Vote Novemllef 7tll

Gene McCarthy Radio Statio To 1 R ailly by Richard S. Woolf Visits Bryant After two and one-half not only detail of a staff; but frequency search, but the years of unending struggle a budget, financial est imate, problem of finding a source' for a radio station on the r esults of a student poll, of funds was still the major n e w campus, Stephen F ederal Communication issue to be dealt with. The Boulter's perserverence has Commission requirements, credibility of the members of proven to worth the fight. and it also gave facts and the Radio Club was proven, a WBCS) the Radio Club of figures needed as a basis of consultant radio engineer was Bryant College, is scheduled purchase of equipment. working in onjunction \\ith to be on the air by February At the beginning of the the club, and he had given 1, 1973, according to Dr. year on the new campus, the Radio Club an ac urate Barry Fulle r t on , organizational meetings were idea of what was needed . Vice-President for Student pu blicized and held regularly. With th e ne essary Affairs. The decision reached It was then that two young preparations made, it became on October 31 marks the nd men now known as Murphy a matter of time before the of a long struggle for a Laboratories offered their nec ssary funds would be student activity which was services and their equipment found. As of October 31, the promised in conjunction with to get the radio station into search was over. a move to the new campus. action. At first, the young Now, Stephen Boulter, To c omp l etely me n w ant ed com p le t e the station's General Manger, und rstand wh t this .ctory ontrol of th radio station. is faced with the task of means to the tuden t body of Through Mu r phy se l e cting and training B ry an t College, it is La b oratories' so-called quai ified individuals, both nece ary to trace the history well-intentioned actions, male and female, for the task of the Radio Club from it s they proceeded to set back that lie ahead. It is hoped first inception. On August th e progress of WBCS that interested students will 29, 1971, Richard Charnack, approximately six (6) attend and actually Lake part a student and ac ing months. in the meetings. They are President of he R adio Club, Duri n g this time, held each Tuesday in the with two year' experience Stephen Boulter continued Radio Room C·352 at 3 wi th the Brown Radio to ·ght for the station's right o 'clOl; • It is clear that the Station, WBRU - FM, to be heard by starting a Admirustration ha. acted in submitted to Bryant College wrHing campaign to the good faith; it 18 hoped that a re earched report which ARCHWAY. s of August I , mature studen ts will leave care full. outlined in detai.! Dr. Barry Fullerton was the past behind and work for different faceb of the ap p ointed as t he new great relations bet N'een a new Fonner Mi nnesota Senator, Eugene McCarthy spoke at Bryant on operation required to run a Vice-Presid .nt of Student campus organization which Monday morning. The Senator was on a campaign trip on the behalf will enhance the image of of Senator Pell. After their stop at Bryant, the two went on to visit radio station on the new Affairs. Dr. F ullerton wasted other parl$ of the state. campus. Thi report included no tim in starting a radio Bryant College. WBCS-the voice of Bryant College. Vietnam Peace-- Why Now? Bryant Boosts

by Bob Rhault Tuition $200 The Uni ted States regime. In r ec en t years the not know is that the av rage delegation to the Paris Peace 4. All conditions being financial condition of higher increase for other colleges Talks has recently sat met the North would release education has been one of and universities was 6%. Even through its 164th session. the POW's. great oncem and frustration with our increases for next Little has been accompli hed R ecently , however, to ollege administrators. year, Bryan t 's charges will in the area of a peac ful Ki singer stat d that a ' new O p e r a ti ng cos t s have continue to compare settlement other than peace" was at hand. The continued to rise year after favorably and, in fact, be less peaefully deciding hat "new neace I which Kissinger year. Bryant College, through t h an tuition cha.rges at shape table is to be used for spoke of is as follows~ sound finan ial planning and comparable college . t~e talk . 1. The US will pull out all managemen t, has been able It wa hoped that we " The "big breakthrough" troops from South Vi etnam. to avoid the annual tuition could withstand ri ing osts whi h t he Kissinger 2. The North Vietnamese increases that most of its and delay a tuition increase Administration has recently will be allowed to gain the sister institutions have had to for another year. However, been speaking of is nothing territ ry they now occupy ffec t. Regretably, it no after in tensive and thorough more than an updat d (whi h ntails most of ,,-outh longer finds itself in such a budgetary discussions by the 'version of North Vietnam's Vietnam ). f av o rab l e p o sit i o n . Board of Trustees and Coit conditions for peace in 3. The S will not allow Consequently, at its meeting became n ,ce sary to decide January of 1969. The cease the power of the Thieu on October 19, 1972, the upon an increase. The college fire conditions at that time regime to be neutralized. College's Board of Truste s hopes that our students will were as follows: The communists will not voted to increase tuition for understand this position. 1. The U.S. pull out all sign the cease fire agreement ~ EN'EIIYCOIfTllOUlD the academic year 1973-74 ~ n=IIRrrORY Bry a nt CoHege has troops from South Vietnam. wltil this third provision is ...__ _ by $ 2 0 0 .00. Our fee gained distinction largely decided in their favor. L-______---"' =-=~ 2. The North Vietnamese structure for next year, then, because it is private and, as would occupy the ground The only " big attained peace in Vietnam in will be as follows: such, has been able to they were holding, or an breakthrough" which has 1969 on the ,ame terms as Tuition and Fees $2,000 determine its own special in-place cease fire (the occurred since 1969 is that that of Kissinger's recent (Increase of $200) charac ter and purpose . occupied ground was of North Vietnam " breaking "big breakt hrough." Room and Board $1,150 Through understanding and onsidereably less in 1969). through" the DMZ and The communists have (No increase) c ont i nued su p p o rt , 3. Th .S. would have to occupying more and more hardly compromised at all on As you know, there were Bryant will remain a unique neutralize t Power of ground in South Vietnam. In these initial proposals, while no increases for the current and distinguished institution Presiden t Thieu and his other words, we could have Contin u e d on page 5 year 1972-73. What you may of higher learning. THE ARCHWAY

A Poor Mix: Isolation And Apathy

To The Editor: I would like to address this letter to the student body and the Student Senate of Bryant College, Why don't you get your asses together ? Bryant College consists of an apathetic student body which is totally complacent to what is happening around them, and a Student Senate which is isolated from the rest of the coIlege. There seems to be no communication between the senators and their electors. The Senate runs acitivities, spends money, and puts forth proposals unknowing of the student body's support or opposition. The students of Bryant do not attend the senate meetings; so how could they possibly voice their support or opposition on proposals? The power of the students, lies in their numbers. The Student Senate needs these numbers to support them when they put forth their proposals to the administration. To get 51115 this student support, the Senate should make their proposals The Senale II Up known to the Bryant populous. The student body MUST ask questions, MUST criticize, Dear Disgusted Majority: and MUST make their opinions known, in order for the If in last week's Archway you felt strongly towards what Senate to work effectively for their causes. The Student was written about concerts at Bryant, this letter is for you. Senate MUST inform the students of what the Senate is Money figures are not essential. We all know how much it doing and MUST listen to the students suggestions and costs to go to school these days and little charges add up, so opinions. To get anything accomplished here at Bryant most people really aren't concerned about the money figures College, the Student Senate and the Student Body MUST get of running a concert. Correct? The time it takes to put on or their asses together! should I say, plan a concert is also a variable factor, one that Signed, is nice to forget. Manpower also isn't justified in this letter. Anonymous To sum it up, we're more concerned in explaining why promoters such as Skip Chernov, Fantasma Productions, Carl Send My Compliments To The Chef Henry, Joe Patrick, and probably more will think twice about bringing a "big name" to Bryant. Letter to the Editor: The factors that are essential to a concert are the Give credit where credit is due. capacity or the hall; place to hold concerts; availability to I'm sure that everyone, who experienced the ARA's outsiders; participation of students from College; date of Adventure in Dining Tuesday night, was very pleased with concert. the food they received. I would like to commend the ARA Bryant's gym is quoted at holding 2,700 students. With a on a very fine job. My only hope is that they could do the sellout attendance at $6 a seat, POCO may be able to play same thing more often. If the ARA did continue their and some other group in their price range. If we increase Adventure's in Dining (steamship especially), I'm sure their ticket price to $12 Tull or The Moody blues may be able to hassels with the students would lessen . play. So again I say, let us give credit to the ARA for a fine The students at Bryant are known for now showing up Adventure in Dining Tuesday night. at concerts or dances. Two years ago the Senate lost over H.l.P. $1 2,000 because everybody wen t home early. Promoters and the administration know about this loss. Besides with the Thanx Fraternity /Sorority weekends every two weeks, who needs a dance or concert from the Senate. Letter to the Editor: In Providence and Boston major concerts are about The people of Country Comfort would like to take this every weekend, usually. So who wants to stay on campus to opportunity to thank all the people that helped to make our have fun at a dance. I don't want to palee the blame on the first Halloween party a great suce s. Spe ial thanks go to tudents but I don't want to put it on the Senate or Sheryl, Frenchie, and Scott for without them we would Fraternities either. never have gotten off the ground. Also we want to than k all The promoter is a mysterious person who has a lot of the students that came and supported us in one of th money and wants to invest it in a profit m aking operation . biggest moments. We hope that we will have the full student Concerts can mean either quick fast money or total disaster body support in ot her vents in the near future. \ ithout depending on the varia les listed above. URI and Brown use everyone 's help we cannot operat , H ope io ee you all soon ! the same promoters we do, their gyms and auditoriums hold Country Comfort at least 1 1/2 tim s t he people we can hold. They also have more student s and better chanc . for sellout. crowds. A promoter is Willing to take a bigger chance there than bere. THE ARCHWAY If you have an y other question concerning these or any ideas for better concerts see us in the Senate office or om to a special meeting November 7 in the Senate office at 3:00 JONATHAN H. FREDE p.m. Editor·in·Chief ANDREW S. PATEY In peace, Managing Editor Concert Committee, Student Senate P.S. There will be a dance in the Rotunda this Friday STEPHEN F, SIDORUK RICHARD SHIEBELHUTH night, November 3. We would like your support. Assistant Editor Production Editor

RICHARD S. WOOLF PETER HORN News Editor Photo Editor

Fanlaslla Explains ANDREW KRANE JEFF DOPPELT Advertising Manager Sports Editor

To the People of Bryant College, LUCY GAGNON CHARLES FELDMAN We are writing to you in reply to a letter that was Office Manager Circulation Manager written in last week's ARCHWAY. We would like to tell everyone that it is impossible to do a supergroup in Bryant's Staff: Dan Aderholdt, Guy Berger. Julie Bouffard, Dick gym. There is no entertainment budget to speak of at Brillhart, David Brown, Karen Consolati, Scott Clark, Tom Bryant, so that's one possibility for money that's out. Czapienski, Joan Frias, Jeff Goldberg, Brad Hartley, John Secondly, and most importantly, our gym is only 2,700 seats Kashmanian, Michael Kata, Peter Lockatell, JI~ike McLarney, Ed and even if we charge five dollars a person our gross potential McLaughlin, Dave Pandozzi, Rob Rhault. Buddy Trinkle, Jim is only $13,500. How can we pay a group like Poco $10,000 Wood, Claude Houle, a night and come out even breaking even? Don't forget our other expenses either. A Publication of the Undergraduate Students of Bryant College. One more thing, we don't know about all of you, but we thought the Fabulous Rhinestones were excellent. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of undergraduate students and may not necessarily reflect the official views of Peace the Faculty and Administration. From the People at Fantasma November 3, 1972 Page 3 Pywac ett Tonight In Rotunda

M1DDLEBURY The audience was later, exhausted but pleased, COLLEGE : VERMONT ­ a m a zed b y the band's "getting the audience off is -Excetement arne to this pe rformance, although all that really matters in small New England campus Pywackett later confessed to music." in the form o f the me that they had put on only After a short break Silverhouse-Pywackett Show a mediocre show. believe it OI not, both bands on October 6 of a rainy Then ame SilveI horse. came on together! Eleven alumnae weekend. For over In contrast to Pywackett 's musicians doing Beatles, three hour s, more than soun9, Silverhorse came on Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, one-thousand people sat and strong and fast, starting their and C,S,N,& Y. Everyone danced, amazed by the music set off with an old Dylan was so ing something and being performed for them. song, "If You Gotta Go," set doing it weU. - The first band to go on in a rock and roll format. They performed "Carry was Pywackett. Their set was Like Pywackette, their On" and "Suite: Judy Bl e low-key, easy Listening, vocals depend a lot on Eyes" the way Stills and depending primarily on harmonies, but unlike their Company wish they could do incredibly str o ng warm-up act, they can play them live. I never thought I like hell. vocals --three members could say that, but it's a fact. I They played some blues, • alternat i ng leads and The whole set was some rock and roll, somE harmonies. They did a totally unbelievable, and I l O/26/72-Stockbridge, Mass_-Take your choice of country, and a bit off the number of Beatie tunes, a knew what to expect. presidential candidates as painted by Normal Rockwell. unelassifyable Byrds. And Bread song, an old C& W tune Everyone knew what was to whose personal reference is beside the point, stands they did them ail with ease (Act Naturally), and some transpire; but nevertheless, between his paintings. Rockwell was commissioned by truly e.x iting original and excitement. maintaining the Ladies Home Journal to do the paintings. UPI a fresh and w1ique sound. they went wild. material. I normally am highly s the a u dien c e Their own songs are a critical of unknown band in respond d, t he band played curi ous blend of B atle concert; but I insist that if Sam Knox On TV 10 b etter, and the cro wd musicianship, Bread voices, anyone who reads this gets responded insanely; dancing, and C,S, ,& Y harmonies, the chance to ateh this act, a m uel D. Knox , " In v es t m ent Decisio ns jum ping, scr e aming, and without showin g a n they do s o wi h no assistant r ofessor o f T day," which is scheduled kicking. overriding influence by any hesitation. economics at Bryant Coil ge, t take place at Bryant on of the three. As Silverhorse told be will appear on "Cornle in Saturda y, N ovember 18, the Morning," a talk-back TV from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ------~pr og r a m feat uring Ja~ hl "e~ ~ op~ ~ ilie Workshop For Academic Planning Com l e y, W JAR - T V, pub lic and w ill feature Wedn esday, November 8 at several speakers of national 9:30 a.m. reput w h o will discuss Termed A Success various aspects of economics Professor Knox will and invest ment programs. An a ll- day acuity objective and spoke on the Col eg e w i ll p r ovide speak in connection with th He will a lso answer worksh op to d i s c u ss progress of the long-range onti n uing educational Fifth Annu I mv t m nt q u stion s f r om. listeners long-range academi planning lanning program, now in th opportunities in the field of S e m i n len tit 1 d , about investments in gel}er~1. was held Saturday here at d velopment sta ge . The management in the broadest B r y a n t Col l ege . The meeting was followed by se ns e for th e local The top 10 album of the week. .. seminar's purpose, a cording workshop sessions in which community on a non-degree 1. Superfly-Curtis Mayfield to Dr. Thoma Manion. the 47 faculty members and basis; 4. Bryant College win 2. ateh Bull at Four--Cat tevens ice-Presid nt for Academi 11 admin istrators present maximize utilization of its 3. D ys of Future Pass so-Moody Blues Affairs was to involve the were divided in t o four ducational resources. 4. Nev r a Dull Mom nt-Rod Stewart facu l ty directly into the gr oups, with ach group he workshop sessions 6. Camey--Leon Rus ell future planning of academic discussing one of the four were divided into morning 7. Rock of Ages--The Band poli ies. The workshop was goals of Bryant Academic and afternoon sessions. 8. London Sessions--Chuck Berry h Id in onjunction with the poli _y , These policies are: 1. Morning sessions were used 9. Ben-NtichaelJackson work of the EdUcational The undergraduate program to discuss ilie problems and 10. Back Stabbers-O'Jays P Ii y Committee, in its will s ek 0 pr par men and the arious objectives of each phase o f a long-ra n ge women to take an active part goal. Af ternoon sessions were pI anning program for the in our culture and society. planning sessions, in which fu ture developm ent of and to progress by their own ways of impl menting the Pre-Registration For Bryant ollege. c o mpe tence to leadership ideas and proposals a hieved T h seminar began at positions; 2. Bryant CoUege i n t he m 0 r n in g wer 9:30, wi th a gen ral meeting will provide educational d iscussed. The day ended Work & Sports Schedule i n w hi ch D r. Manion o pp ortuniti s at t h e with a general meeting in e x pI a i n e d th e da y ' s post-graduate lev 1; 3. Bryant which ea h group's work was _------..., summarized and proposals PlU: - REGlSTRATIOlI !'OR lIORK SCHEOULES : J ANlJARY 1973 for long-range plans were set. As in the pan . a preferred t im. will be g i ven to 'thQse students who need Dr. Manion. the day's to prepare a speci al schedule in order to meE"t the I'e quii"'MeYf'tB of empl oy.en't. coordina tor, was pleased A letter will be required that meets the f ollo\ling condI tions: with the wo rkshop; and 1. Be on official stationery or bear the official insignia of a THE ALMANAC business concern. termed it as being successful :2. Contain the nam e and address of the student, his c l.assif iea:t:L:m number , and his Social Secur i ty number. in achieving its goals. Dr. o. Speci fy t he exac t t: 1m • • and days of employment . Manion was also pleased with ~. List t he name of t he 1med iate supex-visor. hi s "'ploym omt address Today is Friday, Novem ber third, the 308th day of 1972 and telephone number so ~ha t verificatio n of employment may be made. the turnout (47 faculty, 11 with 58 to follow. NOT LATER THAN NOVEMBER 8th, the above letter must be ned by the administrators), since ~ to, -- The moon is approaching its new phase. REGI STRAR'S OFFICI: attendanc e was on a Bryant College The morning stars are Venus, Mars, and Saturn. voluntary basis. Dr. Manion Smithfield, RI 02917 The evening stars are Mercury and Jupit r . also said that this was the !he letters will be reviewed and the certi fied letter will then be the Those born on this date are under the sign of Scorpio. basis for a list of persons who may be regia t 6'ed a t pri vil..eRM t imes. The f ir t step in a proposed liat \1111 be posted in t he Registr ar 's office . It will be the duty of the American poet William Cullan Bryant was born November applicant t o see t hat he qualifies . five-year long-range planning mird, 1794. program , in volvin g f ive Pre ... r egiatration shall be according t o classillca tlon numbers and r.IO nth For draft eligibles the lott ry numb r is 300. of birth-wiih those who have been authenticated a llowed to t'-lII!giAter at t l\-e trustee committees, including beginning of each munber group.

t he ed uca tio nal p olicy HO LETTERS WILL liE ACCEPT!:D AT T!f£ DOOR. Seh""ul .~ whi ch do not meet th. On this day in history: committee, in which plans of t 1loo ••p eeliiec! i n t he l etter will ~ eancalled and the s tudent duly notified In 1783, Congr ss ordered the Con tinen tal Army to pre pal'. another. Any student who to found t o have ..ubIlI h ted a fraudul~t development would be made lette1' " Ul be required to 1'eglster on t he f inal day of pre-regl s tratlon. demobilized . Changes can be ....d e in t he abaft schedules withollt penal-.:y lMI_n ~ ~ in all facets of College life. and January lS . -- In 1 917, Americans at home learned of the First World L on g- r ange planning, War One deaths of US soldiers in fighting at aney, France. PI\E- REGlST'RATIOlI VARSlTY SPOR'rS ~HE.DULr. , ording to Dr. Manion, is a In 1936, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was re-elected major and n cessary factor in L The p X' i Y l1 ~ e of special rer,is n a tion 1" ""t""dec! to ",embUnited States. The electoral votes chance to survive. industrie and giant firms. of CalHornia (+5), New York (41), Pennsylvania (27), lllinoi (26). Te. as (26). Ohio (25), McGovern would end the TAXE Michigan (21), Florida (17), New Jersey (17), Ma S<1chusctt ( 1~ ) , and onb CaroLna war the moment he had Nixon: No new (13), rota I 272. two more than the minimum needed to elect. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Indiana po weT, leaving the Thieu PresidenLial taxes to be also has 13 vole and could be substituted for North Carolina in the foregoing coum.) government to 'ink or swim. pl'OpO e d next year. The Vietnam issue will Conceivably there could be a be nullified if the expected "Congre lonal" ta:'- inetea e cease-fire accord is finally if tbere i too much 1972 Gubernatorial Race reached. government pending. PRISONERS OF WAR McGovern: A major 8 REP. Nixon would refuse to eff rt for reform, keyed end the war until Hanoi to closing loolholes. u i oney agreed to release American earned by money l1ust be prisoners of war. ta."Ced at the ame rate as McGovern would end the money earned by workers,' war as a first r quirement to to quote McGovern. bring about the release of WELFARE prisoner S ixon would mpha ize POST WAR POLICY the work e hie over the Nixon would maintain "welfare" ethic, writing into U-S air and sea power in the l aw tough c onditions to area for an indefinite period remain on welfare for people NOW HOLDING as insurance against a major OFFICE able to work. He would Communist violation of any :.'.::.::::...... OEM renew his proposal to extend : :.~.: :":'::::. . peace settlement terms. welfare relief to 12-million EI2J McGovern would keep working poor. He would set a . REP. U-S air and sea power in the national income floor of area only until all American 24-hundred dollars a year [...... IEJ (NO RACE) prisoners of war was released. fror a family of four. D Air bases in Thailand would M cGovern would . In .18 of the 5~ states there will be ballotingJor g?vernor on November 7th. Present then be shut down and the emphasize creating jobs, lIneup IS 20 Repubhcans, 30 Democrats. There will be eIght Republican and 10 Democratic seventh fleet withdrawn. making government the seat~ at stake. ,Nine incumbent governo r~ -- four Democrats ~nd five Republicans-- are employer of last resort to seeking r~-e1ectIOn . In states w~ere non-Incumbents are seekIng the seat, six now are AMNESTY DemocratIc and three Repubhcan. UPI newschart shows Gubernatorial lineup for Nixon: No amnesty until keep people off welfare. He " Election '72." UPI after the war and then only woul d set a national ~ ______...... after a term of equivalent minimum income of public service. (EDITOR'S four-th ou sand d o llars, Mxon NOTE: Statements made this including food stamps for a past weekend by Mr. Nixon family of four. McGovern To VIsit while campaigning indicate would study ways to ex tend that he has changed his help t o the 12-million R.L Tonight position and no longer is in working poor. favor of an amnesty.) HEALTH Pre . dent Nixon will visit McGovern would aL o N ixon wou ld reqUire . Rhode I land tonight in an d el a amnesty until the employers to provide health effort io influence the close fighting stops. But then, to insurance for their workers race between incumbent heal the nation's wounds, from a v a ilabl e private Senator and amnesty only to those who, companies, with employers challenger John Chafee. o n grounds of conscience and workers sharing the cost _ N'xon is xpected to arrive resisted the draft by going to and government paying the., at Green Airport in Warwick jail or inLo exile. McGovern premiums for the poor. Chri (mas reari os a In Bla k Forest, handmade in Hawaii fro for a rally at 7 p.m. he ha w o uld urge t h m t o McGovern would have original, three·dimensional d~jgn s to del ight also be n invit d to volunteer for two y 31'S of the government be the collector. For treasured gifts, choose from a er participa e in th Friday government service. insurer on the ground that items, a~ band-painted in gay Christmas lars. night opening of the n w DEFENSE otherwise it would mean Nixon would spend more huge profits for insurance alit tdtalog lent on r~q" ..t Providence Civic Center. The $1.00 Deposit - Refundable f o r defense, building new companies. The government, ORDERS AfRMAILED W ITHIN .. 8 HO RS OF RfCErPT Providence Reds, in a t legram to the Pre ident, weapon systems he feels are s ay s McG o vern, m u st ask d President Nixon to needed as the "Guardian of guarantee h ealth care for all drop the first puck as the P ace" and as bargaining as a matter of right, not a 4• 4 L ~ X 4 ~ D E R co. American Hockey League chips for the next round of matter of wea1th. 98 Rivt' Drivlt, N.w York, N. Y. opens it home season in the talks with the Soviet. And there it is, with center. Mrs. Nixon is M cGovem would limit voters having perhaps the expected to accompany the the defense establishment to greatest choice in this N vember 3,1972 Page 5 Honors Banquet Theater Review Held Crossword Puzzle,

Bryant College held its ··Old Times" "Honors Ba n que t" Wednesday ev en ing, by David . Pandozzi November 1, in the Student Din i ng R o m i n the A Pinter play can be unusual experience for any theatre Unistructure, at 8:30. This goer but strangely nough , veryone seem d t o enjoy the y e ar the even t g a ve hum or and wit at Trinity Square Repertory Company's recogniti on for h i gh current produ tion 0 " Old Times" by Har Id Pinter. schol astic honors to 67 A simpl set, a simpl ast of thr e pe pIe, and students. mono-syllabic conversat ion were the ingredients of the play. A s o cial hour was The se ting served its purpose of r embling an iso1 ted sch eduled for 6: 4-5 p.m. in island for out three reminiscing charact ers, D eley. Anna, the President's Dining Room and Kate. A, followed by a program in We m eett them rather informally as we share an 'in the Auditorium from 7:30 to progre 5' onversation between Deeley and Kate about her 8:30 p.m. old friend oming to vi it them. From that point, each Austin P . Clark, character reveals a lit tle more about himself through the long president of Delta Mu Delta and faetful soli.loquies about their past. (KEY Honor Society) A pleasant interlude in the play occurs when Deeley and welcomed present members Anna sing a few bars from various Cole Porter songs. This and students eligible for scene adds to th e memorabilia which makes up this membership in this society. actionless but ne.vertheles interesting play. Dr. T homas A _ Manion, By EDWARD JULIUS "Old Times" is not totally a play for entertainment but provost and vice president for academic affairs gave ACROSS DOW N a play of thoughts. You may very well enjoy t he evening of ~or' 9 Side Post - l-.-Fl t s of Intoxication fine dramatic theatre, but it will give your mind a chance to recognition to the academic 5. Pois onous A~ach n id 2 . Bitter Drug 13. Ru ssian ountai n Range J . hor t-t ailed Ca t wander through your memori s. achievements of pr sent 14. Of the Underwor ld ods 4 . Cirous A fine production deserves praise and it serv s as a be t r DMD members. Thirty-five, 16. Orienta l ounder 5. Liquor 17. King of Judea 6. G evara of the "Trinity" Season . " Endgam e" was the official three of whom are June, 18. Russian Name 7. Other. Sp. 1972 grad ua tes, received 20. Church Official 8. "The Bad e ed" opening play put on by the' Marhatt n Project" from New 22 . Af rican Tree 9. I maginary SmaU Town York City. Although it was one of Beckett's finest work , it eligibility 'ertificates from 24. Exis t 10 . Fashionabl e 25 . European Ki ng 11 . New Ze a land Mut t onbird was not well received by the regular Trinity patr n. Dr. Clarissa M.H. Patterson, 27 . Ever nd 12. Fema l e Came l "Old imes" continues through Nov mber 11th an d Dean of A ad em i 29 . Burmese Language 15 . Nationalit y o~ 25- acro66 30 . Musica l Instr ument 19 . Thought Ou t student discount ticke are available. Instru tion. )4. RoguiSh Persons 21. Potoourri Dr . F red G . Burke, 36. Peer Cynt' s Mother 23 . __. Li sa 37 . Chose 26 . Stinking Commissioner f Education 39. Spanish Fr iend 28 . AppeU a tion 40. Str i ke-breaker 30 . For t if i ca ~ ion6 for the S tate of Rhode 42 . Danube ~ributary 31 . Christian Holiday Viet Peace Cont. l sland was guest speaker. Dr. 44 . I sland Coun.ry (poet.) 32 . Tooth d Whee l s 45 . _ _ Incognita 33. W a~e ry Blood Burke was also initiated into 47 . Europea n Co l d Coin 35 . Love of Ar t From Page 1 the Key Honor " ociety, as an 49 . Scottis h Dig t 38 . Room Setup SO . Bug 41. Har te honorary member. by Mr. 52 . Dying 4J . No r th Caroliniana "new proposal" for peace. P ris P ace aJks, he was lark. 54. Bone 46 . Serve Well Mr. weeney said . " The 55. Tape Recor er Brand 48 . Row of Seat s asked for his reaction to th i.s Mr. Br ian H . G u k . 57. Mo t her of t he Gods .51 . Ankl e Bone cause of the entir problem is future election." He weni on 58. Drink of Liquor 53. Columnar Rock Assistant Prol s or of 60. Kick 56 . Woo the Thieu regime. and Nixon to sa that "the final Economics, also re 'ognized 62 . I nfeTior S bet tute 59 . Milne Character is trying Lo uphold the 66 . Before Long 61. Long For ettlem n t. giv '11 the term pre £l o t m mb r of Omi on 68. Set of Rooms 63 . To One Side integril of it.' ., he onl r of North ietnam and D elta Epsilon oci t y 70 . Taj Maha l Si~e 64. J ogging Gait thing that ould j o pardize 71. Descriptive of Owls 65 . _ _ rey Ki inger, merely undrscore (Economic Honor Society 7). rt.r. Err ol 67 . tt.i lit ary Pe rson 69 . Sailor lhe settlement would be our failure t support t 7~ . Pi stol Cases and pr sen d certificates of 75 . Body Part. Fr. 72 . 81st ~l e m ent Nixon's insistan e thai the for ign p Ii y In So uth eligi bilil. to prospective Thieu regime control the Vietnam. Th war ould membfs of this society. r------...... the US ha lost a persist if -ix n i re-eJ ded T h program was considera ble amount of and if the 'au e for the follo wed by dinner in th Commuters Club Hockey prestige. I feel that the U contin uation of the war is tudent Dining Room. Directorys m y be Tue day , November 7th should end the war now not removed, namely the Plans for this event were picked up in . rodent at 3 o'clock in the according to thes term but policitcal power of the Thieu for m ulated by Mr. Clark Affairs Office_ Athletic Office the war could h ve b e regime. I am pleased a final assist d by Ev lyn Rossi. Mr. balted tlue year ago on Lhe peace settlement is in sit , Clark and Miss Ros i are same terms wi th the it's just Loo bad it too k thv seniors at Bryant. occupation of I ss territory US four years to come to Part Time Opportunity by North Vietnam . I'm not grips with reality . In sh ort, TERMP PER saying that ixon waited we achiev d nothing while at Make your own hours with unlimited inc me and Write today for our FREE potentIal. Students now with American Bankers almost four years to the same time causing an atalogue of PI'O £: ssionally ave age 875-100 per week 011 ' part ti me b sis. F r perpetrate rumors of peace immeasurable an)ount of fUftb r information ... contact the placement Office. on the American peo ple to human suffering." researched term papers. gain his re-election, but The war may end ve y We al:o prepare custom among other things, he is soon , then again i t could researched papers. called T1icky Dick. linger on for another four MINUTE RESEARCH COKE SPECIAL In an interview with Mr. years. Are you prepar d to 470 Common wealth Ave. Wiliam Sw eney, Prof ssor of give Nix n another chance Boston, Mass. 02215 (617) 266-0204 Econmics, who attended the on Nov. 7th? With purchase of a "We need a local salesman" • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• BRYANTBURGER and a Large Coke you ~ ~ for 98e in the Snack Bar 0 0 ::s 0 r~eive a 12 oz. c.. 3 Q.> '<... # Coke Glass FREE. z n 0 Obtain "Special" < w ro U1 coupons at Di ning 3 w r::J'" I\.J Hall and Snack Bar. (D ,..... ~ 0 (j') Pre - Counseling for Math ,...... I:,:.:.. =r Olle ,. Page 6 THE ARCHWAY aiborne Pell Democratic Candidate For Senator As Chairman of the Senate Biography Su b -committee on E ducation, Senator P 11 laibome deBorda Pell, believe that every American 53, of Newport, Rhode should h av e an eq al Island, has served as Rhode opportunity to further his or Island's junior United States her d cation beyond high Senator since 1961. school. H e ha s initi a t e d The u thor o f t he inn ova ive le gisl ation in Pell-Rogers S a Grant ollege man y field s , inc luding A c t, he has seen RI education , health care, high designated as a ea Gran t speed groun d transportation, College as well as receive over ocea n affairs , arts a nd $1 million a YjIlr und r his I hu m a nit ie s , m e tric program. He has helped bring conversion and international to over $10 t relations. million in federal Impacted lai borne Pell was born Aid funds in the past three i n Ne w York City on y ear s. T h is program is November 22. 1918, into a designed specifically to help famil y with a long history of subs i d iz e educational pu bUe service. His fath r , facilities where there is a high H er be r t Pell, was a ratio of federally employed Congressman, a Democratic famili s. Th Senator also tate Chairman and later a Claiborne Pell included the Ethnic Heritage diplomat. Four other Pell keep SBA funds in the state, our nation's most important Heal th, he has proposed the Bill in his Higher Education fo re bears served in the bel i eving in the small defense, and has fought hard P II National Health Care A c t; and h as b en a ( Congress and one of them, businessman. to strengthen the Navy's Bill, a proposal which could con siste n t advocat o f f George M. Dallas, was also a position in Rhode Island and save the aV rage citizen at feder al aid to private schools t Vi e Pr sident. in the country. His legislative least $300 a year. His when the economics of the The War I Long before it became a record shows that he has amendmen t requiring the situation justify suc h , popular and valuable political worked and voted in this Department of Health, assistance. position, Senator Pell was an direction, and has supported Education, and Welfare to He w a s the Senate Jobs active opponent of our the modernization of the undertake a systems analysis au thor of the Arts and As a ran king m m ber of military involvement in the fleet and the construction of of the nation's health care Humanities Act of 1965, and the labor sub-committee of Vietnam War. new naval vessels, carriers, services laid the important is Cha irman o f th e the Senate Labor and Public He has voted for every and submarines. foundation for the national Sub- om mitte on the Arts Welfa re o mmittee, the end the war resolution, and His support of Impacted h e al th care debate which and Hum anities, as w \l a ' o f Sen a tor has work e d has vigorously x press d the Aid funds for Rhode Island, began in 1970. the Su b-committee on the vigorou ly to strengthen the need for limits on American and his consistent con cern However, the Senator's mithsonian Institution. economy by bis efforts to in t e rven Lion in Southeast wi th the lives and futures of e ffort have b een most guarantee a job to every Asia s in ce 1 962 . s a our naval personnel has been conspicuou Jy feU in Rhode La bor American. And naturally, his member of the Foreign a tribute to the ::,enator's ls l and. He se c ured Sen at or Pell has 1 ng most pressing concern in this R e lations Committee, he belief In the defense authorization for more than been one of t he true nds area has been with his Rhode participated in public and significance of a strong and $2.5 million for a medical fn of the workingman. Since Island constituency. private hearings and capable Naval force to keep school at Brown University, 1961, he has participated in The Senator has focused consistently made known his the sea lanes open and an and helped obtain $2 million the drafting and passage of h is legislative efforts on dissatisfaction with present enemy far from our shores. for the many Providence creating rew jobs in Rhode Neighborhood Health all the ma j o r labor lsi a nd through growth Centers. His legislative legislation. industries of the future. His leadership has made a $1.2 As a ranking member of Nedical School amendment million grant po sible for the the S nate Committee on will n t only bring medical Rhode Island SEARCH Labor and Public Welfare, he jobs to the state, but will Corporation, an organization has been a constant help lay the foundation for a con cerned with innovative supporter of responsib le new health technology health research services. And labor legislation. As of the industry. The Pell-Rogers Sea he has fought the number last Congress, the Committee on Political Education Gran t College Act has one and two killers in Rhode (COPE) of the AFL-CIO, encouraged the growth of Island, cancer and heart credited Senator Pell with oc e an-related industry, disease, by helping to secure having a perfect voting including the development of passage of the Conquest of his original suggestion that Cancer Act and the Heart record of 55-0. th re be an Oceanographic and Lung Disease Act, both In d ustrial Park, and the of which he co-sponsored. Environment allocation of more that $1 Senator Pell has been million a year to the T e Aged one o f t h e b est known University of Rhode Island. _ Congre sional pioneers in the Senator Pell, a member field of environm nt. he Cost of th e Senate Special He is Chairman of the Committee on the Aged, has Sen a te Sub-committee on Of Living been deeply involved in the Oceans and International problems facing the senior E n vir 0 n men t; has • Lon g before this citizens of Rhode Island and co-sponsored or supported administration was forced to the nation. legislation for the Clean Air admit the failure of its His National Health Care Act, Federal Water Pollution economic policy, Senator Bill, his support of the recent Control Act, assistance to the Pell advocated wage and 20% Social Security increase, U.S. fishing industry, and price controls. He has called and past poli c ies of his well-publicized hearings restrictions on the dumping for food prices to be increasing political Health i n Pro v ide n c e and of materials in the oceans by included in this program, and involvement and military Woonsocket on Medicare and I the Department of Defense. supports the control of escalation in Vietnam. Senator Pell has long related problems, have all Senator Pell was also excess profits. been an advocate of reducing been directly involved with responsible for the High The Senator supports The Navy rising medical and health the improvement of Speed Ground Transport­ Revenue Sharing, and has costs by means of altering conditions for our elderly. ation Act of 1965 that been an ardent spokesman Although the Senator is present health benefits and resulted in the Turbotrains for the consumer. He fought a staunch opponent of s e r vic e s , and by th e Education and metroliners, believing fuel oil costs in Rhose Island inflated military budgets, and institution of new programs that high speed ground by opposing im port quotas, new offensive Army and Air in this crucial area. For most of his life, one transportation of this nature opposed increases in the as Force weapons systems, he As a mem ber of the of the Senator's major would contribute greatly to ovember 3, 1972 Page 7

Joh H. C afee Republ-can Candidate For Senato

Biography Mr. Chafee is marri d to administration, state aid to the fonner Virginia Coates 0 education mcreased. During Bayville, New York. They his years as Governor, the John Hubbard Chafee have five children: Zechariah, was bor n in Providence, Rhode Isl and Junior College Lincoln, John, Georgia, and Sy tem was created to give a Rhode Island. on October Quentin. The Chafee family choice 0 those who wanted 22 1922 a grad uate currently resides in Warwick. of Deerfield Academy, neither to go to a four-y ar • Deerfield, . college, nor go directly into a Following graduation from trade. Voca iona1 education in 1947, he Chafee p r ogram w ere greaLly enter d Harvard Law chool As Governor expa nded throughout the and was graduated in 1950 .. I state from the Blackstone His e d uc tion was As Rhode Island's alley to Newport. Rhode • interrupted by his enlistment Governor during the period lsi nd College was enlarged at the age of 19 in the U.S. 1963-1968, John Chafee got from tea hers' call ge t o a Marine Corps as a Privat in things done--im ortant things dl ersified liege of the arts February, 1 9 4 2. TI e for the State and our people. an d iences of excellent following August he was in He successfully fought for r e pu t t i o n, and the combat with the origin I the nation 's firs t st te University of Rhode Island inva'ion forces o n m edical aid for the aged became a truly distinguished Guadalcanal. Ordered to the p r ogram. Governor Chafee center of learning. United States in November, also initiated a new and Even as ecretary of the 1943, he entered Officer expanded state vocational N vy--a position not often Candidate School and was training program, provided associated wi t h commissioned a Second new facilities for vocational e d ucation--J ohn Chafee Lieutenant. U.S. Marin ed u a tion at b o th t h e worked 0 i mprove the Corps Reserve. in June of secondary and educational opp rtunities 1944. post-secondary lev Is. available to sailors. Under his Lieutenant Chafee Back when "e ology" leadership, the Navy ran the de parted for G u am i n was till a w rd that sent l argest correspondence January, 1945 and served people to the dictionary, school in the world. There with the Six t h Marin J h n Chaf e was in the John H. Chafee are now over 113,000 Navy Division in the battle for fore f ro n t of t he A u thority and the Rhode 4. Concerned about tb Department taking course of Okina wa in April. 1945. environmen tal fi ght. He Island Tourist and Travel environment, John Chafee one kmd or ana her. Last Four months later he was sponsored the legislation Association. greatly expanded the Navy's year, ove r 3,000 Navy ordered to Tsing ao, hina, authorizing the acquisition of Highw y fight again-l p ollution. D par tmen t Pe rsonnel wher he served un til his land f r state woodlands and constru t lon--actua l During hi tour as Secretary, r ceived college diplomas and ano , release from active duty in w iel'front parks-the justly con t ruction, not ju t th l\avy invested ~ ell over a her 1 048 received Dec mber, 1945. f am oll s r en r e s planning- was carrie on at hundred m illion doll r to Ma ters and Doctor tes With th outbreak of the pr gram. a n unpreced e nted rate ; c l ea n up and p r event d g r es . He per onally , he was recalled Few thing ' can have a Routes 95 and 195 were pollution, substantially more instituted the Na J unior to active duty in ·r rch, higher pr i ority t.han builL. as was the Newport than any other Federal College program which has 1951 . as a Captain and erved education. and when John Bridge. agency spent. just started. This program s a Rifle Compa n y Chafee as ov rnor he w ill off r an even wider c h ol e o f educatio n al Comm nder with the First acted on that 0 viction. Marin Division in Korea. E very e ar in h i s Cha ee Educati n opportuniti to 4,200 a y Foll o ing his tour of duty in administration, state aid to "History becom s mor men and women. Korea, h served in the education increased_ During As Secretary and more a race between As U.S. Sena or from Marine Corps Legal Office at hi years as Go erno!" the educ tion and catastrophe." Rhode Island, John Cha! e Pearl Harbor, Haw ii, until Rhode Island Junior ollege That is what H.G. Wells said will continue his fi ght to his release from active duty System was created to give a Of The Navy e n s ur e e du cat io n a l in June of 1953. His active choice to tho e who wanted 1969-1972 opportunities for all young service wi th the M arinc Corps neither to go to a four-y ar 1. Vietman--When John totals nearly six years during college, nor go directly into a hafee became Secretary , two wars. trade. Rhode Island College ther w re well over 100,000 In 1 56 he as was enlarged from a teachers' Navy men and Marines in elect d Lo the Rhode I land c o lle ge t o a diversl.fied Vietnam. He fought for the Gen ral A sembly s a o llege of t h e arts and se e s s 0 f the member of the Hou of sci e n e 0 f e x c e ll n t Vietnamizatio program and Represen t atives from th r pu t at i I . and t he when he left the Pentagon in Third District and, following University of Rhode Island May , 1972, almost all 96%) re-election in 1958 and 19 0, be me a truly di tinguished t of th m n had bee 1 brought he becam the Repu blican cent r of learning. home. candidate for Governor of W h e n h e bern e 2. People-As Secretary, Rhode Island in 1962. He Governor, Rhode Island was J o hn h afee put people was elected to that offi e and a conomically depress d problems above all else. In s rv d thr e terms a area with unemployment support of the goal of an All , Governor, being re-eJect d in well o ver the n a t io n al Volunteer Force, he fought both 1964 and 1966. average. He worked to attract to mak Navy life better for He has received honorary industry and to ensure a sailors and Marines and their degrees from Brown healthy busines atmosphere, familie . Pay was raised Un i ve r sity, Providence John Chafee brought n w life ubstantially for all grades, • College, the University of to the economy of the State. duty tours were arranged to ., Rhode Island, Jacksonville Tens of thousands 0 new lessen the periods of family Un ive ity. and Barrington j b s w ere ere ate d. separation and better housing College. He is on the Unemployment was brought was provided for dependents. Committee to visit the John down below the national 3. Rhode Island Navy Fitzgerald K nnedy S hool average. . Bases-John hafee fought in of Government at Harvard Ma transportation was Washington to protect and University and a Trustee of given new life when John strength ,n the Navy's base Deerfield Academy, and Yale hafee reated the Rhode at Newport, Quonset Point Universi ty . Is l an d P u blic Transit and D avisville . T ns of M r. h a f ee w as Authority. mIllions of dollars were Few things can have people. appoint d e retary of the Touri s m b e a rn e in vest ed to improve and highe r p r io r i t y t han John Chafee has a record Navy by President ixon nd dynamic part of the State's expand the roles of the bases. education, and when John of solid achievement, not swor in on Januar 31, economy through the work ha fee was ovemor he promises. He will continue to 1 9 69 by Se reta r y of oft he R ho d e 1 s land Hundreds of units f family acted on that onviction. d o so in the future in Defense Laird. Recr a tion al Building housing were built. Ev e ry year in h is whatever role he undertakes. Page 8 THE ARCHWAY

Herbert • DeS·mone Republican Candi ate For Governor

traffic in drugs and sell them The Elderly Biography to our children. Leadership must come In many ways, the Herb DeSimone, 42, is a from the Governor's office. I problems of the elderly in 1ifelong residen t of North started this fight as Attorney Rhode Island are the Providence. He is the son of General and I will continue problems of all Rhode the late Florie and Lena as Governor to give it the (Capuano) DeSimone. His Islanders except they become highest of priorities. more severe because of age, father, one of Rhode Island's health, and fixed incomes. first attorneys of We are not adequately Italo-American descent, was Jobs meeting the requirements of probate judge in North The prime economic our Senior Citizens to help Providence for 13 years and issue facing Rhode Island ease their burdens. in Narragansett for four today is jobs.·I firmly believe As Assistant Secretary of years, and was a Presidential that we can and must provide Transportation in El ector for Dwight D. jobs for every Rhode Islander Washington, I had t h e Eisenhower in 1952 and who can work. responsibility of developing 1956. But where do we stand plans and programs to ease Herb graduated from St. now? Manufacturing workers the mobility problems of the Pi u s Grammar School, in our state arn about e lderl y . I kn ow and LaSalle Academy and from $ 1 , 500 a y ar less than workers in other states doing understand heir problem Brown University in 1951. and what must be done. We At LaSalle an Brown, Herb the same job. That's about $30 per week--the cost of a w i ll establis h realisti , tarred as a football lineman. d own-to-earth programs to He is a 1954 graduate of grocery order. And Rhode help better their quality of Columbia University School Island is next to last of all 1if . Programs in housing, of Law. the states in job growth. That heal th , t ransportation, He was admitted to means that our workers have r e rea tio n , community practice before the Rhode fewer jobs to choose from . serv i es a nd olu nt e r Island Bar in 1954, the I say this is intolerable. I efforts. Federal District Court in will completely overhaul the 1956, and before the United methods now utilized to Above all, I intend to States Supreme Court in bring new business and seek the advice and counsel January, 1967. He served as Pub Ii cations which names welfare must be fair to the industry to our state. I will of our older citizens who G en eral Counsel to the him a "Newsmaker­ taxpayers who pay the bills. start new career educa-cion have the life-experi nee Rhode Island Department of of-the-Year" for 1971. He We must end waste and programs to train our citizens which commands respect and B u sin e s Regulation in resigned the sub-cabinet level inefficiency in our welfare for better jobs; develop new must be listened to in the 1959-60. post in May of this year to system. And of prime incentives for existing planning of all community­ Herb was el e c t ed return to Rhode Island where importanc e-- I b e lieve if industry to develop and wide programs. Attorney General of Rhode he announ ed his candidacy pe pie can work they hould expand, and utilize the Island in 1966 and was for Governor on June 1. work. If th y refuse. the: technological re OUlce at tru ur I re-eJe ted in 1968. During his Herb is married to Sally should be dropped from the our olleges and universiti two terms , Herb Ann Reynolds, whose father, welfare rolls. to h e I p Rhode Island eform di tingui hed himself in the Charles F. Reynolds, is a The prime responsibility business to grow. In Rhode Island, there figh t again t organized crime former Mayor of the it of of we lfare should be to are over 200 different state a n d d r u g s. U nde r h is Pawtu keto The DeSimones provide for those who need Environment de p artmen ts, agencies, leader ship, the Attorney ha e three children, Herbert help and to help them help Man must repay his debt b o ards and c ommissions. G e ner a l's Department F., Jr., 15; Douglas, 13; and themselves. It should provide to nature for the damage he Through these, we spen obtained Rhode Island's first De b orah , 1 2. Th y are incentives to get people off h a s inflicted on his over $350 millions in tax convi tions over for gangland c o mmunic a nts o f St. the welfare rolls into jobs, e nvironment. As Assistant m on y each y ear. his m u rders and y n di ate A ugu tine's Church, North not keep th m on welfare. U . S . e c r e t a r 0 f skyrocke ting bureau rae i ext rtion. Providenc , • Transport a tion for the not only 0 Uy but it breeds In February, 1971, Herb Pu bh c Safety E n v i ronm~nt, .J ~dm in i ste red wast. was named Assis t ant Open a multI-m IllIO n dollar Secretary of 'I'ran portation· & Drugs environmental program and Spending for Environmen & Urban Government saw firsthand the pollu ion Systems by President Nixon. One of governm nt's problems facing our 1 ation. Reform He assisted Secretary John I believe t t the p ople r eat s t obligatIons is to Envi r onmental I will establish a Division Volpe in administering a bave an abSOlute right 0 provide sa! ty and curity protection and enhancement of Program and Policy Depar men t which has over know what's happe ing in for p opia in their homes and will be a major objective of Review m the Office of the 110,000 employees and a t heir gOY rnme t. The on the stre ts. As former my admmistration. It mu t Budget. It will conduct a budget of over $8 billion. business of government is the A torney General of Rhode be ... because one~third of the con ti 11 uing revi w of the He headed an office people's business. There is no 1sland, I am fully aware of total area of Narragansett manner and the purposes for which was described as the place in our state government the problems faced by our Bay, our greate t natural which your tax dollars are "conscience of the for closed meetmgs and courts and by our policemen. resource, is already polluted. spen L. Each program and Dpariment." Herb was secret information. 1 believe in and will fight for It must be ... because we are eac.h state expenditure will responsible for insuring that As Governor, I will en a Department of Justice, now dumping millions of have to be justified on its transportabon planners and all the re ords , all the reform of our court , and gallons of pollutants into our own merits before your tax opera t o r s gav e f ull hearings, and all the meetings better rehabilitation in our waterways and tons of dollars are spent on it. t consideration to the impact of our tate's government to correctional yst m . pollutants are r leased into The economists call this of th ir program on both the public and the pres . The Th e gro w ing d r u g our air ev ry single day zero-budgeting." I call it the phy ical and the hum a people deserve nothing less. menace must be faced head be c ause t her e are no common sens . environment. He stablished Rhode Islanders should on. Almost half the crimes ad quate controls in Rhode Departmental policy for the never again be left in the committed in our state are Island to pr vent it. Public e x p en d itur e o f all dark about what 's going on drug related . The most In our state, there are D e p a r t m e nt o f in their state government and serious problem facing our n ow m ore than eleven Scrutiny especially about the stat 's Transportation funds for al c hild r en is d rug . M y s e p a r a te de p artments , I believe that you are fi cal condition . a pe ts of enviro'l'\ mental a d min i stra ti w il l agencies an councils with entitled to know exactly how prote tion. In addition, he oordin te the m ore than 50 envi ro n m e ntal respon­ the state is spending your worked closely with the Welfare public and private drug abu e sibilities whi h fragmentizes money. Under my 'open major cities of the nation to Our welfare system must agencies and programs in the fight for clean air and govern men t" pledge, the h e lp a lle viate th e be reformed. It must provide Rhode Island into one wa ter. I will bring these state' financial records will transportation and urban for those in ne d and I massive, unified attack. We together and establish a be open to everyone, and a sprawl problems of our believe that the state can and will insure that drug Department of Environmen­ fi cal report will be published principal metropolitan areas. should hel p to provide a life education and treatment are tal Protection to insure that on a regular basis. I believe H erb's efforts in the of dignity for any man, available on a statewide basis. our state government leads that continuous public environmental and woman, or child who needs And we will mount a the way in afeguarding our scrutiny is the best weapon transportation fields were help. relen tless and continuing beautiful state for our of all in holding down the recognized by McGraw-Hill But, by the same token, campaign against those who children and their children. f overnment. Page 9 November 3 , 1972

Philip Noel Democratic Candidate For Governor

Warwick Mayor Philip W. general's department. "We Noel, the Democratic must r move the frauds and candidate for governor, has cheats from the welfare Biography c ampaigned on the rolls," Mayor Noel said, and I philosophy that government think it can be done more Background is sorely in need of a new effectively by a different department than the one that Age 40. Married to the direction, and that a change in direction for the state of administers the welfare former Joyce Sandberg. program." Father of five hildren: Rhode Island can only be • Linda, Joseph, Lori, Thomas, with strong lead rship from Education and Joanne. A communicant the governor's office. of St. Kevin's Church, He h a s said that Mayor Noel also has Warwick. government is "ta.xing people proposed a program to out of their homes," and increase citizen participation Education pointed to studies that show on the Board of Regents, Warwick Public School that in a few years 76 cents provide more attention to Syst m , Samuel Gorton High out of every dollar earned individual areas of education, (1949), Brown University will be going for local, state work toward a new syst m of (1954) Geor ge town and federal taxes unless financing education to University Law School government spending is remOVe some of the burden Graduate, Juris Doctor brought in line with from the homeowner, and Degree (19 57). economic growth. re d u ce teacher strikes by The mayor has said that making arbitration binding in Profession in his 12 years of service in money matters. Before becoming Mayor--a Warwick he has dealt with Practicing Attorney with law every area of governmental Environment Office in Providence and concern, while his opponent Warwick (1957-66)- has had experience in only In the area of t he -Admitted R.I. Bar two narrow areas of environment , he has (1957)--Admitted to the Bar government. "There is not proposed that individual of U.S. District Court for much difference between the timetables be set for tirms D istrict of Columbia areas a mayor must deal with that are now polluting and Vallone family," the mayor (1957 )--Admitted to the Bar and those a governor must year and must justify every that these timetables be said recently. "They'll tell of U.S. District Court for deal with, and I think my program and job that has strictly enforced. Mayor Noel you that they were against District of R.I. (1957). experience in Warwick has been around for years as well also has proposed that the given me valuable insights selling that land for the mall as any new programs that are state provide long-term, Professional Organizations into what's wrong with the un til I convinced Luigi proposed . He also has low-interest loans to firms system and what the state Vallone that it was in the proposed that program that are vital to the stat 's American Bar Association, must do to get back on the best interest of the people of analysis teams be se up to go economy and do not have Rhode Island Bar right track," the mayor said. Warwick and the people of i n t 0 d epa r t men t s the financial resources to Association, K nt County u ODomy Rhode Island." unannounced and examine correct their pollution in Bar Association, American May 0 r N 0 e 1 has the operation from top to time to meet their deadline. Judicature Society. Mayor Noel has said that propos d that the state bottom and recommend He has said that no new the economy is the major develop an economic master imp r 0 vern e n t san d departments or levels of Governmental and Political concern in the campaign, and plan and involve business, cost-saving steps to the bureaucracy are needed to Activities and Experience has pointed with pride to the labor, education, and governor, who would then solve the problem, and that Employed in the U.S. economic growth of Warwick government leaders in put them into effect what is needed is a Senate by Senator John O. during his 12 years in office, drawing up the plan. 'All immediately. redefinition of th Pastore (1955-56), a clerk of segments of society must In the area of economic responsibilities of existing the R .I. Constitutional h a vern e ani n g f u 1 growth and government departments and strong Convention (1 958), Special participation if we are going efficiency, Mayor Noel has leadership from the gOY mor Counsel to the Tax to turn the state's economy noted that Warwick ·has one to get the job done. Administrator of the State of around," he said. The mayor of the finest systems of Rhode Islanrl (1958-59), also has proposed a government service in the De mocratic Councilman s h 0 r t - t e r m e con 0 m i c state, and yet has the lowest Drug Abuse from Warwick's Fifth Ward forecasting system to help effective property tax rate of To combat drug abuse, (eleoted 1960), Re-elected businessmen, changes in the any city in the state. He also the mayor has endorsed, with 1962 and 64), Democratic educational system to help has pointed to an 11% some changes, the proposal Minority leader of the meet the needs of business red u c t ion i nth e of the Rhode I land Drug Warwick City Council and industry and help insure homeowner's share of the Action Coalition for a single (1 960-64), Mayor of that every young person who Warwick tax burden since he state agency to coordinate Warwick (1967-72), is not going to college comes became mayor. the funding of local anti-drug President of the Rhode out of high school prepared programs. He has also urged Island League of Cities and for a meaningful and Welfare that the penalties for the Towns, Vice President of rewarding career, an assistan t The mayor has called for non-user pusher be in reased New England Municipal to the governor for economic a flat grant or averaging subs t an tially to " get the Center. affairs to spearhead the system to make welfare more effort to attract new pusher off the street and Civic Activities fair and a freeze on welfare keep him off." businesses and help those benefit levels until ther is a that are already in the state, State Municipal Vice substantial increase in the In the closing weeks of and the designation of the Chairman of United Fund earnings of the average the campaign the mayor 1i e u tenan t governor as (1969), Warwick Heart Fund workingman in the state. expressed ever-increasing " ambassador to indu try" to Chairman (1968-71), State "Some people on welfare are c onfidence that h was bring the prominence of that Heart Fl!nd Chairman better off than some of our pulling into the lead. P..s office to the campaign to (1972), Warwick Community low-paid working people, and evidence he ited "tb bring new, clean industry Guidance Clinic, Board of when 300 new firms and we can never ex peet pu blic deceitful camp ign f into Rhode Island. Directors Red Cross, Junior 6,000 new jobs have been support for the welfare untruths and distortions that Chamber of Commerce Man added while the state's Government system until that situation is my opponent has attempted of the Year. economy was declining. H corrected. The people feel to foist on the people of this Social and Fraternal has pointed with pride to the that people who work should sta te in an effort to revive hi Midland Mall, hich he Spending be better off than those who sagging campaign." Elks Lodge No. 2196, helped bring to the city as a don't, an d they're right," Knights of Columbus No. councilman, and the Warwick I nth ear e a 0 f Mayor Noel said. He also The mayor said he had 2295 , Aurora Civic M all, w h ic h he was government spending and pro p 0 sed t h a t t h e "brought my views to the Association, University Club, instrumental in bringing to efficiency, Mayor Noel has res p 0 n sib i I i t Y for people of this state with full Atlantic Tuna Club Ducks the ity as mayor. "If you proposed that the state adopt investigating and prosecuting candor and honesty, and I Unlimited, and many other have any doubt about the zero-based budgeting, which welfare frauds be removod · am convinced that tllls will ivi c a nd fraternal role I played in bringing this means that every d partment from the w Hare d partment result in victory November organizations. mall to Warwi k, ·ust a k the st arts with z ro dollars every and retu ed to the attorney 7. " Page 10 , The Is Selectig A pr; McGovern,

fiWIeI:\w brr ~" S,- r ...river - Editor's Note: THE ARCHWA Y presents here platform information concerning major issues from both the Democratic National Committee and the Republican p ~' National Committee. Regardless who you choose to o George S. McGovern for President The Democrats: R. Sargent Shriver for Vice President

Greater sharing with Congress of real decisions on A full-employment policy which assures every issues of war and peace. American a job at a fair wage. We support equal treatment for Puerto Rico in the Public-service em ploym ent must be greatl y expanded distribution of all Federal grants and aid, amendment of in order to make the Government the employer of last Federal laws that rest rict ai to Puerto Rico. resort and guarantee a job for all. To end all naval shelling of the tiny unhabited island Overhaul of current manpower programs to assure of Culebra and its neighboring keys, no later than training .. . " for jobs that really exist." June1 , 1975. Eliminate the unfair, bureau c ratic Nixonwage and To those who for reasons of conscience refused to price controls, and seek a truly fair stabilization serve in this war and were prosecuted or sought refuge program which affects profits, investment earnings, abroad, we state our firm intention to declare an executive salaries and prices, as well as wages. amnesty, on an appropriate basis, when the fighting has The cost of government must be distributed more ceased and our troops and prisoners of war have fairly among citizens in similar economic circumstances. returned. Reform of the nation's tax structure, which is clogged with complicated provisions and speCial interests, 0 11 On Education - depletion and and other favors for the all industry; Increase federal financial aid for elementary and special rates and rules for capital gains; fast deprecia­ secondary education and support equalization in spend­ tion unrelated to usefUl life; easy-to-abuse expense ing among school districts ... to improve schools and account deductions, and the ineffective minimum tax. to assure equal ity of access to good education. To reduce the local property tax for all American Step up efforts to meet the special needs and costs of families, we support equalization of school spending educationally disadvantaged children, handicapped by and substantial increases in the federal share of educa­ On Vietnam and Foreign Policy- poverty, disability, or non-English speaking background. tion costs and general revenue sharing. c Immediate and complete withdrawal of all U. S. forces Support the goal of desegregation as a means to Step up antitrust action to help competition, with in Indo-China and an end to all U. S. military action in achieve equal access to quality education for all our particular regard to ... curbing conglomerate merg ers. c Southeast Asia-with this proviso: We must insist that children. Deconcentrate shared monopolies, such as auto, b any resolution of the war include the return of all There are many ways to deseg regate schools: school steel and tire industries, which administer prices, create a prisoners held by North Vietnam and other adversary attendance lines may be redrawn; schools may be unemployment through restricted output, and stifle (i forces, and the fullest possible accounting for the paired; larger physical facilities may be built to serve technological innovation. r missing. larger, more diverse enrollments; magnet schools or Adhere to I iberal trade policies, but . . . oppose V After the end of U. S. direct-combat participation, educational parks may be used. actions and policies which harm American workers. V military aid to the Saigon Government and elsewhere in Transportation of students is another tool to accom­ Negotiate orderly and reciprocal reductions of trade i ~ Indo-China will be terminated, but humanitarian assist­ plish desegregation. It must continue to be available barriers to American products. Foreign nations with b ance w ill be offered to the people of Vietnam to help according to Supreme Court decisions. access to our markets should no longer be permitted 1 them repair the ravages of war. L On The Economy- to fence us out of theirs. Re-establish the United Nations as a key forum for Continued support for our system of free collective 5 For workers and industries dependent on defense international activity. bargaining and opposition to any attempt to SUbstitute. spending, reconversion policies and Government re­ Abide by the binding U. N. Security Council decision compulsory arbitration for it. . sources to assure jobs and new industrial opportunities. 4 on Rhodesia Sanctions, and support U. N. peacekeep­ Universal coverage and longer duration of the ing efforts. Unemployment Insurance and Workmen's Compensa­ Take the steps necessary to establish regular diplo­ tion programs. matic relations with China. Move to a minimum wage of $2 .50 per hour. and Cease American support for the repressive Greek expand coverage of the Fair Labor Standards Act to a military Government, stop military aid to Portugal, and include the 16 million workers not presently covered .• make clear U. S. opposition to racial totalitarianism of South Africa. t< Sharply reduce military assistance in Latin America. o Provide Israel with aircraft and other military p equipment .. , she needs and maintain a political com­ n mitment and a military force in Europe and at sea in a the Mediterranean ample to deter the Soviet Union from 11 putting unbearable pressure on Israel. In concert with our allies, pursue with the U.S.S.R. mutual force reductions in Europe. Page 1]

,sue: ~sident I 1972

President Nixon.

vote for as President, being well informed at the polls is of maximum importance in this election year. The platforms below include the candidates' current stand on Vietnam, foreign policy, education, and the economy_

Richard M. Nixon for President T e Republicans: Spiro T. Agnew for Vice President

Journeys fo r peace. Journeyed to Moscow i M yof On The Economy - this year. Ag re ements with th e Soviet Union 0 limit To brea the Inflation psychology that had become a development of an ti -ballistic missile systems . . . engage fixed plague on th e nation, the President in August in jOint space exploration .. . collaborate in efforts of last year ordered a 90-day freeze on wages and to combat disease and preserve the world's environ­ prices to be followed by a temporary flexible wage-price ment . . . arrange for a $750 million grain sale. control program. _.. Journeyed to Peking in March of this year. (:0 As a result of this action, the rate of infl ation under th e extent that prog ress is made in improving relations the new program has been around 3% . between the U. S. and the world's most populous Signed into law the Emergency Employment Act, nation-to that extent will the world be a safer place providing one billion dollars for more than a quarter­ to live. million new jobs. In February, 1971. a treaty banning weapons of mass Created a public service employment program to destruction from the ocean floor was signed with the provide jobs directly for people who find it especially Soviet Union- and then with 80 other nations. In April hard to get work. . of this year, a treaty prohibiting the production r Carri ed out an expansive budget pol icy to stimulate possession of biological and toxin weapons was signed. the private economy and create more jobs. In September, 1971 , an agreement between the U.S., Backed expansion of federally-assisted manpower Britain, France and the Soviet Union was reached programs to include more people. ending the Cold War hostage status of West Berlin. Developed welfare reform proposals to increase On Education - incentives for employment. Called for revision of the minimum wage system to " No qualified student who wants to go to college remove obstacles to the employment of young and On Vietnam and Foreign Policy- should be barred by lack of money." Acting on these inexperienced workers. . . words, the President signed the Education Amendments The Nixon Doctrine cal ls for America's allies, in this Won an agreement with Japan textile exports, reliev­ case the South Vietnamese, to take over the major Act of 1972. ing pressure on American industry. Acted to redu~e Career Education is a plan worked out by the Office b urd ~ n of their own defense. The result has been interllational demands on the dollar so that America of Education which blends vocational, general and a 93 % re duction in American troop strength . . . a 98% can compete on equal terms with other countries. college-preparatory education into a new curriculum. reduction in combat deaths . .. and at home, a 75% Received an agreement from our NATO allies to pay a Special revenue sharing for education is aimed at reduction in draft calls-with no more draftees going to greater share of Western Europe's defense costs. improving the quality of elementary and secondary Vietnam . In 1969, the incremental cost of the war in There are now more jobs in the American economy education. This Presidential proposal would provide Vietnam to our defense budget w as $22 billion. It than ever before, the number of employed reaching a $3.2 billion during its first year in effect, consolidating is ex pected that $15 bil lion will be cut from that figure record high of 81 .2 mil lion in June, 1972-a huge gain funding from over 30 categorial grant programs into by the end of the year-a two th irds reduct ion from of 2.8 million over the past year. Housing starts are 1969. In 1969, when the President was inaugurated, the five broad areas. running nearly 60% above the last year of the previous "I am determined to see to it that the flow of power in United States had 549,000 men in Vietnam. Today, administration. Individual income taxes were reduced 510,000 of our men have been brought home. The education goes toward, and not away from, the local by the Nixon Administration, so that Americans will si den! has continually made fa ir and generous pro­ community. The diversity and freedom of education in pay $22 bill ion less next year than they wo~ld have this nation, founded on local administration and State Is to end the war. His newest proposal includes: under the tax rates in effect when the President An exchange of all prisoners of war. responsibility, must prevail." took office. An internationally-supervised ceasefire th roughout The outlook is for . .. a probable $100 billion rise Indo-China. this year in the Gross National Product, composed The complete withdrawal of all American forces from largely of a gain in real output of goods and services. Vietnam within four months after agreement on Continued progress on holding down the rate of these principles. inflation . . . and a strong continuing rise in employment us, the President has done everything possible accompanied by declining unemployment. end the war, short of agreeing to a communist take­ of South Vietnam. And although remarkable ress has been made since 1969, the President will be satisfied until the war is ended completely- so has pledged his ever-readiness to go the extra ile to negotiate an honorable end to the entire confl ict. Page 12 THE ARCHWAY Change your area of -TRIVIAL TRIVIALTIES experiencing moving on to. VITOJS BARBER SALON the large movements of the We had no winn er last week, 0 this week we'll double the (NEXT TO CAFETERIA) rize offered. Here are last week's answers: body. Close your eyes and 1. What was the name of the servant on BACHELOR fee I your shoulders, then '!)J open on campUJ FATHER? Peter . gradually hunching them as 2. What was MY LITTLE MARGIE'S father's name? e do Regular Vernon Albright high as you can in slow 3. What was the name of Della's boss in PERR Y MASON? motion. When you have gone Hair cuts Paul Drake 4. What western hero " arne with the gun?" THE as high as possible hold the LAWM AN shoulders there for a few 5. What was Della's last name? Della Street seconds then slowly let them 6. What was MR. PEEPER's full name? Robinson J. down. Allow your shoulders London Shag; P epers 7. On what show did Preston Foster play a tug boat to settle when it feel right for captain? WATERFRONT them to do so. Experience and your 8. What did the ti ker say on the lower right hand comer the eff c ts ; repeat the preference. of Kookie's windshield on 77 SUNSET STRIP? National Hot e x pe rience thr e e or Rod Association. f ourtimes. Hunching the 9. What lawyer series tarred James Whitmore? THE LAW shoulders will not only help AND R. JONE relaxation but improve There are two stylists to serve you. 10. What show f atured Buzz and Todd? ROUTE 66 posture as well. Vito and Pauline. A fin e method of This Week combinin g stretching, Open Monday - Friday 1. What T.V. show centered around a rodeo champion? relaxing, and keeping the 8:30 - 6:00 2. What show starred Jackie Cooper as a doctor? wrinkles out of your face is a 3. What orchestra played on Jackie Gleason? modification of the yoga 4. What show did Hans Conreid narrate? exercise called the " lion." 5. What clan did AMOS & A DY belong to? Lean slightly forward with 6. What was Amos's job? your shoulders, allowing 7. What are the names of the insects on ROMPER ROOM? your eyes to widen as much AN INVITATION 8. What show starred a father who was "younger than his as possible. Open your son?' mouth wide and stick your 9. What was the first series to feature a branch of the Los tongue out as far as you can. A Party For The December Angeles Fire Department? Be ferocious. Tense the neck Graduate Is BeinK Planned. 10. What was Merv Griffin's first show? muscles and cords as well as Remember, the first correct entry brought to the those in the face. Hold this Anyone Interested In Attending ARCHW A Y Office is worth a $10 gift certificate to the position for 30 to 60 Bookstore. GOOD LUCK! seconds. Now very slowly Fill Out The Coupon Below And allow your face and neck to settle. Repeat this exercise Drop In The ARCHJf:.fY Office. three times daily. If can be Reducing Tension II fun if you use a mirror. Al bert J. McAloon Stretching is good biology, Psychology Dept. and a natural method for An old saying, " the eyes close your eyes. Take time to letting go of excessive ha ve it" includes tension. experience your body in its stiffness. NAME Here ' s how to overcome relation to the floor. Now some eyestrain tension: Lie These suggested down or find a comfortable become consciousness of exp eriments are not just h a ir. Become aware , your breathing. Don't act, words. They are methods. If ADDRESS p u r p o ly, of your eyes, jus t watch your body you are willing to take the noticing the feeling involved breathing. After a minute time to do them you will in the eye area. Sit still or lie place your hands on the improve your breathing, quietly for half a minute, upper chest above the breasts posture, facial muscles, large 8 PHONE then place the palm of your without the fingertips muscles all leading to a hand over your eyes with touching. Feel the movement general feeling of relaxation. t he heel of your hands going on under your hands. You will feel your body in all 00 a 0 resting on your ch ek, and It's you. Now slowly place its strength and beauty. You yo ur fingertips on your your hands by your sides, will become aware of the forehead. Do not touch the remaining that way for about possibilities for growth in the palms to your eyelids. If you two minutes in silence. Next ordinary, daily routines of r------. are sitting rest your elbows place your hands on your Ii f e. Isolated exercises, as on your knees, remaining in solar plexus, just above the exercises, will not satisfy you THE CHATTERBOX this position for a full minute n a vel, becoming aware of must make these, and others bef o re you remove your what's happening there, now part of your daily life. At hands. Repeat this process drop your hands slowly to each moment tension or The Warming Spot sev ral times to savor its full your side, resting thus for relaxation reflects your basic effect . Remember that while about a minute. Finally place attitude toward life and 10 Austin Avenue doing th e little exercises your hands on your lower yourself. Body and psyche your consciousness should be belly just inside the frontal act as a unit; they are two Greenville., A.1. q uietly but firmly hip bones above the pubis. aspects of the same reality; heightened. Our culture is Just experience your body two holes of life; two ex trem ely visual--books, movements, then bring your manifestations of the whole Antiques and Gift Items magazines, films, and the hands to your side and again personality; we can use these W orld-Wide Treasures omni r sent TV. We need to quietly become aware of how exerci es to be stepping be more selective in visual you feel. stones toward increas d of enjoyment; somethings are perception of ourselves as p e rsons . We must , better to see than others. To We take breathing for Yesterday, Today, and TomofTow granted but if you want to increasingly in this age of see uietly is to allow, to create anxiety try holding noise and confusion of your breath; if you would images , a pproac h our ope n our feelings to the add to your tensions relief, phy sic al sensation in a Come Bide Awhile With world about us; open them. e x perien e the following; pred o m inantly nonverbal note your breat hing, be om manner. Enhance y o ur The Connors with a depth of percepti,?n con sciou s of inh a lation­ creativ powe rs through you never thought possible. exhalation , slowing becom ing improved elf-a war ness. Nex t w ek we will on sider Don't take the organism for aware of the pause betw en the breaths; this is trul the sex awakening and sens open 10-5 doily: Friday evening 'til 9 granted. pau e t h at refr shes. r laxation wi hin the whol Use breathing to help ontinue this exercise from person. Remember we ar closed M ondays reli v tension. Lie down and five to ten minutes. body and mind. ' . ovember 3 , 1972 Page 13 ------MBA Highlights Careers In SAMMY's CORNER by Dean Lebovitz Marketing PLANNING AHEAD Dear Mr. Y.nox: The MBA Spring 1973 Semester Car rou tell me something about the Investment Classes for the Spring Semester are scheduled to begin by Thomas Czapienski Sem;' ,u are going to run here at Bryant. on Monday, January 8. The Semester will end as of May 5. To explicate Marketing Curious The Fall 1972 Semester will endas of Friday, December fields in the business world Dear Curious: 22. I sure can and am delighted to do so. Every year Bryant was the major highlight in The Graduate registration announcement will be issued conducts an Investment Seminar. Its purpose is to bring the Marketing Department's early in December. Registration will take place by mail useful information to the investing public. This is the fifth "Careers In Marketing" one, a'nd it takes place all day Saturday in the Auditorium. -.urillg the period December 11 through December 28. counselling session held this We have established a special rate for Bryant students. 1973 Summer Sessions past Tuesday in the Faculty The general public pays $5, Bryant Faculty $3, and stud nts There will be two Summer Sessions. The first Session Dining Room. win begin on May 14 and end June 21. The second Summer $1.--(plus $2 more if they wish to have lunch with the Session will begin on June 25 and will end on August 8. The Dr. James Gould, group). offering of two Summer Sessions has been very popular Chairman of the Department Reservations can be made through Mrs. McCooey, the &because graduate students have had prior commitments for and host of the affiar pointed downstairs faculty secretary. _he su mmer that hindered their enrolling for courses, such as out opportunities av ilable t o I'm asking the Archway to print the seminar schedule reserve training and other obligations. the Marketing individual 1 below this article. There will be two Summer Sessions. 'The first session the various fields. The Sincerely, will begin on May 14 and end June 21. The second Summer Marketing Department at Samuel D. Knox ession will begin on June 25 and will end on August 8. The Bryant attempts to acquaint offering of two Summer Sessions has been very popular the student with real world '<> 11"",tn& 5 tboa s chedule of events for te., dry_nt College Fifth because graduate students have had prior commitments for sit uations. The student is Annual Invesoaent Semina r to be held on Satur day . November 18, at the summer that hindered their enrolling forcourses, such as acquainted with the outside Bryant Co llege, ml t hfiel' . Rhode Island: reserve training and other obligations. in such areas as the Pinto 9:00 a. m. Registration - "Coffee An III 9: ) 0 a .m. Welc ome by Dr. Harry F. Evarts, President of Project and plant tours. The Bryant College pring Courses outside is brought to them 9:40 a.m . Mr. Charles McGolrick, Senior Research Ed i t or of E. F. Hutton and Co . , ~h o will speak on It is anticipated that all of the required courses for the by the appearance of "The Stock Ma"rket In the 70 · s . " MB with a concentration in Management will be offered speakers representative of 10:20 a.m . Mr. John C. Stewart, Investment Officer with the R. I. Hospi tal Trust National Bank , who will on- ampus for the Spring Semester. Two of the graduate and in the Marketing fields. have as hIa- t opic "An 011 Analyst Looks At: the ad van ced courses will be offered in the Accounting North Sea." At the conclusion of the 11:00 a.m. Co ff ee Break concentration. Furthermore, two new advanced electives are 11:20 a.m. Or . Thomas A. Manion , Provoa t and Vi ce-Pre.1dent planned. Therefore, there will be a wide selection of courses program introduction and for Academic Af fairs at Bryant College. vi I I di 8- presentation of the cuss "The Outlook For the EconOllY In 1973 , Now That available to our graduate students. However, in the selection the Election Is Behind lis." of ourses, students should keep in mind the prerequisites Marketing faculty members 12 :00 p.m. Lunch present, smaller specialized 1:00 p . m. Tour of the Campus (Op tiOI181) for those courses to ensure that they will be properly 1:)0 p .m. Mr . Donald R. Ques t, Pre.ident of Equitable Equ itiea, prepared for the advanced courses. counselling groups were I nc ., will apeak on "Special Sitllat10na In the assembled. In the informal OvO!r- the- CoUQ rer Ma~ke t." 7:10 p.liO. Mr- Thaaas O'Hara , ~n ai Na t ional As sociation The MBA on quidneck Island Program atmosphere e a h teacher of InvO!s tmen t Club. 8 0.~ d of Trustees, whose topic explained his mark tmg wUl be "Clues To Investing Succes8 ." It is anticipated that eight courses for the MBA w 't h a Mr . Samue l D. Knox , registered inveac.ent adviser CO l1 ce-l1tration in 1anagement will be offered at the specialty a the questioning And asstlt;At protessor of ~onomi c s at Bryant and lea rning session was Coilege , who will speak on "Looking Behind Financial Raytheon plan t in Portsmouth under the 0 ponsorship of Statements To Determine the Real Investment Value the College and Raytheon Company. Based on inquiries carried on to have in teres ted of a C01IIpany." 3 : 30 p .m. Sem Inar enda. received, this program has evoked great interest. lL is students become aware of part.icularly recommended for tho e graduate tudents or the rewards found in the Marketing domain. Stress was person ' in ter sted in the graduate program who live in that t hat will be held in the area of Rhode Island and adjacent Massachusetts. placed on the students' own interests a n d talents to vario u s academic departmen ts. If you are Long Range Planning d e t ermine for themselve which field they would est intere ted in a field, look in As part of the long range planning for I:sl:) _ allege, be suited for. t o it. These ounseiling the Graduate Program is being reviewed in terms 0 its essions offer an ex eIlent objectives, program , inpuL and effectiveness. The Graduat 'This is an example of opportunity to learn about Office welcome ' any comments or suggestions from its only one of the counselling th field and the teachers 1.0 graduate students as what the program needs or how it essions that has been held or who t ach it. can be impr ved.

Admissions For the benefit of those who ar not aware of the admissions policy for the Graduate School, note that applicants who are properly qualified c nnot only e CA US DRY CLEA ING SORE admitted for the Fall Semester, but also as of the spring semester or the summer essions. If you have any questions OPEN conceming admiSSIon or the program, please contact the GraduaLe Office. If there are any questions con erning the Tues. -Thurs. I - 6 MOD. I - 3 4 - 6 Fri. 12 - 6 graduate program that either graduate or undergraduate studenLs have, which they would like to have discussed in thi column, please inform th Graduate Office. nexf fo the flame ,.oom United Fund Show Features " All In the College" L. P. RECORDS With the fun theme of Taking part in this year's 40 in the CoUege," Dr. talent show will be Professor given away free. Register (alias Archi ) Fullerton Pat Keeley, who will favor for the drawin.Q at ou r store. c o-st ar with Carolyn t h e audience with a few alias Edith) Baron e in a m e m o rable tunes . Also No purchase necessary. comedy take off on that dis playin g their sin ging well-know show, "All in the t alents w ill e John ;/),awin, witt l . novo10 Family. " The proceeds of Falardeau, The God Dquad, Monday night's showing will Russ and Steve, and a few go to the U n ited Fund other surprises are in store. campaign of Southeastern Dr. Burton Fischman of the New England. Coordinating English Department will play sports jackets 754 shirts 254 the ent ire effort is Jonathan the piano with his combo of Frede. The show will depart ex per ienced musicians. coats and dresses $1.50 from the style of shows in Hopefully, a good portion of years past, in that the show the Bryant College will - will feature straight talent in Community turn out for addition to the short comedy this en tertainmen t highligh t of the ear...... Page 14 THE AR HWAY Today' Commentary Artists Internationlale New b y United Press international Mascot? by Woodchip Good faith will be a major Military experts believe Artists Internationale I n op er ating an element in the propesed that in the first instance the will be presenting their mst organization of this size and At the present time, Vietnam Peace agr ement. mo t that can behoped for is in a series of concerts with scope, Artists Intemationale there is a law pending in U P J d i p loma t i c to halt ombat between main Richard Tucker in on ert. h as discovered that many Congress that any coll ge, corresp ond n t Stewart force aigon units and This will be a bene it for things are not done correctly s p orts t a m or other Hensley has a commentary ... Hanoi's r gular troo . 'rhey Sovi t Jews . in the community, among organization who possesses a The workability of the appear reconciled to the them the fa t that the mascot, insignia or form of proposed Vietnam Peace continuation of considerable he o p ene d t h eir students who are eligible f r Indian symbol will have to agreem nt obviously depends bloodshed in areas of co n cert e ri es of nine th e ounci! on the Ar s change due to the fact that it in large part 0 the good Guerrilla actIOn. concerts four dance and five ticket endowment pr gram discrim in ates against th.. faith of the major powers T h e d ifficulties of musical. with the Harkness for college students. When a Ameri an Indian. • whose pressures made it a ch i eving u l t i m a t e Ballet Company on October new direc or was being ined For many years now, possible---the United tates, peace .. once a cease fire is i1 12 t the V terans' Memorial into the omm unity at the various Indian Organizations Russia and China. eff ct .. aremanifest in the Auditori u m. The young Rhode I slan chool of have sought to change these The Big Three mu t be complicated political-military co mpany performed both Design Museum at a very images of ' Injun Joe" or willing Ild able to ensure scenario which Saigon and classical and modem works private cocktail party, the "Warriors out to kill," for i.. that their r e spe tive the Viet Cong are supposed which included a premiere of t uden t 0 r dinato r , P. never portrayed their a new ball 'Cerem nials." tru. •proteges" in Vietnam to follow in the ursui t of t Micheal r IV, organized an images and th~ have come adhere to the terms with unified government. A very strong and promising informat ion picket line, close to suc eeding their reaso able f i d e lity. T he coalit i o n company, the H ar kness ating the fact that ollege goal. Even now, ther is a law Otherwise, the chan es for a ree nciliation coun H--made Ballet was a fine tart for an were not included in th suite against the Indian peaceful solution in South up f 8aig n, Viet Cong and exciting season. ticke t e nd o wme nt. A Braves for 9 million dollars V ie tnam and sl.ability "neutralist Vietnamese"- ha meeting was held during the change their name. Ar tist s In Ler nationale to e1 ewhere in southeast Asia bee roundly criticized by cocktail party and soon a was founded by Dr. Earl are remote. South ietnamese President message came out and Let one think now how Cohen bring signIficant The White House appears Theew a a "coalition to informed the students they will this affect the Bryant onvinced that Russia and government"s... something he cultur I events to the state were once again included in Mascot? If this law passes, we China ... each with its own has said he would never and musical community. It, is the ticket endowment. wi ll also have to follow the reason for wanting to accept. a n n-profit Rhode Island change. The question arises, improve relation with the The United States Corporation benefi ting the Two day later, an edi t what are we going to chose? United States ... can be con tends it i simply an f ollowin g organizat ions; was passed down that the And above all, who is going counted upon to pressure administrative group to Barring t o n Col l ege endowment would cov r, to to make the choice? Scholarship Fund, Campfire r-- Hanoi and the Viet Cong 0 oversee aigon-Viet Cong the extent of $500, each Administration, Fa ulty. or ----,f~o-n he sc . t . Tb nited negotiations for elections to Girls , Can t ors Assembly, performan . This was to will it be the student.s'? tates, for its part, has the determine the will the I n t rnational House of in lude school children from Rhode lan , hode Island Even at the present time, task of keeping the Saigon people. e l men t ary th r ugh the symbol of the dome has government from throwing a Since the coalition can act o p ra Theatre Performing grad-school, seni r itize s, FWld, Rhode Island State been placed on the new mon key wrench in the only by unanimous vote, people on welfare and the B a lJ et, Mos s B wn heool rings. Many student machinery. Thieu 's fears would appear President's Poverty Program, Parents' ounciI and Soviet were amazed to see Who Tbe cessation of American g o und l e s s . Thi s s r vi ce m e n , and any Jewery. gave the "go-ahead" in military action ... followed by three-segmement forun la, organIzation that claimed picking this design on the simultaneous withdrawal of when applied after the itself to be non-profit and ring? Was there a commit.tee US troops and release of Geneva agreements of 1954 They plan to bring a full wan ted to tten as a grou p. production of grand opera to wi h , tudents to ide on American prisoners of and 1962, has pr ve ... The fact was that there w s the state on March 17, 1 73 the dome? the simplest part f because of the veto power of I s than one cent to be with Mignone Dunn, leading the agreement and one which each segment ... to be in endowed per eligi ble person. Think about what you M tropolitan Opera Soprano, would like to have as a is of paramount int rest to reality nothing more than a A tists Intemationale was singing the rol of "Carmen. " the Am rican public. " formula for paralysis. ' in trumental in having the mascot and if yo agree with the dome as a significant H o wever, even this The political portion of Last year they gave two ceiling raised to an indefinite de p e n ds upon tbe the· agreement leave S igon sum for ticket endowment de sign to decorate OUR s h o larships at Barrington school ring. m intenance of a reasonably with what Nixon had Co lle ge , o ne at Cantors p r concert t o cert ain successf ul cease fire in outh pro mis e d T hieu ... " a Assem bly, and one at the performance or ~ o ncerts to The Archway will be Vietnam for 60 days. That is r easonable hance for Al ber t Ei nst in Me dical be dec id e d by the Arts holding a poll to receive your why President Nixon is survival. " School. Council). answ rs in the near iutur . determined to nail down However, it. is difficult to arrangements fOT the see bow progre s t ward a composition and installation political solutio can be of an in ternational made unles. Washington, supervisory group before the Peking and Moscow int rvene United States signs an to break the deadlocks whiCh rEP agreement. are bound t develop. H is c one r n i s As for neighboring Laos understandable in view of the and Camb dia, the belief HAY RIDE SAT. NOV. 4 terrifi task of pr serving a appears to be that the reasonable semblan e of a warring elemen ts ther will cease fire in a strif tom be able to reconcile their country with no clearly differences without too see any brother for ride defined front line and with much trouble if the the question of just who Vietnamese situation moves controls some areas in toward solution . continuing dispute. ~armup 'arty 5:00 - 1:0 Dorm 3 Rm 311- 333

INFORMATI ON Leavina From Dorm 3 7:00 PREGNAN CY TEST AVAI LAB LE A n Abo rtio n ca n be a rra nged within 24 hours You can return home the same day y o u leave. DIRECTIONS TO HAYRIDE

1-95,south T 1-195, ast CALL COLLECT: Take 1-195 east to Taunton Ave., (Rte. 44) e~i t Follow Rte. 44 East to Int rsection of R te. 118 215 • 735-8100 Take Left at Intersection onto Rce: 118 OPEN 7 0 YS A WEEK A Non- Pro'it 0 '90 nilotion 24 HOURS Hayride is About One (1) Mile on The Right November 3, 1972 15 Term Paper Hassle At Facts Behind Revenue Sharing

University of Wis~onsin by United Press International

Madison, Wis. ( PS)--Th their c es in mid-JUly. So far Washington news and And so a provision was carrot-penalty approach out faculty and administration of half of them have had their analysis in depth, dir ct from drafted imposing a penali-y of the final version of t.he t he University of Wisconsin grad s clea r e d without a t he Nation 's capial by provision again t states whi h bil1. R venue sharing was in a r e s t ill dealing ith a ingle student being subject George Marder of United have no tate income Lax m ssive ase o f academic to d· ciplinary action. Pres Int rnational. laws. trouble from the outset-it pI gi ris m which w as 8 tar t i n to day, coul n 't ave b en pa sed d isco ered n that ampus "Word ought to be ou t, ' Minnesota, whi h h the Over the years revenue w i t h ou t he u pport of sharing ha e n consi red, lawmakers from thos ten ast spring. Gi nsbe rg sa id recently high t t te inc me t - 1 staies-- and they werent con c e rning the t erm paper the n tion, will ee it federal t hat p rovision underw nt about to vole for a bill which The gra 5, tran cripts, b u siness, ' th t a chilling income taxe go into a po t several 'h ng s-

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AU'ERHATlVE fEATURES Directions can be found on Bulletin Boards around campus Page 16 THE ARCHW Y Personality Winners Viet Nam s ••• by nlted PTe. In ternational A war is many things' n a ils for 12 hours. That and the ietnam onflict has, because radio Hanoi, at A regular G.L.C. meeting in many ways, b en more of about midnight, broadcast was held on Tuesda y, those thing than rna t. the story, saying that a peace October 31, 1972, in Room Vietnam is rhetoric and agreement was to he signed 245 at 3:00 p.m. ietnam is death. ietnam is on October 31, and accusing On Tue d y, November r fugees and it · orphans. the U.S. of foot-dragging. 7, 1972, there will be an Vietnam is the searing heat Hanoi said a cease-fire is IMPORTANT MEETING for of napalm on a child's naked to go into effect 24 hours all pledge mast rs and pledge body, and it is the stump in after an agreement is signed, mistresses. Attendance is imperative, as rules for place 0 a leg for a teanager that the U.S. will halt all from Kansas. military activities, and that pledging will be stated and I t i s t h e de a d I y there will be a withdrawal discu ed. If it is absolutely hattering of helicopter- within 60 days. During those impossible for you to attend, moun t d machin guns, and 60 days, all war prisoners are be sure someone is there to the enveloping explosion of to be released. represent you. surface-to-air missiles. It is T h e r e w i I I be a The Book Drive horribly painful punji ti ks, ommission to decide the scheduled for this we k will an it is sil nt d ath from future of Vietnam, and the be held off until February, B-5 2's., U. S. says that it is not when pledging begins. It is Da Nang and Saigon, committed to any "political The Student Senate is s p 0 n soring a concert this Personality Weekend winners- Lloyd Rob rtson (TKE) an it is Pleiku and the Mekong, ten den c y a rt 0 any it is Lieutenant Calley and personality." That last, or weekend, November 3, and Patsy Murphy (SIB). General Lavelle, and course, means President everyone is asked to give C re i gh t o n Abrams and Thieu. But, by the same their support. Villiam W stmoreland, Green t ken, Thieu will no be There will be a G.L.C. Berets and rebelliou tro p . forced to resign. And this Raffle during the Christmas STUDENT EMPLOYME holidays, with the drawing Vietnam is "hell no, we language appears 0 be the The student employm nt information ap earing below i won't go," ietnam is heart of the compromi e. being held during the first or 'summar. of all part-time jobs phoned in to th Finan ial id "dump the hump," Vietnam A former government econd w k in February. We 'Office and the ,Placement Office in the last month. This is an is "V" for peac , and it is official in aigon intimates ne d everyon 's cooperation effort by the Student Empl ym nt coordinator to aid brac lets for POW's. thaL Thieu is displeased with and any time you can pare. students in finding employment thm the easy accessibility And through it all, there the terms. Says the official, Get involved!!! provided by the weekly printing of THE AR HWA Y. Also, has been " the light at the end 'The Americans are telling Have good w ekpnd! the j'obs pres nted herein should be filled quickly providing of the tunnel. " Thi u h has to make pace." . for a !TI ore effective employment service. That phrase i out of And, adds the fficial, "no fashlOn today. one now can predict what o GANlZATION POSI.TION SALARY TELEPHONE oday the word is that will happen." 10/31/72 Ed HaLn pea e is at hand." But that light whi h Farnum PLke Raking lawns $1.60 and up 2~1-1759 o said Henry Ki'singer Robert Mc amara saw at the SIII Lthfield , R1 at a late-morning news end of the tunnel so many 10/30/72 ~erwiek Shopper~ Wo r ld Mr. Lef",bure onference in Washington. years ago seem much Warwick. RI Male-stock work $l.65/hr. 272-604.0 Peace, he said, can come brighter today. 10/30 /72 Moran Air Cargo, Inc. Truck DrLver·pick "within a matter of weel s or For, as Henry Kissinger 30 Coronado Road up and delivery from Warwick, Rhode I sland Hillagrove (phys ical Hr. Marshall les . • says, " we believe that pace work) to be dhcu8sed 737-8950 An while thos w rds is at hand." cho d across a war-weary Worl War I nded in a 10/25/72 Ar old 's Bakery 234 Cha pel StTeet Male wrapper John Arnold nation a nd an x pectant railroa ar near Paris, World Lincoln, Rhode Island bakery help $2,25/hr. 722-6300 world, they were qualified by War II in a 'little r d 10/25/72 Stanley Green' s Male & Female Kissinger himself. schoolhouse" at Rheims, 1109 Wa rwiek Avenue Wqi t ers, waitresses John Firole Ki singer-who has been Franc e, and the Korean Warwick, Rhode Island Ba r tender. to be d Lacussed 781-2000 jetting from Pari to aigon onflict amid the mud nd toW a h i 11 g ton wit h esolation at Panmunjom. increasin regularit in recent Vi tnam? Appar .1tly at we ks-- ay "mo t of the an i lated villa ill th aris difficult " pr blems have suburbs--not a c nfer nce been resol ed. But, he add , table who e dimensions and "most" doe not m an all" configuration took months n there is yet another to decide. meeting which must be held The ann 0 u ncemen t to tie things together. won't be as surprising as it While the word from was in 1917, or 1945, or Kiss i n ge r wa. electri " it 1953. But it will be as wasn 't the first. n fact, W lnome-- nd m · yb, ev 11 Americ bit its call tiv more 1M CoHee Ho r The H tel The purpose of this Advisory Adm inis tr ati o n and ouneil is to inform the Institutional M nagemen s tudent abo t various program will be holding a in dustries included in the " offee Hour" at 3 :00 p.m. Institu tional Management on N ovem ber 6 in Room field and how they are doing C-267 (right off t he in today's economy. A panel ommuter lounge area) for of prominent speakers from any interested students and the fi I s of h otels, . , faculty. Mem ers of the restaurants, ho pitals, tra el ~~~ut~' ·~~·~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ program and Mr. Wallace ag en i san d re or t ~~~ amper, chairman of the management will be available d partment, will b on hand fo r di cussion after they each for answering any questions make a short presentation about the courses offered abou t t h eir r e p e ctive "WE'll. CANVASS i~E MAL.T S~PS , . i\4E SOCK ~OPS ~ here at Bryant. businesses. A n o pe n invitation is extended to all RICHArtD NIXON WILL HAV~ On o vember 8, the persons interested in the MA~K MY WOROS, Annual dvisory uncil will Hotel Administration and hold its on day eminar lnsti tu tional Managemen THe. 18 -YeAR-OL.O VO'TE !" tTnlTl Cl·~lL~ rn. t.o ·00 n m - ovember 3, 1972 Page 17 Independent Football Bowlers Begin Ta ble Tenni s Team Awesome ,Another by Stephen Botwinoff In Fi rst Ma tch INDEPENDENT STANDINGS Successful Last Sunday the Bryant As socia ion Club at 741 Season College Table Tennb am We s t m i n ter t r e et in TEAM WON LOST TIED PT f) started their season against Providence, The Var sity Bowling Rhode Island College, and Each match on i ts of 5 TOP OF THE TWELFTH 7 o 1 15 Team h ad its fi r s t ~on 24-1. At the ame time mem b rs of ach team RAIDER 7 1 o 14 tournament last Sunday in Brown def ated Provid nee palying gainst each other, a DORM 5 5 o 4 14 Hamden, Conn. making their College and URI defeat d total of 5 mat hes per per on first appearance for th team R.I.J.C. or 25 matches per team, 13 (7) Trojan (7) who made a running catch in were Bob DeMarch, Bill For a first year te m alternates can be used. Last After nineteen straight the end zone. The play was Padowicz, Bill Holmes, nd Bryant looks very strong. week as an opening to the humiliating, defeats spanning followedby a successful extra Pau l Fineberg-better luck Members are; captam Neil match, our captain and our over a period of Lwo years point conversion. next time guys! Fortunately, Goldman, ('o-captain Howie eo--captain both introduced Dorm 13 finally tied The second hali s Wed the team was driven to Dornfeld. Larry Ostrower, the Bryant College Table goo Lball game. On October in t o a battle of strong victory by returning senior Howie S c re i ber Bob Tennis team with shutout 31, Dorm 13 tied th Trojans defensive play, with both. Do n Du nn and the ever Patenaude Larry Selvin, Bob victorie 0 2 games to 0, the -7. This game also was th sides excelling. Bola's Best super- trong Fred-"Moo e' - Wareham, Jeff Hug, Dave rnatche are be tout uf first one in which Dorm 13 was more than happy to play Wi sbrun. Brown. three. From that point the put poin on the scoreboard. " defen ive" football and The team rolled against Next Sunday Bryant re t of our team took The Trojans scored first protect th ir lead. outhern Conn. State College Plays U.R.I. who i seated control, as we won a total of on a disputed touchdown. A h e I second next to Brown. The 24 matches and lost only s or.u';'e s m n, W 10 and swept the match 4-0. At Da v e Preston th rew a h d 1 t 1 member of our team feel we one. TIle Sllort isn't all that a 0 0 n yon c e pre enL, the Bryant Keglers t wenty-five yard pass in . I th ,I f t can beat U.R.I. because of popular in our chool yet but prevIous y, e u a are leading the Tri-state which the receiver appeared seriously injur d any chance eague because of this crucial our depth of play rs, and for those who would l i k~ to f f' t 0 to catch the ball of the end th ey h a d 0 ca ptunng' us 'rst victory. that fancy snatch the hecome more nthu ed in zone. But the touchdown place. paddle. Anyone is O1or<' than ping pong, come walch Lhe counted and the point after The tea m . s n ext wei orne to come see any f team play sometime and you touchdown kick was good. In the only other a lion tournament is ov. 11th. our matches: I'm sure you will be tartled. If you wish Dorm 13 now trailed 7-0. on Wednesday, the Tl'Ojans Good luck guys-try a IiLtle would be amused. We play to try oul for the ping pong Then lightening struck. and the 13·Gang played Lo harder-lL won't help-but trYon Sundays at 7 :30 at the team, contact any member of Doug Lawrence threw a 40 ...7-. 7_ ti.·e• . ______.... ______..... R• h•o•d.e_ d_ T_ab. l.e_ T.e.n.lli.·s_ t.h.e.t.eam_ •. ______• yard touchdwon pass to Jeff Zweibel. Cliff Hubbard kicked the xtra point. Dorm 13 had amazingly played the Trojans to a 7-7 tie after ne half. The second half proved La be a defensive standstill . either team 'ould score any points. Dorm 13 did c1 0 arly outplay the TrOjans . But history was made ali DOL"ll 13 Every ended heir losing streak at n In eteen ga m es . red i MON. M GS 254 PITCHERS 1.50 should be giv en to liff, Bob, Rich , and " Whi tey" whom ALL NITE ar e t h e o n l y o riginal members of the team that u ff e red through nineteen Every - embarassing defeats.

In a game played in very TUES. 'OLDIES BUT GOO IES' chilly weather, Bola's Best upset the Freshmen 7-0. The WilL only touchdown of the game 'arne midway through the RA Y BROWN of WGNG fi rst half. Bola's Best capped a nice drive when Gary Crews fired a pas to Charlie Drago Every WED. LADIES IGHT Notices ALL DRINKS ( ~ PRICE) FOR LADIES All cooed and mens volleyball will start after Thanksgiving. There is a E very maximum of 12 on a rost er . F or mens volleyball six will be THURS. HAPP HOUR allowed on the playing o urt . F or c o ~e d AU DRINKS ~ PRICE 1-9 P.M. volleyball. igl t co- ds will be allowed on the playing court (4 girls; 4 WED. NOVEMBm 1-4 men). R ost~rs must be in Ihnl by Nov mber 15, 1972. SAT. Ref ree tests will be THE WHOLE BAND given on W dnesday, Novemb r 15 at 3:15 p.m. in the Athletic W ED. NOVEMBER 8-11 offiee.--Joe Byrka Ihm PIlFF iub Football .SAT. Meet Wed . Nov. 8 in Rm 247 at 3:15. All members urged to attend, SANDWICHES SERVED DAILY and anyone else wish to 11 A.M.-I A.M. play club football. If you can't be there call 321-3394 ask for Brian or Buzzy. Page 18 THE ARCHWAY lore la 0 and orella UPI Spor~Roundup 5 Tag Tea Cha plo by Peter Lockatell Edited by Peter Lockatell This week's wr~stling ard at Dorm 11 marked th dethroning of Bryant Tag PRO BASKETBALL Team Champions "King Figures released by the American Basketball Association Konga" and ((Mr. Beaver show former University of Massa husetts star Julius Erving Cleaver." The outcome of leading the League's s ores. Erving, who 1 ft shcool in his the match between the junior year to play with the Virginia Squires, is averaging just Champions and the over 25 points a ball game. He has scored 151 points in the Challengers Peter Foreman Squire first six games. and Dave "Black Demon" General Manager Jerry Colangelo of the Phoenix Suns FIorenzo was never in doubt. has fired head coach Bill Van Breda Kolff and has taken over . The seas ned Challengers the job himself. The head coaching job is not a new role for simply overpowered the Colangelo. During the 1969-70 seaspm he stepped in and inexperienced Champions. guided the Suns to a playoff berth in the NBA. The Boston In the first set of matches Celtics are assured of maintaining their unbeaten in the between the two principals, National Basketball Association until the end of the week for Peter Foreman met Beaver a least one good reason. They don't play an ther game until Cleaver. Foreman quickly Friday, when the Baltimore Bullets provide the opposition ill disposed of Cleaver with a Championship wrestling at Dorm 11 every Thur day at 3:00. the Boston Garden. The Celtics will not be idle during this pin in less than a minute gone in the bout. The result termed a fare . 1 know for officiating and equipment. lull in their schedule. Coach Tom Heinsohn says he plans newcomers like myself. For example, I do not think several tough scrimmages in the next few days to keep them was much the same in the match with the other half of These matches proved to be a wrestler can pin an sharp. opponent and draw with him both teams. Dave Florenzano your regular in suite in the match. Furthermore, I drove the bulky Konga: to the wrestling brawls. No offense PRO FOOTBALL qu stion th experience of mat immediately> and the intended, buy why can't the Th leading active passer in the National Football the referee and judges of bout nded short time promoters of these affairs League will probably be on the shelf for the remainder of the Wednesday's matches. later. Later, the losers asked expand on a good idea? For season. Thirty-eight year old onny Jurgenson was instance why promote a scheduled to undergo surgery Monday t repair a ruptured for a rematch, and th y wer The officiating problem disposed of in even quicker match b tw e n a d es not matter i a "for the an A hllles Tendon sustained Sunday again t the N w York inexperienced wrestler and a fashions than the first time fun of it I match, but the Giants. Bill Kilmer thu s becomes the Redskins starting seasoned one? quarterback, and S m Wyche has been activated from the around. problem should be given taxi squad to back him up. In other match of the day, Wednesday 's tag t am some thought b fore a Larry " Sugar" Shouler and match proves thi point. The serious match is held. The HOCKEY Howie "Killer" Solon drew only commendable point of same reasoning also bolds Boston Bruin star defenseman Bobby Orr will be after six minutes of the Konga-Cleaver VS true for wrestling mats. If sidelined indefinitely to allow his injured knee more time to wrestling. By far and away, Foreman-Florenzano match there is going to be a real recover from surgery. Orr, who underwent surgery over the this was the best on the card. was the attitude of the losers. wrestling mat h, let's have s um mer w hich k pt him fro m p laying in the Shouler drew first blood by Even though they were the proper equipment for it . Canadian-Russian Hockey Series, has seen little action since pinning Solon after two hopelessly outclassed, Konga In other words Dorm 11 the Bruins opened defense of the Stanley Cup. Dr. Carter minutes of the match. The and Cleaver went through should decide what kind of Rowe, who performed the surgery, said the knee requires remaining four minutes with the matches. Promoters wrestling matches it is going more strenghtening to meet the stress of game play. Club belonge 0 Solon, as he out can avoid lopsided and to hold. My suggestion i to spokesm an said Orr would ontinue to skate while his knee is pointed his opponent. Later, boring affairs by proper have a card of fun matches recovering. the scoring system proved 0 match making and screening. and have a card of real The center for the New York I landers, Tom Miller, was be inaccurat , so a rematch For example a wrestler that wrestling bouts. taken to Massachusetts General Hospital for injuries he WL.· be in luded on next : as one year s experience, Remember fans, if this received in last Sunday's contest with the Bruins. A w ek,,~d . should wrestle ax) opponent wrestling i ea is approached spokesman for the Islander, said Miller apparently suffered a E xce p t for the with the same credentials. in the right manner, wrestling ruptured spleen but his condition was not immediately Shouler-Solon cont st thi Another argument I have might some day become a known. Another injury in the same con t st , saw Bruins week's for card could be a bou t these wrestling varsity port at. Bryant. Goalie Ross Brooks leave the game midway through the nnal period with a cut under his right yeo The injury occurred when Don A wrey check d Islander forward Brian Spenc r into Brooks. Spencer bit Brooks in the face with bis skate as Intramural Sports Schedu e he was falling to the ice. Th Philadelphia Flyer ar anoth r NHLteam experiencing injury problems. Bill Flett, the Flyers leading scorer with seven goals, will be lost to the team for at FOOTBALL SCHEDULE least 10 days with a knee injury. FRATERN ITY INDEPENDENTS

HORSE RACING DIVISION A DIV I SION B TEAM NO. t EAM NO . Hialeah Race Track appealed to the Florida Supreme TKE KT 1. IWfF-S 7. 13-GAN G Court for the choi e of January 17th through March 3rd DELTA SIG TE 2 . BOLA I S BEST 8. RAIDERS racing dates which state authorities awarded to Gulfstream PHI SIG TEP 3. DEGENERATES 9. THUNDER THUMPERS PEP SEX 4 . DORM 5 10. TOP OF THE TWELFT1 Park for the second straight year. The Board of Business 5. DORM 10 I t. TROJAN S Regulation ordered Hialeah to race March 5th through April 6. FRES HMEN 12 . VETERANS ------19th, when many of the big bettors have already left the FRIDAY NOVE MBER :3 SUNDA Y NOVEMBER 5 MONDAY NOVEMBER 6 TUESDAY NOVEMBER 7 stat , J :1 5-Fl- 7 vs 5 121 00 -Fl- 8 vs 6 J :1 5- F1-TE vs TEP )1 15-F1 -10 va 8 The Soviet Union has withdrawn its three year old colt F2 - 11 v s 12 F2-1 0 VS 11 F2-KT vs BE X F2- 2 vs 5 1: 15-Fl- PE P vs "Herold" from the Washington D.C. International November WEDNE SDAY NOV. 8 TEP TllURSDAY NOVEMBE R 9 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 10 11th. The action, they say, was taken because the Soviet J: 15- F1- TKE vs 2:1 5-FI - PH I SIG J :15- F1 -4 va 5 3 :1 5-Fl-10 vs 2 Union was turned down on a request to enter two horses in DELTA v s TE F2-12 v 6 F2-J vs 4 F2- BEX v$ TEP F2 -7 vs J the race. The Kentu k Ra ing Commission has closed the books MONDAY NOVEMBER 13 TUESDAY NOVEMBER 14 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 15 on the controversial 1968 Kentucky Derby. The Commission J:1 5- Fl - KT v s TE ) :1 5-F1-12 v a 8 PLAYOFFS THRU MON DAY F2 -PEP v s NOVEMBER 20 has awarded the Derby Gold Cup to Calumet Farm, owner of PHT SIG "Forward Pass." The Colt was awarded first place when " Dancer's Image" was disqualified when an illegal drug was in found the horse's system. Peter Fuller, the owner of VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULE 'Daner 's Image." waged a long but unsuccessful court battle to have the original decision overturned. 1. SIX 7. API< 13. DORM 7 - 1lELAVRO 2 . SLT 8. INDEPENDENT SYNAGUE AUTO R CINO 3. INDEPENDENT BERK 9. SIB George Follmer is the 1972 Can Am Series Driving 4. SIX-B 10. INDEPENDENT 9 Champion, but he's out of a job. Follmer completed rus 5 . BSO 11. GOI winning year for the Roger Penske-Porsche team with a 6. Phis 12. GRIMES victory at Riverside, California, last week. Unfortunately, the MO'NDAYNOvEMBER-6TUESDAYNOVEMBER7WEDNESDAYNOvEMBERB--TlroRSDAYNOVEMBERQ- 7100 12 VS 10 7100 6 va 4 7100 9 VS t 7100 4 VS 7 team only plans to run one car next year and Mark Donohue 7;)0 13 vs 9 7130 7 vs 3 '7:)0,10 v s 13 7 : JO 5 va 6 is the driver. Penske says if the team runs two cars, Follmer 8:00 2 vs ? B: OO ~ l ~ s 12 would be their se ond driver, but he added, "that doesn't MONDAY NOVEMBE R 13 TUESDAY NOv~MEER 14 appear likely." PLAYOF FS PLAYOFFS ovember 3, 1972 Page 19 - College Football A New Plan Rolfe Picks Buddy Trinkle by Peter Lockatell For the past several There are times when the polls are even wrong. A prime years, the average football The Pros example is this week's UPI Board of Coaches College fan has suffered severely Football Ratings. In week's past, Southern Cal held narrow because of his inabili ty to Baltimore over New England 34-17. Colts are w 11 over point margins for the top spot, no matter how badly they acquire tickets to National due. beat their opposition. Now the Trojans are way out in front Football League games. Only Minnesota over New Orleans 23-3. Vikings are back 0 despite a lackluster 18-0 decision over hapless Oregon. S.C. last season, Shaeffer Stadium winning track. received thirty-one first place votes in this week's ratings, first opened its doors and Pittsburgh over Cinncinati 28-24. Close conference and they now hold an wopping seventy-three point lead over already seats are very hard to battle. second place Alabama. Barna hung on to their second place find. Yankee Stadium, the Green Bay over San Francisco 20-17. Packers need this position with a total of two hundred-seventy-three points, home of the New York win very badly. but the Buckeyes of Ohio State were not as fortunate. Giants, has been sold out for St. Louis over Philadelphia 24-17. Battle of badly Ohio State went to Madison, Wisconsin with a third place years. hurting birds. ranking last week, but State could only manage a 28-20 In hockey, the situation Atlanta over Los AngeJe 34-21. If Rams play like they decision over theWisconsin Badgers. Thus, the Buckeyes in some cities is even worst did last week. slipped to fourth in the week's polls. Ohio State scored four because the seating capacity Miami over Buffalo 27-20. Dolphins can't let down now. times in the first half on the power running of Greg Hare and is usually about one-fourth Dallas over San Diego 42-23. Cowboys are looking Harold Henson, but the second half was all Wisconsin. The of that of the average mighty good. Badgers threw for two touchdowns in that second half, professional football Houston over Cleveland 20-17. Pastorini finally has a narrowly missing a big upset. stadium. It is conceivable good day. The Nebraska Cornhuskers capitalized on Ohio State's that the Boston Garden N.Y. Giants over Denver 34-24. Must win for improved - poor showing, as they moved into third place with a 34-0 could sell twenty-five to Giants. rout of Oklahoma State. Michigan kept its fifth place ranking thirty-thousand seats per Detroit over Chicago 24-21. Detroits offense over with a 42-0 pasting of Minnesota for the Little Brown Jug. game if there were enough Chicago's defense Oklahoma rebounding from their loss to Missouri, bombed seats available. While sporting Oakland over Kansas City 24-23. Watch this game for Kansas State 52-0. The win was good enough to move the events are being promoted on pur bruising enjoyment. Sooners past idle L.S.U. into sixth place. a higher scale than ever N.Y. Jets over Washington 38-28. If and only if Jets In other action, one giant killer was toppled by another before, the average sports fan defense can stop the truly amazing Larry Brown. last weekend. Coloraio, upset winners over Oklahoma, got is almost entirely unable to Last week 8-5-----season 42-21-2. knocked off by a surprising Missouri team. Missouri now has see his favorite team in live upset two nationally ranked teams on successive weekends, action. The chief reason for Greg Hill kicked a 33-yard field goal with eleven seconds tickets are kept in families the owners could still insure this is because the owners sell generation after ganeration. in themselves a feeling of remaining to signal Missouri's first Big Eight win in two a very high percentage of the years. Instead of trying to. circulate security realizing that ninety available seating capacity to season tickets,. owners are percent of the seating season ticket holders. doing nothing whatsoever to capaci ty is sold out entirely, Here are this week's UPI Rankings: With players' very high Team Records broaden the spectrum, with the chances highly salaries increasing at an 1. Southern Cal (8-0) insofar as permitting more favorable that the other ten increasing rafe, the owners 2. Alabama (7-0) p e 0 pie tow a t c h the ir percent will be sold with no are trying to insure 3. Nebraska (6-1) favorite team. The problem trou ble whatsoever. Even themselves in the case the 4. Ohio State (6-0) has also been intensified though an additional burden team doesn't play up to because of the fact that some would be put on the owner, 5. Michigan (7-0) pre-season expectations. 6. Oklahoma (5-1) home games are blacked out the circulation of tickets They feel that if tickets were in a fifty-mile radius would give the fan at least 7. Louisiana State (6-0) sold on an individual game 8. UCLA (7-1) surrounding the stadium. some opportunity of basis, the weather or the At this time I would like acquiring seats for any game 9. Texa (5-1) absence of a name player due 10. Auburn (6-1) to propose a new plan that which he desires to watch. If to injury or for any other may alleviate part of the this plan were put into reason could substantially I had a .500 record last week, as I was successful on problem. Let's suppose that effect, many fans who have hurt the gate. ten percent of the seating been unable to a quire three-out of six tips. I ha e been improving every week so All this does not defend here ar this week's fearless tips. Oklahoma will continue to capacity be held on a first individual seats primarily the owner from discounting come, first served basis because of the high season romp after their Missouri disaster. Oklahoma's opponent this the feelings of the fan who week is Jow St t , but I do not think Greg Pruitt and Co. allowing the maximum of t ic ket to seating capacity wants tickets but is unable to only twu tickets to a person. r a tio w uld be extremely will be ur rised again Air Force is also looking to beef up a quir e them because many their record after their loss to Navy two weeks ago. rmy F ollowin the satisfied. hac; been suffering all season, and it looks like the Falcons will not be giving Army any relief. In the souih, Tennessee should def at Georgia. Georgia ga Alab m Lrou Ie, b L I beli v the Volunt ers will o ercom any Georgia obsta les. Auburn and Fl rida could G11' also be a int r sting Southern clash. Auburn ha been playing good ball of late, while Florida has been slipping after a good tart. Look for Auburn to defeat Florida by at least at YOUR touchdown. My upset prediction for the week is Houston over Florida St . I picked Air Force to upset Arizona State last week, but I probably will not be as lucky this week. T

Can The Washington Redskins Finally Be A Winner? by John DiPrete c _ The Washington The Redskins however Providence College Presents In Concert, Wftedskins are right now a fine will falter because of two f ootball team after they points which I will spell out. K Sat., Nov. 11, 1972 at 3:00 P.M. hired George Allen as their 1. The injury to Sonny coach two years ago. Jorgenson will definitely hurt , , Through many trades their passing game. acquiring proven veterans he CHASE 2. The defenses around E has made the Redskins one the NFL are going to key on Tickets .$4.00 Available at door, of the fines football teams in Larry, though they wiII not the NFL. Larry Brown has stop Mr. Brown his potency Providence College Student Affairs Office, or come into his own and is the will be decreased. T best back in the NFL. By Washington's running game The Dallas Cowboys if THE BRYANT STUDENT UNION. improving the overall they insert Roger Staubach § performance of the team has as quarterback should come improved. on strong. Page 20 THE ARCHWAY Bryanl Cross Country Wins First by Alan Temkin Weekly Girls Volleyball Results The Bryant College Cross competition. They have Country Team won their first begun to show the tougher m eet o f the season on opposition that Bryant BSO and SIX-B played consecutive serves and surprisin g showing. They Saturday, October 28, 1972, College will be a team to the first match on Tuesday, looked good for SIX.. SIX seemed really up for the at Wenham , Massachusetts. reckon with in the future. October 24. BSO played with also won the second game game, with Esther Faiman as It was a rainy, cool day for The results of the other only five girls until the end 15-6. Piglet looked good for star of the match once again. this meet, which was covered members of the Bryant Cross of the second game, but SIX. by rolling hills and dirt paths. Country Team, who gave an could not beat SIX-B. SIX-B Phis won the first two On Halloween, Delvaros This t ype of weather impressive showing for Coach won 15-10 and 15-9. games against Independent played BSO. Delvaros looked cond it ions made it very Fred Reinhardt: Paul Buczak The second match was Berk 15-4 and 15-3. Phis very good and very much .slippery for the runners. came in seventh place with a played between Delvaros and dominated both games. improved since the U "'F, 1I.L I,! U!, of the season. They won tim e 0 f 24: 31, Bob GDI. Both of the teams were Sandy and April looked good There were dangerous areas Kashmanian came in eighth equally matched. GDI won for Phis, and Esther Faiman games 15-4 and 15-4. on this course which the SIX-A and SIX-B played place with a time of 24:37, the first game 15-4 but was as strong as she always is Bryant runners handle with Richard Collard came in Delvaros won the next t wo for Independent Berk. next. SIX-A won the first great discipline, such as the game 15-4 as well as the third ninth place with a time of 15-8 and 15-12. muddy field near the pond 24:38, John Johnston came Theta cancelled their On OctoDer 30, GDI and game 15-5. SIX-B won and the fallen trees in the in fourteenth place with a g a me because of their APK played the first match. second game 15-13. All woods. The race was won by time of 26:06, John Dross smoker. There was only one game seemed to enjoy themselves Dave Stone in a time of played because ' the other two during the match. came in fifteenth place with 22 :4 6, BIen Clark from a time of 26:30, Mike Riley On Wednesday, October g a m e s w e r e p 1 aye d Salem State came in second came in twenty-second place 25, SIB and Theta played the previously. GDI won the place with a time of 22:55, with a time of 27:36, Tim first set of games. SIB won game 15-11. Crossword Answers Ralph Simons from Gordon Ban n i n g cam e i n the first game 15-12 in a The next match was cam in third place with a twenty-fourth place with a tough battle. SIB also won played between Phis and time of 23:12, Steve Olson time of 28:18, Steve the second game 15-5. They Grimes. Phis won the first from Bryant College came in M c La ugh lin cam e in dominated throughout the two games 11-0 and 15-5. fourth place in a ti'me of t wenty-sixth place with a whole game with Tina Frias Phis looked excellent in both 23: 24, and Herb Dunn from time of 30:06, and Gary and Sleeze Bartee looking games. New Haven came in fifth S qui res cam e i n good for the Sibbies. Theta and Independent place with a time of 23:28. twenty-seventh place with a SIX-A and Independent Berk played the next match, There was a great period time of 35:32. The final , 9 played the second match. Independent Berk won the of excitement and jubilation score of this meet was Bryant SIX won the first game 15-9 first game 15-4 and the' after the race was over. The College, 29 points; Gordon in a good figh t. Irene se co nd game 1 5 - 6 . Bryant runners are starting to Co lI e g e , 56 points; New b-K.a_m. i.. s.h.l. i.a.n_.s.c .0 .;;.I' .e .;.;d_ s... i ,;;,;x~ _ _ ..;,;;,;.;,; t;.B_er;,;k;;.;.h;;a_d.. a;...;. _ _ show some poise and Haven, 64 points; and Salem s t r n gth in meet State, 78 points.

First Basketball S~ ri mm ge S t Coach Tom Folliard and players from both t h e Costa o Sol his staff have planned on Varsit y and JV will intersquad scrimmage for participate in the ga Last Rose Thursday , ovember 9 at Saturday the varsity squad 7:00 in the Bryant College elected their o-captains for gym. This scrimmage is open the 72-73 campaign. They to t h e w h ol e B r y an t are Bruce Stewart and Ray community and it is the first Depelteau. These two are showing of this year's highly already familiar to most on touted squad. This i the first campus, so nothing else can of thr€e time you can see the be said at this time, only that t e am bef ore the regular Thursday at 7:00 p.m. all are season starts. The other times cordially invited to see the are against Roger Williams Best Bryant Basketball team College and Boston State. in years battle it out for the There is no date yet for five starting positions. A Bos ton State but Roger picture will appear as soon as • Williams is planned for possible of the Varisty, JV, November 18th. The plans and the captains but don't ave It. for this scrimmage are to wa it---come Thursday, • divide up the squad and hold November 9th at 7:00 in the a full regulation game. The Bryant gym. When It.

Coming Soon '. I The East Side's n.w.~1 anJ Smarl.~1 ~ l op for jeans and all that match es (for boys, and girls too) Name The Store Contest WIN $50.00 in merchandise (contest expires November 15th) SHE: I painted the book case, rocking Costa Do Sol vintage rose. chair, window sills and roof Slightly sweet, refreshing taste. of the dog house. They're all Estate-bottled and cork·sealed in My choice for store name is: yellow, including me. quart buckets. Mail to: What color's nex.t? STORE CONTEST HE: Rose, Harriet. .. have a sip of Full Quart 1225 Thayer St. Costa Do Sol Rose. Imported from Portugal Providence, R .I. 02 Imported from the Sun Coast of Portugal by the Anens of M. S. Walker, Inc., Boston, Mass.