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EVENTS and FUNCTION BOOKING DATA, 01 AUGUST 2019 to 31 EVENTS and FUNCTION BOOKING DATA, 01 AUGUST 2019 to 31 JULY 2020 Interest Sponsor Event Date On Behalf Of Event Title Event Type Venues Declared Debbie Abrahams MP 29/10/2019 Specialist Engineering Contractors Group Specialist Engineering Contractors' (SEC) Group Board Dinner Dinner - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Lord Adebowale of Thornes 03/03/2020 Co-operative Group Limited Parliamentary Launch of the Community Wellbeing Index Afternoon Tea - Commons Terrace Dining Room A No Lord Adebowale of Thornes 09/03/2020 Turning Point Farewell Reception Reception - Commons Thames Pavilion No Bim Afolami MP 17/10/2019 London Political Summit London Political Summit & Awards Reception - Commons Attlee Suite No Bim Afolami MP 26/02/2020 UK Finance APPG Financial market and Services Breakfast Meeting Breakfast - Commons Terrace Dining Room A No Bim Afolami MP 02/03/2020 Afolami MP, Bim Levelling Up Dinner - Commons Terrace Dining Room D No Adam Afriyie MP 06/11/2019 Sebastian's Action Trust Sebastian's Action Trust Parliamentary Reception Afternoon Tea - Commons Churchill Room No Peter Aldous MP 14/10/2019 County Councils Network County APPG Annual Reception Reception - Commons Terrace Dining Room A No Peter Aldous MP 29/10/2019 Atlas Partners Seajacks Parliamentary Dinner Dinner - Commons Terrace Dining Room C No Peter Aldous MP 30/10/2019 Suffolk Chamber of Commerce Suffolk Chamber's Business Leaders Dinner Dinner - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Peter Aldous MP 29/01/2020 National Energy Action Heat Heroes Awards Reception - Commons Churchill Room No Peter Aldous MP 04/03/2020 RenewableUK Offshore Wind Sector Deal Anniversary Reception Reception - Commons Members' Dining Room No Peter Aldous MP 09/03/2020 Field Consulting ReCosting Energy the path to net zero Dinner - Commons Thames Pavilion; Terrace Dining Room A No Peter Aldous MP 11/03/2020 UK Oil and Gas Industry Association Limited, The Annual Reception of the British Offshore Oil and Gas Industry APPG Reception - Commons Terrace Pavilion No Sir David Amess MP 27/01/2020 Industry and Parliament Trust Industry and Parliament Trust Dinner Dinner - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Sir David Amess MP 25/02/2020 Industry and Parliament Trust Industry and Parliament Trust Breakfast - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Sir David Amess MP 10/03/2020 Industry and Parliament Trust Industry and Parliament Trust Breakfast - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Fleur Anderson MP 28/01/2020 Putney Labour Party Putney Labour New Members Reception - Commons Attlee Suite No Jonathan Ashworth MP 04/03/2020 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health State of Child Health 2020 Breakfast - Commons Churchill Room No Gareth Bacon MP 11/01/2020 Sherlock Holmes Society of London Sherlock Holmes Annual Dinner Dinner - Commons Members' Dining Room; Strangers' Dining Room No Adrian Bailey MP 15/10/2019 Industry and Parliament Trust How is FinTech Changing Banks? Breakfast - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Adrian Bailey MP 28/10/2019 Industry and Parliament Trust IPT Breakfast Dinner - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Lord Baker 04/03/2020 Baker Dearing Educational Trust University Technical Colleges Lunch - Commons Terrace Dining Room C No Steven Baker MP 06/02/2020 Big Voice London Big Voice London Meeting - Commons Attlee Suite No Harriett Baldwin MP 23/09/2019 FinTech Alliance FinTech Alliance VIP Dinner with the Economic Secretary to the Treasury Dinner - Commons Strangers' Dining Room; Pugin Room No Hannah Bardell MP 04/02/2020 Prospect Magazine Parliamentary Staff Awards Reception - Commons Thames Pavilion No Baroness Barker of Anagach 08/10/2019 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynocologists RCOG Women's Health Strategy Reception - Commons Terrace Pavilion No John Baron MP 04/03/2020 British Council British Council: PVE Community of Practice Reception - Commons Churchill Room No Sir Kevin Barron MP 14/10/2019 Central YMCA, The Path to a Preferable Future Afternoon Tea - Commons Thames Pavilion Yes Sir Kevin Barron MP 18/10/2019 Communications International Group Independent Pharmacy Awards 2019 Lunch - Commons; Reception - Commons Members' Dining Room; Strangers' Dining Room No Richard Benyon MP 29/10/2019 National Farmers' Union South East Hungerford Farmers' Lunch Lunch - Commons Terrace Dining Room D No Sir Paul Beresford MP 29/10/2019 Oral Health Foundation Reception: Mouth Cancer Action Month Reception - Commons Strangers' Dining Room Yes Sir Paul Beresford MP 26/11/2019 Unum Ltd Unum - Parliamentary Rception 2020 Reception - Commons Terrace Pavilion No Sir Paul Beresford MP 11/03/2020 Rose Partners Reception Reception - Commons Terrace Dining Room B Yes Clive Betts MP 04/03/2020 Children's Sleep Charity, The The Wake Up Call Afternoon Tea - Commons Terrace Pavilion No Lord Black of Brentwood 20/11/2019 Airbnb UK Ltd A Celebration of UK Tourism: Brought to you by Airbnb Reception - Commons Churchill Room No Bob Blackman MP 23/10/2019 Hindu Forum of Britain Hindu Forum of Britain Afternoon Tea - Commons Terrace Pavilion No Bob Blackman MP 28/01/2020 Conservative Friends of Israel Conservative Friends of Israel Parliamentary Reception Reception - Commons Terrace Pavilion No Roberta Woods MP 23/10/2019 Universities UK All-Party Parliamentary University Group meeting Dinner - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Paul Blomfield MP 25/02/2020 APPG - International Students International Students Afternoon Tea Afternoon Tea - Commons Strangers' Dining Room No Paul Blomfield MP 26/02/2020 Gambling with Lives Gambling with Lives: One Year On (Prof. Jim Orford) Afternoon Tea - Commons Churchill Room No Paul Blomfield MP 10/03/2020 Universities UK Launch of Mentally Health Universities Afternoon Tea - Commons Terrace Dining Room A No Lord Blunkett of Brightside and Hillsborough 04/09/2019 Westminster Publications Ltd The Parliamentary Review Gala 2019 Reception - Commons Terrace Pavilion Yes Lord Blunkett of Brightside and Hillsborough 30/10/2019 Westminster Publications Ltd The Parliamentary Review Gala Reception - Commons Terrace Pavilion Yes Lord Blunkett of Brightside and Hillsborough 31/10/2019 Westminster Publications Ltd The Parliamentary Review Gala Reception - Commons Terrace Pavilion Yes Crispin Blunt MP 31/10/2019 Reigate and Redhill Business Club Reigate and Redhill Annual Business Dinner Dinner - Commons Thames Pavilion; Terrace Dining Room A No Peter Bottomley MP 11/10/2019 Westminster Circle Westminster Circle Autmun Lunch Lunch - Commons; Reception - Commons Churchill Room; Terrace Pavilion No Peter Bottomley MP 24/10/2019 United Kingdom Air Cargo Club UKACC Autumn Lunch Lunch - Commons Churchill Room No Peter Bottomley MP 27/11/2019 W A Communications CSDG Transitions Report Launch Afternoon Tea - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Peter Bottomley MP 28/01/2020 Newbury Investments (UK) Ltd Decco, Deta & Norbain 2020 Forecast Dinner Dinner - Commons Thames Pavilion; Terrace Dining Room A No Peter Bottomley MP 28/02/2020 Westminster Circle Westminster Circle Spring Lunch Lunch - Commons Churchill Room; Terrace Pavilion No Andrew Bowie MP 25/02/2020 Tories for Climate Action Tories for Climate Action Launch Afternoon Tea - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Lord Bradley of Withington 26/02/2020 Prison Reform Trust Bromley Briefings Launch Breakfast - Commons Thames Pavilion Yes Graham Brady MP 15/10/2019 Grammar School Heads Association Friends of Grammar School Reception Reception - Commons Terrace Pavilion No Graham Brady MP 28/10/2019 Enterprise Forum, The The Enterprise Forum Reception Reception - Commons Terrace Pavilion No Graham Brady MP 16/12/2019 1922 Committee 1922 Reception Reception - Commons Terrace Pavilion No Thomas Brake MP 09/09/2019 Bioregional Heading for Extinction and What to Do About it Afternoon Tea - Commons Churchill Room No Steve Brine MP 26/02/2020 Terrence Higgins Trust Terrence Higgins Trust Dinner Dinner - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Steve Brine MP 26/02/2020 Premier League Premier League Breakfast Breakfast - Commons Terrace Dining Room C No British Group Inter-Parliamentary Union 09/09/2019 British Group Inter-Parliamentary Union BGIPU International Seminar on Press Freedom Conference - Commons Attlee Suite No British Group Inter-Parliamentary Union 10/09/2019 British Group Inter-Parliamentary Union IPU Reception Reception - Commons Speaker's House No British-American Parliamentary Group (BAPG) 15/10/2019 British-American Parliamentary Group BAPG Meeting with the US-UK Business Council Meeting - Commons Attlee Suite No James Brokenshire MP 05/02/2020 St Mungo's St Mungo's Annual Parliamentary Reception Reception - Commons Terrace Dining Room A No James Brokenshire MP 04/03/2020 Incisive Health Lung Cancer Nurse Specialist Reception Reception - Commons Terrace Dining Room A No Alan Brown MP 15/10/2019 Policy Connect Ltd Future Gas Series Part 3 Meeting - Commons Attlee Suite No Alan Brown MP 11/02/2020 APPG - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Introducting the Class of 2020 - PRASEG Winter Reception Reception - Commons Terrace Pavilion No Lyn Brown MP 22/10/2019 Ambition, Aspire, Achieve Ambition, Aspire, Achieve - Autumn Reception Dinner - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Fiona Bruce MP 05/09/2019 Reliance Medical Ltd Congleton Link & Prosperity Community Group Lunch - Commons Terrace Dining Room C No Chris Bryant MP 16/10/2019 Terrence Higgins Trust Private Dinner Dinner - Commons Terrace Dining Room B No Karen Buck MP 10/02/2020 Labour Party, The Labour MP Reception Reception - Commons Attlee Suite No Robert Buckland MP 01/10/2019 Ministry of Justice
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