UCLPartners Academic Health Science Network October 2012 A misson to translate research and innovation in care delivery into measurable health gain for patients and populations through partnership across settings and sectors, and through excellence in education

Established as an Academic Health Science Centre in 2009, based on academic excellence

• Includes 3 BRCs, 2 BRUs, 7 HEIs and 5 university hospital Trusts (including specialist hospital Trusts) • Limited company (social enterprise) • Funded by Partnership contributions and grants • Enabled grants to UCL > £20m

2 Culture, strategy and programmes:

• Culture of collaboration and excellence • Principal strategic goals to improve health and create wealth • Programmes include:

o Cancer o and o Cardiovascular Transplantation o Child health o Infectious Diseases o Liver and Digestive o Mental Health and Health Wellbeing o ENT o Neuroscience o Eyes and Vision o Women’s Health

3 Portfolio of successful projects:

Award of Proton Beam Therapy • Joint award with Manchester • £300m investment

New model of stroke care • Stroke mortality 50% below national average, cost saving • Global relevance

New immunology centre and pan UCLP platform • Doubling of academic outputs: global top 5 cell and gene therapy

New integrated cancer system • Novel approach • Scale of top 10 clinical and academic providers globally

4 Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) bid responds to a vision set out by the Department of Health

• Fifteen AHSNs to be designated across the UK from April 2013

• Purpose of AHSNs is to translate innovation into practice in communities, thus delivering step change improvement in health and wealth

• Each AHSN will be an inclusive partnership of healthcare and academia, local government and industry

• Each AHSN will receive core funding up to £10m p.a., with potential for further funding via Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs) and Clinical Research Networks

5 The AHSN will span a wide range of partners, collaborating to achieve measurable health gain for a population of 6 million

6m population across NE and NW , Herts, Beds and Essex

• 19 Clinical Commissioning Groups • 24 healthcare organisations 14 Higher (acute trusts, mental 26 Boroughs Education health trusts; and Local Institutes and community Councils research networks providers) 6 The AHSN’s strategic goals are to drive both health and wealth

Improve health Create wealth

Support and facilitate Enhance economic gain for our measurable improvements at population through improved scale and pace in the health, AHSN health, innovation and and healthcare of our implementation, while population, while significantly improving the return on reducing health inequalities; research and healthcare implement NICE guidance investment

AHSN contributions to wealth creation • Increasing the health of our population – delivering direct economic return by increasing workforce productivity • Delivering projects in partnership with industry, creating an environment for quick decision-making and expanding job exchange programmes • Creating a culture and supporting infrastructure to empower entrepreneurs • Exporting knowledge through education and health improvement services

7 The AHSN will achieve its vision through major Programmes

1 Cancer ‘Integration Together account Cardiovascular Programmes’ 2 for > 80% of amenable Collaborate to 3 Mental health create and apply premature innovation at a mortality and 4 Co-morbidities system level current healthcare spend 5 Life course for women and children

AHSC ‘Portfolio Programmes’ Translate specific academic innovation into practice – in , Neurosciences, GI and Hepatology, ENT, Immunology and Transplantation, and Population Health

Work Develop across the and deliver research responsive, translational distinctive pathway education

8 What will success look like? Examples of key Programme objectives

1 Integrated • Improve one year survival for all cancers, with 250 fewer patients cancer dying per annum from 2016/7

• Offer every patient the opportunity to participate in a well-designed clinical study during their cancer care

2 Integrated • Identify and treat/tackle 25% more CV risk factors which will result in cardio- reduced major acute coronary events by 2017 vascular • Develop a ‘First in Man’ devices centre, making the most of the Yale/UCL-QM/Anglia Ruskin Med Tech collaboration to assess and introduce novel cardiovascular devices

3 Integrated • Improve recovery rates in child and adolescent mental health with mental a stretching target of 50% by 2016 health • Reduce long-term unemployment in mental health patients by 10% by 2016 through better integration with major employers and making employment a key focus of mental health services 9 UCLPartners’ bid to become an AHSN represents a major opportunity to expand our partnerships, footprint and impact

2009 2012 2013 (proposed AHSN)

• UCL and 4 teaching • 11 acute trusts, 5 • 19 CCGs, 24 acute, Our hospitals, including mental health trusts, community & mental Partnership Royal Free strong primary care health providers, 14 HEIs, links, 3 Universities >20 local councils

• Focus on 6 major • >50 major projects • Integrated portfolio of Our academic areas to improve patient programmes aligning Programmes and population prevention, service health improvement, research and education

10 The AHSN’s success will be a collaborative effort – please join us!

UCLPartners AHSN will rest on a deep commitment to building collaboration between patients, academia, the NHS, local government and industry – thinking and acting in partnership to serve our communities

“Success depends on shared values, strong partnership working, local leadership and energy, and clarity on operational delivery…rather than a single system of control or complex series of arrangements”

David Fish, Managing Director of UCLPartners, Lancet, June 27th 2012

11 Find out more: http://www.uclpartners.com