«“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬ååååå ∑“߇≈ååååå Õ°◊◊◊◊◊ Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine Journal of Thaiªï∑ ’Ë Traditionalı ©∫—∫∑’Ë Û &°—𬓬π-µ Alternativeÿ≈“§¡ Medicine Úıı Vol. 5 Vol. No. 5 3 No. September-December 3 September - December 20072007 Original Article Notes on the Baker () in Thailand

Chayan Picheansoonthon*,† Piyapong Yupparach*

Abstract Five species of the genus Elettariopsis Baker (family Zingiberaceae): E. elan C. K. Lim, E. exserta (Scort.) Bak., E. slahmong C. K. Lim, E. smithiae Y. K. Kam, and E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes., are enumerated for Thailand in this treatment based on herbarium specimens. The taxonomically controversial taxon, “Pud Sing,” is confirmed to be E. slahmong C. K. Lim, not E. curtisii Bak. as previously referred to in the Thai literature. The key to and color illustrations of all Thai species are provided. The ethnobotany, chemical constituents, and biological activities of these Thai taxa are also discussed. Key words: genus Elettariopsis Baker (Zingiberaceae), Thailand, , ethnobotany, chemical constitu- ents, biological activities

Introduction streaks along the median. The fruits are also similar, The genus Elettariopsis Baker is a small usually subglobose to globose with longitudinal ridges.3 group in the family Zingiberaceae with 8-15 taxa dis- Moreover, other vegetative characters (habit, height, tributed mainly in Southeast Asia.1,2 Members of the and leaf shape and size) are quite variable3. genus can be distinguished from other genera by their In Thailand, a taxonomically unknown taxon fewer leaves (usually 1-5), loosely clasping or forming çWaan Dok Thongé or çWaan Maha Sanehé is popu- a distinct pseudostem, and their separated flowering larly grown in front of shops or stores, because it is shoots, either with clustered flowers in a head or with believed to have a magic power to attract customers. single flowers along a decurrent scape.3 However, An unidentified taxon of this genus, known in the flowers of all recognized taxa are essentially similar southern-most provinces of Thailand as çKrachai Lang in coloration and forms, and resemble some Kong,é is famous in the Muslim communities as a species3 (e.g. A. testaceum Ridl., A. biflorum Jack, A. good hypotensive herb.5 An edible taxonomically con- uliginosum Koenig). The labella are sometimes tri- troversial species çPud Singé is common in the five lobed and crenulated, white with a yellow median southern-most provinces of Thailand3. These taxo- stripe, and usually more or less flanked by thick red nomic problems have challenged us to work on this genus, with the focus on the Thai-Malay Peninsula *Faculty of Pharmaceutical Botany and Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, taxa. Thailand This paper is aimed at discussing the existing †The Academy of Science, The Royal Institute of Thailand, Sanam Suea Pa, Khet Dusit, Bangkok 10300, Thailand knowledge of the genus Elettariopsis Baker in Thai- E-mail: [email protected] land, as reported in the available scientific literature

Úˆ˜ Úˆ¯ «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ı©∫—∫∑’Ë Û°—𬓬π - ∏—𫓧¡ Úıı

and from our experiences or the information gained taxon, E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes., as extant to the Malay from our field work, and to report the information Peninsula. In 1982 Kam revised the genus for the Malay obtained in four main aspects: taxonomy, ethnobotany, Peninsula and accepted all Holtumûs taxa, adding two chemistry, and biological activities. new species and one variety, E. burttiana Y. K. Kam, E. smithiae Y. K. Kam var. smithiae, and E. smithiae Taxonomy Y. K. Kam var. rugosa Y. K. Kam7. More recently, Lim (2003) published an excel- History lent comprehensive taxonomic note on this genus and The genus Elettariopsis was established by Baker listed nine species (adding two new taxa and chang- in 1892 with three species: E. curtisii Bak., E. exserta ing the status of one taxon) in his account: E. burttiana (Scort.) Bak., and E. serpentina Bak.2 In 1907, Ridley Kam, E. curtisii Bak., E. elan C. K. Lim, E. exserta listed seven taxa for the Malay Peninsula: E. exserta (Scort.) Bak., E. latiflora Ridl., E. rugosa (Y. K. Kam) C. (Scort.) Bak., E. curtisii Bak., E. cyanescens Ridl., E. K. Lim, E. slahmong C. K. Lim, E. smithiae Y. K. Kam, latiflora Ridl., E. longituba Ridl., E. pubescens Ridl., and E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes.3 His analyses and dis- and E. serpentina Bak.4 However, later (1924) in his cussion on the history and treatment of the genus is treatment of this genus for the Malay Peninsula, he exemplary and lucid. recognized only five species: E. exserta (Scort.) Bak., Larsen (1996) listed three species, E. curtisii Bak., E. curtisii Bak., E. latiflora Ridl., E. longituba Ridl., E. smithiae Y. K. Kam, and E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes. E. pubescens Ridl.,5 by transferring E. cyanescens in his preliminary checklist of the Zingiberaceae of Ridl. to Kaempferia cyanescens Ridl. and considering Thailand8 and in his book on the Gingers of Thailand E. serpentina Bak. conspecific to E. curtisii Bak. (2006).9 The Bangkok Forest Herbarium (BKF) fol- Holttum, in 1950, recognized only three spe- lowed Larsen and listed these three species in the cies for this genus: E. curtisii Bak., E. exserta (Scort.) famous Thai Plant Names and provided Thai name(s) Bak., and E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes.6 He reverted E. for each taxon: E. curtisii Bak., E. smithiae Y. K. Kam, pubescens Ridl. to Amomum biflorum Jack, recog- and E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes.10 However, three taxa, nized E. latiflora Ridl. as the same to E. curtisii Bak., E. curtisii Bak., E. exserta (Scort.) Bak., and E. triloba and transferred E. longituba Ridl. to Elettaria longituba (Gagnep.) Loes. were accounted for by Niyomdham (Ridl.) Hollt.6 In this treatment he added a Veitnamese and his collegues in their report on çPlants of Hala-

Table 1 Morphological comparison of Pud Sing and E. curtisii Bak. Character Pud Sing E. curtisii Bak. 1. Height (cm) 32.7-38.7 6.8-13.2 2. Number of leaf/leaves 3-5 1-2 3. Ligule 2-3 mm long 4-5 mm long 4. Leaf shape obovate-oblanceolate elliptic 5. Leaf apex acuminate-caudate acute-acuminate 6. Leaf surface glabrous, prominently veined glabrous, not prominently veined 7. Petiole 4.7-12.6 cm 6.3-11.2 cm 8. Inflorescence clustered in a head an elongated scape with single flowers 9. Fruit globose, 6-ridged, 2.0-2.5 cm diameter not yet seen 10. Scent gives distinctive odor (from all parts, gives hardly discernible scent particularly leaves) of a çstink bugé Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine Vol. 5 No. 3 September - December 2007 Úˆ˘

Fig. 1 E. curtisii in its type location on Penang Hill (Malaysia) Fig. 2 E. curtisii, showing the plant habit with an inflorescence

Fig. 3 E. curtisii, showing detail of an inflorescence Fig. 4 A detailed flower of E. curtisii showing coloration of the labellum Ú˜ «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ı©∫—∫∑’Ë Û°—𬓬π - ∏—𫓧¡ Úıı

Fig. 5 Pud Sing, showing the plant habit with an inflorescence Fig. 6 Pud Sing, showing a clustered inflorescence

Fig. 7 Pud Sing, showing an inflorescence Fig. 8 Pud Sing, showing a detailed labellum and anther crest Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine Vol. 5 No. 3 September - December 2007 Ú˜Ò

Balaé11. In Limûs account for the Malay Peninsula, Taxonomic status of çPud Singé five species of the genus: E. elan C. K. Lim, E. exserta The species known in the five southern-most (Scort.) Bak., E. slahmong C. K. Lim, E. smithiae Y. K. provinces of Thailand as çPud Singé is one of the Kam, and E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes., were mentioned controversial taxa of the genus Elettariopsis. Larsen as also occurring in Thailand.3 included E. curtisii Bak. in his checklist of this genus

Table 2 List of the currently known taxa of Elettariopsis Bak. in Thailand Vernacular name Botanical name Specimen studied Collection sites 1. Pud Hom (ªÿ¥ÀÕ¡) E. elan C. K. Lim C.K. Lim L6306, Kerunai, Gerik, Perak, Malasia (Type) C.K. Lim L3007, Cultivated, Penang Botanic Garden, Malaysia C.K. Lim L3055, Cultivated, Penang Botanic Garden, Malaysia C.K. Lim L3547, Mahang, Kedah, Malaysia C.K. Lim L6089, Cultivated, Penang Botanic Garden, Malaysia PY-CP 0014 Hala Forest, Yala Province, Thailand 2. Pee-la-bai (ªï≈–„∫), E. exserta (Scort.) Bak. Scort. 1947, Goping, Kinta, Perak, Malaysia (Type) Sa-la-da-hong PY-CP 0008, Khao Bantad, Pattalung, Thailand (´≈“¥“‚Œß) PY-CP 0014, Khao Maen, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand PY-CP 0036, Tamnang Waterfall, Pang-nga, Thailand PY-CP 0036, Thong Pha Phum, Kanchanaburi,Thailand C.K. Lim L6089 Phu Khao Thong, Bala Forest, Thailand 3. Pud Sing (ªÿ¥ ‘ßÀå) E. slahmong C. K. Lim C.K. Lim L6101, Belum FR, Perak, Malaysia (Type) C.K. Lim L3797, Phu Khao Thong, Bala Forest, Thailand C.K. Lim L3804, Waeng, Narathiwat, Thailand PY-CP 0018, Chulabhorn 7, Yala, Thailand PY-CP 0011, Bala Forest, Su-ngai Kolok, Thailand Kam 221, Taman Negara, Malaysia Beltran 116 Templer Park, Perak, Malasia 4. Krachai Lung Kong E. smithiae Y. K. Kam Beltran 110, Cultivated, Selangor, Malaysia (Type) (°√–™“¬À≈—ß°ß), Beltran 136, G. Jerai, Kedah, Malaysia PudKrawan (ªÿ¥°√–«“π), Kam 183, G. Jerai, Kedah, Malaysia Pud Khai Muk (ªÿ¥‰¢à¡ÿ°) Ridley s.n. 7223, Hermitage Hill, Malaysia C.K. Lim L3209, G. Panti, Jahor, Malaysia PY-CP 0013, Than Pliu Waterfall, Songkhla, Thailand PY-CP 0047 Thaleban National Park, Satun, Thailand 5. Pud Nu (ªÿ¥ÀπŸ), E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes. C.K. Lim L3257, Cultivated, Jahor, Malaysia Tue-pu- tee-ku (µ◊Õªÿµ’°ÿä) PY-CP 0022, Phu Pan, Sakhon Nakhon, Thailand PY-CP 0039, Phu Pan, Sakhon Nakhon, Thailand PY-CP 0041, Cultivated, Khon Kaen University, Thailand PY-CP 0052, Cultivated, Penang, Malaysia S. Saensouk 40 Phu Pan, Sakhon Nakhon, Thailand *All Thai specimens collected by çPY-CPé will be deposited at the Bangkok Forest Herbarium (BKF). Ú˜Ú «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ı©∫—∫∑’Ë Û°—𬓬π - ∏—𫓧¡ Úıı

Fig. 9 E. elan in its natural habitat (type location)

Fig. 10 E. elan, showing a detailed labellum and anther crest Fig. 11 E. elan, showing a clustered inflorescence Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine Vol. 5 No. 3 September - December 2007 Ú˜Û

Fig. 12 E. exserta, showing an elongated inflorescence

Fig. 13 E. exserta, showing a detailed labellum and anther Fig. 14 E. exserta, showing an inflorescence and a young fruit crest Ú˜Ù «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ı©∫—∫∑’Ë Û°—𬓬π - ∏—𫓧¡ Úıı

Fig. 15 E. smithiae, showing the plant habit Fig. 16 E. smithiae, showing an inflorescence

Fig. 17 E. triloba, showing the plant habit with an inflores- Fig. 18 E. triloba, showing a detailed flower cence Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine Vol. 5 No. 3 September - December 2007 Ú˜ı for Thailand8,9 based on his judgement on the iden- the flowers of all the species are similar in form and tity of çPud Sing.é Sirirugsa,12 Niyomdham,11 and the coloration, the main differences are the inflorescence Bangkok Forest Herbarium (BKF)10, all followed Larsen, morphology, either with single flowers on an elon- and listed çPud Singé as E. curtisii Bak. However, in gated scape or with clustered flowers in a head, and 2003, Lim, who lives on Penang Hill, next door to the the vegetative morphology. However, for the locals type location of E. curtisii Bak., pointed out that this the scent of crushed leaves can, in some species, be Penang taxon is not the same as çPud Sing.é He distinguishable among folk taxa. The difference in recognized çPud Singé as a new taxon and named the scence reflects the difference in volatile chemical species çElettariopsis slahmong C. K. Limé. The spe- composition, mainly monoterpenoids and sesquiter- cific epithet recognizes the Temiar name of the plant penoids. Therefore, we are presently working on vola- meaned çthe smelly leaves.é tile oil analyses and a molecular study of all Thai From our field observation and investigation of taxa. The result of these studies will be included in the plant specimens on both çPud Singé and E. curtisii our comprehensive treatment of the genus for Thai- Bak., we did find morphological differences between land in the near future. these two species (see Table 1 and Figures 1-4). Also, However, for the purpose of setting up baseline the scent of crushed leaves of the two taxa is rather information for our future report on the studies of this distinguishable. çPud Singé is a strongly aromatic herb genus, we confirmed five taxa as mentioned in Limûs with the distinctive odor (from all parts, particularly report.3 The list of these five species with the her- the leaves) of the çstink bug,é whereas E. curtisii Bak. barium specimens studied and their locations are gives off hardly any discernible scent, confirming that given in Table 2. The key to all currently known Thai çPud Singé is a different taxon, i.e. E. slahmong C. K. taxa is given in Box 1. Color illustrations of all five Lim. Figures 5-8 and E. curtisii Bak. may be en- taxa are also provided (Figures 5-18). demic and confined only to Penang Island. We, there- fore, consider our çPud Singé as E. slamong C. K. Lim, Ethnobotany and not E. curtisii Bak. Ethnobotany is a multidisciplinary study on the direct interrelationships between humans of any race Preliminary checklist for Thailand or ethnicity and in their environments. This From our intensive fieldwork throughout Penin- interrelationship includes the uses of plants for food, sular Malaysia, Thailand and Laos, we have collected medicine, clothing, dwelling, art and culture, and more than 15 presumably different taxa, some of which beliefs.13-15 Based on our field studies, some taxa of are under investigation both ex situ and in situ. Since the genus Elettariopsis Bak. in Thailand are associ-

Box 1. Key to species of the Elettariopsis Bak. in Thailand 1. Scape with clustered flowers in a head ...... 2. 1. Scape with single flowers along a decurrent axis ...... 4. 2. Leaves prominently veined, strongly aromatic with distinctive çstink bugé odor...... E. slahmong 2. Leaves not prominently veined, strongly aromatic or discernibly scented ...... 3. 3. Leaves 3-4, not discernibly scented ...... E. triloba 3. Leaves 2-5, strongly aromatic ...... E. elan 4. Leaves 3-5(-6), lanceolate, glabrous and shiny ...... E. smithiae 4. Leaves (1-)2-3, elliptic, coriaceous and dull, strongly plicate ...... E. exserta Ú˜ˆ «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ı©∫—∫∑’Ë Û°—𬓬π - ∏—𫓧¡ Úıı

ated with food, medicine, and beliefs. yield different scents due to the different composi- The leaves of E. slahmong C. K. Lim, known as tions and amounts of these terpenes. çPud Singé in Thai or as çSlahmongé in Temiar no- The essential oils from leaves, rhizomes, and roots menclature, are considered delectable, and are used of E. elan C. K. Lim have been reported.3 Based on in native cuisine, in particular in cooking fish.3 In capillary GC and GC-MS analysis, 28 compounds have southern Thailand, the leaves of this plant are also been identified from the leaf oil, among which eaten as a vegetable with different types of chilli monoterpenoids predominate and the most abundant dippings. The Thai name çPud Singé refers to the component is geraniol (71.6%). The rhizomes and plant group and the shape of the flowers. The word roots also yield oils rich in monoterpenoids, but with çpudé in the southern Thai dialect means çpop upé a distinctly different odor, with camphene (28.6%), indicating the habit of this plant group which will fenchyl acetate (8.6%) and α-phellandrene (8.4%) as çpop upé in the rainy season. The Thai word çsingé the major components.19 literally means çlion;é it refers to the shape of the Hydrodistillation of the leaves, rhizomes, and roots flowers, which somewhat resemble a lion. of E. smithiae Y. K. Kam yields volatile oils. The oils One of the Elettariopsis species, known in Thai of E. smithiae Y. K. Kam are dominated by monoter- as çKrachai Lang Kong,é is used in southern Thailand penoids; the major components being geranial (38.1%) in an hypotensive remedy.16 The plant habit resembles and neral (29.1%) in the leaf oil, and camphene (22.9%) that of çKrachai [Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf.],é and α-fenchyl acetate (15.7%) in the oils from the but the leaves are drooping; hence, the name çKrachai rhizomes and roots.20 However, terpenoid compo- Lang Kong.é From our taxonomic study of this taxon, nents in the oil of E. slahmong C. K. Lim that charac- we identified this species as E. smithiae Y. K. Kam. terized the species are predominantly 2-octenal (46%) The unknown taxon, Elettariopsis aff. triloba and 2-decenal (29%).3 (Gagnep.) Loes., known locally in the northeastern Essential oils of E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes. from region of Thailand as çWaan Dok Thongé or çWaan two different sources, Rimba Ilmu Botanic Garden Maha Saneh,é is believed to process a magical power, (RIBG) and the Botanical Research Garden (BRG), have and therefore, it is used as a good-luck charm. The been compared chemically.21 The volatile compo- Thai names of this taxon imply magical seductive nents of E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes. from RIBG were power. This plant is grown in pots, and put in front of found to be more than those from BRG. A total of 36, shops in the belief that they will help to attract cus- 36 and 37 components were identified in the leaves, tomers, especially when the plant is in bloom (usually roots and rhizomes of samples from RIBG, respec- at the end of March or in early May). The rhizomes of tively, while only 10, 19 and 28 components were this taxon are also used as one of the ingredients for identified in the sample from BRG. The major compo- making çmagical herbal charming oilé or çmagical nents of the leaves of the plant from RIBG were β- charming lip balm,é in the belief that after applying it citral (16.16%) and α-citral (14.13%), whereas the ma- to oneûs body (oil) or lips (lip balm), it will help to at- jor components of the rhizomes were limonene (9.68%), tract the targeted opposite sex, particularly women.17,18 heptan-2-ol-acetate (9.68%), 2-carene (9.05%). The major constituents of the root oil of the plant from Chemistry BRG were identified as α-terpinyl acetate (3.73%), α- 21 Essential oil is the major chemical constituent fenchyl acetate (3.64%), α-phellandren (3.63%). of all parts of the Elettariopsis species. It is volatile at room temperature; hence the name çvolatile oilé or Biological Activities çethereal oilé. Terpenes, particularly monoterpenes The methanolic extract of the whole plant of E. and sesquiterpenes, are the major constituents of an smithiae Y. K. Kam in a study showed a broncho- essential oil. Members of the genus Elettariopsis Baker dilating effect and demonstrated a positive inotropic Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine Vol. 5 No. 3 September - December 2007 Ú˜˜ effect in low dose.16 Crude methanolic extract and References crude dichlo-romethane extract of this taxon also il- 1. Mabberley DJ. The Plant Book. A portable dictionary of the higher lustrated antioxidant activity.22 Volatile oils from both plants. London: Cambridge University Press. 1993. p. 202. 2. Baker JG. Scitamineae. In: Hooker JD. Flora of British India. Vol. 4. the leaves and the rhizomes showed potent antibac- 1892; pp 198-265. terial activities against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia 3. Lim CK. Taxonomic notes on Elettariopsis Baker, and new taxa from coli, Staphylococcus aeruginosa and Sarcina spp.22 Peninsular Malaysia & Thailand. Folia Malaysiana 2003;4(3&4):205- 26. Conclusion 4. Ridley HN. Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula II. Singapore: Methodist Publishing House. 1907. p. 42-44. This paper combined the results from our field 5. Ridley HN. The flora of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. IV.(Monocotyledones. work on plant collection and ethnobotany with a lit- London: L. Reeve & Co., Ltd. 1924. p. 233-85. erature review on the genus Elettariopsis Baker in 6. Holttum RE. The Zingiberaceae of the Malay Peninsula. The Garden Bulletin, Singapore. Vol. XIII Part I. 1950. 249 pp. Thailand. Currently, five taxa were enumerated for 7. Kam YK. The genus Elettariopsis (Zingiberaceae) in Malaya. Notes Thailand, namely E. elan C. K. Lim, E. exserta (Scort.) RBG Edinb. 1982;40(1):139-52. Bak., E. slahmong C. K. Lim, E. smithiae Y. K. Kam, 8. Larsen K. A preliminary checklist of the Zingiberaceae of Thailand. and E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes. The key to all species Thai For Bull (Bot) 1996;24:35-49. found in Thailand is also provided. In this paper, we 9. Larsen K, Larsen SS. Gingers of Thailand. Chiang Mai: Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden. 2006. p. 163. clarify, for the first time, the taxonomic status of the 10. The Forest Herbarium, The Royal Forest Department. Thai Plant Names previously confusing taxon, çPud Singé and the for- Tem Smitinand. Revised Edition. Bangkok: Prachachon, Co. Ltd. 2001. merly unknown plant çKrachai Lang Kongé, as E. p. 216. slahmong C. K. Lim and E. smithiae Y. K. Kam, re- 11. Annual Report of the Wildlife Conservation Project of the Southern Queenûs Forest (the Second Area: Changwats Yala and Narathiwat). spectively. We also formally added a newly recorded Plants of Hala-Bala. Bangkok: Amarin Printing and Publishing Public taxon for Thailand, E. elan C. K. Lim. from the Bala Co. 2000. p. 144. and Hala Forests. Moreover, we also provided addi- 12. Sirirugsa P. The Zingiberaceae in Thailand. Handout circulated in a tional existing information on ethnobotany, chemis- Symposium on Plant Resources of the Himalayan Foothills. Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden and The Holiday Inn, Changwat Chiangmai. try, and biological activities of all five Thai species November 18-19, 1996. for anyone interested in carrying on further research 13. Picheansoonthon C. Ethnobotany and the search for new drugs. In: on these aspects of this plant group. The National Research Council of Thailand, Khon Kaen University, and The Pharmacognosy Society of Thailand. Report on the Seminar Acknowledgement Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of His Majesty the Kingûs Accession to the Throne on çThai Medicinal Plantsé. The Charoen This research project is part of a five-year project Thani Princess Hotel, Changwat Khon Kaen. 23-25 January, 1997. p. entitled çStudies on fundamental botanical knowledge 206-28. and DNA fingerprints of the Thai medicinal Waané, 14. Cotton CM. Ethnobotany: Principles and applications. Chichester: John financially supported by the Thai Traditional Medical Wiley & Sons. 1996. p. 2. 15. Martin GJ. Ehnobotany. London: Chapman & Hall. 1995. p. xx-xxiv. Knowledge Fund of the Ministry of Public Health. The 16. Lojanapiwatana W, Sanpanich M. The report on çChemical and authors would like to thank Datuk Seri Lim Chong pharmacological studies of Krachai Lung Kong (Elettariopsis sp.)é. Keat for his encouragement and sharing and the staff Songkla: Prince of Songkla University. 1994. p. 66. of our research group: Mr. Chalermchok Boonchit, 17. Pakchong B. Chumnum Waan-ya Lae Mai Mongkol. Bangkok (Publisher not specified). 1981. p. 38. Mr.Supachai Koonterm, Mr. Jeeradej Mayoe, and Miss. 18. Khobkhet O. Khu Mue Do Waan. Bangkok (publisher not specified). Pornpimon Wongsuwan for field assistance. All pho- 1982. p. 86-7. tos in this article were taken by the first author. 19. Wong KC, Sivasothy Y, Boey RL. Essential Oils of Elettariopsis elan C. K. Lim. J Essent Oil Res 2006; 21: 562-4. 20. Wong KC, Sivasothy Y, Boey RL. Essential Oils of Elettariopsis smithiae Y. K. Kam and E. rugosa (Y. K. Kam) C. K. Lim. J Essent Oil Res 2006. Ú˜¯ «“√ “√°“√·æ∑¬å·ºπ‰∑¬·≈–°“√·æ∑¬å∑“߇≈◊Õ° ªï∑’Ë ı©∫—∫∑’Ë Û°—𬓬π - ∏—𫓧¡ Úıı

21. Mustafa AM, Anita H, Ibrahim H. Comparison of volatile compounds 22. Chairgulprasert V, Prasertsongskun S, Junpraob S. Antioxidant and from two variants of Elettariopsis triloba (Gagnepain.) Loesen. antibacterial activities of Pud Sing (Elettariopsis curtisii). Abstracts for Proceeding of the Second Symposium on Family Zingiberaceae. the 31th Sciences and Technology Congress. Suranari University of Guangzhou: South China Institute of Botany. 1996. pp. 174-9. Thechnology. Nakhon Ratchasima Province, October 18-20, 2005.

∫∑§¥¬— Õà æ◊™ °ÿ≈«à“π¥Õ°∑Õß (Elettariopsis Baker) „πª√–‡∑»‰∑¬ ™¬—πµå 摇™’¬√ ÿπ∑√*,†, ªî¬–æß…å ¬—æ√“…Æ√å* *§≥–‡¿ —™»“ µ√å, ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬¢Õπ·°àπ, Õ”‡¿Õ‡¡◊Õß, ®—ßÀ«—¥¢Õπ·°àπ ÙÚ † ”π—°«‘∑¬“»“ µ√å, √“™∫—≥±‘µ¬ ∂“π, π“¡‡ ◊ժɓ, ‡¢µ¥ÿ ‘µ, °√ÿ߇∑æ œ ÒÛ æ™ °◊ ≈«ÿ“π¥Õ°∑Õßà ( °≈ÿ Elettariopsis Baker) ‡ªπæì ™«ß»◊ ¢å ß‘ (Zingiberaceae) °≈‡≈ÿ°Á Ê °≈Àπÿ ß÷Ë ‡¥¡¡‘ √“¬ß“π’ «à“æ∫„πª√–‡∑»‰∑¬‡æ’¬ß Û ™π‘¥‡∑à“π—Èπ. ·µà®“°°“√»÷°…“µ—«Õ¬à“ßæ◊™ °ÿ≈π’È∑’Ëæ∫„π∏√√¡™“µ‘·≈–µ—«Õ¬à“ßæ√√≥‰¡â·Àâß „π‡∫◊ÈÕßµâπæ∫«à“¡’æ◊™ °ÿ≈π’È„πª√–‡∑»‰∑¬Õ¬à“ßπâÕ¬ ı ™π‘¥ ‰¥â·°à ªÿ¥ÀÕ¡ (E. elan C. K. Lim), ªï≈–„∫ À√◊Õ´≈“¥“ ‚Œß [E. exserta (Scort.) Bak.], ªÿ¥ ‘ßÀå (E. slahmong C. K. Lim), °√–™“¬À≈—ß°ß À√◊Õªÿ¥°√–«“π À√◊Õªÿ¥‰¢à¡ÿ° (E. smithiae Y. K. Kam), ·≈–ªÿ¥ÀπŸ À√◊Õµ◊Õªÿµ’°ÿä [E. triloba (Gagnep.) Loes.]. „π√“¬ß“ππ’ȉ¥â¬◊π¬—π™◊ËÕ惰…»“ µ√å ¢Õߪÿ¥ ‘ßÀå«à“‡ªìπ E. slahmong C. K. Lim ‰¡à„™à E. curtisii Bak. ¥—ß∑’ˇ§¬‡¢â“„®°—π. πÕ°®“°π—Èπ ®“°°“√»÷°…“¬—ßæ∫ æ◊™ °ÿ≈π’È„πª√–‡∑»‰∑¬Õ—π‡ªìπæ◊™∑’ËÕ“®‡ªìπ™π‘¥∑’Ëæ∫„πª√–‡∑»‰∑¬‡ªìπ§√—Èß·√°, À√◊Õæ◊™™π‘¥„À¡à, Õ’°À≈“¬™π‘¥ ‡™àπ «“π¥Õ°∑Õß.à „π√“¬ß“ππ¬’È ß‰¥— ‡ πÕ√â ª«Ÿ ∏“π®”·π°™π‘ ¥‘ (key to species) ¢Õßæ™ °◊ ≈πÿ∑’È æ∫„πª√–‡∑»‰∑¬∑’Ë ß—È ı ™π¥‘ æ√âÕ¡¿“æ ’ª√–°Õ∫. πÕ°®“°π—Èπ¬—߉¥â√“¬ß“π¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈‡™‘ß惰…»“ µ√åæ◊Èπ∫â“π, Õߧåª√–°Õ∫‡§¡’ ·≈–ƒ∑∏‘Ï∑“ß™’«¿“æ ¢Õßæ◊™ °ÿ≈π’È∑’Ëæ∫„πª√–‡∑»‰∑¬ ‚¥¬¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈¥â“π惰…»“ µ√åæ◊Èπ∫â“ππ—Èπ πÕ°®“°®–‰¥âª√–¡«≈®“°‡Õ° “√µà“ß Ê ·≈â« ¬—߉¥â®“°°“√»÷°…“¿“§ π“¡. à«π¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈¥â“πÕߧåª√–°Õ∫‡§¡’·≈–ƒ∑∏‘Ï∑“ß™’«¿“懪ìπ¢âÕ¡Ÿ≈∑’˪√–¡«≈®“°‡Õ° “√ √“¬ß“π°“√«‘®—¬µà“ß Ê ‡∑à“∑’Ë¡’√“¬ß“π. §” ”§—≠: æ◊™ °ÿ≈«à“π¥Õ°∑Õß, ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬, Õπÿ°√¡«‘∏“π, 惰…»“ µ√åæ◊Èπ∫â“π, Õߧåª√–°Õ∫‡§¡’, ƒ∑∏‘Ï∑“ß™’«¿“æ