI. Action: Cllr Grafton.

Unsuitable for HGV’s sign - David Evans to look into the costs of purchasing a sign for Middle Lane. Action: Cllr Evans

3567 Accounts

Clerk’s expenses from 1 March to 15 April 19 - Finance Course, Warminster at £32.45. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

HMRC - Clerk Q4 Tax from Jan to March 19 at £163.80. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Auvray, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

Reimbursement to Cllr Cavanagh for Website Hosting fee at £59.99. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Auvray. APPROVED

The Clerk as Responsible Finance Officer reported on the End of Year 2018-19 Finances:

• The Financial Summary for Year-end spend was produced and APPROVED by all Councillors. The Chairman and RFO signed off the Summary. • Councillors APPROVED authority to spend by the RFO as set out in the Financial Regulations • The once a year authorisation of regular payments to enable direct payment by the RFO outside monthly meetings was proposed for approval by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson, on the proviso that the PKF Littlejohn audit figure of £100 was removed from the list. APPROVED • The Fixed Asset Register was APPROVED by all Councillors. • Parish Clerk Salary - The Parish Clerk left the room for this item. All Councillors agreed to raise the Clerk’s salary in line with the NALC negotiated pay scale. APPROVED

Cllr Tomlinson led a discussion on the draft figures for the 2019/20 budget, indicating the tight budget for the year ahead. It was agreed to drop the item Community Speed watch.

Cllr Tomlinson reported that the quarterly audit was up to date.

3568 Planning

Application No Address Conclusion 19/00735/FUL Former Cedarwood Bungalow, Middle No further action following Lane, Cherhill, SN11 8XX previous objection (28 Feb Mins item 3555)

3569 Vacancy for new Councillor

Following the resignation of Cllr Anna Shantry, a Notice of Vacancy had been posted with a deadline of 7 May 2019. An election to fill the vacancy will be held if ten electors from the Parish of Cherhill (Cherhill Ward) write to the Returning Officer asking for an election to be held. If an election is not requested by that date, then the Parish Council will be able to fill the vacancy by co-option.

Cllr Tomlinson had been approached by Cherhill resident Mr Nick White who had expressed an interest in the vacancy.

3570 The Role of the Parish Council

The sub-meeting had gone well and progress was being made. It was agreed to keep this as a standing item for each meeting Agenda for the time being.

3571 Second Dog Bin Request - Cherhill

A request had been received by Cherhill resident Ms Nicola Cuthbert for a second dog bin for the top end of Cherhill in the area of Park Lane. It was discussed that although the cost of the dog bin would

2 probably not be large, emptying the bin could be an issue. It was agreed for that the Clerk would explore the costs of purchasing and maintaining a second bin with Waste Services at Wiltshire Council. Action: Parish Clerk

3572 Trail Bike issues

The Parish Clerk had been approached by the Clerk to Compton Bassett Parish Council regarding the co-ordination of plastic signs around the bridleways between Cherhill and Compton Bassett. Unfortunately, previous attempts at laminated signs had been removed, and Councillors did not believe further signs would be any more effective in deterring trail bikes.

Mrs Anne Henshaw had sent out an e-mail to six local Parish Councils around the area requesting a joint working group to discuss rights of way within their combined boundaries, and was looking for representatives from each Parish Council to attend a meeting in June. It was agreed that a co- ordinated response within this meeting would be a more effective way of attempting to resolve the issue of trail bikes. Cllr Grafton agreed to attend the meeting. Action: Cllr Grafton.

3573 The Black Horse Pub, Cherhill

Cllr Cavanagh proposed nominating The Black Horse Pub in Cherhill as an Asset of Community Value, following concerns that it could potentially be closed without any consultation within the Parish. As an Asset, the community could potentially be given 6 months’ notice to take steps such as a community purchase should such a situation arise in the future. All councillors APPROVED and it was also APPROVED to reimburse Cllr Cavanagh the £23.94 cost of obtaining the Land Register.

3574 Training and Networking Day, Salisbury

Cllrs Cavanagh and Auvray agreed to attend the Networking Day on 9 May.

3575 Preparation for Annual Parish Meeting/AGM

Due to elections now taking place on 23 May, it was agreed to move the meeting to Wednesday 22 May at Yatesbury. Action: Clerk to book the Village Hall and amend he diary.

3576 Councillor Responsibilities

Hills Waste Liaison Group - Cllr Grafton reported that the link road is due to be completed in June/July 2019, and with co-mingled waste collections due to start in September.

Countryside Access - Cllr Auvray agreed to deputise.

Health and Social Care - Cllr Purslow agreed to deputise.

CATG - Cllr Purslow will attend the next meeting on 23 May 2019. Action: Cllr Purslow

Parish Steward link - the next Parish Steward visit will be on 26 April. It was requested the Parish Steward repair some of the pot holes in Yatesbury if possible.

Cllr Cavanagh requested that Mr Ian Wilson, surveyor for the Lansdowne Monument be invited to talk about the Monument at the June meeting. He agreed to forward his details to the Parish Clerk to send out an invitation: Action: Cllr Cavanagh, Parish Clerk

3577 Date of next meeting

Wednesday 22 May, 7.00 pm, Yatesbury - Annual Parish Meeting and AGM - note change of venue and date

Thursday 27 June, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury Tuesday 13 August, 7.30 pm, Cherhill


The meeting closed at 9.15 pm.


Minutes of the Cherhill Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting held at Yatesbury Village Hall on Wednesday 22 May 2019 at 7.00 pm


Martin Purslow - CPC Chairman David Evans - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor Alan Hill - Wiltshire Councillor David Grafton - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk JR Auvray - CPC Councillor 5 members of the public John Cavanagh - CPC Councillor

3578 Apologies

There were no apologies received

3579 Annual Parish Report

Chairman Councillor Purslow read out his annual report for 2018-19. The year had been very busy with much happening and good achievements made by the Parish Council. Mr JR Auvray was welcomed as a new Councillor in December 2018 and Cllr Anna Shantry resigned from in March 2019.

Some of the highlights of the year were getting the Parish Council on to more efficient online banking, the improvement of traffic calming measures at Marsh Lane, Cherhill, following approval by CATG in February 2019 and the refurbishment of the Yatesbury old BT telephone box, complete with new defibrillator. A contentious issue with an overgrown permissive footpath was resolved with the help of Cllr Grafton so that both horses and pedestrians can now share access up to the Downs.

Thanks went to Cllr Cavanagh for driving the compliance process and to Cllr Evans for his good work with the quarterly newsletter. Parish Council finances have been accurate and professionally maintained by Cllr Tomlinson and Parish Clerk, Paula Purslow.

The Chairman reported that he had decided to stand down as Chair of the Parish Council and wished the new Chairman all the best for the coming year. The full Chairman’s Report will be available on the website.

Cllr Tomlinson led the thanks and appreciation from the Parish Council to Cllr Purslow for his hard work as Chairman.

3580 Public Participation

There was no public participation.

The meeting closed at 7.15 pm and refreshments were served.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Yatesbury Village Hall on Wednesday 22 May 2019 at 7.30 pm


Martin Purslow - CPC Chairman David Evans - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor Alan Hill - Wiltshire Councillor David Grafton - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk JR Auvray - CPC Councillor 5 members of the public John Cavanagh - CPC Councillor

3581 Apologies

There were no apologies received

3582 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interests

3583 Public Participation

Mr Paul Ricketts said that he had cleared out half of the weeds in the Yatesbury pond over the Winter and was now waiting to clear the rest of the weeds once the newts had spawned. He also mentioned that there were some overgrown branches at Barrow Way which he offered to trim after the nesting season was over.

Mr John Ashcroft reported that there had not been a meeting of the Tommy Croker committee for a few years and that the paperwork and finances were still in a state of flux. Cllr S Tomlinson agreed to investigate further. Action: Cllr Tomlinson.

3584 Election of Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr Purslow and seconded by Cllr Grafton that Cllr Cavanagh be elected as Chairman. Five voted for, none against this proposal, which was APPROVED.

At this point Cllr Cavanagh took over the role as Chairman of the Parish Council.

Action: Clerk to provide the necessary paperwork for signature

3585 Election of Vice-Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr Grafton and seconded by Cllr Evans that Cllr Tomlinson continue as Vice- Chairman for another year. Five voted for, none against this proposal, which was APPROVED.

Action: Clerk to provide the necessary paperwork for signature

3586 Minutes of the meeting held on 15 April 2019

Cllr Purslow proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Auvray. Cllr Cavanagh signed off the Minutes.

3587 Review of Actions

Flood Resilience Planning - Cllr Grafton had almost completed the template for the Emergency Plan document in relation to the Data Protection issues. The annual PEAS application form for applying for PEAS equipment had been received which Cllr Grafton agreed to complete and circulate. Action: Cllr Grafton

Financial Planning - to investigate the costs of barriers with the Rights of Way team at the next meeting on 3 June. Action: Cllr Grafton


Unsuitable for HGVs sign - David Evans to look into the costs of purchasing a sign for Middle Lane. Action: Cllr Evans. It was agreed that Cllr Purslow would raise the issue at the CATG meeting to ask what regulations were required for such a sign. It was suggested by member of the public Mr Nick White that it would be a good idea to source possible signs online before attending the meeting. Action: Cllr Purslow

Planters - Marsh Lane - Cllr Grafton had provided, filled and painted some tyres at the entrance to Marsh Lane and he was thanked for this hard work.

Dog Waste Bin, Cherhill - The Clerk had contacted Wiltshire Council who stated that they no longer supply or empty dog waste bins, and only advise that all dog owners take their dog waste home with them to dispose of in normal household bins. A discussion ensued about the responsibility of Wiltshire Council to empty existing bins. It was agreed that Wiltshire Councillor Hill would provide a contact to the Clerk and the Clerk would contact Wiltshire Council once more with a number of further questions: Action: Wiltshire Councillor Hill, Parish Clerk

3588 Accounts

Clerk’s expenses from 16 April to 22 May - Broadband costs, stationery and refreshments for the AGM at £25.75. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Evans, seconded by Cllr Grafton. APPROVED

WALC Subscription for 2019-20 at £304.85. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

BHIB annual insurance renewal 2019-20 at £1,168.66. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

Simon Day & Co Payroll Services Apr 18 to Mar 19 at £126. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Evans, seconded by Cllr Auvray. APPROVED

Noticeboard Company for new noticeboard at Nolands at £465.60. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Evans. APPROVED

3589 Planning

There were no current planning applications

3590 Annual Governance Statement (AGAR)

The Parish Clerk reported that the Internal Auditor had signed the audit form for the accounts to Year End 2018-19. The Internal Auditor had requested it be Minuted at this meeting that the Year End Financial Summary 2018-19 had an error of £5 due to the omission of a mobile phone charge, which had appeared on the Bank statement but not on the Summary. A new Summary, correcting this error was produced, approved by all and signed by the Chairman.

The Annual Governance Statement, which had previously been circulated to Council members, was discussed and approved by all Councillors at the meeting.

The Accounting Statements were approved by all Parish Councillors.

Action: Parish Clerk to return all the forms to the auditors and to ensure publication of the dates for the ‘Period for the Exercise of Public Rights’. All relevant financial information will then be published on the Cherhill Parish Council website.

3591 New Community Sports Pavilion in Avebury

Cllr Purslow had been approached by Mr Dominic Fry, Chairman of Avebury Sports and Social club who are in the process of building a new community sports pavilion in Avebury, asking for a letter of support from the Parish Council, following a merger with Cherhill Cricket Club in 2017.


The Club had made a successful application to the Marlborough Area Board for funding, and had £5,000 towards the project. It had been suggested that it would be a good idea to explore similar funding from the Calne Area Board. To drive this forward the Club were looking for a letter of support from Cherhill Parish Council, and would be happy to provide a suitable draft letter if it would help the administrative burden. The Parish Council agreed they were willing to provide support with such a letter. Action: Cllr Purslow to follow up.

3592 S106 Fund Request

Since the last meeting, the Clerk had followed up the possible S106 funds to the Parish Council and it was confirmed that there was £7,400 available which must be claimed by 20 November 2019 to be used ‘towards the cost of providing or improving adult or children’s sport, play or recreation facilities’.

There was a discussion regarding the possible use of such monies. Mr Ashcroft and Mr White agreed to have discussions on ideas for more equipment and maintenance that the money coulc be spent on, and report back to the meeting in June. The Parish Council asked the Clerk to reply in principle to the S106 committed to say ‘yes’ we would like to make use of the money, and to forward the application form details to the rest of the Parish Council.

Action: Mr Ashcroft and Mr White, and Parish Clerk

3593 Request for dog bin, Cherhill

This item was discussed earlier in the meeting.

3594 The Role of the Parish Council

Cllr Tomlinson is no longer able to attend the next meeting, due to be held on 25 June, so he will e- mail councillors to find another date to progress discussions on the Role of the Parish Council. Action: Cllr Tomlinson

3595 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board - Cllr Evans is currently awaiting the Minutes of the last meeting.

Countryside Access - Cllrs Grafton and Auvray will attend the next group parish discussion on 3 June.

Health and Social Care - Cllr Evans will attend the next meeting of the Calne Health and Social Care Forum meeting on 16 July at James House, Calne.

CATG - Cllr Purslow will attend the next meeting on 23 May 2019

Newsletter - the next newsletter is due at the end of June. All items to Cllr Evans by 15 June please. Action: All

Defibrillators - Cllr Cavanagh reported that the defibrillator sign by the school was working well and cars were not now parking too near to the defibrillator.

3596 Date of next meeting

Thursday 27 June, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury Tuesday 13 August, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 26 September, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury

The meeting closed at 9.15 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Yatesbury Village Hall on Thursday 27 June 2019 at 7.30 pm


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman Alan Hill - Wiltshire Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk David Evans - CPC Councillor 4 members of the public Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor

3597 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillors David Grafton and JR Auvray

3598 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interests

3599 Public Participation

Mr Paul Ricketts reported that he will soon be cutting back the vegetation at Barrow Way, Yatesbury, and the grass around the village pond.

3600 Appointment of new Councillor

Mr Nick White was formally co-opted on to the Parish Council - proposed by Cllr Evans, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. Mr White was welcomed and invited to join the meeting.

3601 Minutes of the AGM and Annual Parish meetings held on 22 May 2019

Cllr Tomlinson proposed approval of the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Purslow. Cllr Cavanagh signed off the Minutes.

Cllr Purslow proposed approval of the Minutes of the AGM as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. Cllr Cavanagh signed off the Minutes.

3602 Review of Actions

Flood Resilience Planning - Cllr Grafton had completed the PEAS form and ordered 20 bags of salt to be collected in November.

Financial Planning - to investigate the costs of barriers with the Rights of Way team at the next meeting on 3 June. Ongoing action: Cllr Grafton

Unsuitable for HGVs signage - Cllr David Evans had arranged a meeting with Mark Stansby, Senior Highways Engineer with two neighbours on Friday 28 June to discuss how to warn large HGV vehicles that the cut between The Street and Middle Lane was very restricted and had in the past caused damage to the high banks of neighbours land. Action Parish Clerk for August Agenda.

Dog Waste Bin, Cherhill - The Clerk to continue dialogue with Wiltshire Council regarding the siting and emptying of the existing bin within the village. Action: Parish Clerk

Tommy Croker - Cllr White reported that the new committee was now up and running and the bank account is almost in place. There are ongoing discussions about the potential new equipment to be purchased with the S106 monies available. It was noted that there is a tight timescale for completing the purchase and the item should be on the Agenda for the next meeting. Action: Parish Clerk for the Agenda

3603 Accounts

Clerk’s expenses from 23 May to 27 June - refreshments for the AGM at £10.29. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Evans, seconded by Cllr Cavanagh. APPROVED

HMRC tax for Q1 2019-20 at £154.80. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Evans, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

3604 Planning

Application No Address Conclusion 19/04542/FUL Poachers Croft, Cherhill, Calne, Wiltshire, Object - see note below SN11 8XY 19/04784/FUL Yatesbury Manor South, Church Lane, No objections Yatesbury, SN11 8YE 19/05452/LBC Yatesbury Manor South, Church Lane, No objections Yatesbury, SN11 8YE 19/05704/HRN Manor Farm, The Old Rectory, Yatesbury, Object - see note below SN11 8YE 19/05343/VAR Yatesbury House Farm, Yatesbury, SN11 No objections 8YF 19/05172/FUL Park View, Park Lane, Cherhill, SN11 No objections 8XW

19/04542/FUL - Cllr Tomlinson expressed concerns over the application, stating he had doubts the criteria had been met regarding tourism, extra employment, access and safety, and the visual impact from The Downs. Councillors asked Wiltshire Councillor Hill to give consideration to calling in the application to the Planning Committee if the Planning Officer is minded to approve the application. It was agreed the Parish Clerk should send an e-mail to Wiltshire Councillor Hill expressing the Parish Council’s concerns over the application. Action: Parish Clerk

19/05704/HRN - Parish Councillors were unhappy about the way the application had been put together as one large amount of hedgerow instead of individual pockets of land. Councillors had insufficient information and wanted justification for each element of gap widening and hedge removal. They felt that the case had not yet been made for this.

16/05962/OUT - There had previously been concerns about drainage issues on this application. Cllr Cavanagh had spoken with the developer who had assured him that the tarmac laid was porous and would not cause a problem. It was agreed no further action was required.

3605 Lansdowne Monument

Mr Ian Wilson, National Trust Surveyor attended the meeting to give a report on the current status of the Lansdowne Monument. He began by apologising for the state of the monument and the planning issues regarding the scaffolding.

Mr Wilson reported that a condition survey had been undertaken but that the National Trust did not have confidence in the report by the stonemason on how to repair the monument. They were commissioning an architect to undertake a new survey. He went on to elaborate on the funding issues surrounding the monument and the timescale for the works which will take place after the Wellington Monument has been renovated, hopefully starting fund raising from 2021-22. Concerns were expressed by councillors over the timescale and it was suggested that fund raising should start whilst the ongoing works are taking place at the Wellington Monument and not after works had been completed. It was agreed that the National Trust should be in regular communication with the Parish Council regarding the status of the monument, at approximately 6 monthly intervals.

3606 Youth engagement CTC/Area Board funded project

The Parish Council had been approached by Mr Mark Edwards from Calne Town Council who are working with the Area Board to fund some youth outreach sessions in the local area, asking if the Parish wished to take part.


After discussion it was decided that at present there would be no need for these sessions but the Council would like to be kept informed of any future events. Action: Parish Clerk to respond

3607 Section 106 Funds

This was discussed earlier in the meeting, regarding the Tommy Croker playing field. It was agreed to bring the item back to the August meeting for further discussions, with more detail on the budget and equipment required. Action: Cllr White to provide further information

Wiltshire Councillor Hill reminded the Parish Council that as well as the allocated S106 funds already available, potential monies from CIL funds could be applied for in the future.

3608 Combined Rights of Way Meeting

As Cllr Grafton was unable to attend this item was deferred to the August meeting. Action: Parish Clerk for the Agenda

3609 Cherhill and Yatesbury Good Neighbours

Mrs Heather Crawshaw reported on the hard work done by the Good Neighbours Group in producing an information booklet for the parish. It had become apparent that a lot of parishioners were not able to access the internet and it had been agreed to publish a quantity of hard copies to be available at a cost of approximately £300. Mrs Crawshaw asked if the Parish Council would be happy to contribute £100 to the one-off cost of the printing of the booklets, which was agreed by all councillors. APPROVED. The Parish Council thanked Mrs Crawshaw for her hard work and the quality of the booklet.

Action: Mrs Crawshaw to provide bank details and invoice to the Parish Clerk to enable payment.

3610 The Role of the Parish Council

The sub-group had met to progress discussions on 24 June.

3611 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board - The next meeting is on 10 September.

Budgeting and Finance - a Q1 review of accounts is due now. Action: Cllr Tomlinson and Parish Clerk to arrange a meeting

Hills Waste Solutions Liaison Group - Wiltshire Councillor Hill reported that the link road, due to open at the end of July looks on track to meet this target.

CATG - The new gates at Yatesbury have now been installed with road markings to be laid down shortly. Concern was expressed that the Minutes were not being received for the meetings. Action: Cllr Tomlinson to chase Alexa Davies

Parish Steward - since putting the link in the Newsletter there had been a lot of requests for works, some of which unfortunately were not the responsibility of the Parish Steward.

3612 Date of next meeting

Tuesday 13 August, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 26 September, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury Tuesday 29 October, 7.30 pm, Cherhill

The meeting closed at 9.45 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Cherhill Village Hall on Tuesday 13 August 2019 at 7.30 pm


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman Nick White - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor Alan Hill - Wiltshire Councillor David Grafton - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor 6 members of the public JR Auvray - CPC Councillor

3613 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor David Evans

3614 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interests

3615 Public Participation

Mrs Anne Henshaw asked the Parish Council to consider reinstating the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in Cherhill. It was agreed to raise the issue at the September meeting. Action: Clerk for the Agenda

3616 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 27 June 2019

Cllr Tomlinson proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Purslow. Cllr Cavanagh signed off the Minutes.

3617 Review of Actions

Dog Waste Bin, Cherhill - The Clerk was still awaiting a response from Mr Tim Woolford at Wiltshire Council with more detailed information regarding the siting and emptying of the existing bin and the possible provision of a new bin within the village. Mrs Henshaw recommended the Clerk speak to Mr Stuart West at Calne Town Council who may be able to help further. Action: Parish Clerk

3618 Accounts

Clerk’s expenses from 28 June to 13 Aug - Broadband, mobile phone top up at £20.00. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Auvray, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

The Q1 Reconciliation Statement was APPROVED by all councillors.

3619 Planning Applications

Application No Address Conclusion 19/07138/FUL 5 The Street, Cherhill Object - see note below

19/06846/FUL Divine Café, Main Road, Cherhill, SN11 Object - see note below 8UU

19/07138/FUL - Cllr Tomlinson expressed concerns over the lack of detail and inconsistencies contained within the application, an example being there were no drawings of the garage. There were concerns by councillors that the proposed building will be too tall, extending about 10 metres above road level, and that no local design elements had been reflected.

19/06846/FUL - Three Cherhill residents attended the meeting to give their objections to the proposal. Mr Cliff Taylor expressed concerns over noise, pollution levels and health and safety issues as well as the detrimental effect to the village as a whole. Mr Gerald Hynes and Mr Martin Pearce echoed Mr Taylor’s comments adding that important and relevant information had been omitted from the application. Councillors then discussed their objections which reflected those above, especially that the application lacked significant information. Wiltshire Councillor Hill gave a detailed breakdown of some of the aspects of the Wiltshire Council Core Policy that the application did not meet. It was unanimously agreed to object to the proposal.

3620 Standing Orders - Planning applications

Cllr Cavanagh tabled a Planning Application Process flow chart for approval by councillors showing the process to be followed if a planning application deadline falls outside of a council meeting. Cllr Purslow proposed approval of the flow chart, seconded by Cllr White. APPROVED. Action: Parish Clerk to add to the Standing Orders as an Appendix.

3621 Section 106 Funds and Tommy Croker Playing Field

Cllr White had prepared the documentation for the Section 106 Funds, including a proposal from The Children’s Playground Co Ltd which the Tommy Croker Management Committee had voted to accept. The proposal will involve adding new features to the existing climbing structure. The value of the quote is more than the S106 monies, and the shortfall will be made up from existing TCMPF funds. Action: Cllr White and Parish Clerk to ensure all of the documentation accurate and complete and to return the form to Wiltshire Council

3622 Combined Rights of Way Meeting

Cllr Grafton and Mrs Henshaw reported on the meeting held on 3 June 2019. The main issue was the need to seek volunteer assistance within each parish and it had been agreed that one councillor per Parish Council should take responsibility for rights of way issues. Notes of the meeting are attached to these Minutes at Appendix 1.

3623 Access by HGVs/large vehicles to link road between Middle lane and The Street

As Cllr Evans was not at the meeting, it was agreed to defer this item to the September meeting. Action: Clerk for the Agenda

3624 Parking - Middle Lane, Cherhill

It was reported that ongoing problems with parking, particularly at peak times were still a major issue. Cllr White agreed to approach the new tenants of the Black Horse pub to re-establish permission for parents to park there at peak times. If this is granted, Cllr White will speak to the school to publicise this. Action: Cllr White

Cllr Tomlinson agreed to raise the issue again at the next CATG meeting. Action: Cllr Tomlinson

3625 The Role of the Parish Council

The sub-group had met to progress discussions on 8 August.

3626 Councillor Responsibilities

Hills Waste Solutions Liaison Group - Cllr Grafton reported that as soon as ANPR cameras are fitted the link road will be completed.

Clerk Admin Matters - It was agreed that this item should be added to the list of Councillor Responsibilities.

The Clerk asked all councillors to ensure their Register of Interests information was up to date and agreed to forward the e-mail link and password to ensure all councillors amend their records where necessary. Action: All

The Clerk had been recommended the NALC publication ‘Local Councils Explained’ and asked councillors for permission to purchase it. APPROVED by all councillors.


3627 Date of next meeting

Thursday 26 September, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury Tuesday 29 October, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 5 December, 7.30 pm, Cherhill preceded by Precept meeting at 7 pm

The meeting closed at 9.40 pm.


Appendix 1



Present: David Grafton (Cherhill) Stephen Stacey (Avebury) Jane Marshall (Compton Bassett) Jeff Files (Hilmarton) Tim Lewis, Judy Hible, Peter Gallagher (Ramblers Association) Anne Henshaw (Yatesbury) Stephen Leonard (Wiltshire Council)

The principle issues discussed were: a. How to establish a way of auditing the paths within each parish by category and importance b. The need to seek volunteer assistance within each parish c. To understand how the multiplicity of paths of all categories within each parish affect other parishes through their linkages and condition d. To seek information from similar groups already in existence in other parts of the County (Cotswold wardens) e. The levels of improvement and maintenance which parishes can aspire to before needing to refer to Wiltshire Council

Stephen Leonard recommended contacting the North Wessex Downs AONB office for information on funding for rights of way maintenance. He said to look on the Footpath ToolKit advice which can be obtained on the Wiltshire Council website. Contact Jane Hughes at WC to get a Parish specific map of all the paths.

Jane Marshall suggested that CATG might be approached at some time for funding and possibly propose this group as a sub-group of CATG working on rights of way.

It was agreed that each parish needs to discuss these issues at their PC meetings and look for a group of parishioners to be volunteer footpath wardens and co-ordinators. They would carry out the audits.

As Parish Councils we need to note the following:

If we have overgrown paths that we need help on, contact the Ramblers association If we have major issues we can contact Stephen Leonard at Wiltshire Council Find one councillor in each PC to take responsibility for footpath issues. Find out what is happening with the White Horse Way and play our part for the stretch in our parish.

It was agreed that a further meeting would be arranged in the early autumn to see how parishes have progressed with setting up actions, and feedback information gathered from other sources.

Options on dates to be circulated.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Yatesbury Village Hall on Thursday 26 September 2019 at 7.30 pm


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman Nick White - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor David Evans - CPC Councillor David Grafton - CPC Councillor Alan Hill - Wiltshire Councillor Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk JR Auvray - CPC Councillor 7 members of the public

3628 Apologies

There were no apologies received

3629 Declaration of Interests

There was a declaration of interests from Cllr Auvray relating to item 3634, Planning Application 19/07497/FUL - Manor Farm, Yatesbury

3630 Public Participation

Mrs Anne Henshaw had asked the Parish Council if they would repaint the Millennium Map frame at Yatesbury Pond. Cllr Grafton replied that he had the matter in hand and was looking into costs and a contractor to do the work. Mr Paul Ricketts reminded that Parish Council that there was still a small amount of money in the Millennium Fund to pay for the paint. Action: Clerk for October Agenda

Mrs Henshaw also asked if there was progress on the WWI copse site. Cllr Grafton replied that he was still making enquiries. He reported that the Calne scheme was not now going ahead.

Mr Richard Gantlett thanked Cllr Grafton for all his hard work in maintaining the hedges around the parish.

Mr Richard Gantlett suggested a painted footpath line along the road into Yatesbury as a traffic calming measure.

3631 Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 13 August 2019

Cllr Tomlinson proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Auvray. Cllr Cavanagh signed off the Minutes.

3632 Review of Actions

Rights of Way Team - Cllr Grafton reported that Mr Richard Gantlett would be happy to install locking agricultural access gates at the junction of Cherhill 11 and 20, 16 and 20 and 20/10 and BBA2/20, if the remaining costs to supply bridleway gates, suitable for walkers and horse riders could be supported by the Parish Council. Cllr Cavanagh proposed approval of the purchase of the 3 lockable gates, to prevent potential hare coursing and 4 x 4 use, with Parish Council costs of £190 plus VAT for each unit. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Purslow. All councillors were in agreement. APPROVED. Cllr Grafton agreed to take this matter forward with Mr Steve Leonard. Action: Cllr Grafton

Dog Waste Bin, Cherhill - The Clerk had received a reply from Mr Tim Woolford at Wiltshire Council stating the cost of a new litter bin would be £100, plus installation costs of £90 to replace a bin where there is an existing base or £170 to relocate a bin. The costs for emptying any extra bins will need to be negotiated with Idverde and the ongoing cots met by the Parish Council. Action: Cllr Cavanagh to request contact details at Idverde via Cllr Hill, for the Clerk to explore emptying costs with Idverde

Parking - Middle Lane - Cllr White reported that permission for parents to park at The Black Horse Pub at peak times had been re-established. Cllr Tomlinson will raise the issue of parking at the next CATG meeting. Action: Cllr Tomlinson

S106 Funds/Tommy Croker - Cllr White reported that the playground equipment should be installed and invoiced for by the S106 deadline of 20 November 2019.

3633 Accounts

Clerk’s expenses from 1Aug to 26 Sept mobile phone top up at £5.00. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Auvray. APPROVED

3634 Planning Applications

Application No Address Conclusion 19/07497/FUL Manor Farm, The Street, Yatesbury, Support with conditions - SN11 8YG see note below

19/07497/FUL - Cllr Auvray declared an interest and stepped away from the Parish Council at this point. Mr Richard Simpson, the owner of the property, attended to provide further details of the application. There had previously been a village meeting which had been well attended with a generally positive feedback received. There was a lengthy discussion concerning the accommodation, safety, noise and traffic elements of the proposal, as well as if the proposal supported the interests of the village. The Parish Council requested adequate signage to the facilities to avoid unnecessary vehicular disturbance to the unaffected areas of the village, if the proposal was to go ahead.

Cllr Purslow proposed the Parish Council SUPPORT the proposal with the condition that the accommodation block must be linked to the equestrian business only. Cllr White seconded. All Councillors agreed.

3635 Section 106 Funds and Tommy Croker Playing Field

This item was discussed under 3632, Review of Actions

3636 Neighbourhood Watch

Cllr Evans had attended a meeting at HQ and asked if Cherhill and Yatesbury villages wish to re-establish a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in each village. It was agreed that the Community Messaging website link should be put on the website and that Cllr Evans would ask the Good Neighbours Scheme at their meeting on 8 October if they wished to take this forward. The Parish Council agreed they would be happy to endorse the scheme but would not become directly involved. Action: Cllr Evans, Cllr Cavanagh to put link on website.

3637 Access by HGVs/large vehicles to link road between Middle Lane and The Street

Cllr Evans had met with Mr Mark Stansby from Wiltshire Council, and two Middle Lane residents. Mr Stansby had subsequently prepared 3 signage options for consideration. Cllr Tomlinson proposed the Parish Council support Option 1 - 4 ‘Unsuitable for HGVs’ signs at each end of the cut through, on 2 posts, at an estimated cost of £420, with the Parish contribution being 30% of the estimate. Cllr Evans seconded the proposal. APPROVED. Action: Cllr Tomlinson to take the request to the next CATG meeting

3638 The Role of the Parish Council

The Parish Council were requested to feedback comments on Cllr White’s draft document to Cllr Tomlinson. Action: All councillors

3639 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board - The next meeting is on 15 October. 2

Calne Area Parish Forum - The next meeting is on 15 October.

Clerk Admin Matters - It was emphasised that all councillors should not be using personal e-mail addresses for Parish Council business.

The Clerk had attended a training day, entitled “The Clerk’s Year”, and had produced some notes which the Parish Council may find useful. Councillors were asked to look at the document and bring any comments, subsequent actions arising to the October meeting. Action: All Councillors, Clerk for the Agenda

Health and Social Care - the next meeting is on 15 October.

Hills Waste Solutions Liaison Group - Cllr Grafton reported that the link road was now being used by Hills vehicles only. Wiltshire Councillor Hill reported that the ANPR cameras are yet to be installed so traffic monitoring had not yet been undertaken.

Newsletter - Cllr Evans circulated a draft copy of the Autumn Newsletter for comments.

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow reported that the reporting system had now been working well and there were some outstanding tasks which had not yet been completed. Cllr Purslow agreed to chase up with the Parish Steward and Wiltshire Council for the timetable of the next Parish Steward visits for Autumn. Action: Cllr Purslow

White Horse Restoration Group - Cllr Grafton reported that the White Horse was looking a bit grey at present and that a scraping of weeds was necessary.

3640 Date of next meeting

Tuesday 29 October, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 14 November, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury - Budget Discussion Meeting Thursday 5 December, 7.30 pm, Cherhill to include Precept Thursday 23 January, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury

The meeting closed at 10 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Cherhill Village Hall on Tuesday 29 October 2019 at 7.30 pm


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman Nick White - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor 0 members of the public JR Auvray - CPC Councillor David Evans - CPC Councillor

3641 Apologies

Cllr Grafton and Wiltshire Councillor Hill did not attend the meeting

3642 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest

3643 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 26 September 2019

Cllr Tomlinson proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr White. Cllr Cavanagh signed off the Minutes.

3644 Review of Actions

Parking - Middle Lane - Cllr Tomlinson had raise the issue at the CATG meeting, however CATG do not normally deal with school parking and traffic problems. Cllr Cavanagh is having discussions with the Cherhill school Headmaster regarding the matter.

Rights of Way Team - Cllr Grafton had asked The Clerk to order the 3 lockable gates. Action: Parish Clerk

Neighbourhood Watch - Cllr Evans reported that the Cherhill Good Neighbours were broadly in favour of resurrecting the Neighbourhood Watch scheme.

HGVs access sign - Cllr Tomlinson reported that CATG had approved the signage request and it has now gone to the Area Board for approval.

Budget Discussion meeting - 14 November - this had been widely publicised to the public as an open meeting and members of the public are welcome to attend and offer suggestions.

3645 Public Participation

There were no members of the public present at the meeting

3646 Planning Applications

Application No Address Conclusion 19/09536/FUL 7 Olivers Close, Cherhill, SN11 8XU No objections 19/09515/FUL Mill House, Mill Lane, Cherhill, SN11 8XS No objections 19/09148/TCA The Old Rectory, 2 Main Road, Cherhill, No objections SN11 8UX

3647 Accounts

The Q2 Reconciliation Statement was proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Evans. APPROVED by all councillors.

Clerk’s expenses from 25 Sept to 29 Oct - mileage claim for training course, Microsoft Subscription, home/office expenses at £88.09. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Evans. APPROVED

3648 Millennium Map

As Cllr Grafton was not at the meeting, this item was deferred to the December meeting

3649 Parking problems at Cherhill Village Hall

A member of the public had written to the Parish Council expressing concern over damage to their boundary line due to inappropriate parking, causing vehicles to mount their verges. There was a discussion about the problem, but the conclusion was that, although the Parish Council were sympathetic, unfortunately it has no enforcement powers.

3650 Dog Waste/Litter bins, Cherhill

The Clerk had received costs from Idverde for installing and emptying a new bin and there was a discussion regarding the need for an additional bin and its location. It was suggested that the location could be at the layby by the post box on the A4. Four councillors were in favour of a bin and two councillors were against. A new bin was therefore APPROVED.

It was agreed the Parish Clerk should ask for more information on the sizes of the bins and ask for advice on the frequency of emptying and if it can be coincided with the emptying of the bin at the other end of the village. Action: Parish Clerk

3651 Governance Matters

The Parish Clerk had attended a training course in which matters of governance had been highlighted. After discussions it was agreed the Parish Council were happy with its current governance procedures.

3652 Neighbourhood Plan

Cllrs Cavanagh and Tomlinson had attended a recent Wiltshire Council meeting regarding Neighbourhood Plans. It was agreed that Cllrs Cavanagh and Tomlinson would keep in touch with Wiltshire Council and seek advice on whether there may now be a need for a local Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish. Action: Cllrs Cavanagh and Tomlinson

3653 Lansdowne Monument

Cllrs Cavanagh and Evans had attended a recent meeting with the National Trust to discuss progress, but had not received very satisfactory answers to date. Cllr Cavanagh had requested a Project Board be set up but had not received a reply. It was agreed to keep up the pressure on the National Trust.

It was agreed to add ‘Lansdowne Monument’ as a standing item on the Agenda for each Parish Council meeting. Action: Parish Clerk

3654 Section 106 Funds and Tommy Croker Playing Field

Cllr White was chasing the supplier of the playground equipment as there was an issue with some missing ropes. The supplier had agreed to meet the deadline of 15 November for supply of the equipment in time for the 20 November Section 106 deadline.

Cllr Tomlinson asked for some written formalisation between the Tommy Croker Committee and the Parish Council regarding who pays for equipment, maintenance and RoSPA checks etc. It was agreed that Cllr Tomlinson and Cllr White would work together with the Tommy Croker Committee on a document to be adopted at a Parish Council meeting. Action: Cllrs Tomlinson and White


3655 The Role of the Parish Council

Cllr White had received some feedback on his draft document. Further comments if any were requested so that Cllr White and Cllr Tomlinson could re-work the draft.

Action: All Councillors for comments as necessary, Cllrs White and Tomlinson Cllr Cavanagh pointed out that there will be printing costs involved for the final document to go to the parish and this should be budgeted for.

3656 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board - The next meeting is on 12 November. Cllr Evans will attend.

Budgeting and Finance - The Clerk agreed to circulate the draft budget spreadsheet which had been preparing with Cllr Tomlinson, together with further information on CIL allocation. Action: Parish Clerk.

Cllr Auvray agreed to pursue the discussions with the landowners regarding the possible siting of a WW1 Year of Peace Commemoration so that possible costs can be budgeted for. Action: Cllr Auvray

Calne Area Parish Forum - Cllrs Purslow and Grafton had attended the meeting on 15 October and advised that there may be monies available to parishes from ‘Calne Our Place’. It was agreed to discuss at the next meeting. Action: Clerk for the Agenda

Website - Cllr Cavanagh asked Councillors to periodically look at the website to check for omissions and errors.

Health and Social Care - Cllr Evans had attend the meeting on 15 October and reported on how the local surgeries are now working together.

Newsletter - Cllr Evans asked for articles for the Winter Newsletter by 15 December. Action: All Councillors

Defibrillator - Cllr Purslow agreed to provide dates for the possible renewal of batteries for the Yatesbury defibrillator, for budgeting purposes. Action: Cllr Purslow

3657 Confidential Matters

The Clerk left the room for discussions regarding the Clerks Salary for 2020-21.

3658 Date of next meeting

Thursday 14 November, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury - Budget Discussion Meeting Thursday 5 December, 7.30 pm, Cherhill to include Precept Thursday 23 January, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury

The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.


Minutes of the Precept discussion meeting for Cherhill Parish Council held at Yatesbury Village Hall on Thursday 14 November 2019 at 7.30 pm


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman Nick White - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor 1 member of the public David Grafton - CPC Councillor


Cllr Auvray and Cllr Evans sent their apologies.

Item 1 - Precept for 2020/21

Cllr Tomlinson led the meeting by outlining a detailed draft budget plan that had been worked on by himself and the Responsible Finance Officer. The main objective of the meeting was to agree a budget to take to the December Parish Council meeting, ensuring the Parish Council have enough funds to maintain a reserve.

Mr John Ashcroft attended the meeting to discuss the finances for the Tommy Croker Memorial Fund. It was agreed that the RFO will submit a VAT reclaim in January 2020. Action: RFO

A discussion followed, including explanations for the potential use of the CIL money which had recently been received.

It was agreed unanimously that a figure of £11,000 for the Precept should be put forward for formal approval at 5 December meeting.

The RFO agreed to re-work the spreadsheet to include alterations to draft figures which had been discussed at the meeting, and to provide a simplified version to bring to the December meeting. Action: RFO

The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.

Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Cherhill Village Hall on Thursday 5 December 2019 at 7.30 pm


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman David Grafton - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor 1 member of the public JR Auvray - CPC Councillor David Evans - CPC Councillor

3659 Apologies

Cllr White was delayed in traffic and was unable to attend the meeting.

3660 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3661 Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 29 October 2019

Cllr Grafton proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Purslow. Cllr Cavanagh signed off the Minutes.

3662 Review of Actions

Dog Waste/Litter Bin - Cherhill - The Parish Clerk had received detailed costings and sizes from Idverde and recommendations for frequency of emptying. The costs received were higher than the original quote, however four councillors agreed to go ahead with the purchase of the bin. One councillor objected. It was agreed to ask Idverde to empty the bin once a week.

A member of the public had questioned the siting of the new bin which had already been agreed at the October meeting, but councillors decided to remain with the original emptying site on the A4 layby. Action: Parish Clerk to purchase the bin

Rights of Way Team - The Parish Clerk had ordered the 3 lockable gates, to be delivered to Mr Gantlett.

WW1 Commemoration - Cllr Auvray reported he is still in discussions with the landowners regarding the possible siting of a WW1 Year of Peace Commemoration.

3663 Public Participation

There were no members of the public from the Parish.

3664 Planning Applications

Application No Address Conclusion 19/11286/TCA 19 The Street, Cherhill, SN11 8XP No objections 19/11014/TCA The Manor House, 7 The Street, Cherhill, No objections SN11 8XP 19/10297/FUL Black Horse Inn, Cherhill, SN11 8UT Object - see below

19/10297/FUL - A representative from Punch Taverns, Jeremy Heppell, attended to outline the details of the application to provide two semi-detached houses to the rear of the public house. Councillors questioned Mr Heppell at length, then discussed the proposal.

A number of concerns were expressed by councillors including the possible threat to the business at the public house, the impact on the village and further potential infill opportunities on the site, possible flooding/drainage concerns and the siting of the houses within the car park. However it was noted that smaller housing is required within the parish.

Four councillors objected to the proposal, with three No comments. It was agreed to OBJECT to the proposal.

3665 Accounts

It was APPROVED the Parish Clerk could claim Home/Office Expenses at £18 per month.

Clerk’s expenses from 1 to 30 November - Home/Office expense, laptop mouse, A4 paper at £28.35. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

John Ashcroft invoice for petrol and mower maintenance for 2019 at £225.48. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Evans. APPROVED

3666 Precept for 2020/21

A public meeting had been held on 14 November, at which one member of the public had attended, to discuss and agree the forthcoming Precept to take to the December meeting for formal approval.

Councillors agreed to raise the precept from £8,000 in 2019/20 to £11,000 for 20/21. They agreed the rise was necessary to raise additional funds to cover growing pressures being placed on its finances such as:

• Funding the maintenance of rights of way following the increase in damage from four wheel drive and other vehicle activity, and the reduction to near zero in the amount being spent by Wiltshire Council; • increasing difficulty in funding local projects such as road sign improvements, Tommy Croker playing field maintenance, new notice boards, etc; • the need to build reserves to cover possible future expenses such as local parish elections.

Councillors noted that further significant increases are likely to be required in future years and are currently developing a programme of communication to explain the need for this and to gain support from the parish.

Cllr Cavanagh proposed the agreed figure of £11,000 for the requested Precept for 2020/21, which is a £3000 rise from the previous year. Cllr Tomlinson seconded. APPROVED

Action: Parish Clerk to return the Precept Requirement Form to Wiltshire Council by 24 January deadline, and to ensure the information is in the public domain.

3667 Financial Regulations

Cllr Cavanagh proposed the adoption of the new Financial Regulations dated October 2019, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

Action: Parish Clerk to put the document into the ‘house style’ and circulate to councillors.

3668 S106 Funds and Tommy Croker Playing Field

As Cllr White was unable to attend the meeting, the item was deferred to the next meeting. The Parish Clerk reported that the invoice received from The Children’s Playground Co Ltd needed to be amended and agreed to ask Cllr White to obtain a revised invoice. The draft invoice to Wiltshire Council for the S106 monies was APPROVED by councillors and the Parish Clerk agreed to send it off to Wiltshire Council. Action: Parish Clerk

3669 Millennium Map

Cllr Grafton had received a quote for £100 to pay for the re-painting of the map. Cllr Cavanagh proposed the figure, seconded by Cllr Purslow. Action: Cllr Grafton to arrange for the painting once the weather improves


3670 Calne Area Parish Forum

Following a recent meeting of the Forum, Cllrs Grafton and Purslow outlined the possible monies available to parishes from ‘Calne Our Place’. Cllrs Grafton and Purslow agreed to raise the issue at the next Forum meeting. Action: Cllrs Grafton and Purslow

3671 Bridleway between Back Lane and Highway

Cllr Auvray raised the issue of the poor condition of the bridleway between Back Lane and Highway which had once again been used by off-road vehicles. It was agreed that a physical barrier is needed to try to stop vehicle use. Cllr Auvray agreed to talk to the landowner regarding putting a large tree trunk over the access. Action: Cllr Auvray

3672 Neighbourhood Plan

Cllrs Cavanagh and Tomlinson met with a senior member of Wiltshire Council’s Planning Department to review the decision, taken some years ago, not to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish. During the discussions it was confirmed that the circumstances on which that decision was based had not changed and were not expected to change: Cherhill retains its designation as a small village and consequently any development will be restricted to fill-in opportunities. The decision not to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan remains valid.

3673 The Role of the Parish Council

Cllr Tomlinson provided a timetable on how to take the draft forward and publish to the Parish.

3674 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board - Cllr Evans had attended the 12 November meeting. Cllr Purslow agreed to contact the Area Board to put an application together for potential funds towards a new noticeboard for Yatesbury. Action: Cllr Purslow

Countryside Access - Cllr Grafton had attended a meeting with a group of parishes, organised by Mrs Henshaw where it was agreed to discuss inviting high level representatives from organisations who would be interested to talk about proposals with the aim of collaborative working and funding/sponsorship. A further Countryside Access meeting is to be set up in early January to discuss. Cllr Grafton invited Cllrs Purslow and Auvray to attend the meeting.

Health and Social Care - Cllr Evans will attend the next meeting in January.

Hills Waste Solutions Liaison Group - Construction of the internal link road has been completed, and weighbridge facilities and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems are in operation at both Lower Compton and Sands Farm sites to assist with the new traffic management plan.

CATG - Cllr Tomlinson reported that due to family commitments he is unable to attend many of the meetings now and asked for another councillor to take on the role. Cllr Purslow agreed to lead, with Cllr Cavanagh as deputy.

Newsletter - Cllr Evans asked for articles for the Winter Newsletter by 15 December. Action: All Councillors

Website - Cllr Cavanagh reported that in-boxes of Councillors are getting very full. It was agreed to delete some older information from the server. Action: Cllr Cavanagh

Lansdowne Monument - Cllr Cavanagh had been chasing Clare Muir from the National Trust about the setting up of a Project Board, but had still not received a reply.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Yatesbury Village Hall on Thursday 23 January 2020 at 7.30 pm


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman David Grafton - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor 0 members of the public Nick White - CPC Councillor David Evans - CPC Councillor

3677 Apologies

Cllr Auvray sent his apologies due to last minute work commitments. Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill did not attend the meeting.

3678 Declaration of Interests

Cllr Tomlinson declared an interest in Planning Application 14 The Street, Cherhill.

3679 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5 December 2019

Cllr Tomlinson proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Purslow. Cllr Cavanagh signed off the Minutes.

3680 Review of Actions

Dog Waste/Litter Bin - Cherhill - The dog waste/litter bin was now in the correct position on the layby off the A4, but needed firmer fixing to keep it in place Action: Cllr White agreed to locate some fixings for the bin.

Rights of Way Team - The lockable gates provided by the Parish Council, as agreed under 3632 in September, have now been delivered to Mr Gantlett who will arrange for their installation.

Tommy Croker - Cllr Tomlinson had produced a draft formulisation document to be offered for adoption at the February meeting.

Role of the Parish Council - Cllr White had produced a draft document to be discussed later in the meeting.

WW1 Commemoration - Cllr Auvray was not at the meeting so this item was deferred to the February meeting.

Millennium Map - Cllr Grafton is awaiting better weather in the Spring before the map can be repainted.

Bridleway - Back Lane/Highway - Cllr Auvray was not at the meeting so this item was deferred to the February meeting.

Area Board - Cllr Purslow to contact the Area Board to put an application together for potential funds towards a new noticeboard for Yatesbury. Action: Cllr Purslow

3681 Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

3682 Planning Applications

Application No Address Conclusion 19/12104/FUL 19 The Street, Yatesbury, SN11 8YG No objections 19/12179/TCA 14 The Street, Cherhill, SN11 8XP No comments

Councillors expressed concerns over Wiltshire Council’s delay in determining planning applications of late.

3683 Accounts

Clerk’s expenses from 1 Dec to 23 Jan 20 - Home/Office expense, printer inks, data stick and mobile phone top up at £48.90. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Cavanagh. APPROVED

Cllr Cavanagh’s expenses for renewal of domain name for website at £14.39. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Grafton. APPROVED

Further to the December meeting (item 3668) the invoice from the Children’s Playground Co Ltd had been received for £7,400 for additional equipment for the Tommy Croker Memorial Playing Field. Proposed to be approved (once Wiltshire Council have paid the Parish Council the monies), by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson . APPROVED

3684 S106 Funds and Tommy Croker Playing Field

Cllr White reported the at the project had been delayed due to bad weather, and that unfortunately a piece of equipment had been installed in the wrong place, which the Children’s Playground Co Ltd had agreed to rectify free of charge.

3685 Litter Picking

Cllr Tomlinson expressed concerns at the amount of unsightly litter on many of the side roads within the parish which had possibly been blown in from the A4. He asked councillors for suggestions and ideas of how to improve the situation. Cllr Purslow thanked the Calne litter picking team for doing a good job of clearing the A4 recently. It was suggested that the Council could provide some litter picking sticks for use by parishioners, as well as asking if people could take carrier bags with them on walks to ‘do their bit’ for the community. It was agreed to write something in the newsletter, Facebook and the website. Action: Cllrs Purslow and Cavanagh

3686 The Role of the Parish Council

Cllrs Tomlinson and White had put together a draft leaflet which they asked Councillors for feedback before publishing. After discussions it was agreed to:

1. provide Cllr White with amendments to the document as soon as possible - Action: All 2. arrange for the leaflet to be printed by 14 February - Action: Cllr White 3. send out the document to the parish, together with a brief questionnaire, by 21 February, requesting replies from the parish to the questionnaire by 13 March - Action: All. 4. Hold a meeting with the public to discuss the document on 26 March - Action: Clerk to book Cherhill Village Hall

Councillors thanked Helen Bliss for her help in producing the draft brochure

3687 Councillor Responsibilities

Calne Area Board - Cllr Evans had attended the 21 January meeting. The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Jerry Herbert gave an update on the proposals for the Police precept for the forthcoming year to be able to increase Wiltshire North Community Policing Team staff.

Mike Stuart, Health and Wellbeing Manager gave an update on the £250,000 refurbishment progress at Calne Leisure Centre. The cost of membership, classes and all sessions will be reduced by 25% until the work has been completed.

Martin Litherland, Head of Service of Waste Management at Wiltshire Council spoke about the changes in kerbside waste and recycling collections planned to commence in February. All residents affected will receive a letter explaining the changes.


Clerk & Admin Matters - The Clerk reported that she had been unable to successfully locate the VAT number for the Parish Council, but would keep trying. Action: Parish Clerk

The Clerk also expressed concerns that the Parish Council’s CCTV camera had still not been returned. Cllr Purslow agreed to chase this up with Mike Wilkins. Action: Cllr Purslow

Countryside Access - Cllr Grafton had attended a meeting at the beginning of January. Mrs Henshaw was working with combined parishes to investigate the idea of employing warden for the area.

Health and Social Care - Cllr Evans had attended the January meeting of the Calne Health and Social Care Forum. He reported that the Beversbrook, Patford House and Sutton Benger GP surgeries have now amalgamated and were sharing their staff expertise.

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow had chased Wiltshire Council for the Spring schedule but it had not yet arrived. He agreed to chase again. Action: Cllr Purslow

Lansdowne Monument - Cllr Cavanagh reported there had still be no further information from Clare Muir from the National Trust about the setting up of a Project Board, but that she had written an article for the February Villagers Magazine.

3688 Confidential Matters

There were no confidential matters to discuss.

3689 Date of next meeting

Thursday 27 February, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 9 April, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 28 May, 7.00 pm - Annual Parish Meeting, followed by AGM, Cherhill

The meeting closed at 9.00 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Cherhill Village Hall on Thursday 27 February 2020 at 7.30 pm


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman David Grafton - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor J R Auvray - CPC Councillor Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Nick White - CPC Councillor 1 member of the public David Evans - CPC Councillor

3690 Apologies

Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill sent his apologies.

3691 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interests.

3692 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 23 January 2020

Cllr Purslow proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Auvray. Cllr Cavanagh signed off the Minutes.

3693 Review of Actions

WW1 Commemoration - Cllr Auvray asked for a more formal proposal before he could take any ideas forward. Cllr Grafton stated that a potential site had been identified. It was agreed that Cllrs Auvray and Grafton would work on the ideas further and report at the next meeting. Action: Cllrs Auvray and Grafton.

Millennium Map - Cllr Grafton is awaiting better weather in the Spring before the map can be repainted.

Bridleway - Back Lane/Highway - Cllr Auvray reported that there were now some vertical poles put in place which appeared to be working to prevent unwanted traffic. He has spoken to Mr Mike Wilkins who is looking at quotations for putting barriers in place over all of their land.

Area Board - Cllr Purslow reported that an application for a grant for the Yatesbury Noticeboard was being looked into at the meeting on 10 March, which he would be attending.

Dog Waste/Litter Bin - Cherhill - The dog waste/litter bin has now been stabilised with internal ballast.

VAT Number - The Clerk had not had any luck locating the VAT number for the Parish Council but would continue trying. Action: Parish Clerk

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow had chased the Parish Steward twice for a schedule but it had still not been forthcoming. He agreed to make a log of all the times when he does not receive a reply in order to report back to Wiltshire Council. Action: Cllr Purslow

3694 Public Participation

Mrs Anne Henshaw attended to raise a number of issues:

• There have been a number of incidents lately when large lorries had been turning into Jugglers Lane by mistake and getting stuck, causing damage to the track and surrounding hedges. She asked if a letter could be written to the owner of the hangars, where the lorries were supposed to be going, asking him to erect a sign. She also asked if the byway sign to Jugglers Lane could be moved to the other side of the bank in order for it to be more visible. Councillors agreed to put the item on the Agenda for the next meeting. Action: Parish Clerk

• Mrs Henshaw had received a letter from Councillor Wayman regarding the state of the roads in the area, and the measure to be put in place to try to improve them. She would pass the letter on to parish councillors

• Mrs Henshaw was concerned that a laurel bush adjacent to the Yatesbury pond had grown too big and needed to be cut back. She asked if parish councillors could look into the ownership of the pond and send a letter to the owner of the laurel bush asking him to cut it back. Councillors agreed to put the item on the Agenda for the next meeting. Action: Parish Clerk

3695 Planning Applications

There were no new planning applications this month.

A Cherhill resident had expressed concern to the parish council over the parking of cars on the Divine Café site by the new owner. The Clerk had contacted Wiltshire Council who had investigated and reported that the owner was at present doing nothing wrong.

3696 Accounts

Clerk’s Home/Office expenses for January and February - Home/Office expense at £36.00. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Evans. APPROVED

Idverde invoice for supply and installation of a new waste bin at £303.96. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Cavanagh. APPROVED

Centrewire invoice for 3 x Chiltern bridleway gates at £824.40. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Grafton. APPROVED

The Q3 Reconciliation Statement was proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Grafton. APPROVED by all councillors.

3697 S106 Funds and Tommy Croker Playing Field

Cllr White reported the at the project is still delayed by the bad weather. The payment had been received by The Children’s Playground Company.

Mr Ashcroft had now stood down from the maintenance of the field and the TC Committee were looking at 3 quotes from companies to potentially take on the job of mowing, using their own equipment. They had decided to keep the mower for the time being until the contract had been awarded. Cllr White agreed to send a thank you note from the TC Committee to Mr Ashcroft for all his hard work over the years. Cllr White also agreed to prepare an annual budget for Tommy Croker maintenance. Action: Cllr White

Cllr White also reported that a tree had come down in the playing field during the recent storms.

The document describing the proposed relationship between the Parish Council and the Tommy Croker charity was APPROVED. The Clerk agreed to put the document into the ‘house-style’ and Cllr Cavanagh would publish the document electronically. Action: Parish Clerk and Cllr Cavanagh

3698 CIL Monies

Cllr Cavanagh had been in touch with Ms Jane Herridge from Wiltshire Council to point out an error regarding CIL monies for application 19/00735/FUL, where he believed the Parish Council had not received enough CIL money. Ms Herridge had spoken to the developer who have now accepted that a genuine error had been made when completing the CIL forms, and she had raised a revised liability notice to reflect the extra CIL charge. The developer had been given 60 days to pay the extra monies of which the Parish Council will be due 15%. Payment should be made by July 2020.

Parish Councillors thanked Cllr Cavanagh for spotting this error and following it up.

Cllr Tomlinson led a further discussion regarding how to reflect the ringfencing of CIL monies received by the Parish Council. It was agreed to discuss the matter further at the next meeting. 2

3699 CCTV Camera

Cllr Purslow reported that the CCTV camera was now with the Parish Clerk, and will be redeployed at a later date depending on where it is needed most urgently

3700 Middle Lane traffic

Cllr Cavanagh had been having discussions with Mr Andrew Ind, Headmaster of Cherhill School who are looking at using a strip of their playing field land as a potential solution to their parking problem. Mr Ind was currently in discussions with Wiltshire Council. Parish Councillors agreed this potential solution could be very positive and declared their support for the project. Cllr Cavanagh agreed to draft a letter of support to Mr Ind, to be sent by the Parish Council. Action: Cllr Cavanagh

3701 Upcoming Open Space and Green Infrastructure Survey

The Parish Clerk had received a survey and maps from Wiltshire Council with a deadline of 13 March to complete regarding open space provision within the parish.

After discussions the Parish Clerk agreed to annotate the maps, complete and return the survey to Wiltshire Council. Action: Parish Clerk

3702 VE Day Celebrations - 8 - 10 May 2020

The Parish Council had been approached by Ms Genevieve Sioka from the National Trust, and a Cherhill resident, whether the Parish Council would be marking the VE Day Celebrations. Cllr Tomlinson suggested a leaflet be produced on the role of the Parish during the War. After discussion it was agreed that Cllr Grafton would write an article for the Villages magazine. Action: Cllr Grafton

3703 The Role of the Parish Council

Cllr White would be picking up the printed leaflets the day after this meeting, for distribution by the Parish Council. Replies from the Parish to the questionnaire are due by 13 March to be taken to the meeting on 26 March.

3704 Councillor Responsibilities

Calne Area Board - Cllr Purslow will attend the next meeting on 10 March.

Countryside Access - Cllr Grafton reported that Mrs Henshaw will be attending a meeting with combined parishes at the end of March.

Hills Waste Solutions Liaison Group - Cllr Grafton had attended a meeting the previous evening where the new recycling equipment had been demonstrated. The link road was working well and the ANPR cameras were now installed.

Newsletter - Cllr Tomlinson asked Cllr Evans if he could change the distribution date of the next newsletter to before 26 March so that the Parish could receive information before the Open Evening. Cllr Evans agreed and asked for articles by before 15 March. Action: All

Defibrillators - Cllr Evans had ordered 2 more pads for the Cherhill defibrillator which were out of date. Cllr Evans also reported that a defibrillator in Upavon had recently been vandalised. Cllr Tomlinson asked the Clerk to see if the Parish defibrillators were covered on the insurance. Action: Parish Clerk

3705 Confidential Matters

There were no confidential matters to discuss.


3706 Date of next meeting

Thursday 9 April, 7.30 pm, Cherhill

Thursday 28 May, 7.00 pm - Annual Parish Meeting, followed by AGM, Cherhill Tuesday 30 June, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury

The meeting closed at 9.40 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held remotely on-line on Thursday 23 April 2020 at 7.30 pm

Please refer to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) ( and Wales) Regulations 2020, Regulation 5 regarding remote meetings


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman David Grafton - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor J R Auvray - CPC Councillor Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Nick White - CPC Councillor Alan Hill - Wiltshire Councillor David Evans - CPC Councillor 0 members of the public

3707 Apologies

There were no apologies for absence.

3708 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interests.

3709 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 27 February 2020

Cllr Tomlinson proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Evans. Cllr Cavanagh. Action: The Chairman to sign off the minutes once social distancing restrictions have been lifted

3710 Review of Actions

Millennium Map - Cllr Grafton was arranging for the map to be re-painted but this is currently on hold due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Calne Area Parish Forum - Cllrs Grafton and Purslow are due to raise the issue of possible monies from ‘Calne Our Place’, which has now been delayed due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

VAT Number - The Clerk had not had any luck locating the VAT number for the Parish Council but would continue trying. Action: Parish Clerk

WW1 Commemoration - Cllrs Auvray and Grafton have not been able to meet with the landowner regarding a possible site because of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow had continued to chase the Parish Steward for a schedule to no avail.

Tommy Croker - Cllr White was arranging for a small gift to be sent to John Ashcroft to thank him for all his help.

Tommy Croker - Cllr White had prepared an annual budget document for maintenance and would forward it to councillors and The Clerk. Action: Cllr White

VE Celebrations - Due to the Covid-19 outbreak and the fact that there will no longer be VE Celebrations it was felt that the article would not now be required for the magazine.

Role of the Parish Council - Cllr White agreed to put together some analysis information from the feedback questionnaires. Action: Cllr White

3711 Public Participation

There was no public participation.

3712 Planning Applications

Application No Address Conclusion 20/02411/FUL Black Horse Inn, Main See comments below Road, Cherhill, SN11 8YT

Councillors discussed the above planning application at length. There were concerns that the village would lose a valuable asset to the community if the application went ahead, but councillors agreed that the pub had not been a viable business for many years. It was felt that the planning application could be a ‘final nail in the coffin’ for the pub business. Cllr Hill pointed out that if the Parish Council wished to object to the proposal they would need to have a valid planning reason in order to do so.

There were concerns that if the planning application went ahead, it would only be a matter of time before the whole site would be redeveloped. Cllr White stated that the pub provided employment for villages as well as entertainment. It was agreed it would be a shame to lose this. Cllr Tomlinson mentioned that the Parish Council owns the telephone box adjacent to the site, which would need to be pointed out.

In conclusion it was agreed to reply to Wiltshire Council to say the Parish Council do not have any valid planning reasons to object but to point out the many concerns they have regarding the application.

3713 Accounts

Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the RFO had requested and received e-approval of the following invoices prior to the meeting:

RoSPA Play Safety invoice 47390 for £474, dated 28 Feb 2020 paid on 9 March. Proposed for payment outside meeting via e-mail by Cllr Tomlinson, Seconded by Cllr Martin Purslow. Approved

Wiltshire Council invoice 90350713 £704.04, dated 25 Feb 2020 paid on 9 March. Proposed for payment outside meeting via e-mail by Cllr Grafton, Seconded by Cllr David Evans. Approved

Kennet Print invoice 13078 £313, dated 28 Feb 2020 paid on 9 March. Proposed for payment outside meeting via e-mail by Cllr Evans, Seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. Approved

The Financial Summary for Year-end spend, circulated via e-mail was proposed to be approved by Cllr Grafton, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED. Action: The Chairman and RFO to sign off once social distancing restrictions have been lifted.

The once a year authorisation of regular payments to enable direct payment by the RFO outside monthly meetings, circulated via e-mail, was proposed for approval by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED. Action: The Chairman and RFO to sign off once social distancing restrictions have been lifted.

The Clerk as Responsible Finance Officer reported that the internal audit had been carried out and signed off by Mr David Hubbard. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the AGAR return had been delayed with a new deadline of 31 July.

Cllr Tomlinson pointed out that the Tommy Croker post-installation inspection by RoSPA, paid recently by the Parish Council, should have been paid by The Tommy Croker Memorial Fund. Cllr White agreed to reimburse the Parish Council. Action: Cllr White

3714 Community Support

Cllrs Cavanagh and Purslow reported on the Covid-19 helpline set up by the Parish Council, which was working very well, with many trips to supermarkets, pharmacies and help with dog walking. Cllr Purslow had been helping to deliver PPE to care homes within Wiltshire. Cllr Cavanagh pointed out that there potentially could be money available via a grant if required from Katie Brown, Local Area Co-ordinator, Calne, at Wiltshire Council.


A member of the community was willing to help sewing gowns but did not know who to approach for advice. Cllr Purslow agreed to follow this up. Action: Cllr Purslow

Cllr Tomlinson expressed concerns that some offers of help may not be genuine, and suggested the Parish Council send an up to date reminder notice about the helpline which could be circulated via the website etc.

3715 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Monies

There was a brief discussion on the ringfencing of current and future CIL monies. The Clerk agreed to keep a record of CIL monies received and what they are spent on to report to Wiltshire Council. Action: Parish Clerk

Cllr Cavanagh reminded the Parish Council that the funds can only be used to support the development of the local area, and that monies received needed to be spent within five years of receipt.

3716 Preparation for the Annual Parish Meeting/AGM

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak there will be no Annual Parish Meeting or AGM in 2020. Councillors agreed to keep the date for a normal Parish Council meeting.

3717 Councillor Responsibilities

Calne Area Board - The June meeting has been cancelled.

Budgeting and Finance - it was agreed the RFO would take a lead in ensuring current legislation regarding finances are up to date and reported at future meetings. Cllr Tomlinson mentioned there should be discussions regarding the clerk’s salary for 2020.

Countryside Access - Cllr Grafton reported that a few trees and branches had fallen down in recent weeks.

Health and Social Care - Cllr Cavanagh reported that Wiltshire Council were looking into recent internet ‘chat’ on how to co-ordinate pharmacies and surgeries in the local area.

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow had been unable to contact the Parish Steward but reported there had been a few pot-holes filled recently in Yatesbury.

Defibrillators - Cllr Evans had received the second set of pads ordered which would be kept in Cherhill, and act as a spare set for both Yatesbury and Cherhill school defibrillators if the pads were used for an emergency, or if the existing pads were over their use-by date.

3718 Confidential Matters

There were no confidential matters to discuss.

3719 Date of next meeting

Thursday 28 May, 7.30 pm, remotely via Zoom. Tuesday 30 June, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury - to be re-evaluated depending on the Covid-19 outbreak.

The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held remotely on-line on Thursday 28 May 2020 at 7.30 pm

Please refer to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, Regulation 5 regarding remote meetings


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman David Grafton - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor J R Auvray - CPC Councillor Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Nick White - CPC Councillor Alan Hill - Wiltshire Councillor David Evans - CPC Councillor 0 members of the public

3720 Apologies

There were no apologies for absence.

3721 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interests.

3722 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 23 April 2020

Cllr Tomlinson proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Evans. Action: The Chairman to sign off the minutes once social distancing restrictions have been lifted.

3723 Review of Actions

VAT Number - The Clerk had e-mailed HMRC and was awaiting a reply

Role of the Parish Council - Cllr White agreed to put together some analysis information from the feedback questionnaires. Action: Cllr White

3724 Public Participation

There was no public participation. The Parish Council acknowledged receipt of an e-mail from Mr Colin Webb received on 27 May, regarding rights of way, which would be discussed later in the meeting.

3725 Planning Applications

There were no current planning applications to discuss.

An appeal had just been received regarding the Divine Café application, 19/06846/FUL, with a response date of 2 July. Councillors requested the Parish Clerk ask Wiltshire Council for permission to extend submission of responses for 2 weeks beyond the decision deadline date, to allow discussions regarding possible changes to the original response from the Parish Council. Action: Parish Clerk

3726 Accounts

Clerk’s Home/Office expenses for April and May - Home/Office expense, printer paper and stamps at £47.15. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Grafton. APPROVED

BHIB invoice for Local Council insurance at £1,184.33. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Grafton. APPROVED

The Garden Route invoice for grass cutting at the Tommy Croker playing field at £235.00. Proposed to be approved by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

WALC invoice for WALC and NALC subscription at £311.44. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

The Asset Register had been amended to reflect the recent purchase of Tommy Croker equipment. It was unanimously agreed to remove the lawn mower from the Asset Register as it is now beyond economic repair and will be written off. Subject to the mower being removed from the Asset Register, councillors APPROVED the updated register. Action: Parish Clerk to amend and re-circulate.

3727 Community Support

Cllrs Cavanagh and Purslow reported on the Covid-19 helpline, which was still working well, but requests had recently tailed off significantly.

3728 Rights of Way - Footpath Diversion, Upper Farm

There had been an approach made to Wiltshire Council regarding the possibility of moving footpath ‘CHER8’ from the Tommy Croker playing field to the 6-way cross-roads outside Upper Lodge. Parish Councillors had been invited by the landowner, Mr Rob Pickford, to participate in discussions. Cllrs Grafton and White agreed to contact and meet with Mr Pickford. Action: Cllrs Grafton and White.

3729 Tommy Croker Playing Field

Following their recent inspection report, RoSPA had recommended the purchase of more pine nuggets to repair/maintain the playing surfaces under the equipment. It was estimated that between 40m3 and 50m3 was needed to get back up to the 300mm depth required. Cllr White had obtained 3 quotes, at approximately £2,500. Cllr Grafton recommended that Cllr White approach Giddings, who may be able to provide a slightly cheaper quote.

After discussions it was agreed that Cllr White would ask the Tommy Croker Committee if they are prepared to pay for half the cost of the nuggets, and the Parish Clerk would check to see if the recently awarded CIL monies could be used for the other half. Action: Cllr White and Parish Clerk

Cllr White submitted a budget estimate of £1,200 for this year’s maintenance comprising £900 for grass cutting, £100 for the RoSPA inspection and £200 for equipment maintenance. This will require a change to the budget which currently limits the Parish Council to spending £1,000.

3730 Grass Cutting

Grass cutting around the Parish had been suspended due to the Covid-19 outbreak and there had been concerns that areas around road junctions were becoming dangerous. However, Wiltshire Council had recently started work again and were catching up with the backlog. Wiltshire Councillor Hill reported that Wiltshire Council’s priority would be sitelines first, and that other areas will be covered at a later date.

Cllr Tomlinson asked if the Parish Clerk could find out which contractor is responsible for each role of grass cutting, ie open and green spaces, and areas around the highways. Action: Parish Clerk

3731 Activity and Road Infrastructure Review

During the Covid-19 lockdown more people have been walking and cycling. However, as the Covid-19 lockdown is eased, increased levels of traffic will make it more difficult for pedestrians and cyclists to safely achieve the 2m social distancing requirement. In response to this, the Department for Transport (DfT) issued new statutory guidance stating that “The government … expects local authorities to make significant changes to their road layouts to give more space to cyclists and pedestrians”. Wiltshire Council Officers have approached Parish Councils to identify potential sites and measures, using local knowledge.

Parish Councillors discussed possible areas, including the and footpath and Middle Lane, Cherhill. It was agreed that Cllrs Tomlinson and Purslow would identify potential sites and measures 2

and forward to the Parish Clerk to respond. Action: Cllrs Tomlinson and Purslow to send comments to Cllr Cavanagh who will formulate a draft response for the Parish Clerk to submit.

3732 Dropbox

Cllr Cavanagh reported that the Parish Council Dropbox account was due to be renewed - this is a virtual ‘room’ to put documents into which all councillors would have access to.

3733 Councillor Responsibilities

Calne Area Board - The next meeting will be held in August.

Budgeting and Finance - The Parish Clerk had completed the AGAR return and was awaiting information from WALC regarding when it can be approved by the Parish Council and signed off before submission.

Countryside Access - Cllr Grafton had received an e-mail from Mr Colin Webb stating that the gate at CHER27 had been locked and the path needed cutting back. Cllr Grafton answered that he had been to the site and the area around the stile had now been cleared. He believed the gate was locked because cattle were currently grazing in the fields, but agreed to investigate with the landowner/National Trust. Action: Cllr Grafton

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow reported that he had logged all current requests with the Parish Steward who was catching up with the backlog. However, Cllr Cavanagh asked the Parish Clerk to register the Parish Council’s dissatisfaction with the service recently received, to Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill. Action: Parish Clerk

Defibrillators - Cllr Evans asked the Parish Council to find a replacement Councillor to maintain the defibrillators after he leaves the Council.

Cllr Cavanagh led the thanks to Cllr Evans for all his very hard work on the Parish Council since 1991, following his letter of resignation.

Cllr Purslow agreed to write a note on the Facebook page publicising the new vacancy for a Cherhill Councillor. Action: Cllr Purslow

3734 Confidential Matters

The Parish Clerk left the meeting as there was a discussing regarding her salary review.

In the Clerk’s absence the councillors unanimously agreed to award a salary increase of 2.75% as an interim measure until the National Joint Council on Local Government Services reaches an agreement on salary scales for 2020-21.

3735 Date of next meeting

Tuesday 30 June, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury - to be re-evaluated depending on the Covid-19 outbreak.

The meeting closed at 9.10 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held remotely on-line on Tuesday 30 June 2020 at 7.30 pm

Please refer to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, Regulation 5 regarding remote meetings


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman David Grafton - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor Alan Hill - Wiltshire Councillor Nick White - CPC Councillor 0 members of the public J R Auvray - CPC Councillor

3736 Apologies

There were no apologies for absence.

3737 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interests.

3738 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 28 May 2020

Cllr Tomlinson proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr White. Action: The Chairman to sign off the minutes once social distancing restrictions have been lifted.

3739 Review of Actions

Role of the Parish Council - Cllr White had put together a comprehensive analysis document from the feedback questionnaires. It was agreed to put the item on the Agenda for full discussion at the next meeting.

Tommy Croker Playing Field - Cllr White reported that the Tommy Croker committee had agreed to pay half the cost of the pine nuggets required for the playground.

Countryside Access - The locked gate at path CHER27 was now unlocked again.

3740 Public Participation

There was no public participation.

3741 Planning Applications

Application No Address Conclusion 19/06846/FUL Divine Café Site, Cherhill Submit response to planning appeal - see below 19/07138/FUL 5 The Street, Cherhill No objections - see below 20/04157/FUL Uplands, 7 Main Road, Cherhill No objections

19/06846/FUL - Divine Café Site - Cllr Tomlinson had produced a response to the appeal on behalf of the Parish Council, which had been previously circulated. After discussions, Cllr Purslow proposed approval of the document, seconded by Cllr Auvray. The submission was APPROVED to send to Wiltshire Council.

19/07138/FUL - 5 The Street, Cherhill - No objections, on the grounds that some of the anomalies with the application were addressed, particularly with regards to references to a garage, rendering, sustainability and accessibility

3742 Accounts

Clerk’s Home/Office expenses for June - Home/Office expense, stationery at £25.59. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Grafton, seconded by Cllr Cavanagh. APPROVED

The Parish Council discussed the increase in the spending budget requested for Tommy Croker from £1,000 to £1,250. Cllr Auvray proposed approval of the change, seconded by Cllr Cavanagh. APPROVED

The Parish Clerk, as Responsible Finance Officer had produced a revised, more simplified budget spreadsheet, which she circulated to Councillors for comments. She had also produced a ‘financial timeline’ which she agreed to circulate. Action: Parish Clerk

3743 Annual Governance Statement (AGAR)

The Annual Governance Statement, which had previously been circulated to Council members, was discussed and proposed to be approved by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

Action: Parish Clerk to return all the forms, once signed, to the auditors and to ensure publication of the dates for the ‘Period for the Exercise of Public Rights’. All relevant financial information will then be published on the Cherhill Parish Council website.

3744 Community Support

Cllr Purslow reported that the Yatesbury support volunteers were now only helping two vulnerable people within the village. Cherhill were still helping people but there were no new enquiries, and the process now appeared to be self-sustaining. Parish Councillors expressed their appreciation to all the volunteers within the Parish.

3745 Rights of Way - Footpath Diversion, Upper Farm

Cllrs Grafton and White had met with the landowner, Mr Rob Pickford to have informal discussions regarding possibility of moving footpath ‘CHER8’ from the Tommy Croker playing field to the 6-way cross-roads outside Upper Lodge. Mr Pickford will be sending an application to Wiltshire Council and the Parish Council await details of the application in due course.

Councillor Hill advised that any footpath diversion applications can take a number of years to be processed by Wiltshire Council.

3746 Tommy Croker Playing Field

Cllr White reported that a working party had tidied up the Playing Field ahead of the re-opening on 4 July. He had also approached Giddings, who had been recommended for a quote for providing pine nuggets, but they had been taken over by a larger company and are no longer able to supply the Parish Council. Cllr White was concerned that the work needed to be carried out as soon as possible in order to comply with the RoSPA inspection report.

After discussions it was agreed to purchase the pine nuggets at the lowest quote and that the Parish Council would pay for half the cost, via the available CIL funds. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED. Action: Cllr White to organise the purchase of the pine nuggets.

3747 Grass Cutting

Cllr Tomlinson had received documentation and maps showing where grass cutting takes place within the parish, and opened up discussions regarding whether the Parish Council should pay for any additional works to be carried out on a regular basis.

Concerns were expressed over the risks when employing private contractors, and the Parish Council must adhere to the correct procedures and risk assessments. It was agreed the Parish Clerk would seek for advice from WALC, and Wiltshire Councillor Hill suggested she contact Linda Roberts, Town


Clerk at Melksham, who has experience in employing contractors, for further advice and if any standard framework agreements could be provided Action: Parish Clerk

Cllr Purslow expressed concerns regarding the environmental impact of over-cutting verges. Cllr Grafton pointed out the some of the works had been reduced due to Covid-19 and the furloughing of Wiltshire Council staff.

3748 Councillor Vacancy

Following the resignation of David Evans, the Parish Council discussed ways of advertising for a new Parish Councillor to represent Cherhill. Cllr Cavanagh agreed to write an article for Facebook and ‘The Villages’ magazine. Action: Cllr Cavanagh

3749 Councillor Responsibilities

Calne Area Board - The next meeting will be held in September.

Countryside Access - Cllr Grafton agreed to look at a broken stile on CHER10 between Marsh Lane and Gate to see if it could easily be repaired. Action: Cllr Grafton

Health and Social Care - it was agreed to remove this item as a specific Councillor responsibility going forward.

Newsletter - After discussions it was agreed that the Newsletter would now be produced online. If anyone required a paper version they could register to receive it. It was also agreed that the Newsletter would be produced as required and not quarterly as previously. A standing item would be on the Agenda each month to discuss any articles that may need to be included. Action: Parish Clerk.

Cllr Purslow agreed to write a note on Facebook to reflect the change. Action: Cllr Purslow

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow reported that the Parish Steward service was now improving, following discussions with the new Parish Steward, and he asked for any requests as soon as possible.

Website - Cllr Cavanagh advised that he will be stepping down from the website running next year and asked if anyone wanted to take on the responsibility. Cllr Tomlinson suggested the work is taken on by a contractor or a parishioner with expertise in running websites.

White Horse Restoration Group - Cllr Grafton reported that the White Horse needed weeding and would organise some volunteers to help when possible.

Defibrillators - Cllrs White and Tomlinson had received handover training on defibrillator maintenance for Cherhill.

Following the resignation of David Evans, all councillors confirmed their new areas of responsibility.

3750 Confidential Matters

There were no confidential matters to discuss.

3751 Date of next meeting

Thursday 30 July or Thursday 13 August, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 24 September, 7.30 pm, Yatesbury Thursday 29 October, 7.30 pm, Cherhill

Note: All meetings to be confirmed depending on the Covid-19 situation.

The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held at Cherhill Village Hall on Thursday 30 July 2020 at 7.30 pm


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman David Grafton - CPC Councillor Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor 1 member of the public Nick White - CPC Councillor J R Auvray - CPC Councillor

Cllr Cavanagh thanked Cllrs Tomlinson and White for preparing the Village Hall to comply with Covid- 19 regulations.

3736 Apologies

Apologies were received from Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill.

3737 Declaration of Interests

Cllr Auvray declared an interest for item 3757, Planning Applications, for planning application 20/05029/PNCOU

3738 Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 30 June 2020

Cllr Grafton proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Purslow. Cllr Cavanagh signed off the Minutes.

3739 Review of Actions

Millennium Map - The painting of the Millennium Map in Yatesbury was now underway.

Tommy Croker Playing Field - The pine nuggets for the playing field had now been ordered.

3740 Public Participation

Cllr Cavanagh thanked Mr David Evans for his hard work on the Parish Council since 1991 and he was presented with a picture of the .

3741 Planning Applications

Cllr Auvray withdrew from the meeting for this item.

Application No Address Conclusion 20/05029/PNCOU West Nolands Far, Nolands Road, No objections with Yatesbury, SN11 8YD conditions

20/05029/PNCOU - There were no objections to this proposal provided the change of use stays as storage only and not for manufacturing use.

3742 Accounts

Clerk’s Home/Office expenses for July - Home/Office expense, stationery at £46.80. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr White. APPROVED

The Noticeboard Company - Yatesbury Noticeboard at £746.48. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Grafton, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

Cllr Cavanagh expenses for Zoom subscription at £14.39. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr White. APPROVED

It was agreed to continue the Zoom subscriptions for the time being in case of a second lockdown, in which case Parish Council meetings would continue on line.

The Regular Payments and End of Financial Year Summary spreadsheets, already approved from Remote meetings held in April, May and June 2020, were signed off.

The Q1 reconciliation statement was proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Graton. APPROVED

3759 Tommy Croker Maintenance Budget

Cllr White asked the Parish Council if he needed approval to make any purchases for the Tommy Croker playing field. After discussions it was agreed that as there was already a budget for maintenance, that it would be at the disposal of the Tommy Croker Committee to spend the money on what it sees fit, provided the spend is for the purposes agreed (grass cutting, ROSPA inspections and general maintenance) and does not exceed the budget across the course of the financial year.

Payment of invoices will still have to be submitted to a Parish Council meeting for approval and Cllr White was asked to submit an updated expenditure forecast prior to each Parish Council meeting. Purchases not covered by this budget figure or that would exceed the budget will have to be brought to the Parish Council for discussion and approval.

ACTION: Cllr White

Cllr White reported that the Tommy Croker equipment would be 10 years old in 2021 and the Committee wished to refurbish the equipment at this time, which could prove to be expensive. Quotes for works were currently being sought.

3760 The Role of the Parish Council

There was some discussion over how to go forward following the summary analysis of responses received from the Parish, and whether to publish the analysis. It was agreed to retain the analysis as evidence of the community’s appetite for the PC to undertake wider service provision.

The conversation evolved to whether to start to employ contractors to undertake some of the maintenance within the Parish, for example for grass cutting and hedge trimming. The Clerk agreed to find some proforma Framework Agreements as a template for future contractors. ACTION: Parish Clerk.

Cllr Grafton agreed to look into the costs of such works and report back and to put forward some names of people we could send a tender document to. ACTION: Cllr Grafton.

Cllr Tomlinson agreed to produce a draft tender document for a framework agreement for bridleway maintenance. ACTION: Cllr Tomlinson

3761 Councillor Vacancy

All Councillors agreed to individually keep looking for potential new Parish councillors for Cherhill.

ACTION: All Councillors

3762 Newsletter

It was agreed there are currently not enough relevant topics to merit a newsletter at this time.

3763 Councillor Responsibilities

Website - Cllr Cavanagh agreed to circulate the Exercise of Public Rights Notice on the website on 1 September. ACTION: Cllr Cavanagh

Countryside Access - Cllr Grafton reported that road planings have been distributed around the Parish, for work on the main road, but that some may be available for Parish use. 2

Hills Waste Solutions Liaison Group - It was reported that Hills have applied to extend their opening hours.

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow reported that the Parish Steward had done some pot hole filling in Yatesbury, but that the quality of the work was not up to the usual standard.

White Horse Restoration Group - Cllr Grafton reported that the White Horse still needed weeding and he would try to organise some volunteers to help when possible.

3764 Confidential Matters

There were no confidential matters to discuss.

3765 Date of next meeting

Thursday 24 September, 7.30 pm, Cherhill (note the change of venue) Thursday 29 October, 7.30 pm, Cherhill Thursday 26 November, 7.30 pm, Cherhill

Note: All meetings to be confirmed depending on the Covid-19 situation.

The meeting closed at 9.00 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held remotely on-line on Thursday 24 September at 7.30 pm

Please refer to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, Regulation 5 regarding remote meetings


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Simon Tomlinson - CPC Councillor 1 member of the public Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor Nick White - CPC Councillor David Grafton - CPC Councillor

3766 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Auvray. Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill did not attend the meeting.

3767 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3768 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 30 July 2020

Cllr Purslow proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. Action: The Chairman to sign off the minutes once social distancing restrictions have been lifted.

3769 Review of Actions

Tommy Croker Playing Field - Cllr White to amend the Tommy Croker and Parish Council relationship document to reflect the decision on spend agreed at the previous meeting.

3770 Public Participation

Mrs Anne Henshaw attended to express concerns over the encroaching hedges and overgrowth on Sustrans route 403 and footpath 31 from Yatesbury Lane. It was agreed that Mrs Henshaw should report the issue on the new ‘MyWiltshire’ app. If that did not result in the work being completed the Parish Council would consider adding the work to a list of tasks for a contractor should one be employed in the future.

3771 Planning Applications

Application No Address Conclusion 20/07599/TCA 3 Maiden Lane, Cherhill No Comment 20/07653/FUL 31 The Street, Cherhill Support subject to conditions (see below)

20/07653/FUL - Councillors had no objection in principle to the development into a two storey house. They were, however, keen to promote high quality design in the village in line with core strategy policy 57, and Councillors were concerned that the proposed scheme lacked that quality. In addition Councillors wanted to see a design and access statement and more detail on choice of materials and finishes.

It was reported that some villagers had expressed concerns over the removal of trees at the Maiden Lane development (18/06245/FUL) which had just started work. There was some discussion over whether the trees along the hedge line had been protected as part of the planning approval, and if so, there would be a replanting requirement. Cllr Cavanagh agreed to follow this up with Wiltshire Council. Action: Cllr Cavanagh

3772 Accounts

Clerk’s Home/Office expenses for August - Home/Office expense, stationery at £23.00. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Grafton. APPROVED

The Garden Route - grass cutting at Tommy Croker playing field at £405.00. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

3773 Rights of Way Issue - Yatesbury

Cllr Purslow was having ongoing discussions with Green Square regarding the use, for many years, of a cut through from The Lymers to the adjacent bridleway (11) within a parcel of land which they own. A parishioner had complained that the cut through had been partly blocked by a resident and he was therefore unable to continue to use it. Cllr Purslow was awaiting a decision from Green Square on what they will do with the land and whether or not they will block off the access route.

The bridleway had not been maintained recently and it was difficult to access, but Cllr Grafton reported that he had recently cut the path and it was now easier to use.

3774 The Role of the Parish Council

Cllr Tomlinson reported that draft proforma documents and estimated costings were now available in order for the Parish Council to start to employ contractors to undertake some of the maintenance work within the Parish. Councillors agreed to approach a number of contractors, and to advertise on Facebook if required. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would ask Steve Leonard for a list of contacts from Wiltshire Council. Action: Parish Clerk

Cllr Cavanagh agreed to investigate the permissions required for the Parish Council to undertake such work. Action: Cllr Cavanagh

3775 Councillor Vacancy

Councillors had approached several parishioners regarding the vacancy but no-one was interested to date. It was agreed to keep looking, and advertising for a potential new Parish councillor for Cherhill.

ACTION: All Councillors

3776 Newsletter

It was agreed that there should be a last paper copy of the newsletter produced this Winter, and that the default would then be electronic versions produced going forward. However anyone without access to a computer could still request a paper copy if necessary.

Cllr Cavanagh asked for contributions for the newsletter. Action: All Councillors

3777 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board - Cllr Tomlinson reported that a boundary document had been issued, but that there was no change to Calne area. The Minutes from the previous meeting had not yet been circulated.

CATG - Cllr Tomlinson expressed disappointment at the lack of cycle lanes and road improvements agreed by Wiltshire Council within the parish, particularly after the work done by the Parish Council to suggest many areas which could have been made better.

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow agreed to chase up the Winter schedule from the Parish Steward. Action: Cllr Purslow

Website - Cllr Cavanagh had been working on the Parish Council website to ensure accessibility requirements are fulfilled, as all public bodies must have a website that meets WCAG 2.1AA accessibility standards by 23 September 2020. Cllr Purslow agreed to test the website and report back to Cllr Cavanagh. Action: Cllr Purslow 2

White Horse Restoration Group - Cllr Grafton reported that the White Horse still needed weeding but it would now have to wait until 2021 when the horse is due to be re-chalked.

Defibrillators - Cllr Tomlinson had bought new pads For Cherhill Village Hall as they had expired. Councillors APPROVED authority for Cllrs Tomlinson, White and Purslow to purchase new pads without seeking prior approval when they expire.

3778 Confidential Matters

There were no confidential matters to discuss.

3779 Date of next meeting

Thursday 29 October, 7.30 pm - THIS MEETING WILL NOW BE REMOTE VIA ZOOM Thursday 26 November, 7.30 pm - THIS MEETING WILL NOW BE REMOTE VIA ZOOM and will incorporate budget discussions before the Precept meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.00 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held remotely on-line on Thursday 29 October at 7.30 pm

Please refer to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, Regulation 5 regarding remote meetings


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk J R Auvray - CPC Councillor Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor 2 members of the public Nick White - CPC Councillor David Grafton - CPC Councillor

3780 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Tomlinson for family reasons.

3781 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3782 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 30 July 2020

Cllr White proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Grafton. Action: The Chairman to sign off the minutes once social distancing restrictions have been lifted.

3783 Review of Actions

Tommy Croker Playing Field - Cllr White had amended the Tommy Croker and Parish Council relationship document to reflect the agreed decision on spend.

The Role of the Parish Council - Cllr Cavanagh shared a document on screen, an excerpt from The Good Councillor’s Guide published by NALC, which outlines what local councils can do and the legislation from which their mandate derives. An email had also been received from Steve Leonard at Wilts Council asking for prior notification of planned tasks so that duplication of effort can be avoided.

3784 Public Participation

There was no public participation.

3785 Planning Applications

Application No Address Conclusion 20/08584/VAR White Acres, Maiden Lane, Cherhill, No Comment SN11 8UZ 20/08779/TCA The Old Rectory, 2 Main Road, Cherhill, No Objections Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 8UX

3786 Accounts

Clerk’s Home/Office expenses for Sept & Oct - Home/Office expense at £36.00. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Auvray. APPROVED

CPA Horticulture - Pine Play Area Bark for Tommy Croker playing field at £3,330, to which half the cost had already been received from the Tommy Croker Committee. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Cavanagh, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

3787 The Role of the Parish Council

Cllr Cavanagh gave a brief resume on the work done so far to the two members of the public. The Clerk had received three expressions of interest from potential contractors to undertake maintenance work within the Parish. There was a discussion on what work needed to be done as a priority, and it was agreed that Cllr White and Cllr Purslow would each walk their village boundaries to photograph and produce a worksheet for any broken stiles. Action: Cllrs White & Purslow

A number of other maintenance tasks were identified, but it was agreed to try the new process out with the stile work in the first instance. Cllr Purslow pointed out that the clearance of the path to the Black Horse Pub was usually done by the Parish Steward and he would chase this up. Action: Cllr Purslow

The Parish Clerk agreed to check the rules regarding the tendering process when offering the work out to potential contractors. Action: Parish Clerk

Cllr Cavanagh asked the Parish Clerk to review the additional admin load on her role.

3788 Councillor Vacancy

Two members of the public - Jackie Day and Claire Gwyer attended the meeting having expressed an interest in becoming a Parish Councillor.

3789 Newsletter

Cllr Cavanagh had received only 3 requests for hard copies of the Newsletter from Cherhill. Cllr Purslow agreed to follow this up with Yatesbury residents. Action: Cllr Purslow

3790 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board - Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill alerted the Parish Council to the new anti-hare coursing van which contained an infra-red camera and which can be made available if there is a spate of hare coursing within the Parish. Yatesbury Councillors expressed concerns that there had been a lot of recent criminal activity in the area. Mr Hill urged the Parish Council to telephone 101 and ask for the van if necessary.

Budgeting and Finance - Cllr Cavanagh urged all councillors to come to the next meeting with suggestions of how the available CIL funds could be used to the benefit of the community.

Hills - Monique Hayes from Hills had sent an e-mail stating that a decision had been taken to move their meetings onto Microsoft Teams whilst they are unable to meet face to face. The next Lower Compton & Sands Farm facilities liaison committee meeting is to be held on Wednesday 18 November at 4.00pm. Cllr White agreed to attend the meeting. Action: Cllr White

CATG - Cllr Cavanagh asked Cllr Purslow for an overview for the next CATG meeting, in case Cllr Purslow is unable to attend. Action: Cllr Purslow

Website - Cllr Purslow had tested the website and was happy that there were no problems with accessibility.

Lansdowne Monument - Wiltshire Councillor Hill expressed concern that no information had been forthcoming from the National Trust regarding the progress of the Wellington Monument, which had a knock on effect on the delayed works to the Lansdowne Monument. He urged the Parish Council to raise the profile and to take this up with the National Trust. Cllr Cavanagh agreed to talk to Debbie Bassett, a local campaigner.

3791 Confidential Matters

No confidential matters were discussed.


3792 Date of next meeting

Thursday 26 November, 7.30 pm - THIS MEETING WILL BE REMOTE VIA ZOOM and will incorporate budget discussions before the Precept meeting.

Thursday 17 December, 7.30 pm - THIS MEETING WILL BE REMOTE VIA ZOOM and will incorporate the Precept meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.00 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held remotely on-line on Thursday 26 November at 7.30 pm

Please refer to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, Regulation 5 regarding remote meetings


John Cavanagh - CPC Chairman Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk J R Auvray - CPC Councillor Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor 1 member of the public Nick White - CPC Councillor David Grafton - CPC Councillor

3793 Apologies

There were no apologies.

3794 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3795 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 29 November 2020

Cllr Cavanagh proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr Purslow. Action: The Chairman to sign off the minutes once social distancing restrictions have been lifted.

3796 Review of Actions

Newsletter - Cllrs Cavanagh and Purslow now had a list of e-mail addresses from residents requiring electronic copies of the newsletters.

Lansdowne Monument - Cllr Cavanagh had spoken with Debbie regarding the progress on the monument, and confirmed that she will keep the Parish Council updated.

3797 Public Participation

There was no public participation.

3798 Planning Applications

Application No Address Conclusion 20/09400/FUL Gate Farm, Quemerford Gate, Calne, No Objections Wiltshire, SN11 8UL 20/09112/FUL Yatesbury Manor North & South, Church No Objections Lane, Yatesbury, SN11 8YE

3799 Accounts

Clerk’s Home/Office expenses for November - Home/Office expense, stationery and Microsoft Office 365 Renewal at £92.46. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Auvray, seconded by Cllr Grafton. APPROVED

Wiltshire Council - CATG Contribution for unsuitable for HGV signs, Cherhill at £133.80. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Auvray. APPROVED

3800 Appointment of new Councillor

Ms Claire Gwyer was formally co-opted on to the Parish Council - proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Grafton. Ms Gwyer was welcomed and invited to join the meeting.

3801 Budget Discussion for Precept for 2021/22

Cllr Tomlinson outlined the detailed draft budget plan that had been worked on by himself and the Responsible Finance Officer.

After discussions and slight amendments to the figures, it was AGREED by all Councillors to formally propose the Precept figure of £11,000 for FY2021/22 for approval at the December meeting.

The RFO agreed to provide an updated version of the budget figures prior to the December meeting. Action: RFO

3802 CIL Funding

There was a discussion regarding the possible use of CIL monies available to the Parish. Cllr Cavanagh agreed to produce some draft communications for a Newsletter, Facebook and the website asking the Community for input into how it would like the money to be spent, and to present the draft for approval at the next meeting. Action: Cllr Cavanagh

3803 Tommy Croker

The new relationship document between Tommy Croker and Cherhill Parish Council was proposed to be adopted by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Grafton. APPROVED

3804 The Role of the Parish Council

Cllr White had walked the Cherhill village boundaries and produced a comprehensive document showing works required on the stiles. The Parish Council thanked him for his work.

Discussions took place over how to move forward the enabling of work to be undertaken by contractors on a regular basis. It was agreed to abandon the idea of a Framework Agreement, which had not worked, and to approach contractors on an ad hoc basis going forward.

Councillors agreed that the current Financial Regulation limit of £500 before tendering was mandatory was too low and it was agreed to increase the limit to £1000, which would be formally adopted at the December meeting. Action: Parish Clerk for the Agenda.

The Parish Council AGREED to approach Mr Joe Raven for a quote to do the specific stile work required in Cherhill. Cllr White agreed to produce a worksheet for the work required, and if necessary to take Mr Raven around the sites showing the work to be done. Action: Cllr White

The Parish Clerk agreed to write to Mr Raven asking for a quote. Action: Parish Clerk

3805 Newsletter

There are currently not enough items to warrant a Newsletter.

3806 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board - The next Area Board meeting is on 8 December. Cllr Tomlinson will attend.

Hills - Cllr White reported from the recent meeting, highlighting that Hills were very busy currently and had also submitted a planning application for extended hours.

CATG - Cllr Purslow had attended the meeting and agreed to circulate the Minutes. Action: Cllr Purslow

Website - Cllr Cavanagh reported that some mailboxes were getting full. 2

White Horse Restoration Group - The local Scout group had been working on the White Horse and the Parish Council thanked them for all their hard work.

3807 Confidential Matters

No confidential matters were discussed.

3808 Date of next meeting

Thursday 17 December, 7.30 pm - THIS MEETING WILL BE REMOTE VIA ZOOM and will incorporate the Precept meeting.

Thursday 28 January, 7.30 pm - THIS MEETING WILL BE REMOTE VIA ZOOM.

The meeting closed at 9.25 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held remotely on-line on Thursday 17 December at 7.30 pm

Please refer to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, Regulation 5 regarding remote meetings


Simon Tomlinson - CPC Vice-Chairman Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor 0 members of the public Nick White - CPC Councillor Claire Gwyer - CPC Councillor

3809 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Cavanagh, Cllr Grafton and Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill. Cllr Auvray had technical issues and was unable to attend the meeting.

3810 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3811 Chairman of Cherhill Parish Council

It was recorded that Cllr Cavanagh will be off sick for some time. Cllr Tomlinson will take on the role as Acting Chairman in the interim. Councillors wished Cllr Cavanagh a speedy recovery.

3812 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 29 November 2020

Cllr Purslow proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr White. Action: The Acting Chairman to sign off the minutes once social distancing restrictions have been lifted.

3813 Review of Actions

Role of the Parish Council - Cllr Purslow agreed to talk to Cllr Auvray to divide the task of walking the village boundary at Yatesbury, to photograph and produce a worksheet for any broken stiles. Cllr Gwyer requested she also attend to get to know the area better. Action: Cllrs Purslow & Auvray

Newsletter - Cllr Purslow had sent Cllr Cavanagh a list to Yatesbury residents wanting paper copies of the Newsletter vs online, but this had not been progressed yet due to Cllr Cavanagh being off sick.

CIL Funding - Cllr Cavanagh had agreed to produce draft communication documents for Facebook and Website for community input on CIL Funding. It was agreed to defer this item until early 2021.

Stile Maintenance - Cllr White had produced a worksheet for maintenance work required by the contractor. The Parish Clerk had written to Mr Joe Raven, potential contractor, for a quote for the works. Mr Raven had since contacted Cllr White and were in discussions about walking the boundaries.

3814 Public Participation

There was no public participation.

3815 Planning Applications

There were no planning applications.

3816 Accounts

Clerk’s Home/Office expenses for December - Home/Office expense, stationery at £30.80. Proposed to be approved by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

The Garden Route - Grass cutting - Tommy Croker playing fields at £200. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

Play Safety Ltd - Annual inspection & inspection of new items at £143.40. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

3817 Precept for 2021/22

Further to the Precept and budget discussions at the November meeting, Cllr Tomlinson proposed the agreed figure of £11,000, for the requested Precept for 2020/21, which is unchanged from the previous year, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

The budget spreadsheet would be formally adopted at the beginning of the Financial Year 2021-22

Action: Parish Clerk to return the Precept Requirement Form to Wiltshire Council by 18 January 2021 deadline, and to ensure the information is in the public domain.

3818 Tommy Croker

RoSPA had raised the issue of a further health and safety inspection of below ground timbers at the Tommy Croker playground due to the age of the equipment. This would be in the form of a resistograph test to check the condition of timbers for rot.

Cllr White had received a quote of £995.00+VAT for the resistograph inspection, and asked if this money could be added to the maintenance budget for next year. This was proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

Cllr White agreed to prepare a plan of irregular expenses such as resistograph testing and pine nuggets so that these can be accrued for over a number of years. Action: Cllr White

3819 CIL Funding

This item was deferred to the new year 2021.

3820 Website

Cllr Tomlinson led the discussion on how the Parish Council would managed the website going forward. The Parish Clerk had approached a number of local parishes asking for help and advice. Avebury Parish Council had offered to help and said they would be happy to speak with Kate Fry who manages their server/mail.

Councillors Purslow and White volunteered to take on the responsibility of managing the website and e-mail management between them, but asked for some training in order to do so. It was agreed that Cllr White would contact Kate Fry. Cllr Purslow agreed to put something on Facebook asking if there were any local people who would be willing to help the Parish Council. Action: Cllrs White & Purslow

Cllr Tomlinson agreed to obtain any necessary passwords and information from Cllr Cavanagh. Action: Cllr Tomlinson

3821 CATG improvement measures for cycle/pedestrian links

At the last CATG meeting the COVID-19 Response Team had proposed a potential scheme to consider alternative cycle/pedestrian links, which included the entire route linking Calne with Avebury. A significant length crosses Cherhill parish and CATG had nominated the Parish to consider the merit of exploring improvement measures. Work could include improvements to signing and surfacing along the route. No financial commitment is being sought at this time. 2

After discussions it was agreed that the Parish Council would like improvements to the Sustrans route. Cllr Purslow agreed to reply to Mark Stansby. Action: Cllr Purslow

3822 The Role of the Parish Council

Councillors agreed to formally adopt the amendment to the Standing Order tendering limit from £500 to £1000. ADOPTED.

As mentioned under Item 3813, there was now some progress regarding the contractor work on the stiles within the Cherhill Parish boundaries.

3823 Newsletter

There are currently not enough items to warrant a Newsletter.

3824 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board - Cllr Tomlinson had attended the recent Area Board meeting, which had highlighted some of the impact of Covid-19 within the area.

Budgeting and Finance - The extra money request from Tommy Croker which had been agreed earlier (under Item 3818) would exceed the Tommy Croker maintenance budget for the financial year. The Parish Council agreed to change the figures for the Tommy Croker budget line using the Virement Process. The money would come from Parish Council reserves.

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow reported that some of the works requested still had not been undertaken and agreed to follow up with the Parish Steward. Action: Cllr Purslow

White Horse Restoration Group - The local Scout group had now finished the work on the White Horse. It was agreed that Cllr Grafton would write to the Scouts to thank them for their hard work. Action: Cllr Grafton

Lansdowne Monument - Discussions were progressing with the National Trust, who indicated they were still positive about achieving work on the monument. A meeting had been suggested in the Spring of 2020.

3825 Confidential Matters

No confidential matters were discussed.

3826 Date of next meeting

Thursday 28 January, 7.30 pm - THIS MEETING WILL BE REMOTE VIA ZOOM.

Thursday 4 March, 7.30 pm - venue tbc

The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.


Minutes of the meeting of Cherhill Parish Council held remotely on-line on Thursday 17 December at 7.30 pm

Please refer to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, Regulation 5 regarding remote meetings


Simon Tomlinson - CPC Vice-Chairman Paula Purslow – CPC Parish Clerk Martin Purslow - CPC Councillor 0 members of the public Nick White - CPC Councillor Claire Gwyer - CPC Councillor

3809 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Cavanagh, Cllr Grafton and Wiltshire Councillor Alan Hill. Cllr Auvray had technical issues and was unable to attend the meeting.

3810 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

3811 Chairman of Cherhill Parish Council

It was recorded that Cllr Cavanagh will be off sick for some time. Cllr Tomlinson will take on the role as Acting Chairman in the interim. Councillors wished Cllr Cavanagh a speedy recovery.

3812 Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 29 November 2020

Cllr Purslow proposed approval of the Minutes as a correct record, seconded by Cllr White. Action: The Acting Chairman to sign off the minutes once social distancing restrictions have been lifted.

3813 Review of Actions

Role of the Parish Council - Cllr Purslow agreed to talk to Cllr Auvray to divide the task of walking the village boundary at Yatesbury, to photograph and produce a worksheet for any broken stiles. Cllr Gwyer requested she also attend to get to know the area better. Action: Cllrs Purslow & Auvray

Newsletter - Cllr Purslow had sent Cllr Cavanagh a list to Yatesbury residents wanting paper copies of the Newsletter vs online, but this had not been progressed yet due to Cllr Cavanagh being off sick.

CIL Funding - Cllr Cavanagh had agreed to produce draft communication documents for Facebook and Website for community input on CIL Funding. It was agreed to defer this item until early 2021.

Stile Maintenance - Cllr White had produced a worksheet for maintenance work required by the contractor. The Parish Clerk had written to Mr Joe Raven, potential contractor, for a quote for the works. Mr Raven had since contacted Cllr White and were in discussions about walking the boundaries.

3814 Public Participation

There was no public participation.

3815 Planning Applications

There were no planning applications.

3816 Accounts

Clerk’s Home/Office expenses for December - Home/Office expense, stationery at £30.80. Proposed to be approved by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

The Garden Route - Grass cutting - Tommy Croker playing fields at £200. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Tomlinson, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

Play Safety Ltd - Annual inspection & inspection of new items at £143.40. Proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

3817 Precept for 2021/22

Further to the Precept and budget discussions at the November meeting, Cllr Tomlinson proposed the agreed figure of £11,000, for the requested Precept for 2020/21, which is unchanged from the previous year, seconded by Cllr Purslow. APPROVED

The budget spreadsheet would be formally adopted at the beginning of the Financial Year 2021-22

Action: Parish Clerk to return the Precept Requirement Form to Wiltshire Council by 18 January 2021 deadline, and to ensure the information is in the public domain.

3818 Tommy Croker

RoSPA had raised the issue of a further health and safety inspection of below ground timbers at the Tommy Croker playground due to the age of the equipment. This would be in the form of a resistograph test to check the condition of timbers for rot.

Cllr White had received a quote of £995.00+VAT for the resistograph inspection, and asked if this money could be added to the maintenance budget for next year. This was proposed to be approved by Cllr Purslow, seconded by Cllr Tomlinson. APPROVED

Cllr White agreed to prepare a plan of irregular expenses such as resistograph testing and pine nuggets so that these can be accrued for over a number of years. Action: Cllr White

3819 CIL Funding

This item was deferred to the new year 2021.

3820 Website

Cllr Tomlinson led the discussion on how the Parish Council would managed the website going forward. The Parish Clerk had approached a number of local parishes asking for help and advice. Avebury Parish Council had offered to help and said they would be happy to speak with Kate Fry who manages their server/mail.

Councillors Purslow and White volunteered to take on the responsibility of managing the website and e-mail management between them, but asked for some training in order to do so. It was agreed that Cllr White would contact Kate Fry. Cllr Purslow agreed to put something on Facebook asking if there were any local people who would be willing to help the Parish Council. Action: Cllrs White & Purslow

Cllr Tomlinson agreed to obtain any necessary passwords and information from Cllr Cavanagh. Action: Cllr Tomlinson

3821 CATG improvement measures for cycle/pedestrian links

At the last CATG meeting the COVID-19 Response Team had proposed a potential scheme to consider alternative cycle/pedestrian links, which included the entire route linking Calne with Avebury. A significant length crosses Cherhill parish and CATG had nominated the Parish to consider the merit of exploring improvement measures. Work could include improvements to signing and surfacing along the route. No financial commitment is being sought at this time. 2

After discussions it was agreed that the Parish Council would like improvements to the Sustrans route. Cllr Purslow agreed to reply to Mark Stansby. Action: Cllr Purslow

3822 The Role of the Parish Council

Councillors agreed to formally adopt the amendment to the Standing Order tendering limit from £500 to £1000. ADOPTED.

As mentioned under Item 3813, there was now some progress regarding the contractor work on the stiles within the Cherhill Parish boundaries.

3823 Newsletter

There are currently not enough items to warrant a Newsletter.

3824 Councillor Responsibilities

Area Board - Cllr Tomlinson had attended the recent Area Board meeting, which had highlighted some of the impact of Covid-19 within the area.

Budgeting and Finance - The extra money request from Tommy Croker which had been agreed earlier (under Item 3818) would exceed the Tommy Croker maintenance budget for the financial year. The Parish Council agreed to change the figures for the Tommy Croker budget line using the Virement Process. The money would come from Parish Council reserves.

Parish Steward - Cllr Purslow reported that some of the works requested still had not been undertaken and agreed to follow up with the Parish Steward. Action: Cllr Purslow

White Horse Restoration Group - The local Scout group had now finished the work on the White Horse. It was agreed that Cllr Grafton would write to the Scouts to thank them for their hard work. Action: Cllr Grafton

Lansdowne Monument - Discussions were progressing with the National Trust, who indicated they were still positive about achieving work on the monument. A meeting had been suggested in the Spring of 2020.

3825 Confidential Matters

No confidential matters were discussed.

3826 Date of next meeting

Thursday 28 January, 7.30 pm - THIS MEETING WILL BE REMOTE VIA ZOOM.

Thursday 4 March, 7.30 pm - venue tbc

The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.