
Who Was St. Cyprian? (Third in a series)

In previous weeks we considered Controversy. greatest treatise, Concerning the Unity Cyprian's entrance into the Church By 255 A.D. a controversy arose in of the Church. In the same and also saw the zeal with which he the Church about the validity of treatise he emphasized the primacy of undertook the Christian life. A piety given by heretics. It had Peter and his successors, the . so edifying that within two years he been the opinion of Cyprian and the Yet now he felt at odds with Rome, would be ordained and practice of the African Church not to “Why did the not allow the appointed of the city of African Church to follow its own . His first years as bishop custom in this matter?” he wondered. were not easy for a terrible After much debate and some delicate persecution of the Church flared up negotiations. Cyprian won tacit and he found that he had to exercise tolerance from Rome but some years his office of bishop from exile. later, the African Church adopted the Roman position. Plague By the end of 25l A.D. the New Persecution persecution abated with the death of No sooner had this controversy died Emperor . Cyprian was able to down than new persecutions arose. In appear openly once again in Carthage. 257 the Emperor ordered all One might hope that life would be in the Empire to offer sacrifice to the simpler and safer once again and that Roman deities. The Christians of the Church could enjoy peace. But it course could not offer such sacrifices. was not to be. For now, a terrible Knowing this, and being especially plague broke out throughout the aware of Cyprian’s unswerving empire. According to an author from loyalty to Christ, Cyprian was sought the time, ”People died like flies. All out and arrested on issuance of the were horrified, they wept tried to decree from Valerian. Cyprian was avoid contagion." Some were even brought before the proconsul Paternus locked out by their families without who reminded Cyprian that he was pity. Fear often brings out the worst in ordered to make sacrifice to the gods others and there was a great lack care of the empire. Cyprian responded, I for the sick. An important exception to am a Christian and a bishop. I this was the Church of Carthage worship no other gods besides the which Cyprian managed to organize one, True God who made heaven and help for the sick and homeless. In earth, the sea and all that is in them. many sectors this won great This is the God we Christians serve, admiration for the Church. And yet to this God we pray day and night for here too old fears surfaced. Emperor you and for all mankind. The Gallus ordered all in the empire to proconsul Paternus threatened offer sacrifice to the gods. He did so accept the given by heretics. Cyprian with exile but to no avail and out of a belief that the plague was due Thus, any one who had baptized by .a further demanded to know who the to the anger of the gods. The anger member of a heretical sect needed to of his diocese were and where might be turned back by sacrifices. be re-baptized. Pope Stephen in Rome they might be found. Here began a Again the Christians declined and however indicated that such baptisms procedure that was to lead to again a great cry went up among the were valid provided they used the Cyprian's martyrdom. The proconsul enemies of the Church, "Cyprian to Trinitarian formula and intended what said, You will go into exile to the city the lions!" This despite all the help the the Church intended. This created of Curubis in accordance with the Church had given. But this time there quite a problem for Cyprian who was orders of Valerian! Cyprian was neither the strength nor the will to passionate on the issue. He who has responded, I go. carry forth on the threats. Within time not the Church as mother, cannot the plague began to abate. Now there have God as Father, he wrote in his (Next week, his martyrdom and an overview of would be peace? Not really some of his most significant teachings).