A Bibliography. of Pagurid Crabs, Exclusive-Of Alcock, 1905

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A Bibliography. of Pagurid Crabs, Exclusive-Of Alcock, 1905 A BIBLIOGRAPHY. OF PAGURID CRABS, EXCLUSIVE-OF ALCOCK, 1905 JOAN GORDAN BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOLUME 108: ARTICLE 3 NEW YORK: 1956 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PAGURID CRABS, EXCLUSIVE OF ALCOCK, 1905 IX A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PAGURID CRABS, EXCLUSIVE OF ALCOCK, 1905 JOAN GORDAN BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOLUME 108 : ARTICLE 3 NEW YORK : 1956 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Volume 108, article 3, pages 253-352 Issued March 5, 1956 Price: $1.25 a copy INTRODUCTION THE PRESENT BIBLIOGRAPHY is a compilation including the West Indies and Bermuda; the as complete as possible of all publications east coast of South America; and the west concerning pagurid crabs. Alcock's "Cata- coast of Africa. logue of the Indian decapod Crustacea, Pt. The Indian Ocean is divided as follows: the II, Anomura" (Calcutta, 1905) has been the east coast of Africa including the coasts of starting point for this bibliography, and Madagascar, the Red Sea, and the Gulf of therefore all references contained in Alcock Aden; southern Asia embracing the coastal have not been included in the present com- areas of Arabia (east of the Gulf of Aden), pilation. The complete reference to Alcock's Iran, India, and Burma; and parts of Aus- work is given in the List of Works by Authors tralasia. below and is referred to in other sections of Australasia is comprised of Indo-China, the this bibliography merely as "Alcock, 1905." Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, New Guinea, All papers that have been found printed prior Australia, and New Zealand. to 1905 and that were not included in Al- The Pacific Ocean is divided as follows: cock's "Catalogue" appear here. The present eastern Asia including the coastal areas of bibliography was closed at the end of the year China, Formosa, Korea, Japan, and Russia; 1954. Oceania embracing Micronesia, Polynesia, No attempt has been made to rectify taxo- the Fiji Islands, and the Hawaiian Islands; nomic errors or to solve the various taxonomic the west coast of North America; the west problems that exist, because this work is in- coast of Central America; the west coast of tended only as a compilation of the litera- South America; and part of Australasia. ture. For the sake of convenience, Greenland The genera Dardanus and Pagurus have and Iceland have been included in the Arctic been used in the sense employed by Dr. part. Waldo L. Schmitt in his various works. These The concept of symbiosis (8) in its broad papers are listed under his name in the author meaning to include commensalism, mutual- list. ism, and parasitism has been taken from The bibliography is divided into three Allee, Emerson, Park, Park, and Schmidt, parts. The first section records the literature "Principles of animal ecology" (1949, p. alphabetically by authors. The second section 243). lists papers by year and author under the The category "general" (1) is made up of name of the species. Species are listed alpha- text books, catalogues of museum collections, betically under their respective genera, and and the many popular papers that have been these genera are in turn listed alphabetically. written on some forms such as Birgus latro The third part gives the literature according that have interested a great many travelers to subject: (1) general; (2) taxonomy; (3) and scientists by their curious habits and morphology; (4) embryology, life history, and modification. growth; (5) physiology; (6) regeneration; (7) The bibliography was begun at the sug- behavior; (8) symbiosis; (9) distribution; and gestion of Mr. John C. Armstrong and was (10) fossil records. brought to a close in 1954 under the helpful Distribution (9) has been divided into 16 supervision of Mr. Wm. D. Clarke. I wish to parts and covers the various oceanic basins thank Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Clarke for regionally. giving their time and helpful assistance so The coasts bordering the Atlantic Ocean freely. and adjacent seas are divided as follows: the I am deeply grateful to Dr. Libbie H. Atlantic coast of Europe; Mediterranean Hyman and Dr. H. E. Crampton for their coasts including the Adriatic and Black seas; help, suggestions, and encouragement, and to the east coast of North America; the coasts Dr. Isabella Gordon, who so graciously gave of the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico of her time to locate certain references at the 257 258 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 108 library of the British Museum (Natural His- Mrs. Sonja Krummel, for the patience and tory) that could not be obtained in this help they have shown in finding difficult country. references. I would also like to thank Miss I would like to thank the entire staff of the Ruth Tyler, editor of the scientific publica- library of the American Museum of Natural tions of the American Museum of Natural History, Miss Hazel Gay, Miss Helen Gunz, History, for helping me to prepare this bibli- Miss Mary Wissler, Mrs. Jane Brennan, and ography for publication. LIST OF WORKS BY AUTHORS AGASSIZ, A. ANDREWS, CH. W. 1875. Instinct ? in hermit crabs. Amer. Jour. 1909. Exhibition of a photograph of the robber Sci. Arts, ser. 3, vol. 10, pp. 290-291. crab (Birgus latro) on Christmas Island, (Reprinted: 1876, Ann. Mag. Nat. with an account of its habits. Proc. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 17, p. 100.) Zool. Soc. London, pp. 887-889, 1 pl. 1876. How hermit crabs get possession of ANDREWS, E. A., AND E. G. REINHARD their shells. Popular Sci. Rev., vol. 15, 1943. A folliculinid associated with a hermit pp. 183-184. crab. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., vol. ALBERT, FRIEDRICH 33, pp. 216-223, 10 figs. 1883. Das Kaugeruest der Decapoden. Zeit- ANONYMOUS schr. Wiss. Zool., Leipzig, vol. 39, no. 3, 1896. Pagurids. In Guide to the aquarium of pp. 444-536, 3 pls. the zoological station at Naples. 4th ALCOCK, A. edition. Leipzig, Breitkopf und Haertel, 1905. Catalogue of the Indian decapod Crus- pts. 1-2, pp. 71-72, 3 figs. tacea in the collection of the Indian Mu- 1931. Plymouth marine fauna. Second edition. seum. Part II. Anomura. Fasc. I. Being notes of the local distribution of Pagurides. Calcutta, pp. i-xi, 1-197, species occurring in the neighbourhood. 15 pls. (See Introduction to the present Plymouth Marine Biol. Assoc., 371 pp. paper.) (Not seen.) ALEXANDROWICZ, J. S. APPELLOEF, A. 1952. Muscle receptor organs in the Paguri- 1906. Die dekapoden Crustaceen. In Meeres- dae. Jour. Marine Biol. Assoc. United fauna von Bergen. Bergen, John Greig, Kingdom, vol. 31, pp. 277-286,2 figs., I pl. pts. 2, 3, pp. 114-233. ALLEE, W. C. ARA, L. 1923. Studies in marine ecology: III. Some 1937. Ricerche sulla simbiosi dei Paguri physical factors related to the distri- e delle attinie; Eupagurus prideauxi bution of littoral invertebrates. Biol. Leach e Adamsia palliata. Boll. Pesca Bull. Woods Hole, vol. 44, pp. 206-253. Piscicoltura ALLEE, W. C., AND M. B. DOUGLAS Idrobiol., Rome, vol. 13, 1945. A dominance order in the hermit pp. 511-512. crab, Pagurus longicarpus Say. Ecology, ARLDT, TH. Brooklyn, vol. 26, pp. 411-412. 1910. Die Ausbreitung einiger Dekapoden- ALLEE, W. C., ALFRED E. EMERSON, ORLANDO gruppen. Arch. Hydrobiol., Stuttgart, PARK, THOMAS PARK, AND KARL P. SCHMIDT vol. 5, pp. 257-282. 1949. Principles of animal ecology. Phila- AUGENER, H. delphia and London, Saunders Co., 1926. Ueber das Vorkommen von Spirorbis- xii+837 pp., 263 figs. Roehren an Einsiedlerkrebsen. Zool. ALLEN, E. J., AND R. A. TODD Anz., vol. 68, pp. 202-204, 1 fig. 1902. The fauna of the Exe estuary. Jour. Ma- AURIVILLIUS, CARL rine Biol. Assoc. United Kingdom, new 1891. Ueber Symbiose als Grund accessori- ser., vol. 6, pp. 295-335, charts. scher Bildungen bei marinen Gastro- AMBRONN, H. pengehauese. Handl. K. Svenska Ve- 1890. Cellulose-Reaction bei Arthropoden und tensk. Akad., Stockholm, vol. 24, no. 9, Mollusken. Mitt. Zool. Sta. Neapel, pp. 1-37, 5 pls. vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 475-478. BABAK, EDWARD ANDERSON, BERYL H. 1921. Die Mechanik und Innervation der 1938. Decapoda. In The Sir Joseph Banks Atmung. Decapoden. In Winterstein, Islands. Reports of the expedition of Hans (ed.), Handbuch der vergleichen- the McCoy Society for field investi- den Physiologie. Jena, Gustav Fischer, gation and research. Proc. Roy. Soc. vol. 1, pt. 2, pp. 265-1028, 182 figs. Victoria, new ser., vol. 50, pp. 348-352. BABIC, K., AND E. ROESSLER ANDRE, MARC, AND EDOUARD LAMY 1912. Krustazeen. In Beobachtungen ueber 1939. Action des pagures sur les coquilles die Fauna von Pelagosa. Verhandl. qu'ils habitent. Jour. Conchyl., vol. 83, Zool. Bot. Gesell. Wien, vol. 62, pp. pp. 234-241, 1 fig. 220-233. 259 260 BULLETIN AMERICAN MU'SEUIS4 OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 108 BAER, JEAN G. 1924. Ueber Anpassungen und Symbiose der 1951. Ecology of animal parasites. Urbana, Paguriden. Zeitschr. Morph. Oekol. University of Illinois Press, x+224 pp., Tiere, Berlin, vol. 1, pp. 752-792, 35 162 figs. figs. BAFFONI, G. M. 1926a. Decapoda. In Grimpe, G., and E. Wag- 1947. Effetti del parassitismo da Rizocefali ler, Die Tierwelt der Nord- und Ost- e Bopiridi sull'Eupagurus prideauxii see. Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesell- (Leach). Pubbl. Staz. Zool. Napoli, vol. schaft, vol. 6, pt. 10, no. 2, pp. 9-112, 21, no. 1, pp. 36-49. 38 figs. 1949. Annotazioni comparative sull' azione 1926b. Ueber einige Decapoden des Golfes von prodotta dai Rizocefali parassiti di Neapel. Pubbl. Staz. Zool. Napoli, vol. Eupagurus prideauxii. Ibid., vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 375-381, 1 fig. 3, pp. 236-254. 1926c. Paguriden. In Chun, Carl (ed.), Wis- BAKER, W. H. senschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen 1905. Notes on South Australian Crustacea.
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