Ia UST rs t E.a.u. from :

£2.00 per 1,000 £2.10 per 1,000 • £3.10 per 1,000 £4.50 per 1,000 £1.10 per 1,000 £1.30 per 100 £1.10 per 100 £1.00 per 100 £7.50 per 1,000 £5.80 per 1,000 £5.80 per 1,000

£1.80 per 100 £8.00 per 1,000 70p per doz.

10p each (£1.00 per doz.) BRIDGE FURNITURE The E.B U. Is able to offer top qu llty Item at 20 discount on recommended r tail pric s. The e pr ces are exclu Iva ol V.A.T. but Include all dellv ry coats. MAXIUSE BRIDGE TABLES 30· ' 30·. legs with automatic fitting fold flush Individually Inside top frame. Be ch I gs and tram with mahogany inlsh. Loose all·purpo e cover £1 extra. Mod I A-gr n f It top without p dding . . £:22.20 Mod I 8-green or blue felt with padd d top £25.90 Mod I C-gre n/blue/belg worsted curl top £27.90 BRIDGE CHAIRS Foldi~g B ch cha rs with mahogany lmlsh, lull length wl el back In gr n/ blu /~•ge I t ...... ••• ... .. £2 .10 A D1 count of 71 given on any qu ntity of 5 or mor It ms under this head THE OFFICI L PUBLICATI 0 OF THE ENGLISH B lOGE U ION E4ited by HAROLD FRANILIN •••••• EDITORIAL To work for the areater &ood of the areat t poaible number of ita members is an admirable aim for the Administration of the En&lish Brid&e Union. To achien this aim in an inftationary economy and with an increasin& area of membership calls for a number of compromises. Ideally our Conareaes ShOuld be open to the Jar&est pou.ible number of our members. To make them 10 open precludes the " de luxe" settin& which mi&ht faD within the means of a much more limited number. The compromise is to look for a IOQd settin& in a catchment area which will permit a larae number of commutin& competitors or which will offer modestly priced accom­ modation other than at the Headquarters Hotel. Hotels too have their problems. Our laraer Conareues attract in the re 'on of 600 competitors of whom about twenty-five per cent stay at the Headquarters Hotel. The hotels, not unreasonably, feel that they are entitled to some revenue from the non-residents. As their overhead escalate so do their table cbar&e requirements increase. That charae i a compromise which the commuters must now accept u part of the tournament bridge way of life. • • • • This ue contains a statement by the Laws and Ethic Coo:urutte of i thinkln& on the subject of psychic bids. There will doubtless be many who take the view that any sort of restriction is " anti-proaress ". Many who, in JOOd faith, believe that provided there i no explicit arrangement between partners a player ahould have complete freedom to indulge his every whim. Any bid is fair which has the same elemen of surpri for partner as for opponents, but which of us is not on the "qui vi e" oppo ' te the more ad, enturous of partners 7 • • • • Does the freedom of the individual give licence for one p ir to indul e in lenatby and often acrimoniou discu ·on at the end of a h nd 7 ot rea.lly, ince such behaviour depriv their opponent of much of the pleasure they would expect to find, so do commen all too often offered in the course of play. The E.B.U. Is about to make an all-out effort ub ntially to diminish th particular nuisances in the belief that by doin& so it ill make its tournaments even more enjoyable. The comprom· ked of the competitor Is that be r erve hi commentary until the end of the on. inet n of every twenty of ou will find It an ea . Perhaps you can help to keep the twentieth in line. 2

(1) ~tor JMr 1tn/8 are due on Apnl 1st, 1977. Tile •lortiY of ~~ their IUbterlption e1ther through the Counlr Alloclatlon or their Club 1'here Is to be no chang lftllhod. 'There 11 a request howeVer that the due date be noted. ~:.::-:-:tor whom the due date is likewise April 1st, 1977, n to -.d their .W.Crlptlon of £2.00 to : The Registrar. Eng118h Bridge Union, 158 High Street, Thame, OXon. (2) who are still In arrears with their subscriptions for 1mn and who have failed to pay such arrears after receiving a Nmlndlr have regretfully been removed from the mailing list. LlpMd mernbeB who wish to re-Join may send the combined E.B.U. aubeortptlon/County levy to the Reglstr r. (If the exact amount Is not known, cheques should be martted " not In exces of £3.00 ".)

at Con r nd ot r B. • nt The slovenly appearance of a small minority of competitors continu to g1 e otreac:e to the majority. While it i not the intention of the E.B.U. to define the mode of clreaa it is felt proper to insist on both tidiness and cleanliness. It has been directed that future departures from normally acceptable standards of clreaa should be reported by the Tournament Director to the Congre office aDd tbat pe iatent offenders, having been warned, hould be required to with­ dra from further participation.

T The next n&lisb Bridge Union Teacher • ciation examination for the ordinary and ad anced level diplomas will be held on the afternoon of Saturday, 21 t May, 1977. The entrance fee for the examination i £6.00. Clo ing date for entri · Saturday, Sth March, 1977. Trainin courses on the particular kill required for teachin Contract Brid&e will be held over the two week-end of Saturd y and Sunday, April 23-24th and May 7th-8th, the two week-end compri ing at lea t 20 hou of tuition. The composite fee for both training cou e and examination I £21.00. The course and diploma examin tion are open only to p ld-up members of the E.B.U. Candidat who are ucc ful in tb written examin tion on May lbt will be expected to take an oral examination, alternati e dat for which will be pread out, startin& about a month after the rltten exam. Canctidat are pt;rmitted to it for th ad need level without first nm the orctiDUJ le el diplo , but ar wam d th t thi l d i ble only for ery experienced brid&e playe nd te cher . a high n rd of billty i requir d. Venu will be announ d when the demand fn any rticul r area is kno n. Pull detalla, to ether with 11 b , ntry forms, etc.. n be ob !ned from the Secretu'J', • Rhoda Lederer, S A nue, Ch lfont t. Peter. Buck SL9 9UA. 3 L W D ETHI For orne two year players have be n required to report to the Tournament Director made by an opponent. Since it would appear that this requirement is disregarded more often than it is observed, the time may be opportune to re tate the thinkin& of the Laws and Ethics Committee. There is no de ire to outlaw the use of the psychic bid. Properly used the p ychic bid i a fair and oc ionally valuable weapon. The pre-condition of a " fair " psychic bid is that the element of surprise hould exist for partner no le than for opponent . Whenever that condition i not fully m t, then the psychic bidder may be enjoying an unfair advantage. There are many players who deem it a sound strategy to bid Wlthout the proper values at favourable vulnerability and especially against uppo edly weaker opponents. lt is inconceivable that a regular partner- unlikely that an occasional one- hould be unaware of thi predilection. Given that awar ne , it is extremely difficuk for partner not to be influenced by it, if only subcon. ciou ly. Consider thi situation :- s w E lH 1 N.T. 4H 7 East hold :- \) Kxx 0 Qxxx By definition the of One o i the equivalent of a strong No Trump opening. If West is given to making psychic bids East is likely to pass without further thought. In entire good faith he will subsequently justify his action by saying that as ther are only 40 points in the pack it was clear that omebody did not have his bid. Perfectly true, but why should not the " somebody" be South rather than West 7 The reporting of psychic bids helps one to establish a pattern where a pattern exi ts. It may also serve as a protection for the psychic bidder. When a player open in front of partner with a very poor hand, he runs the risk of finding partner with a good hand on which he will not stop short of game. When a player bids pade with a holding of two cards in the uit, he run the risk of finding partner with a holding on which be will bid to a high level in spades. If b bids spades when partn r has no pades and oppon n have a game in the suit ; if he opens with two or three points wh n partner also has two or three points and opponent ha.ve a lam, he mu t not be urprised if the possibility of an unrl sant e planation hould be con id red. He has some protection i the hands on which his partner raised to game or supported spade have al be n noted. " We wer doing very badly and decid d to play for tops or bottoms " i an xplan tion oft n oft r d f r psy hie e travagances. In a head-to-head conte t between two team of f ur that might be acceptable. obody but one' own team i affected. In pairs cont t ne ha. a r . n ibility to the r t of th t urnam nt. The Law and 4

TIO S (application from B. Wei of Por mouth). Aa opea1aa bid of Two Sl*f with Prec· 10n Club to how 11·15 high card at laat s-s iD tbe mino • To be u d in conjun tion with the ultkoloured Two Diamonds. Two Trumps is a con ention 1 and forcing re po . The open r i reallinld to ...-.s1ao a x card minor if he h one. If he i 5-5 he re pond in liceace until ll-12-1977. • • • • ••-• ae o,nl•a o Tnaaap. pplication from S. Ritter of E x). Opuiq o Trump=12-15 point. ltespoDder, with a minimum of 11 point or a &ood 10 point , bid 2• a king opeaer to define his hand. Opeoer rebids : 2() =both -kard majors, 12-13 point . 2 = 4 hearts, 12-13 points. =4 tpades, 12-13 points. 2 T c: no majors, 12-13 poin -no majors, 14-15 points. 3 =both majora, 14·15 poln 30=4 hearts, 14-15 points. =4 tpades, 14-15 points. Any further bid by responder at came I vel or below clo e the uction. Full licence until 31-12-1978 . • • • s ry Del to Ard tra.l 0 O•lt. " A" licence renewed Indefinitely. Double ~bow clubL 10/'V/ =oatural. 1 NT, 1 NT, l T•non·touchina two· uiter, pre-emptive, but of appropriate playina trenath. 2-lnel overc:alls are all obatructive bids and are each l·way bids: (1) SIDIIe· uited in the uit bid. (2) Two touc:hina.Wts, the hiaber beina that bid. (l) A l..Wted baDcl with a abortaae in the suit bid. Partner Ia expec:ted to pus a bid, or bid accordina to hla judament and the only fordna bid by him is 2 NT. In wh ch cue, lth type (1) partner rebids his uit; with type (2) he bid the lower of the two uita and with type (l) he bids l .T. If the MC:Ond hand intervention is doubled and pused back. with type (I) he passes, with type (2) be bid the second suit, with type()) be redoubles. Ia F011rtll POIIdoa. Over a oatural response to 16 , all bids are oatural. Over a c:onventiooal bid by responder at the one-level, double bows a suit bid by responder, 1 T, 2 T nd 3 T how a non-touchin& two-suiter, and a imple overcall is natural except for an oven:all in responder's bid suit. Such an overcall, toaether with a jump overcall, would be a ).w y bid described above for second po irion . • • • • OpHlaa Lead Pioced.area (I) Tbe attention of members I drawn to the fact that it ia improper for the player not on lead to say " No qu tion " before hi partner h made his openina lead, fac:e down. (ii) The attention of the Committee has been drawn to the oc:c:asional practice of a p~Qer, about to make a 6nal pass. asJtin& qu tio of the opponents before doln& so. This is c:learly olfensi e if the openin lead is to be with his partner since tbe que tion may be thought to offer a suu tion. The Law and Ethics Committee has issued the followin& direc:ti e : .. The normal procedure at the end of the auction Ia for a pl yer not on I ad to reserve questions which he may want to ask until after his partner has made the lead fac:e down. When he choo to depart from this procedure then the onus is on the player to how that he might ha considered action other than pass. Tournament Directors will be required to peoar infraction of thi procedure."

CITY OF YORK SEVENTH ANNUAL BRIDGE CONGRESS (l censed by t E.B.U.) 8t THE ROYAL STATION HOTEL FRIDAY, MAY 8th to SUNDAY, MAY 8th, 11n CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS and TEAMS OF FOUR MIXED PAIRS- FLITCH- OPEN PAIRS at all S ons WIDE CHOICE OF PRIZES A Mast r Poln1s Congress- R. T. Hlgson, Ch 1 T.D. Spec 1 Hotel R t s - Bookings direct with M nag r - Yo ric 53681 Entries and Enquiries to Congr s Secret ry:- Mrs. G. A. Ch ckslleld, Flat 2, 58C Station Road, Upper Poppleton, Yorit Y02 60A Tel. 794316 6

ridge at Hastings


1977 SEASON - FORTHCOMING DATES FEBRUARY 18-21 MARCH 18·21 (More Dates to be arranged) •ODK IIOW TO A VOIIJ DISA,,OINTMENT -, ,, l Mr. Eric Seldon and his wife Ros mary will direct play. The charge for these enjoyable weekends, based upon twin-bedded accommodation, i £28.00 including VAT. Single accommodation is available at £2.00 per weekend extra and rooms with private bath at £1 .00 per person per day extra.

All reservations and further Information from the General Man ger, Que n' Hot I, Ha tlngs, Sus ex. Telephone: Hastlnl 424167 (STD Cod 0424) 1 IRJTI H IRIDGE LEAGUE SELECI10 PLA FOR OPE EUROPE CIIAMPIO SIDPS With effect from the 191' European Cbampioalbip. opea •lectJoD will be based on the re.ultl ola 16 paiil trial held oYer l weelt-eads. Tbll wiD euble Jona matc:bes to be pqed betweea every pair. Pain will quaiJf,J for tbla trial bJ their resulta in certain desipated " aold point " eventl duriaa the pNrioas two years. It is hoped that the nominated events And detallecl poiDta awardl will be aJvea In 't&e .nut E.B.U. quanerly. It should be noted that. • aa~ iD the 1976/77 E.I.U. comPetition brochure, tbe 1916/77 Gold Cap wiD be tile tint e ent to attract .. aold points". No otber event in the 1976/n ...on will qualltj ; points wiD be awarded only to pain reacbtq tbe 6Ml of the desianated competitions.

COMMO T CHAMPIO SHIPS TE~I..._Jok. 0.. 1917 SELECTIONS Com_,. Market - April 161~l4th. 1977. Oltnd. Opea ChampiODIII.Ip. M. Rosenbera It B. J. Shenkin. A H. Duncan It I. D. Short, M. J. Flint I. N. ROlle. .P.C.-J. G. Faulkner. l.adJee'CIIa•piOIIIIIip. Miss N. Gardener It Mrs. S. + 2 pain to be -selected u a result of trials at tbe Eccentric Club oa Sth/6th February and 26th/27th February. .P.C. . Bowman. Jualor ChamphNI.Wp. R. J, Granville It G. Kirby + 2 pairs to be selected as a result of trials on Sth/6th February and 26th/27th February. N.P.C.- K. E. Stanley. Apart from tbe places reserved for the official teams, there are a few vacancies in the followin& cateaories and application are invited from players of some standina in British Brid,e. ()pea Pain MJ:IH Pain Ladles Pain Junior Pain Mixed Te... Selected applicants will be expected to pay their own travellina and accommodation expense but tbe Brit! h Brid e Le ue are prepared to pay Fees. Pain wisbin& to be considered by the B.B.L. Selection Committee hould . end applications by 28th February at latest to : Chas. D. Bowman, Altnabruach, Lover Lane, Scone, Perth PH2 6RG.

EUROPE N- JULY 31 t- Opea CJaamplonsblp. R. A. Priday It C. Rodri&ue, M. J. Flint I. . R , M. Rosenbera It B. J. Shenkin. .P.C. . Cooke. LadJ ' Cbamplon.Wp. Mi . Garden r Mrs. S. Land + 2 pairs to be selected after the ommon M rket Championships. . P.C. · E. Crowhurst.

MRO E TROPHY I 1 RO D Scotland be t orthern Irel nd 24-12. W Je beat En&l nd 2 - . The We h Team : Dr.J· Butler C. Smith. M. J. Tedd J. Marek. J. Salisbury R. pton. .P.C.- M. P well. The En li h Team : M . G rdener Mr . S. Landy, R. Smol ki A. R. Forr ter, K. F. Stanley I. Gordon. .P. . E. C. M1lne . POPULAR





DIARY OF A PALOOKA-by Ace T.V. Writer Dennis Spooner

CARD PLAY -Jock Milton & Barry Seabrook


and Many Others

S..bacrJt»tion form : Send to 480, Ma..r.e~ct Roed, a-wood, Nottlnghlm. I I I 1 enclole cheque/postal order for N me .••.••••...•..• · • • • 1 £7.50 mede ~lble to Probrev P , (Block QP/t 1 J I for one y r's subecriptlon to Popu r Addr ••••• • •••.• · • • · · • • I Bridge Monthly. I undent nd th • IPKiel off8f' I will gat 13 nd • • • • • • • • • . ••••••••••• • I that If I am not •tidied w th my J I 1int laue I c.n ~ my money b8C • • •••• • •• • ••••••••••• • • 1 I I 1 OR USE YOUR E.B.U. PRIZE VOUCHERS I ------~------~ '

.Record attenclancea and a nail-biting finish with three pairs almost leftl two rounds from the end made this a memorable tournament. With one round to play, Olympic champio Gabriel Chapa and Pedro-Paulo umpcao bad opened up a reaon· able pp and seemed to b&Ye the easiest run-in when they were opposed to the youn1 Germans Hausler and Spletstoaer. There are howe er no " euy " tarpts in the Sunday Times and Hausler and Spletstouer had their best match to relepte the Brazilans to third place while Boulenaer and Svarc chose the ideal moment to take the lead for the first time. The final places were :

loulenaer and S arc (France) . .• 1 2 2. Werdelln and Moeller (Denmark) 1 0 3. Chaps and umpcao (Brazil) 17 4. Sundelin and Flodquist (Sweden) 163 5. Morath and Gothe (Sweden) 1 2 6. Rosenberg and Shenkin (Scotland) 15 7. Le and Romik (brae I) .. . 153 8. Priday and Rodrigue (England) ... 1 5 9. Flint and Rose (England) 1 2 10. Sharif and Su I (Egypt and Fran ) ... 1 1 ll. = M' Gardener and Mrs. Landy (England) 140 11. = Frydrich and Shaufel (1 rael) .. . 1 13. Babsch and Bamber er (Austri ) 137 14. Hau ler and Splet to er (Germany) 133 1'i . Ortiz-Patino and Berna nl ( witzerl nd) 125 16. Delmouly and Schapiro (France and En land) 121 henkin and Ro enber&, I t y ar's winners, were once a ·n the mo t nvincin Briti pair by the manner of their game no I than by the r ult. ith two rnatcbe to play they were till in contention but went down to the young Germans in the penultimate round nd to the eventual winners in th final round. I off·t ur oa the

t AK64 OA3 o a 1 AQ 10 7 6 til 75 9741 ¢ K 1061 }54 the fmaJ contract wu Four Spad and declarer would no problem in Umltiq his loaes to one club and two diamonds. tbe Weat band one declarer wu favoured witb a heart lead and Rodripe and Priday bid u follow :- 1 Cl 1 Sp 4 H 4 Sp Pass Rodripe tbe a.at fortunate of all declarers when Shenkin chose to lead tbe e!Pt ol clubl--clearly a short uit I d. Rodrigue hopped up with the Kill ad .,aa,.d tbe ace of hearts followed bY a fin e of the Jat:k, in the hope ol of one of the losing diamond . When orth won wi th the queen the defence wu in a position to take five tricks : the kin of club , two diaiDoDda, and a club . Unable to judge thi po ition North returned a tnuDp and declarer could now di pose of a losing diamond, draw trumps and al•e up one club. The declarer however wu still satisfied that he had two club losers and decided to continue clubs after taking a diamond discard o that he would tiD be iD control if trump broke badly. Wh n Shenkin won with the kin of clu be needed no second chance ; be returned a low diamond and Ro enberg duly returned a club for his partner to ruff. Sbentin-Rosenber&, Priday-Rodrigue make up the Briti h team for the European Championships together with Flint and Ro . Flint and Ro e were the architects of their own misfortune on the following hand from their match aplost Schapiro and Delmouly. Dealer orth. Lo e all. orth 10 6 O K653 O KQJ • I 9 3 2 w l t KQ)9 43 A S 0 9 0 A J 10 7 4 0 A2 0 9 7 . A7 • Q6 11

None A <>'a06 gpo:z,one 6 101 At this point decl&reli p .rounda of dubi ililcardina a diamond from hand : the third club completed a . If South cliKarded a heart declarer would play off the ace of hearts and make the last two tric:b in baad. If South diic:arcled a diamond deicl&rer would ruff a diaaloDd and make the last two tric:b ia d~. The wianen enjoy a reputation u perfectionists in dUJDDJY play. Bouleaaer WOuld dOubtless ted that he iDiaht have lmpro•ed on his perfoi'IMDCe oa the foUowi.q haDcL Dealer Eut. Game all. Grtll 10 0 A872 ()AKQJ4 AQ2 t . KQJS 0096 <> 653 6 863 Soat.h A9 OKS4 <> 10 9 8 7 6 J97 s Bouleaaer was one of five declarers to play in Si Diamonda from the orth hand. Eut led the kina of pades and four of the five, includin& Boulen cr. bepn by ...cceaalully fiDeaaiq the queen of clubs and continued with three rounda of trumps followed by a heart to the ltins. a pade ruff and the ce of hurta and a third heart. If hearts were ).) this play would succeed whenenr the ten of ch1bl wu with Eut. whenever W t was obli ed to win the third round of hearts and, additionally, when declarer succe ully played to drop the ten or ltln1 of clu In two. A &ood line of pl-.y, but declarer could ha done better. As he played his plan wa clear to defenders and had W held three hearts headed by the queen he would ha e certainly unblocked his queen of hearts on the second round. Declarer does beat to win the fir t spade and pl y two round of trumps before leadina a heart to the kina and a second heart to the ace. ow back to the table with a third trump before ruffin& a pade. Had W t held the queen it would have been a little more difficult for him to unblock. Finally a third heart. As the cards lie East would be on lead and obli d to 1 d club. If he plays a low club declarer can make hi contrac by playing the en thou&h the nine ls the card that he should play. And it is not excluded that East would resol e declarer' problem by returning the el&ht of clu . In short, by delayina the club dec1arer can only improve his chances. 11

.II, \1<>1{1{1~ //;/1 //1//1//'/lr//

MORRIS BRIDGE CUP G IN. T THE TOP PL YER FRO THE CONTL 'ENT Philip Morris European Bridge Cup is organised annually under the auspices of the . It is a circuit of 10 to 12 tournaments between August and July of the following year in which, for every tournament, the following .. European Cup Points " are attributed to each player of the placed pairs : inner 30 EC-Points 6th 15 EC-Points (Players having obtained 2nd 2S ., 7th 14 53% and more. but 3rd 21 ., not ranking in the top 4th 18 , 15 places, receive Stb 16 .. 15th 6 ., between 1 and 5 ECP) About £20,000 prize money is di tributed by the sponsors, Philip Morris International Cigarettes, to the twenty-five players leading the points list a the end of the circuit. E perience shows that with a participation in at least three ents aining 30 EC-Points, one stands a good chance of winnin one of the final prizes. The best junior pair in each vent will receive, a a contribution to travelling expenses for a further round of the European Cup, a rna imurn of Sw. Frs. 500. Winn r 1974}75 Rixi M rku • (GB) 1975/76 Manhardt • Vo I ang (Austria) 13 pril 77 Gu rdian Tournament, e full detaJ in separate

rt on the Fr ncb Riviera. 977 An o portunity to pend a weekend in this bu thnc orth Geman metropolis. W T 0 TRAVEL can et you there from .£79, inclu i e of return air fare and o erm t commod tion with Contin ntal bre fast. BIARRITZ 1·3 Jul 1977 If you have competed in any of the earlier rounds of the Philip Morris European Brid e Cup you mu t not mi the Grand Finale. Tb' year it talt place in the marvellou 8 que holiday r rt of Biarritz on the Atlantic co.ast nur th Spani h border. You may be ure to m et lot of top nam from all o er Europe and the United Stat . ( ote that thi Fin le can be extended by other e ents to a full week ol brid e.) \ ESTE 0 TRAVEL can &et you there from £105 for 3 days, £150 for week. inclu ive of return air fare, ccommodation and Continental brealtl t. Apart from the pos ibility to win " European Cup Points " nd thu qualify for the above-m ntioned Europ Cup prize li t, all the e tournaments offer, indi idually, very interestin& money prize . For travel and hotel inquirie , please contact: WESTE D TRAVEL LTD. Sabena Hou e, 36 Piccadilly, LONDON Wl. Tel. 734 3265. If you r inter ted in the Philip Morri European Bridg Cup, all you have to do i to mail the coupon below to : PHU..IP MORRIS EUROPEA BRIDGE UP Brillancourt CH-1006 LAUSANNE (Switzerland) You will then receive the individual programm with full detail .

P CUT Please send me information about forthcoming PMEBC tourn ments. ame First arne Str et Town Po t I Code umber Country

1)1111.11) \1()1{1{1~

~,~ //1//1/i-'/l//1 \ "' . . ' . //;fi 1

EUROPA HOTEL, GROSVE OR SQUARE, LONDON W.1 II'D'I- 1 p IL 8ftllllllt hut of the PhUip Morrll be p1.,.c1 on Friday evening, nday llftemoOn, ,: tor the Cup, Saturday and Sunday evenings. 'xed Pairs Friday afternoon, and Open Pairs Monday noon. 8CCOIIIIIIOdatlon from £18 to £54. detalla ... encloMd Brochure, or write : ·• BRIDGE ", 7 STRATFORD PLACE , LONDON W1A 4YU . Telephone 01-Q9 6618

C LOB EST L 28th MAY-4th JUNE Monaco Heat of the Philip Morris European Bridge Cup on 28th, 29th, 30th May. llldel P8lrs Chemplonlhlp on 31st May, 1st June. Teems of Fow on 2nd, 3rd, 4th June. inimum Prize Li t 66.000 Fran plu numerou pri: in kind. Prize for a quarter of th Parti ipant . Grand M tropolit n Hotels re bte to off r the following packag :­ From 27th May to 6th June lnctu lve. Return r tr I, london Nlc . Seven nights accommodation, sharing a room with a prlv t bath t the Hotel Metropole including Continental br kfa t, rvic and tax lrom £142.50. FuU details Including longer ays and single room aupplem nt on req t from "BRIDGE", 1 STRATFORD PLACE, LONDO WlA 4YU. Tel hon 01-629 6618 lS R E

Scotland' appaJent stranalebold on the Cutty Sark TrOphy was finally broken bY an Engli:.h team consistlnJ of Dr. ,R. J. Butland and J. Reardon. R. J. Gran ille and G. T. irby, . . ardln land S. J. Loql, captained by G. 0. J. Cooke. A panlcularlj tab performance 'nee e Scottiah tea1n were led by M. Ro enbera and B. Shenltin whose ucce s in the past year included tbe and h Sunda)' ;nme nd ho have ince been seJected to repre nt Great Britain in thi year' European Champion hip.

It wa clear that the tournament would be decided by the England-Scotland meeting. In the first ten boards of their encounter Scotland picked up a lead of 20 I.M.P. . Th y added a further one point in the next ten and Granville and Kirby, ButlaDd and Re rdon. the Enar h line-uJ) for the I t ten. were fac d with a con id rable ta k.

The econd produ ed n ei ht point swing for Engl nd :- D aler Wet. orth-South game.

w t t . AQ87 • K 10 9 6 S : AQ4 1:7 10 9 6 2 0 K 10632 0 one 6 K 6 A J 10 8 outh . 4 3 2 1:7 7 s 0 J 8 6 976543

Thi wa the auction with Scotland East-W t.

w t J D 4 Sp 5H

declarer drew two round of trump cro -ruffin& hi way to twel e trick • more thorough auction :

t I D 3 p 4H 5 I 6 p

Declarer ruffed the di m nd lead, won th kin of lub . came back to hand with a cond diamond ruff and laid down the ace of club . \ hen the first round of trump produced the j It d larer, judgin& rightly that hi ~de n eded every point. ca hed rwo mor club f r heart dt card and w ' left wtth hir.h cr -ruff for II thirt n tri k . (SH ADVBnSEMENT' lACK COVER lllliriiJIIive MTangements available by air or sea

..... •' ""••• ..,. lit J tJ. {OIIf,.SS) Book rly to avoid disappointment


MIDDLESEX COUNTY BRIDGE ASSOCIATION Invites entries for th fOllowing event THE M. HARRISON GRAY MEMORIAL CUP FOR OPEN SWISS TEAMS to be held at THE BERNERS HOTEL, LONDON W.1 at 2.30 nd 7.30 p.m. on SATURDAY, APRIL 16th, 1177 and 2.30 p.m. on SUNDAY, APRIL 17th, 1177 Ucen d by the E.B.U. The Entry Fee of £4.00 per player, £16.00 per t m or lour to be tubmltted by Team Captains To: Mrt. J. JOH STON, 29 MEAOWAY, LONDON N14 8NJ 17 orth was dealer on the next board which produced an uncontested auction at both tables :-

w t 12 KQ AK974 S2 0 1013 OAK7 6 A42 6 KQ9163 for Scotland :-

w t 1 Cl lH 2 .T. 3 Cl 3N.T. Pass

There would appear to be two arguments apinst East's final bid of Three o Trumps. Three o Trumps dld not necessarily offer the safest pme Iince it wu not e:~~cluded that p&rtner's club support was headed by a lesser card than the ace. The Three No Trump bid failed to explore very real a1am pro p«ts. Butland and Reardon dld better in the following auction.

West East ICI lH 2N.T. 1 Cl JD 3H 3S JN.T. 40 4H SCI 6CI

When he made his final decision East could rely on partner for a he.art suit headed by ace-king and another ace-without the second ace be would have surely bid five Clubs over four Diamonds. The defence began with a spade to the ace and a second spade. Declarer cubed the kin& of trump before playina ace-ldnJ of hearts and a third heart. When orth followed declarer had an awkward choice since the contract could make against a 4-2 heart br provided that the trumps were 2-2. He could ruff the third round of hearts with the queen, go to dummy with the ace of clubs for a further heart ruff and re-enter dummy with the four of clubs to enjoy the lon& heart. If hearts were 3-3 be could ruJf low and enter dummy with the thlrd round of trumps. In the event hearts were J-3 and trumps 2-2. It is worth noting that had W t held two diamonds and three spades declarer's problems would have been minimal.

That wu a further twelve points to England and Butland and Reardon, clearly In a winnin& seam, continued by Iandini a Three o Trump contract on a combined 23 count, missed in the other room, safely reaching a arand slam which had been bid in the other room and taying on One o Trump on a combined 25 count when Three No Trumps, duly bid in the other room, could not be made.

Both En&)and and Scotland safelf won their match aplnst Wal and orthern Ireland for a final r ult o :- En&)and 29 Scotland 24 Wales 17 • Ireland 2 Two of the nation's most succ ful tournament player , who tunned the bridle orld a week ago when they withdrew from the mo t important event in American competition at the point of almo t certain victory, did so after baYina been ummoned before a pecial committee to answer accusations of .. improprieties ". The American Contract Brid~e League, which run organi ed bridge in the United States. had set up the peciai committee to watch for cheating at the tournament. held in Hou ton to choo e the team to repre ent orth America in the international champion hips in Manila next October. A member of this special committee stated that '' allegations of improprietie " had been made before the two playe -Dr. Richard Katz and Lawrence Cohen. both of Los Angele -withdrew from the trial and then re igned from the A.C.B.L. Mr. Mathe would not say what the allegation were, but said that they involved the conveying of " unauthorized " information. Dr. atz. a phy lcian, and Mr. Cohen, a pharmaci t, eemed a ured of winning two po on the orth Am rican team before they uddenly quit after an all-ni ht se ·on with tournament official . Both men hav refu d to comment, other than to y th t they withdrew for "pen.onal r ", which is al the official po ition of the A.C.B.L. ed directly if .th y had been cheating, Dr. Katz and Mr. Cohen declined to a :wer any qu uon . At Gro mger' re rt In the Ca kill Mountain thi w ekend, where a re&i nal toum~ment w being played,. t~e pre id nt of the bridge I gue. Louis S. Gurvtch of ew Orleans, cr1ttc1zed Mr. Mathe for di clo in any informa ion about the affair. r. Gurvich id that he had been ked repeatedly why Dr. Katz and Mr. Cohen had withdrawn. "~e only ~pi ho can n wer that are Katz and Cohen", id Mr. Gurv1ch. Dr. Katz and Mr. Cohen are e ch 34 y r old and have been playing to ether ince they were tudents at the University of WI con tn. They have had a number of pect cular ucc In recent years. In tournament bridge, a pair that can con ey inform tion uch the number of cards e cb player h in each uit, ha a tremendou advantage o er the oppon n 19 fwo year a • Am ncan player accu d an Italian pair of u ina foot goal . or the last thr . ,years, the world of bridae has been experimentina with the use of ix-foot·hiRb reens placed aero the bridae table so that partners cannot ee each other or touch each other's feet. These screens were in use at Hou ton. A top official of the A.C.B.L denied spreading reports in the bridae world th~t. Dr. J.

package inclu ive of Rail and Ferry t Room and Continental Breakfast Bridge Entry Fee (120 French Francs) IWIIII~ lnc:lulhe IMrtng twin room Single Room Supplement £6.50

: .., Leon, " lftclge ", Weelend Tr...t Ud

rner Brd e

.___ Hotel, Bem rs StrMt, London, W.1

...,-kln1 probl 1M •ft r 8.30 p.m. til ,J 21 jxclusive Package to the I tno• DelDuca C11sll Prizes £12,500 In Perialn 1175, lkttllh pl.,.. took four of the top ten poe1t1ona. ,....._...... ,.._. to the Pet de C lot from the hotel. ~looMool to 150 peh. Bookings KC.,.... In order of ...... Md I'Wtcted dNie Obhlllneble from W..e.nd TrMel Ltd. For pa.,.. wtehlng to IMite T...... Ud. BRITISH PLAYERS fN PARIS.

PACKAGE B By Air Charter Flight by British Caledonian Depart Gatwick Friday 1915 Amve Paris (De Gaulle) 20.15 Depart Paris (De Gaulle) Sunday 21 .30 Arrive Gatwick 22.30

The whole package inclusive of Travel Transfers Two Nights at Hotel with Contmental Breakfast and Entry Fee (120 French Francs) £58.00 lncfualve ah•rtng twtn room Single Room Supplement £6.50 per night

a Howe, 31 Ptcc.dllty, London W.1. Telephone 01·734 3215

Club Duplicate

Good Cuh Prize• ~mllersllip M•ater Points T•ble Money £1.00 e 1911 With Student Card 80p r. k1 • , and l.ee

r D. tern f ew York f the t m competin

The Katz·Cohen team "" captained by Jo~n A. Gerber of Hou ~on, the in entor of the Gerber con enti n u ed by bnd e players to determme how man ac a id hold • r. Mathe id that r. Stern "wa an immen ely valuable man to th A.C.B. in Hou ton". It w r S ern who apparent! worked out a c mpromi e under which no tatemen • bout what had happened would be m de if Dr. Katz and Mr. Cohen ~oluntaril r n d from the tournament and from the league. Mr. Stern ould neither confirm nor den thi . r. Mathe id that after the tournament committee had met behind closed doo with Dr. Katz and Mr. Cohen the committee adJOurned to allow the pair to tal . The committee felt that it h d cau ht them by urpri e, and that they ould need time to di cu the ituation. Durin thi r • Mr. Stern ked if he could talk: pri ately with the two California playe , Mr. Mathe said. Apparently they ucceeded in "working mething out that wa palatable to atz and Cohen", said Mr. Mathe. "I don't say that they reli hed it. but they did ha e the opportunity to do what they wanted to do, and they decided they did not want to continue the event". CANNES WORLD BRIDGE FESTIVAL 30th APRIL to 8th MAY 1977 With 11 tot11l Prize list o/60. 000 Fr11nts 30th APRIL, 11t MAY - INDIVIDUAL COMPETITION C h Prizes of Frs. 2500. Fra. 2000, Fr . 1500, Frs. 1000. and to 30th place 2nd, 3rd, 4th MAY Ca h Prlz of Fra . .WOO, Frs. 3000, Frs. 2000. Frs. 1500, Frs. 1000, and to 30th plac 5th, lth, 7th, 8th MAY Ca h Prize - 1st Frs. 6000, 2nd Frs. 4000, 3rd Frs. 3000, 4th Frs. 2500, 5th Fra. 2000, 6th Fra 1500, 7th Fra. 1500, and prize down to 40th place Numerou surprise prize . All ae sions comm nee at 3 p.m. All Entr s and Enquirl s to : Mad me Nadine ANSAY, 51 Boulevard d5Auteuil, 92 BOULOGNE Paris 1503 51 20 Special T rms at HOTEL MONTFLEURY. Tel. (93) 689150 Single : Frs. 175 Half Board Frs. 235 Full Board Double : Fra 300 Half Board Frs. 420 Full Board Special t rm at the Hotel MaJestic. Telephone (93) 397910 Single : Fra. 185 Half Bo rd Fra. 285 Full Bo rd Double : Frs. 320 H If Board Frs. «O Full Board In all cases the pnces includ rv ce charge nd tax 21 Th K tz ohen p ir ha been mon th mo t uc ful m the hi tory of t urn ment brid e in the nited Stat . They had won every top event in the country, metim to the a tonishment of other world·cl players who do not con ider them to be that upert. Competitive bridge i played with ferocity un urpa d in any other sport and the game i dominated by ego! t . The ucc of the Katz-Cohen pair had led others to make veiled and sometimes not-so-ve led accusations apinst them pre\'IOU ly. One world champion said that the e in inuatio emed to have bothered Dr. tz. " He once asked me if I thought he and Cohen cheated ", the player said. Playin with Dr. Katz and Mr. Cohen on the Gerber team at the Houston trials were Dr. George Rosenkranz of Mexico City, a chem' t ho had borne much of the e pense of his team: Roger Bates of las Veps. and John Mohan of Lo Angel Dr. Rosenkranz, who has been trying to put together a ucce ful team to win the world champion hip for 20 years, said that he had been bowled o er by the events at Houston. "You can ima&lne it yourself", he said. "It i 4 o'clock in the mornin&. and we h d been working so hard and we had been playing well. We had teen ourselves already in Manila and it came as a &reat shock when we couldn't finish the match ". The A.C.B.L. was able to avoid the thorny problem of whether to allow the remainder of the Gerber team to continue playing after Dr. Katz and Mr. Cohen withdrew since the withdrawal left the team with only three players, one below the necessary minimum. Although Dr. Katz and Mr. Cohen had a&reed to withdraw from the finals at 4 o'clock on Sunday morning, no announcement was made until 8 o'clock that night. The tournament committee was busy during the day alerting members of the league's board of directors about the development . A statement released by Mr. Gerber on the evening of lanuary 9 said : "Dr. Richard Katz and Lawence Cohen withdrew today rom the Vanderbilt­ North American Bridge Championship team. This withdrawal reduced the ize of the team to only three players, below the lepl minimum of four. " As a result, the tournament committee declared the Grand ational team the winners of the American League's team trial • This team. captained by Roger Stern of New York City, will represent orth America in the champion hips in Manila." Mr. Gerber said that he had not been told why the pair had quit. He said that A.C.B.L. official " told me to attend the meeting and bring the two players ". He went on : " I attended and brou~tht the two players. They wouldn't say anythin ex ept that the tournament had been cancelled. That i all. " Then they rec ed into a private conference with the players and I never heard any more." Mr. Stern declined to comment on hi role in the affair. and said that he hoped that his silence would not be con trued to mean that he w confirming Mr. Mathe's account. Mr. Stern id that he did complain once during the play ff th t Dr. Katz and Mr. Cob n had been u ing a bid that they h d not explained, and that th complaint was upheld, but that thi did not con titute cheatin&. Mr. Stern · d that the team that won by default would be " a fine t am ". " To the be t of my knowledge, no member of thi team lodged any prole t again t Dr. tz and Mr. Cohen", he id. In Dalla , Mr. Com aid be had been told that a formal report on th h ppenln at Hou ton would be made to rhe national board of the A.C.B.L. in March. It had been decided, though, he 'd, "that the board will make no reque t for detail but will accept whatever tatement the tournament com· mittee decide to make".

25 REPORT B RT PHILUPS BOWL 1976/7 not drawn In thl round ha e a B Into Round :Z Round 1 OTH P. Uttlewood bt J'. E. Larid ) 1360 • M. plr (Y) bt R. Chumey (NW) •• • 1170 ). 81 berJ (Y) b M. Brown (NW) 3000 Mrs. N. D. Camp ld (Y) bt M. M. wanson (NW) 730 P. G. Mason (Y) bt Mn.• 1. L. Blakey ( ) llO G. 5. • Rednall (NW) bt P.M. Wrlaley (Y) l:Z:ZO H. L. ln&ham W) bt A. A. Hatrl ( t) ISIO E. Howarth (NW) bt A. H. Bloxham ( tl lS:ZO G. WUson (NW) bt W. 5. Pratt (D) ••. S90 P. E. Morley 1no . Norn (NW) bt G. McPherson (W) 16)0 M. Mc:Lauahlln ( E) bt R. J. Balr.tr ( 1150 M. Airey (W) bt Mrs. ). •ntley (NW) J180 Mrt. E. D. Slater ( W) bt D. ). Jon (W) S4(l D. Da e (Le) bt G. K. Ftltbo tr ( t) 3450

SOUTH M. ). Allen (DC) bt C. F. J. Southc:ott (Sml R. ), Smith (S) bt A. Wolftld (L) ·-·· 3)7 990 R. V. Caudron (5) bt Mn. E. Lod (Ll R. 5wlnton·Eaale (DC) bt T. E. Glrdl tone )7 (Sm) 1960 B. L. Telttcber (L) bt Mra. M. L. Di . W. Tbomu (Sm) bt 5. Edwards (SC) SlO 14 I. A. Oarld&e (0) bt R. A. L. Horwood W. A. N. Pitch (L) bt rs. C. E. Gurr (S) (Sm) S90 47 E. • 5ta•eley (0) bt Mra. M. R. Lapworth H. A. G. Wtllby 00 bt ). • Gould (L) 10 (Sm) 1760 K. R. Watkin (lC) bt • R. 'Da¥1daon (Ll T. E. D. Qulbtll (5~ bt A. J. Wallr.den ()C) S50 S930 0. Bloomfield (E) bt D. J. Ould (L 1650 P. I. Evans (H) bt C. Lel&hton (E) ... 1010 Mn. B. Telford (G) bt G. W. Jo (M) 310 T. b. Elllton (H) bt Mn. G. Parka (E) !120 Mn. I. Cross (£) bt T. C. R (L) P. W. Mumford (S) bt G. H. Horley (BB) Mra. D. Caplan (M) bt D. K e (M) IS60 SlSO D. ). Btll (H) bt H. • 8tn&en (M) ... llSO M. H. Lewlnaton {BB) bt Ml I. A&hcrott A. M. Hlron (L) w/ o • A. Coburn (H) (S) 610 C. R. Flood (BB) bt R. Swinater (H) D.I. Crouch (5~ bt D. H. Kina (5) ... 1100 Mn. S. C. Sutton (BB) bt C. ). Slm (L) I. • N. Swanson (5) bt Mn. M. A. 4770 Bann r (Sx) :2240 F. W. To (L) bt M. R. Pomtrey B) 1610 ), Rookwood ( bt Dr. ). M. Caner (SCJ Mra. M. Let (M) bt P. Benda (BB> ... 1050 3180 R. Banrjte (Ll bt S. G. Purlt. (BB) DO Mra. G. . Bartone (K) bt R. C. Boulton R. H. Adey (M) bt Mrs. J. Reay- (M) (L) 3770 P. ). Balley (CH) bt D. l (B) ... 0 THE NORFOLK CONG ESS (Ml.IIIHIIf SWISS TEAMS) April 29th, 3oth and 1st May, 1977


Enquiries and Entries to: Mrs. A. Warner, The Laurels, Sandy Lane, South Wootton, Kings Lynn, Norfolk 26 J1 8 RT PHILLIP BOWL Roaad l OR111 M E Smyth Ieman (Ll 550 1560 R. W. H. Cape II (Ill) bt D. Parry CSC) M. H. te... lnaton (Ill) bt M. M r COl IOZO 1110 Mrs. D. Caplan IMI bt Mrs. I. Telford (E) A. • Moon (L) bt R. France ...... 990 l500 D. Grill IMI /o Y, M. P. l.,y (£) Mrs. M. Curt w/ o Y, Mrs. D. ). M. Mi V. M. M. Daly (L) bt H. Norman CSl Carpeot ron 1050 Mr.. P II (L) be R, V, Cilldroo (S) 450 Mra. L. Haye 101 bt Mrs. N. Parties ("Ill M. C. Coda C I bt W. G. V. K m~r I l 3440 ltiO G. W, R. Colo'pland ( x) bt Dr. R. N. M, • Dalk1 {Ll bl I . I . Cohen (S) .. 110 Peai'IOil (SCI 500 M. J, t1 In IEl bt W. H. Cook CHI 1400 • J, Ptn n (M) w/ o v. Dr. J. A • .M . I. C IEl bt P. J. £•an IH) 1010 llodl&ler 0 . J, Crouch ( I bt M. l.ln In (SC) ll • P. Cook C ) bt W, A. PlkP CHI ... 2790 Mr. . Gar11rld 1 bt J, Culllnaw nh ( ., P. W, Mumt n.l ( l bt W. A . • Pilch ILl L. L .,...... _ (NW) be A. IIIIIPIOD

R. r=(L) be lin. lt. C..U.. (II) Ul Mn. S. A. Hanh (88) be J. C. 1!. A. llolh II. be A. J, W....._ (Jill ( lOlO R. 1: S:l1 be Mn. P. Ctlllla J.l Mrs. L. tiQa COl be 1. Laria (S) ...... 1160 P.~(L)bCMn.D.~Oil= • J. r1ow (S) be R. W. H. CapeweU fUl 11n. A. CIINda a.> 111t A. r. 110o11 a. as• .,.. R. T__.. Q.) be C. S...... It lin. . B. lens ( ) be M. H. Lewlq­ M181 v. 11. 11. ~ , be D. om. ao • (881 DIO lin. J...... _... ) be T. D. lllu.. C. P. IWiullll ( I be P. E. Sllerry (88) 16M (H) IMO J. ltookwood ( I be Mrs. S. C. Suuoa IBII C. JUIIop rgbe M. J. Dunut (8).•• Mt 4150 8. D. LeWia ) be Mfila I. Pone (L)... 1430 C. ll. Flood

    -o'llllliiii\.'!h­ BRIDGE EW from ELIZABETH m"'~"& .... WEEKENDS U ED BY THE E.B. • -MASTER POI T e c ntmu to hold our popular Bridge Weekend , and hope to ee m ny of our old friends and to welcome new one . PROGRAMME 1976 / 7 25th 2 th February. 22nd 25th July. 1 th -21 t March. 26th- 30th Augu t. nk Holiday• th 12th April. t r• 16th 19th September. 13th- 16th May. 14th 17th October. )rd- 7th June. Bank Holiday.• 11th- 14th ovember. Terms from dinner on Friday until alter breakfast on Monday morning, inclu i\·e of accommod tion. meal , bridge fee , mod t priz , one £10.00 c h prize and li e ion , will be £l4.00 + V.A.T. nd 10% rvlce char • •Terms for each of the three Bank Holiday Weekend will be £35.10 + .A.T. ud It% rvlce cbar&e. For roo with private bathroom, there i a upplementary charge of £1.00 per day. ew in&l " Cottage " rooms are available on the third floor (lift to ond floor) at a reduction of £1.00 tper night. 0 OMY BRJDG WEEK£ D from dinner on Friday until after luncheon on Sunday- £19.01 +V.A.T. and 10% rvlc cbatJe, e cept Bank Holiday eekends. DAILY 0 ·RE IDE TIAL VI !TORS : Two ions of bridge In the afternoon and e ening, with afternoon tea and dinner, will be charged at £4.01 per pe n + V.A.T. Tickets may be obtained in advance through the po t, or on the rec ption de on the day of play. We hope. to keep the price throushout the serl , but the Management ~ ~e the r.aabt to mcreas the prace ho~ld this become nece ry due to anfbanon. Bndge Pro&ramm may be aried 10 ccordance with circumstance . T. A HOTEL, B TO , DERBY IDRE (0298 2768/2789) BRIDC E RY FORM ADDR S

    PLEA DA OF W E NO CHQ · FR £ p lf76/7

    ft . . napp (Y) bt Ml H. ~II CN ll g. hR~o) bt F. G. HID (CH} ...... M ... (Y)bt . rria ... 2 • • • (W) bt R. F. Wale (18) ••• 57 A. Robloll CN bt Mrs. B. I r (Le) ~ • 10 ". • A. ltiiOtt (Y) bt A. 1rowa (La)... J7 G. W. Lalaa (Nil) bt P. V. 0'<=-r~ 3 G. (Le) Harria (NW) H. P. aro d bt S. P. . I. D(W) bt M. M4q " 12 E. White bt M. Mcl.a111i11111Dw. l D. Davia (I.e) bt R. man (St) ...... 32 N. T. (Wo) bt H. I. l'cnr ... 6 G. G. Endicott bt D. H. a.Jdwlll K. J. New (W) bt R. M • .._ 00 ... 23 (NE) 11 Mrs. R • .,_.. 00 bt G. S. Maeal (W) I M. N. Umuton (Y) bt F. Farrtqton (NW) Mn. }. Mon-q (Le) bt A. W. w.,.._ (Nk) I 5 C. J, 0... (L) bt A. Putter~...... I Mrs. E. f. fOftCt (NW) bt Mra. S. M. AlJea (W) bt J, P. Smk11 -"" 61 Water CN) 21 G. lt. Stalllq (NW) bt I. P (N) ... I Dr. J, a. fulton m bt M. M. Swanton A. J. Watetlow (M) bt Mrs. H. T--.d (NW) 4 (W). G. II. Di n (Y) bt n. R. Goldcntlcld D. Whlttlqtoa (HW) bt G. J. w.- (I.e) 4 (NW) l4 C. N. W~(NH) bt J. 0. Monti (W) 6 W. J. HollAnd (NW) bt R. D. Grcm (Lc) 61 M. • W (W) bt R. M. l'cNida (Y) I D. Gcorp CD bt J. a. G"l_(l'l) ...... 45 G. !. JC. ~ (NW) bt I. W. Wood (Y) JC, J . H II (Y) bt M. A. TIIOtllpiOD (Le) II " lOUTH R. 11 . Alcund r (S.) bt J. Culltqw rth 00 R. O'Reilly (L) bt 1. Wlb~Jme7 ( ) ... ll I) t S. Patel (L) bt R. G. U11C1111 CS.l ... JO A. M. J. Anldlar-Romaln (L) bt R. A. . W. S. Salltb (M) bt I. C. Peers 00... ll Prlday (S) 14 . J. E- (H) bt R. W. "-- (S) ... 3 R. Ire all (L) bt F. H. Buabb7 (JB) ... 37 W. A. N. Pltdl (L) bt R. W. sc.- (S) J. Halma! (L) bt T. H. Cannon (S) ...... 42 71 V. A. Sllnrstonc (H) bt M. Carriqtoo (S.l B. Poeer (M) bt Mn.. M. I. letu (S) I 19 T. D. 1!11'-t (H) bt C. I. A. s.-11 CS.l M. R. Pomtrey (JB) bt P. Cualle (L) 10 n R. J. Whlttlnaton (Ill) bt M. Oartte (NW) A. M. 5aDll ISO bt I. P. Coot (E) •.• 1 75 Mrs. G. S. All X... (DC) bt P. I. SllenY R. C. J. Hyde ISO bt B. R. Cowley (E) II (18) )1 G. C. H. Polt (L) bt C. Dodd (Slt) •. •.•• 25 W. G. V. ICember 00 bt C. J. ~ (Ll D. Rimln1t00 00 bt l. M. Gardlnu (L) 36 7'1 A. M. G. Tbompeon (M) bt A. Gro.aD&D K. J. Slee (DC) bt R. G. Moors ••• 21 (L) 74 W. J. r.dlan IM) bt lt. C. s.tdl (S) 11 II. L Tcltacbcr~ bt P. P. H1roo (G) 35 S. W. 1bomu (Sill) bt A. Do...- (L). •. U J. Hirst (JJ) bt • C. Ieard (DC) ...... 3 MJ J. ~- (S) bt M. Vall (M) ... 41 M. C. Landau . bt P. 1'bot1poa (L) 17 P. D. A.nric:k (5m) bt S. W.tlb (L) ••• II A. C. Brown (DC) bt D. }. ~r (Sm) 19 J· P. Aralett ISO bt A. Wolte:ld CL) ... 34 G. f. Hind (Slt) bt R. f. Macfarlane (S) 36 • Woolcott (DC) bt W. lOewe CS0 ••. 11

    JUNIOR P IRS- ovealter Jt76 Total entry 125 palra--BJrmln&lwn 25, Bnclford 10, Loedon 10 I 11. nlor. S. J. Ray (Jr) ...... 3601 I. M.~J- Nard~ JR ~j~; ~~ 1. P. H. Colllm, Dr. R. Jutland (L) 3464 9. T. · J~ w' .W:: (L) .,1 ) . G. K. Stanley, E. J. Cummlnp 10. R.. A. •• M. F. Wabll (J'Ji..)3 5 (J'ham) 3391 11. A. R. ron.tcr, · • llO 4. M. Allen, P. MOI1&D (L) ...... 3296 __.._ (L) liOl 5. C. Goodchlld U. Dourmoutb (L) 3293 ll.• P. J. Jellq, P. A. 1-..- ... 6. R. J, fleet, -r, A. Niblett (L) .... 3271 Jl.• M. lena, A. T. Hoi- <•'lwa) 3103 7. D. J. P II, I[ Smo1 I (L) ...... 3161

    HARRISON-GRAY S LVEil QU UFIE UADFOilD I. M. McGi nl y, Dr. 1. wan, N. franklin, l. De Hart~y ... 70 2. J. S. Nl:1011, D. Baater6cld, D. White, S. Jell • ..llMI GRAM I. A. R. onatcr, M. • Walah, R. J. GrsnYIIIc. G. T. lrb ... I 1. C. Chriatodoulou, R. Corrie, P. Burna, R. Jrtwater ...... 110 LONDO I. R. C. Boulton, T. C. R , N. Marks, P. tr .. .. . 94 1. I . L. pe, P, D. G. Law, P. H. ColiW.. R. J. Jutl nd .. . 71 ). R. J. Pl t, J. A. Niblett. S. J. Lodlt, M. J. Nardin ...... 4. D. Muller, C. Hiller, A. Mayo, M. Groun ...... •.. ,.. 64 5. • F , D. Fell, T. ~. lt. lllitl ...... 36 6• M. J, tz, M, Theellte, P. ~ , S. Da ... .. ll" 7• • A. Yo i J. R, Hirst. A. Putle~:r_!t: cure ...... I . J. Dhoody, • W. S. Smltb, J. E. \..OPC• P. N. Monon 0 0 p 197 /1 u tanding perl rmance of Round 3 o th Gold up w that of . C. ilh • Surrey team (Mellui h, Luck, and Hewatt), who beat Priday'a t p- ded team, repre nted on the ni&ht by R. A. Priday, C. Rodrigue, M. J. Flint, and L . R , all four sel cted to repr ent Great Britain in both the Common Mar et and European Championship . Williams' team appear to have d clded that a paid to be enterpri in apinst uch expert oppo ition, and their "ent rprise" acbi ed a 17 LM.P. wing on board 2. orth-South pme. Dealer E t. t oath W t orth 1 H 3 D 4 H 6 Sp (all Thr e Di mond wa . trong and Ro , on lead, held :- 5 'VA }863 07 . 196 3 Ro JUd ed that on the biddins a wa indicated- ortb misht otherwiae ha been expected to inquire about KeS. The old w clearly in hurts. and Ro , hopeful of findin a trick in pad or diamonds, set out to tablish the cond with an openins club lead. This wa the complete hand :- orth • K Q J 10 8 7 6 3 '\)4 OA962 • None w t A4 2 '\) Q7 2 •'VAKJ863s 05 ()7 • K 10 8 7 52 . J964) .outh9 '\) 10 9 5 0 K Q J 10 8 4 3 . AQ At the other table or~h-South re~ched Six Diamond and after an opening d of the .ace of spad tt was not difficult for West to see where his hope for a cond trick lay. Ea t-West game. Dealer West. orth • s '\) 9 7 5 0 K 10 8 6 4 . Q986 Wt Eat . Qf74 . AI09632 7AKJ63 '\) Q4 0 A9 5 () Q J 2 .4 • J 5 outh KS 10 8 2 () 7 3 K 107 3 2 outh .A Wet orth CR e) F.a t !Wilham (Flint) CMellua h) lH p 1 .T. 4 Sp I Sp p Pa Pa uth led the ce of club and wit bed to di m nd. Mellua h won with ~he ace, drew bthe ace of trumps, and wh n utb followed to three heart tri~1 ~er w a le to take two diamoDd di ards in dummy and ore eleven At, the .other tabl South, Luc , lnterpo. ed Two Club fter 1 H _ 1 Sp. Rodn ue JUmped to Four Spade bu! Hewatt competed with Fiv Clu a crifice whJch would have earned potn Prid y d c'ad--' t bid ' nd rece· ed tb · · """' o one more. .,,_~ d fie same openmg a at the other tabl the ace of club folio ed b a ....won n e. It w a cl dec! ion d p 'd d id one of two fin e and wa one down. n ra ay e<: d to play for 31 w p 1976/7 Roaad l OllTJI It . app (Y) bt Ml H. II (NW) 46 D. Wblttillstoa (.NW) bt A. H. llo...... r1 Waterbov m bt P. Morley W) ISCI 16 w. ~ d m bt G. s. K. R nau eN'* : : Y: ¢J~~~b:Xbl'-J.t.Ma.';:=:!~ G. D. harpe (Y) bt P. F. ~e ter CNW) 26 G. Roaer (Wo) bt Jt. Upcoa cw.J,~ ~ W. H. Giblon (Y) bt Jt. Pattin n toncllarz (M) bt W. W. Brown (BI) D. N. ColJJDa (H) bt P. G. 11rtaJ (U) » SJ • C. Smldl (S) bt Mn. D. Pvn (1.1. "" ,. M. E. Dtlk (L) bt Mrs. S. Landy (51:) 51 R. D. lretbenoD (II) bt N. J. Bartow (S) W. K. Ford (L) bt G. P. Wblte (L) .. ... 2 76 A. C. Williams (S) bt R. A. Prtday (L) 2S C. l..elahtoa (E) bt A. I. leik7 (L) ...... 9S • R. DavldiOD (G) bt R. J. Smith (SC) 7 I. Paato (SI:) bt R. I. AleDDCier (51:) ... 74 G. W. Joaa (M) bt I. A. N. s-(5) 76

    E.I.U. ORTHERN K OCK.OUT FOURS. EWC STLE PreMr -owt ...... I. S. A. Soence, Mrs. S. A. Spence, J. Mc:Donald, G. L. Stanford ... 4) 1. R. K. J{napp, Mlaa S. T. Binns. Mrs. S. R. Symoa A. A. ~ tall ... )4 l. J, D. CoUey, R. Garthwaite, J, A. H. Petrie, (j, D. Sharpe ... .. l9 4. Mr1, E. McGowm, N. J, Guthrie, ). E. PalenOII, M. WJIIte ... •.. 14 .o.t ...... t--*"'· F. N. ar,don, A. HudiOD, D. ~. Little, R. Tofller ... l6 2. P. G. Owen. A. M. Fer&ldOII, W. Nlccol, II. Sm.llb ... .lor.. 11 l. S. Collin , C. Cockroft, Mn. E. C. AIQulth, Mrs. G. T 21 ••Te•• !· A. E. Reveley, R. Chumey, G. G. Endicott, D. W. te- · · ... 1104 •· C. F. Owen, D. H. B.Jdwlft, R. St\18rt, A. Vaacknftde ... •.. ... 104 1. R. A. NlchoiJOII, Mrs. D. M. Hedont, D. Caner, M. J. Mort(>n ... l. A. H. Duncan, T. N. Culbertlon, I. D. Sbort, I. G. ThomJOD ... -· "tf7

    WOOLWICH BUILDI G SOCIETY PRJ QUAilTEil·A AL G. I al co. merdon, M. Jt. nbera. Dr. G. Hu , ). 1111e • G. Sil emoae , the l.a t undefeated team - a bye Into the Semi-final. z hi 1 G J, Lnl CW. l' Durden S. P. Haley, T. J, Cooper) beat P. E. Morley ( · Y.: 1n • • R. ~~y

    t South 2Cl P 3 N.T. All p orth I d the two of daamonds­ orth-South lead third and fifth hi&he t. Th w South's position :- • o1ot OKJ75 0 0104 6 KJ 95 South . AKJ94 0 8 62 0 K96 6 74 Declarer played low from dummy and South' problem w whether to play the nine or the k.iq. If orth had led from the jack the nine would be ri&bt ; d he led from the ace South should of course play the kina. Declarer played the four from dummy and though South might have felt obliged to cover the ten there was an equally good reason for playing the king on the four. lma&ine you are declarer with the followiq holdin& :- 0 A 3 0 Q 104

    H ,.. ..' t IWIII ,.,... IHHS ,.,,., ,..,.,. 1 1 ONStioiiS - A.stnn , ill hi,___,_ ...'t • SlllnaiNr YOU SHOULD BE I Tecll ..ca.l artl by : Reporta oa events by : Humoroa artie by : Albert ...julia PWIUp AJdtr G. C. H. Fa Harold FraakUa FrecldJe ortb Jock MJJtotl Patrick Joardala P.F. aDders II Peac... n Peter ot BidcUna CWie ae Tern R aad •••Y others coadttetad by : Robert Davtd ColtyD Biddla ompetltJoa t by Alao Hlro11. Doable Dum Problem and Compeddoa conducted by Hap D rwea. R derl' Que answered by leo Gardener and Bob Rowland BRIDG GAZINE is th old t magazine on Bridge in the world and II in more than 0 countries. It published on the 1st day of e ery month. Annual ubscrlptlon only £6.00 to Bridae Mapzine 40 Wakefield Road Leeds LSIO lTP. ' ' 33 u you play lo fr m dummy and the nin forces the ace JOU will have to au to the di ision of tb honours on the next round. U you plu the ten on the openln lead you ill ha e two tricks in the uit whene er North has either honour. When La I pl Y d the kin the defen e as able to t e the first ·en trick . Tbi a declarer' band :- S2 0 AQ4 OJ3 There were many who played the nine and ga e declarer ten tricks, tbouah not often in a gam contract. The e ent w played in thre c ntr , London, Coveatry, and ew tle, a formula which i likely to repeated tbi year. Leade in the overall rankin lit:- atloaal lm•ltueoas hin p l. 16. F. To, Mra. K. To ... 71SJ l . 17. D. H. Dyer, D. C. Ho ... 7lll ). I • W. E. ic:col, J, M. Cladckn ... 71SJ 4. wt~r 19. M. DurraDt, C. ~rr ... 7141 ntl 20. M. Roembu&, I. ManbaU ... 7ll7 S. C. C. Harman, R. J. er ••• 755-4 21. R. W. Slwpe, M. F. Walsh ... 71lJ 6. B. Schap ro, P. te tlmaeher ... 7467 22. £. . Lwl. N. SUwan ••• ... 7101 1. P. Caro, B. Stn or ... 7460 23. R. Holder, D. Sbe..- ...... m1 I. E. N. Wild , B. E. brook ... 7412 24. R. C. Procttr, lt. D. Harrap ... 7012 C. HiUer, D. Mull r ... 7156 lS. R. A. Priday, Mra. A. J, Pricby 1012 10. P. J. Ba 1 y, P. A. J ckson . .. 1317 26. Mrs. S. A. Graham, J. D. 7 S 11. E. Klrch!lo«, M. Kluv r .. ... 7312 17. H. Ashar, A. R. Adam ... tl. J. M. Macl..artn, T. N. Culbtruon 1301 21. S. A. Youaa. I. J, CallaaiMn ... tl9ll IJ. A. J, M.,o, M. J, Groun ... 7JCI 29. C. Whitt, P. OY.- ... 6 14. M. Holfma.a, R. F ... 721~ 0. M D. J. HollaDd. M ~ M. 15. . W. El ow, M. Crteo ... 7213 ' T CHAMPIO HIP 1J76 ln pit of an unlamlliar date the attendance matChed last year's record turn-out. Tbe new formula, dopted l t year, whereby teams played in pools for the first three io with the two leaders of each pool qualifyina for the -out tqe appears to ha e come to stay. It appears to enjoy the dual d antq of ofl'erin& a '&nificant tournament to all of the competitors for all of the tlm and of producin& the hl&hest level po ible for the clo in& taaes of the main e ent. When J. Ryan and Mrs. H. Humble of Eastbourne, iated with rs. B. Hannam and Mrs. E. Mayer of Bexhill, headed the qualifiers in last y ar's even with a score clo on 90 % it w regarded as the surprise perfor­ mance that many players achle e at one time or anotb r. Mrs. Ryan's team p e the lie to thls int rpretation when they once more b ded their pool with the top qualifyin score and went on to beat ou tanding favourite in a final in wbicb the winners always seemed to be the better team. Princi I r ul re hown opposite. of Helena Rubi

    AL )5

    ... lOl·SO 77-'6 67·50n.n


    71-f9 FI~AL Mrs. J. Ryan beat MN. S. Landy ••• ll-47 WHITELAW PLATE Wloat'"'- Mr • M. C. Edward (Mrs. J. Evln , MN. M. rautb, Mrs. E. PhllliPL Ml E. Pritchard) •...... ••• ... •• 111 Runn r ·U Mrs. F. Abrahams (Mrs. G. Carmichael, Mn. P. Manewell, Mn. v. Grl.th ) 111!1 TOLLEMACHE HE T RESULTS TOL LO DO 1. Soutbera Counti ... 114 I. Middlan: ... llJ 2. - ~nhlre 1ll 2. ll 14 2. "' Olltonllbl rt 79 J. Loodon 11 4. ~net ... 74 4. Keat ... n s. Worcestenhire ... 62 s. Surrey ••• 71 6. ~ aod Cornwall 41 6. Clwulel lllaods u CAMUIDC£ lYRA1'f'OaD I. 11 •.• ..• • •• on pllt tit 91 I. Notlinahamslure ... 109 2. lerU. aod Buck . .. • !II 2. Warwlcblllre ... 101 } . Norfolk ...... 77 1. Slalfordlllire 92 4. CambL aod HunL 70 4. NortbampcODShirt 71 s. lledlorcbbirt 61 S. Lelcestersblrt ... 6) 6. Hertford8hlrt )9 6. Derbyshire ... 14 ILJa.EY I, Nonb·Wett ...... 12J 2. lJacolollblre 9o4 J. Yortllblrt ... 91 4. Nonh-Eut ... 12 S. W..uaorlaod ... }J 6. Cumbria ... 29 TOLLEMACHE FINAL I. MIDDLESEX (f. Amlbury, P. Alder, A. M. G. 't'boalpeoll, J, ...... R. Brock. W. Peocbarz. R. Sbarpla, I. SllarDiell) ll bt E..ll 23-7; Nonh·W• 22-1: Motta. J7.J; Saudlem Countlea I 7• • 2. SOUTHERN COUNTIES (1. G. Smllh, H. Tllllll, S. ,.,.._, Murphy, T. Aathl • D. Bird. a. MarU. w. lOewe) bt E..ll 20-10 • Nona. ~; lost to Nonh-Wnc 6--14 ). OltTH·WEST ca. Goldm6eld, b. Robeoll, G. Endicott, J. Hill, E, Rn.leJ. R. ChurM • ). Buck, R. Semp, A. DIIUiftl. R. Ftrnrl) bt Notu. 16--14 ; *t to S..ll 14-16 4. EX (A. Philpot!l L. Burtt, G. Faul ner, R. Gretn, R. Hulse, R. F1 I, J. Talt, B. '-4Wit1.t P. FraokiJn) be Notu. l.l-9 S, NOfTINGUAMSHIRE (M. MacG , M. Capora, M . Hortoo, M. Walill, R. Sharpe, IK. J lfre:y, W. Crook, Mrs. • WattTho , M. C , A. . wt r, M • A. Sowt r, A. Wells) FINAL TAIIU! I . MIDDLESEX 61 2. OUTHERN 62 1, NORTH-WEST S4 4. EX .. ... l S. OTrlNGHAMSHTR

    ... 116 L EO PAIRS The 1976 i.multan Pairs produced a record entry of 3037 pairs, resultina in a donation of £1,500 to the .S.P.C.C. Once In the E.B.U. recor its appreciation of Mrs. Mar ery Cartwri&ht d b r team of helpers for the massi e work. both of prep ration and of calculation In ol ·na a total of 109,332,000 match poin The leaders were : 5S416 55l02 51527 SllQ 17 SOlSl 50041 SOOII 49721 49691

    PORTHCAWL CONGRESS 13tla to 16tll OCTOBER, 1977 SEABANK HOTEL (Congress Office) and GRAND PAVILION lrochur s from MRS, C. BOWEN-SIMPKINS 151 WEST ROAD, NOTTAGE. PORTHCAWL CF36 3RT Telepnone 3-4 7-4 37 ER 0 T REPORT


    I; 3 9

    DONCASTER BRIDGE ASSOCIAnON Llcen ed by the E.B.U. ANNUAL CONGRESS at EARL OF DONCASTER HOTEL on 15th-17th APRIL, 19n Chief Tournament Director : G. D. Conn II Entr es and Enquiries to Congres Secretary : Mrs. K. M. Grlmoldby. 55 Oakhlll Ro d. Conca 1 r A MASTER POINTS CONGRESS- FULL CONGRESS £4.50 1 CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS - SWISS TEAMS two ..-iOn Hot 1 special t rms to full Congr Holders : For 2 days Oeml·pen on : £12.75 Inc. tax


    UcenMd by E.B.U. OrganiMd by W. LUNOIE AEES Febru_, 21th- 1 77 11 1 1 77 £27.10 Y.A.T.

    cw for partaenhip or c:ut-ill. Duplicate Durley Dna Hotel Brtdp O•lt. 7.30 Monday Wednesday e eninp. louraemoutb. Partnership A: Cut·in Partnership 7.30 Friday e eninp. every Afternoon except Frldaya and Also many Saturday e enu and open Sundays. Partnerships : Monday and evenings. Phone Tunbridge Welb Thursday Eveninp. 30739 for further details. Spacious Bridge Room. Low Stakes. Tuabrldp Wei est Kent Club. Telephone Boumemouth 27711. Duplicate at Masonic Hall, Tuesda Harrow. The Harro Brldae C ub, and Friday e eninp. Particulars : 16 orthwiclt Park Road, Harrow, Hon. Sec.. Mrs. E. M. Burrow , Tel. 3908. Good standard bridge Malt House, Kemsing, Se e in enjoyable atmo pbere. Se ions Kent. Tel. Se enoalt 62462. twice dally. Tuition Practice Classe Youa Cbe a, 32 Bar too Garde Duplicate. Open teams-of-four every London S.W.5. Duphcate every Mon· Saturday evening. day, Wedn day and Friday at 7.30. Tunbrld Well u d ouad Club, Rooms available for match at 40 London Rd. Open every afternoon moderate rate . Tel. 373 1665.

    Quality BRIDGE STATIO ERY A, .,•••1 sHrlt• ,., •II jritl,. st•ti... rr ,,. A. L. FLEMING 12 Frant Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent Telephone : Tunbridge Wells 30612 Howell Mo ement Card · Personal Score Card · Travellin ore Sheet urt in ard · Rubber core Card · De Lu e Duph ate \\ allet Bridge T ble · PI yin Card lOGE LEAGUE CO GRE VILLIERS HOTEL, LOCH PROMENAOE. DOUGLAS 20t , 21 t and 22nd May, 19n Pr Congre~s 19th May, 19n A GREEN PCINTS EVENT BACKGAMMON TOURNAMENT 17th, 18th and 19th May, 19n '----AMAZING COST SAVING OFFER---_,

    Three Days FULL Board Accommodation at the Villiers Hotel. Return Travel to the Isle of Man by Sea or by Air. Transfers between Airport and/or Sea Terminal and Hot I. Hotel Service Charge and Value Added Tax.

    Full Congress Fee : From £53.30 lnctu iv of trav I from L1v rpool by Alt rnauve price availabl for aor tr 1 from Li rpool, Manche t r. Blackpool, london, Gl gow, Edinburgh, Belf t nd Dubhn. Rooms w1th Pnvate Bath nd To1l t Cl 00 per per on per d y e tra.

    Brochure wtth full detlJtls from :

    l. Bond, Congres A g1strar, orwyn, S rtf II Road. Dougl s, 1oM or Mr . J . N ton, SecrettJry, Th Bnush Bnd l agu 21 S ndnngh m Road. Wre h m

    lnc..,.ove HOliday looking arr•noed •"'-'v by I( P M nondale Elsmore Tr•vel ltd . 2t hc:hange trHt £• t.liVEAPOOll2 JPW Tel phone 051 227 ~11 Tel.. 628350