@thesikhtimes thesikhtimes qaumipatrika VISIT: PUBLISHED FROM Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, The Sikh Times Email:
[email protected] Chandigarh, Himachal and Jammu National Daily Vol. 13 No. 54 RNI NO. DELENG/2008/25465 New Delhi, Friday, 9 July, 2021
[email protected] 9971359517 12 pages. 2/- UP BJP prepares booklet on effective COVID-19 MEA gets 2 new ministers Cabinet rejig covers North, South, East and West Of India management to counter opposition New Delhi. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) now has two more Ministers of State (MoS) taking the UP BJP spokesperson Hero Bajpai said that the five-page booklet would help BJP party total number of deputies to External workers answer questions about the state administration’s handling of the pandemic. Affairs Minister S Jaishankar (MP from Gujarat) to three. The Cabinet and the party needs to be publicized involvement of state’s Chief expansion on Wednesday saw the ZUP BJP spokesperson Hero at the grassroots level. The MinisterYogiAdityanath. broadening of MEA with Meenakshi information includes all that we This booklet is being designed by the Lekhi (MP from Delhi) and Rajkumar Bajpai said that the five- have done for the people in the UP government to help BJP workers Ranjan Singh (MP from Manipur) page booklet would help BJP pandemic, right down to the village counter the opposition’s allegations being inducted while V level. We have a lot of on ‘ineffective’ COVID-19 Muraleedharan (MP from Kerala) party workers answer achievements on the national level management. was already MoS MEA.