Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee 5th meeting 2018, Session 5 Agenda Thursday 15 March 2018 at 10am in the Cross-Party Group paper David Livingston Room (CR6). Correspondence Members will note that the meeting is scheduled to start at 10am but members are asked to attend at 9.50am for a pre- brief. Meeting papers and Official Reports from previous meetings Next meeting: 29 March 2018 Future Meetings: 26 April 2018 10 May 2018 24 May 2018 7 June 2018 21 June 2018 SPPA/S5/18/5/A STANDARDS, PROCEDURES AND PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS COMMITTEE AGENDA 5th Meeting, 2018 (Session 5) Thursday 15 March 2018 The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in the David Livingstone Room (CR6). 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 4 in private. 2. Cross-Party Group: The Committee will consider an application for recognition from the proposed Cross-Party Group on Islamophobia, and take evidence from— Anas Sarwar, Convener of the proposed CPG on Islamophobia. 3. Cross-Party Group - approval: The Committee will decide whether to accord recognition to the proposed Cross-Party Group on Islamophobia. 4. Correspondence: The Committee will consider correspondence from James Dornan MSP. 5. Sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct (in private): The Committee will consider a note by the clerk. Joanna Hardy/Alastair Macfie Clerks to the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee Room CG07 The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh Tel: 0131 348 6924 Email:
[email protected] SPPA/S5/18/5/A The papers for this meeting are as follows— Agenda item 2 Note by the clerk SPPA/S5/18/5/1 Agenda item 4 Correspondence from James Dornan MSP SPPA/S5/18/5/2 Agenda item 5 PRIVATE PAPER SPPA/S5/18/5/3 (P) PRIVATE PAPER SPPA/S5/18/5/4 (P) SPPA/S5/18/5/1 Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee 5th Meeting 2017 (Session 5), Thursday 15 March 2018 Cross-Party Group Application Introduction 1.