The UKTP CARIFORUM project aims to help companies from , and some OECS countries to export to the United Kingdom and markets, taking advantage of Economic Partnership Agreements.

The UKTP CARIFORUM project focuses on four sectors including:  Specialty Foods  Music Industry  Film Industry  Multimedia Animation Industry

Read more about the CARIFORUM project here.

Companies from the music, film or animation industries wishing to be considered for the forthcoming activities of the UKTP project to promote and sell their music, film or animation productions to the UK and Europe are kindly requested to fill and submit their company profile as soon as possible and no later than 10th November 2020 by clicking on the links below:

For film companies: FILMS-Company Profile Form For animation companies: ANIMATION-Company Profile Form For music companies: MUSIC-Company Profile Form

Do not forget to click on "SUBMIT" at the end of the form.


Once the deadline for submitting the company profile form has expired, the selection process will take place as follows:

 60 companies will be pre-selected based on the screening of their company profile form

 The 60 preselected companies will be subsequently interviewed by ITC.

 Based on the interviews and the application of a set of export readiness criteria, the 60 companies will be scored and ranked

 The 30 companies with the highest scores will be selected as the final beneficiaries of the project

 The remaining companies with suitable profiles that were not selected as final beneficiaries will still be invited to participate in several activities of the project, in particular, in intensive courses on marketing, distribution and publishing (specifically designed for each industry) that will be delivered online.

 The company selection process shall be completed in December 2020. Subsequently, ITC will then inform the companies that have been selected as final beneficiaries.

Should you require more information, do not hesitate to contact us. Beatriz Rodriguez, UKTP CARIFORUM project coordinator; email: [email protected]