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SPECIALISSUE coe ne ALACNADnemettletin setteeante Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya | (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. XCVII—No. 60 NAIROBI, 10th November, 1995 Price Sh. 25 Gazette Norice No. 7017 (Gazette Notice No. 7019 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT THE ADVOCATES (ADMISSION) REGULATIONS (Cap. 265) THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS (AMENDMENT) (Cap. 16, Sub. Leg.) RULES, 1992 ‘NOTIFICATION OF EXAMINATION DATES APPOINTMENT OF RETURNING AND DepPuTY RETURNING OFFICERS PURSUANT to regulation 13 (3) of the Advocates (Admis- Addendum . sion) Regulations, it is notified that the Council of Legal Education examinations for December, 1995, will be held at IN Gazette ‘Notice No. 6744 of 1995, add as follows: the Kenya School of Law, Ralph Bunche Road, Nairobi, from Inclide the name Gideon Sindiyo to be the returning the 4th to the 15th December, 1995, both days inclusive. Officer for Central Uyoma Electoral Area of Rarieda Constituency. The appointment takes effect from 10th November, 1995, : Dated the 10th November, 1995. In Gazette Notice No. 7012 of 1995, add as follows: M. N. NZIOKA, Include the name Dishon H. Agutu to be the deputy Secretary, returning officer for Central Uyoma Electoral Area of Council of Legal Education. Rarieda Constituency. The appo:ntment takes effect from 10th November, 1995. Dated the 10th November, 1995. Z. R. CHESONI, Chairman, Electoral Commission of Kenya. \GazeTTe Notice No. 7020 Gazerre Norice No. 7018 THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY AND PRESIDENTIAL ' ELECTIONS ACT THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT (Cap. 7) APPOINTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND ASSISTANT (Cap. 265) REGISTRATION OFFICERS L THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS (AMENDMENT) \ RULES, 1992 Addendum IN ‘Gazette Notice No.
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