Welcome to the Isles of Mull and Iona www.isle-of-mull.net www.isle-of-iona.net

1 NATURE ! WILDLIFE TOURS: 4 TRIPS Join Ewan for a land-based wildlife adventure to Staff a is a beautiful uninhabited island, famous discover the and the Ardnamurchan for its dramatic basalt columns, sea caves Peninsula. and bird life. Over the years it has captivated Explore some of Scotland’s fi nest wild areas, thousands of people including Queen Victoria, searching for iconic species such as Golden Eagle, Robert Louis Stevenson and Jules Verne. White-Tailed Eagle, Otter, Hen Harrier, Red Deer Fingal’s Cave is always splendid and and many more. atmospheric and puffi ns can be seen ashore Our fl agship tour is the Mull Nature Expedition, in season. If you’re lucky, you might see a which is a vehicle based experience that includes passing, porpoise, dolphin, or whale! easy leisurely walks of 30-60 minutes to delve deeper into the habitats and connect with the The trip lasts approximately three hours and islands wilder places. you can disembark at or Iona. We also provide the Mull Wilderness Expedition, We leave Iona and Fionnphort twice daily (1 st Ardnamurchan Tour, Private Tours and package April - 31 st October) and we aim to give you at expeditions with BBC Springwatch presenter, Iolo least 1 hour ashore. Williams. www.staff atrips.co.uk Mobile: 07743 956380. www.naturescotland.com Tel: 01681 700755.

TURUS MARA: WILDLIFE ON MULL: 2 5 The Mull family business have operated We are a wildlife and scenic tour business, seabird and wildlife cruise tours for 46 years. off ering mini van tours of Mull. We will give you “Expeditions with a fl avour of the traditional a tour through some of the magnifi cent scenery and a hint of adventure”. From Ferry on which Mull has to off er, stopping on numerous Mull, Staff a and - day trips of a occasions, to watch many of the wildlife scenes, lifetime with photo opportunities galore for a for which Mull has become famous. great variety of creatures both feathered and woolly. Eagles, otters and red deer are usually seen We facilitate all-in tickets for joining from , during the trip, along with many other wildlife Tobermory and other parts of Mull. Consult the sights. Turus Mara website/brochure for timetables We also take private tours for those who wish a and more information about our bird/wildlife bespoke trip. (including Puffi n Therapy). Hoy Lass and Island For information on tours, visit our website Lass are class V1 licensed passenger boats by www.wildlifeonmull.co.uk the MCA. Book now with ourselves: Tel: 01688 400242. Tel: 07587 394 826 for further information. [email protected], www.turusmara.com Email: [email protected] Facebook: Wildlifeonmull

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